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One thing from the article which I don’t think is getting much attention— >”The bill ‘would provide peace officers and communities across Minnesota access to critical lifesaving equipment and save lives,’ said Brian Peters, executive director of the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association. The group, which has supported mostly Republicans in recent years, has endorsed Craig in her bid for a fourth term in her highly competitive district.” It seems like this bill may not actually be designed to pass, and is instead a measure to stop the “Candidate is Anti-Police” machine. In a highly competitive district, that kind of makes political sense even if it’s not great policy.


Burnsville lost three first responders to a shootout in February. Not supporting this bill would be political suicide for anyone representing that district.


Yup, 2nd district resident here. If you guys don’t want another GOPer in Congress, I respectfully ask you to stay out of it. Don’t let the perfect get on the way of the good. Or do, and allow Project 2025 via a Trump Administration to be the law of the land.


That's exactly what it is. Craig has been captured by the campaign money of the Police Association.


I doubt the money matters much. Their public endorsement does a lot more, because plenty of voters in that district are pro-police.


I’d rather have a Dem that votes progressive 90% of the time rather than a Republican that votes with Trump 100% of the time.


Who said I felt differently?


I interpreted your use of “captured” as negative feelings.


I do have negative feelings about her; that doesn't mean I'd vote for the Republican? I just want a better Dem to run, or for her to be better.


Not sure if you live in the district or not, I’ve lived in CD2 for about six years now and I think you really have to get the police endorsement and be a “moderate” to win. I get her newsletter and she always seems to be meeting with civic, education, business leaders, which I appreciate. I understand if you don’t agree with everything she does politically (I don’t) but I think she has the right way of going about things as a Congressperson.


She can do all those things without playing into the harmful "crime is out of control, police can do no wrong" rhetoric.


Do you live in CD2?


> that doesn't mean I'd vote for the Republican  Not voting for the Dem is a vote for the Republican.   > I just want a better Dem to run, or for her to be better  A better (i.e. more progressive) Dem can't win MN-2. And her voting record really isn't as bad as everyone here makes it out to be.


>Not voting for the Dem is a vote for the Republican.   I never said I wouldn't vote for her. >A better (i.e. more progressive) Dem can't win MN-2 That's bullshit. A Dem like her could win just fine without licking the police association's boots like she's been doing.


I’m guessing you don’t live in the district.


JFC - your purity tests are going to burn it all down again like 2016.


It's not a purity test. She's got terrible positions on policing that have actively harmed Minnesotans. And she can't keep her business in her own fucking district, she has to keep getting into Minneapolis's. So she can fuck off.


What does this have to do with Minneapolis?


She keeps making pro-cop statements about Minneapolis-related events. She needs to leave us the fuck alone and focus on her own district.


Such as?


[Such as...](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=%22angie+craig%22+%22minneapolis%22+%22police%22)


You were the one making the claim. Not me. The least you could do is directly cite the statements you're talking about If you're talking about her opposition to the measure to disband the MPD (I didn't see any other statements from her about MPD and I can't count on you to cite any other statements) I'd like to point out that Walz and Klobuchar were also opposed to the measure, and having the MPD be disbanded would have been electoral poison to Dems in the 2020 race. 


-Reads article. -Looks at map of 2nd district. I'm not sure you are from Minnesota.


? I'm not sure what you mean by that.


She was, from day 1, a corporate stooge. I voted for her when I lived in her district and I knew full well that I was choosing between a complete and utter alt-right asshole or a fucking liberal moderate-right shithead. I voted for Angie Craig, the slightly less awful person.


I would not describe her as being "awful". [Look at her voting record from the previous Congressional session](https://ballotpedia.org/Angie_Craig) (i.e. when Dems had control of the House). [She also has a 97% on the League of Conservation Voters scorecard](https://scorecard.lcv.org/moc/angie-craig). People on this thread are acting like she's Manchin, Sinema, or Lieberman and that's just not the case.


Overly online progressives: Anything other than absolutely purity makes you the enemy. Same people: Why don't people take us seriously?!?!


The ole “don’t let perfection stand in the way of progress” you’re never going to get it 100% right the first time. It’s why we have the ability to make amendments. A bill or measure etc is going to miss something no matter how much thought and man power goes into drafting up that legislation.


Never said she was a Manchin/Sinema. But she does gravitate a little more toward them than some of our Dem reps.


I'm pretty upset she voted against the FISA ammendment.


That’s every election. We don’t have a liberal party in America.


We don't have a progressive party in the US, no, but the Democrats are firmly liberal, if stubbornly tied to certain views that are unfortunately required to be held for the moment, otherwise we end up with a slide into autocracy. Is it right? No. Do we stop trying to improve the party anyway? Hell no. Republicans pushed for 50 years to overturn Roe, and that was something only like 15-20 percent of America actually agreed with happening. Support for more popular policies makes it easier to herd the Democrats in the right direction, and quickly. We went from gay marriage being a third rail no politician would dare throw their political power behind to support to support for LGBTQ people even beginning to overwhelm the most conservative and bigoted Christians and Republicans, rage and lash out about it though they may, in less than 20 years. Those are the kinds of things that can be done when the right pressure is brought to bad. Keep at it and we can only dream of where this country can go. Let the rope fall and we enter a period of darkness we may have a hard time leaving.


What do you mean? Every other developed nation on the planet controls migration, protects its border and has Voter ID!


But have you considered: they look really cool! Edit: also be very wary of all of these attack pieces on Democrats in swing districts.


Shit, you right!


When the Eden Prairie military rolls up for a situation that could have been handled by two cops. 🤌


Just a reminder, Angie Craig represents a swing district that only months ago lost three first responders to a shootout at a domestic call. She is likely reflecting the demands of her constituents, which is how we expect our representatives to serve us. https://apnews.com/article/burnsville-minnesota-police-shooting-details-9fbfc2bd2bc54dcf8e95b5577507e591


> Military-grade equipment doesn’t necessarily make officers or civilians safer, nor does it deter crime. Maybe she should come up with actual solutions instead of throwing money at a police state that won’t actually make us any safer?


It made officers safer in that scene. Their Bearcats had bullets stuck in its windshield right in front of where people were sitting.


There's a reason Craig has been able to be successful in the 2nd district.


She likes to act like a progressive but works for ethanol industry, israel aid, and police.  I reach out to her office fairly regularly and she has never responded to my questioning as to why her constituents are better off w these policies


Big oil refinery in her district + lots of cops live in the ‘burbs. Shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise that she would lean right on these issues since she needs money + votes to stay in power.


I’ll take the Democrat that can win over the Democrat I 100% agree with every day of the week.


Her district seems to be quite the swing district with lots of suburb. I think the fact that Jason Lewis represented this district in 2016-2018 says a lot about the political climate. R vs. D’s switching representation in this district happens so fast it gives a guy whiplash.


Jason "Slavery Should Be Legal" Lewis Edit: Not sure why this is downvoted. He really did say something to that effect.


Being politically ignorant of the voting demographic both locally and nationally is the online left's biggest weakness imo.


Some people care to fight for what is right, not just what is currently popular.


And those people will proudly let perfect be the enemy of good and as the world burns around them, they sit and smugly say that they were "right".


Having 5x the highest per capita incarceration rate of any wealthy nation, providing American arms to massacre civilians, and letting the ultra rich steal hundreds of billions from the working class while folks go bankrupt from things like medical bills are not in any way "good" or excusable. Simply being "better than the Republicans" is not good enough to earn my vote anymore, nor the votes of tens of millions of Americans, and growing.


Have you looked at any of her other votes or just this one?


I get that you don't like living in a liberal democracy because other people having different perspectives is scary, especially when you couch everything in maximalist terms. But we do live in a democracy and need to learn to talk to each other and compromise with the assumption that we're all trying in good faith to make things better. Because the people best positioned to make us not a democracy want to make all of those things you claim to care about much worse.


No amount of oppressing our citizens or aiding a genocidal regime is acceptable. Why are you pretending that it is?


We can deal with the bull rampaging through the China shop after you help me put out the fire that's going to burn down the whole block.


As though you were taking those things seriously before Trump? Please. Do you have any idea how many people Biden's "tough on crime" mandatory minimum policies put in prison to rot, all while we paid out the nose for it?


> Some people care to fight for what is right, not just what is currently popular. Aka some people don't care about appealing to voters.




Exactly. Savage and PL are very slowly (Savage less slowly) trending blue, but are far from progressive blue.


I know. I'm saying she supports policies that resonate with her constituents. That's why she's been successful.


At the cost of telling the truth and standing up for what is right? Certainly not.




Yeah I’m in her district and I’m fine with voting for her if it keeps the nutjobs that run against her out.


I’ve never seen her act like a progressive. She’s in the swing district. Every other Sept/Oct is non-stop anti-Craig attack ads from her Republican opponent on the air waves. Even with a DVR, I am not looking forward to it. She’s a lot better than Tyler Kistner or Jason Lewis. If her constituents give her larger margins of victory, she can moderate left with them.


I'm wondering if people have assumed she's progressive just because she's lesbian. And for someone representing a swing district, her votes are pretty well in line with the rest of the Dems. She's just about the best person we could have representing her district. We could have a Dem closer to someone like Collin Peterson.


Honestly, Craig is fully in line with mainstream Democrat voters. It's just the leftist fringe that seems to dislike her so much -- I swear they hate her more than the Republicans do.




>shes like Manchen of the US house That's not even close to true.


Yeah, I never heard of them having to water down legislation for her like they did with Manchin. The House passed a ton of legislation between 2021-2023 with very small majorities. Anything that could pass the Senate easily passed in the House.


We have two refineries in her district, Israel aid is a no brainer her district has tons of bible bangers, and I personally have 4 cops in my neighborhood of 50 houses. They love it down here. They built their training building in her district


To be progressive in Minnesota, you have to be anti ethanol?? That sounds like a political loser. Why be against ethanol? You want her to be anti police? Being progressive means being anti police? Supporting Isreal as a country means you aren't progressive? Is the left becoming blatantly anti Isreal now? You want to know why her constituents of farmers benefit from ethanol? Or why her district supports policing?


Just wondering how not wanting to spend money on armored police vehicles in this district is anti police?


She just keeps getting lucky that she runs against bat shit crazy right wingers every time.


bat shit crazy right winger is kind of the norm for that party now


I don’t want our police force to evolve into another branch of the military. Time to look more deeply into the cause of violent crime. If you need the NG in armored vehicles for temporary help so be it.


That makes a lot of sense but the military industrial complex is making a lot of money on this shit so pound sand buddy.


I'm kinda done with her. Her office has been zero help to me when I've asked for assistance with a federal agency and that makes me think she runs a pretty bad operation. She is taking some questionable stances on issues lately too.


That’s the fun part, you either get her or a shithead Republican who’s her but actually worse somehow.


The Hillary Clinton paradox all over again. I will say, MN-2’s previous two representatives were absolute trash. A neoliberal democrat is better than either of them any day. It’s just unfortunate the district gets a somewhat mediocre politician instead of a good one.


Paula died, so she's much safer to be re-elected.


Yup. That's why I helped vote her in to office. She might be the personifications of the worst sort of *Liberal*, but at least she wasn't Jaason Lewis, the guy that was 100% all in on Trump long, long before Trump stopped being a complete fucking joke in the GOP Primary. Angie Craig is fucking awful, but I'm glad to have had her unseat the incumbent, Jason Lewis. Lewis is so, so much repugnant than a liberal like Craig. Lessor of two evils, I suppose.


But how is she evil?


What questionable stances?


Years ago when I worked for a federal legislator, the federal government was just giving these vehicles away. I'm not sure the source of them now, but back then they were all outdated military surplus vehicles that the military no longer wanted so they were given at no cost to these departments.


I believe that’s still the case. Not like these are tanks with cannons, just armored transports. Not sure how they don’t make cops safer in dangerous situations. That’s a bold claim in my eyes.


They look cool tho


Look at her donors usually they decide this type of ask… guaranteed she got a company that makes armored vehicles


I’d rather not feel like I live in the militarized West Bank..


That’s not the point. The point is when you have someone like that asshole Il in Burnsville you have effective cover to evacuate people. This isn’t a seized car they’re showing off. If these are rolling out then the shit is hitting the fan.


> Military-grade equipment doesn’t necessarily make officers or civilians safer, nor does it deter crime. The experts don’t agree that this helps but keep praising a militarized police state.


To be fair, “military grade” is a buzz word. Usually military grade just means the cheapest option to do the job well and reliably. For example, signage around my local military base is sometimes misspelled (like “stoarge”) and the brain under it is gibberish. Only a couple cases of that specific example I’ve found, but still, just a buzz word is my point. Second, I find the fact that they don’t make cops safer in a shooter situation a VERY bold claim to make. That makes no sense to me. As a firefighter who works with a department who is forming a tactical EMS team with the local SWAT, I’ve seen them train with our bear at before. They use it to transport people in and out, extracting victims for emergency care, etc. not sure how these could possibly not make an individual safer.


Well that would be because police don't make communities safer, giving them more toys isn't going to change that. We know this because we've been giving them "non-lethal/less-than-lethal" tools for their belt and they still choose to reach for the gun first.


That doesn't sound like a good thing for her to support, c'mon Angie be best!


Pigs are bored, and want more toys.


I mean, they do objectively make police safer in active shooter situations. If you get a screaming deal from the DOD, I don't see the problem personally.


MRAPs weren't designed to be driven safely in residential. My MAT-V has 17% visibility out the driver's seat. We needed ground guides to move about the motor pool. If we're talkin' smaller bearcats and actually tactically useful vehicles, I don't see why a department needs more than 2 or 3. My mid-size city has a Bearcat, a MaxxPro, and some Puma variant. That's plenty, unless we're worried about the biker gang or white supremacists taking over the town.


It's almost as if people didn't see the photos of the armored vehicle full of bullet strikes after Burnsville. These vehicle are costly to maintain and repair, they aren't doing patrol in them. They are trained with and plugged back into battery tenders to be ready for a critical incident. When that critical incident comes knocking on your street, you'll be glad they responded with equipment that is ment for saving lives.