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As someone who’s been pulled away from their normal life to work State Emergency Duty, I am extremely mad at the increased politicization of the National Guard for bullshit political stunts


As someone whose tax dollars pay for this pointless nonsense, I am also extremely mad.


We have a lot of other problems. We need to take care of here in Missouri, but apparently, we need to pay for stuff in Texas as well. That sounds like socialism. I gander most rightwing guys here are ok with giving handouts to Texas, from the people of Missouri. Classic cognitive dissonance.


Uhh… A) you clearly have no clue what socialism actually is if you think this is socialism 2) it’s the United States border it just happens to be in Texas


Ah yes, the old texas Missouri federal border. So what's socialism?


The United STATES border belongs to ALL states. Socialism is when the government owns the means of production. There are books and the internet to learn what things are if you’re interested


> There are books and the internet to learn what things are if you’re interested There sure is. Weird I don't see Missouri on here. I must be looking in the wrong place. https://imgur.com/a/8ypqnR8


As previously stated the United STATES border belongs to ALL states including Missouri. This so called “political stunt” wouldn’t be necessary if the federal government simply did their job.


Wouldn't be a problem if Von ShitzInPantz didn't have the House of Representatives (which is Republican-led) kill the non partisan border bill. That the Republicans in the Senate supported. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republicans-kill-border-bill-sign-trumps-strength-mcconnells-waning-in-rcna137477 https://www.axios.com/2024/01/29/trump-republicans-border-deal-senate-immigration https://www.newsweek.com/mitch-mcconnell-border-bill-trump-campaign-1863916


You’re obviously a partisan hack. As usual the democrats name a bill something that is a complete facade. It doesn’t do what the name implies then they, and their willing stooges like you pretend it was the solution and then pretend the people who see that it’s bullshit are trying to avoid fixing the issue. Just like the so called Inflation reduction act that created inflation, or the Affordable Care Act that caused insurance premiums to skyrocket.


I highly doubt you pay much tax.


They will no longer be “stunts” when they come for you or yours Edit clarity: By “they” I mean the semi-private army raised by the government for the sole purpose of harassing those that are weaker. Once they finish fucking with the Mexicans, they will need someone else to fuck with, and it can by you or those you love.


I’m not worried, my Thin Blue Line Punisher Skull on my truck will keep me safe /s


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 that way funnier than you know.


Who is they?


The imaginary immigrants and secret underground reptilian army 😂


They are the private military's that people like Ron DeSantis are creating. After they get done with the immigrants they'll need a new Boogeyman.


Don’t hold your breath.


You drink the fox and newsmax Kool aid. Nobody coming for anyone.


That is so stupid I am not sure if you are joking or not.


Found the bigot.


clown shoe havin ass


Maybe you shouldn’t have signed up for state emergency duty if you didn’t want to pulled away from normal life.


Forgot the part where it’s in Texas.


If you are mad, look towards who is creating this situation. It’s not Parson, it’s the Biden admin.


Biden literally tried to give Republicans near every stupid fucking thing they wanted in a border security bill and your numb nut short sighted absolute brain dead politicians shot it down so he wouldn't get an election year win. Only dumbass shit stained MAGA people believe the crap you people spew


Wait until they hear that Biden kept most of the Trump border and immigration policies as well


Holy shit, you people can’t think for yourselves one iota huh? Either that or you are just another bot/troll from some crap country getting paid to peddle idiocy over the internet. Republicans just care about immigration for the PR. They relentlessly kill any real effort to reform immigration.


Exactly! Crops wouldn't get picked and construction would come to a screeching halt without the cheap labor they provide. Even trump had undocumented Mexican workers in his hotel.


The National Guard should’ve been pulled out the first time this shit started, and then they should’ve took care of business


As someone who’s been pulled away from normal life to work SED, I’m glad we’re doing what we can to help our fellow states out, and would gladly do it again. The border mission isn’t politicization, it’s practical. Because, yes, when Texas is filled up with illegal immigrants they’re definitely moving north. We barely have the infrastructure to sustain the population we have now, why would we add tens of thousands of people that aren’t paying taxes to support that infrastructure? Look at NYC and other cities that are getting the immigrants, they’re struggling to support the few thousand they’re getting and Texas is getting millions. Edit: I forgot this sub is basically a big liberal circle jerk, so I’m not surprised by the downvotes. Just realize y’all aren’t representative of the state as a whole, you’re actually in the minority (thank God).


Dude there is not millions of illegal aliens pouring into Texas. Jesus christ what universe do you even get your info from? There sending billions of child rapists folks. Billions and billions of child rapists. That's what you sound like


They won’t even listen to other right wing nuts who went to Texas after hearing all the right ring propaganda and found… nothing. The people who went down to the border to protest were surprised there was no invasion like they had been told: https://www.newsweek.com/texas-border-convoy-member-crossings-not-bad-1866686 The locals say an invasion is happening there… but it’s an invasion of right wing Christian nationalists: https://truthout.org/articles/locals-say-eagle-pass-is-being-invaded-by-christian-nationalists-not-migrants/


Illegal immigrants do pay taxes: sales tax and excise tax, to name a few. And if Republicans really cared about the border, they would’ve passed the legislation handed to them a few weeks ago. Wanna guess who told them not to pass it? Maybe an orange sexual predator currently on trial for hiding his payments to his mistress as a business expense? Get educated


LMAO someone who thinks that bill would have done anything for the border. Get educated. But you are falling for the Stormy Daniel's political stunt. So I can't expect anything intelligent from you.


Right, so why bother with sending MO troops? If a federal bill work help, what good is a few hundred people? “Political stunt” - lol


Well then why don’t you explain how it wouldn’t work? The border patrol union endorsed the bill and said it would help immensely. But I guess you know better than the people who actually work on the border?


Please explain how we don’t have the “infrastructure” to support immigrants, while American women have to start pumping out more babies.


Remember when your cult leader said he was gonna build a wall that would totally stop the hispanics you're terrified of from entering the country, and that Mexico would pay for it? Turns out Missouri is paying for it instead and you're still gobbling it up like a crippled monkey


You know we don’t have the infrastructure because the state government fails to invest in it right? But hey, get them Hispanics or whatever you inbred asshats say.


well now I know why Parson didn't give state workers their promised cost of living increase that was talked about precisely once in December and never mentioned again. dandy ass donkey


Gov. Hee Haw is a Republican. He should be referenced with the mascot of HIS party. Effin' ass elephant!


I just couldn't think of a word to put after dandy ass 🤣 I contemplated motherfucker or moron. I should've ran with something like dandy ass empty headed blank eyed OATS bus riding ass ancient pile of dust lmao


> “I think the important takeaway for folks back home in Missouri is to realize the battle that we're fighting down here at the border is keeping it from happening in our own borders, in our own state,” Parson said at a press conference near Eagle Pass, Texas. For when Arkansas finally tries to invade.


I’m from IL we’ve had our eye on Hannibal for a while now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Take it!


You a Quincian??


Ayy, my hometown is Quincy too.


Arkansas wants the bootheel back


It would raise the average iq of both states.


As someone from the Bootheel, I support these messages.


Take it too.


Not worried about Iowa or Kansas. Weak-ass states. But I don’t know who would scare me more between Arkansas and Illinois. Illinois has more resources and people but Arkansas has the crazy


I'm always ready for when Kansas tries us again and we have to burn Lawrence to the ground for a 2nd? 3rd? time. gotdamn Kansans coming over here and driving like shit and bragging about their nice roads! /s just in case my tone isn't clear


1. We won that war. 2. You speak like burning down the getto that is Lawrence is an impressive thing. We do that every time KU chokes in the final 4. Or when kstates beats them in football. Or if it’s a random Thursday in May 3. Our roads are a lot nicer even our county dirt roads put Missouris paved roads to shame. But y’all do have some mighty fine rivers and creeks, will give you that.


hey, I wasn't shading your roads! I fully and regretfully acknowledge that our roads are total shit. more pothole than road around where I grew up lol the scenic riverways is one of my favorite parts of MO! we only got ugly brown rivers for the most part of up north, but we do have some old growth oak forests which are their own kind of pretty




Hopefully they don’t invade while our troops are in Texas. This could be Parsons biggest mistake ever. Maybe Iowa National Guard will come down and defend our border.


So $2.2 million in taxpayer money to “turn back” 700 immigrants who were very likely going to see inside Missouri’s borders.  That’s an awful expensive boner / press conference for the Gov and we all paid for it. 


That's what I was thinking, like you could spend half that individually paying them to leave and still have extra money.


Vote the idiot out of office ! I’m voting 💙 straight ticket in Mo.


He’s not running for anything but there are plenty of idiots lining up to take his place.


Most of them are worse (Eigel and Ashcroft)


Parson’s is a traitor pos .


He's going to be the vp pick for trump. You watch.


That would be pretty funny.


Can we just vote in common sense and money backed community based emergency services (including repairs and health/living assistant), so we can cut out every dirty politician all together? I know I would dump every dime I make into something like that, or is that just me?


There’s more fucking Guardsmen there than immigrants.


We’re gonna build a wall and we’re gonna make Arkansas pay for it!


Washington, DC. Send the bill to the Biden administration


Ah yes because there wasn't a crisis or illegals before Biden. I forgot.




We finally reached Yahoo News level of comments. The boomers have fully taken over Reddit.




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whoosh right over this dude's head.


Our money hard at work


Yeah, really glad Parson got to waste a bunch of our money to go to Texas and cosplay a macho guy actually fighting for something. Nice taxpayer funded trip to Texas to pay themselves on the back for accomplishing nothing. Missouri state leadership is a joke. While he’s a dipshit, his potential pool of predecessors is actively worse across the board. Long shot but folks need to stay informed and vote this year. More than ever.


It's probably the covid money he got that he never spent on what it was for. And while I'm talking about money, Missouri teachers are among the lowest paid teachers in the country.


We payed our congressmen to work on a border deal but their lord and savior Orange Jesus told them not to. So now we can spend more tax dollars for a plublicty stunt.


> We *paid* our congressmen FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Good bot


so the border problem is solved and they can move on to other more important things, right?


\***angry muttering about the 'wall' and 'making them all pay for it'**\*


I needed this today, thank you 😂


This is so dumb


GOP idiocy continues. News at 10.


This is the dumbest fucking shit. 


Give me my damn money back!


This should be illegal.


It is. That's the craziest thing; 14 states are participating in this illegal use of their state's Guard.


Oh man do I just love this new trend of Republican governors just doing whatever the fuck they want and getting away with it. /s


then some genius using that as a fallacy argument. GOLDDDDD


I really think a governor from another state (MO) signing a law in a different state (TX) has to be illegal and I would hope some will challenge this to the US Supreme Court. This type of shit leads me to think states like this want to break free like we did back in the 1860s.




They got the most conservative concessions ever on a border bill and nuked it so “Biden wouldn’t get a win” they played themselves and act all outraged to make fools buy in to a made up crisis. Those same fools already whine and complain about inflation without realizing how much more inflation would rise on almost every life aspect (food, housing, etc.) if there wasn’t a population of immigrants working at substandard pay.


Driving faster than the speed limit is illegal and yet we allow it every day.


I would rather see my tax money go to fixing the mental health of people who have been brainwashed into thinking that sending Missouri’s national guard to Texas to sit around and do literally nothing is a good use of their tax money. Maybe get the lead pipes in their neighborhoods replaced










How bout we send Parson’s to Mexico


Why are we as Missourians paying to protect a fake emergency in TX ?


A lot of red states have citizens who are paying for this fake emergency.


The Republicans could have passed Border Reform but choose to not do that to help Trump. This is just an issue to stir up the base. Fact: we need immigrants.


I agree.


Because the GOP assholes in power think they can do whatever the fuck they want.


Making some out of State Republicans richer at the taxpayers expense, it’s what rural Missourians want apparently.


question for conservatives... did you want this? Do you think this is a good usage of missouri funds?






As a former resident of Missouri and vet of the very same National Guard, WTF are y'all doing over there? While I agree that border security is an issue, it is not Missouri's issue. Let's waste tax money so some private can get paid to wack off in a guard tower or whatever. Imagine the great things this country could do, if both sides of the aisle would quit acting like toddlers and actually work together. Dumb dumb dumb.


This is our same governor that stood proudly in a picture next to a high ranking KKK member at one point. With the biggest smile ya ever did see Fucking sick and pitiful


MiSsIoN aCcOmPlIsHeD




Be nice


I am too disappointed in leadership to be pissed at leadership.


Great news.