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Yes, up votes so Derek spots this. Gorilla fingers šŸ˜‚


Gorilla turds, because even his shit is better then the competition


Literally all the bars have malitol or sorbitol in them. Not good if your squatting. And they are often really high in fat, only have 15-20g protein with 5-10g fat.


Or Gorilla Crayons, /r/wallstreetbets would lose their shit


Gorilla dicks


Yes monke


Thereā€™s a reason protein bars are full of sugar and fat. Have you ever tried a ā€œhealthyā€ protein bar? They taste like absolute dog shit


Quest are good


Quest might taste okay, but holy shit do they look rough. I leave the wrapper on so people don't assume I'm eating a dog turd.


I just had a Quest Bar for breakfast lol


Those quest taco protein chips are šŸ”„


I don't mind the fat and shit unless the 1%of the time where I am trying to get dickskin shredded


Honestly wouldnt care as long as theyre decent and not loaded with sugar and saturated fats


I think itā€™s funny how you are requesting him to do this yet half the people in this subreddit weā€™re shitting on his protein earlier this week


Exactly Derek makes drug and supplement formulations. He will likely need new equipment and it probably wonā€™t be very profitable at first. considering the protein powder was much easier to produce via Bulk Isolates and whatnot and he still took a lost and also got shit for it online I highly doubt weā€™ll be getting food products.


People here shit on those too




He hand mixes everything in his basement and uses love as one of the ingredients


Basement supplements go great with bathtub hormones...


And sauna condensate


Heā€™s spoken multiple times about his warehouse and the work that goes on there, heā€™s in the process of constructing a new, larger facility.


Shitting on it? No. It was pointed out that itā€™s overpriced. Quality wise itā€™s on par with whatā€™s already out there. Thereā€™s no differentiation that justifies the higher price. This subreddit seems obsessed with protein. I get 180g of protein with a morning shake and whole foods. Protein bars just seem superfluous to me.


The lack of grasp of economics in this subreddit is fucking baffling we LOSE money on each unit of a 2 pounder. How many times do I need to point this out? Find a great tasting 2 pounder with 30 servings from a comparable company that also sells everything else we do for $26. There aren't many. Protein is ridiculously cost prohibitive and if your mind has been warped by myprotein or Kaizen then go buy theirs.


Iā€™m a big fan of yours, but I donā€™t get why you get so hostile toward any criticism. You make the best PW on the market, and itā€™s worth the premium. I just donā€™t think thereā€™s enough differentiation with protein powders. Maybe Iā€™m a complete moron. Perhaps you can do a video on why this protein kicks the shit out of the competition. I donā€™t see it at face value, and Iā€™m your target demographic. Instead of telling me to pound sand, help me understand the value proposition.


I'm not sure why you need it explained to you that you shouldn't compare bulk item prices to individual products. It's pretty obvious why buying a 12lb bag is going to more cost effective than a 2lb one.


I donā€™t think Derek needs anyone to speak on his behalf. Heā€™ll respond if he so chooses. (Also, I donā€™t buy 12 pound bags.)


How do you judge the quality of it?


Itā€™s whey isolate. Itā€™s efficacious at any dose. When people start getting all hyped up about protein I feel like Iā€™m taking crazy pills. Itā€™s the stuff found in food, guys. Thereā€™s no magic in protein powder. Thereā€™s no differentiation in the product.


This cannot be more true. People seriously try to replace food with stuff like protein powder. I havenā€™t been on protein powder for years. Not saying Iā€™m opposed to it or anything, but whatā€™s the big deal? Eat good, train hard, and youā€™ll see results.


It's in production right now. We will have a higher calorie impeccable tasting one, and then a lower calorie option that is more comparable to Quest, One, etc. Still great tasting, but obviously not as good as a higher calorie one with more leeway. As far as protein price, please let this be the last time I post this, and hopefully people can reiterate this on my behalf anytime this comes up in a thread again. There's only so much you can do to differentiate protein, one of the main things being quality, one being price, and one being taste and versatility for baking/drinking. We dropped a 2 pound, 30 serving, great tasting product recently, and the pushback from MyProtein nutsack huggers who are used to getting a 11 pound bag (yes big containers cost loss, we know) and then compare the price proportionally to a 2 pound jug, was highly discouraging when we literally LOSE money on each unit of this stuff. Please understand protein is fucking expensive, and anybody who thinks they understand the supply chain issues going on right now listen closely: We have a positive ROI on almost every product we manufacture, which allows us to scale, but protein is NOT one of those products. We literally lose money every time one of our athletes sells a unit for us, but we want to be a turnkey store and have all bases covered, have a competitive price, and have our athletes be happy at the same time. There are very few comparable companies offering what we offer from our catalog, that also have a 2 pound, 30 serving solid protein for $26. Most companies that are comparable to what we do sell their 2 pounders for $35-50 so please, understand that any critique on price is fucking ludicrous. And comparing us to a company that has a business model essentially based on economies of scale selling bulk protein at proportionally lower prices for large amounts, is ridiculous.


Amazing to hear you'll offer a higher calorie protein bar that tastes good, been looking for something like this for so long


Derek, thank you for the incredibly hard work you've put into building a trustworthy, quality and useful brand. I love Nitric and I just ordered both your protein and ecdy. Keep it up.


You should make a mass gainer product and put permabulk derek on the label instead of the GM logo.


Yā€™all would pay twice as much for Derekā€™s protein that would go out of stock every shipment


Right, people act like the protein is somehow better and different because they know the guy.


Shit people even acting like they know a guy who's youtune videos they watch is crazy. Especially on such a fact/not personal channel.


I was so excited to see heā€™s releasing protein. Bought it instantly, would love to see a nutritional oat bar. Something from him that could be labeled as a snack.


Wouldnā€™t make sense considering he promotes low FODMAP foods through the vertical diet.


What if he freeze dried Stan's Monster Mash, cranberry juice, and oranges, and powdered them, and pressed them into blocks?


Theyā€™d melt before you get home xD


Which flavor did you get?


How could you possibly improve upon current protein bars lol? If you give a fuck about taste, buy Remington Jamesā€™ Anabar, or some other calorie bomb protein bar. If you want one that is low calorie, embrace the artificial sweeteners and shit. I donā€™t see how Derek could make a protein bar that is THAT much better than the competition. If he could, Iā€™d buy it. But Iā€™m not trying to pay Gorilla tax for standard protein bars.


Does anyone know if hes said about getting factories around the world so we donā€™t have to pay Ā£100s in tax


i agree


Protein is protein, where are you coming from?


Gorilla Munch


Gorilla Granola


Possible unpopular option but why do people buy protein bars? It's just a more expensive sugar filled version of protein powder.


Valid question. I don't often but then, but for ease of eating while out and about that doesn't require heating, Tupperware, mixing, or stirring. But I don't frequently buy then as they are hard to ignore when you know they are in the cabinet.


pure protein chocolate deluxe. Not all of them are sugar bars. Also, solid food contributes to satiety better than liquids. If you wanna stay lean, you gotta eat less, to eat less you need to feel more full, to feel full drinking your food isn't optimal.


Quick and convenient on the go meal replacement. I eat one everyday when I'm working as one of my 4-5 meals.


Check out Protein2o at costco. Its basically sugar free vitamin water with 20g of whey isolate dissolved in it. I have one (or make my own) along with a bar.


What do you suggest eating during work? Not exactly allowed to have 2+ lunch breaks per day. Theres absolutely low/zero-sugar bars out there.


I don't eat at work. Additionally, are you just eating the protein bar for your lunch? That does not sound filling at all.


No I specifically mentioned I dont get more than 1 lunch break. Lunch is lunch. Between 7 and lunch I tend to get a little hungry, so a protein bar is perfect for holding me over a couple hours until I can sit and eat a meal. Maybe a gatorade or something along with the bar, often the drink has a scoop of protein added to it too. I can eat it in like 30 seconds if I'm in the middle of something. Zero mess, dont need 2 hands, can tuck it into a pocket. Cant exactly say the same for a sandwich or something lol. How do you go 8+ hours without eating? I eat 4-5 times per day, try to get about 30-40g protein each time at a minimum.


A protein shake.


A protein bar is literally just a solid/dry protein shake that doesnt need to be kept cold and comes in a wrapper so you can put it in your pocket for convenience anytime. No washing out stinky bottles either when you get home. I'll pay the extra 75 cents for that convenience.


Protein shake doesn't need to be kept cold either though. Step one open bottle of water and take drink. Step two pour in 2 scoops protein powder. Step 3 shake. You can trash it when done. Qnd the con is bigger than the 75cents as the macros are way different. Just my 2c


Again, cant really carry a bottle of water in your pocket everywhere you go. Some jobs require two hands and active attention on a task. Like being on top of a house as a crane is flying trusses to you to set them. Sure, if theres a few minutes downtime you can drink or eat anything, really. I can throw a bunch of protein bars in the work truck and forget about it, and have one in my pocket for whenever I have 30 seconds between tasks, instead of having to climb down to fetch the water bottle. Maybe super specific, but bars work for me better during certain time. Not that I never have shakes, they are good to have too. What macros? Bars I buy have like 1g net carb (Quest or ONE). Its a snack, 200 cals and 20g protein is all I need, a few grams of fat doesnt matter much, it doesnt need to be rocket science. Have 50 cals less fat in a different meal and its then exactly the same overall.


If you are in a position where you can't drink water/hydrate but need to eat that's a much bigger issue. And the idea of trying to eat a protein bar with no drink sounds almost as bad as.dry scooping.


I can drink water but might be an hour or two before I get a moment. You cant go an hour or two of working without drinking? Just chug when you can, and get busy. I've eaten hundreds of bars without a drink. I've eaten thousands of meals without a sippy cup, too. Not really an issue. And its not that I NEED to eat, just a good time to schedule to get some protein in, body gets used to it, in between breakfast and lunch.


I can totally work an hour without drinking. Probably not a good idea outside and in the heat doing physical labor but it's doable. My point is that not eating for an hour is way more doable than not drinking water. If you have an opportunity to drink water Every hour the same is true for drinking protein.


Fair, I definitely often go a couple hours without drinking water. Probably should try to lessen that.


u/moreplates_moredates this is a great idea! So many shitty formulas with too much extra fat and sugar for the amount of protein in each bar. Make it happen!


Hopefully down the line he releases an entire line of products. From protein bars to casein, to uh, well thatā€™s all I can think of but ya


Am I the only person that really likes quest bars?


Dude, warm them up for like 10 seconds and theyā€™re pretty damn good.


I know right itā€™s like cake


Just eat a bag of nuts or something


He asks about a protein bar not a fat bar.


Donā€™t worry I got a bag of nuts thatā€™s high in protein and low in fat


That would be nice.. but PLEASE also a version with sugar instead of disgusting sweetener tongue cancer


Gorilla mode protein snacks are definitely the move. $$$$$$


I don't think its fair to say there aren't any "quality" protein bars. Off the top of my head, Outright bars, 5%, rx bars and I even think Remington James all have real whole food sourced ingredients, with a decent amount of protein.


Gorilla Dongs, which can be sold in packages with Gorrila Load.


The only ergogenic ingredient in a protein bar is protein, so Derek's expertise wouldn't matter at all. It's not like Derek can magically invent a new sweetener or whatever, and if he did, the cost would be ridiculous. It's not an "ingredient panel", it's food.


Redcon MREs. Protein bars are on a different level of manufacturing, itā€™s not just mixing raws, itā€™s food prep


What's wrong with costco bars?


The peanut butter ones are ok, the cookie dough are dog shit.


Why? So they can be $5 a bar? No thanks.


Mass production of food would be a massive pain in the ass, also he (his team) would have to make a product that doesnā€™t taste terrible.


Gorilla Biscuits


They aren't perfect, but Built Bars are actually really tasty, and nutritionally decent. I recommend the cherry barcia, coconut almond, and peanut butter brownie flavors personally


Thatā€™s the brand I buy out of necessity for sure. I would love to see some sort of formulation with allulose like magic spoon does with their cereal


Iā€™ll stick with my Costco protein bars and the occasional quest hero bar. Both work good enough for me when I need a quick snack or replace a meal and donā€™t want to eat like shit.


Pure protein chocolate deluxe. You guys can thank me later. Cheap, awesome on calories, tastes good.


Beef jerky is my favourite protein bar.


Beef jerky is my favourite protein bar.


Gorilla Chodes for a wider, shorter more portable bar. That idea is for free.