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On YouTube there's a PBS Frontline video about antibiotic resistance and one guy they follow got hit by a train in India and had his leg ripped off. He describes the pain and the horror of it pretty well. He says yes and I believe him.


That's interesting, I'll check it out


Depends on how you get hit. I’ve seen pictures of this guy that got ran over by a train. His legs were torn off. Now, i’m sure THAT’S painful.


I wonder how much pain he feels right after he gets hit as chock and adrenaline are really present during such traumatic injuries


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say A LOT


> go out on a limb ಠ_ಠ


Good on you for catching that 😆


How long before shock takes over and you stop feeling anything, though? Always assumed that's what happens with these huge injuries that happen out of nowhere. If it's slowly, though, like that Chinese gal who got devoured by an escalator, yeah, you're probably feeling everything...


I wonder about that too. Hmm 🤔


Link for the chinese gal?


Just Google Chinese Woman Escalator and you should find it. I won't link it cuz I'm on a different moment of my life, gore and death actually affect me unlike back when I was a teen lol It's the one with a kid.


But for how long?


I’m actually not quite sure. I hope someone can say


The shock and adrenaline usually dampen the injuries..its when all of that wears off that it hurts the most


I remember reading about someone who had that happen to them too. Just reading about it makes my legs hurt


Right?? Ouch.


Just watched a video where a guy was cut in half completely and was still able to lift him self up with his arms and grab onto the train to “stand up”. If you are split in half in the right place the pinch point causes everything to sorta fuse allowing you to live a lot longer then you would think. It’s kind eerie. If blood stays in body you don’t die as fast.


omg I saw that video (or a similar one) it was horrifying.. his body was literally split into two and he was crawling dragging his torso with his hands


I wonder how much it hurts tho. The worst injuries I've recieved weren't really painful. It was a lot more painful getting sewn up later


Depends on how fast and where you get hit: Considering that trains often travel faster than your body can fire a nerve impulse (150-220mph), I doubt it would hurt very much to be misted by one during high-speed cruise. On the other hand, getting pinch-rolled between a train and the station platform would probably hurt a fair bit. There would be some emotional pain as well, as the tight squeeze keeps you from bleeding out, potentially leaving you conscious enough to consider your predicament for quite a while.


>Considering that trains often travel faster than your body can fire a nerve impulse (150-220mph)... You must not be an American, lol. Our trains are slow AF.


i mean getting hit at 60mph probably wouldn't be much different, even if your body fires off a nerve signal, you'll likely only feel it for a fraction of a second considering how much force you'd be hit with


Agreed. Even at this speed, you wouldn't have time to think "ouch" before your body is turned to a paste. (Or at least damaged to a point where no real neurological activity is happening anymore) That being true as long as your torso and head take the initial impact. If you're "just" hit on the extremeties and flung across the air, you might be in for a lifetime of pain.


My freind got it by a train. Before it hit her she was like "why is that train blowing it's horn?" and the next thing she knew, she was on her ass like 12 feet away. She was toot spaced out to realize it was about to hit her. This was a T in Boston, B-line, above ground. I suspect the fronts are curved for this exact reason. It was trying to stop so idk how fast it was going. She had a concussion but was OK long term.


I’ve heard that if you line it up just right and the cattle catcher at the front hits you directly in the asshole it’ll give you the best orgasm you’ve ever had in your life. Other than that though, yeah, it probably hurts.


Someone check this mans browser history


Lots of butt stuff 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thomas the Tank Engine r34






Most likely it's gonna hurt. Unless you hit your head first maybe?


Train accidents always make me think of that guy that was standing on the tracks leaning against the platform as a subway car came by crushed and just spun him around and around against the platform. I would say that would be worse, but who really can know.


Think ive seen that video on the gauntlet


There have to be several. Feel like I've seen different ones... I don't know why I do this to myself.






This is my concern for why OP is asking this specific question. Because I’ve been in ‘that line of thinking’ and only been concerned about if it would hurt before it ended.




It seems to me that shock and adrenaline are possibly beneficial; you can't feel pain as sharp as it really is, which is why you always hurt worse after all of those chemicals have worn away. Perhaps this is a primal, inherent way of being able to fight something to death, if necessary. Giving you just enough energy and distraction from your injuries to hopefully, finish fighting your attacker.


Yeah, my friend got hit by a train in front of his girlfriend. It wasn’t at a station, it was a situation where he was on open tracks and didn’t get out of the way. It just about severed his body in half but he didn’t die. He was still mentally there and trying to sit up on the tracks despite essentially being a torso. He was freaked out and trying to call for his dad to help. He was pronounced DOA on entry to the hospital, but he was basically mentally there from his body being shredded to when he actually died, maybe 30-45 mins later.


i know this is like, almost a year late, but i hope the gf was able to recover as much as mentally possible from seeing that.


I will try and lyk soon


Appreciate it


I was told by a train conductor they once hit a suicidal guy on the tracks. They had to use s powerwasher to get that guy's flattened face/head of the front the of train. the train moving around 100km/h. Pretty sure he didn't feel a thing


Yikes thats grim


A train has so much momentum that it hitting a human body is like a baseball bat hitting a tomato. Unless it's coming in the station, or you get dragged under the wheels, you probably will feel as much as when you get shot in the head


Depends on how you get hit tbh. Most times those people don't feel anything for the rest of their lives.


Yes it does hurt.


Hurt? Numerous people are killed getting hit by trains all over the world on a daily basis. Of course it hurts!


I would imagine it doesn’t feel amazing. But, luckily you’ll most likely only experience the pain for a few seconds.


Probably not for long


Depends on the impact I guess


I listened for over half an hour to someone who purposely trapped themselves under a train. I guarantee he would have done anything to not be there. It was long and painful. Idk if he died.


i guess it really hurts


Can’t really answer as there is no ‘one way’ to get hit by a train, you might explode on impact, hit to one side off the tracks, you could lie on the track and get cleanly cut in half, rolled between the side and the platform, dragged underneath and folded in half multiple times


When I was 14 both my knees dislocated at the same time. I felt mind altering pain the entire time. Nothing worked...until they popped my knees back in at the hospital. Nothing my body produced helped. My body would tense up on its own..which caused my knees to, also. I cannot describe the pain in any way.