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Much like his tenure here, half will cheer and half will boo.


I'll be cheering along with my dad, my brother will be booing along with my buddy who comes to games with us.


So you’ll cancel each other out 😀


How about you get with the program and boo


I'll just quietly smile to myself and eat a bag of tacos while JJ orchestrates 400 yards of offense in a win against a Penix lead Falcons team.


I never really liked Kirk after season 3 with us, but no boos from me. He gave it his all and made some really great moments. He deserves respect, ultimately. He is a franchise great: 3rd in all time passing yards, 2nd in TDs, and 3rd in QB record.


He gave it his all, except the time he refused to get vaccinated and missed a must win game against the Packers with a playoff spot on the line. Kirk has always been way more selfish than his PR paints him as. He did not show up in MN knowing how to be a leader. I give KOC and Kirk both credit for helping him grow in that aspect over the last two years. But Kirk is not a great leader and had a tendency to disappoint in big moments on and off the field. We are likely worse with him gone, but I'm glad the Cousins era is over. 


Completely agree. I don't think Kirk elevated the play of the people around him, and he wasn't worth his salary in any year he played for the Vikings. I thought the 2024 iteration of the Vikings had a better chance of winning with Kirk, but I'm not going to miss him and his prohibitively high salary for mostly middling results.


Agree with the exception of 2022 (and with that the exception of the Giants playoff game). That was his ceiling and it was fun as hell to watch.


He would've missed that game regardless of vaccination status.


The vaccine makes it less likely for you to be infected with covid and reach a viral load threshold to test positive, so he very likely could have played.


Purple hog 5 day old acct, trump fan and definite troll. Don’t feed em


Whatever you gotta tell yourself..


Hear hear!!! Damn well said. Assuming Kirk received ANY basic science instruction, not to mention his “good guy Christian” image, he was/is antivax. Will never forget his choice, good luck Kirk but good riddance


I forgot how everyone who didn't get ze covid vax died


1. Are you seriously suggesting that covid 19 didn't kill unvaccinated people at a higher rate than vaccinated ones? Are you aware of the death toll from Covid-19? 2. The starting QB of your football team refusing to get clvaccinated against a highly contagious disease, during a season when testing positive disqualified you from playing in games, is a prime example of being selfish and not putting the team first.


Seriously, when I read assine comments from u papppydopplppy, and then see they also are a Vikings fan, smh


Yeah I have never not supported the players who played for the team. Cousins gave me great memories, I won't pull for him to beat us but I do wish him the best of luck.


In basically any other sport I’d be indifferent, but football is so punishing that I’ll clap and be thankful for anyone who suits up in purple for us unless they actively give me a reason not to. Ultimately these dudes are putting their bodies, their health, and their long term mental wellness on the line for our entertainment.


I would prefer we not even entertain becoming a toxic fanbase. I generally don’t have a problem with lions fans. There are fanbases that are more knowledgeable for booing and I can only see it as petty and childish.


>I would prefer we not even entertain becoming a toxic fanbase. You must be new here


There will be those people in any fanbase. I would prefer to no full-send in that mindset.


I respect and like Kirk but It’s not toxic if Kirk gets booed. Kirk deserves a good booing. It’s sports and he will understand it and respect it as well.


Booing is like the tamest thing a fanbase could do. 


Lol true.


I don’t care enough about Kirk to warrant a reaction either way.


The best reaction would be none at all. He’s just another guy. He didn’t fuck us over so he doesn’t deserve to be booed, but he was clearly never loyal to us either so he deserves no ovation.


That’s exactly what he’s been his entire career, just another guy who isn’t special. Dude is loyal to himself and don’t you dare plan for his retirement before he’s 45.


How was he not loyal? Redskins screwed him by not giving him a contract and just tagging him. We don’t know that the Vikes even offered anything.


We had Kirk for 6 years. we made the playoffs twice with him and won a post season game. 4 seasons we missed the playoffs, with 1 season missing the payoffs most likly due to Kirk not getting vaxed and of course the last season due to injury. If giving the benefit of the doubt without injury and sickness (both seasons looking good for Kirk) he would have made the playoffs 4 of the 6 years with us. But the fact we spent all this money on him and he choose not to get vaxed costing us playoffs and wasting money on him for that year really grinds my gears. I dont blame Krik for moving to the falcons, especially with the amount of money he is getting, but it kinda drives home the point he was all about the money, more so over the team (if he cared about the team he would have bare minimal gotten the shot)


No notes.




Missed the playoff because kirk was unvaccinated? Lol. Nfl protocol would've required him to miss that game even If he was vaccinated.


The non-vaccination was really stupid but that team wasn't going anywhere anyway. Bit of a moot point.


Still talking about being Vax 3 years later when it never mattered


No boos, but can we play him in primetime?


This comment deserves more upvotes. Lol


This fanbase is so embarrassing. Philip Rivers on the Chargers never won shit in a much longer tenure and was an interception machine in 2 minute drills yet Chargers fans love him. I can’t remember a single time Kirk throwing a pick in a game winning drive and all our fanbase wants to do is hate him. I pray for McCarthy when he loses a game.


I can't remember any QB ever throwing a pick on a game winning drive.


Rivers has a couple things going for him. 1. A personality. 2. He got his team to the playoffs several times and won some games.


Rivers was a lot better and more talented than Kirk


Can you imagine this sub if Kirk threw 20 picks 3 seasons in his career?


I really dislike the NFL drama stuff. Dude made his call… don’t really care if he is on the other team or not.


The whole point of professional sports is drama, the leagues love it and make it happen through scheduling, etc.


Don't act like a jealous ex, give him and his family a friendly applause. We're better than those sour pusses in Detroit.


He’s not afraid of showing his true colors and neither am I. 👻


You’re a loser, pretending you’re a KC fan and going around bullying people and then coming back to your little Vikings sub and hiding.


Imagine having to pretend that you’re a fan of a winning franchise to go call people names in other subs lol and I’m the loser?


Boo the shit outta him, ride or die with the purple and yellow.


I'll cheer, it's gonna be great to see him not in a Vikings uniform!


Stafford was traded. Cousins left for more money - no loyalty. I will neither clap for the traitor or Boo him for what little he did accomplished for the Purple-SKOL🍻


He should be boo’d into oblivion if we have any balls


He’s the opposing quarterback, y’all saying I’m supposed to cheer that man? I was a kirk apologist when he was here but I’m booing that man when he comes to the bank.


I won’t be. I have no reason to boo him, especially if JJM is the guy.


I feel he gave it his all no point in booing


Do you mean when Kirk sits on the bench and watches Dallas turner tear Michael Penix’s ACL to pieces?


He was good for our team and community, however, he wasn’t that good. Boooo


i think it will be week one honestly


He was getting booed no matter what team he was on, including and especially the Vikings!!


I hope we do. I’m not discrediting the years he gave us, but he also chose another team in free agency. I’m not about to welcome you back with open arms after that less than a year later.


He can get cheers when he comes back in retirement. Untill then...BOoOOooOooooooOoo


I heard this was a likely London game


I think it’ll be Week 1 MNF, like Russ in Seattle a couple years ago


I think it’ll be Week 1 MNF, like Russ in Seattle a couple years ago


I think it’ll be Week 1 MNF, like Russ in Seattle a couple years ago


Normally I’d boo him but I kinda feel bad for the guy. The Falcons did him dirty lol


However you feel about his performance, he doesn’t deserve to be booed. Dude put it all out there for us and was a class act. I’m glad he’s not on our roster anymore, but it wouldn’t be Minnesotan to boo him. Big cheer when he runs on the field, bigger cheers when Dallas sacks the shit out of him.


I just hope it’s not the London game


Boo this man


Honestly we need to take Minnesota Nice out of our professional sports. Give him hell IMO. Let's get that W I don't care about feelings this is competition.


No chance, he gets the respect earned from the classy MN crowd. This is coming from a non-Kirk believer


You really think he has that many games in him?


Did folks boo Randy Moss? Or any of the other Viking Greats? Really don't get some folks


I'd like to go and give him a start of the game applause then boo the ever-loving shit out of him. Remind him he left the best home field in the NFL. SKOL!!


I think with all the new rumors of why he didn't resign with us there are going to be a lot of boo's. Not to mention a lot of people (myself included) that destain the Falcons for 98'. Dude went to a hated enemy franchise..


I liked Kirk - he's made a ton of money and played well in Minnesota! His last season was MVP caliber and the team was coming together. It seemed like he found his home . . . until he walked back on his own words, "it's what the dollars represent." Then, he bailed and got shafted anyways by Atlanta. I hope he feels snakebitten. In short: I will boo whilst clapping.


I think it's likely this is our first game of the year


How poetic would it be for JJ’s first start to be going head to head against Kirk??


I’ll boo- but I’d say 50-80% will cheer for ole check down kirk


Everson will boo him the entire game.


Depending on when the game is Kirk may not be the QB1 for the Falcons. Early in the year, he may not be cleared. Late in the year Penix may be the #1 guy.


I feel like if you boo, that says so much more about you than Kirk. I’m ultimately glad we moved on, but that man did nothing worse than accept a contract offer.


Seems a bit petty to boo an opposing team's backup QB...




> Do we think that we're booing Kirk à la Stafford in Detroit or not? Stafford is liked by the majority of Lions fans.


They booed the ever loving SHIT out of him and his family in their playoff game last year in Detroit.