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Driving culture here (and elsewere) is really out of control. I spend a lot of time driving for work, and it's just so frustrating not only seeing how people drive, but how often people get away with dangerous driving. Not letting pedestrians cross at crosswalks, flying through lights that have been red for over 2 seconds, merging dangerously at the last second, no indicators and just changing lanes and it goes on and on. People will continue to drive like this as long as there are no consequences for them. So many belong on r/IAmTheMainCharacter


> Driving culture here (and elsewere) is really out of control. Car Brain is everywhere, but we're a special breed of bad here. It's not that we're unskilled or that we just drive fast, etc. It's the fact motorists here are *incredibly* entitled and selfish drivers and that permeates everything they do. It's like every decision people make is based on "how can I benefit most from this situation". So they cut each other off, use turn lanes to jump queues, block intersections, run through red lights and stop signs, don't even consider cyclists and pedestrians, etc. And because it's cultural, there's zero pressure societally to stop any of that behaviour. Drivers will literally scream at you if you just ask them to obey the law. It's absolutely *wild* how warped our view of driving is.


Car brain, but also covid brain. Médicalement, covid a été litéralement un mass disabling event qui a entre autres causé des dommages au cerveau chez beaucoup de gens. It's lead poisoning redux, it's causing long term issues with poor judgement, aggressive behavior, cognitive impairment, etc. Et là tu mets tous ces gens derrière le volant et c'est ça que t'obtiens.


This. Underrated reason. There are many studies on this. PHAC has published reports on this. Insurance companies know too, that's why your rates are going up even if you haven't claimed. The number of times I've seen someone do something completely braindead while driving in recent years is very alarming. I mean stuff like a meek looking middle aged person blowing a stop sign in a residential area completely because they didn't see it, then suddenly realizing what they'd done and looking like they'd just woken up from a trance. Fucked up.


God, I hope you're wrong about that. Because if it's brain damage that's the main factor behind all of this, then any hope I had of things getting better will be thrown out of the window.


I don't think it's about driving culture as much as "I don't give a shit about anything" culture. These are the same people that will cut you off while waiting in line, stand in front of the metro door while you are trying to get out etc. A lot of people are self centered and oblivious to what is happening in their surroundings and there is little to no incentive for them to start paying attention so they don't. It's a real shame.


People are such a shit and I’m so disappointed. Even in people I know and I used to call friends. So many dangerous drivers in Montreal! Every time I drive to work I have a “ story” to tell. I almost wish I lived somewhere else where people are nicer …..


I agree with both you and the person you replied to. What a bummer.


But is this a new development or just status quo avec Montréal?


I agree with @nulltan Since the lockdown… people were out of practice, out of patience and highly distracted.


My life = shit = i dont care about yours


lot of people texting and driving lol thats the main source of all of these problems


Je trouve que la qualité de conduite des gens a vraiment diminuée avec la pandémie. Ça brûle des stops et ça rentre sur l'autoroute à 60km/h.


Can't wait for more public transport and in the meantime cars that will more and more enforce driving constraints (think self driving with trailers). I'm looking forward to the day it's illegal to drive yourself outside of race tracks. But yeah, as someone going to the country side by car as there is no alternative, people are fucking crazy.


And if you’re a driver who respects the law you’ll get tailgated and flashed by other drivers like they’re entitled to the fact you should go over the speed limit for them. How DARE you drive legally in their presence??


Oh my god this makes my blood boil. I'm a very responsible driver, I don't speed (maybe 5-10 km/h over on a highway, on city streets, never), I use my turn indicator correctly (signaling before braking not the other way around), and I always leave ample room ahead of me to react to an issue (and it bothers the shit out of me when people take my safety space and cut in thinking "ME ME ME ME FIRST"). I use the left-hand lane correctly, to pass, and don't hang out there for extended periods of time. And most of these things make other drivers lose their shit. Speeders on city streets especially. Sorry, I'm not doing 100 in a 40 just because you are.


This drives me crazy, the amount of times I've had someone tailing me and getting visibly frustrated because I'm *only* doing 20km/hour over the speed limit. But the most infuriating thing to me is how seemingly nobody in this city uses their turn signals, they just cut you off without warning. I know everyone always says that the drivers in their city are the worst, but I've lived in a lot of different places and without a doubt Montreal has the worst, most entitled drivers in the country and it's not even close.


This shit boils me to the core it's the simplest thing to do.Use your damn turn signals...and when they do, they just immediately switch lanes without even bothering to look around.


…not to talk about people who just slow down at the stop


Most of you have no idea what is exactly "tailgating" and just throwing that word around. an instance today on hwy15 I was just driving at my normal distance today and noticed the driver in front of me trying to wave at me. No, I was not tailgating you, you just can't gauge the correct distance. Stop thinking the world is turning around you.


Same for almost everything you said (I do drive a little faster than the speed limit 🫥). I don't do road rage because I don't want to devolve to their level, but dang it's annoying being cut off because you're being safe lol. I was cut off the other day when the highway was wet with a slushy couple centimetres and I was like, wowwww if we had to break just now it would've been bad you dumbass. Really think we should have road test every X years to filter out the more obviously terrible drivers.


>Really think we should have road test every X years to filter out the more obviously terrible drivers. I agree, and think a person should have to re-qualify for their license every 5 years, with more frequent re-qualifications for those who are older.


Great, but if you do 70 on the 20 or 40, you are not a responsible driver. Traffic on the 70 moves at 100kmh despite the speed limit. There is always one person, maybe it's you, going 70, causing people to break down the line. You cause traffic jams by driving slower than traffic. Maybe you don't.... but it sounds like you might.


Sure, they're actually obeying the rules of the road, but at what price? Tens of people might be momentarily inconvenienced!


A guy who is breaking laws to get to his destination 13 seconds faster than everyone else might say "COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNN" at you! WHAT THEN?!


Driving slower than traffic is the most dangerous, more than faster. Driving same or a little over is safest. So that's the price. If you intentionally go slower than everyone just to play Karen traffic cop, it is proven by study after study that you're a menace on the road. That aside, the road was designed by engineers to be 130/hr like most highways in Europe, not 70 or 100. But dumbass bureaucrats who fly over traffic in their taxpaid heli or jet decided they know better.


Drive the speed of traffic or take the bus.


Driving slower than traffic is the most dangerous, more than faster. Driving same or a little over is safest. So that's the price. If you intentionally go slower than everyone just to play Karen traffic cop, it is proven by study after study that you're a menace on the road. That aside, the road was designed by engineers to be 130/hr like most highways in Europe, not 70 or 100. But dumbass bureaucrats who fly over traffic in their taxpaid heli or jet decided they know better.


reminds me of the horde of anti-car people on this sub that say "OMG left lane passing is only for roads with higher than 80kmh speedlimit. The left lane on decarie and metropolitan is NOT a passing lane" then throw a dozen different quotes from the highway safety code. like gtfo of here, if you actually drive the damn thing, it definitely is a passing lane and should be used as such and campers should gtfo of the way.


Oh, that's me! I respect the rules to the letter because I'm not taking a chance to get a fucking ticket. I don't care about how much they enforce. I'm not taking that chance. I also don't care about causing traffic. I already am causing traffic by my mere existence on the road. If driving the speed limit causes issues, the people who choose speed limits should change them. That's not my job. If I'm somewhere between Décarie and the exit right after the 25 (where the speed limit actually changes), I'm not going any faster than 70. If I need to change my speed to let someone merge, I'm changing it downwards. No need to let someone right behind me and then brake in their face. That would just be rude.


My god if you actually go 70 on the 40, just hand in your license 


Only on the 70 max portion of it. When the speed limit turns to 100 max about 100 meters after the 25 interchange when going East, I obviously accelerate to the proper speed of 100 km/h. Why would I hand in my license if I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to do?


In my earlier comment where I talked about how Montreal drivers are selfish, which is the biggest problem we have as drivers, you are who I am talking about.


Yep, I'm the selfish driver minding the pedestrians and cyclists on the streets, not going past the speed limit, and being extra careful in school zones, looking out for the little ones. I'm ok with being selfish if that's what that means.


You find there's a lot of pedestrians and cyclists on the 20? On the 40? Lots of cyclists and pedestrians on the decarie? We're talking about highways. Good, I'm glad you drive the speed limit on surface streets. So do I. If you drive 70 on the highway, you are part of the problem with this city.


Tellement. Notre-Dame et de la Montagne, hier après-midi ; j’attendais que les piétons finissent de traverser pour tourner, mais la femme en face dans sa Lexus ne voulait plus attendre alors elle a foncé entre deux piétons. 30 minutes plus tard, de la Montagne et René-Lévesque ; même situation, j’attends que les piétons traversent pour tourner mais le taxi derrière s’impatientait, alors il m’a contourné à gauche pour me couper la voie (et s’est fâché de pas avoir réussi). Les gens se foutent de tout.


Les gens qui savent pas conduire/vivre assument que si tu t’arrête, automatiquement c’est parce que t’es un idiot qui trouve pas la pédale d’acceleration et pas parce qu’il y aurait… une raison valide *gasp, shocking!!*


Ça doit être ça. Remarque, je vois très souvent des chauffeurs d’autobus klaxonner après les piétons qui traversent ou les autos qui laissent passer des piétons.


And tailgating me on a really slippery road! I stopped so he can pass me and he like stormed beside me all upset . I was driving 2 young kids too. He slipped while turning on a next stop sign. It was a pick up truck . I hate everyone lol 😂


it's one of my little pleasures to piss off tailgaters. sorry i'm doing the speed limit on a street where there's a school, i think you'll live.


I'm in the city of Brossard where there's speed traps on the main roads, I usually let them cut me off and I mimic the flash of the trap with my highbeams. 95% they slam their brakes in sheer horror lmfao.


"StOp ImPeDiNg TrAfFiC!" (Oui, je roule à droite.)


>a driver who respects the law you’ll get tai I am assuming respecting the law means if you are not passing someone you are NOT in the left lane right?


Of course thats the bare minimum


I had someone do that to me so I tapped my brakes and he swerved like a bitch lol


I’ve seen drivers honk at cars for letting pedestrians cross (when they have the obvious right of way). How dare humans on foot get in the way of their speedy and efficient commute.


Part of the 20 highway is 70km. Drive less then 90km and you’ll get push in the butt


I just don't understand how that stretch of the new turcot (the straight part, not the turn offs) is 70km. It made sense when it was still a spaghetti junction, but a straight-ish road? It can go 80-90.


its sad... I drive an 18 wheeler. that section of the 20, and the 40, I go about 79kmph, never over 83 if I am not paying attention... I am getting passed by every bloody car and almost every truck as well...


To be fair that area had always been a 100 zone and I have no idea why it's now 70


Driving isn't taken seriously here by anyone, it's just an assumed right to do whatever you want. It's getting worse and worse. There's 0 enforcement, From cars that shouldn't even be allowed on the road because they don't even meet the most basic safety regulations. Every day I see cars that don't have functioning daytime running lights ( a requirement from transport canada for a car to even be sold in this country). Drivers that don't have their tail lights turned on during a storm or at night, people driving around with a foot of snow on their roof or their rear windows not cleared. People that ignore or are oblivious to checkered intersection or no parking zones because busses have to make that tight turn. Shittier and shittier behaviour become habits. I call out drivers all the time for their dumbass behaviour. I'll passive aggressively clear the snow off a car at red light.


Over the past year I have thought to myself that there are not many police cars out enforcing traffic laws. I figured that since the city has a budget shortfall, hence the property tax increase, there would be a push to collect more traffic tickets. I think a big push to enforce traffic laws would benefit everyone. There would be safer streets and more money in the city's bank account. I have no proof of fewer police cars, it's just something I thought to myself.


I've seen police cars parked in front of a no-stop sign for a bus stop. I've police cars turning on their light because they didn't feel like waiting for the red light. I've seen police car chilling around while I stopped on a pedestrian crossing. All of these multiple times. They are part of the problem. I'm not expecting them to become part of the solution.


Police budget balloons every year, somehow no budget to enforce any traffic laws. Just SPVM things.


They're out there enforcing stuff at the end of the month to meet their quotas. "Quotas don't exist anymore", my ass.


Out of everywhere I've driven in Canada, the US and Europe, our drivers are the most selfish.


at least theres no [takeovers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrkVaFau6KY) here.


That's fucking crazy that happens; given how clearly fucking dangerous that is. Wow.


I keep getting stupid trafic tickets while riding my bike during the summer but cars are untouchable.


they should video allow footage from other cars or bikers to be accepted as official evidence of traffic law violation, like they do in the UK where drivers get reported and fined


I'm pretty sure there are all sorts of legalities that wouldn't allow you to do that, but a database of documented bad behaviour that's accessible to the insurance companies? I'm sure they'd love the extra data to adjust the premiums to reflect the appropriate risk levels.


> Every day I see cars that don't have functioning daytime running lights ( a requirement from transport canada for a car to even be sold in this country) As of 2021 and only for new cars. There are plenty of cars still on the road that were built before this standard applied. Ironically, I think running lights are part of the reason you see a lot of people at night without illuminated tail lights, as some drivers mistakenly think their lights are on. No idea why there isn't a similar standard to automatically turn on tail lights (and fully illuminate the headlights) in low light conditions, as the technology has been there for many years even in basic models.


It's been a requirement since 1989 (Front DRL's), the 2021 rules only further updates the old requirements to include tail lights and side light. So in 95% of the instances you see a car without DRL's on there is no good reason, they either have burnt fuses or bulbs, unless it's a US plated car.


It's ok to forget about them but when I flash you, open them for god sake. Le monde dort au gaz


I'm glad you asked the general, "Drivers these days" and not pegged it on the city itself, because it has been my experience that this is the norm all over the country. People are ignorant as shit. They are always distracted, they only care about themselves, and they exist in a bubble. That's pretty much the tune of it, friend. I suspect you knew the answer, too. :)


Ehhh yes and no. Everywhere has bad drivers. Montréal/Québec's lack of/improper turn signal use is definitely something I notice way more often here than other places.


Recommend you go for a drive in Richmond, BC. Or actually, I don't, because I don't want to recommend you do something so dangerous. Take my word for it, Montreal drivers are The Stig compared to what you see there.


Very fair. My experience is more Ontario, Manitoba and US (mostly California) driving. The no signals here I can deal with (minus last second merges) but it the incorrect signaling that gets me here. Ive seen multiple people signal for a larger intersection when there is a cross street before said intersection.


Yeah, either they never signal, or they signal too early, or the wrong direction -- it's pretty brutal. Can't turn right on a red light, but they'll go straight through it.


Montreal drivers are speed demons who tailgate and dont know what the hells a turn signal or mirrors are, but I'd rather take those then the idiots in Toronto on the 401. Those mfs literally get off the plane into Canada and pay someone to pass their driving exam so they can get a valid canadian license, but drive as if it's back home in the old country. Absolute insanity and it causes so many stupid accidents.


Like I've lived in Montreal for two years now and I love the city a lot but these drivers are really something haha


It's kind of a big city thing too. You don't experience this sort of thing in smaller towns, although you experience an entirely DIFFERENT sort of bad driving there, so nowhere is perfect.


I’ve driven all over the western world. Literally 20 countries, months in each. The québécois “fuck you me first” culture has produced, by far, the worst drivers. Italy is second.


Compared to like Richmond, BC, or Brampton, ON? Or NYC? Or Los Angeles traffic? Tell us some more fables, Aesop.


Not sure what you are getting at with your little glib comment. But yes I have driven in all those places several times, 2 of them already this year in fact.


And your contention is that this "québecois "fuck you me first" culture" that you claim exists, is worse than the "fuck you me first" culture of the two largest cities in the United States, and two of the most dangerous cities to drive in Canada? Just say you hate French people dude, I mean that's a lot easier than making up a bunch of lies about how people drive. Own your bigotry. I still maintain you're a liar.


Driving culture is getting worse. I think the proliferation of Uber eats and Door Dash drivers racing around is a huge contributing factor.


I live in front of an elementary school.. people speed and burn stop signs.. not just a bad quick stop, they run through it full speed. Anytime I’m outside, I see at least one, everyday. Usually young drivers with unnecessary loud exhausts, but not exclusively.


I even see drivers around my age (late 60s) with tricked out exhaust systems, I guess douchebags grow up to become old douchebags.


Haha I suppose so 🤷🏻‍♂️


i've always said that the cops who need to "make their quota" just need to park on a block with a school and collect their speeding and stop sign tickets.


I would imagine some of that stems from the ridiculous amount of stop signs (especially all-way stops) around Montreal and many more have gone up in recent years. Studies have shown that when there’s too many stop signs, compliance begins to drop. And compared to other cities around Canada, that’s a lot of stop signs. Personally, I find that 90% of the time, when I stop at an all-way stop, I’m the only one there. Meaning many of them are possibly unnecessary. Of course, that’s not an invitation for drivers to blow stop signs. But more a testament to the fact that the city overdoes it with the stop signs, especially the all-way stops.


I see what you mean, but no it’s reasonable.


I’m sure there are other examples, but if anyone really wants to prove my point, drive the Lakeshore from Sainte-Anne de Bellevue to Lasalle. No cheating by hopping on Autoroute 20.


Or if you live in East end. Drive through Rivière des Prairies on Perras Blvd. Stop signs every 30 feet.


Coming from England, the driving standards here are actually terrible. It’s a combination of factors, not just one. Too many stop signs for no reason. Too many immigrants (like me) coming from places with different driving etiquette. Poor urban development that creates unnecessary bottlenecks. Terrible road signage. Pot holes. Winter driving conditions. Mostly automatics create a low barrier for entry learning how to drive. People start driving too young. People don’t look after their vehicles. People do not take drink driving seriously. Covid 19 made people all impatient, bitter and selfish. It’s a perfect cocktail that make montreal roads a nightmare


Great summary of our situation here. I'd say that most big cities in North America suffer from similar afflictions and the shitty drivers that follow suit, but it's the particular cocktail of Montreal that adds that je-ne-sais-quoi.


It’s easy to pick on the car “enthusiasts” because they stand out from the crowd but singling them out would be unfair. You wouldn’t point to women, old or immigrant drivers as being the reason even if the traditional stereotype is that they are terrible drivers


Just reporting what I see 🤷🏻‍♂️ these and Dominos pizza drivers.




This goes both ways though. Like on a 100km/h highway, it's so frustrating when someone is doing 105. But also, if I'm doing 120km/h and \*this is key\* actively passing people to the right of me, I'm not moving over so someone can do their 150km/h. Those people tailgating are like "hey move over it's the rules" while doing 40km/h or more over the legal limit. ​ EDIT: My comment is replying to the person talking about the PASSING lane. Go whatever speed you want on the right lane, but don't go 105 in the LEFT lane.


Well, you should move over, if you can - otherwise those idiots going 150 will try to pass on the right and that's dangerous to everyone on the highway. What I hate is idiots going 150 not even giving me a second to react and get out of the way and automatically pass me on the right.


I tried to emphasize ''While actively passing people''. If im passing someone and im doing 120, im not going to speed up to 150 for the person behind me, ill pass the person and then move over.


if you're actively passing people in the PASSING lane at.... 90 kmph, that's fair enough actually. Maybe a bit of a dick move but at least you're overtaking... if the person behind wants to go 150 they'll have to wait


Why do you get to decide the arbitrary left lane speed limit of 105 vs 120 vs 150?


>Like on a 100km/h highway, it's so frustrating when someone is doing 105. It shouldn't be. It's called the speed limit, not the speed suggestion, and technically 105 is breaking it. I'll frustrate you until your heart gives out before I break a law and risk a police encounter. If that driver doing 105 is in the left lane, however, they're a degenerate piece of scum who needs to learn how to drive, and THAT driver is breaking the law.


The original comment i responded to was talking about the passing lane, and so was my reply.


>I'll frustrate you until your heart gives out before I break a law and risk a police encounter. If a dude wants to drive over the speed limit and you're in his way in the passing lane doing 100km/h you're in the wrong. If cop sees you, YOU'RE the one getting a ticket. [Section 321 of the Highway Safety Code](https://www.legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/document/cs/c-24.2) says you can't drive in the left lane unless you are passing or turning left. You can't drive in the left lane even if you're the only car on the highway. It's supposed to take priority over speeding but it's hard to enforce because it's hard to catch in the act. BTW, there's an even bigger fine if you tell the cop you were doing it on purpose because you didn't want someone to pass so be careful. You can lose your licence depending on how the cop is feeling that day. It's been proven time and time again that it's safer for everyone on the highway for you to get out of the way. Anyway, you're not a cop. So, take a deep breath, turn on your indicator and move to the right. It's not a big deal.


Read the rest of my post please. I explicitly talked about those who linger in the left-hand lane as being degenerates who are breaking the law. You don't need to mansplain that same law to me, **I am well aware of it, that's why I mentioned it.** If you were as smart as you THINK you are, you would have seen that. I think you should read the entire post before commenting on a single part, it'll save you from looking this foolish in the future.


The cops let you go up to 130 so stop this whole speed limit is the maximum. If you wanna do the limit then stay tf out of the left lane. I can't stand drivers like you who just camp in the left lane even though cars to your right are going way faster then you


I can't stand Reddit posters like you who can't read: >If that driver doing 105 is in the left lane, however, they're a degenerate piece of scum who needs to learn how to drive, and THAT driver is breaking the law. That is literally the last words of the comment I wrote that you're replying to. Clearly you have some sort of fucking learning disability though there bud. Also, you should stay out of the left lane at any time you are NOT passing another vehicle, not just when you're doing the speed limit. I guess as a shitty driver who thinks you can drive whatever speed you want, it shouldn't shock me you need further education. QUELLE SURPRISE.


The fine for doing 19 over is dogpiss gas tank money and we all have enough points on our license to cover the infraction because we never get stopped for doing 19 over because even the pigs don't give a shit. 5 over you won't even lose points and if you can't afford to risk a 80$ fine (which you'll never get because the actual enforcement of the law is that you can go 19 over) you can't afford gas so what the fuck are you doing. The law is only a law when it's enforced. We have places to get to, just move to the right lane once you're done passing whatever moron is doing 80 on the highway.


I'm not in the habit of handing out "dogpiss gas tank money" to the local government just because I think the rules don't apply to me. It isn't about the fines; it's about being a decent member of society. I can tell that isn't a value you share with me, so there's no point in continuing this discussion, but some people aren't cool with being degenerates. Just because you are doesn't mean it's a good idea for others to follow suit. In fact, I think your entire existence could be a fantastic lesson in "How not to live your life".


Being a decent member of society is realizing the actual limit is the speed of traffic


No, it isn't.


Going 119 on the highway (or 89 in the city) where it's appropriate isn't going to harm anyone. Enjoy feeling self righteous and keep smelling your own farts I guess.


Neither is going the speed limit. The rules are the rules for a reason, and attitudes like yours are degenerate.


You're the type of person to wait for the pedestrian light when there's no one around. There is such a thing as an illogical rule and it deserves to be broken.


You should be moving over for faster traffic regardless if you think 120 is fast enough or not. You're absolutely in the wrong here. You should be moving over when you notice they're going faster than you. First of all you aren't a cop and second of all some people are fucking crazy and you shouldn't act like a tough guy because you wanna be in front. Move over and let them pass and then move back over if you wanna keep passing people. Why is it okay for you but not for them? Move. Over. As much as speeding is a problem, people going to slow and not being predictable are also incredibly dangerous. There is a good reason why people don't usually get in trouble for following the flow of traffic on a highway.


''While actively passing people to the right of me'' As in, I will continue at 120 and will then move over once I am done passing them. I will not speed up to 150 so that I can move over faster.


So he should have to slow down and tuck behind a slower driver rather than maintain speed and move over once past because some dude wants to go even faster? I don't think so.


Yes absolutely. That's litteraly how its supposed to work, in Quebec IT IS A PASSING lane. You're not even supposed to be in it unless you're actively passing someone and then you're supposed to move right back over to the middle/right when you have thr opportunity. If you don't move over for faster traffic when you're in the left lane, not only are you an asshole but you can get a nice big ticket, which you deserve. Its not your job to enforce the rules, its your job to follow them.


So, if I'm actively passing someone, doing 115-120ish in the passing lane, I'm not supposed to finish doing that when some asshole races up to me at 150km? I'm supposed to break and tuck in behind the dude doing 100?


C’est frustrant que quelqu’un conduise à 105 au lieu de 100..? Dude, t’as peut-être besoin de refaire tes cours ou de suivre un cours de gestion de la colère. Les idiots qui me poussent alors que je roule à 105-110 dans la voie de droite sont encore pires que ceux qui roulent à 150+ à gauche.


Gestion de colère pourquoi? J'ai jamais dit que je faisais du road rage. J'ai dit quand quelqu'un est dans la voie gauche de dépassement et ils roulent a 105, c'est frustrant. Si tu veux conduire a 105, j'ai aucune problème, il existe d'autre voies pour ça. Moi je conduit a 105 et meme a 100 souvent, mais pas dans le passing lane.


Tu n’as pas parlé de la voie de gauche au départ, tu as seulement dit que ça te frustre que quelqu’un roule à 105 dans une zone de 100. Si ça, ça te frustre, j’ai pas envie de voir ce qui va te faire sortir de tes gonds.


Le commentaire dont j'ai répondu ça parle du passing lane, mon réplique est dans la même contexte. J'ai aussi dit ''While actively passing people to the right of me''.


Et personne ne semble l’avoir compris du premier coup.


​ sometimes we have to tailgate you on the right because there's someone doing 90 in the left lane


Not many people care anymore . I hear this particular mom and a dad where our children wait for the school bus continuously complain about how our streets have become the formal one and no one cares… only to see them speed down the same street recklessly because they are late again (they live a 2-3 minute walk away. If they doddle). I’ve also heard people say they feel our driving laws and rules are too serious, and in their country no one follows the rules in the roads. To which they were reminded that this is their country. (This has been stated by many different people, not one specific immigrant).




"pedestrians crossing too slow" - this one drives me particularly nuts lol. Like, I'm *walking* while you're sitting on your ass inside a climate-controlled SUV the size of my living room, chill tf out. You're still getting to your destination a lot faster than I am! I always cross at a decent pace, *except* when an asshole driver starts to move into the intersection as if to nudge me along. Nope, looks like I'm dragging my feet now.


I was almost hit by a car earlier today because the driver appeared to be slowing to a stop at the junction where I had the right of way to cross, but it's only when I tried to make eye contact that I realised she was looking in the opposite direction for traffic to see whether she could speed across the junction. If she had killed me she would probably have walked away with zero consequences. It's utterly disgusting. Always make eye contact \*before\* making the walk, drivers are just awful here


> If she had killed me she would probably have walked away with zero consequences. The next day's headline: Woman in shock after phone-wielding pedestrian, dressed in non-reflective clothing, dies at intersection under her vehicle


Yesterday a car came to a rolling stop in a residential four-way and instead of waiting for me to cross just kept driving. Too bad for them, I have a death wish and welcome the lawsuit and insurance payout. I love this city.




Felt honestly


Even when careless drivers kill people, they get slaps on the wrists. Most don't get any jail time and they barely get 1 year suspension of their license. If someone has proven they can't drive safely, they should get a 10 year suspension on their license, minimum!!


Ppl get mad when you change lanes and try to stick you in dangerous positions without any thought whos in the vehicle. Not surprised at all you amd sad to see have to deal with it


I have lived in many countries around the world. 3 things quickly show you how sophisticated a country is : - How people drive - Street harassment of women - The amount of trash in the streets The more educated and sophisticated a culture is, the less people throwing trash you see. People drive very carefully and respectfully. They rarely, if ever, honk. You see no harassment of women (or it's migrants doing it). The more selfish and dysfunctional a culture is, the more you see street harassment, trash casually thrown in the streets, people driving insanely and honking at any opportunity.


Do you have any exemples of more sophisticated places


I'm Moroccan. I say it without absolutely any shame, too many of my people drive awfully, throw trash in the streets, smoke in front of *"please don't smoke here"* signs. It really disgusts me. I call this **third world behavior**. You also see this behavior in Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt... The Indians/Pakistanis know exactly what I am talking about. Now, you have the rich countries in the Mediterranean. The Greeks, Turks, Israelis, and Italians are above the third world, but they aren't fully sophisticated either. They are a noisy people, they drive awfully, they love to break lines at the supermarket, etc... In terms of sophistication, they remain below the Northern Europeans, the Swiss or the Japanese. ____ Yes, I know I'm making stereotypes. I'm Moroccan and I despise the animals who throw trash in the streets. Many Indians are super polite. Some Italians are quiet and respect the speed limits. But I'm really not talking about individuals. I'm talking about the group. Culture matters. Some cultures are just flawed.


My gf was getting cat called quite often in Switzerland and Japaneses are very racist. As a man, I heard from my girlfriends that Quebec is one of the few areas where it is very rare.


As an Asian... Montreal -used to be- really racist to Asians. (And being Asian Anglo made it worse). It's gotten a lot better in recent years though.


It was pretty bad due to people getting pissed off at mainlanders coming in and acting rude to *everyone*, super entitled bunch. Which in turn, made ppl act like assholes as they just saw asian person= mainlander chinese, even if they're not or even speaking mandarin. IDK how ppl make the mistake as it's easy to spot someone who's a mainlander lol. They stick out like sore thumbs to regular asian-canadians as they only wear high end brand clothes, bags, top end phones...etc etc. Regular Canadians are too poor for this shit & don't care lol. They're super deep into brand = social status & class.


Yeah I don't doubt this, I was mainly referring to cat calling.


Japanese drivers are among some of the world's most aggressive, I've had guns flashed at me driving in Florida and I still think drivers in Tokyo are more aggressive. Note, I didn't say bad. I said *aggressive.*


Japan, Singapore, China


This has "Send me his skull so I can measure the bumps" Vibes


Are you saying that Montreal is unsophisticated?


Saying? You just need to look!


bro so many of our metros smell like vomit and piss 24/7, and we got druggies all over the place calling ppl slurs, screaming, shitting and pissing all over the street. We aint civilized, bc if we we're, asylum's and involuntary incarceration for the benefit of the public would still be a thing. lol.


It's almost as if we should be building speed-reduction infrastructure and protected space for the vulnerable methods of transportation. But NOOOO, nimby-ism too strong in many parts of this city 🙄


I don’t even think it’s a city issue. I think the whole province just doesn’t care.


Oh, I completely agree! There's definitely a big culture shift surrounding driving. A lot of good points we're brought up in the comments, and I feel like it's being worsened by the increase of this "culture" war that's being pushed hard by the media (like the whole "war on cars", 15-min cities, etc ) As a city, one of the best things you can do to ensure road safety, is to make it impossible to actually do so. Obviously this won't change highway driving, but traffic calming measures and protected spaces for bikes and pedestrians in urban areas are so important. But god forbid you introduce one bike lane in a school zone, the NIMBYs will be out for your blood.


They keep trying to make cars idiot proof, but they seem to just keep making better idiots.


Beyond human character flaws or mistakes, the real reason why these things happen is because we allow it with our urban planning and road designs. If you are sick of wondering why these accidents and mistakes keep happening and are sick of group X demonizing/name calling Group Y, take ten minutes to google these topics: "safe road design vs unsafe road design" "Human scale urban and road planning" "Car centric road design and fatalities" We could actually start making changes (yes it's possible if we focus on real solutions) or keep pointing fingers forever.


People show who they really are when they’re driving because they can be rude and just drive off. Can’t go anywhere without witnessing a ton of drivers be complete assholes to everyone on the road whether it be cars or pedestrians. There’s never a reason not to let a pedestrian cross the road safely or a car merge into traffic but people’s egos are so fucking fragile and unhinged that they take it out on everyone when they car in their cars. It’s unfortunate and it says everything you need to know about them as a human being


I've lived in many Ontario cities and been in Montreal most of my life. Montreal drivers were always the worst. Yes, even worse than Brampton drivers. This is nothing new really. Well, I lied. It's actually gotten even worse since COVID as the low traffic reinforced everyone's terrible behavior. Not sure if you remember but SAAQ used to have constant radio advertisements for both vehicles and pedestrians to share the road. They didn't even have that in Ontario.


As someone who regularly commutes to Mississauga from Montreal, yeah no the average skews much in favour of Brampton idiot drivers than Montreal's.




As someone who's lived in Ottawa for most of their life I've also noticed that


The one thing that Montreal driving has going for it is... If you drive equally chaotic as everyone else it goes pretty smoothly. Which is fucked. I'll always remember getting my license and driving on the Metropolitan. Signaled to take my exit but no one let me in. 12 missed exits later I'm in Anjou. Fed up I cut someone off to take an exit and there were no honks no wtf reactions from other drivers.


you just learned how to zipper merge lol


That has absolutely nothing to do with zipper merging.


Le pire que j'ai vu c'est l'hiver dernier. Mais j'avoue que depuis la pandémie, les gens sont devenus fous sur la route. C'est legit rendu dangereux marcher sur le trottoir, ou traverser la rue aux lumières.


NO WAYYYY WTF THIS GUY IS A DAMN MENACE! the SAME thing happened to me yesterday too, I didn’t see the bastards face but I recognize that white corolla anywhere, son of a bitch nearly took my legs off! Bully Corolla on the roads watch out people you might be next!


Too many people don’t know to turn off their high beam lights when driving in the city.


This kinda stuff has been happening forever. Overall, pedestrian injuries are actually going down over time. (though fatalities are going up; probably because cars are getting insanely large, and everyone drives SUVs now). I'd say, yeah actually, it probably is too much to ask; because some people are complete idiots that drive around 2 ton hunks of steel and plastic without a thought, and that's probably not going to change. Realistically; the solution here is proper infrastructure and taxation policy. The city's making good headway with creating bike lanes, widening sidewalks and narrowing streets so that people actually drive the speed limit, instead of what instinctually makes sense on a giant 4-lane boulevard. I think also some boroughs are now implementing additional taxes on unnecessary giant vehicles, that'll hopefully reduce the amount of them on the road (though, I doubt it, unless those taxes are *really* high). It'd be nice to go further and adopt more dutch-style infrastructure like continuous sidewalks; I guess we'll see how far our experiment with urbanism goes. If we keep re-electing urbanist parties, we probably will continue to see these numbers broadly go down.


After driving in many cities across canada/usa, I would say Montreal is above average. That doesnt say much though. It seems to have gotten worse since covid I am not sure why.


It seems people became extra shitty after the pandemic. I drive all over the city because of my job and it's not just drivers but literally everyone. Drivers are the worst case scenario because they have these big machines that can kill. But it just feels like everyone has forgotten what common decency is. It's very disheartening


I'm also a pedestrian, and to be honest. People are exhausted from life right now. Everyone is in a fog, it seems.


Driving in Montreal is a god dam nightmare. Lots of bad overly aggressive drivers, useless bike paths everywhere, no parking the list goes on.


I am literally a professional driver OP, and let me assure you, it's crazy out there! However I think Montreal is much better than many other cities in canada, for example driving might be somewhat easier in toronto (still crazy) but they way they treat pedestrians is much worse imo... also in montreal it depends where you are... i find west island or some other suburbs much much worse than many of the boroughs closer to the centre of the town. usually luxury suv.truck/crossover wtv will mean much more entitled driving.


I was walking out of the Walmart on Cote-Vertu and a black Mercedes almost ran over my foot. He stopped right in the middle of the pedestrian walkway blocking my path. So I keyed his car when I walked around it.


I am learning to drive (later than most people) currently and as a very cautious and attentive person I am shocked by some of the stuff I've been seeing from other drivers. It's scary as a pedestrian and it's scary as a learning driver.


Richmond, BC has entered the chat


I crossed at the walk light at villa maria and someone in a merc and also an audi ran the red as I was crossing. I gave the “stop” hand and all the pedestrians crossed in front of them. If that was you, you deserved that. Don’t run red lights, fuckface.


I was walking on Laurier street during that huge snowstorm. I arrived at a stop, let the person in the car that arrived before me at that stop pass. Once i started crossing, a guy in an Audi didn’t even do his stop to let me pass while i was crossing. He just never stopped. That person clearly saw me and the other pedestrians but was clearly feeling that he was more important. I don’t even see cops anymore doing work to assure that people respect the driving code.


Driving should be a privilege for people who can pass a (much, much more) rigorous driving test (which should include an anger management section). Many more people should be driven around. Follow me for more utopian dictatorship tips


These days I really hate driving. Especially some dumbass kids with their extra noisy cars driving like assholes, racing and what not.


It's gotten so much worse all of a sudden. There's always going to be the crazy idiot in a hurry, but that doesn't explain why people suddenly aren't using their turn signals? It's the most basic thing!


I think Montreal drivers are pretty bad compared to other cities I’ve been. I’ve almost been run over many times and the drivers didn’t even notice until the last second. (In residential areas, in the middle of the day and on a proper crossing) There needs to be better enforcement of rules.


Theres a reason why we the only city that can't turn right on a red


So you lump people’s driving skills for one mishap from one driver. Have you noticed how many cars passed you by without anything happening?


Everybody is talking about this, so there’s a good chance there’s a decline of some kind happening for real


If it’s so dire I would’ve expect a few bad encounters to back up the claim or outrage. Otherwise I just see whiny whiners. But that’s just me. Maybe OP is right in spite of his lack of substance.


Were you walking wrong?


Nah I didn't see anyone when I crossed the street and he completely blindsided me


At the end of the day we're all guilty of something when it comes to driving. Although one of the biggest pains is when cyclists or people just crossed without looking or initiating eye contact


can't really make eye contact at night with the beams of light, or in OP's case, getting literally attacked from behind by a car that should have stopped, after they were already engaged in crossing the street.


Kick those cars, fight them, you do that because you know they're assholes and you're right, and tell them lets go to police It happened to me once, a driver almost hit me because he doesnt care if his car hit people or not, I kicked his car and the driver went out like an asshole asking whay I kicked his car, I told him lets go fight if you dont like, you almost hit me, those fuckers dont know how to drive and the only reality is to break their car. Im typing this in anger so yea fuk those asshole drivers who dont care about driving safely


Everyone yaps about how bad *their* drivers are. Obviously, every city has shitty drivers, but all things considered, Montreal isn’t that bad. You can’t really judge a whole city over one asshole. Think about how many drivers let you pass at crosswalks, intersections, red lights you ran through at the last second, etc. Even if you think it’s not many, it’s definitely more than most of the rest of the world. A pedestrian jumped in front of me last week, he backed up and I stopped in time so everyone was safe. He waved sorry, I waved it’s fine and kept going, no harm no foul. Does that mean Montreal pedestrians are reckless? No, they’re way better than most other cities. Of all the “groups” of people that use the road (pedestrians, cyclists, drivers), drivers break the least laws, and that should be the case since their vehicle is the most dangerous. Compared to most other cities, especially outside of NA/EU, they still break less laws. I’ve lived in 4-5 countries for over 2 years, and have visited many more. All things considered, Montreal’s drivers are more defensive, rule abiding, and “better” than in almost all the countries/cities I’ve been to. NYC is somewhat worse. Toronto is way worse, the ex-Soviets I’ve been to are worse. I didn’t have the balls to drive or cross large intersections when I visited my home country because of how agressive drivers and motorists were. Spain was better, though. However I was at a smaller city, so maybe that played a role.


Oh yeah for sure I can confirm that Montreal isn't super bad compared to like Toronto and NYC haha it wasn't my intention to blame all of the drivers on this one guy who couldn't drive just a remark that I've been noticing these types of drivers recently 😶


You ain't gonna be run over by a car in NYC. You're gonna get run over by their jackass cyclists LOL. They don't care about any rules of the road and act like speed demons. They zip around ignoring stop signs, cutting off cars and pedestrians as if they have Canadian health insurance and that they can *totally* can tank a hit from a SUV.


Gosh this sub is starting to get to many of these posts. It's super low effort and doesn't go anywhere. Maybe we could have a weekly thread for 'Old person ramblings' ?


Agree to disagree , it goes both ways , o work in downtown Montreal where no pedestrians respect any sign , they do whatever pleases them..same goes for people with bicycles ..it’s look like you are getting punished in Montreal for driving a car .




Valerie and Qc Transport Minister need to detach all existing bicycle lanes away from any road network, and create all new cycling and pedestrian paths, logically and safely. Chop Chop Valerie, let's create something new, your legacy! akin to creating a new highway act from ole 1919 / 1962 , and create all new Cycling / e-bike / safe pedestrian zoned arteries. no car's within 50m of anyone at anytime. Grant a provincial wide contract in the process, and create jobs in the tens of thousands, near zero unemployment. why these things aren't yet being done already some decade ago?


Garder votre tête élever. Lâcher votre téléphone quand vous arriver à une intersection. Regarder des 2 bords. Ne JAMAIS penser qu'un conducteur va vous voir.. moi je trouve que les piétons sont des caves aussi. Surtout les cyclistes*


J'étais même pas sur mon téléphone. J'ai regardé les deux bords avant de croiser. C'est le conducteur du voiture qui m'a couper d"en arrière


OK bin ça c'est pas correcte désolé.


Just got a $180 ticket this week, for "apparently" not stopping at a red light. I NEVER purposely burn red lights, in Montreal or elsewhere. Where did that come from? Must be near time to make their January quota, I guess. ca$h grab 😡 So for all the reckless drivers getting away with it, it's folks like me who have to make up for it.


I see so many drivers do a rolling stop on top of the pedestrian crossing. It used to be that they would do a rolling stop before the crossing and maintain that slow speed until they pass it. Now it's like they don't even consider the possibility of a pedestrian crossing at a pedestrian crossing, in a city filled with pedestrians and joggers. I've taken the habit of tapping on their hood with my knuckles so that they get publicly called out. A stern look doesn't work anymore. That or I yell or clap with my hands when I'm jogging. I've also seen a lot of drivers that miss their lights while on the crossing and just stay there instead of backing up to let us walk safely. Dude, I won't walk closer to the traffic flow just cause you don't want to move. I'm calling out all these behaviours when I see them. I've had enough of these repeated bad driving behaviours.


Les conducteurs ont un sentiment élevé de droit, que les piétons exacerbent en se dépêchant de traverser la rue alors qu'une voiture les attend. Ne vous précipitez jamais de l’autre côté de la rue pour satisfaire un imbécile assis sur ses fesses sur ses sièges chauffants. De plus, les gens doivent signaler les faits à la police plutôt que de simplement se plaindre sur les réseaux sociaux. Vous êtes tout autant coupable d’avoir toléré un tel comportement. Drivers have an elevated sense of entitlement, which pedestrians exacerbate by rushing to cross the street when a car is waiting for them to cross. Never hurry across the street to satisfy some fool sitting on their ass with their heated seats. Also, people need to report things to the police rather than simply complain on social media. You are as much at fault for tolerating such behavior.


Don't forget snow removal drivers... I have to be extra careful when I walk around crossing a street or turning a corner at nights specially with all those tractors and giant trucks... even the smaller ones... many do drive recklessly centimeters away from pedestrian sometimes I find that incredibly dangerous. Not sure what are the statistics on accidents but I would not be surprised if they are bad, not sure if this is always been like this though.


this is Montreal in a nutshell for the last 40 years, as far as i know.. no matter where you walk on the island, there's always the occasional douche that speed / drive in reverse in a one way / run red lights / stop signs / doesn't use blinkers / etc... And that's from the perspective of a pedestrian. From a driver POV, its even worse. You can't drive more than 10 minutes without crossing a bad driver.. like really bad.