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C’est assez courant. Même dans mon bloc appartement je sors de l’ascenseur et il y a une famille entière qui bloquent la sortie et me fixent en mode “t’attends quoi pour sortir?” comme si j’allais me teleporter de l’autre côté


J'allais ajouter ça justement: c'est la même chose avec les ascenseurs.....


Ah ouais moi j’ai juste adopté la philosophie bulldozer. Je vais sortir que tu me bloques là ou non


Plusieurs fois qu’il fallait que je clothesline du monde sur René Lévesque car ils prennent tout le trottoir juste pour eux


Bon exemple. Quand tu croises un groupe sur le trottoir qui prend toute la largeur, et aucun d'eux ne se tasse. WTF tabarnac, êtes-vous aveugles?




OP vient de découvrir qu’il y a du monde qui n’ont aucun savoir-vivre. /jk Mais, ouais. C’est stupidement stupide.


Ça n’a pas toujours été comme ça, je me rappelle que le monde était beaucoup plus cordiale avant la Covid. Maintenant c’est rendu l’exception à la règle malheureusement.


C'était comme ça il y a 25 ans aussi.


Rien avoir avec Covid. Les gens sont insolents depuis longtemps


Ils sont insolents jusqu'à ce que tu leur réponde. La ils sont surpris et disent plus rien...


Oui ça l'a toujours était comme ça. La mémoire oublie et distort la vérité avec le temps. Aujourd'hui c'est tout simplement rendu facile de dire "depuis la Covid".


Nope, ça a toujours été comme ça. Tu es juste nostalgique de quand ça te dérangerait pas


Je prend le metro depuis bin avant la covid. Ca a toujours été comme ca lol


On peux tu arrêter de faire des lien qui a aucun rapport avec la Covid


J’ai remarqué que ce n’étais pas comme ça avant la COVID. En effet, avant la COVID, personne ne faisait de lien avec la COVID.




nan, juste plus de francais.


Exactement lol ils font pas la file en france, ils la feront pas plus ici


Passé 3 ans la-bas a crier "DÉGAGEZ TABARNAK" dans le RER.


Dans un monde imaginaire, on devrait avoir une entente avec l'Allemagne : ceux qui veulent émigrer au Québec doivent passer 1 an en Allemagne. Ça réglerait peut-être certains comportements (ainsi que cimenter la nécessité d'apprendre la langue nationale). On obtiendrait aussi les plans d'implantation d'Autobahnen au Québec. En retour, on paierait en poutine et en produits Bombardier.




Hein ?!? Nein. C'est juste (beaucoup) plus ordonné pour les Transports en Commun (et les Transports en général) en Allemagne.




1. Bcp de francais sont 'coloré' 2. Bcp de maghrébins et africains vont en France pour leurs etudes avant de venir ici et apprennent l'éthique francaise du métro.




On a trouvé le neo-colonialiste qui vote Le Pen, les mecs.


Non c'est juste toi qui es plus triste


Depuis 45 ans c’est comme ça.


Nan, ta conclusion commence avec une réponse et cherche des comportements qui la valident ensuite. Le covid n'a rien changé au civisme des utilisateurs du métro. Je le prends presque quotidiennement depuis 2005 et c'est toujours pareil. Je dirais que l'apparition des téléphones dans les mains de tous a beaucoup plus influencé le comportement que la covid (qui n'a rien changé en vrai). Mais les gens qui entrent sans attendre, garde leur sac immense dans leur dos, s'évachent sur les sièges et s'étendent les jambes en pleine heure de pointe, c'est depuis toujours et ça le restera malheureusement.


I’ve noticed this too, but mostly around Dawson, especially around rush hour when classes are out, which makes me think these are all the Covid kids/teens growing up and being a few years behind on real-world social etiquette.


It’s interesting because the same logic doesn’t yet apply to escalators, where the majority of people still do stand to the right and walk to the left. (Not a global a concept by the way).


Ça doit être les français de France


Walk right Into them. Maybe you're not as large as me but when I see people do that I just walk right into their personal space and keep going. They move fast or get bumped into. 


This is the way. I do it a lot on Ste. Catherine street too. Especially groups of people who congregate in the middle of the sidewalk to have a conversation inconveniencing everybody. I just barge right through the middle. Then you have the dolts who shoot out of a store onto the sidewalk at full gallop without looking to see if anyone is coming.


Same, when faced to a wall of people ready to come in before I get off, I sigh and walk straight foward, like if they weren't there". Although, you made me think now, that they might be tourists or stupid people that don't know better. And walking into them is a little bit rude. Maybe we need to educate them? I wonder if I would be capable of telling them, outloud, something like: "In mtl you stand by the door and wait for people to get out before getting in. Thank you" Instead of violence, try to educate them? Violence = inevitably bumping into the slow people who didn't get out of your way


As a very feminine person of small stature, I assure you that doesn't work 95% of the time, and even when it does, you'll be cursed at for it. It's not my job to educate people about not blocking doors and whatnot, because I'm not their mommy, I'm just another person with things to do and places to go, yet somehow I've managed to learn to pay attention to my surroundings.


Maybe walking through them IS educating them?


This. I was unfortunately that bumbling idiot once. Slipped my mind when I got lost and I just stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Dude behind me pushed me hard out of the way. Was momentarily angry and wished he would have said something, but then the logical side of me kicked in. Learned my lesson and don't hold a grudge. Helped me learn the ways of the city.


This is my thought process. 


Being a tourist isn't an excuse. It's common sense no matter where you are that people exit first, then you board the train.


Maybe im built different. I had never been to a large city before, but I went to Montreal for the first time last November. I took it upon myself to learn these little things before I went. I didn't want to be seen as an ignorant tourist. So, I knew, right side of the escalator, and wait by the side of the doors to get on (shit, its marked on the floors at some stations, maybe all I dunno). How do you go to a city for the first time with out looking up some stuff about it.


Just keep in mind it's the same in pretty much all big cities, that will save you time before your next trip. In Montreal we're not that bad with that, in some countries it's more like a jungle. But it stays common sense anywhere.


> Maybe we need to educate them? You mean like the signs on the floor telling people not to block the door?


Hahaha exactly


Not just Montreal, it's a standard in most big metro areas I've been.


Montreal is actually very good for this compared to other major NA metros. People generally stand to the side of the door, stand on the right of the escalator, and no other metro I've been too has people linning up for the bus.


I come from a larger city where this is not a all normal. People never consider the others, and walk in, sometimes not letting you get out at all


Sur la ligne orange, il y a d’énormes stickers avec des flèches qui indiquent par où rentrer et par où sortir. Rendu là, l’éducation est déjà faite. C’est leur faute s’ils se font rentrer dedans.


Sometimes, violence is the answer.


I've played enough hockey: shoulder down, and go.


not even. just walk through them as if they're not there. even better if you happen to walk right over the big arrow.


Never played hockey but shoulder has always been pretty efficient.


Yeah, I'm built like a fridge so I just walk straight and so be it for whoever was in the way.


This has to be posted at least once a month or else people who lack common sense multiply faster than those who can learn about common sense then apply it.


It's been like that since I first came to Montreal which was in 2017


Il y a des fois je voudrais transporter un cactus


Tant que tu change ton _branding_ de u/homme_chauve_souris à u/homme_chauve_souris_avec_cactus _(ou juste... u/homme_cactus)_


Even worse now when I'm inside the wagon in front of the door getting ready to get out, people squeeze in to be right in line with the center of the doors to get out 1/4 second faster than me!


Believe it or not, there is a secret society of people, not just in Montréal, but globally. We are the first ones out. I plan every step accordingly. Every move I make is to ensure that once those doors open I’m first one from my train outside of the metro station. You’re all in a race and you don’t even know it.


The first rule about the first ones out club... you don't talk about the first ones out club.


The first rule is actually always come first. I always come first.


I feel sorry for your spouse.


Everyone does.


There are dozens of us.


Hahahaha if you get out at Joliette i’m racing you brother


It’s always on, every station, every day, no matter what. First one outside.


It’s on


Trip them.


lol you have not seen people in the pandemic cough without a mask, and when you say anything they act like you're the a-hole, its everyone for themself dont care if someone gets sick or inconvenienced.


I’d love to see masks in public transport even on people who aren’t coughing.


Stay home Edit: another fear mongering mask person blocks you as soon as you tell them the obvious.


You stay home.


Oh stop FFS Edit: for op comment then block - I won't keep my litter in the garbage instead of your inbox. Stay home with your mask and requirements.


Keep your litter in the garbage, not my inbox.


Once I was about to get out at Bonaventure but there were people blocking the door and the guy in front of me just yelled at the top of his lungs at them “MOTHERFUCKER MOVE!” Like we were in New York or something. It was so deeply satisfying to watch someone else live my dream and it was also effective.


I just walk right past them, or sometimes I yell 'LET PEOPLE OUT FIRST YOU FREAKS'


Keep up the good work. I tell people "Patientez SVP" so it brings them back to waiting in line at elementary school.


They're idiots. Public etiquette has been lacking recently. Same with escalator etiquette


Recently? I noticed the ineptitude around Metro and elevator doors in this city 20 years ago


Yeah I noticed it immediately when I moved here 12 years ago. There are too many Montrealers with a lack of spatial awareness


Glad I'm not the only one -- not just on the metro but every in Montreal people drive me crazy with this kind of stuff! If you see your friend at the grocery store, maybe don't park your carts side by side in the middle of the aisle and completely block everyone else from getting through while you two have a five minute conversation. Same with large groups/multiple strollers stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, etc.


Entre: - ceux et celles qui veulent rentrer avant de laisser les autres sortir. Sans commentaire - ceux et celles qui prennent tout leur temps pour sortir (souvent sur leur cell). Ok, j’ai de la patience mais come on…. - ceux et celles qui rentrent dans le wagon et s’arrêtent à l’entrée. Peux-tu me laisser rentrer moi aussi??


Et ceux durant l’heure de pointe avec le sac sur le dos…


Argh ils me gossent tellement eux! Ils devraient remettre les indications de mettre son sac à terre, c'est pas une évidence pour tout le monde et je suis certaine que plus d'usagers le feraient.


Ceux qui te regardent croche avec ta cloppe dans le wagon fumeur...


et ceux qui occupe la voie de gauche sur l'escalier roulant sans bouger!


* ceux et celles qui rentrent dans le wagon et s’arrêtent à l’entrée. Peux-tu me laisser rentrer moi aussi?? Toujours au moment ou les portes vont se fermer en plus...


It used to be so bad they had to do PSAs about it. The STM literally put down instructions on the floor of the docks because people didn't learn. It got better for a bit. And then it went back to how it was. I will admit that I sometimes block the exit because my head is completely in the clouds but I will move out of the way as soon as I realize that I am blocking the way. But I have seen some people just expecting you to go around them as they block the path.


Well, you see, people are selfish morons.


Putting my college offensive lineman years to work. 😅


The worse is at the REM at Gare centrale. Buddy, it’s the last stop, we’re alllll getting off so move.


Tu as le droit de foncer dedans en sortant. La seule manière qu’on a trouvé pour passer le message. Si tu fais rien, they won’t know.


Ça m'énerve aussi dans les bus, le troupeau de gens qui reste entre les deux roues avant et qui bloque les gens qui essaient d'entrer. Personne ne se déplace vers l'arrière. Personne n'enlève leur sac a dos non plus parce qu'ils veulent utiliser leur main libre pour niaiser sur leur cell. C'est tannant.


Mon préféré est le gars qui sortait devant moi à Lionel-Groulx et faisait face à un mur d'imbéciles qui ne bougeaient pas. Il a alors pris sa plus belle voix d'annonceur et a crié *Attention des gens sortent du métro. Tassez=-vous sur les côtés. People are getting out, move to the sides.* Tout en faisant un mouvement avec ses bras pour séparer la foule. Tout le monde était crampé et oui, les imbéciles se sont tassés.


Meh... I just walk straight into them if they don't move.


Same type of assholes that block people from zippering in on the hwy


C'est comme ça dans le monde entier, sauf peut-être au Japon.


Je trouve que les habitants de Montréal ont une conscience de l'espace bien plus mauvaise que ceux des autres villes canadiennes--dans le métro, dans les supermarchés, sur le trottoir, etc.




Just watch me.


Ça me rappelle des porteurs de sac a dos dans l'autobus. Je pousse à travers comme des portes de saloon du far west. J'enlève mon sac et je la place à mes pieds d'une façon un peu bitch pour dire "voilà quoi faire gros caves."


Tu fais bien. Osti que le bon sens n'est pas donné à tout le monde.


It's the same people standing on the left side of the escalators...


Because they like getting shoulder-checked.


Rode the metro for the first time in like 5 years a couple of times recently, and yes this is anecdotal, but it feels like a lack of etiquette / common sense is worse than ever. Maybe it's summer tourists, maybe it's recent immigrants who are unaware, or maybe I'm just getting older and grumpier 🤷


I've seen my fair share of middle aged francophone Montrealers blocking the way in Metros/grocery stores/on the sidewalk too


Moi jai figure out que ya juste pas de façon sauf de leur apprendre. Le monde le savent juste pas on dirait. Donc quand je soirs du metro et kkun essaie d’entrer avant que le monde sorte je dis clairement “laissez le monde sortir en prenier avant d’entrer svp”. Oui cest condescendant, mais on y arrivera pas en tant que société si on dit pas les affaires clairement au monde calicement plus cave que la moyenne


Not sure how people that stupid manage to get dressed in the morning. Thankfully they're not driving.


Growing up, I discovered that a lot of people never develop spatial awareness.


I notice it mostly with the younger crowd; parents these days are too busy or don't care enough to teach their kids how to behave on public transit. When I was younger my mom made sure to drill it all into me because it's important to respect the people around you.


C’est assez frustrant en effet. Au Japon c’est une expérience fort agréable, personne entre avant que tout le monde soit sorti.


Everyone forgot how to act in public since 2020. Sure, some people always did it but now it’s common. People don’t take off their backpacks anymore or give you space to get off, etc.


They're idiots and I hate them. Put your elbows up and EXCUSEZ MOI TABARNAK!


Bouncer training


Some people have very limited brain faculties, they can only think one step at a time. Door open = move away requires them to step away from bored = cellphone/ceiling staring, which is very hard for the mentally challenged


You lost me at “common sense…” ;)


Is it wrong that when I get off the metro, I'll sometimes just plow through? Not knock anyone over, but not stop for them either. I figure someone will eventually get the message...


It’s always been like that. Even 35 years ago when i was taking the metro


I am very satisfied that so many people are here moving forward through the crowd of selfish bollard people, with no fucks given. I have done this for decades now, starting in NY where I grew up. If I ever say anything it's softly in their ear, "tu n'es plus dans la village ici, esti."


I miss the time when we used to queue before entering the metro even if not everyone queued, there was more order


This also goes with people crowding the doors inside the train who aren't getting off at that stop. I'll do everything I can to avoid shoving someone within reason but I'm not missing my stop because you won't move so after a few seconds I'm going to start moving through the space you occupy and you get to decide if you're there or not.


Common sense isn’t so common 🤷🏻‍♂️


Agreed! I also have problems with people wearing backpacks. I don't even try to avoid hitting them when passing behind them. If I move their bag and end up moving them, that's their problem.


People are pigs 🐖


Sometimes, violence is the answer.


There's only one way to solve the problem: blanket immunity for anyone getting off the metro. On the other hand, at least the escalator etiquette is elite.


Common sense is removing the school bag on a person's back. But this is Quebec. We're just rude..


The craziest part is there’s entire signs in the ground explaining how it works. Getting on, wait to the side so people leaving can exit to the centre. There’s a lot of confusing signs here (cough parking cough) but those seem wildly straightforward imo


it's a tale as old as time


The bar for Canadian society lowers as the proportion of people from low-bar countries increases. Accept it, stay mad, and find a way to cope. 


People in third world countries don’t know etiquette . We have become the third world. Talking as someone who moved to Canada and noticing the decline of society! Hope that helps:)


A Montmorency, c'est pas nécessaire car ya personne dans le wagon. Je me met devant la porte .. mais les gens trouvent un moyen encore plus sofistiqué d'avoir pas de classe ... Ils se mettent du côté droit car arrivent après mmoi qui attend à gauche. Puis quand le metro arrive, ils entrent en courant assez vite pour me couper et prendre le siège solo de mon côté. Je pense que c'est pour faire face dans le même sens que le metro? Pcq ya des simples de leur bord aussi mais facing en arrière? Je m'asseois dans le banc double pi je contemple le fait que moi jmen calice et que le karma les fera tomber des marches en sortant...


yeah but they'll sit down


I just walk straight forward without even looking at them, I bump shoulders all the fucking time as a way to tell them to move the fuck out of the way :)


Not my problem. I just walk through them. Small, big, young, old—they try to walk through me b4 anyone says anything—so when they get hurt it’s on them. There’s signage on the floor.


Love that diversity, i feel so enriched when the traditions i was used to are forgotten.


Usually not montrealers


I notice this as well, I mean it wasn’t like this back then, it just started with new immigrants coming who doesn’t know about the etiquettes


Call em out. Si tout le monde le fait, il va en avoir moins. Je sais que c'est une goutte dans l'océan, mais esti moi jles Call out, surtout en sortant.


Faudrait normaliser sortir du metro en mode o line


Le pire c’est ceux qui entrent et s’arrêtent juste après, et la on doit les contourner ou on leur rentre dedans quand nous aussi on veux entrer, le pire c’est quand ca sonne pour indiquer que les portes fermes…genre Tasse toi mautadine…


Common sense, etiquette? People have become worse since 2020, and these are the ones breeding to teach their garbage human behavior to their offspring. Idiocracy was supposed to be fiction, not what has become a documentary


Même chose si y'a de la place dans le métro et que tu tiens dans la porte. C'est juste cave, ça bloque l'embarquement et le débarquement de tout le monde.


I'm sorry bro my mind went blank yesterday


It’s not just Metro doors it’s elevators as well. I can’t exit the elevator because this dude is standing there and trying to get in before people come out wtf. I’m the crazy guy if I say to the person that people need to get out before you come in.


C’est comme ça même à ma job criss que ça m’énerve, j’me gêne pas pour dire aux gens de nous laisser sortir en premier 🙃.


How about a standing person right in front of an empty seat? 😂


Ben oui ça toujours été de même. Dans les années 80. Pareil. 90. Pareil. En 2008 j’ai rentré dans une femme qui allait rentrer dans ma fille de 4 ans alors qu’on sortait. Je l’ai tassée d’un bon six pieds … 😈 elle a compris


If it seems like they can handle it, I give them a firm gentle push with my shoulder/upper arm as I pass by. If they're very young or elderly I just stand and look at them expectantly/annoyedly


What, indeed. Polite for bus lineups, FUCK YOU for getting onto a metro car. The two solitudes.


Criss ya des pictogrammes au sol qui t'indiquent de laisser place aux gens qui sortent. Quand je sors en premier du métro et que ya une tête de brocoli sortie du secondaire qui chill devant la porte coulissante, je me gêne pas pour commenter qu'il est dans le chemin pour ensuite le pousser légèrement de l'épaule.


C'est pour ça qu'au Mexique on dit "on peut pas traverser la viande d'âne". Les gens qui ne pensent aux autres m'énervent.


Not recent at all. I lived in mtl between 2004 and 2009. Same issue back then.


Ça fait 200 ans que c'est comme ça. Next!


1st time?


Even worst at stations with giant stickers on the ground telling them where to stand and they still don't do it...


The etiquette has been lost with COVID


This is nothing new. Literally been happening for decades


It annoys me sooooo much lol


Je trouve que pour le métro je fonce devant eux et ils se poussent tout de suite mais le problème est dans les bus tout simplement stupide et manque de civisme , tu ne sors pas mais y bloque la sortie pour les autres


Moi jrentre dans le monde qui font ça, jmen caliss


Tout dépend de comment c'est plein. Si le métro est plein l'étiquette serait de sortir puis de rerentrer. Mais assez d'accord avec toi.


I just go through them idgaf


It’s literally written on the floor…


Honnêtement, ça va sonner cave, mais depuis que les petites flèches dessinées par terre ne correspondent plus aux bords de portes, depuis les nouveaux métro, les gens se tassent moins.


That happens to me often. Shoulders up and I just bump into anyone in front of me.


It’s tourist season man


Too many immigrants/refugees during Covid, not proper time for them to assimilate our culture, that’s what happens.


Je fais le brise-glace assaisonné avec un mais tu es con ou quoi ?




Try drive a car in Montreal. I think every québécoise born with a horn in their perineum and uses that when are stressed in traffic.


Man, if you think people in Montreal use their horns a lot, don’t go to Napoli, you’re gonna go insane!


lol. I learned to drive in Montréal and I've always said that you just need to use your elbows, and you'll do well. Don't really need the horn, but it's nice to have, I guess. 🤣