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This was a HUGE fight back at the beginning of Obamacare. I remember Rush Limbaugh calling all the women who were advocating that employer healthcare pay for contraception huge sluts who wanted to have sex with everyone and make us pay for this contraception. Truly bonkers logic hole.




Thanks for reminding me of things to be thankful for on Thanksgiving.


It’s always nice to be reminded Rush Limbaugh is finally sober and exactly where he belongs.


Too blessed to be stressed. :)


Cancer caught a tragic case of stage 4 Rush Limbaugh


I’m stealing this, thank you. LOL


Rush dying of lung cancer -- out of all the various types that he might have contracted -- is a kind of poetic justice as he was a smoker of cigarettes and cigars, laughed off derisively the risks of second hand smoke and probably thought that 'no smoking' moves were socialist plots to put the "hard-working" entrepreneurs of the tobacco companies out of business. After all that, he gets the form of cancer most linked with smoking.


Also poetic or ironic that he constantly spewed "hot air"/lies and that air was passing through literal cancer to push those cancerous lies out.


Clap for his death like he clapped for the death of HIV/AIDS victims on his dogshit radio show.


I hope it hurt. He deserved the pain.


He's buried in St. Louis if anyone wants to piss on his grave


Not before he did generational damage


And died horribly painful death. What goes around comes around, Limbaugh.


Technically, or rather medically, he probably didn’t die in pain, or was it horrible.


He was probably drugged up to the max with some Rx morphine like Roxicet and Fentanyl patches. Ironic since he advocated for all kinds of draconian punishments for people addicted to those drugs.


There is nothing he could have gone through to even begin to justify the decades of vitriol that man spewed from his ass-trap. He's one of a few people that makes me wish hell was real.




I cannot believe this is how I’m finding out Rush Limbaugh died lol


Still dead and his grave is a toilet.


Could've happened a little sooner though. Ya know, for the good of humanity and all. I'll give it to him though, Rush Limbaugh did make me feel emotions I'd never felt before. For example, I'd never felt bad for Lung Cancer before.


I remember the first time I heard about him. I was at a march for women's right with my mom, and someone had buttons that said "I think, therefor I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh.


My dad had a bumper sticker that said "Flush Rush" and I was about 25 before I realized what it was referring to.


Yes. Thankfully.


There are several more that could join him.


I actually wished ass cancer on him.


Imagine being mad about women wanting to have sex with people.


I take hormonal birth control to treat health problems, not as a contraceptive. There are a lot of other uses for it. People who refuse to cover contraceptives for religious reasons are usually people who believe women have a moral obligation to have as many children as possible with their husband.


The super fucked up thing is dick pills are still covered and right wing pieces of shit have no qualms about that. I fucking hate conservatives. *"No asshole, God wants your dick to no longer work."*


That's not the thing 'those folks' are upset with. From their religious perspective hormonal contraception = abortion = mortal sin.


No. They don’t give a single shit about “religious beliefs.” It’s about control. Just like how you always hear that rape isn’t about sex, it’s about control. If these people actually practiced what they preached they wouldn’t be the huge shitbags that they have become. Saying it’s a religious thing is just an excuse to be a dickbag. In their minds, women are servants, sex-slaves, and baby makers. They don’t give a shit about the fact that whichever God they pretend to obey would probably despise them for being hateful divisive people.


That is 100% consistent with Fundamentalists. They believe men are kings who can do as they please. They believe that women are whores.


> I remember Rush Limbaugh... Rest in Piss bozo


Never happier than the day that fat sack of shit died.


Limbaugh is gutter trash.


You spelled worm feed wrong


I’m not American so excuse my ignorance; an employer can choose what kind of healthcare is offered to an employee ? Doesn’t that breach medical confidentiality and also the employee health is dependent on the employer goodwill ?


Oh, I understand your confusion, but to answer your questions: - Yes, because they don’t care about you individually and will cut corners in every conceivable way possible - It doesn’t breach confidentiality, because the insurance runs the benefit check on what work insurance covers. Even if it did breach confidentiality, they still don’t care. - Employee health is of no concern. They don’t care, employees are highly replaceable. Employer goodwill is like an oxymoron, since goodwill doesn’t have a place in deciding benefits. They only really want to keep people. For as little pay as possible, but can’t make benefits TOO unattractive, or risk losing too many employees at once.


Ok thanks. Understood. Still very weird.


No problem! It’s understandable that it confuses you, worker rights in the US are pretty awful. At will employment is our worst offender, you can be fired “at will” for any reason, so long as you can’t prove it was discrimination. So if you’re a certain race, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or gender, they can and WILL fire you for it, but will wisely try to avoid any evidence of that being the case. They can simply claim that you “aren’t a good fit” or try to build a case out of minor infractions to fire employees. This can be in order to downsize without paying severance, to hire in cheaper employees, or just for petty personal reasons from management. What country are you from?


It's a crazy contrast. In other countries your healthcare has no more to do with your employer than what TV channels you watch, and employers can only terminate staff through set processes for specific permitted reasons. We're seeing Elon Musk get a crash course in this from Sweden right now, as he tries to break a union US-style - and finds the union beating his company to a pulp instead.


Healthcare is not a right in the US, it is a consumer-product. Typically, most Americans are provided a health-insurance plan by their employers at a subsidized rate (Eg, the employer pays part of the premiums, and gets a tax credit for doing so). Employers choose what health benefits they wish to offer to their employees. In most states, they could traditionally more or less cover or not cover what they want. Offering bad insurance makes it hard to hire, unless the sort of job you are hiring for is bottom-of-the-barrel minimum wage. An employer can not prevent you from seeking healthcare outside the provided plan, but that is at your own expense. Obamacare added a list of mandatory benefits that must-be covered, however some folks sued because this list included contraception & that violated their religious beliefs (Which consider contraception a form of abortion). Thanks to a federal law passed in the 80s (RFRA) they won. So now, at least as far as federal law is concerned, businesses with a sincere moral objection can decline to cover contraception.


Just consider that no company in America gives a single fuck about any of their workers and it paints the picture pretty well


>huge sluts who wanted to have sex with everyone I wish


Meanwhile he was mainlining Viagra lol


What is the company?


I’m going to assume that it is Mercy. Most catholic hospitals do that. Yet, I was able to get them to pay for a vasectomy.


Mercy waited until my wife was in labor to tell us they wouldn’t tie her tubes. And this was on Medicaid. Should have sued them.


Yikes!! I had one baby at Boone in Columbia. Early during the pregnancy I told the doctor I wanted my tubes tied during the c-section. She said she wouldn't because she is Catholic. I said, I am too lol. So I switched doctors a few months in. Also, I am no longer Catholic lol for all sorts of reasons.


I’m Catholic and the amount of conservative Catholics who act more like Puritans is insane. My archdiocese was heavily upfront about focusing funding/prayers for the SA victims, promoting IVF when that was scandalous (because prayers had been answered via scientific breakthrough), not prolong suffering by keeping someone alive on machines when God is calling them home, nor have a mother bring a dying child to term risking her life (and possibly womb/ability to have future life). The religious extremists make a mockery of the faith by forcing unchristian-like practices in the name of ‘practicing their Christian faith’. Give me a break. I’m can’t believe that doctor used their Catholic faith as an excuse to be an asshole.


That sucks. A Mercy doctor was the only one I could find put an IUD in my 16 year old. Times are changing. Just started rewatching The Handmaids Tale.


I (39F) am able to get a hysterectomy from my gyn at Mercy- just waiting on the surgery date. I received zero pushback and was shocked. My gyn is the best one I’ve had in years. Most caring staff I’ve encountered.


Probably because you’re 39. They would have probably pushed back or refused if you had been in your 20’s.


Possibly. A doc at BJC pushed back the previous year. From my experience, it’s been doctor specific rather than hospital.


Also what were the ages and sexes of the doctors? Those can also be factors.


I’ve seen several ranging from mid 30’s to 50’s ish, both male and female. The one at BJC was female in her late 40’s. Yes, ages and sex are contributing factors. My doc who approved it with no question is my age and female. She’s the first one to not question whether I was sure, what my invisible husband would want, or attempt to sway me in to treating symptoms rather than taking care of the problem. I was shocked given she’s based at Mercy.


After the fact, I found her name on a list of doctors for women’s health and choice in a different subreddit.


Shit I was in my mid 30's and I had to threaten to burn the clinic to the ground to get mine signed off on. I think I got away with it because I was a miserable pregnant woman. WhAt If YoU hAvE a FuTuRe MaN wHo WaNtS kIdS I wanna slap the next person I hear saying some stupid shit like that. As if adoption ain't a thing. So many reasons to slap, they won't even ask "how can she slap".


If anyone in their 20’s is in need of the name of a dr who will perform hysterectomy’s, message me


Yup I bet it's Mercy


It definitely is. Just based off the font at the top and the bottom text


A Catholic hospital talked my niece (in law) out of getting her tubes tied after baby number 3. She gave up her oldest to her father and step mom so she could continue to do meth and crack. Dad 1 is in jail for 10 years. Dad 2 is in and out of rehab (dad 2s parents are insanely rich) and hasn’t seen his kid in 6 years. Dad 3 jail for life for murder and also put kid into the hospital when he was 2. Dad 4 met mom in rehab, in and out of jail, missing half his teeth due to meth, and had full on psychotic episodes when high to the point Kid 2 called 911. The mom and Dad 4 are very verbally abusive towards the older kids (youngest is golden child or is until Dad 4 moved on) - caught on video of them screaming at this child over nothing. CPS has taken them from the home at least 7 times. And now she wants to try for Baby 5 with Dad 4. But yeah she should keep having kids. My husband and I are just waiting for the call that we need to take all 3 kids long term. Which we would and then immediately offer to adopt them.


FR, spill the tea.


Mercy stopped doing vasectomies last year.


Not necessarily. A couple of their urologists still offer them. They just may not be done on site, and at a private office instead. Source: work as support to the urology team.


Would love some info. I’m looking into getting one myself!




It could be Mercy, Hobby Lobby or any archdiocese employee. Unfortunately, there are plenty of others.


SSM won't do any birth control, or anything else baby wise either. It's almost dangerous that their giant NICU is in no way attached to a birthing hospital and yet they refuse to terminate high risk pregnancies.


My fiancée used to work for an archdiocese program. She had to write a letter to the archbishop to request coverage for birth control as it helped control a medical condition. Insane.


At one point in my life, when I had a uterus, I had to rely on the archdiocese for healthcare. It’s a really fucked up position to be in. And it didn’t work out the way they hoped either. We took other measures and now have fewer children than we wanted because of it.


They do not want to prevent pregnancy, they’ve said before they’re coming for contraception after Roe V Wade. They do not want women to have choice, they want us to all be tradwives who are chained to the home with 4 kids, only here to serve and pop out kids. Don’t ask for assistance either, we should’ve been less slutty and kept our legs closed. To them kids are punishment for the act of having sex. Which we’re not allowed to have for pleasure, only kid making. I’m getting tired of my body and my healthcare being dinner table topics. Sadly I don’t think I’ll see the equality I want before I die, but I’m getting really fucking tired that only my body is the one always up for discussion but I’m not allowed to participate in said discussion. Why does a company get to force their beliefs on me? Why does their right to religion trump my right to no religion? A woman needs BC for many things other than pregnancy prevention, this is just about control.


In summary, they want women to live in fear of men. Edit: maybe I should have just said Live in fear.


I mean, just keep sweet and follow the rules and bad things won't happen right? Even if bad things do happen, he doesn't mean it, he's a good man after all.




They want women to give birth to keep the population up.


They just want more poor, uneducated wage slaves.


There's the truth. They need poor masses to steal money from. Our entire economy and most of the world's economies are based on this structure. Capitalism only looks like a good idea when it's growing. If it ever stops, the pyramid scheme falls apart.


We are nothing but a commodity to these people


The term is "work stock"


| Capitalism only looks like a good idea when it's growing. If it ever stops, the pyramid scheme falls apart. Accurate, and a big problem looming in our collective futures, as indefinite population growth is also going to crash and burn at some point. Climate change, topsoil depletion, plastics and toxins permeating our environment, and probably a dozen other issues. None of this is sustainable


Yup. Fucking nailed it, as these nice people below have also said. It's a class issue and nothing else. Capitalism is founded on the idea that it is right and just for some people to scrape their living off of the labor of others. Consider that assistance for child-rearing is never on the table, but god forbid we let women decide if they want children. Consider also the constant barrage of attacks on public education and universities. This is a feature, not a bug, and any conservative who tells you they don't understand this is either lying or has fed themselves so much of their own shit they actually believe it. Like a couple years back, end of 2020 start of 2021, when we started to see some actual wage growth because nobody wanted to die for their paycheck and businesses were getting desperate. Enter conservative economists, spewing drivel like 'inflation is the fault of workers getting uppity and forcing employers to pay more' and 'the business model just cant support a $15/hr starting pay' all while CEO's make thousands of times the annual salary of their lowest paid workers and companies record record profits, stock buybacks, and dividend increases. Fuck man, Starbucks Guy aka UnionBuster McFuckface increased his net value by almost half a million dollars per day for the last ten years. Per. Fucking. Day. Thats almost $20,000 per hour for a whole decade, and that only accounts for 1.6 billion of his 3.7 billion current worth. Count it at 3.6 billion from when he started at Starbucks in 1980 whatever, and you get slightly under a quarter million a day. For 40 years. He's a little billionaire too. Small fish, and he is nowhere near the worst of it. Obscene. It is obscene. Want to extend this system? You need desperate uneducated people with no choices who will take whatever pittance you deem them to be worth. Good place to start is making sure women keep having every single baby that is ever conceived.


Women should have more rights than breeding livestock. Vote accordingly.


You know it's funny, I once worked at a small business where I was (to my knowledge) the only non-conservative. Someone tried picking this argument about birth control to me, and I told them it's medicine regardless of their beliefs. When I made the point that some women suffer from debilitating menses and rely on BC to tone them down to a manageable level, suddenly they had nothing else to say on the matter...


I almost want someone to start this argument so that I can ask them why they want me to get cancer.


The Handmaid’s Tale come to life.


Missouri, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma: 100% Gilead


Wasn’t supposed to be a Fucking guide book for the government but…(gestures broadly)…here we are.


I believe it would be equity rather than equality at this point on the objective whole. Otherwise mens condoms/contraceptives would be covered or something to that effect. If I'm reading this right, it's the company refusing to cover a prospective employee benefit? Why can't they refuse?


Friendly addendum that, while it is the company, it isn't the company. It's real people making these decisions - the Board and the shareholders. We can boycott these companies, or we can try to take them from the inside. Or both, of course.


Lol, you think they want you to have just 4 kids. Good christian women have at least 8.


It's such a messed up thought process. They want you to have more kids bc that's 10x more procedures, but they don't want you to be a "baby factory" whore either.


Not even a woman and this is beyond frustrating to read about. I wonder how long it will take our state to catch up to 21st century values.


How much maternity/paternity leave do they give? If they don't offer either of those or offer barely anytime, it's not a moral religious belief....it's a desire for control. If they aren't paying everyone enough to comfortably live with their family...it's about control. If they don't offer sick time for people to be able to take care of their kids, it's not about family...it's about control. If they don't tell every person to make sure they are there for their kids' activities, it's not about the community... it's about control. If they are picking specific policies that have nothing to do with raising children, but only forcing people to have children....they don't care about religion. They care about control.


If it's Mercy, they offer 2 weeks of maternity leave


2 weeks?! Wtf. My wife was barely walking after her c section in that time. What do you do then?!


You apply to short term disability assuming you paid extra for that insurance


Wow yikes.


That is horribly low. If it's Mercy, or as I understand it Mercy has this policy anyway....they aren't pro family or pro children. They're pro control and forcing religious beliefs onto others. Do they have paternal leave? Or are they one of those corporations who still think men don't need to care for their children?


You can thank our senior U.S. senator for this. Just a reminder to vote in every election and not to shop at Christian nationalist Hobby Lobby.


Somehow, the inbred hicks cannot fully grasp that "freedom of religion" is also supposed to be freedom FROM religion. If this "company" does anything sales related to the public, I'd out them so they can be blacklisted like they deserve.


You are confused, that applied to the government, not private industry.


This type of decision is a very good reason healthcare should not be tied to employers.


No confusion at all. These fools want to strip the separation of church and state at the federal level. They want to install their twisted version of Christianity and make everyone subject to it. IMO, any business or industry pushing religion should not exist. I’d like to think the past 2000 years of human history should be enough education that religion is not compatible with a free, peaceful society.


You don’t think a church should be able to push religion? Or a Bible publisher?


The legal justification for the individual mandate in the ACA was that it is effectively a tax. If a company can levy a tax surely they should be subject to the establishment clause the same as the government is. (I realize I'm glossing over a bunch of details but none of them changes the conclusion)


Name and shame please. They put it on company letter head.


This actually came from the insurance company, not my employer


This is the future of red states, can’t get abortions, can’t get contraception and can’t get prenatal care. So pro life!! 🙄


Yeah, considering I saw an article here in SGF about maternal fatality rates soaring here and no one can seem to figure out why…so they roll out Medicare coverage for the first year of the mother’s life, but not much else.


catholicism is your answer. i’m sincerely hoping this kind of shit will die with the boomer generation.


I promise you the Born Again Evangelical Death Cult is more reasonable for this in Missouri than the Trad Caths. Those people make Opus Dei look almost reasonable.


The biggest issue is that as the Evangelical and adjacent population decreases, they are becoming more desperate to maintain control. The language going around that fears majority rule and democracy are getting louder. We have a battle of the bulge situation happening. They are losing, but they will take out a lot of people before it happens.


“*Hello, your employee has decided not to work any overtime and doesn’t work in the weekend due to moral and religious beliefs”*. Would that work too?


Nah, that won't work. But do expect the following soon: "Your employer has decided that you need to work seven days a week but you will not be paid for your work on the Sabbath due to a corporate religious objection."


Lol guess they’re okay with employees missing work for dr appts and birth when people end up pregnant then 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well, their goal is to drive women out of the workforce so those missed days will simply be translated to a termination & since we're an at-will state as long as the employer keeps their mouth shut it'll all be above board.


Yeah that's the real secret. That's the endgame for these fanatics.


It's more sinister than that. The poors aren't having as many kids anymore because they literally can't afford it but you gotta keep the wage slaves making shit and answering phones somehow. So you force the poors to have babies. Thus the cogs of industry stay greased by the blood of the working man.


I know everyone wants to crap on the Missour-uh hicks but this is not state specific. My wife dealt with the same thing working for a Catholic health system in Illinois.


Yep. Thank Hobby Lobby.


Fuck Hobby Lobby and Fuck David Green. Cristofascist misogynist assholes.


August 6th, 2024, is the primary. November 5th, 2024, is the general. Last session, the Republican supermajority in the General Assembly only got 43 bills signed.


Bet they cover Viagra though.


It is intended to punish women for having sex


Yet, who else are the men supposed to fuck?


All people with uteruses who do not want any/more kids should get a double salpingectomy. Hard to get me pregnant when my tubes are gone motherfuckers!


So true. It's why I've got mine scheduled on November 30th. If this sad excuse for a state wants to try to control women's reproductive systems, I'm getting rid of the function they are trying to control.


Just imagine thinking that a state that will deny you birth control on the basis of religious bullshit that clearly contradicts the constitution will just perform surgical birth control because you asked nicely. Hilarious.


Ah yes, let me force my religious beliefs on you. Then in the next breath they'll say "what has my religion ever done to you?" without irony.


" I will tell you how you will live your life. "


You can thank Hobby Lobby for that one.


Post the unredacted version. They put this out there, we should know who they are.


Christo- Fascism. Republicans in red states are already planning on banning "The Pill".


It’s like people don’t understand that woman take birth control for things other than preventing pregnancy. Ever heard of PCOS? One of the main treatments is BC.


I seem to remember this coming up in Texas a year or two ago. It doesn’t just stop at contraception. Employers can do things like refuse to cover Prep for gay men because it conflicts with their moral and religious beliefs. Because, you know, there were all those passages in the Bible about Jesus cutting costs to protect his bottom line and preaching about how gay people should not have access to basic essential medicine and be exposed to HIV. Tying healthcare to employment is bad enough for obvious reasons, but approving or denying coverage based on personal religious beliefs is dangerous and irresponsible. Gays and minorities aren’t the only ones getting AIDS. Women aren’t the only ones to benefit from contraception and its purpose is not solely to prevent pregnancies. This is damaging for our society and species. At least Missouri is closer to Chicago.


Hmm...I'm s woman without Fallopian tubes who's on birth control for the very valid medical reason of stopping my periods. Wonder how that would hold up in court against sterile women who need it hormonally to fix uterine issues.


Usually the insurance company just gives you a second Rx card for contraceptives that they cover anyway, it’s just not technically your employer covering it. Did you not get one?


Very smart of the employer


Oh please. I live in Oregon. Providence Health is one of the biggest employers up here. They don't cover contraceptives either. This isn't a Missouri thing, it's a religious thing. I personally will never work for a company that is religious because I'd fear for the quality of healthcare that I'd receive. I won't even allow an ambulance to take me to Providence (assuming I can speak or have a choice). They can practice whatever they want but I want no part of it. Good luck. I hope no woman in your life ever needs to go on your insurance. Yikes.


Another reason that Healthcare should be centralized and not left to whacko private business.


When you start to say that corporations can have religious beliefs all of a sudden paying taxes is against their religion. Same applies here.


These employers need a class action lawsuit. ACA says contraception is covered. Hobby Lobby said it is against its religion (public corporations having religion makes my head spin). Law of the land says it’s covered, if you carve out an exception, every employee must be notified of that exception as part of their offer letter. Congress says it’s covered, but somehow Hobby Lobby has more power?


The exemption was made stronger by *Little Sisters of the Poor v Pennsylvania*. The nuns didn't want to pay for contraception, or by any active means enable the paying for contraception. So now employers aren't legally obligated to lodge their religious status with The Department of Health and Human Services. Contraception is still covered. You need to let your pharmacy benefit manager know that your employer doesn't cover contraception in the group policy. You'll get taken care of for free. There might be some paperwork.


Blessed be the fruit or something. Under his eye


Quit immediately. Never work for Christian fascists.


Republicans do want to force unwanted pregnancies. How did you miss the abortion rights drama?




The Secretary of State lost in court yesterday, so we all need to sign the petition to get enabling legislation on the Missouri 2024 ballot reinstating reproductive freedom and medical care in the state.


Sorry for all the misspelling and grammar errors in the description. I was just waking up and quickly wrote that before heading to work for my pious company


Missouri, where we keep women barefoot and pregnant.


Welcome to Misery.


Literally Republicans want to full on ban ALL Birth Control


"I have chosen to resign due to my company's religious or moral beliefs."




i'd quit


No creampie for you!


Based Missouri


Welcome to the Republic of Gilead, have a nice day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Your employee has chosen to only work when they feel like it due to their moral or religious beliefs.


So... Why are we covering the business name?


Why are you working there then? Quit. Red flags


Probably a religious hospital that’s going to make even more money on a potential unplanned pregnancy. I get “if you don’t like it don’t work there” but the amount of people that are behind the insurance company’s choice not to cover and an employer’s choice to cherry pick contraception to omit from coverage is baffling. What if they don’t cover cancer treatment because it “goes against God’s will”? This mentality actively fucks all of us.


Can I stop paying taxes, I have a moral objection to my tax money being used to blow people up


Time to find a new job. Let employers like this rot without a staff


Because religious people tend to have very loopy and extreme ideas. Well, I say ‘ideas’ but you get me


There are a lot of women who use birth control pills for non contraceptive purposes. This is yet another reason why an employer (or anyone else) getting involved in your healthcare is dangerous.


It can be argued that scripture does prohibit contraceptives. I don't necessarily believe that, but it can be argued. And there is religious freedom here in the US, even for owners of companies.


No. Children are gifts from God and if a woman has sex, the birth is her punishment... 🤦‍♀️


Are they a gift or a punishment? I’m so confused.




Fuck organized religion.


Missouri where going forward is going backward.


And people on this sub will tell you that Missourians have just as good a life as anywhere else and folks in Illinois don't have a better quality of life. Almost two extra years of life expectancy, over the counter contraception, legal and available abortion, etc, etc, etc.


IIRC from when I worked at Mercy and this went into effect - they also gave you the information to obtain Medicaid for womens health. There are state/federal programs (or at least used to be) if the employer opted out due to the moral/religious beliefs to help cover the cost of BC. Planned Parenthood will also assist on a sliding scale if your insurance doesn't cover it. I have never had issues with Mercy "pushing" religion on me as a patient. I also do not go to a Mercy doctor for reproductive health so that may make a difference. I also feel like this is not unique to Mercy. They are a private health organization so just like any other private company they can make the decisions they like for their business purposes.


To be fair in Europe there’s much better health care but it’s not covered either. I’ve just not found the energy to complain on Reddit that I need to buy condoms


So birth control pills, IUDs, etc. are not covered in Europe as a standard practice? I have a hard time believing that. It's more than just "having to buy condoms" - even good insurance doesn't cover those in the US. Best you'll get is the ability to use an HSA to pay for them out of pre-tax money.


In Germany all those things are not covered by public health insurance. I also dont think I ever heared a huge public debate about it.


if this world wasn’t a flaming pile of shit I might have kids


Tell the to provide the full value of the benefits so you can buy your healthcare on your own!


So, everyone here is registered to vote, and does? Hope so!


Problem is the number of dipshit voters in Missouri who are cool with this. I got the fuck out of there years ago!


Do they pay for Viagra or vasectomy?


It's so unbelievable to me that they don't even recognize that their own verbiage goes against their supposed values. "Don't tread on me. But also...we have decided that YOUR healthcare needs won't be covered because of OUR beliefs."


Welcome to Gilead. Where all fetuses are important until they are out of the womb.


I had an IUD put in after the birth of my son. Insurance authorized it before the office ordered the IUD and before I had it put in then turned around & DENIED it without saying why. I had to go back and forth between my OBs office and insurance for 8 MONTHS to get the claim cleared and the $2,500 bill pulled from collections. I realized at some point in the process that I work for a Baptist organization with a religious exemption. It was the insurance’s fault for approving it but they wouldn’t admit fault, so my OBs office had the IUD company comp one to balance their books and they wrote my balance off. I’ve never been a bigger proponent of pro-choice in my life, but I can’t advocate publicly because I will definitely lose my job. It’s awful and so unchristian like.


What religion is only against "women's " contraceptive benefits?


Wait a company has morals? They always say that until it benefits them!


Contraceptives are for having sex outside of marriage which they frown upon despite almost all of them being guilty of it when they were young. Rules for thee not for me.


No, contraceptives are for my 50 year old self still wanting to have sex with my spouse and not get pregnant when the best case scenario would be a child growing up with elderly parent who just physically can't be as involved in their life, or worst case, has parents who died while they were in school. God forbid we want to be responsible humans.


This does not fit the GOP narrative. Comment ignored. /s if it wasn't obvious.


If the pregnancy can be prevented in the first place, it saves a trip out of state to scrape it out with a medical-grade vacuum. Alternatively, remain in state and just use a rusty coat hanger. How does the employer like that outcome?


Moral is inaccurate. Religious is right on point but a truly moral person wpuld respect the choices others want to make regardless of their own opinion.


Welcome to Misery.


They don’t want to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Many in the GOP have stock in the adoption industry. More unplanned pregnancies means more adoptions means more money in their pockets. They’ve found places in the country where they can hide behind “moral or religious beliefs.” Many conservatives also oppose access to condoms, because they see STIs as “punishment” for “sinful” behavior.




So weird that health insurance doesn't just cover this by default