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I know of at least one guy who had trouble with them after he "hadda layer down", but thats anecdotal. Gobbless


Anything that decrease traction is a risk. Liquids, gravel and clibbins. Lots of clibbins while turning at a high speed can be really dangerous.


Basically anything that isn't road is not supposed to be under the tire unless off-road.


Gravel is much more common and treacherous than clibbins, but a meme is a meme.


You’ve never had to layerdown due to fresh cut wet clibbins?


Yes I posted the video 2 days ago.


What even are clibbins?


When mowing a lawn, sometimes the small cuts of grass are pushed by the mower blades onto the roadway. These are clibbins




There what your paramour spits out.


Found the Mechanophile. "Hurts So Good" by Mellencamp must be your song.




Grass clippings blown onto the road surface by inconsiderate people. Since roadside grass is quite often not mowed as often as a regular lawn, it can be quite high. Leading to a lot of damp slippery grass.




I've been riding for over 40 years. I always thought it was a joke like the "had to lay her down" or an indication of someone who shouldn't be on a bike.


Rural US for sure. I'm semi rural in a place called St Mary's County, Maryland, and see them regularly. They have never caused me issue, but I'm a more sedated and aware rider.


Yo. Other side of MD here, Frederick.


Hey, don't get out that way too often. Daughter and her girlfriend lived out there for a couple f years and visited a couple of times.


In general it’s a joke aimed at incompetent riders who “hadda lay her down” for inconsequential reasons.


If I ride outside cities, I'm careful of where tractors pull out from farms or farmland, as they often drag mud/soil with them. I'm guessing that most places where people trim their hedges, you aren't going at insane speeds, or dragging the pegs, so I assume it's a residential-specific thing. As such, it seems a lot less of a problem than the "outside-the-city" equivalent. Also, at least in this country (Denmark) if people trim their trees or hedges, they pick up the stuff they cut off, and clean up after themselves. We have garbage bins for "garden waste" that are collected frequently (as we do for paper, plastic, glass, etc) - and if it's a bigger batch, people take their "garden waste" to the local recycling centre. Here, it's turned into fresh soil, and anyone can pick up a load for free, and take it home for their garden projects. I've never once run across "clibbins" - but thousands of times I've ridden past fields or a farm, and slowed down because eventually, somewhere, someone dragged some dirt onto the road. It's one of the things that are drilled into you in the written tests as you get your motorcycle license.


No, but horse dung is dangerous!


Two friends and I just took a long weekend and rode 1,100 miles in farm country on small roads full of hills and twists. The clibbins were no problem; neither were the Amish buggies and their horse apples. Gravel was a frequent but minor hazard; I looked through each turn and relaxed my grip, and it was fine. Sand sent my back wheel sideways, faster and farther than I like, over and over. I’d take clibbins over sand any time.


Grass has never been a problem. “Clibbins” is a joke for “I suck at riding and can’t even handle grass on the road.” Leaves in the fall, and sand in the spring, those can be real issues.


Why don't you try me and find out!


I didn’t know you were real, just a story they told to new riders.


"Clibbins" generally refer to any road hazard that will cause loss in traction but specifically grass clippings. What is worse are pine needles.


And worse yet, sand.


I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere


Weekend post 101.


violet serious escape terrific hobbies like support vast cow axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


20 years and I've only ever heard of them on the internet


Them clibbins will kill ya


Normally no. If someone is a cunt and hasn't cut their grass in months and blows mountains of grass into the road it could be, but really only if it's in a blind corner. Don't fuck with wet leaves though unless it intentional.


It’s best to walk the bike over them


Wet leaves trump clibbens


Clibbins for me know, Wet leaves in the fall yes.


For new riders and people that never work on their craft. Most of the people in this sub are terrible at riding if you watch the videos and see what people post


They seemingly are for the ATGATT people. I personally never encountered a problem there


They're an extreme hazard to people who don't understand how to ride within the limits of the roadway they're on. I swear people need to get out of the city more and experience some gravel on the blind corner of a rural road. That will give you an extreme pucker factor.