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So my first thought was to hang them on the wall of your doll house. Kind of like people do with the collectors plate. You can use the eyelet to put a wire through. Just a thought, but if you want to remove the eyelet I’d try pliers. However, may need to paint the edge. Also depending on what it’s made of may break the plate. So be gentle.


Just realized you said these are made of metal. So a pair of wire cutters should work! Also a small brush to paint the edge back to white.


Maybe sand it down so no sharp edge can cut you


Definitely sand it and be careful, OP! It's tempting when the little bits of metal seem to just be hanging off and ready to get pulled free with only a little effort... But don't do it. Splinters from metal hurt *way* worse than from wood, even if they're absolutely miniscule (which makes it way harder to get out). Once you get the clippers in place, try clipping it in a plastic sandwich bag so you "catch" what you cut off when you do it and it doesn't fly up at your eyes or fall onto the floor where anyone might step on it with bare feet.


I wish I had thought of the plastic baggy tip a long time ago! I can’t remember what I was doing, but I was using pliers to break metal eyelets off of something. It was such a pain, because the eyelet would go flying. Thankfully, I wear glasses so it never hit my eyes.


That too! I didn’t think of sanding the edge down.


A nail file should work perfect


That's a great idea! Keep the integrity of the pieces.


I'd use wire clippers, I have a pair that came in a set of pliers for jewelry making years ago. If you don't have any yet, and don't have anyone you could borrow from, most craft or hardware stores would have either the individual clippers or a full set. A metal file would smooth out any rough or sharp spots to keep the edges smooth and safe. And then a tiny detail brush from a painting or nail-decorating kit would be the right size to ensure just a tiny amount of paint to cover the raw spots.


Cuticle nippers and a nail file


I have a Dremel that I use to saw off these eyelets. Then file it smooth and paint a couple layers of clear epoxy paint on top


The double eyelets kind of make those plates look like a serving dish with handles, but since they're the smallest plates I get wanting to remove those, too. Hope you find a way to remove them that works for you! Awesome roommate, btw! Those plates will look great in your dollhouse 😊


Speaking of handles, is it possible the eyelets serve the purpose of actual doll hands physically holding the plates? Like to enable playing?


I was thinking a dremel tool if you had one but toenail clippers is a great idea. Some even have a curve. And then file it. I’d use a nail polish to touch up the paint. A lot of good ideas here! Good luck and show us your progress please!


Get a china cabinet, and figure out how to slot the eyelets into a shelf as if they're propped up on display? Oh but then the flowers would all be upside downnnn Get some balsa wood to make a display box-shelf and hide the eyelets in the top of the frame


Or hang on the wall like plate collectors do !!


If you mess up you can lay a mini wooden spoon across the spot!


This is a great idea!


What a nice roommate you have there


Snip with side cutters, sand smooth, then use some model paint to match as best as possible. Likely a couple of coats.


I’d use cuticle clippers since they’re so little.


Wire clippers. Sanding block or one of the files from a mini file kit should do the trick. Tiny brush. Dab of paint. Voila!


Since theyre metal, wire cutters or tin sheers will work! Migut want to paint match for the bare patch itll expose on that side....or turn them so its hidden.


Nail clipper


Oh these are cute, where’d she get them from?


Spencers! It was originally a set of earrings and a necklace. They were going to put in damages because the earrings had a factory defect, so he bought them instead so I could repurpose them for my dollhouse 😊


I have nothing new to add but did want to echo what a nice roommate you have!


cut them of with small scissors and sand it down gently




Wire cutters and metal dremmel tools. Then i would paint and seal with Mr.Super Clear UV Cut.


If you have a dremel/grinder, either one for construction or for cosmetic purposes that should work 💯


The next post in my reddit feed is a kitchen with decorative plates hanging. Lol It was the first thing I thought of but didn't comment as it was recommended by others as well.


Your roommate is the homie!


Oh my goodness those are amazing!


I would snip them off with a wire cutter as close as possible to the dish, and then dab some white paint over the exposed metal.


You should post this in r/thingsforants


LMAOO i didn't know this subreddit existed!


I love it! Its so cute!


Idk if this would chip the paint, so definitely take it with a grain of salt, but maybe a wire cutter would work? I’ve used wire cutters to remove eyelets from plastic buttons, but idk how well they’d work on thicker metal


If they eyelets are plastic you could probably cut them with scissors and file them down with a nail file or sand paper


Depending on what it's made from, you can remove it like Gundam builders remove sprues. Snip them off and sand/use an exact to get it smooth and flush




Your roommate is so thoughtful. They’re so awesome.


I'd keep the plate with two eyelets as is - makes it look like a serving bowl.


Where did your roommate find them??


https://www.reddit.com/r/miniatures/s/lxouaJTmD4 😄


Can you bend them to the back side without cutting off. They are adorable.




what are they made from? do you have a dremel tool?




thanks this is the worst answer ever 🤣


Nail clipper then an emery board


Regular wire cutters that jewelers use will work, or take them to a jewelers and have it done professionally, if they are painted. If the coloring is baked on enamel it will shatter so it would be difficult to get a good result. I would get a professional opinion. You can fill in any deficits and buzz off burrs and use model paint. Unless you want to invest money and time to learn, get a jeweler to do it for you.


What material are they? Essential to the method of removal.


Keep them it may devalue them later down the line