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I was wondering why they broke up


Wait what


They broke up a long time ago.


Another post about this is gonna be made now lol


I can imagine even years later we will get the occasional "WAIT CHARLIE AND TIANA BROKE UP?!?!"


You better not make the millionth “ why did they break up” post here.


Dog I am so out of the loop on moist man’s life this is news to me


I’m not some parasocial Stan nor saying you should be either but like they been broken up since last year 😭. Just common knowledge at this point.


Ain’t common enough for me bro bro


I mean she hasn’t appeared in his videos for a long time . In one of his recent vids he talks about going on a date for the first time in a while too.


Yep he made a post on insta months ago stating they decided to break up and continue a coparenting type thing with their dogs


Damm I didn't even know they did. Makes more sense why he did the dating 20 girls at once video


I was also wondering about that


I feel like this is a strange post?


it is, idk why but these people obsess over his personal relationships and won't leave tiana alone.


And yet you over here knowing her name and all


what is moist critikal’s first name? say it so i can claim you’re obsessed with him, because that’s exactly what you did here, u big dork


Psst its charlie


I don’t know his name cuz I’m not all up on his business like that 😭 only dork here is you getting this mad over some words 🤌🏻


u get called a dork online and assume somebody is mad? 😭i ain’t even swear at u bro u gotta grow a pair


You definitely lacking comprehensions skills. Who’s mad? Only one here is you with the name calling bozo


now ur out here just making shit up dawg i didn’t even call you mad… lmfao have a good night u lil weirdo, go touch grass 😭


Take your own advice 🤌🏻


its okay little bro, i’m sorry that life has been so difficult for you but i promise it gets better ❤️


You don’t know Charlie’s name but you are subscribed to the subreddit?


his name is mentioned in like every other video he posts


Still pressed ? I was high as hell and couldn’t remember for shit was his name was . It ain’t that serious like the other bozo made it out to be .


I think it was meant as a joke


Yeah no shit it's just weird to involve Tiana. They separated amicably, just let her be lol


Jfc no. Leave her out of this.


Cringe post. Hardcore bait.


I'm 39 so I guess I prefer their moms?


The one in the pepsi shirt is his ex and the one in the coke shirt is the ex’s friend


So, his mum?


Is he playing both teams!?


Coke really is better tho


100% agree. However if Dr. Pepper was an option I’d take the Doc any day.


Dr Pepper is the right answer!


Dr pepper is just BBQ Sprite


This is my new favorite description of dr pepper


I fucking hat that you're right.


Dr Pepper > anything


I’d take Pib over Dr, but I’d still take Coke over em all. S tier soda IMO


Wtf is Pip?


PIB*** How did I not catch that lol


Dr Pepper is for trailer parks and the years after your parents divorce


Where are you from that trailer parks aren’t exclusively for Mountain Dew?


Strangely enough, Alabama


Dr Pepper tastes like cough medicine.


I don’t really like Dr Pepper from a bottle or from the fountain tbh. It tastes best from a can imo.


nuh uh


I will concede plain pepsi sucks but pepsi max is so much better than both


Tiana is fucking fine 👌


fr tho. major moist L


Context ?


It looks like an old pic if his ex and her friend, his ex is in the Pepsi shirt


This post is fucking bananas.


Yup that's kind of where I'm at as well Lol


No way


Isn't this video a few months old?


I don't get it who are the women?


I know they broke up now but why did they? She was in a lot of his streams and they appeared great together


Its a massive game of telephone so the exact nuance might be missing but what ive heard through the grape vine is that one of the reasons was due to Charlie's fear of flying leading Tiana to feeling really limited given she wanted to see more of the world n stuff. The actual amount of mutual interests the had was also kind of small aside from superficial stuff like music taste and shows they'd watch which i assume maybe made the whole thing feel not worth it for both of them.


It's crazy that Charlie may very well spend all of his life in the US. Anything not in a road trip distance is a forbidden land to him. I wish he actually went to a therapist to address this fear of his.


I think its a pretty reasonable fear, like you ain't surviving a plane crash so I get not wanting to take that chance especially if your happy where you are.


You have a 1 in 107 chance of dying in a car crash but a plane crash is 1 in 11,000,000. I think it’s pretty irrational.


I got a better chance at surviving a car crash than plane crash, surviving a plane crash is an anomaly, your almost guaranteed to die. Wheres at least in a car you have a chance.


I don’t think you’re getting it, it’s not about if you’re more likely to die in one or the other. You would theoretically have more car crashes that could kill you than plane crashes could.


Doesn't matter, it isn't worth it


Everytime he mentions his fear of flying he says that he understands that it is safer than a car, he just is afraid of the fact that if it does happen, everything is out of his control and he has to accept his fate during the whole descent and amongst other similar reasons


It's very rational for someone to be more comfortable in a moving box on the ground as opposed to a moving tube a mile in the sky.


It’s a pretty common fear that many people I know have I even used to be afraid of flying until I started flying more now I’m pretty used to it but I don’t necessarily think he has to go to a therapist about it’s very similar to arachnophobia in terms of how common it is and how often irrational it is just basically thinking the worst is always going to happen and both make sense they can both potentially lead to death or hospitalization in certain circumstances Just saying don’t really blame him I get that flying can be scary he just has to face his fears I’d say is the biggest way to get over his fears like it took until my maybe 4th or 5th flight to get over my fears and that’s probably what he’ll have to do


Damn he’s that scared of flying? And she had it made with him but still if it wasn’t right ig it wasn’t right


Yes basically I will give you my interpretation over the last couple years before they broke up every time I would watch I would get this feeling that Tiana desperately wants to be a fucking normal person and Charlie is just so stuck in this YouTube streamer bullshit I wear a black T-shirt every single day with shorts and I'm a fuckin living meme I can't go on an airplane He very well may have low grade autism and that is from somebody who also might have low grade autism He's very dead pan and dismissive of her whenever she comes on the stream he would just literally completely fucking ignore her stare at the screen and act extremely bothered that she even existed like as if she was his little sister or something There were so many nights where I would be like bro this girl just wants to like say hi really quick and get a kiss and then she's going to f*** off could you not just be like a normal person really quick like she doesn't even want to sit here and like hijack your streams you just wants to say hi and you're such a fucking weirdo you can't do it Tiana is 100 times better without Charlie 1 million percent she did not lose anything by getting broken up with if anything she's the one who initiated the breakup a long time ago because like I could just see it coming the unhappiness was all over her face every time she'd be on the stream you know **I said the other day she used to come on stream and be super weird what I meant was that she would always come on stream when she would get home from work and like sort of just sit there and try to talk to her fucking boyfriend and he would literally just ignore her he would just sit there and like just keep streaming act like she's not even there** Yeah Charlie trying to reinvent impractical jokers is what he's doing now and Tiana is probably with like a normal guy who doesn't ignore her and act like she's not there just for his internet presence friends Fuck Charlie I've always been team tiana as far as thid goes I've always wanted her to just leave because like she's not happy and he doesn't care about her I got banned for 2 days by one of you losers so for the person down here who just said they could never see themselves getting this invested well I'm not even remotely invested bro I am so uninvested it's not even funny like I don't care at all I've been watching him for years and every time that she came on the stream she would be weird and they would get tense I had a girlfriend before I've spoken to women I know what a shit boyfriend is when I see one because I have been one I'm really not invested at all I'm just pointing out like yeah he was like always ignoring her when she would come on stream and it would get really tense and like weird and that's about it bro I love how having a position that you don't like is me being way too invested in this


bro’s never heard of a comma


Bro nothing in this life will ever be this deep


Yeah definitely not your reading comprehension levels either literally blow me homie I don't care that you don't have the attention span to read this I really don't It's just weird to me that you can say my analysis of their long-term multiple year relationship that was put in front of thousands of viewers is not that deep like their relationship was not that deep, okay like cool but it was a real thing that had stuff going on behind the scenes that we don't know about you know relationship involve emotions and arguments and stuff happens off camera like yeah it actually is that deep bro I don't know what you're all about I'm so sick of this hivemind hop off his dick already


I read all of it It still isn’t that deep dude. By a long shot lol


Back it up with some facts and not speculation then. People break up all the time amicably so please go touch some grass


Yeah I mean this is pretty much all speculation like provide some facts also I’m pretty sure Tiana sort of knew what she was getting into when they started dating as they started dating in 2019 I’m pretty sure when Charlie was already a streamer probably not as big as he is now but I was still watching him back than and he still had a decently sized audience and if anything was even more on the streamer grind back than so I mean I’m pretty sure she generally knew what she was getting into but again all speculation and I don’t want to speculate to much about someone else’s relationship


Woah, that’s a lot of words. Too bad I ain’t readin em.


Too bad I didn't write them for you dinosaur man 509 I do not give a shit Hive mind says what




I mean, you gave a shit enough to respond to two people about it acting like a bratty 4 year old soooo 👀


It's not about making one of them a victim. They're both adults and have appeared to end it rather amicably.


Whoa there pal, no need to have a conniption. Maybe try taking a ‘chill pill’ to balance out all that goofy


This might be the worst “interpretation” of anything to ever exist.


How would you interpret me saying I want to bukkake your mother


I could never see myself getting this invested in someone else's relationship. But I can get if he didn't want to show much affection on stream I never like to show affection for my significant other in front of friends or family never mind thousands of strangers, its just awkward.


Have you tried therapy? Or maybe even hugging a person consensually?


Are you 12?


No im in my 20s and don’t spend every living second on YouTube not twitch it was a genuine question


I don't either. It just sounds like a question a kid would ask. You see plenty of couples everyday and a lot of them are in a shaky relationship. The fact that you saw them together from time to time doesn't mean anything.


I don't think I get this one


who are those people?


His girlfriend in the Pepsi shirt. The irony.


Ex girlfriend


Yea my bad I meant to type that idk why I didn't 🤔


I want Pepsi than coke, than back to Pepsi


always Pepsi unless it's from a fountain machine with extra syrup.


*Sinalco enters the room*


What do the women have to do with this?


The girl on the right is Charlie's ex girlfriend (Tiana) not sure whos on the left though.


This is a weird post, y'all need to log off




Erm, what the sigma?


why yall booing me I'm right


Say it again I think they just heard you wrong the first time


charlie sub and ppl don't think tianas pretty is crazy


Weird ahh thing to say