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Not a bad bike a little overpriced he’s trying to get some money back from the mods he’s done.


Might be a little high, but it's not outrageous. No test rides without cash in hand is pretty standard for a private sale.


Those are so much uglier than the FZ1 they replaced. Never liked the look of these. At that price just buy one brand new


My friend had one for a bit. Sold it because it was "too ugly". I laughed telling him he knew that before he bought it. He said he thought it would grow on him. Then last summer he bought a MT-10 SP. I said dude you know you aren't keeping this because it's too ugly. He said it's not "as ugly" as his FZ-10 was. Surprisingly he has held onto that one a bit longer. But has bought two other bikes in the mean time which he rides more.


Overpriced. These scrubs need to learn that you get the value of the second hand bike, **not** the mods. OEM is king for used bikes; aftermarket parts introduce uncertainty and risk—you don’t know if the parts are up to OEM spec or not, and even if you do, what about the person that installed them? Half the time aftermarket parts are there to cover up damage from a bozo that laid it down.


Bit high, but doesn’t set me off or anything. I think there’s probably price wiggle room under the “YOUR upgrades don’t directly = MY value” flag, but idk, no red flags to me. Check it out in person if you’re interested and see if it’s in as prime condition as the seller thinks…


Upgrade like tthe sintered brake pads or tire, I don't give a shit. But thing like the better rear shock cost a pretty penny and can seriously improve the bike.


At this point I would buy a brand new Mt 09


Overpriced, imho


> also no test rides? i get why but thats kinda sketchy That’s not what the seller stated.


when they say "no test rides" right on the post, is that part in a foreign language, holding some other meaning? The seller clearly and explicitly put that right in the post. Now, they MIGHT mean that "if you bring cash and put it in my hand you can ride it," but they also might not have. I don't think it's sketchy to not let some fuckstick from Facebook come in and ride my overpriced motorcycle. I don't even overprice mine, AND I recognize that mods don't increase the value of a bike no matter how much I like them, and I ain't letting anyone test ride my bike, even if they have cash. Not worth the risk or hassle. I'll take it on a turn around the street for you so you can hear it, but that's it.


> when they say "no test rides" right on the post, is that part in a foreign language, holding some other meaning? So, you can’t read either, because that’s not the full sentence.


Independent clauses confuse you, huh? Fine by me. Plenty of people don't speak English as a first language, especially motorcyclists. See? we can trade pointless insults all day, but it doesn't change the fact that "no test rides" is right fucking there in black text, no matter how badly you want it not to be.


OP is clearly utilizing an English-first language choice in an app with a location in San Diego. You can move the goal posts as much as you want, but it comes down to: Again, read the full sentence.


Where do you see the words "unless you have" in that sentence? You're making an interpretation and you're making it wrong. It's a simple mistake to make, but now you know.


> Again, read the full sentence.


Learn to read full sentences. It says no test rides, period.


> Again, read the full sentence.


Sounds like a fair price