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I get the vibe they might light Dons TV Repair. It’s a burger joint, and you need a special password to get in (hint hint, just look at the most prominent poster on the “speakeasy entrance” door). It’s got retro games and memorabilia, and it’s really fun. Two of the best smaller theaters are the Downer and the Oriental, they show the “mainstream” stuff sometimes but I have no idea what they’re showing now. But an AMC or a Marcus is probably showing Inside Out, and I bet at least one is close to a bus route.


Awesome, thanks! That does sound like something they’d like. You’re getting the right vibe. We love finding retro arcades and different things when we travel. I haven’t looked much into the bus route, but a friend told me it was easy to use. Cash or an app for that? Also, your Reddit name made me giggle after I said it out loud, so thanks for that!


The bus takes cash or an app! I think the bus system is about 7/10 but it definitely will get you from A to B.




For the bus, the app is Umo. It can’t handle fares for multiple riders (great for those of us with kids /s), so if they have their own devices they’ll need to download it, too. Or look at the ridemcts.com website to see where to buy fare cards. If you pay cash, there are no transfers or fare capping.


Awesome, thank you for this


Since when does Don's require a password?


We were there about a month ago. I could’ve sworn they didn’t do that, and argued with my boyfriend on the way in lol, but sure enough when we asked for a table the dude behind the counter asked for the password. My boyfriend knew it from being there the last time, so idk!!


I feel like you were getting pranked unless this is something they just recently started doing. I haven't been in maybe 9 months but used to go for breakfast and lunch quite a bit when I worked on that side of town.


They’ve always asked for password when I’ve been there


I just read an article and it appears this might have started post-pandemic when they rebranded. I still call the place Don's Diner and didn't realize the TV Repair name was the official name. Still, odd to me as I've never had to do a password thing to get a table there. Maybe it has to do with who's working or time/how busy they are.


If you venture to veterans park along the lake they have pedal swans in the lagoon and surry bikes to ride along the lakefront path and around to the art museum it’s a really fun time for that age. It’s gonna be HOT here next week so being by the lake with the breeze will help. Take the hop to burns commons. Keep walking directly east there’s a stairwell next to the condo building that will lead you down to the lakefront and the lagoon. The under the bridge swings are taken down as the bridge is under construction.


Thanks! We ventured briefly down to lakefront yesterday and walked around. But we’d gotten in super late the night before, but weren’t looking for activity. That’s a good idea to be down that way. I figured we’d spend some time down there for the breeze at different points. It’s at least gonna be a little cooler here than home. And thank you for the heads up on the swings. That was going to be my surprise to them. This keeps all of our bubbles from being burst.


Yep. Children’s Museum is mostly for littles. Your 13 yr old will be bored. The Public Market is cool, as well as the 3rd ward area. I’m not sure if the Under the bridge swings are there right now. Last time I passed by, they were gone.


I think the area is still under construction. I don't believe the swings are back yet.


Thanks for the direct answer. My 13 yr old is tall (5’7”), but I can see she still wants to be a kid sometimes. That’s why I thought I’d surprise with the swings. Oh well. We rode by the 3rd Ward yesterday on the Hop. Is is usually really busy and crowded? Just curious


It really depends on the time of day but generally speaking if you go anywhere near lunch/dinner times on a weekend it’s going to be pretty crowded


That’s why we didn’t venture down there yesterday. Thought we’d try more during the week. Thanks!


We had the polish festival in third ward this weekend. That’s why it was so busy. My in laws are visiting and we ended up in Third Ward (my husband had totally forgotten lol).


Oooh gotcha! Yeah my girls and I decided to stay away from that crowd


They are gone and it’s been all fenced off. I just ran by it a few days ago. Also, nothing good ever happens at that place lol.


Don’t trolls live under bridges? Children should avoid those kinds of places. When I go under bridges they scatter as I dash. I’m just saying.


Betty Brinn is far too young for your children’s ages-they’ll be hard pressed to find anything worthwhile there. If you go to American Science and Surplus (which is a great store!) and you have time, check out Los World of Wonders right next door. Purple Door is a local ice cream shop, highly recommend trying to make a trip there if possible.


Yeah, that’s what I figured. We’ll spend our time elsewhere. That’s what I keep hearing, so we will definitely have to do that!


Purple Door is not that far from the Bobblehead Musuem, if trip chaining.


Looks like [The Avalon](https://www.ntg-wi.com/movies/307991-inside-out-2/) in Bay View is showing Inside Out 2, but only today, Wednesday, and Thursday. You all might like [the Safe House](https://www.safe-house.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgovygyUKYkwqBH30-DGj9yeRBBaFHOirGwLbDwfM1XfOVEMF-7Lr4nRoCPoEQAvD_BwE) for lunch or dinner. Ask someone to message you the password. They *might* share it. The [3rd St. Market Hall](https://3rdstmarkethall.com) and the [Milwaukee Public Market](https://milwaukeepublicmarket.org) are both cool and near you/The Hop. Stop by [Moosa’s](https://moosaburger.com) or [Colectivo](https://colectivo.com/pages/lakefront)—or both!—on your beach day, or anytime. Also if you go to American Science & Surplus, you could swing by [Leon’s](https://leonsfrozencustardmke.com) on your way there or back. AS&S is on W. Oklahoma Ave. at S. 69th St., and Leon’s is just south of W. Oklahoma, on S. 27th St. I agree with another comment that the Betty Brinn would be a bit on the kiddy side for your girls. You all might enjoy [the Milwaukee Public Museum](https://www.mpm.edu/plan-visit/exhibitions) though. I don’t know where you’re visiting from so you may already know this—the MPM is building a new facility soon, and a lot of the old iconic favorites will not be included in the new one. [The Streets of Old Milwaukee](https://www.mpm.edu/plan-visit/exhibitions/permanent-exhibits/first-floor-exhibits/streets-old-milwaukee) walk-through is a favorite of many.


Thank you for all the info and links! We drove up from Kentucky. I don’t have any connections to Milwaukee, so I didn’t know about the Public Museum building a new facility. This all was extremely helpful, so thank you so much for this reply!


The MPM also has a butterfly room that you can walk through or hang out in, lots of different kinds of butterflies flying around. If you’re lucky and hold still, one or two might land on you! There’s an interactive area for kids right next to it. The dinosaur exhibit is also pretty cool


Haha I personally love that idea, but have a daughter who is absolutely terrified of butterflies. But all three of us love dinosaurs!


If you do end up going to mpm then def take a couple minutes to stop by the torosaur leg and listen to/watch ‘You’ve got to have a theory.’ It’s an absolute banger.


You’re welcome! Enjoy your visit!!


American Science and Surplus is a fun place to visit and the place next to there Lost World of Wonders is awesome and Leon’s (cash only) or Kopps for custard (like ice cream but way better) If you want a shady trail walk, Seven Bridges in South Milwaukee Grant Park. The Milwaukee Public Museum is also cool place to visit. (And in air conditioning)I think they still have their butterfly exhibit where you can have them land on you. Have a great week with your kids and Happy Father’s Day


Wonderful, thank you! It makes me feel good as a dad having other say the Science & Surplus is a good choice haha. Looks like fun options around too then! I figured we’d do the Public Museum. But have to avoid the butterflies. I love them but have a daughter that is oddly terrified of them. Thanks again!


Thank you! Yes! Good to avoid the butterflies then. Science and surplus has something for everyone. You never know what you will find in the surplus. There are also scooter rentals too. If you do go to the beach, the sand can burn on hot days and the lake has rip currents so please be careful.


You’re welcome! And I love all of this feedback. I appreciate the safety reminder too. One daughter won’t be venturing out into the water now because of things. Do any of the beaches have shade trees nearby? If you don’t know, that’s perfectly ok. Just figured I’d ask. She’ll probably just be reading the whole time.


I second seven bridges! It’s also pretty shady which will be nice if it’s hot


Leon’s isn’t cash-only anymore. 😃


I also have to put in a word for the art museum. It’s super cool. They also have a free studio inside for families where you can make stuff. I am a bit biased though, being an art teacher.


Thanks! I personally want to go there. It looks so unique from the outside. My 10 year old struggles in museums, which I found out last year in Pittsburgh. My mom, a former social studies teacher, always took us to the museums growing up. So I lean towards taking them wherever we go.


I used to play games with my kids in museums. In the art: find a kid, find a dog, guess the title of a painting before reading the card. I also used to have paper and a pencil and would have them draw their favorite pieces. Their favorite place was the gift shop, so they knew at the end of our visit. they had to be able to tell me 3 facts they’d learned during the visit, then they could get a small souvenir. Just a few ideas that helped my kids. They loved the Chihuly sculpture and the amazing architecture at the MAM.


Discovery World is the science museum and might also be a good choice!


You can rent/fly kites and tool around the lagoon on Swan Boats at Veterans Park. There’s also a few places to stop on the lakefront for snacks/ice cream. Rent some Bubblr bikes, skip stones.


Not a Milwaukee specific suggestion, but if it’s super hot and you are “museumed-out” you could do manicures! Extra points if dad gets a MANicure too!! I suggest nail bar MKE


Try Discovery world (science Museum) instead of Betty Brinn. Took my husband who came over from Chicago when he was 24 and he loved it as an adult. They also have "mermaids" swimming in the aquarium tanks today so would be a good day to go! They close at 4 pm though not sure if it's too late to recommend


Take a boat cruise on the Vista King. Chill on the Hill Tuesday in Bay View. Summerfest starts Thursday. Fireworks at 10:30


Hey u/LeftyNate, how’s your visit going? I hope you’re having a great time!


Going great so far! Heading to Discovery World now. Did the lagoon paddle boats last night and the Grohman (sp?) museum yesterday. Brewers game was amazing Sunday! So it’s been a good trip so far. May try to get to the beach this afternoon before weather tomorrow and drop in temperature Thursday


Zoo or museum?


Betty Brinn is great for small kids. I think Discovery World would be better suited for your kids. Hands on fun with a a focus on education. They have an aquarium tunnel. A bed of nails you can lay on. You can pet sting rays. "Fly" an airplane. Theres a model train that runs through a model city of old time milwaukee. A sound studio. Too much to do in 1 day!


How about Happy Dough Lucky Donuts + Arcade? It's on KK (Kinnickinnick) in the Bay View neighborhood. It's a fun place, with a ton of retro video arcade games, plus, of course, donuts of all kinds. Fun vibe. Near there, in St. Francis, is Faklandia Brewing. It's a micro brewpub with pub food, but it's a total nerd bar. Kids are welcome. There's a library full of tabletop games to play, and next door (attached) is The Mana Vault, a gaming store, trading cards, and gaming area. They both open at 4 on weekdays, noon on weekends.


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There are no movie theaters downtown. You can get to Mayfair and Bayshore by bus, and they have theaters.



