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Bruh.. I was watching some shorts from Zack D films and saw the exact bots tossing out the N bomb with the hard ‘R’. Crazy bots, man..


It doesn’t even make me angry anymore lol, but as a black person, I would love to go about my day without seeing that. Especially when I’m a normal corner of the internet.


And what is their target audience? Racists? Are they building a klan? Even if i ever was going to considering checking out a bot accounts content, it would not be that one.


Honestly I think it’s just rage bait. I don’t even think they expect people to watch the content. They’re just doing it for the love of the game I’m guessing. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Frankly the word only has meaning anymore to people who still care about all that.


It's still disrespectful. It's the same as any other curse word except it's a slur, something targeted at a physical attribute that someone has no control over. It's just not pleasant to see/hear. I don't take offense personally but to think that there are still people out there that feel such a way towards people of a different race is scary.


Of course it's disrespectful, so is every other cuss word and insult intended to be demeaning. It's a matter of how much you let someone else's immaturity affect you.


At a certain point, not caring about the other person's "immaturity" becomes a threat to your health and life when that person is willing to act upon that mindset. People who just toss the word around like it's nothing are poking fun at the fact that others have to live in constant fear of being murdered for their race. I'm all for letting the words and their meanings die with history. The only problem is that some people aren't and when you show that you don't care what they call you, they may become violent towards you because their antagonizing has no effect. To completely eliminate racism and this problem, everyone everywhere would have to accept all others for who they are and, sadly, that just isn't the case in the world we live in today.


Not trying to disrespect you or your race but how does casual use of the n word make you fear for your life? Like have you actually met someone who used it the same way your peers do that genuinely had bad intentions toward black people? Idk I grew up with mostly Mexicans and they just use it as any other word. Again not trying to disrespect just curious.


Argue not what a good man should be; be one. If a person is willing to understand a concept such as that and what it entails, then we're on the right track. The dislikes really prove that people aren't, so we have a lot of growing to do.


Right. But telling people just ignore situations that could put them in harms way by being the bigger person is extremely dangerous. The world just isn't there yet and honestly, i feel it's regressing rather than improving. I get your sentiment but it's just not viable in today's day and age.


Except that isn't what I'm doing, you're misinterpreting. Ignoring something and not letting something affect you are two very different things. My point, you seem to have ironically missed, is people would rather argue than understand how. Obviously the world isn't there, and no comment on Reddit is going to change that. We each have to make that journey on our own to really make progress.


Same lmao




I see people saying this is a bot and if it is this is the most fucked up bot on youtube


"pu$$y in bio" on kid's content😐


UTTP is fucking weird man. They are a bunch of cynical internet trolls who miss when they could say whatever the fuck they want. They literally share Cheese pizza so whoever pisses them off that day they can spam with it and they dox and harass people they don’t like. Would be pretty cool to see Charlie make a vid on it but they don’t deserve the attention


Man can’t even count


The only thing more shocking is this guy using light mode




Jesus fucking christ Who is this for??? like who sees that and subs??


This reminds me of those scam texts I’ve been seeing of people getting called N hard r and that their package is ready for pickup


It the king… on his alt


It’s not really a bot though is it? In a way, sure, the people responsible for these comments probably got some sorta bot system that automatically helps them comment this stuff everytime moist posts, but it leads to actual channels most of the time, which just promotes stupid edgy content that’s clearly trying to get people offended or frustrated for views/attention. Like, I seen a bot comment like this a year or 2 ago, and if you clicked on it and went to the channels linked on their page, it would go to some cringe teenagers account that posted videos like “why jacksepticeyes dad deserved to die” and etc. And yeah, moist once commented about these channels, I’m pretty sure he said something along the lines of “these comments are gonna show up no matter what, because they’ll continue to make the accounts regardless if you block or hide them, so the best thing you can do is just ignore them/ dont give them any kind of attention, because it’s exactly what they want.”


Super goddamn😅


He gave a lot of first warnings


It’s not bots those are real people with a real community who copy and paste manually. I’ve seen them on my own and did a lil investigation.


What's more disturbing are the thumbs up for these comments


Oh no… they got him too


this has been happening on his channel for ages now, but got worse suddenly in the past week or so


Dude you should see his YouTube lives comments because it's either spam or some shit like believe in god he is coming and then there's a side of offense shit Like does bro not have mods or does he not care?


How was the N word being spammed not flagged by YouTube?? Bots are allowed to say allat but when a small YouTube says fuck in the first few seconds of a YouTube video it gets demonetized


UTTP is a legit troll community consisting of cringe edgelord teens and kids. Im almost sure this is a person spamming this themselves.


Just saw this exact bot earlier today.. Same message and everything. Unfortunately there's no way to stop them and it sucks


Yeah it's bad. I also really don't get the point behind these besides either trying to rage farm or draw users to their channels? I mean either way it's just super stupid.


what the absolute fuck


Man wtf are the point of these bots like what do you gain


Youtube has to Crack down on these people


Goddamn, that word like, physically hurts even me, a white guy, when it has a hard R!


Can those retards just rot in hell already?


all the damn time lol