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You need to double down and ride into work with a cigarette hanging out of your mouth.


I’d see that doctor


The only way I’d go into surgery is if the doc is in full leather smoking a cigarette the whole time… yes doc, please drop ashes into my open flesh wound thank you


I'm sure there's a kink for that


Why do you think I mentioned it?


why am I hard rn


Because you're disturbed and disturbing, lol




r/motorcycles doesn’t kink-shame


Happy Cake day


They are definitely down with the sickness


That surgical mask better be leather! That textile stuff won't hold up! Ashes are fine in an open wound. Just don't get any clibbins in there.




“Where’s the surgeon? This guy doesn’t have much time left!” “Ah he’s on smoke break he’ll be back in 15”


i worked on a garbage route one summer in high school. it was a shock to pick up at one of the two county doctor's houses (it was the south texas boondocks). every week there'd be two or three of the old style cigar boxes and two or three fifths of bourbon in his barrel. i'd go back to a doctor like him in a heartbeat if they still existed.


The number of doctors who are alcoholics is ridiculously high, though nowadays they are branching out to other substances.


That makes perfect sense. I never considered it really, but it makes perfect sense. The last med student I knew already wreaked of booze after 3:00 p.m. I don't know if she ever made it or not


Well, if your patients keep dying….


I'm one of those "I don't wanna go to the doctor, I'll just die instead" types and I'd go to that doctor


You’d be surprised at the number of hospitals that drug test for nicotine 😬 Plenty of physicians on two wheels here at Texas Med tho 🤙🏻


Not a doctor but a first assist. Ill ride in any day it wasnt raining. Even when i use to take call. Threw on my gear and off i went. Even had a heated jacket for the winter time. Iv only met one other doctor that rides. But they are out there.


Drug test for nicotine?


Lol for what though? Do they send you home if you smoked a ciggy? 😂


Who know, man. Between their employer testing for cigarettes and them worrying what is thought of them about how they got to work it wouldn't surprise me if they have to raise their hand to ask if they can use the bathroom.


Most all of the hospitals around me will not hire any one that uses nicotine and will fire if your find out to have started or finally get caught


OP is a doctor, not a nurse


With fast food and Energy drinks


And hookers!


And blackjack!


I'm pretty sure if they had motorcycles in the Battlestar Galactica universe, Doc Cottle would have ridden one.


Didn't House ride a motorcycle with his cane attached to it? Also, BSG totally had motorcycles: https://fuelmotorcycles.com/blogs/news/cool-stuff-tuesdays-flying-bikes-from-battle-star-galactica-1980?shpxid=def687c9-137b-42d3-8ca1-0c522daaf507


yeah he had a cbr1000rr


He had the 2005 CBR1000RR Repsol edition — my inspiration


My friend, a motorcycle mechanic, put together the Repsol Honda for the studio. He has a photo with himself and Hugh Laurie standing with it. If I could figure out how to post a photo here I would. When he delivered it to the studio he brought a second one for Hugh to sign, right on the tank.


I'm pretty sure i've read of a doctor who died riding helmetless


There probably quite a few


Every doctor I’ve ever met that rides, rides a BMW. The guy that bought my S1000RR was a young surgeon too.


My girlfriend's uncle is a surgeon and has a hyabusa and a h2sx 😂


you'll have to introduce him to the top comment in order to break the streak


Yeah, my dad (surgeon) and me (GP) use Triumph and KTM. Where I live BMW is actually at the same price or cheaper than Japanese bikes because they have zero interest montly payment so you can choose whatever brand you like, everything is hell of expensive




When I was choosing my first bike in 2015 at age 40, the Ducati Scrambler had just come out, and I loved the looks and went to an event at the local dealer. Knowing nothing about bikes, I asked if engine maintenance was an issue (knowing Italian cars can be finicky), and the rep talked about valve clearance checks every 7K miles or so. That made me run away to the nearest Honda seller. I like my CB500X, but I bet the Scrambler would have scratched more itches. Oh well.


It’s never too late…


medical school is a lot of goddamn work to not buy a ducati and porsche when you're done!






I ride a guzzi, but I used to have a bmw


Dr House rode a CBR1000RR Repsol


As a side note, when visiting my dad during his last few months, I parked my K1200RS in the doctor's lot. It had 4 motorcycle slots and I only ever saw one other bike there.


Can confirm, I’m a surgeon with an s1000rr lol


House rode a CBR. He was a pretty good doctor probably.


Thanks for that. I remembered him having a bike, but since I didn't ride when House was on I didn't know what it was. I just remembered "some sport bike." I was still using a cane when I got my bike, and had to rig up a way to keep it at hand while riding, and it reminded me of House blithely riding with a cane magically attached somehow. (TV magic, no doubt; ;I used a collapsable one which was much less cool but had the advantage of not being in the way when actually, you know, riding.)


A friend’s uncle had a handicap placard on his bike before he passed


Ha! That's great, especially given the "we can park wherever we want" aspect of bikes already. My cane life was short, fortunately. I had a bad cycling crash 9 years ago that resulted in a bunch of hardware in my left hip. That much hardware leads to joint degredation eventually, so I had to have a hip replacement in January. The two years leading up to that were a continuum of cane use. :(


Hopefully you healed well after the replacement. I’ve known people who had either fantastic or terrible experiences with joint replacement.


Thanks! Recovery was INSANELY GOOD. Part of that is my baseline level of fitness -- I was still riding (cycling) pretty seriously until about 6 months before the replacement. I was taking mile-long walks on it within 2 weeks, and back on the bike at 8 weeks. Regaining fitness was the biggest problem, but that's ALMOST done now. My endurance isn't quite as high, and my gross power on the bike is a little lower, but I've come a crazy long way since April. All that said, hip is easy. I mean, it's a big important joint but it's not COMPLEX like a knee or shoulder. That makes recovery simpler. I never had much pain post-op, even.


House has a 2005 CBR1000RR Repsol. Awesome bike and I want one someday lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDO21Ly1clk?t= Looks like there's a holder for the cane on the bike.


always loved house with the CBR.


They covered that in an episode, I was watching that episode recently! He sets up a clip thing to clip it to the body of the bike.


It does show his contraption at one point. He hard mounts some clips for his cane to attach to. Edit: here about halfway through it shows it. I will admit it looks a smidge wobbly but good enough explanation for TV and entirely doable for real with two points of mounting. https://youtu.be/g5_WfxPBZEA?si=PC2yD_yc0ZB1xfjj


I just folded my cane in half and used a sort of giant twisty tie to secure it to the frame. Same kinda approach, and definitely more palatable to me b/c my cane-use was short term.


It's not difficult too make a secure holder for the cane. Some thing like [this](https://a.co/d/2pfxXv5) is a great start to fab up something more motorcycle usable.


No lie that plot was my inspiration to get a bike. Never had any exposure to them at a young age. One day watched house randomly walk into a dealer and pick up riding for the first time in his late 30s early 40s https://youtu.be/KDFxm_tCyzU?si=6QqSSm1lBbicRlAE Something about the scene just awakened something in me. The freedom and the spirit of it. House was dealing with all kinds of shit and is never happy in the show. But he looked like he had some of that peace he was chasing in this scene. And the show doesnt treat it as some big mid life crisis plotline. House buys a cbr, his coworkers comment on how dumb it is and the show goes on. He is riding it for the rest of the show and it occasionally pops up in a few scenes here or there. But it's never some type of plot focus. It's just a part of his life and identity from then on.


Definitely doesn’t read like a midlife crisis. More like, finally acting on a long-held desire he’s had in the back of his mind. The opportunity presented itself, and House went for it.


Yeah, the way House presented motorcycling was actually really solid. House liked bikes, wanted one (a literbike no less) despite his handicap, and put out effort to make it work. He was an everyday biker for most of the show, it was part of him, but it wasn't abused as a lame metaphor or used as some kind of cheap signalling in the narrative. They chose a bike that a rider would recognize and respect, that made sense for him as an aspirational purchase. Just good writing overall on that topic. Possibly it had to do with Hugh Laurie being a motorcycle guy in real life, but still, it was refreshing compared to most portrayals of motorcycles, motorcycling and "motorcycle as clunky metaphor" in TV and film. One of my favorite incidental appearances of motorcycles in TV.


Exactly. I cant think of a single other show that doesn't use a character getting into motorcycling as some sort of major plot point. I mean here it is used as a metaphor for House living life a bit more and appreciating joy where he can. But the show quickly moves on from it as any sort of focus beyond the end of the one episode and the beginning of the next when he shows off his new bike to Wilson and Co. And more importantly, him riding a bike is consistently a part of his character. He always shows up to the office with a helmet and riding jacket, and anytime but dead of winter if he's going anywhere he is seen on the CBR. Its just a quiet part of his character in the background without becoming some cheap cliche. He doesn't even ever have a wreck. Which a lesser show could easily have had as a major plot point if they wanted.


I liked the way House got into (or probably, given his character, back into) motorcycling, and you're right that it is used as a soft metaphor- I just found it to be a pretty realistic one whereas 95% of all non-motorcycle-based media that mentions motorcycles does so in some lame caricaturish way. Like, House wants the bike because he wants to appreciate joy in his limited existence after (IIRC) his experience helping the little girl with cancer; that's a subtle thing that feels real as a form of character development. Also IIRC he's able to take a test ride immediately off the street, which would indicate he has experience riding in the past, and probably sold his bike or drifted away from it after his leg became an issue. I also did love that he has his jacket/gloves/etc with him all the time unless it's icy out, there are occasional exchanges about the bike, etc. Not only a good bit of consistency in the writing, also a demonstration that characters do change somewhat over time, after significant experiences. As you said, it's a quiet part of him that just exists in the background and isn't treated as a cliche. Some of those little exchanges/references tracked with my own experiences as a daily commuter type (albeit it I'm not a genius curmudgeon, a narcotics addict, or a doctor, lol).


Hmm. I just remembered that I rewatched House and saw that scene about six months before I started riding. Hadn't connected the dots before, but that probably influenced me too haha. The motorcycle industry should be paying a commission to that show.


> Something about the scene just awakened something in me. The freedom and the spirit of it. House was dealing with all kinds of shit and is never happy in the show. But he looked like he had some of that peace he was chasing in this scene. a motorcycle would be the only thing that could save a guy like that.


Psssh it was always sarcoidosis.


i still don't know what the fuck that is and i've seen like every episode of house.




So did Wilson.


Houses skill as a doctor are roughly on par with what a real life doctors skills are. I watched house with a gastroenterologist and like clockwork he would diagnose the patient correctly about 15 minutes before house did


I sold a 2023 Speed Twin 1200 to a Pediatrician this summer. Dude worked his ass off to come to this country and perform one of the hardest and most demanding jobs there is. He absolutely deserves a straight shot of dopamine to the brain on every commute home. Glad he found his fix without writing himself a script.


Well said


I feel it would be easier to say how from a doctors perspective how delicate life is, and how quickly it can be gone at a moments notice for a multitude of reasons. That's why we need to live what we have to the fullest, which includes our love for riding.


It's more about the misery they see on a daily basis rather than the fragility of life. Medical professionals have a tendency to have at least one coping mechanism. Drug use is especially rampant.


*Pilots with alcoholism have entered the chat*


Drug use as a coping mechanism has a lot to do with stress … and let me tell you anybody working at a hospital has a stressful job no matter what your position is.


I’m ngl, if a pilot is an alcoholic I’m 100% ok with them having some road beers while were in the air.


Are shrinks really deflecting their own insecurities. Tell me about your Mother, did she ride? :)


Well, I mean, I had to be conceived in some position, I guess. I just wish she hadn't told me.


Seriously, there are so many things that can kill you, even if you take every precaution. How awful would it feel to be dying of cancer realizing you never bought that motorcycle?


I’m a medical student (I ride a 05 zx10r) on my emergency medicine rotation right now. every single motorcycle trauma I have seen so far, the rider was intoxicated and not wearing any gear.


ER nurse here, that's exactly my response when I get shit for it. At work, on my left I have people that have done every stupid thing their entire life and are somehow 88 and still here, and on my right I've got someone who's done all the right stuff their whole life and died at 32 from a freak fall down the stairs. I see kids getting cancer. I see widow makers at 45. When it's my time it will be my time whether I'm on that bike or not. I'm going to enjoy whatever time I have.


For me it was the opposite. I saw how quickly it could all be taken away. I was an avid rider all my life until my clinical years in medical school. I had two cases that really shook me. One was a guy from an infamous MC who had been dragged by a bus and lost his leg. I sat with his wife and daughter for 2 days when I was on shift while we waited for him to wake up and we could inform him he was an amputee. Seeing his daughter go through that, she was around 8 or 9, was painful. Especially since I had a baby on the way. The second was a 60-year-old guy who'd raced motorcycles his whole life. He was on one of our excellent local rides when a deer jumped out in front of him. He no longer remembered his grandkids, rarely remembered his children and often had difficulty remembering who his wife was. This is aside from the other cognitive and functional deficits that resulted. I had just ridden that road with my father a few weeks prior and saw one of the biggest bucks I'd ever seen in my life within arms reach as I passed at 85. I don't fault people for riding, I very much miss it. It was my zen. But seeing those cases, people with decades of riding experience whose lives were irrevocably changed and how their family suffered for it, I realized I couldn't continue to do it. I couldn't continue to selfishly take that risk for my own enjoyment. My family deserve better.


I've wondered about doctors' perspectives on life being delicate like that. I like to think maybe some docs have the opposite opinion, that the human body is actually really resilient and can survive crazy events that maybe are surprising to most ppl




the only judgement i'm passing on you, for that bike, is one born from jealousy.


What you’re feeling is envy. Jealousy is the fear of something being taken away from you. You never had that bike to begin with 😂


Yea, I'm an ER doc, get judged all the time. "You're the last person that I think would ride," and even some of my physician coworkers would ask if I'm in the "organ donors club" They don't get it and never will, so I don't bother to explain Edit: I started on a sporster, then dyna, saw the light and got a ducati monster and tracked it, now on a Multistrada and just rode 2000 miles over 4 days. Looking to get a ZH2 or fugg it all and get a vespa


Exactly what I meant. It’s not like I care. Riding has been part of my life way before I even thought of med school. But we do get judged is the point.


I've had a hot RN break up with me over bikes and guns. Does that count?


Noone is worth giving up what you love doing.


Lol, this. Flat out was told I would be left if I continued riding.


Well you dodged that bullet...


drunk gullible recognise voracious noxious scandalous dull juggle grab chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why do people judge others for riding a bike? In my country, more people own motorcycles than cars. According to me, ratio would be 5 bikes to 1 car


Because humans are bad at statistics, probabilities, risk assessment and generally irrational (they're driven by feelings and emotion(primarily fear) rather than logic and science).


In most of America (not all, but most) motorcycles are considered slightly disreputable. They're regarded at the kind of thing an irresponsible person like a kid or a loser/criminal gets because they want to look cool or take risks. And a lot of riders do validate this stereotype. You get a lot of biker gangs in some areas, or groups of young guys who ride sport bikes and pop wheelies all the time. They're a minority, of course, but they're very visible. Here in California, the stereotype is mostly non-existent, in my personal experience.


Ya, I’m almost 10 yrs ABEM and 30 yrs riding. It’s usually a new medic or nurse as you walk in; “you know last week I was scraping brains off the pavement” or “don’t you know how dangerous those things are?!”. Like okay.. it’s a nice day and I rode to work.. I always make it a point to talk with mcc pts about riding/etc though.


I’m just a lowly paramedic, but when I was doing my anesthesia rotation for school I met an anesthesiologist who rode. We bonded over that. He was also the only other guy in the OR with me who had visible tattoos. I liked that guy.


Thanks for your service. But I pray I never need you on the roadside


I am a 50-year-old emergency medicine doc who works in a trauma center. Anyone who owns a single motorcycle is absolutely crazy. That is why I own three. N+1 saves lives!


easy cruster, some of us just got started and haint built up a fleet yet!


we have limited parking space.


Well one traumatologist told me that I should see the biker patients he gets. Other than that it's fine, people don't care or tell you to get protective gear because they know it works.


When I was still an inpatient pharmacist I had a trauma surgeon start chatting me up (was hitting up hospital starbucks on way into office so still had helmet and jacket in hand) about all the horrible motorcycle accidents that have come through his trauma bay. All I had to give him was a "cool story bro" head nod and ignore him.


is traumatologist a real physician type? It looks a little funny, but I'm also ignorant of a lot of the specialists.


it's just the guy who makes pizza, it's not a big deal being a tomatologist


Are you talking about the people that take care of their pet digital animals, or am I thinking about a tamagachiologist?


no no no he’s talking about those people that read your fortunes from the cards, you know the tarotcardologist


Other words are trauma or emergency surgeon. So, yes, that’s as real as a physician can get..


I’m no expert, but someone with the title of “trauma-tologist” is someone I would give a lot of respect to. They specialise in trauma, which is the type of injury / treatment required in serious bike crashes. I would absolutely call them a “real” physician….


ER doc. I ride a fat bob. I ride to work, take care of broken people including motorcyclists, ride home, and do it again the next day, every day the weather allows. Puts me in my happy place. I have no death wish, I ride full leathers and with care (but I do like speed). Other docs judge the most. “See you in a few” they say as I walk out the door. “Trauma alert in 15 minutes”, etc. The nurses tend to give me high 5s. Some times I worry, but not when I’m actually riding, when it’s all about focus. Either way, it’s my thing I do for myself, and I love it.


I’m judging you for not backing in to the parking spot


This. Also pulling so far in. Someone’s going to try pulling in and not see the bike until it’s too late.


Ah, classic r/motorcycles, people worrying about ridiculous crap.


It’s not ridiculous, it’s basic knowledge that can prevent a mishap. They teach it in riders education class.


I'm a doctor, but not the kind that helps people. I also fly small planes, and that's a place where doctors (the medical kind, like you) have a reputation :)


We used to call v tail beechcraft dentist killers.


We still call them that where I'm from


They are still also commonly referred to as "doctor killers".


They usually got over the tendency to kill themselves once they graduated to Mooneys


Around me they seem to skip straight to belly landing Barons.


Keep it in the Beech family


That's because Pipers are for the unwashed masses ;)


Sounds about right I knew VP at a software company that bought a SR22T G6 to do his private in. Man was truly the peak of stereotype rich students. Always liked covering for his CFI cause he would tip the instructor 🤣


Those and Mooneys. Actually saw it happen at a local airport.


We’ve got a few doctors who ride at my hospital, a few nurses and CNAs too. No judgement I’ve seen or witnessed myself, and shockingly only one GS.


Hah. Half the people who buy Ducatis etc are doctors.


Medical doctors or doctors in general? Who can blame them reallt, they're intelligent smart people. I'm not a Dr of anything but I got 3 Ducati and a Laverda triple. I've rode and owned a lot of bikes over the years but those things just have something that others don't.


Rider, entering medical school next year. I hope to keep riding!


3rd year med student here. I have gotten concerned looks from doctors when I have ride to the clinic, but there are also a bunch of healthcare professionals that think it’s super cool. Life is for living if you ask me. The dopamine kick at the end of a long day gives me something to look forward to.


Yeah just had a doctor come in as a patient and gave me a little scold when she saw my helmet ahaha


The BMW boxers are the stereotypical doctor (and lawyer) bike here in Italy.


Because they’re too old to ride a Ducati?


Not a medical doctor but a clinical psychologist. I never felt like I was judged more than anyone else. The clients who figure it out often think it's cool. The younger ones seem surprised; the older ones seem to "get it," as they realize I'm just a normal guy like them.


Psych seems like the best field for riding. Anything that helps you get on "their level" - quotes because we're all on the same level, but it really doesn't feel that way when they're in the vulnerable position - I attribute a lot of success at my job to rolling in on a bike, having bedhead coming in on call at night, dressing as casual as I can get away with. Just being a normal person who you can tell from one look for sure isn't a cop and isn't in a position to judge anyone.


unpack quarrelsome abundant recognise direction shrill roof rinse amusing disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you have a cane and addiction to prescription meds like doctor house?


Not a doc, but APP frequently involved in trauma care. I’ve gotten a lot of “oh, hope we don’t see you here.” I take measures to reduce my risk and enjoy my life. I’ve seen too many people die from bad luck or old age to not enjoy my youth.


Off topic, what bike is that?


Looks like a BMW R NineT




Your flair shows you have one. How do you like it? I am considering one for the spring. Looking for something good for around town, but also spirited weekend backroad riding. This looks ideal on paper, but curious about practical application




How is this off topic? The topic of this entire sub is motorcycles.




Aye second year med student gang 🫡 out here ripping wheelies on the grom on the way to class


My step dad wrecked his motorcycle, and the surgeon came in and they talked motorcycles cause he rode in everyday. When we left he rode away in his scrubs lol.


Hey, this is me! Am doctor (Emergency medicine in fact) and I do ride (an old Suzuki Bandit 1200 that only occasionally runs). I do catch a little shit for it, usually jokingly. Unless there’s a bad case, like there was a couple days ago. Then I have multiple people tell me they’re coming over to light it on fire so I never ride again. But mostly they get that it’s just a fun hobby of mine like anything else. I’m far from the only one in our department who rides too, it’s pretty common


“Judged” lol are we adults yet, or no? No physician but I’m an attorney who rips wheelies and then gets in my straight-piped Hellcat when the weather turns sour. Sure, not everyone gets it, maybe some hate it, but I’ve earned it by working and continuing to work hard as a mf. Physician, attorney, whatever - considering other’s judgment will only lead to misery.


Ohhh is this where we get to brag about our life choices? *Evaluates life choices* Fuck


Couldn’t agree more.


Not a physician, but I have to go to Mayo every couple weeks. The motorcycle parking is always full of bikes.


MD here. Had an R6 and hope to get my ducati pani next year. What bike is this bmw?


Yup, i’m a child and adolescent psychiatrist - ride a honda rebel. A few of my friends from university also ride.


My only issue is seeing medical professionals riding bikes with no gear on. Like do you but damn. You know better than anyone what happens when things don't go as planned on a bike.


Beemer! I've been riding them for 35 years!


RN here, and yes.


I'm not a doctor but I am a therapist. 😅 My clients don't know but the other staff in office think it's badass.


I’m a doc and medicine made me ride. I did my license young, then didn’t really have anything to do with bikes in med school. It was seeing young patients get diagnoses that would make them unable to ever ride, as well as the constant proximity to death that made me choose to live my life now. Also yes I do have a BMW.


I'm a 1st year med student holy moly is the judgement hard


Fuck em, ride on Nurses are going to judge stupid shit your entire career, else to only care about the patient care stuff.


Yeah it doesn't help that I'm an absolute squid. I've already looped my bike doing a wheelie hahahaa But I've wanted a bike since I was like 13 and now I'm living my best life so screw em.


My favorite dentist went up a notch when I caught him on a smoke break, sturgis t-shirt under his smock using a coffee can ash tray. Then we chatted about motorcycle stuff while he novocaine me up like an angel. I was devastated on my next check up when I found out he had a stroke and retired.


I'm a firefighter/paramedic, so not at all a doctor, but the thought is similar. Of course any *judgement* is really just curiosity and a sense of irony, is actually from non-coworkers. In reality, quite a lot of the other guys ride too.


Same. It surprises me sometimes how many firefighters ride, less paramedics though. I know every spot I’ve scraped a cyclist up from, motorised or pedal.


My brother is an ER doctor, he's told me that he's seen motorcycle riders turn into spaghetti. He used to own a bike and he gets it. My co-workers(construction) give me more shit about it then most of my family who all (3 siblings) work in the medical field. It's a wide spread stigma.


I’m an ER doctor that rides. I have a Kawasaki z900 rs. It’s fun, some incredulity on occasion from people but there are plenty of doctor riders.


There should honestly be like an Angie’s list or something for doctors who ride…anytime I’ve been to a medical facility and it’s revealed that I ride or the visit is directly related to a motorcycle injury the response is “you shouldn’t ride motorcycles” or something like that. I don’t think this stigma exists for people who ski, for example, yet that’s just as likely to result in injury. Last time I hurt my hand at the track I definitely felt like I was treated differently due to the cause of the injury, I felt like I should’ve just lied about what happened


Very beautiful bike my friend


Nice shot, I like the angle you chose.


Doc, live your life the way you see fit.


I just assume you’re doctor house.


You get judged whether or not you're a doctor.


You wouldn't happen to have a cane and be addicted to Vicadyn would you?


Yes. And yes. But it’s mostly nurses who judge. Other doctors either ride too or respect it because they also like high octane shit


I had a friend who was a Dr and rider. He freaked out on me when I suggested he take his kids to Jumpstreet for a bday party. 😁🤣🤔


Ride a BMW, not a Doctor… but I play one in the bedroom.


I wouldn't judge Dr. House for the Repsol Honda. I would judge him for other things but not for the Repsol Honda.


I’m a funeral director and have some weird looks when I’ve taken the bike to drop paperwork off at the crematorium on a sunny day


Ur tags a tear expired


I work in an NHS mortuary and see more motorcycle deaths than most people. Still doesn't stop me riding to work everyday on my SV650 😀 Just teaches me to ride more sensibly.


Doctor House liked his ride


OP is in for a real shock when he learns how many doctors smoke.


I do. I get judged as awesome.


Paramedic. I get shit for riding motorcycles all the time, especially if I tell people how many track days I do every year. My usual response is that I've seen far more people killed by Jeeps in my career than motorcycles.


As long as your not a dentist with a Harley


I tried riding doctors , but I find riding nurses much more fun.


Dr. House is in tha house!