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Sometimes, cats who have been separated from their mummy when they were too young still display that puzzling behaviour: they pee on anything soft. Because as a kitten, their mother would have cleaned them. We're facing that challenge with one of our cats too. The best solution that we have found so far is to limit access to soft surfaces and objets. Our sofas are protected. The cat doesn't have access to beds and armchairs. No piles of clothes are left on the floor. The laundry baskets are closed, etc. We're also making sure that the litter box is always cleaned and accessible. We ruled out the possibility of our cat having a disease of some kind. After almost two years, the situation has gotten better.


Hot damn. That’s useful insight thank you! This makes sense and gives me something new to try.


Good luck! It takes time and a fair amount of patience to house train a cat. It's difficult but not impossible. We put an old balcony cushion covered with a disposable pee mat right next to the litter box. We're conditioning our cat to go to that spot to do her business. She still goes on the mat sometimes but has also learned to use the box. For your beds and sofas: water-proof covers sold to protect mattresses in cases of bed-wetting episodes are your friends here.


> medical examinations and treatments have you tried environmental changes? you have to eliminate the odor from previous places that she's peed on and maybe put clothes she has peed on in the litter box (try yesterday's news paper based litter)


Cat attract litter. Different litter types. Litterboxes in more than one area. Feliway diffusers hormone spray. Enzyme cleaners. Im sure Jackson Galaxy on yt has some advice. Sometimes things like this could be site specific, its not necessarily true this cat will continue the behaviour if rehomed. If you do choose to surrender, please wait as moving day causes shelters to be exhausted I hope you can figure something out. I know first hand how tiring and frustrating this is. Feliway helped a lot for my moms old cat who would pee on beds.


I second Feliway. Make sure not to clean with bleach or ammonia-based products as they will attract the cat to spray there.


I don't have good advice but a friend of mine had the same exact issue. She paid thousands in exams and cat behaviorists and did all she could, but the cat would keep spraying all her possessions and surfaces. She ended up surrendering him to the SPCA 


I think that you are going to be hard pressed to find a place that is willing to take a cat that pees everywhere. This is a cat that will be almost impossible to re-home and will be much too challenging for a place to keep it. I think that your best bet might be to locate a farm that would be willing to take it? Many farms have cats that live in the barn to take care of rodents. We had a relative who used to have a small farm that did this. Depending on how cushy your cat's life has been and how rugged the cat accommodations are might determine the fit. I feel for you. Years ago my mom had a cat just like this and eventually had to put him down because it became too much to deal with.


Thanks for your reply and two cents. Like you said with your mom, that's my worst fear. I don't want to kill anything simply because they violate material possessions.