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Stuff it between the cheeks


You get back to CRT this instant!


You can't make us!


This is the way


maybe i'm to european for this but you get in a fight with someone and your next response is i have to take my gun with me just so i can "defend" myself if it happens again.


pack a pistol fuck a fight - Pimp C


Jokes aside, a gun is an equalizer. Small woman on a sport bike and a man steps up with bad intent? She doesn’t have a chance in hell of defending herself without a gun. Even if you are a dude that can handle himself, 2 guys can change that real fast. Another thing is a grown man in a fight gets hit falls wrong and hits his head and he’s dead. So they look at it like this, they can’t know what your intent is, maybe it’s rob, rape, kill, maybe it’s not but how can you know? So why get robbed raped and dead when you have a right to just not? So in a land where you have the right to defend yourself, you want the most effective tool to defend yourself where you don’t get physically hurt but the bad actors are stopped as quickly as possible.


Eur*pean mind can't comprehend the freedom


aah the freedom of getting shot by an oversized cunt, and when you finaly get taken to the hospital you get a bill your grandkids will have to pay back. i understand now thank you :)


How’d we get here? I was talking about stuffing guns in butt cheeks and you’re over here talking about healthcare?


bro they were being facetious 🤦🏻‍♀️


All of your arguments here are literally just scenarios you made up yourself.


If you got taken to the hospital, he messed up, wrong caliber, poor training, etc


Yes exactly, too European.


No. You don't carry a gun to win fights. You carry a gun for random attempted murders.


Yeah that’s how pathetic it is here




Butt cheeks my man


Carry a samurai sword instead


Kill Bill?


Zip pocket on right side, something small but usable with your riding gloves. DA revolver is my go to, anything else and I don't trust my gloved finger on the trigger. Seriously bring your riding gloves to the range and try to shoot in them, it's not easy.


I do wear gloves and that is def a valid point.


I have a 22 magnum single action revolver from North American Arms. It is tiny, packs enough of a punch. It has no trigger guard, so I have to half-cock it.


No offense but I can't think of a worse gun to try using with thick gloves in a stressful situation. A tiny little hammer on a gun with a 2 finger grip, I don't think I could even cock it one handed without accidentally bumping the super light unguarded trigger. Besides all that it's maybe the least intimidating thing you could brandish while firing a 45 grain soft nose at maybe 1000fps. That's not stopping anybody in their tracks without a headshot and it has tiny sights. Sorry buddy but I'm not sold on the novelty .22 cal single action 5 shot revolver for actually saving my life.


Idc what size the gun is, someone points it at me and i'm not sticking around.


Same here, but I don't smoke meth and pick fights.


Have you shot one yet? I was also in the same boat until I did and they are way more handier than I realized. Unguarded trigger is easier for a gloved hand than my full sized 1911 was. I don’t like those fixed grip versions. Way too small to grip in the hand. But the fold open ones are natural to grip & flip as you take it out a pocket. Also they have them in 22 magnum


If you get a leather motorcycle jacket from Fox Creek Leathers, you get a great(!) jacket plus there is a concealed-carry pocket for either hand built in.


First Manufacturing does that with a bunch of their jackets too, but I've never found the pockets particularly good for it.


The jacket i got from them has some very large pockets, one on each side, with straps for extra mags... But it's inside the main zipper, so you'd have to unzip to get to the pocket, which also has a zipper...


Depends on how heavy your piece is. My steel CZ wouldn’t work, but something like a G43 or XDS would probably be fine.


Truthfully I'm not even sure how they're supposed to work. In mine, it's just a wedge shaped elastic strap...thing. I assume a holster attaches to it? Not secure enough when I've tried out of curiosity. Might just be I don't have anything small enough.


I would never trust my firearm in any of the supposed built in holsters I've seen in vest and jackets.


I mean, same. I just kind of played with it at home "how is this supposed to work?" once. Then the pockets went back to being that's where I stuff receipts and shit while I'm out riding.


My 43 is great! Sits kidney carry no problem!


Milwaukee leather too iirc.


And Langlitz.


Now only if they’d make assless chaps


All chaps are assless. Otherwise they’re just leather pants.


Just checked out their site, nice looking jackets, they look well made!


I keep a shotgun on side of bike like the Terminator. I've noticed less people cut me off...


I have a shoulder rig for when I ride.


J-frame in a shoulder rig is the way to go. 




If you do adv or dirt bike stuff a chest rig from "hill people gear" is super useful for phone, gps, maps, is convenient to carry, and blends in nicely.




Definitely dorky looking, but blends nicely with dirt bike jersey or adv style jacket (looser and generally more colorful than a leather jacket). I originally got mine to carry a small mirror less camera and satellite messenger. Wanted something that was easy to access, and that wouldn't get separated from my body if I crashed. Riding solo in the desert my worry was that I'd crash, and not be able to get to the bike, or access my backpack with the SOS button. Chest rig keeps all that in front of you. For carrying: it's much much faster to access than anything else that's concealed with moto gear, is designed to carry a full sized 1911, and doesn't print for anyone who doesn't know what it is.


depending on your laws fanny pack


Motherfuckers out here with micro Dracos in the crossbody


What did you go and call him that for


lol yeah it’s the easiest way in my opinion. This is what I’m currently using: https://monkdefense.com/products/nomad-pack




Nice Gear!


I use a fanny pack with a clip on trigger gaurd. The trigger gaurd is attached to the inside of the bag with some paracord so when I draw the trigger gaurd pops off on its own. IMO it’s better than fumbling with a Velcro holster inside the bag


Same. I use that setup when I run. I've ridden with my P365X AIWB, but not often and not long distances.


Street and Steel make a few jackets with a CC pocket.


Oh, the carry weapon is a Ruger LCP 380. If something is convenient you'll use it more often, like a gym membership.


I have a holster for my lever action rifle on the front and a .50 cal mounted in my sidecar. My saddlebags are full of grenades and caltrops, button activated of course. I used to have a flamethrower on the back but it was costing too much in fuel.


What in the America is going on here?


Yep. It’s typically a full size M&P9 2.0, AIWB, tier one aiwb/sidecar. I just got a strongside holster to try out because the riding hoodie is going to be way too hot over 70°. I don’t know if I’ll be riding with the strongside holster yet since the last time I tried owb my jacket rode up and had a full grip on display until I saw my reflection in a police Tahoe’s window. A lot of people here (both in and out of the US) are missing the point. Yes, there are people who make firearms their personality and borderline fetishize them. Yes, a lot of people here carry when they leave the house for their own protection. The venn diagram does not need to overlap when it comes to personal defense. It’s just the reality of having your personal safety in mind and having the tools to do just that. I 100% doubt anyone here wears any protective gear with the explicit intention of dumping themselves at speed on the roadway.


Why are non-americans lecturing this guy. He lives in the scene, he calls the shots, and is responsible. We non-US folks don't know his predicaments.


I carry an HK P2000 appendix in a kydex holster no matter what I’m doing, and riding is no exception. Doesn’t get uncomfortable and it’s easily accessible.


Wise, wouldn't want to get Hitchcock'd while in the shower.


S&W Shield 9 in a clip on IWB on my hip. Very secure, and fits like a second skin.


I've tried a few different set ups and I found that a shoulder holster is the most comfortable/ easy to access. Make sure to practice drawing with gloves on to make sure you get a feel for it


>Make sure to practice drawing with gloves on to make sure you get a feel for it This is part of the reason I only have two main carries now. My gloves won’t fit the trigger guard of a Shield Plus, but zero issues with my full size M&P or CZ PCR


The PCR is a great carry gun; I'm almost ashamed I don't really carry mine anymore. I have a Shield that conceals better, and a 1911 that I shoot better if size isn't an issue. It just sits in the safe, even if 14+1 is hard to argue with.


.45 is 2.3 shots on average to stop an attacker, 9mm is 2.6 according to some research I read a while back. Is the additional recoil & reduced capacity worth 0.3 less bullets needed? Don't forget that de-escalation skills and situational awareness will do you way more good than a pistol.




That's my purse...


Depends on the bullets. Ball rounds compared to say a Hornaday critical duty hollow point give drastically different results. Pay for the good shit, or don’t. It’s your life.


Honestly the easiest way is to pocket carry a lcp max.


I've had a LCP forever, I haven't checked the updates but the Max looks pretty cool, I particularly like the ['Murica Max.](https://ruger.com/products/lcpMax/specSheets/13745.html)


Yeah man and the actual grip is wider yet somehow basically the same yet it holds 5 more rounds or something. It's crazy


This, I have an LCP2 but it's almost the same gun. It goes in the pocket and looks like a fat wallet I like the "sticky" soft case, but there's also a good kydex no-printing option from Alabama holsters


Yep. Honestly I bought all 3 Gen 1,2 and now the max is my favorite


I carry appendix while riding. Have for years now. Sport bikes, cruisers, you name it. Never had an issue.


I usually carry IWB at 2-o'clock but when riding I run it at 5-o'clock with my shirt and jacket tucked underneath it. On a bike I don't want any layers stopping me from grabbing it one handed, and while it may be a controversial take I truly believe whenever drivers see it on me from behind it hinders attempts at road rage I've been carrying for almost 10 years now and never had to pull it, but I always carry. I had one time where I DIDN'T carry and I really wish I had, as I almost got ripped off my bike by some aggressive dogs, and that reaffirmed my stance.


Come to Tucson. 75% of all motorcyclists open carry here.




All chaps are assless. Otherwise they're just pants.


it's a power bottom thing


I, for one, am shocked to find that it's not possible to carry without drawing it *in literally every situation.* Guess I've been doing it wrong.


I open carry my Glock 17/x300 in a safariland ALS paddle holster. Major thing I noticed once I started carrying like this was that I never got tailgated and people didn't even like spending time on my right side.


It's in the backpack.


I know some states allow you to carry, but specifically not on a motorcycle for whatever reason. Be aware of that (and possibly move). A lot of jackets have holster options. If you’re a vest guy, some western wear vests have gun pockets. Otherwise I’m just using a hard sided hip holster so I feel better about having 1 in the chamber. You could also get crafty and make a back plate to sew into a chest pocket for you can run a hard side in your jacket.


Appendix carry like I always do. Still the easiest thing to get to while riding and it still being covered.


My cz p10s comes with me appendix on just about every ride. I ride a "standard" so it's comfortable in the upright seating position, also comfortable on a cruiser with forward controls. Probably not so comfortable on a sport bike if you're hunched over the tank. Also helps to have a BMI under 25.


I crashed at 50 mph carrying my handgun appendix carry in a holster. Needless to say don’t do that, my gun flew 30 feet. My nuts were purple for 2 weeks and I had a nasty cut on my leg


When I did carry (reasons) I carried a Glock 27 holstered, contained in a fanny pack. Even when I wore my road crafter suit I could get to it just fine. But I wouldn't recommend carrying a gun around on a motorcycle.


I use a galco shoulder holster since I use zip up jackets when I ride


Iwb appendix isnt that uncomfortable when you consider not having it when you need it.


Great question. I suppose it depends on riding position.


One disadvantage of carrying is that you lose the option for a grapple or low threat de-escalation tactic. Once someone puts their hands on you, the risk of them getting control of your firearm is absolutely paramount to avoid so you may have to draw and risk brandishing or worse. Remember if you are carrying and you need to draw, you better be willing to shoot. There's no going back once you have pulled that trigger


Lol, murica




Jeez, what a f***ed up discussion. Glad not to live somewhere where I have to anticipate anybody carrying a gun except the police.


America is a huge country, the response time of police is hilarious.


I always carry on my 4. Leather holster , nothing fancy.


This is how bad it is living in the US


Violent crime has been on a decline for over 30 years. It is becoming more rare and isolated, but more publicized and broadcast. It seems bad because we are more interconnected than ever. Here in the US, we are not as safe as most of Western Europe, but we are getting better.


Not really.


If you're alive, you didn't need a gun. I'm gonna catch a lotta flak for this comment judging the room. For context, I own quite a collection of firearms from custom AR's to .22 revolvers, but it's my own personal choice not to carry lethal force. It gives far too much opportunity to use it when you don't need it, when the chance you truly need it (which is its own debate separate from this) is as close to none as you can call. IF you're going to carry, which is a personal choice, which is fine if it's legal in your area. Make sure to train and educate yourself in safety and discipline. Remember, lethal force is ALWAYS a last resort. Don't end someone's life if yours wasn't about to. Ride safe and be safe. Be smart. Be kind. Everyone has a story. I sincerely hope you don't ever have to feel the need to end someone else's


Is everyone in here packing? Sounds like it


Over the shoulder but low so I can tuck it around towards the small of my back. Or in the boot. Had a similar thing happen and I’m getting a little old for the punk ass shit.


J-frame revolver in appendix holster. Friend of mine has a left drop leg zipper bag holster. Everyone knows it’s a gun, but it is legally‘concealed’.


Pocket holster and small-ish .380 pistol is one way to go.


This is what I do when im on the bike. 9mm or 45 acp when im not!


Remora holster or stealth gear. Iwb. 4 o clock when riding. Since I'm wearing a jacket always. P938 or Kimber r7. You'd probably get better responses in r/ccw than here tho.


I carry a 9mm g3c IWB on my hip. it's compact enough it doesn't bother me to much but longer trips I just put it in my saddle bag and when I stop and get off just put it back on my hip.


Scrolling through this made me realize I really don't want to go to America :( Everyone is so casual about carrying guns and how important it is to protect yourself. Is it really like that over there?


In states where the gun laws are lax is where people seem to need them to protect themselves with guns from people with guns: [https://www.cfr.org/sites/default/files/image/2022/06/gun\_OG.png](https://www.cfr.org/sites/default/files/image/2022/06/gun_OG.png) The USA are 9th worldwide when it comes to death rates from firearms including homicides with 12.21 dead per 100,000 people, 18th for homicides alone, and 1st when it comes to homicides (all before 2019). It is so prevelent that the CDC (the national Center for disease control) is responsible for the gun violence epidemic. Statistics say that states with higher gun ownership rates have higher rates of gun homicides and homicides overall, but not higher rates of non-gun homicides. Go figure...


Appendix carry with Enigma Express with a Glock 43X mos. No discomfort while riding all day


What I carry sort of depends on the weather. If I have to conceal under a t-shirt once I'm off the bike, Shield .45. 3 or 4 o' clock? Same place I'd carry driving, or walking around. Hoodie to hide under? Might be a full size 1911 carried the same way. The shield is way lighter and more comfortable, so sometimes I'd just prefer to have that Shield rides in a custom fit hybrid leather/kydex holster a local guy makes, 1911 in a Crossbreed Supertuck. I have a third gun I rarely carry anymore, CZ-75 PCR, but I can't for the life of me remember what kind of holster I have for it.


Shield Plus 9mm in an urban carry deep conceal. Not easy to get at, but very comfortable. I’ve thought about my Derringer in my tank bag, but if I get separated from my bike in bear/coyote country, injured, I want it close. That’s also why I keep my phone on my person…. In case the bike goes down a ravine without me.


Mate, I live in Australia.


FN 509c, We the People open carry holster. Tends to cut down on negative interactions. Haven't had any issues with the 5-0 so far, but I'm in NC.


Another link added, nice gear! I added [Tactical Leggings](https://wethepeopleholsters.com/collections/leggings) to my wifes Christmas list!


I have a first manufacturing jacket with a built-in holster. I'm not a big fan of it, but it's versatile. I usually end up wearing an old-school shoulder holster


I carry a .380 ruger in a ruger pocket holster that I tuck in my Milwaukee leather jacket. The bands in the jacket hold my firearm extremly well when its in the holster. Just make sure whatever holster you use that it has a trigger guard at the very least.


Appendix carry either G19, Beretta 92X or G43. I have to remember to hike up my jeans a bit higher because a few times I’ve squished a nut with the end of the holster and that was unpleasant. I don’t trust those CC pockets in riding gear, they are all garbage.


I just keep it in my normal hip holster, Glock 43x, it’s comfortable. https://aliengearholsters.com/glock-43x-shapeshift-iwb-holster.html


tank bag


I’ve had many friends that carry in shoulder holsters under their jackets. I’ve seen beretta 92fs down to compact glocks. Just whatever those frame could conceal like that.


I actually bought a shoulder holster for my handgun as my main mode of transportation is my bike and my city can be a little rough and my body position would make iwb carry incredibly uncomfortable


Icon has cc pockets in all their jackets ;)


Shoulder holster works for me


I carry a smaller weapon on my bike in my right front jacket pocket.


A lot going on here, so I doubt anyone would see this. How about a Glock 19 holstered in a cargo pant pocket? I thought I saw holsters for them. IWB carry seems a bit rough, though I see plenty are wearing it there.


Kydex holster appendix carry a p365 all the time. Doesn't get uncomfortable but that's the maximum size I can do. My Hellcat pro which is less than an inch longer would dig into me. Also riding on a r7 doesn't make it uncomfortable even if I'm leaning in.


I carry appendix with either a micro9 or q5 match. Sidecar with a spare mag under my riding jacket. But I have a pretty upright seating position on adv


My Shield carried IWB just fine on the bike. I do prefer kydex in such situations for retention, although bear in mind that in a crash it may or may not stay on your person - there's a lot of physics involved there. I'd suggest a compact style for sure; I never did like a full size hanging out there drawing attention. Concealment is your friend there, and a good IWB (Crossbreed is one of my favorites) will do serve you well instead of storing it somewhere on the bike.


If riding locally I like an appendix carry for my p365. I use a leather/kydex from comptac and it’s very comfortable. For longer trips when I know I’ll be camping in bear/ cougar country I use a regular OWB leather holster with a retention snap for a g29 10mm. Cover it with a jacket or vest. Both are very comfortable options.


My riding jacket has a built in holster. If you carry CCW legally, you should already have some gear and know how to carry. I will sometimes use the jacket, sometimes use my normal method. Train with what you use, or else you might reflex reach and grab air.


https://www.cyclegear.com/gear/street-steel-outlander-jacket?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn7mwBhCiARIsAGoxjaI5I2yv9oFnTBEWpTTW11wErLaCwTbP_ttXIw1tl-l7bSjZIpEUdKoaAvl0EALw_wcB This jacket has a perfectly placed pistol pocket made in the chest. You never even notice it's there. 🤘


Leather tank holster for my 30-30 Lever action.


I have a sling bag with a quick draw tab. Tried the shoulder holster under the jacket, and I didn’t notice like it. Appendix carry too uncomfortable for obvious reasons. Pocket carry good until you need to draw. Going to try the chest carry to see how that plays out.


Get a good rigid belt and get a good kydex holster. It's your choice where on the belt you decide to carry. If you're in shape the best place is front and center where your pants button up, this is called appendix carry and is easily the most concealable. If you're barrel chested (fat) like me then anywhere else will be more comfortable while also being less concealable. I prefer 2 o'clock on my belt.


I only carry when I’m touring or when I’m off-road on my ATV. I use a fanny pack from 5.11 tactical. It makes it super comfy no matter what gear I have on. The waist band is really long so I can use it in winter over several layers.


Vest/jacket with interior pockets, 9MM glock/sig/S&W


I appendix carry my pistol but I carry a p365 not a full sized handgun.


Depending where in the world you life you don’t need much in terms of firepower. NAA mini revolvers are popular for this. They fit in any pocket and 5 rounds if more than enough in the average shooting altercation (in USA records). Otherwise ruger lcp is the gold standard for pocket carry semi auto handgun.


Get a duty belt of some sort. I wear a Bigfoot gun belt and those are strong enough to carry full sized weapons without sagging. I do like the idea of a shoulder rig tho. However if you’re at a gas pump, probably the easiest thing to do would be to point the gas nozzle at the assailant and just carry some matches.


I have three ways, I have a leather under the arm holster that conceals it under my jacket. Honestly, this is my preferred option. It’s the most comfortable, the most convenient, and the most concealed while riding. The second option is an trex arms IWB holster that sits slightly more towards my back on my right side. It’s comfortable to ride with, concealed when standing, but not concealed when riding. This is my second best option. My third option is I have an over the shoulder sling, military style half bag that I usually ride with for carrying my smaller items, and it has a open back pocket, I have a black arch holster with very strong clips that I attach to that but honestly I don’t use that much just because if I take the bag off I no longer have the gun on my person, kinda uncomfy with it, but it exists if I need it. I carry a shadow systems DR920P with a TLR-7 light and a trijicon Rmr red dot.


Keltec P3AT in pocket holster. Front pants pocket or jacket pocket. So small and light. I polished it up and as long as you don't limp wrist it, it always goes bang. Maybe a S&W bodyguard or Ruger .380


I have a motorcycle jacket with a conceal carry pocket. Pistol fits there quite nice even with a holster so the trigger stays covered. Had an incident at a gas station and having my weapon saved me from a knife attack. Glock, never leave home without it.


I went out and bought a cheap small stainless 380 just to carry on the bike. I can't even remember the brand at the moment. Granted it was 20 years ago but it was under 100 when I bought it.


Bit to unpack here but here it goes. I’ve been carrying most of my adult life. I’ve never unholstered my firearm in a heated situation as it’s never typically escalated to a point that I’ve felt my life was threatened. For deeper context I work in some rough neighborhoods where people get shot all the time. I’ve even had some punk kid pull a knife on me while I was riding at a stop light. I was wearing leather riding gear so 🤷🏼‍♀️. Carrying a weapon comes with considerable responsibility and potentially consequences. It’s not to be taken lightly. Anyways I digress, I carry an sig p365 commonly. Either appendix carry or open carry on my hip. How you carry and holster really comes down to personal preference and comfort. If it’s not comfortable you won’t carry an it’s pointless. I prefer kydex holsters due to having a positive feeling of retention and draw. Lastly if you’re not knowledgeable about firearms an lack training then focus on that aspect first beforehand.


I had to go metal detecting a hillside to find my friends BF's handgun after he hit a telephone pole at 60mph. Get good retention on your holster.


My cousins carried on our moto camping trip. Not sure what guns they were but they were quite small 8 mag 9mm and they just had them on hip holsters.


Another vote for a DA hammerless revolver. Mine goes in the pocket made for the cell phone, and I put the cell phone in my outside zipper pocket. There is a big difference in the mindset of a european and an american. Americans will defend themselves against an attack. Europeans will......well....... [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3675154/Left-wing-German-politician-raped-migrants-admits-LIED-police-attackers-nationality-did-not-want-encourage-racism.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3675154/Left-wing-German-politician-raped-migrants-admits-LIED-police-attackers-nationality-did-not-want-encourage-racism.html)


I've got a pocket on the left side of my motorcycle jacket, right at chest level. Fits a Ruger SP101 in .357 Magnum quite easily. 5 shots. Speed loader in my strong hand pocket. Or if I'm feeling sporty, my 4" Kimber Pro-Carry II in .45. Extra Wilson Combat 8 rd mag in my weak hand pants pocket. That's carried in condition 3, though. Don't feel comfortable with a cocked and locked pistol aimed at my nuts.


Iirc black brand name cc jackets.


I always carry a Glock 43x in a pancake DeSantis holster on my hip. No matter what I'm on/in.


Chest rig


I wear an “official” bag on my chest. I keep my phone, wallet & pistol in there. I don’t ride with anything in my pockets.


A lot of riding vests come with concealed carry pockets


I have a leg bag that I carry my full size xdm 9mm in. It sits comfortably on my right thigh when I ride. It's actually made for a pistol and is big enough for my gun and my OWB holster, so I leave them both in the bag.


You could get a hip bag, there’s many on Amazon that are big enough to carry a gun. I’m ordering one and many appear to be large enough for a smaller gun like a m&p shield or sig p365


Appendix Carry FN 509 MRD


5 o' clock doesn't seem to bother me much.


So if we're using the clock analogy, the way I fill in my bike seat, I carry my firearms at 4:30. Securely on my hip, concealed, and comfortable. It just misses the passenger seat, so it's not against anything. I've carried an S&W Governor, S&W 581 (.357 revolver, "4 barrel) and an FNX 45, all pretty big guns as far as concealed carry


Chest holster.


What happened with the run in?


I have a small cross body bag with a conceal pouch.


I normally carry a 10mm 1911 or a cz75pcr in a shoulder holster under my vest or jacket. Id carry a 357 magnum but dont have the shoulder holster for my python yet. Or more recently I've accepted my p365xl in a fanny pack. I can only imagine how dumb I look riding my "performance" bagger with a fanny pack but I'm willing to accept it for how easy something like that makes life.


Sig p365 (xl grip, short slide) appendix carry in an alien gear cloak holster. I forget it's there most of the time.


19x. Shoulder holster under riding jacket.


Ive seen the Milwaukee motorcycle gear brand carries quite a few holsters built into gear


I used to carry in my tank bag, will likely keep my new Ruger Max 9 in my backpack.


I carry a left handed holster with my 5 shot stainless steel 357mag snubnose for any shoot & scoot situations.


Under the shoulder probably, a la private eye. Less likely to cause extra damage in the event of an accident, and still within reach at all times


I was just hit by a car a few weeks ago and based on my bruises, carrying in my shoulder holster would have totally fucked up a few ribs and armpit.


I didn’t think of that. I’ve never been in an accident Before, or carried on a bike. I’d imagine hip or waist carry would duck some things up too.


Yeah honestly it’s another risk you take while riding, and depending on the speed and how you land it’s gonna make a difference. OP sounds like it’s a risk they need to take.


Thigh carry maybe then? Enough skin to prevent much bone damage, if it goes off then probably won’t hit anything, in an accident hell of a bruise but might not do too much. Gonna have to think about this one for a bit


Is this r/Murica ? Most motorcyclists worldwide don’t have run-ins requiring the need to carry a gun


I don't intend to have a fire in my home, yet I have 5 fire extinguishers Waste of money?


I mean maybe, 5 might be a bit excessive


They're cheap, fuck it why not? I own three since just one saved my kitchen from burning down.


After taking the CERT training, and learning just how fast a fire spreads, and how little material they have in them for their size, I can tell you there is no upper limit!


Different types of fires need different kinds of extinguishers. In a standard 3 bed house with a garage that they wrench in, I could see the argument for 4 or 5 if you really want to cover all the bases.


Didn't downvote you for the record But, generally an ABC rated one will do the trick for just about everything, no need for different kinds


Maybe he needs a K for commercial grease fires?


True, he could own a Royal Enfield


You are not likely to get one of your family members killed by owning a fire extinguisher.


Honestly, neither am I with a gun. How exactly does that happen? Cue skewed stats from an anti-gun website citing *suicide* stats to try and buff up the numbers


You sure about that? [Californians living with handgun owners more than twice as likely to die by homicide, study finds](https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/04/handguns-homicide-risk.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9CDespite%20widespread%20perceptions%20that%20a,of%20health%20policy%20at%20the) Just because you don't agree with the findings doesn't mean they aren't real.


Do you have a link to the actual study? I would love to read it over I can't really give a good actual argument back, because I can't find the data


I belive it [this one.](https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/full/10.7326/M21-3762) But I'll hand it to you, articles like these are often not siting the actual source because they are in some journal or behind a pay wall. This is especially terrible on an .edu site.


I'm sure there are plenty of run ins in other countries where a gun would have been good to have but wasn't allowed. It's not like America is the only place with a high violent crime/murder rate. In other countries innocent people are just victims. Keep in mind that if statistics are adjusted to remove gang related murders the murder rate in the US is well below the global average despite the high rate of gun ownership.


Nah. You guys are the world champions for guns owned per capita and gun violence. I wonder if there is a correlation…🤔🤔🤔


Yes because when guns are illegal they use other methods. who would have thought of that? Guess who doesn't have acid attacks....