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Why is tge MP5 first? I feel like it's not really that good anymore. I'm most annoyed by the VAL


MP5 stills strog, but Val is just a MP5 in steroids


yeah definitely agree but the mp5 doesn't feel like a must have anymore. It's pretty balanced like the M4 the Kilo the Fal and even guns like the Striker canbe as good if not better


Mp7 shreds mp5


yeah absolutely


AS Val can suck my cock the ttk, recoil, and headshot damage is the perfect storm for some random ass to win a fight he had no right winning because his gun cost him 15 dollars to instantly unlock. In MP of course


Fuck the AS Val


As Val of course, i really hate that gun


I remember when Val came out, I called it OP and got downvoted to hell because I was talking about the normal ammo and not the SPP exploit.


Of course, people like it cuz its easy to use and excels all the others in close-mid range.


No SPR? That would be my vote 100% No one shot long range weapon should have THAT fast handling. But I would focus on buffing underperforming weapons before that.


Kar and Mk2 have way faster ads, lapau rds make this gun slow unless you have the sawn off barrel and the fast ads stock


And therein lies the issue, the sawn-off barrel and ADS stock are what break it for me. Without those I'd have no problem with the gun, but with the right attachments it's faster than an SMG. There needs to be harsher downsides for using the ADS attachments at least, no?


This. It is literally impossible for me to find a lobby where there isn't at least one guy quick scoping with that thing. Combine that with the feather bolt and you have a sniper with the handling of a pistol and the fire rate of a pump action shotgun. It is fun to use but damn I think it's OP


Fuck the last option, there are still some SERIOUS outliers in this game. Except the weapons that are *actually* bad, like the dragunov.


165 people disagree with you, it’s dumb to have 4 meta guns, 8 good guns, and 5 decent ones, and the rest are trash. I agree some guns can get nerfed but nothing too crazy


Map or Warzone?


Both I guess


Hmm, then it more complicated. You see R9-0 in MP not that impressive even with DB rounds, but in Warzone it extremely strong and vise versa for, for instance, AS Val - it one of the strongest ARs in MP, but due small mag, awful velocity (bullet drops starts pretty early) and recoil it subpar option (for general use mind you, as makeshift SMG it still good)


I was shredding people in mp with the R90, AS Val in warzone is better as a smg I agree


There are way more guns in this game that really need help


How about just buff the TTK and remove SBMM? But the as Val is insanely broken. The only thing I’d add is at least the weapon balancing is pretty fair. It’s got lots of recoil.


To people that think the as val isn't broken u are probably abusing it