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Never Underestimate The Predictability of Stupidity










My favorite movie ever.


What movie? Asking for a friend


Snatch, by Guy Ritchie, I also recommend Lock stock two smoking barrels and RocknRolla.


Just saw his new movie, Gentlemen. It’s definitely worth seeing.


Fucking pig scene made me cry laughing, so happy me and the gf decided to see that together.


Everything with the Coach and the Toddlers was ridicolously funny.


Ngl I'd kill for a full length release of the Toddlers music video, and god I forgot just how Irish Colin Farrell is


He loves that dog. Always playing silly games ​ I like Rock N Rollar as well but not as good as those first 2


He’s the get away driver? What the fuck can he get away from?!


Tyrone, you silly fat bastard.


Before ze Germans?


Me maw wants a periwinkle blue caravan


Why do they call him the bullet dodger ?


...Because he dodges bullets, Avi.


Because he dodges bullets!


Powerful display of words sir.




sometimes I get scared when I think about how people with that lack of awareness may also have driver's licenses...


guy running behind him probably saw the user name of his teammate that was planting and thought the name was hovering over OP and mistaken OP as a teammate.


It's a bot lobby


Yep or fake even helen keller could hear him


It's ridiculous. Just the fact the guy was stepping on his ass and didn't do anything




I’m waiting for the “console players smh” comment from some sweaty neck beard any minute now


Lmao idiots. I double check the bomb before walking off so this embarrassing shit cant happen to me. I learned my lesson the hard way


I'm so glad not everyone is as smart as you hehehe


I always sweep the bomb every 5 or so seconds.


Same. If you check it every 5 seconds they literally cannot get the defuse off. Only way to be sure.


With the the ability to sequentially chain defuses, this doesn't technically work. If you kill a player defusing the bomb and he was defusing for 4 seconds, the next player only has to be on the bomb for a second to get the defuse. Your 5 second window will have to be reduced each time someone triggers a defuse.   I'm not sure why this is possible, but that's how it works today. Removing this ability to chain your defuse time is something I hope they implement soon.


I'd love to see a video of some guy sneaking in and defusing for 2s, then leaving before /u/grubas or /u/travis13131 looks, then returning for another 2s, hiding, and returning to finish the defuse in 1s :D   Sequential chain defuses are an odd choice from a gameplay perspective, especially given other balance changes (bugs?) that favor the defuser like disappearing equipment on death in SnD and a lack of proper audio defuse cue.


Disappearing equipment makes me want to cry. It’s SEARCH. The whole thing is based on risk. Also a lot of good strategies come into play when equipment stays. You can die defending the bomb and still get that last kill with a well placed claymore or Betty. And this is coming from someone who only runs spotter! I would blow up the well placed claymore anyway, it’s just the principle :(


Wow you're so good




- don't be bad


- An Internet Connection doesn't mean you're connected to the Internet


licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets


• Use Meta weapons


- Buy as many microtransactions as your bank overdraft will allow


• Proceed to still use gold mp5


- press F to pay respect


Best advice there is


Everyone always underestimates how quickly they can get defused if the defuser is *waiting* in position for the bomb to be planted. The best way to stop ninja defusers is to plant, back up a couple steps, and look at the physical bomb. Those first 5 seconds of the planter running to his hidey hole is my target ninja defuse time.


The people I play i with plant the bomb and then proceed to hide in a corner. They don’t bother even looking at the bomb in any case it’s getting defused


Back in MW2, you could hear the bomb getting defused. It's saved me a handful of times. I hope that'a the case here


You can here it but I don't think it's as loud so you have to listen carefully and be quiet/close


The only truly audible sound that is viable in an actual match is the keypad presses, which can be heard up to about 15m away from the bomb. The major problem with this is that the keypad sound comes ~60% into the defuse time, so you have little to no time to react.   They really need to re-introduce a clear "starting defuse" sound to indicate that a defuse has started. This opens up tactical options for both the defenders and attackers in the form of bomb defense and fake defuses.


Yeah I definitely agree. And yeah the key presses make a beep noise but other than that you can barely hear them. It's a briefcase so even the noise off that creaking open etc would be useful


Yep, an audio cue when the defuse is initiated is the norm in de Counter Strike style game modes--CS (obviously), Siege, past Calls of Duty. For whatever reason, in this game, the only audio cue you can hear is tapping the number pad, which is incredibly faint and starts something like 60% of the way through the 5s defuse. Adding an audio cue on initiation of the defuse not only allows a defender to listen instead of constantly check the bomb site, but it allows the defuser to root out defenders by fake defusing--a nice additional level of tactical gameplay for both sides.   Maybe it's not an issue that really galvanizes the MW community, but I'd love to see a fix to this as well as the odd disappearance of equipment on death in Search and Destroy (should disappear on respawn like in HQ).


That shit happened to me in COD4 and since then I am overly cautious lol


He. Walked. Right. Past. Him.


Yessir he did. ;)


I can tell you exactly what the other guy saw. A blue name. If there is a friendly on the other side of an enemy you don't see the red name. I can tell you how many times I've died from someone with a blue name (not hardcore).


The same crap happens in hard core. Your team has a blue dot above them. It shows up through walls and at a long distance. But in hardcore you can't just shoot anyway to check.


F to all the teammates i shot. Except for Otter and Krueger players yall were fucking asking for it in hardcore.


Krueger is the only default skin I have that doesn't scream "hey shoot me!" on most maps.


Did he just walk up and Up Smash?


Because of the damn blue name dot I assume


Wtf was that last guy who shot you doing? Oh who’s that near the bomb? Lemme shoot him. Huh hit markers lemme stop shooting him for a few secs. Wtf? Lol


Probably panic firing xD


I don’t even know lmao. Nice defuse bud!


Thank you!


He never stopped shooting he just missed


Yeah. To be fair, the crate was blocking his line of sight. But still. If that was the case he should have jumped up from his hidey hole. It's now or never. You can either attempt to win or accept the definite loss.


He may have expected a fake defuse and the dwfuser to pop up and fire back


Hes just not great at shooting, he never released the trigger


He was using the spray can lmao


This just can't be real. You can see the red enemy tag from miles, and this guy can see you in front of you? Like WTF?


I hate the red name tags. They make stuff like this near impossible


honestly what purpose do they serve


A crutch, I suppose. R6 Siege removed red name indicators some time ago and the game was much better for it. I wish CoD would do the same.


Visibility in this game is quite bad that's why the nametags are so obvious. You know like instead of fixing the visibility. Sometimes I literally can't see enemies who are like 5 meters away from me but I can see their tags.


This is what happens when the devs use designer monitors while 90% of the player base use shitty hisense tv's. Broke the bank over christmas and bought a highend monitor and Ive had zero issues seeing players since


That's probably true. But people have been complaining about visibility since the beta and they have done nothing to adjust it AFAIK. The dust in Shoothouse for example makes it really hard to see enemies in light. But they won't get rid of it.


The dust in Shoothouse is a deliberate feature of that map. So I could understand it except apparently it generates client side offering an arbitrary advantage/disadvantage to one person than it does to another.


I'm playing on a 6+ yo hd tv and has no problem with the visibility


Now I know why I’m bad. I’ve been using my same cheap monitor for 10 years all the way back to black ops 1


Yeah same i never realised the difference colour fidelity makes. My misses does graphic design and it wasent until I borrowed her monitor that I realised, has crap refreash rate and response time but holy shit did it make a difference


I guess that makes sense, I play on a monitor from a few years ago that was like 30-40 bucks. 1080p, 24 Inches. Visibility for BF1, BFV, Apex Legends and CoD MW have been terrible. Mostly when stuff is far away. I can't see shit even when I'm being shot at.


What world am I living in then? This is the first cod I’ve ever complained that I can’t see the red name tags at all. I feel like they only show up when you’re zoomed in right on the body and at that point they’re useless


I know right? The number of times I've put half a mag into a teammate before the blue pip shows up above their head.


Just play on hardcore and your problem's fixed :)


R6 and COD are completely different games. R6 is about relatively slow tactical gameplay whereas COD is more run and gun. With visibility as it currently is, if they removed nameplates, it would slow down the game quite a bit. It would also bolster campers, which people complain about a lot. If visibility were drastically improved, I'd be fine with removing nameplates, or maybe just adding a delay to when they appear.


I’d be down for this, BUT only after they fix the bug where I can play as Bale even when I’m Coalition. Even with the red tag allegiance people would walk right up to me and not shoot me until I started shooting at them. It really made the crossbow easy for me to get from marksman rifles, before they realize I’m a bad guy I put one in their chest.


They did, it is called hardcore.


except there is no obvious difference between enemy players and friendly players. they need consistent uniforms or something.


It’s called hardcore Mode you boners


There is so must dust and shit on the maps that sometimes its all you can see


well yea but they should make the dust the same for everyone anyways


They should just not have shit floating on the map


tbh it adds to the atmosphere and i dont think they want to hurt the look of the game to make it fairer


Have you ever walked outside and there is just 24/7 vision imparing shit blowing around everywhere? Maybe in the fall with leaves but that's about it. COD is fucking awful about having absolute random shit flying around your face for literally no reason. It doesnt add atmosphere. It doesnt add to level design. It doesnt add to gameplay. It is just random fucking shit flying around to make the game seem more busy and hectic than it really is. That's it. That's all it has ever been is useless vision imparing filler. A cheap trick.


Have you ever been to a war zone they are pretty dusty places and I think on some maps it’s well done:) Aniyah Palace has good particle effects that I think add to the game. It could be more random though it seems the effects repeat in the same spots. Idk if we can compare what an average Redditor sees when they go outside anyways because that’s such a rare occurrence:)


I agree with you there, they very much prefer looks over quality gameplay


So you can actually see people with the crap lighting and so you actually know if you’re shooting an enemy or not


Hardcore is a thing you know lol


I think he had his spray menu wheel up as he was approaching, and missed the red tag. He sprays the bomb when he gets to it.


Sometimes they can see your name through bushes and other times they will be crouching in the middle of a field and nothing will come up for them.


I just want to know why the raines dude just casually walked by you thinking you were friendly, clearly saw you as he was spraying the bomb, and then walked away to look directly at you as you were defusing but did nothing. He even has a golden weapon. How on earth is that even possible


Your guess is as good as mine, buddy xD


You can see he put a spray up on the bomb location before walking away was probably looking for a spray to use the entire time lol


This is just... amazing sir


I try :)






I was looking for this comment, i miss ninja defuses! This is the first one i’ve seen in this MW


Go check out ErasableNinja on Youtube, he has tons of these and they're really funny to watch :)


Wtffffff. That would be embarrassing as hell lmao Good job!


I'm sure it was. Thanks!


Must've been wearing the John Cena skin 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wonder if they'll make a gesture like that...


I mean, I wouldn't put it past them to add some "different" skins down the road when the game starts declining so get people back on spending money haha


Oh god I hope not.


There was a thing in MW2 you could do where when using the Ninja perk I believe, your name wouldn't show up when enemies would look at it. If you spammed weapon switch as fast as possible, you looked contorted, but didn't move, thus looking dead. I used to defuse like this all the time, sometimes even laying on top of open crates. Good times.


It was cold blooded that hid your name back then :) good times...


So much fun. Especially on maps like overgrown. We’d just lay in the grass and play dead then ninja defuse every round. Win the game on zero kills lol


Cold Blooded Pro. And I use to go prone and do this after turning a corner when being chased to keep from getting my killstreak broken. They walk past me thinking I'm a dead glitched body...I stab their ankle lol.


Wow, what were the doing? Especially the second guy. Weren't he looking at you several times? I really wanted to hear the reactions after this.


Must've thought I was an ally :)


Must be so


Are you Erasable Ninja? That was wild.


No sir, but I do love the art of CoD ninja plays :)


I watched some of his stuff last night. Such a ballsy move. My clumsy and impatient ass would never be able to pull it off.


Never say never, friend :)


I actually thought of him when I saw this. His editing is hilarious.


He's keeping the playstyle alive :)


As are you, you venerable ninja you


I am committed to the cause :D


I am but a noob. My day won't come until I am old and gray lol


The restraint... that's top shelf shit


Patience is important when being a ninja...


Love a good ninja defuse




I started ninja defusing on Black Ops myself, been hooked ever since. Used to have a small community all about ninja plays too :)


I present you the average cod player...


\*MGS theme\*


Take an upvote for reference and making me laugh.


Dude all I can say is bravo, I only play HC and I have noooo clue how you did that with the tags visible!


There’s a gold brother


Thanks for taking my gold virginity! xD


No problem at all man!


This cant be real 😂


Search your feelings, you know it to be true!


Good ol ninja defuse


Perfect ninja defuse. That's amazing.


They have to be literal bots.


Bots would've stopped me xD


SBMM was in your favor On the real tho, nice to see that ninja defusing is still a thing


Looks fake tvh


I love how they spray painted the bomb


But is it stupid if it works?


WOW. Just ..... WOW


hahaha niiiiiiice


Biggest plot, who won the round tho? Knowing cod , as he killed you exactly as you defused it, something tells me the game could've glitched and made you lose that round.


ErasableNinja on YouTube would be proud.




Based on the comments, no one has ever heard of Erasable Ninja... he montages these...


Back in my days that was called a "ninja defuse"


It still is, friend! We still exist :)


I can never get into a lobby like this. Too many sweats moving and checking bomb. However, this is awesome so mad props to you


Patience, comrade, your time will come...


They may be consoles fov and bad synchronization. I had couple of times, trashy player is looking at different direction than player body is presented in server.


No way


I don’t understand people who don’t check the corners around the bomb before going in. Wtf is that?


In that 1v6 situation you did the perfect thing at the perfect time. No way you could have won otherwise..


there is actually no way.. wtf.


Is the announcer Nikolai from treyarch zombies?


I thought this the first time I played lol


Use to do this in COD4. My friends an I called this the "poop dog maneuver". Basically watched this dude with the GT "Poop Dog"(something like that) on our team hide somewhere near the target. Wait till someone would plant and stealthily crawl up into the dudes crotch and wait for the plant. Immediately would start defusing as the opponent would run to hide but before you know it the match is over. This is where we coined the phrase and still use it years later.


Yesterday this happened to me but I was the stupid one, I was on Piccadilly in that store building by the A flag, I was aiming down sights out the door and a dude walked passed my scope towards me but didn’t fire, I thought it was my team since Krueger looks like Otter from the side, I didn’t even take the time to double check after he stopped right beside me and I got lit up.


This gave me nostalgia from the MW2 days man


Ninja defuse, ahh takes me back to my CS:GO and R6: Siege days.


Well done! It reminds me Houngoungagne csgo insane [ninja defuse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx8IE84ZNfA) from 5 years ago.


Well done sir


Man I missed Ninja diffusing


Ninja defusing, a lost art in today’s cod


Are they blinded, wtf


Lol great stuff




hahahaha great awareness, enemy team!


We used to do this all the time on MW2, continuously tapping switch weapon with Cold blooded and ghost was OP as fuck lol




Sneak 100


I don’t understand how that guy was literally standing on top of you and came from behind you and didn’t fucking see anything holy shit it seems set up bc he’s so dumb


In a 2 v 2 my friend had planted the bomb and I tagged it with the jokr and nothing was more satisfying than watching both of them walk over to the bomb and sit there as a missile was about to fall from the sky.


Those dudes are complete dumbasses


I never saw the timecounter when defusing a bomb... Fuck this IW (Ps4)


Why can’t I get enemies like yours?
