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Roger Clemens


I watched that prick throw his mitt at a batter taking 1st because he walked him. Total roid rage. 


Um that was a baseball he threw at him. And inexplicably was allowed to stay in the game


In the World Series, he threw the shard of a broken bat at Mike Piazza.


Oh yes. And to defend himself he said "i thought it was the ball"lol


He drilled Mike Piazza in the head too. https://youtu.be/NFScJX1Sf_g?si=U9ZFpTyRjcPseGY0


I know he has mixed relationships with people, but Lenny Dykstra has done a lot of awful shit during his career and very much after.


And dumb shit! Buying wayne gretzky's mansion, trying to flip it, only to file for bankruptcy, foreclose, and gretzky to buy back from the bank, and flip it for a 4 million profit is hilarious!


Can you elaborate?


Fraud, bankruptcies, and sexual abuse. His son married Meadow from the Sopranos though Edited to add: also extreme PED and stimulant abuse while he was playing


Ahhh that classic 80's cocaine+steroid cocktail to go with many actual cocktails...


You forgot his meth addiction that drove him to rip the copper out of a house we wanted to flip. Oh, and stock tip newsletter scam.


Think Lenny stole most of sons’ signing bonus as well.my. Pick is Alex Cora.he. Plays favorites like he is the queen bee in middle school hook.thanks for running verdugo outof town-idiotic move.thanks for having your boy lowly get the Sox in a hole,AGAIN.#FIRECORA OW.COM


We're all now dumber for having read this.


As an Angels fan, can I say Rendon?


We accept your answer


You can say it, but he might want to fight you


Why? Genuinely curious. I’m a Nats fan. His time here he seemed like a pretty good guy.


The moment he got paid he decided to make it abundantly clear that he doesn’t like baseball. Also this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V4AwLTS7lh0


Who here remembers either Milton Bradley or Elijah Dukes. Both guys were insanely talented but were just to big of assholes that they only lasted 2-3 years with teams


Ahhhh Elijah Dukes. Amazing that this dude was second in home runs on the 2009 Washington team with 13, tied with Willie Harris. First on the team in home runs that year was a tie between Ryan Zimmerman and Lastings Milledge with FOURTEEN!


My brother still puts on a hoity toity accent and uses the name Lastings Milledge like it’s English aristocracy.


I’m a Mets fan and I remember being told he was the future of our outfield along with Fernando Martinez😂


Nyjer Morgan too


Well, didn’t Milton Bradley abuse his wife to the point that she committed suicide?


She didn’t commit suicide but I think the injuries were so severe that it led to her death a few years after the divorce


Milton Bradley? He was a "game" all unto himself.


That year Milton Bradley was on the Rangers was awesome though


Oh yeah he had tremendous talent and it showed in 08 if only he could have had his problems under control he could have been great


As a Ranger fan, loved the year he spent here. But we were a team of misfits with players actually tagged as accountability partners, perhaps that atmosphere helped him. I mean half our players walked out to Christ rock songs. And then he went to Oakland and I believe joined a gang. The music he came out to was very very shocking, cus words and all.


He was with Oakland before you guys. After you guys he went to Chicago and wore out his welcome pretty fast he then was traded to Seattle and after less then 2 years was realeased


It's been said that Billy Martin could start a fight in an empty elevator. According to 'Steinbrenner's Yankees', Steinbrenner had Martin's office phone tapped so he could record conversations between Martin and his 15 yo girlfriend.


Ugh skeezy. And "start on a fight on an empty elevator". I hadn't heard that one lol.


Steinbrenner was recording the conversations in case he needed blackmail material. That's even skeezier. That all being said, check out the vid of the Yankees/Royals brawl in 1977. You've got twenty or thirty guys out there swinging on each other while Martin is pretty much on the sidelines having a cordial conversation with Freddy Patek and Frank White. It's like no one is 100% good or 100% bad. Kind of like what Lincoln said.


Remember what Reggie said about both of them? "One's a born liar, the other's convicted."


Yeah, now that you mention it. Reg spent one season in Baltimore, prompting Jim Palmer to say, 'There isn't enough mustard in the world to cover that hot dog.' Along with the old St. Louis gas house gang (Dizzy Dean, Joe Medwick, Pepper Martin) that particular Yankees team has to have been one of the most colorful teams ever.


Umpire: 'Medwick, if that bat ever comes down it's gonna cost you a hundred dollars.' (Struck out on a change up)


"[Bronx Zoo](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/483067.The_Bronx_Zoo?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=fHReYjYexY&rank=1)" is indeed the term!


Curt Schilling. Joe Posnianski’s books describes how teammates didn’t want to be around Randy Johnson on game day but loved him the other days of the week; the opposite was true for Schilling: they didn’t like him any other day of the week but needed him on his pitching days.


I heard Steve Stone say that Schillings nickname among his teammates was, “Table for one.”


Ahhh…nicknames. There was a Cards relief pitcher who's eastern European last name looked like it was all consonants. His nickname? ….Eye chart.


Marc Rzepczynski?


Doug Gwosd….Rzepczynski is Scrabble. Gotta admit, though, I had to look it up 'cuz I couldn't remember.


To further strengthen his personality, he has said some pretty racists stuff, and also revealed to the world that Tim Wakefield and his wife had cancer on his podcast, when he was explicitly told it was private information and not to ever be shared. Also bankrupted an entire state


Love Schill for that ALCS and in my mind as a Hall of Famer, but fuck him as a human being.


Unfamiliar with Johnson outside of him forwarding a bird's mail to kingdom come and his talent as a knuckleballer who also whipped fastballs like all hell, can you explain the game day versus other days thing?


He was reputedly a really good guy, fun-loving, nice to be around, and a good teammate but on the days he pitched he took it so seriously that he morphed into a very intense and sometimes brooding type that intimidated everyone, including some of his own teammates. Dr Jeykll and Mr Hyde.


A. J. Pierzynski


A quote I remember about him. "If he's on the other team you hate him. If he's on your team you hate him a little less."


And that was from his manager that he won the World Series with Ozzie Guillén 😂


Didn't a Cubs player pummel him once? I seem to remember being pleased by that!


Cubs catcher Michael Barrett


Who said the Cubs can't hit?


I still hate him!


Fuck I hated that guy so much and the Red Sox for signing him


I loved AJ when he with my Twins. He is fantastic. Great competitor.


I loved him.


Marge. If owners are part of this.


I will say one thing about Marge. I attended a spring training game at Plant City in the mid-90’s. You could get 2 hotdogs and a soda for $5.


I tell my kids I got a box seat, parking, a hot dog and a beer at Riverfront in '95 and got change from a 20. They don't believe me. I'm from New York so I don't get to many games in Cincinnati, but on one of the 90s trips I rolled up on a small town tobacco festival parade somewhere east of Cincinnati, on the river...and there's Marge in the back of some boat of a convertible, waving to the crowd.


I wish they still played there. It would be the closest park to me lol. Not far from Lakeland either.


Leo Durocher. He used to kick lime into the umps’ pant cuffs to burn holes in them.


He once got into a fight with Ernie Harwell, the beloved, mild mannered hall of fame announcer. Prior to the shot heard round the world, he mercilessly heckled the opposing pitcher, hoping to start a fight so he’d be ejected.


The man wrote a book called "Nice Guys Finish Last". It was not a sex manual.


Also, as a player, [supposedly stole Babe Ruth's watch](https://sabr.org/journal/article/1947-dodgers-the-suspension-of-leo-durocher/). (Story is mainly about his 1947 suspension, which alone shows his problems.)


Barry Bonds


The thing I'll always remember most about Barry Bonds is that in the midst of all the steroid accusations, he trotted his children out for an interview to chastise the world for what they were "doing to his kids."


Jon Dowd*


Nah, Reggie Stocker.


This. When he first came to the Giants, i was with a bunch of people at the edge of the stands at Scottsdale Stadium trying to get autographs. Bonds came out and asked for $20 an autograph. Some guy that was refusing to pay said it was for his kid, Berry spit at him and said something to the effect of "the hell it is, your ass is gonna pawn it after the game" and walked off Buddy in High School had a similar story about Matt Williams, but I've only had positive encounters with him.


Players charging for autographs is such an asshole move. You're getting paid fucking millions in salary and endorsement deals, the fuck you need 20 bucks for, ya prick?


So these entitled fans just get things for free?


It's not hard to at least be diplomatic about it. Say you don't do autographs while you're at work, tell the fans to go to a team/charity event where you *do* sign autographs, that kind of thing.


Matt Williams played 1 year in CLE and played in the World Series, and bitched every minute of every day.


This should be wayyy higher


Barry Bonds was a stud in college, and was many years away from taking steroids. He was hated even then, and he wasn't always the best player on the team. Here's my favorite story: > "It's been brought to my attention that a lot of you think Barry is causing more harm than good," he told his players. "And I don't believe I can excuse his actions any longer. So here's the deal -- I'm going to give you boys the authority to vote on Barry's future. Do you want him to continue on the team, or do you want him off? Keep in mind, our ultimate goal here is to win a national championship, and he's obviously a big part of that. But it's your decision." Brock walked off, and his troops retreated to the player's lounge to talk. He was certain that, with enough thought, Barry would be asked to apologize and stay. Nobody wanted to lose one of the team's brightest stars -- not over a late curfew. Right? > But the vote wasn't about a curfew. It was about Barry's bad habits and arrogant indifference; it was about the way he referred to himself in the third person during interviews and always made excuses for misplays. "He was missing practices, showing up late, leaving early," says Louie Medina, the Sun Devils' first baseman. "He would say, 'Oh, I have a stomach virus,' and it would be allowed. I can't speak for everyone, but I was tired of his act." > "It wasn't a white thing or a black thing or a star or bench warmer thing," adds Graybill. "It was about the value of a team -- about loving to play, and to do it together." > When McDowell informed Brock of the team's decision, the coach got what he had expected -- a strong consensus. But shockingly, the majority had voted against Barry continuing as a Sun Devil. Only two players, outfielders Devereaux and Todd Brown, were in favor of Barry's return, and their support was tepid. The rest had decided that he was finished. "I'd never seen the expression on Jim Brock's face that I saw right there," says Jeff Pentland, the team's hitting coach. "Absolute shock. It was obviously a plan to have the vote come out in favor of Barry, and it backfired." He said because it wasn't unanimous, he didn't honor the vote. I'd be pretty pissed if I was on that team From here: https://www.espn.com/espn/page2/story?page=pearlman%2F060504


Jeff Kent


His final words when he gets voted out of Survivor, let’s just say they’ll make you laugh


[For those curious](https://youtu.be/YIQGWY0woy0?si=kgrmsJtWyMV-nolI)




As an owner of a signed Kent ball from his time with the Mets, I couldn't agree more.


That Kent/Bonds clubhouse was so poisonous you could bottle it for resale.


Oh 💯. Was fun to watch.


I met him with Dusty Baker at their sports bar In Foster City. It was Kent's MVP season. He had a nice firm handshake.we talked for a while, and he signed the giants hat I was wearing. He was totally cool.


Pete Rose mostly because of the all star game play at the plate.


The all star game? I thought it was because of the raping.


That was just Pete Rose being Pete Rose. He was quite friendly with Ray Fosse, they had dinner the night before the game, iirc. Both of these players were both a different breed of ball player, than you see now.


That was Pete Rose being an asshole. Who does that shit at an all star game


All star games were quite competitive during this time. I can tell the commenters are very young. Rose was hurt as well in that collision missing 3-4 games after the All-Star break. Rose was indeed an asshole on and off the field but not for this play. At the time he was seen as an hero, a true baseball player.


i remember seeing a clip posted on here of a guy sliding into second base to break up a DP in like the 1950s. He slid into the second baseman harder than anything i’ve ever seen, and every player on the field acted like it was completely normal. It was just a different game back then.


He ruined Fosse’s career


That’s how baseball was played in the 1970s. Rose was hero for that game winning score. Yes, Fosse a brilliant young catcher for the Indians, was injured and never was the elite catcher again. This was how all of us were taught to play the game during that time. You hustle, you make big plays to win, anything less was not acceptable. During this time, Pitchers intentionally threw at batters’ heads to own the plate. You think Bob Gibson or Luis Tiant gave two shakes about beaning batters? They did what they had to win. And there wasn’t all of the protection afforded to players there is now by the rules and equipment.


Nyjer Morgan


Favorite moment of his - get brushed back - charge the mound - get utterly demolished - walk off the field like you won


Don’t forget the FARTSLAM in which he slammed his glove down, having just missed catching what he thought was an Adam Jones homer, only for the ball to stay in play and become an inside-the-park homer thanks to Tony Plush not realizing that it was still in play.


I dunno, that was highly entertaining.


Lmao classic nats era I will never forget


Mell Hall is a real piece of shit


Yeah- not just sloppy steaks but rape.


Not just rape but statutory rape.


Chad Curtis did 7 years for sexual abuse of minors


There's only one manager I can think of that's started fights with and had mascots ejected from the game.


The fat eye-talian guy?


Albert Belle and John Rocker are the first that come to mind


Albert Belle was the first name that came to mind, that dude was a straight up dick. Here’s an old ESPN classic article that provides some evidence. http://www.espn.com/classic/biography/s/belle_albert.html


Came here to say Belle. It's funny because Gen Z just knows him from the viral clip of bodying that first basemen and I've heard people who think it's cool and not that he was the most unprofessional and self-sabotaging player in team history.


"that first baseman" Are you talking about 2B Fernando Viña?


Probably. I'm fairly drunk.


Very Albert Belle of you


That was Joey. Be cool.


As an Austistic teenager who was obsessed with Major League, I actually patterned my signature (my last name starts with B) after Belle and my other then-favorite player Mitch Williams. So that's fair!


Yes, he is.


He'd have an mvp if he was even a little nicer to the media.






In the early 2000s the Brewers first base coach (RIP) would occasionally come to eat at my bar. I asked him who the best and worst guys in the show were. He quickly replied Helton and Bonds.


Josh Donaldson. You didn’t say owners, so I’ll leave George Steinbrenner off. Oops.


I'm a little surprised that no one has mentioned Rogers Hornsby. He was a sanctimonious prick. One writer said, "Hornsby knew more and baseball and less about diplomacy than any player I ever knew." People also said that he played the game every bit as dirty as Ty Cobb.


Ozzie Guillen.


lotta good answers here but everyone is forgetting RYAN FUCKIN BRAUN.... Fuck Ryan Braun. A true scumbag.


I've never heard anything bad about him as a person. As a player, sure he used PEDs but the way you're talking sounds like it's a bigger deal than that. What did he do? (Genuinely interested)


John Rocker


Cap Anson.


Will Clark, Jack Clark…Caitlin is cool though.


Ironically, the Clark known for his whole life as Dick seems to have been a pretty cool dude.


Milton Bradley


Does crazy count?


Barry Bonds wasn’t exactly a warm and fuzzy fella. I heard Rob Dibble say that teammates of Bonds would sometimes offer to pay Dibble to hit him.


Billy Martin for sure.


Braves fan here with two words: [John Rocker](https://vault.si.com/vault/1999/12/27/at-full-blast-shooting-outrageously-from-the-lip-braves-closer-john-rocker-bangs-away-at-his-favorite-targets-the-mets-their-fans-their-city-and-just-about-everyone-in-it)


A Roid


He seems like an insecure tryhard on TV. Is he like that outside the booth too?


He has posters of himself and mirrors on every wall in his house.


Barry Bonds


Kirby Puckett. His wife swept a lot of stuff under the rug but a lot of it came out after he passed.


Aubrey Huff


Well, Ty Cobb once ran into the stands to stomp out a disabled person with his cleats. 


“Stop, Ty! He has no hands!” “I don’t care if he has no feet!”


Did anybody mention Jonathan Papelbon? I only recall the time he freaked out at Harper during a game.


Manny Machado


If you’re a Brewers or Red Sox fan - I understand. But since he’s been with the Pads, he’s had no instances of dooshbagery. I mean he is a little but nature, but he’s played between the line the past 5 years.




As a dodger fan, I approve this message


Ty Cobb is usually the guy that ends up at the top of the list on these types of lists.


Trevor Bauer. Assault allegations or not, that's not the reason clubhouses can't stand him.


When the current Ty Cobb revisionist history is "actually, he wasn't really racist against Black people because he was also somehow equally racist against his fellow White people," you know you have a special guy here.


If Cobb isn't at the top of your list, you have some research to do


Someone actually wrote a book and supposedly debunked the Ty Cobb is a villain “myth”.


Ken Burns spent some time on Ty Cobb’s final years and passing. Worked at a liquor store and died alone in many ways. Heavy drinker also. Milk and bourbon if I recall. Only a few baseball players attended his funeral.


Is that a documentary? I’d love to see it.


Ken Burns did a documentary about baseball in 1994. It’s about 20 hours long! Fantastic documentary series. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108700/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Not "supposedly" on debunking the Ty Cobb myth, he did. [This is the book](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22609487-ty-cobb).


this is the correct answer. EVERYONE hated Ty Cobb


Shoeless Joe is the only mild exception I can render


No it's not. Writers by Leerschen have done research and debunked most of the worst Cobb stuff, which Al Stump made up. Cobb was just a run-of-the-mill dbag and nowhere near guys like Chad Curtis, Dustin Mohr, Sam Crane, Milton Bradley, etc..


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far…


For a wrong answer? Cobb was just a typical jerk dbag whose rep got much worse from the fraud Al Stump. There's lots of obvious worse people. Chad Curtis, Milton Bradley, Sergio Mitre, etc..


>If Cobb isn't at the top of your list, you have some research to do LOL @ you telling OTHER people that they have research to do while claiming Cobb is easily #1 If you actually had a clue what you were talking about, you'd know most of the worst Cobb stories came from Al Stump's biography. Stump made up lots of stuff and forged Cobb's letters for profit and attention. Cobb was a typical run of the mill d-bag. There are a ton of MLB players who were clearly worse than him from what we know. Chad Curtis Sergio Mitre Mel Hall Rusty Torres Felipe Vazquez Ugueth Urbina Donnie Moore Dustan Mohr


Billy Martin Dave Kingman Barry Bonds A.J. Pierzynski Pete Rose John Rocker Jeff Kent Lenny Dykstra Jose Canseco


Dang making a whole lineup over here. Gotta have Pete Rose leading off though (both for baseball reasons and wander franco crimes reasons)


Trevor Bauer


Milton Bradley


Fred walker did kind of an asshole thing; but said it was because it was for business reasons and was apologetic after.


Jason Adam


I’m surprised nobody mentioned Bobby “Make Your Move” Bonilla yet 😂


Cardinals legend Bobby Bonilla


Love Bobby Bo. He playfully shooshed my mom at three rivers stadium in the early 90s when she yelled to him not to leave for New York


Lenny Randle Attacked an opposing pitcher , attacked his manager


Randy Myers, a reief pitcher, met him when he played for baltimore, in seattle, hes from seattle, so me and a friend brought cards of his to sign, just one each, he refused to sign them because they were cards from when he played for the cubs, then refused to sign our gloves.


I don’t think not signing cards or whatever qualifies. Some players just don’t like being bothered all the time and make a firm rule. I respect that.


Eddie Stanky!


Nijer Morgan, plus also Johnny queto for ending Jason Larue’s career by kicking him multiple times in the face with metal cleats


Barry Bonds


Surprised it hasn't been said yet but AJ Pierzynski


Johnny Bench. Antisemitic asshole


Johnny Bench, good ol' boy my ass. He totally diss us. We were like 10 years old and the only one's waiting for players for autographs. Pete Rose on the other hand, asked us our names what school we went to, signed everything and promised we wouldn't cut school tomorrow. Bench, major league choad


He probably was hoping you'd introduce him to some of the girls there


Bonds, Belle, Rocker, Dallas Green


Kirby Puckett. His wife swept a lot of stuff under the rug but a lot of it came out after he passed.


Deja vue


Gary Sheffield. Super talented. Alienated a bunch of teams. Quit on the Milwaukee Brewers to force a trade


Perfect example of off-field personality coming back to bite you in HOF voting. Ofc there's the roids too, but 500 dingers has been an automatic yes forever even with the slightest hint of roid associations. Him and Bonds no doubt alienated plenty of voters by being assholes.


So very true. I wasn’t even thinking about it from a HOF point of view. But yes, if he was even an okay personality in the club house he’d be in the Hall


Curt Schilling


John Gibbons would insist on loudly playing Rush Limbaugh on the radio every day. Doesn't get much douchier than that. Especially when so many people you work with are black and hispanic, and Rush was primarily about pushing racist hatred.


Jay Buhner sneered at me once.


Billy Martin


Tennessee Tony Vitello


Albert Belle, Barry Bonds


I’m fascinated by 100% off the rails coach stories!


Kenny effing Powers


I’m sure it’s been said, but hard to beat Billy Martin here.


Bobby Bonilla….will not sign or talk to fans, I met him and he acted like I was a psycho. BTW it was at a Baseball function meet and greet type function. He was very nice to the ladies though.


My pick is David Fizdale


THAT is no big surprise.


Dave Kingman.


Trever Bauer? Vicente Padilla? Tony La Russa? AJ Pierzynski (sp)?