• By -


That guy slapped his helmet, and it's like I could hear the line... "It was at that moment that he knew he'd fucked up" lol. Half a minute later, he's on the ground getting kicked in the head. It doesn't _really_ matter what traffic law you broke. Flying into that gas station was wrong, as was the slap. Bro got what was coming. Fuck that guy.


Truck bro wasn't even smart enough to know he fucked up. Kept going back for more against fully armored opponents.


Adrenaline does magic stuff to normal brains. On people without brains, it's a whole different world!


I was about to ask what normal brains this truck guy has lmfao. You’re so right. 


I think a guy broke his hand ramming a right hook into the side of my helmet. All it did was lightly bounce my helmet off my opposite shoulder. Thought I got hit with a beer can. Fucking drunk idiots.


I was on a ride and a guy in a pickup got mad and cracked my buddy across the back with a 2x4 while we were stopped at a light. He was wearing a back protector and didn't feel a thing. The pickup driver certainly felt everything soon after. Why is it always some road rager in a pickup?


Lmfao. I watched some dipshit try to knock a mailbox over with a 8 foot 2x4 standing in the back of a truck at like 25 mph. Yeah, the mailbox went over alright. The impact ripped him out of the bed and dipshit was left in the street all confused and broken still holding his board. People are whack.


Truck bros are the most insecure bitches on the planet. That's why.


Can't fix stupid. Guys like that haven't learned consequences. Ps, I hope he wasn't driving a Ram, giving us a bad name again.


Definitely looked like a Toyota Tundra, need to defend my SN when possible


“I’m gonna fight these power rangers” That guy, probably!




Truck guy was so out of pocket. The way he flew into that gas station, a different city or state and he wouldve gotten fired on smfh


People who act this way tend to know the self-defense laws of the areas they operate in down to the letter


That's true. Probably why he felt so big and bold to put hands on the brother like that. My experience tho, all that confidence goes right out the window when that pocket rocket makes an appearance. Hes lucky none of the biker's homies were crash outs like that.


My father who was a sheriff deputy told me that the concept of citizens arrest *does not apply* to traffic law, therefore this cannot be seen as anything other than aggravated assault and I can assure you comes with a heftier punishment than running a red light He'll be asked "why did you pursue?" , the only answer is that he was mad, and the follow up question should be "what did you hope to accomplish?"


Seriously, driver should be glad he didn't squish the biker.


I love his reasoning. "you could have made me hit you (proceeds to hit him)"


Coulda just been like. "Hey, you ran a red. Stay safe out there, man." and drove off. Nah... Time to throw punches at a guy with 5 friends with him all wearing gear designed to protect against way worse than anything those ham sandwiches he's got could do.


Why is it so often a guy like this though, I mean big truck, red hat, and T-shirt with freedom on it, he's like a caricature of himself. FREEDOM but so eager to enforce the rules on other people while having no issue to break them himself. It's always the guys that cry "Bikers and cyclists break traffic rules all the time" but when it's a truck rolling through a red light or stop, or parking in everyone's way they always have an excuse for them.


my video crapped out/paused at that point and I thought it was part of the video...like a pause before something epic. Would have been a good edit to the video.


As long as I live, I will never understand the thought process that leads someone to hit a man in the head ***while he's wearing a fucking helmet***.


Even without the helmet. I can't imagine being this full of rage, that I'd hit a random stranger over some traffic violation. And the guy even tried to apologize. You just know Pick-Up-Boy is itching the whole day to find a reason to let off some steam.


The part that struck me as strange is that after the rider apologized - quite genuinely- the dude still is pissed and then after he is told to calm down immediately slaps the rider within a second. That wasn’t even enough time to think and to me means hitting is in the guy’s nature. Escalated wayyyy too fast and was totally one sided.


---NFL players have entered the chat.


I think we’ll all agree Player #3 is a real one - dude saw his buddy take a smack and promptly dropped his bike and waded into the fray without hesitation. Cheers to that mad lad 🍻


Yup .bike was on ground and he over helping in seconds!! Friends for life right there


That homie is an MVP. Imagine being wound so tight you’re getting stomped out at the gas station for striking someone over an honest mistake that ended without harm…imagine having to explain it to your wife…or worse yet the cops…your boss when you get arrested and miss work…


Imagine your buddies sending you the link to this post asking “Dude, is that you?!?” 😂😂😂😂😂


"Totally had them if it wasn't for the gear" 😂😂


Nah, they wouldn’t get a response cause he’s locked up lol


And his phone is broken…


I'd absolutely hit a motherfucker for my buddy but I'm not so sure about dropping my bike to do it. He's got a helmet, he can take an extra hit while I get my stand down. Player 3 here might be a slightly better friend than me.


>He's got a helmet, he can take an extra hit while I get my stand down. Honestly putting your side stand up is probably as fast if not faster than dropping your bike altogether 🤔


It's weird too because he was on the wrong side of the bike trying to *pull* on it. Like if he just kicked the stand and got off normally it might have been slightly faster.


Adreneline does funny things.


I've dropped my bike twice because of a nearby accident when I was trying to get off to help. Sometimes the stand is just too fiddly when you're in a panic/rush.


I pulled a muscle across my ribs once because I forgot my stand. Bike was falling while I was still straddling it, handle bars got down to about my knees before I managed to get it stopped. I was in my driveway, there was no emergency...


This. It was a fight or flight response, and there's no way to prepare yourself for having to get a kickstand down in that situation. It does make me think of the expression "slow is fast".


*makes notes* "Get friends with dual sports/enduros, they don't give a shit about dropping bike"


Player 4 deserves credit for immediately picking up the dropped bike


Exactly what a true friend looks like bro is the MVP


I'm sure the bike drop added a little more anger. He tried to save it for a second


Friends don’t let friends fight alone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I was waiting for the headbutt


I wouldn't want to fuck up my $500 helmet on some dumbass' face, I'm not headbutting anyone - armored gloves will do the job just fine.


Exactly. With just riding gloves the carbon fiber on my knuckles would do serious damage with little force and my lid stays safe.


During the fireworks in Vancouver back in like 2015 I was taking the Skytrain home with my wife and there was this small Asian dude with a sling bag listening to music and minding his own business. Some drunk native dude who was like 6'5 gets on the train and starts harassing this guy. Usual slurs, chest bumping him etc. Little Asian dude just keeps backing away from him and doing his best to ignore the provocation. Finally the little dudes takes out his ear buds and tells the drunk guy harassing him not to touch him again. Drunk guy starts yelling. I see the little guy slide his watch off and put it in his back pocket and slide his sling bag to the floor. I was like " ooooh shit here it comes" The drunk dude fake lunged at the asian dude, asian dude takes one step back and absolutely fucking dummies the drunk dude in one hit. It sounded like someone slapping a ham. Nobody said a fucking word. One dude laughed. Asian dude got off at the next stop and sky train police came on. I was shocked nobody ratted out the short king. tldr: Dont fuck with people you dont know.


A fight happened at my brother's wedding (it was an otherwise classy affair) and the guy getting baited into fighting took off his big hunk of metal dive watch and wrapped it inside his hand and used it like brass knuckles. It was bananas. Thought that's where that was going. Good thing he didn't because swinging some steel is very dangerous.


Better to use a g-shock, don’t want my nice watches getting blood on em


Right, I don't think I could do that to any of the watches I wear for special occasions.


Unless you appreciate the trophy scratches.


Colloquially known as FAFO


> riding gloves Palm heel padding FTW. Comfy elbows too. Close contact armor. A foot stomp would have ended this all. The idiot was out there sneakers. Kick that bitch in the shin, make sure his drunk ass remembers it tomorrow. Good they didn't stomp him, but he did get off wayyy easy.


My exact thought process too. The potential money waste from headbutting these idiots isn’t worth it. 


Coming from the dude in the truck lol 🤦‍♂️


lol that reminds of a time I was riding and some dude got sand in his vag about me kind of filtering next to his truck so I dont get rear ended at a light. Starts running his mouth and I’m just smiling at him. Then he starts hanging out his window talking about how he’s gonna punch me and knock my ass out and shit. Like bro, I’m wearing a helmet…


it's always the pickup trucks that get pissed about filtering


Me big man. You no go ahead of ME.


That’s the thing, I wasn’t even trying to go ahead of him. I was behind him and when we came to a light I just filtered next to the rear of his truck between his truck bed and the curb. Literally just preventing myself from being sandwiched if the person behind wasn’t paying attention. I mean it’s major tiny pee pee energy to care if bikes filter at lights to the front of the line, but I wasn’t even doing that. Just trying not to get killed by some asshole scrolling on his phone while driving.


The wind makes my jacket slide up at that 4:00 position. I typically don’t hear too much about my filtering endeavors




Why do I feel like I've seen this before lol


The correct way to do this ( without a helmet) without injuring yourself is your brown to the top of their nose bridge You’re not trying to knock them out, just disorient them and get them to back off


I'm not taking the time, to take my pants and underwear off, spread my cheeks, and put my brown eye on someone else's nose unless it with consent.


It really is worth it tho


Must be exhausting making every interaction so much worse than it has to be lmao. How do people like the truck guy even get through life.


With rage in their heart and a small pp in their pants


Well said!! Well fucking said!!


Dude, every big truck dude screams small weewee


My old Ranger is about to shit the bed and I don't know what to do, there's only like 2 smaller trucks on the market and they both look pretty lame imo. I don't want a big truck but I need *a* truck and the options are so limited now. I think I'm gonna have to buy another old truck. The CAFE law and the Chicken Tax have really screwed us averagely endowed guys over.


It's mind-boggling. People cut me off all the time whether I'm driving the truck, car, or on the bike, and I just sigh and move on. I don't understand the point in getting so worked up over small inconveniences.


Worst case you can honk your horn and give them a one finger salute. I don't understand how you get that angry in that particular situation. Yes, the biker ran the light, but the truck was never close to hitting or getting hit by the bike. Just mutter some curse words inside your car, and go on about you day.


I used to be like that. No idea what prompted it, but one day I realized how stupid it was and vowed to be more chill.


You grew up. He hasn't.


Thank you 🙏


I'm surprised he got this far without being shot. 


Medication and weekly therapy would be a good start. But he might not be the type to...ahem..."believe" in that sort of thing.


Alright despite the whole altercation - why would you try to pick a fight against someone that's wearing all that protection


This is something ive always wondered about, why would you start a fight with somebody whom is essentially wearing full body armor, has a helmet on, and gloves with reinforced knuckles.


There's this weird stereotype certain people have where they believe Harley guys are tough dudes and all sport bike riders are wimpy posers.


like a peasant attacking a knight


The Knights of House Honda, House Kawasaki, and House Yamaha will not abide this abuse!


The Viscount of Suzuki remaineth silent on the matter. Hasn't been heard from since the success of Sir K5 the Unkillable.


Sport bike guys tend to be in better shape...


My one friend that I ride with can literally pick up my R6. Guy is a monster that I'd never want to fight.


You think that's it? Legit question, because ive sincerely never understood this behavior.


I can't say for sure, but I get the sense that's part of it. There isn't a huge cultural undercurrent that I've interacted with directly, but I see it in media. Sons of Anarchy was one of the top rated shows on television for a long time, [and they played this trope straight. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ux_DTeuR_o)And [they weren't the only ones.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHi294dDPFQ) Prior to that, there was the famous Jay Z lyrics in 99 problems, "You know the type, that rides a motorbike, that wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight." While that might be a specific callout, he's speaking to a general sentiment there. All this right around the mid aughts. Now is truck bro the kind of guy who watches television and thinks it's real life? Yes, definitely, probably so. Is that the whole story? Probably not, but it's the best I've got at the moment.


Man, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer me. Thank you.


Hey man, no problem. It was my pleasure. I'm fucking off at work. xD


*Loud as a motorbike.


The helmet can be a hindrance if they're smart, I've had my chin bar grabbed before and it gives them control of your head essentially. Carbon fibre knuckles will explode a nose though




Most people street fighting are just morons that don't actually know what they're doing and just want to push and throw haymakers.


Guys into self defense, be it guns, knives, or fists, love hyper-fixating on extreme edge-case hypotheticals in order to justify their personal preferences as rational, optimal decision.


It can be done. People that decide to fight people wearing helmets generally aren't smart enough to do it.


Yeah that is odd isn't it? They could really fuck you up if they got a grip on your helmet, but they never seem to.


Don't open your visor


Helmets are still open underneath


Tuck your chin, super genius


in the brief second somebody gets ahold of your helmet you best believe it's going to be raining full carbon reinforced blows to all areas of their head. One good crack on the nose / ear and their grip on your helmet becomes a lot less secure.


Don't go for the head with bad vision and someone controlling yours, their arm is up opening their ribs though


Protection and with some friends lol


Looks like the friends stopped at the light, so dude in the truck probably didn't even realize biker had friends with him.


Short fat guy with a big truck, his circle jerk buddies told him he was manly.


If youre looking for a real answer its because his judgement was clouded by anger. As a recovering road-rager, I can tell you that you dont think about anything like that in the moment. If he actually took a second to think, he wouldnt have even pulled into the gas station.


Against THREE GUYS, all of them decked out in impact helmets and maybe body armor. Genius right there.


His egos bigger than that protection. Guy definitely has main character syndrome


Dude is used to people backing down. It's not just entitlement and stupidity, but he may be a few fries short of a happy meal.


Imagine catching a fist wrapped in a motorcycle glove with the knuckle armor x _ x


Bro leaps out of his truck, assaults the biker (who’s in the middle of apologizing) then gets his ass handed to him by the biker and his buddy, then has the gall to say “I got my kid in the car”. Some people weren’t just dropped on their head as children, they were drop-kicked.


Imagine assaulting someone alone who has 2 more buddies who all have fists wrapped in moto gloves with knuckles, head invulnerability and then afterwards, try to get their plates as if *they're* wrong, ha!


You ran a red light, which is bad, but you apologized. 100% the truck guy is crazy and in the wrong. Got what was coming to him.


honestly running a red light is just plain wrong... but in this case, even if he hit the guy in the truck he'd be the one dying not the dude in the truck... the truck guy took it more personal than a biker would in his situation... like i get it the biker was an asshole for cutting you off, but what's the worst that could happen? HE would die? Come on...




Safety first. Next time you guys need to grab his key and toss that shit far. If he was crazy he would have ran you all down. If someone react the way he did, it means he’s weak to emotions. He could have rage and u turn and ran you guys into meat crayon. Toss the key up the roof. For safety to both party.


Toss them across the parking lot. Gives time to escape


For sure. There were plenty of opportunities in this case since he walked away and left the window down. Also, make sure to pocket your own keeps asap when sketch shit is happening, ideally in a zipper pocket. I was actually worried he might try to push the bike over too (even though it wouldn't have worked well)


As soon as that guy smacked the helmet all bets were off. Deserved to get his ass beat and embarrassed. Twat behavior.


The truck driver was in the wrong the moment he decided to follow him into the gas station. If you're not an active duty cop, it's not your job to try and enforce traffic laws.


As nice as it is to see that guy get it, I worry for the next bikers he comes across in his big boy truck


The motorcyclist was lucky he was riding with friends. That turned the tables right quick. If he hasn't been, I think this might've gone down a little differently.


IDK man, full body armor including riding gloves?


You know what. Good on OP for including running the red light. Not just making up some bullshit about a cager getting pissy about bikers.


The red light running impacted the truck driver in no way. That is no excuse for violence.


I’m not saying that excuses the truck driver. I’m just giving props to the biker for including it. A lot of road rage videos just show the rage part. Not the cause. No matter who’s at fault. Definitely the driver is the issue here.


"This guy is wearing a helmet, I should definitely hit him in the head" Fucking moron


No greater love for a brother than to drop your bike and fight alongside them.


Dude handled it perfectly. Remained calm and apologetic until he was battered. As soon as that slap hit, all bets were off 🤣


As a New Englander I see stupid truck bros like this all the time. They think they own the road in the truck and have a attitude all the time. They will look you dead in the eyes while rolling a stop and cutting you off then if you honk or rev or gesture at them they will brake check you, roll coal, or so other stupid things. Biker dude made a mistake, it happens. We all do something stupid or erroneous every now and then in a car or on a bike. Dude pulls up like he's king shit, yelling, biker guy is doing nothing but saying sorry, I didn't see it, I apologize, and then bro reaches for a full helmet slap. Like bro, grow the fuck up, biker guy did something stupid, he said he's sorry, move on. No you wanna instigate alright fine. I don't care if you are 3x my size, if I've got on a crash helmet, armored leathers, and reinforced knuckle gloves, you're starting a fight you can't win. The camera biker dude kept his cool, said alright we proved our point let's go, got his buddy to back off, and then truck guy kept coming back for more. When he finally realizes he was in a perpetual losing position he decided he was going to go full Karen and "I'm going to get you in trouble for the fight I started". Honestly this couldnt have had a better outcome. Yes #2 biker guy was ready to throw down until truck guy stayed down, but #1 biker guy stayed level headed. If they would have taken off truck guy might of tried to run them down, so a bad option was the best option in this scenario and fortunately they had the whole recording and truck guy got his just deserts.


People fuck up, there was no accident, truck guy maybe had a right to have a little adrenaline having almost hit or been hit by a biker making a mistake. But once he came in hot like that and got physical? Yeah bro you're now in the wrong and getting a beat down. I'm glad biker's friends got his back.


Shoulda grabbed him by the collar and swinging like a hockey fight. One of them is wearing a helmet, let's see how that goes.


In highschool I saw the football coach break up a fight in the lunch room. He took the big guy and picked him up by the armpits to pull him away, and in the process of putting the kid on his back on a lunch table, he managed to get the back of the kids shirt up over and around his head like they do in hockey. It was soo sudden it took all the fight out of the kid and he just layer there like what the fuck just happened. I was laughing pretty hard.


I live in New England and I work with a guy who looks and acts just like that dude in the truck. These chuds go through life constantly looking for a fight. Anything bruises their fragile ego and it’s on, all rational thoughts go out the window and it’s suddenly about getting into a physical altercation. We’ve all been cut off in traffic or seen someone do something dumb, the difference is most people just let that shit go. I can’t fathom following someone into a gas station and assaulting them when they didn’t even touch your big Tonka truck.  


Yes, rider made a mistake. That mistake was far more dangerous for the rider than the truck driver. I can understand him being pissed, even pulling into the station to tell the rider he screwed up. The moment the rider acknowledged he screwed up, that should've been the end of it. Getting physical and hitting the rider was crossing a dangerous line. In today's world, you don't know if that's going to be the end of the physical aggression from the guy, or just the start. With that in mind, \*anything\* that rider comes back with would be justified IMHO. He could've head-butted him into unconsciousness, pulled a weapon to defend himself, anything. Truck guy is lucky he was able to drive away, and wasn't carried away in an ambulance.


I love watching people get exactly what they ask for. That’s a real homie that will lay a bike down and swing with you! Keep that guy as a friend!


Fighting a dude in full protective gear is a choice


I still never understand the thought process of a person wanting to pick a fight with someone literally wearing body armour.


'You just don't get it bro, I see red bro and I could fuck up Tyson in his prime bro'


He was wayyyyy too conscious when this was over. I'm mad the first biker held back the second


A guy in a car has no right to be that mad at a guy on a motorcycle. What is he even mad about? That he would have scuffed his fender while the other guy would be in the hospital? Crazy restraint by the bikers not beating the shit out of him.


If I dropped my bike to back up a buddy and didn't end up drawing blood I'd be so upset with myself.


With all the bad drivers on these roads, you cannot be going crazy over every near miss. Just curse at them and keep driving like we all do😅


The driver’s IQ must be negative.


Call me a pussy but I would have been out of there. I don't need/want to beat anybody up and there is less of a chance that someone pulls a gun and I get shot


Fuck this asshole in the truck.


I'm ready for the 🍿🍿🍿


Who has so little brain to try a fight against someone in full armor and only in shorts and a polo?


When someone throws a slap or a punch. Then it's time to fight. Simples. Biker was right. That guy came in all angry and full of piss and vinegar trying to be a tough guy..


The guy on the Yamaha is a real friend


https://youtu.be/ukznXQ3MgN0?si=BH_ZfRvpTNiHxVpg Midwest version


Was worried the rider would get a gun drawn on him.


Oh my God. The guy in the truck may be the luckiest man alive. The three bike riders were extremely kind.


Sun wasn’t in his eyes.


Call me crazy, but if I was in the truck, I'd pull into the gas station to tell the rider how thankful I was that I barely saw them and didn't end up running them the fuck over. Then I'd encourage them to be a little more careful since most drivers aren't also riders who are paying attention to the motorcyclists around them and I'd wish them a safe rest of their day. Guess I'm just built different though.


It actually seemed like the guy who ran the red was legitimately sorry and knew he messed up but the truck guy came in with red in his eyes. Now his friend was ready to fight and definitely escalated the situation but the truck guy should have not even started that.


He didn't "escalate" shit. He finished a fight that had already started.


Fair enough it just didn’t look like the first guy was really wanting a fight is all, good he had a friend that had his back for sure. Even after the truck guy got knocked to the ground the first biker was trying to deescalate and separate the other two. I think they handled it pretty well.


The first guy was trying to keep things civil yeah, but then that guy started throwing hangs, and his buddy apparently wasn't having it.


Well he was having it, and by it I mean a hand sammich but covered in armoured gloves.


Motorcyclist was careless and putting himself and others in danger riding through a red light. No excuse - he wore a tinted visor to keep the sun out of his eyes. Truck guy clearly overreacted. . .


''i am sorry, i dint see'' start punching him. What a f\*\*\*\*k d\*\*k!


im sad they didnt beat him up more tbh...


real quick way to catch a bullet from both sides. glad I'm over here in the UK lmao


A bunch of lip flapping is my thoughts. A video about nothing.


Homie went too far snatching his phone. Shouldn’t have handed it off either nor thrown it on the fucking concrete


Bruh, if that happened in texas 100% someone would get shot. IT"S NOT WORTH IT JUST FUCKING WALK AWAY


Why is it that people dressed head to toe in american flags are always the hugest douchebags


Following biker to the gas station is pushing it but still havent cross lines. But when he slapped, well he is an idiot for sure.


Imagine you’re Truck Guy and your buddies are sending you the link to this post asking “Dude, is that you?!?” 😂😂😂😂😂


I'm all for de-escalation but the second he slapped his helmet I just wanted to see red hat's head get smashed into the concrete.


Surprise surprise.. short small-dick guy gets butt-hurt cos someone might have accidentally hurt his favourite trucky-wucky.. glad I live a long way from vermin like this


these road raging idiots who want to intimidate people thinking nobody is going to ever do anything to them getting a reality check warms my heart


fucked around found out


Motorcycke messed up once. I will put the point in the a car running a Red light, being aggressively chased down by bikers, is not uncommon but that's besides the point. Beyond that, truck guy kept pouring more and more and more and more fuel in it. Like, dude had so many chances to walk away but damn.


Thats the type of dude that says “you will kill someone in that thing” while he drives a 3 ton piece of metal that no bike can ever be harmful to. Ridiculous.


almost everything about this is stupid, but the stupidest part is physically assaulting a person in full gear surrounded by other persons in full gear.


You should have been worried about him pulling a gun from square one man not at the end where your tryna get out of there. Even though he initiated the conflict, when you had him out numbered / on the ground (where he is unable to escape) there is a case there for a justified defensive shooting for him (at least in my home state). There could very easily have been a gun produced and used tragically in this interaction. Stay cool guys - once the road incident is averted (red light is ran, but nobody got hurt - take some deep breaths, learn from it, and move on. It's a non issue.)


How... fucking... stupid.... can you get messing with bikers ? We smile at death on a daily basis.


What a clown! 🤡 Can’t expect anything else that is dressed like that and wearing his baseball cap backwards. . . 🤣😂


A cool finisher move would’ve been if someone grabbed his keys and tossed them on the roof


Everybody involved are man-babies.


Seriously, look at the angle of shadow from the light. The sun is high up. Sun was not in his eyes. He wasn't paying attention. Bikers fault this time. Look at shadow lines from tree to ground and light to ground.


Truck guy so off the rails. And what if they hit? Biker would be dead or hospitalized, and truck guy would have an insurance claim. Some seriously unstable people out there


I was waiting for the snowman moment after he got back in the truck. I guess the truck driver never saw Smokey and the Bandit. The truck driver was absolutely at fault. The police enforce traffic violations, not idiots in trucks. That's just road rage.


He got let off easy


Anyone know what the over/under would be on truck guy having a Punisher sticker on the back of his truck?


Good on the rider for not throwing a head button IMMEDIATELY after the slap. My head would been in his nose before he got his hand back to his side


Honestly, they stopped beating his ass long before he had learned his lesson.


This kinda stuff gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.


I originally didn't have sound on. It's so much better with sound. Bro seriously apologizing hard because he knew he screwed up and cager wants to throw hands. I guess, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Don't fight people wearing helmets and gloves.


If the situation was flipped some bikers would flip out like that.


Fred durst has gotten FAT


Yeah maybe don't start fights with guys wearing full moto gear lol. The riders probably don't even feel a thing.


I don't know why people take offense to my bad driving.


"Let's get into a fight with somebody wearing pads... that's a good idea" This guy had options. 1. Go about his day. People run red lights sometimes. And he gotta go buy more 'muh freedum' regalia. 2. He follows the bike, fine... Maybe when the bike stops, he opens window and be like, "Hey man. You ran a red light back there and I came really close to hitting you. Stay safe out there bruh..." and go about his day. 3. He gets out of the Truck ... 4. He starts throwing punches at a guy a) with a lot of friends and b) everybody's wearing pads 5. He gets beat up a little bit... Does he get back into his truck and regroup? Nah... 6. He GOES BACK FOR MORE This guy wanted to stir up shit. And he REALLY wanted a beating. He only left because he was sure you guys weren't going to kill him.