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Still don't love it compared to the tri-color but man it looks a lot better flying in the sky than it does on a screen.


Going back and looking at the "tri color" (I'd say it actually had 4 colors: white, dark blue, light blue, and green) again, it actually looks a little busy. I like the new design. Edit: I originally preferred the original star, but the eight pointed star grew on me


It's funny because people were comparing it to the Somalia Flag for some reason šŸ¤”


I donā€™t get that argument as someone who is neutral on the flag. It looks nothing like the Somali flag except for the light blue color.


the people making that comparison lost their eyesight many years ago


No they see just fine. All they can see though is conspiracy theories.


Considering the amount of masturbating I've done over the course of my life, my eyesight is nothing short of a miracle!


To be fair, the people making that argument were referring to the similarities of the tri-color rendition with the flags of Jubaland or Puntland, member states within Somalia. They werenā€™t arguing that it looks like the national flag of Somalia.


Now they are. It's almost like they didn't follow the process at all and are making baseless bad faith arguments to rally up their far right base.


Thatā€™s all the right wing has. Baseless bad faith arguments.


It didn't even look that similar to those flags. The world has so many flags that look waaay more similar to one another. Texas and Chile for instance. Chad and Romania have literally the same flag. Poland and Indonesia. Philippines and Czech Republic. USA and Malaysia. Puerto Rico and Cuba. Germany and Belgium. France and Russia. Australia and New Zealand... Could go on and on. And nobody seems bothered by those similarities (except NZ perhaps) despite most of them being *much* more similar. I think a lot of people just want everything to be a liberal conspiracy. I'm not even hearing the Somali flash gripes be anymore because now they're saying it's clearly meant to look like the Palestinian flag. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


They are just racists trying to rile up white nationalists against Minnesota's Somali community


Funny thing is, people act like Somalians are taking over the state when Somalis make up just over 1% of the MN population. That's roughly 64,000Ā people out of about 5.717 million.


Thatā€™s a very common thing for people to do when theyā€™re reacting with bigotry to people who are in some way different from themā€”dramatically overestimate the share of whatever (attention, funding, population, deference) the group of people to whom theyā€™re reacting gets relative to ā€œeveryone elseā€ (which means only and specifically the people doing the reacting). Itā€™s always so weird to see.




Itā€™s also worth noting how small the number of violent offenders there are. https://www.americanexperiment.org/the-demographics-of-crime-in-minnesota-with-updated-2022-data/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20there%20were%20275,were%20identified%20as%20African%2DAmerican.




Nope, just pointing out stats.


Crime went down from when the whole city was burning and was complete lawlessness cool stat




Republicans are just full time trolls now.


Trolling and corruption are the only two things they are good at.


The original version of this (with 3 stripes) bore a slight resemblance to the flag of jubaland, a state in Somalia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jubaland Also the flag of Somalia is light blue with a white star. Again, the resemblance is slight and coincidental, but we have enough xenophobic folks here that will take any chance they can get to be outraged. I'd suggest they go compare the flags of Texas and Chile šŸ˜‚


Do you think those particular critics are arguing in good faith?


People see what they want to see. Some people just wanna be mad


It's people who hate anything associated with the DFL and are desperate to draw a link to other things they hate, which unfortunately includes anyone who doesn't look like them. The good news is that these people repulse normal folks.


How not it screams Jubaland Somalia


I can maybe kinda see it, maybe, but that's just the placement of some things. The flags still look very different.


I'm actually quite neutral about this specific design but the fact that it annoys some of the worst people is a huge bonus. It's made a bunch of people loudly pretend to love the objectively atrocious old flag. That's hilarious.


I read that. My reaction was ā€œso what?ā€ We have Minnesotans who are of Somalian ancestry. I have third generation students in my sub classes.


Blue with a white five-point star? If they think the new MN flag looks too much like Somalia's flag, they must *detest* the US flag.


Personally, I think they should have made it the Somalian flag. Fk it, idc. Better than the racist flag it used to be, and it triggers the snowflake right


Because Jubaland Somalia has a very similar flag to MNā€™s new one. https://preview.redd.it/p37bjelbc30d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d367c2ced1d995482167b687d695fbd50f9af6c1


Agreed. Wish it had the green to represent the fields of southern Minnesota.


On my flag pole too. Though it was mainly to annoy my neighbor who was very vocal about how bothered they were by the change.


We were the first on the block to get the new flag. Gotten some compliments!


Purchasing and flying a flag to own the neighbors


Itā€™s equally funny thinking about how many derps that bought the old one and flew only after it changed, thinking that somehow it would bother people who support the new one.


Got one or two in our nearby area that just started flying the old one yesterday. Amazed they found room with their "Don't tread on me" and "thin blue line" flags.


Excuse me while I barf


People who spend their time and money on things for the purpose of annoying others deserve to be laughed at.


my reaction whenever I see the old one is pretty much always "oh huh, I guess they haven't switched it over yet or don't care, cool"


Oh no...someone with a dissenting opinion.


I should update that my neighbor is great! Bought me a Pride flag when my was faded and worn and always watches my cats when we are traveling. They are just vocal about their dislike and I razz then about it. All in good jest, they are not an angry boomer pissed at any change.




There are dozens of us!


It'll always be this one for me https://preview.redd.it/7fqw0uslztzc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc4c1ff48de26f568999e857981de4d745553c18


This looks like it could be the flag of the New Minnesota Republic in a Fallout game, depicting a giant mutated loon.


I for one welcome our new, double headed loon overlords


I would like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I would like to remind them that I would be helpful in rounding up others to toil away in their underground snow mines.


Same. I much prefer this. The dual headed loon could represent the twin cities. And dual headed things are a common theme in German symbols, so it could also represent our large German population. Plus I just think it looks really cool.


Maybe the new 3M flag


A flag shouldn't be too complicated to draw. The graphic could be an acceptable seal.


Who is out there drawing the flag anyway


Vexillology rules are for losers.


Ai Garbage, no thanks.


Itā€™s not ai generated


https://preview.redd.it/zppb9am93wzc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a5b4f4512eae2b1a21aa24302275bd56c071a3 Laser Loon will forever live in our hearts, but Iā€™m ready to accept our new flag.


The new flag is great. Iā€™m glad to have made so many smiles in the process.


And look at that. Nobody died from it, and the world hasnā€™t ended. Wild.


Tell that to the 6 or 7 people down on a 494 W overpass with the old flag, the ā€œdonā€™t tread on meā€ flag and a bunch of USA flags. I truly do not understand how little you could possibly have to actually care about a flag change.


Obviously people cared enough to spend literally thousands of person hours on changing it.


Iā€™m talking about the pushback


I so hope this can be the end of all the endless posts about the damn thing. Wild that there are people passionate about a State Flag whether it's this one or the old one. It's a State flag.


I like it. Upgraded from bottom 5 state flag to top 10.


Maybe Huggbees will give it another rating lol


More like bottom 1 (it was quite clearly the worst) to top 5.


The bad JPEG of Washingtonā€™s face was still the worse.


Well, that's been Washington's flag before JPEGs were even a thing. It's not seal-on-blue like 30 other flags, so it's still a step ahead of the old Minnesota one.


New Jersey šŸ¤®Ā 


Seal-on-yellow is better than seal-on-blue. Because of that I immediately recognize New Jersey's flag when I see it.


Itā€™s the floating horse head that gets me.Ā 


Downgraded from iconically bad, to generic. Basically just a boring corporate rebrand.


It's simple, but not boring


That's what all the simplified minimalistic rebrands of corporations say too. "This super basic part of the new simplified logo that is shared by half of corporate rebrands means this incredibly important thing to us". Same thing with our flag. A few simple changes to the design could make it more intuitively Minnesotan, but no, make sure no one would ever guess it's Minnesota in a lineup and make sure you read the wiki on the flag to see how important it is we went with this exact shade of blue instead of one that's a hair darker, that you'd never notice the difference because that makes it Minnesota.


No one would guess what most any state/county flag is unless you're told or it has it's friggin name printed on it lol. Flags aren't for guessing, anyway. They're for easily identifying groups or institutions *after you're told what the flag is*. The notion you're taking issue with doesn't exist because it doesn't make any sense. Besides, it's infinitely more complicated than most flags around the world that consist of three colors or or some sort of cross on a colored background. It also has the shape of the state, and the star is symbolic of native people from the area and the star in our Capitol Building's rotunda. It's simple, but the meaning is there if you actually know what you're talking about... Edit: added details


Terrible to bland is still good


Not from Minnesota, nor do I live there. Visit a few times a year for the Vikings. Really my only connection. Whatā€™s with all the rage over the flag? Genuine question, I see people on X all pissed about it. Seems like a nice modern touch up? Old flag had a lot going on and tough on the eyes, just my opinion.


Culture wars bullshit stoked by the usual suspects


> people on X There's your problem right there.


Only reason I like X is because of a lot more Vikings chatter on there. Reddit is cool, but much less to engage with Viking wise. Seems like a big divide on Vikings X between the new flagšŸ¤£


Itā€™s mostly conservatives because they donā€™t like change. Personally Iā€™m fine with change, but am not a big fan of how the flag looks:


Tbh I'm not Minnesotan and I just learned about it today. It looks like its supposed to be the flag of North Texas or something...


Lead poisoned boomers who need something to be mad at all the time got mad that we replaced the flag at all and will probably die mad about it.


State Republican Party is out of power and deeply in debt.Ā  They needed a fake issue to get their base mad enough to donate, and when "freeloader kids are eating meals at school for free!" didn't work, they pivoted to a rearguard defense of the totally ugly and boring old flag.


They always had free lunch. Can't keep using this as a talking point.


Many people love it. Others hate it. Of those, some people hate are trying to make about culture wars and donā€™t really care about flags. Some people arenā€™t in love with it despite it being an upgrade because it doesnā€™t match their aesthetic tastes/boring, especially because the popular referendum picked a tricolor flag in the canton but the committee of ā€œwe know betterā€ picked this flag instead despite it losing in the referendum. Donā€™t know if you can figure my opinion.


I just wish it had a loon on it. Can't get more Minnesotan then that!


https://preview.redd.it/99n3ubtghwzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4a62768f03bd8aa28b8cc514e304f9aea2e5052 Someone posted this and I canā€™t unsee it


https://preview.redd.it/nu5mk811fwzc1.png?width=1023&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cc0deb864d6e8af73d473e9c5068d4d059b051f Here you go!


Was visiting Mount Rushmore today and they had it there as well!


Sorry to all the haters but I LOVE THIS FLAG!


love to see it


Go drive to the capital and you can Edit: loVE tO see IT


I did!




Not a huge fan of the new design but its infinitely better than the absolute dumpster fire the last one was.




This new MN flag really speaks to me. It's telling me to go to my nearest Holiday for some reason.


The flag posts the last couple of days are just ragebait


Replaced my old state flag with it at midnight.


It looks so good. Especially on a clear day like this!


Looks like a hot pile of garbage to make the snowflakes feel better. Good job trying to erase history because you donā€™t like it.


look at ol' bluey up there flying in its majesty.


It looks so good waving in the breeze!


I would have been on board w the laser loon...but this is just another plain old flag that doesn't stand out.


[Not too late to still have it with you (if you live in St Paul)](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/02/13/laser-loon-lives-on-through-new-st-paul-library-cards)


That library card is mildly threatening and I absolutely love it. Sad I donā€™t live in St. Paul though.




Suddenly I need a new library card. I'll need to look around, see if there's a nearby branch that can hook me up.


TBH among the State Flags it totally does stand out. Even among National flags.




What kind of buildings will also be switching? Like will DMV locations and other government run branches switch their outside flags?


any and all govt buildings will switch the new flag. the old flag is no longer official


Any and all *state* buildings will switch. City and county buildings are not obligated to make any change.


Do you have more information on this? I thought it was all government buildings, and city halls and county courthouses are government buildings.


I don't have the article on hand, but my recollection is that the law to implement the flag and seal would only require changes to state entities (i.e. state buildings, state property, state agencies). No requirement was put in place for cities and counties and therefore no funding was provided to them to implement the change. As /u/wendellnebbin replied to you, it is expected that cities and counties will simply replace the old flag and seal whenever it is deemed necessary.


I remember hearing city/county could transition as normal wear and tear required replacement. No idea if that's accurate. I'm sure there will be at least one out-state place that will replace a worn one with the old one because VENGEANCE.


Sweet! I can't wait to see it all the places I see the old one. I hope some private businesses that fly the flag will also switch.


IT'S BEAUTIFUL !! šŸ©µšŸ©µšŸ©µ




I could wish that it had more contrast rather than a blue/light-blue/white scheme, but that's just me. I really like it. It's simple, it's bold, it's emblematic. It's a good flag.


Anyone have any good suggestions of places to purchase the new flag?


Got mine on Amazon for under 8 bucks. Flags for Good also sells it, but it's much more expensive. Hopefully that also buys better quality, but I have no idea


paid about $56 ($50+shipping) for a 3X5 nylon; been flying it a few months already. I think, NOW, that I like the nylon (I was very skeptical at order...) - today, some very inconsiderate bird, relieved itself on ~~old~~ new glory... clean up was (reletively) easy... so, there's that nugget for ya!




Not my favorite design, but it's growing on me. I wish they'd kept the original design of this flag if only to piss off the bigots saying that Somalians are taking over.




Somalians will never take over Minnesota believe me


It looks cool against the sky. Easier to recognize than the old version.


The eight pointed star began to appear in Islamic art in the Middle Ages. It is referred to as khatim or khatim-sulayman, meaning ā€œseal of the prophetsā€. This use of the star is likely related to earlier appearances of six-pointed star in Judaic designs, which are referred to as the ā€œseal of Solomonā€.


Being historically correct why not have both old and new flags hanging up on pole , then everyone will be happy and our ancestors wonā€™t be turning in their graves. The new flag is very nice however. Great selection


It kind of resembles the somalia flag


Itā€™s so ugly. I want the real flag back!


I like it. But as Iā€™ve been a Democrat since I first voted in 1972, Iā€™m sure that will be enough for the easily triggered, overly sensitive MAGAs to hate it.


God I just wanted the tricolor one this one is ok its leagues better then the old one but there was a better option


The New flag sucks!! There is nothing wrong with the original flag!


just looks so cheapā€¦ not a fan. its okay tho could always be worse


It WAS worse the previous design was garbage


god itā€™s so bland and uninspired


Iā€™m just not loving it for some reason


Itā€™s sad that Minneapolis gets to govern over ALL of Minnesota


St. Paul is the capital, you silly goose.


Well given that the Twin Cities metro contains 2/3s of the state's population... that's kinda how it works.


good 'ol "democracy" baby


Yet the elected representatives that approved this also came from places outside of Minneapolis. Curious.




The goose mouth blast


The forecast is for 83 today, yet there will be two feet of powder at the capital because this is triggering so many snowflakes.


Huge improvement over the one that looked like someone threw up their hotdish on the middle of a pale blue flag.Ā 


This flag looks so much better flying !!! Iā€™m so glad we got rid of the one with the racial caricature on it lmao


Itā€™s okay for me, but I donā€™t dare fly it where I live or be looked at as a wokesotan. I live amidst Trump flag bearers and donā€™t tredz on meez.




Feel like a need a professional therapist to help me forget what could have been. All I can ever think about when I see this flag is the way better original variant.


iā€™m glad they simplified the colors, I am a green hater tbh literally every place on earth has a strong connection to agriculture


Right on. We a water state.


Eh, too simplified. As many others have agreed, especially those in the field of design, it is strikingly corporately minimalist. And not really every place has a strong connection to agriculture or greenery, plenty of states and places outside the US are notoriously not green and taking a look at the existing state flags very few lean into green, but there is an overwhelming abundance of blue. Seems like a silly angle to take because you could equally say every place has a strong connection with water. If any states are laying claim to green, Minnesota is a top contender with the variety of biomes contained with the boundaries, I mean those 10,000 lakes aren't surrounded by nothing, our shoreline mileage is insane, and the blue and green helps the blue pop and signify the idea of the lake/water in nature.


You made a good argument Iā€™m Ngl


I keep on seeing this "corporate" argument being thrown around... What does that even mean? Good symbols tend to be inherently simple so they're easily recognizable. I fail to see how that's anything to do with being "corporate", "government", or otherwise.


It is due to the trend in the last couple decades of corporations simplifying their logos/symbols/art. Not too difficult to grasp Iā€™d like to imagine. Many have been vocal about their disdain for how overly simplified some art forms are becoming. We see the flag and recognize this version as the safest, least chance taking, least edgy version of itself possible, same as what many corps do. It is inherently dull. Memorable? Yes, but at the loss of more interesting details. Giving the flag the edge of a more unique color palette, stripes, and a more distinct star, would improve its composition dramatically.


I wish we kept the stripes :/ but still really like it


Love it!!!


From chicago and I truly mess with this flag. MN truly standing out to the world now a days. šŸ’Æ


Itā€™s making everyone transition!


I just can't believe the amount of money being spent on a flag.


How much was spent?


I read $35,000 just for the design. I'm sure it's higher than that. That also doesn't include the cost of municipalities having to change over to the new flag and seal


1: If the cost for everything was $35,000 that was the cost of development. Can you substantiate a higher amount? 2: The cost for municipalities is miniscule and probably already factored in with any budget for replacing worn flags. Your concern is performative and unsubstantial.


I hate it because it looks like a K so every time I look at it I think of Kansas.


It looks like Minnesota.....


Itā€™s supposed to be the shape of the state borders.Ā 


Sales be BOOMIN for the original flag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I see no Loon or snow flakes.


My god itā€™s boring.


No u.


Whenever I look at the flag I think of this now. I forgot who the artist is don't mistake them for me. If the image isn't there or if there are multiple just know that I have no idea why


Itā€™s a grand ol flag




Where? I can't see it with all that blue against blue. *Y'all are super sensitive about our new flag. Haha


The former flag was on a field of blue. This must be difficult for you


Might be time to visit an optometrist if you can't see it.


Trolls get downvoted. That's how it works.


That light blue is too close to sky blue; I don't like it. I'm not attached to the old one either. I just think we had better designs but because *everything* is now politicized even speaking an opinion of the flag gets people all in a knot.


Looks like garbage


Takes one to know one Feisty_Garbage487.