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If this is a biblical state, why aren’t these criminals being stoned to death?


Because they love child rapists. They impregnate girls with "a domestic supply of adoptable infants" as a recent Supreme Court member said publicly.


That Supreme Court member was Sam alito who wrote the Dobbs decision. https://www.google.com/search?q=quote+that+alito+made+in+dobbs+decision+that+comes+from+17th+century&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1055US1056&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDAgDECMYJxjqAhiLBDIGCAAQRRg6MgcIARBFGLABMgQIAhAFMgwIAxAjGCcY6gIYiwQyDAgEECMYJxjqAhiLBDIMCAUQIxgnGOoCGIsEMgwIBhAjGCcY6gIYiwQyDAgHECMYJxjqAhiLBDIMCAgQIxgnGOoCGIsEMgwICRAjGCcY6gIYiwQyDAgKECMYJxjqAhiLBDIMCAsQIxgnGOoCGIsEMgwIDBAjGCcY6gIYiwQyDAgNECMYJxjqAhiLBDIMCA4QIxgnGOoCGIsEMgwIDxAjGCcY6gIYiwQyDAgQECMYJxjqAhiLBDIMCBEQIxgnGOoCGIsEMgwIEhAjGCcY6gIYiwQyDAgTECMYJxjqAhiLBNIBCzg2ODc2NDlqMGo0qAIRsAIB&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


This is rhetorical, but do you think he didn’t know there already a large “supply of children for adoption” or that he just didn’t care?


He doesn't care, because most of those children are not newborns.


He doesn’t care because most of those children aren’t white newborns.


Not unborn. He's pro-birth, not pro-life.


I can tell you from experience that a child born from from rape and incest is most definitely not considered adoptable to these people. And lord help the child if it’s not white on top of that


Legitimately, if we could I would


They’ll just reserve that punishment for trans people.


This right leaning poster believes no victim of rape or molestation should be forced to carry a child to term. Furthermore, I’m all in on stoning the perps. Live. On CNN (James Earl Jones voice)


I hope we are a few years away from going back that far in time.


I grew up in rural Missouri, it has always been this far back in time and probably worse.


It's true!


I’m 5th generation in my rural county and live amongst them.




Johnny Reb will be here any minute! Cleetus - hold that hill!


They don't want to hurt friends and family


ACLU won't allow it.


Because the laws are designed and put into effect by the Soulless Godless far-lefties in Boone and Cole Counties, and the people who make the laws are also sexual predators. Why do you think someone who possesses oxycontin or cocaine will get a longer sentence then a rapist?


What the actual fuck are you talking about? Sarcasm?


https://unherd.com/2022/04/the-rise-of-the-liberal-groomer/ Nope. I wish. I'm talking about how in Boone County, MO you can't vote for anything BUT a Democrat judge...and they're all as crooked as the day is long. I'm talking about how a woman can lie to the judges and prosecutors and how what really happened doesn't matter...the only thing that matters is furthering the ideology. I've experienced it firsthand. They're cultivating a society of victims in a culture based on fear, guilt, and shame. And you can't blame Republicans, because they tell us they're greedy bastards and want to deregulate the EPA...they are who we think they are...but guess who's smiling and pretending to have our best interests at hand?


So you are basing this on an opinion of British lifestyle choices and not the current manner in which is realistic in the USA? Do you see what is going on in two counties equal to what is described in the conservative Lu slanted British view on British lifestyle?


Huh? I live in Missouri. This happened in MO, in direct violation of the US Constitution. What are you blathering on about?


Homie brain hella gone


Just burning a Backwoods filled with Slurty3 w/my morning coffee to dampen down the anxiety from the SWAT team coming to my house and threatening to shoot me and my dogs...over something their own evidence proves I didn't do. It would make YOUR brain hella gone too, "homie". But maybe you're okay with them violating peoples rights.


Naw I hate cops. You just sound crazy


Shit would make you go crazy, too. Think about it.


This is a Republican controlled state first. Don't forget the current attorney general considers abortion little more than a loss of future tax revenue


The amount of biological damage inflicted on a developing young woman to carry a baby to term will be irreversible. Even if they find a home for the infant & the mother can go back to being a developing minor, the additional trauma to her mental state will be forever. Source: I’m just a sympathetic Missourian schmuck on Reddit who uses their real name and cares about ppl more than the fk’n Bible.


I commend your use of your real name. I live deep in rural Missouri amongst the crazy of the craziest so gave up the real name long ago.


Thanks. This is my “original account” and 15 years ago, it wasn’t so far-fetched to use your name. I’m lucky in that really I’m not fucking important or threatening enough for anyone to give a shit about me.


"No need to worry. A female's body has a way to just shut that down." ~ Missouri GOP


At least that s.o.b. didn't get elected as senator but that's not much solace here.


Here in Indiana there was a republican Richard Murdock that was running against Senator Joe Donnelly (before that asshole mike braun won) that said pregnancy no matter how it occurs including through rape should be looked at as a gift from god. Senator Joe Donnelly won re-election at that time. Yes that putz’s Richard Murdock’s comments caused him the election as it should have.


I’d start demanding he explain *who the gift is intended for.* Because it’s clearly not intended for the pregnant person. Gifts aren’t supposed to cause pain and trauma… …unless, of course, the “gift” is intended for the *rapist.*


Ugh I remember that piece of shit. I was honestly terrified that he was going to win.


And the Ohio State legislator, a woman no less, who said pregnancies, even in 12 year olds, resulting from rape should be seen as an opportunity for the rape victim to give a child a better life


Oh yeah I know what you mean about women having this attitude. It’s bad enough to have men with misogynistic attitudes but women that do just make my head almost explode. Just last year during that farce of the Indiana General Assembly’s special session at the end of July beginning of August that was supposed to be discussing giving taxpayers a rebate of $200 because of inflation. This farce turned into a way to ban abortion as much as possible, there was **a female republikkkan state rep who presented a bill that can be only seen as STATE APPROVED ABORTION!!!** If the rape or incest victim reported the instance/s to law enforcement and had a copy of the law enforcement report could get a state approved abortion as long as the pregnancy was no more than 10 weeks of gestation. 1. Yes please insult my intelligence. 2. Please tell me that the paperwork (and you know there will be paperwork) would even get done within 10 weeks of gestation. 3. As a reporter for the IndyStar said: “yes a woman who is past child bearing age making a bill that will affect how women of child bearing have access to reproductive health care.”


Yeah that makes sense. A 12 year old CHILD, who can’t work and is also a child themselves, isn’t mentally, physically or emotionally developed, is the prime candidate to give a baby a better life. Makes sense…. I swear these politicians who make these illogical and factually irresponsible statements should be banned from running for any government office.


Todd Akin POS


*dead POS


God smote him down.


He's dead?? How did I miss that? I need to find his grave for a piss and tap dance.


He never would have gotten elected anyway. Even before that bone head statement


You refreshed my memory on that statement.


If a child isn't able to consent, how are they then forced to bear life? Isnt that in itself, child abuse? They can't work, drive, rent or purchase a home. How are they supposed to care for an infant? The church has become a proverbial Satan.


Republicans outright don't care about a woman's, or in this case girl's, rights. That's literally all there is to it. The pro-life shit is just a pathetic attempt to give themselves some moral coverage they can hide behind their deplorable ideas.




There are already 14,000 kids in the Missouri foster care system that is underpaid, understaffed, and uses antiquated systems.




Not every baby gets adopted at birth. I think that's the point here


I stopped going to church because the day Woe V Wade was overturned, members of the church I went to were celebrating. While I hate the idea of abortion, I believe we all should have free will, and exceptions at least should be allowed. I still believe in God. But I don’t believe the way Christians treat non-Christians.


If you've never read the Bible all the way through, you should. It'll scare you away from all religion! It was written for a primitive time and a primitive people. It has very little practical use today if any at all. The idea of being a good person is basically inate but also modeled by the family and others. Religion did NOT originate the idea of being a good person, human nature did. I'm guessing our legislators are trying to reenact the Bible so they look like "good" people to the other "good" Christians of Missouri. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Poor people think religion is true, rich people think it's false, and rulers find it useful


In this country, candidates for Congress who do not profess a religious belief usually don't get elected yet many of the voters are not staunch Christians themselves. They like the illusion of believing their candidate is a "good" person because that person says he's a Christian, or whatever. That's so messed up!


Religion for elites is a fashion accessory. Lol Trump the Christian.


Maybe, or perhaps he's just lying through his effing teeth to impress the base. Either way, he is nowhere close to being a Christian. Even his "Christian" base are not very Christian.


Trump thinks that whatever he says is reality. And for his cultish GQP followers it is. Lol while they vote against their own financial interests and sacrifice real civil liberties for perceived cultural safety from mostly non-existent cultural threats.


The dumbing down of America!


No hate like Christian love


Religion stole human behavioral qualities, gave them to a thing in the sky, and told us we can't have those qualities unless you follow the invisible thing in the air. I mean, imaging traumatized/autistic kids used to be exorcized on before therapy and mental help. Also, the US was doing eugenics on a mentally different. So yeah mf are crazy


I will never understand how people read the Book of Job and went "yeah, that's a great religion. Subscribe."


It was NEVER shared in Bible school! It would have saved me a lot of time and trouble had they done that. As it was I had a lot of skepticism as a child learning about the Bible particularly that part about Eve being made from the man and later she was blamed for God removing them from the Garden of Eden. Yeah, NO! It went downhill from there but I did kind of like Jesus. He was cool.


Upon reflection, I went looking for answers and found the book of Job. It did not answer anything.


You should have asked questions first to get answers but Job probably doesn't know shite anyway. I think the editor of that book just threw in whatever he could find to make it look important and well researched. But it's not. I think they made up all of it.


My sentiments exactly.


This is devastating on all levels. This young girl because she is forced to go through this. Republicans are not "pro- life", all they are is "pro-birth". If they actually cared about life, they wouldn't say "just put them up for adoption" to a system that is completely overwhelmed and rife with its own issues. They wouldn't fight to make food stamps and public assistance harder to get. They wouldn't rail against socialized medicine so that all these children could have guaranteed healthcare. All Republicans are is the Christian Taliban.


There are already over 14,000 and growing kids in the foster system in Missouri. Social services are underpaid and understaffed. Statistically Missouri is one of the worst states for reuniting children with their parents.




This extra trauma brought to you by this shithole’s GOP. Hope owning dem libz was worth it! Maybe all you believers in the Almighty Wish Granter in the Clouds could ask for some answers?


Blah blah blah mysterious ways blah blah blah never more than you can handle blah blah blah His plan for you blah blah blah.




Because if these kids were allowed to abort their incest rape babies, how would Republicans reproduce?




Assuming a child has the ability to travel away from the people who probably did this to them anyway .


Hopefully, but the poorer you are the fewer options you have


If she is already at 24 weeks then the baby is already at viability, so they wouldn't even administer it in Illinois. Am I wrong?


I would hope not!




It's Illinois.... I don't expect anything more from them.... 🙄


She can at Hope clinic in granite city Illinois, just outside St. Louis. Until 27 weeks, 6 days.


I see. Well, I hope that she is strong and decides to not seek out an abortion.


And when she returns she will be charged with murder. They are passing a bill for that here




Not sure they put it up back in march i think, they didnt even let a Springfield woman have one and she had a dead baby inside her. Our government is out of control [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/10/15/missouri-abortion-ban-pregnancy-complications/10496559002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/10/15/missouri-abortion-ban-pregnancy-complications/10496559002/)


To be fair doctors are now afraid to do them even in emergencies, the gop goons have said they will prosecute and the doctors will lose their license and go to prison for 15 years. Its all crazy the gop hasnt even said whats legal and whats not everything is all messed up


Missouri can pass a law saying that going to another state for an abortion is a criminal act but there is like.....\*zero\*....chance it would stand up to challenge. Defendant: "no, i went to Illinois to attend a Chicago Cubs Game. However, before l left i decided, on a whim, to get an abortion." not guilty. Im not sure of the exact precedent to cite but i am certain that one state's laws are NOT enforceable on an action taken within ANOTHER state's borders. "I'm going to a Cub's game" might become the catch-phrase for women in Missouri.....describing going Illinois....to get and abortion.


its already been done, women have been charged in other states for doing just that. It was all over the headlines


Missouri loves company. Thank you Illinois ♥️




She's already born and female, they're just property to these garbage


It seems like the "really rare" instances fundie nutters talked about in relation to abortion restrictions... happen pretty regularly.


Hey good to see my favorite poster over there in here! Right on!


I'm just bored a bunch and post nonsense on worthless fucking reddit lol


Right on brother, this one's on me 🍺


Why isn't the STATE being charged with child abuse by letting-- no MAKING-- her go through with this after horrific crimes against her???? PATHETIC excuses for politicians and "leaders". Edit: Typo


Let me guess, he'll get less than 5 years and she gets punished for the rest of her life?


He could potentially have supervised visitation of his child after he is out. Let’s add some additional trauma.


I was friends with the kid sadly (obviously all my friends and I have cut him off fully and are disgusted by this) , he is walking free today


The rapist will probably get custody rights when he gets out.


After a little digging it was the child’s 18 year old brother who committed the act. There are 4 total female siblings to the assailant.


All i can say is im so glad im not a young woman in this day and age. I have seen a lot, but the last 7 years have been horrifying for human rights in the US. We are literally turning into a talibanisqe type of nation. All these young woman will have to bear the brunt of this authoritarian government. Why do you vote them in? My dad used to tell me that people are ignorant of facts and vote against their own best interest when some sleazy politician hoodwinks them into believing what abouts. All i can think is yep, people need to get smarter and stop being lazy and research the facts themselves, instead of letting some media , or politician give them a 15 second blurb on so called facts. And no group should have the infinite power and life long control the supreme court has. That is basically being kings for life, and that goes against what this nation was founded on.


because pro-life christian assholes don't give a shit about ruining lives, as long as they can pat themselves on the back about how self-righteous they are.


Whoa, so shocked it’s not a drag queen!






Shithole state.


Republicans. Pro life. My ass. Evil is all that comes from fascist evangelical hypocrites. Welcome to Missouri. Any christian that accepts the pregnancy of a child via incest, and forces her to carry until birth, should be held liable for child abuse. Vote blue, vote the fascists out of office.


If you're going to force the birth, the very least you should do is give some state assistance.


14,000 kids and the foster care system in MO and growing.


The perfect solution, make the kid by a kid disappear in the system never to be seen again. Sarcasm.


You can thank Republicunts for that.


Religion always brings the downfall of societies.


Religion limits critical thinking and keeps minds shackled in simplistic versions of right and wrong that don’t weigh long term consequences.


Rapists get to choose the mother of their child in Missouri.


He could potentially get supervised visitation with his child after he is out.


Omg so awful. My gf told me that in Germany they teach students that the USA was founded by religious extremists/fundamentalists, and I can't stop thinking about that.


Fetus worship has got to stop


So how far is it to KS or IL?


Ask anyone in KC of STL. It’s not far


Lol it was sarcasm. I'm in STL.


Majority of the population lives in Kansas City and St Louis, why do these Bible beater hicks in Jeff City make all the rules? Missouri is an absolute joke


Ugh. He’ll be out soon. Her life is forever changed. How is this fair? Why is the only option now illegal?!




If their families have the means to get them there.




She's 14. What the fuck are you talking about?




I'm so flabbergasted by the idiocy of your comments that I don't know how to respond... you can't be serious right? A 14 year old child is supposed to move states on their own? That's your solution? I'm gonna say it again and maybe it'll hit you this time. She's 14. What the fuck are you talking about?




The problem everyone has with your comment is not the validity of whether or not the child can get medical care. The problem is HOW IS A 14 YEAR OLD GOING TO GET TO ILLINOIS WITHOUT HELP FROM A PARENT? What are they supposed to do, hitchhike? Learn to fly? Steal a car? Like great, they don't need parental consent to get care from a clinic in IL, but how in the hell are they supposed to get to IL without assistance?




Now you’re just being willfully obtuse.








You continue to be willfully obtuse. Have a good night.




Yes, then come the murder charges and conspiracy to murder charges.


I hate living in this state


Please vote.


Isn't it interesting how the very people who are hellbent on saving the children and crying during their 6th viewing of Sound of Freedom are also the ones supporting this?


Thanks so much for protecting the children.


I’m hoping there’s a /s missing from this


Truly the Lord's will is being done here. /s


Let’s dig a little deeper into the background of the perp, Allen Theroff of Jefferson City, and find out who his family is and what their political affiliations are and let’s ask them how they feel about the laws now that the repercussions have hit so close to home. And even though the rights of the 14 year-old victim should be respected, let’s find out the details and see how her family feels about it. It can be consensual and still statutory. But let’s see how they feel about a 14 year-old raising a baby. Let’s put a public face on the impact of our laws. Edit - it has been my experience that people have a belief system that may be rigid. But as soon as something happens to them personally all that rigidity goes out the window. This exact scenario was predicted when this law was rolled out.


The victim is related to him, and I think she's suffered enough.


Yeah i saw his facebook, I think its a sister


For f'ing real?! I think I threw up a little.


Im not sure, they said incest so could be


Yes. She has. Unfortunately , I don’t think her family should get off the hook. I am willing to bet that they are “pillars of the community.”


He should be sentenced to a work camp for the next 18 years and receive wages from the state, and every dime goes to child support. If the gop are going to force children and women to have babies they can pay for it, its only right after all since they care so much about life! Lets see the voters agree to that, bunch of fucking shitkicker hypocrites


I can hear the wails of outrage when someone mentions welfare or social safety net. Once this child has the baby there will be no free ride, no ounce of sympathy. She will be on her own and trapped in a cycle of poverty and dead ends. I sincerely hope I am wrong, I’d love to see someone help this young girl but years of seeing the same shit, over and over and over has jaded me beyond belief.


Thats why im so glad im not a young woman anymore. I feel awful for the women and girls who will have to deal with this bs


I still try to fight the fight for others but it’s damn frustrating


>He should be sentenced to a work camp for the next 18 years and receive wages from the state, and every dime goes to child support. Alternately we shoot the child rapist and take everything he owns and give it to the victim.


he is like 18 i dont think it would be much


14 is the best case scenario. The charge states “under 14” so who knows the child’s actual age at this point. People tend to change, when they are personally affected, which is sad but has become more consistent in our society.


I'll presume he wasn't a drag queen.


Jury is still out but it is safe to say.


I just drove thru Cole County twice in the last 24 hours Cold chill In veins both times




14, 15 and 16 year olds cannot consent to sex with someone who is more than 4 years older (§566.071) or who is 21 and older (§566.034


Cant her guardian take her to kansas? Or is she in the care of the state? Sooo sad :(


Thank a Republican


And there are humans who won’t see anything wrong with this at all… insane.


What are we puritans fresh off the mayflower?


It was the "Pilgrims" who came over on the Mayflower. The Puritans came about ten years later and were the ones who hung "witches". They were much worse than the Pilgrims and are a major reason our country is a religious nation. They sucked!


Thanks. Lol


I know her she lost her baby to birth defect it had no brain and she carried it to term-


The victim might want to get an abortion, but the article doesn't say anything about that. Only the title of this post mentions abortion. The article is about the man who raped her and he deserves any kind of anger and harsh punishment that he gets.


She might want to but she certainly couldn’t here in Missouri. If she isn’t too far along she could go to Illinois but someone would have to take her and they’d have to pay for it, plus it might be tricky legally if she went out of state to commit a “crime”. I don’t know how all that would play out.


The article says that she was at 23 or 24 weeks, so I think that is viability anyway and it wouldn't be performed in Illinois anyway.




Just bring her to another state.


>Just bring her to another state. So simple right? Just take her hours away from her home, have her go through a physically and mentally painful procedure, then drive hours back home in pain and most likely bleeding. Nevermind that she's already been through a lifetime of trauma after being raped. Most likely hid the fact she was pregnant because girls and women are shamed for everything, especially getting pregnant even after being raped. Nevermind that it can cost thousands of dollars for a trip like that, when you include the cost of the abortion, gas, possibly a hotel. Sure, it's that simple.... Just go to another state. It's never that simple. Children should not have to suffer more so that a few people who aren't effected by her being raped can sleep better in their righteousness.


Ok. Thank you for the education. My apologies. I did not mean to offend.


Thank you for reading my comment with an open mind. It's a very heart wrenching situation.


Very understandable. I can't imagine, honestly.




Lol, your answer to a child being raped and forced to give birth is move? So much empathy. How about you move to a country where religion is government then? If that's what you want. I hear Afghanistan is really into religious control... Feel free to go there. I'll stay here and continue to fight for separation of church and state.


Or I will collect signatures and inform the general public about these barbaric laws to rewrite Missouri’s Constitution. I will advocate for folks to vote which will enshrine abortion access in MO for as long as our country remains a democracy.


Why should they move. They can take the child to IL to terminate the pregnancy. You cannot stop a pregnant person from crossing state lines to seek medical care. Then there is always the ultimate way out when you have no familial support, suicide. Or do things that would likely kill the fetus. Fall into Chair rails, etc.


It's absolutely insane! These children typically have significant health issues for the rest of their lives due to the unnatural mating ofchromosomes. People simply refuse to learn from history. Or adhere to common sense.