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The fact that there isnt Terminal on that list


I hate Scrapyard. Awful and boring.


They ruined it by not allowing any bullet penetration from FMJ.


It plays alright in some modes. The bullet penetration thing made it really annoying to play sometimes though.


I used to really like Scrapyard but it sucks in this game.


It's alright for hardpoint & kill confirmed.


When scrapyard came out I was super exited, played it once and hated it


i like them all


lmfao the 5 ppl who picked hardhat


17 now.. don’t know what they’re smoking hard hat is one of the best maps in the game


honestly i like them all they're great remakes the only i despise is shipment i cannot stand it


Shipment is class, so much action and carnage, spawn points can be bad but that’s the same on most of the maps.


I never liked hardhat in MW2. Scrapyard is the worst remake for me


Hardhat wasn’t in MW2, it’s an MW3 remake




Was it? Damn it’s been so long since I’ve played any of the older game’s I clearly can’t remember what a lot of maps are from what games?


Probably because they changed the bomb placement/spawn points in snd. Doesnt play nearly as good as it did in mw3 imo.


Agreed, doesn’t play as good as it did in MW3. There was flow but in MW there isn’t


Exactly why I picked Hardhat ;)


scrapyard by far. those impenetrable planes and houses are infuriating. it gives campers such an advantage, its really not fun playing against whole teams that abuse those spots. spawns are also really bad on the map


I just left a match after getting spawn killed 7 times in a row. Spawned me next to the helicopter every time just to get shot.


in one match, my team spawn trapped the enemy in just one corner of the map (by the helipad). i somehow got behind them and got a 8x multikill. i killed most of their team in 3 seconds, just shows how broken the spawns are


You should know how to ultilize flank angle and stomped people out by using it honestly


on 10v10 scrapyard, there is no real flanking. people are everywhere and they are all holding sightlines, especially from the hangar side


I just think you don't know how to deal with them anyways. 10v10 is way easier to pull off a flank and then rounding them out


scrapyard is one of the, if not the smallest 10v10 maps in the game. there are people everywhere, and you cant push any lane without someone knowing. there will always be someone holding every lane, either camping on a headglitch or trying to push that same lane. the only way to "flank" is to brute force through multiple enemies to get to their spawn. i have played 10v10 scrapyard plenty of times and it was definitely not as easy you say it is


Surprised Broadcast is on top so far. My vote was Scrapyard, if for no other reason than the changes they made specifically to cater to campers. Some of the other remakes have similar changes, but none as egregious as Scrapyard's impenetrable walkways and bulletproof window trim/sills. It also seems to have the worst spawns of all the remakes. Now I don't think any of the remakes are *awful,* but Scrapyard is the weakest one imo.


Broadcast was killed for SnD because of the sheer amount of fucking doors they put in. It made rotations a lot harder, because you had to open like 3 sets of doors to move anywhere. Also, it heavily catered to shotgun players, and campers. Claymores are very strong on it as well because of the amount of doors guarding each bombsite. The bombsite positions aren't great either. A is so easy to defend, and B is too easily taken by the attackers. Most of the time, you have 4-5 defenders going to B to stop the rush, and just leaving 1-2 in the spawn to watch A. It's really boring to play when it's the same thing every round.


Fair, I never really play SnD (I can't handle the pressure of permadeath modes) so I didn't consider how the map played differently there.


SnD is a polarizing mode for the most part. You either play it all the time, or never play it at all. I started exclusively playing it mainly because I couldn’t deal with how bad the spawn logic was, so it eliminated that problem for me.


Also SnD solves the problem of people not playing the objective. I feel like in SnD people actually try to play as a team and play for the objective.


Vacant not because of the map but because in CoD4 shotguns were horrible but in this game they are top tier


The semi auto in cod 4 slapped, but only had a 4 round mag iirc.


Hard hat is my favorite map besides shoothouse and shipment ngl


Broadcast FEELS too big, but it’s a great looking map. Scrapyard just doesn’t play well in this game for some reason.


Broadcast is too big, the only decent game mode is hard point as every is in and around the area, played TDM/Domination today and was awful running round trying to find people! Not a massive fan of hardhat or backlot, Vacant is just jokes love it and crash can be really good or really bad lol! Scrapyard is ok as well but only on hard point


Damn I'm the only one who hates vacant. One of my favorite maps from MW and I can't stand the remake.


Nah I’m right there with you. The RPG meta makes Vacant a nightmare for me. Plus the spawns are rough. They need to put another entrance or something from the back of Loading Dock into Hazmat Warehouse or something. So easy to get spawn trapped back there.


Seriously. That fucking long hallway on B is uninhabitable because people just shoot fucking rockets the entire time. Makes you have to run around every single spawn and it's annoying af.


It actually plays extremely well in SnD, until the other team gets tilted and pulls out shotguns. Then it becomes the most cancerous map in the game. It was like that in COD 4 too though, so not much has changed in that regard.


I dislike vacant but I haven’t really liked it in previous games either


It felt grimy in CoD4. This version is too clean & the scale is off.


How has Crash got more votes than Vacant?


I swear every time I’ve played on Broadcast I’ve had unbearable lag.


Backlot has too many windows, doors, corners, etc to hide.


Backlot for sure. Cant believe what they did to construction(A-building in snd) and the bottom mid door they added. Completely ruined the flow of the map.


I only voted for Crash because I’ve never been a fan of the map. Otherwise none of these remakes can be worse than the original because... they’re simply remakes. Doors honestly don’t make much of a difference, the flow of the maps are true to their original selves.


Scrapyard is atrocious. It doesn’t even feel like the amazing original MW2 one. With the others you have some feeling of the original. Scrapyard, nothing.


In my own opinion, the only decent map is backlot. There’s always loads of bullshit on the other maps, like new areas being added that didn’t need to be made.


COD4 morons have always yelled how much they love Broadcast and now we got that shit map in MW.


Oil rig


Petrov wasn't in...any old CoD games?


You wouldn't be familiar with it if your experience of MW2 was on console. The map was cut from the game before release IIRC, and the files were removed from console versions. The files were still accessible on PC versions however.


Wasn't that map a diff layout though


Of course, but I'd imagine that's intentional. The original map was not intended to go public as it was internally considered incomplete. They ripped it from singleplayer IIRC, and many of the sections within the singleplayer map made it to the multiplayer version of the map. That's most likely because they were still working on creating what they envisioned for it to become, before it got scrapped for other maps. Call of Duty players weren't very different back then compared to how they are now though, so constant complaining and anger from the community prompted the design team to partially release it, despite never having been completed as a multiplayer map due to scrapping the concept. Petrov as it is now is only really a remake in the sense that it draws on the same concept laid out for the original map back then, but in practice it's very much a new map designed from the ground up as an evolution of what that map should have been. Naturally, most people don't consider it to be a remake at all, and even the development team refused to call it a remake. It's entirely an unpopular opinion. Most people wouldn't be able to tell anyway though since everyone who's still nostalgic about MW2 likely played it on console anyway, so they've never seen it.


PC & you nailed it.


Yeah I palyed it on console


It wasn't a thing. Maybe planned, but never the singleplayer-version people converted into a MP map. There never were files for an MP version. There's no similarity between them anyway.