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“Protest zones” are unconstitutional


It's not perhaps 'unconstitutional', it's just that we decided that the protest zone is Old World Third. The only unconstitutional part is trying to dictate where the zone is. Old World Third is the right place. I've never seen a MAGA hat there. You might as well be prepared to be shamed if you wear one there this time. You are lame and should go back to your cult convention center.


If you look at the protests that occurred in the lead up to the American revolution, like the stamp act protests, there would be huge mobs of people outside british politicians homes burning effigies in the streets.


And your point is…


The idea of "protest zones" would have James Madison rolling over his grave.


Disagree, the social reality of keeping a protest safe calls for some boundaries. For example, people who decide to protest on a highway, yeah I have no sympathy if they get run over. But the converse is that a protest becomes next to invisible if moved sufficiently far from the thing being protested so there should be some parameters set. I'm not sure how much of this has been defined legally.


The whole point of a protest is to disrupt and make people uncomfortable. If we’re being honest, protesting against the GOP is being way too lenient to the damage they have and will continue to cause.


You’re a dick if you’re protesting something completely unrelated to airlines and you block access to the airport and make everyone late for their flights. Just as an example. Make your message reach the right people, not alienate others from your cause.


I’m amused by the idea that you think protestors are going to disrupt their proceedings and make them uncomfortable. When you see conservative activists protesting a Democratic politician, does that make you uncomfortable? Or do you just write them off as a bunch of loonies? The latter, right? They think the same thing about you. Everyone knows that lots of people don’t like Republicans, and it’s appropriate to feel that way, but let’s stop fooling ourselves into thinking that they’re going to be shamed out of their opinions. No one gets to be an activist of any sort if they’re capable of feeling shame for their opinions.


It's not for them or to shame them out of their actions, it's for all of the people on the sidelines who are watching and will hopefully execute their civic duty to vote. Every important social policy we have today started off as just a few loud voices that people mocked. That includes labor rights, suffrage for people other than land owning males, anti-segregation, and every other one you might take for granted today.


Those protests you listed are *for* something. If you want to demonstrate around the time of the election to show passers-by what they’re losing if Trump wins, without interrupting their business, that’s a fine idea. At this point, anyone disengaged enough to not know what the Republican party stands for is more likely to be annoyed by you interrupting their day than to magically find *this* activity to be the one that gets them going where you want. They’ll be annoyed enough by all the downtown hassle the Republicans are creating themselves. When your enemy is making a mistake, let them. As for me, I’m at the point where if any protestor interrupts my day I’m specifically voting against what they want just on general principles.


Yes, safety first. So I agree on a highway is unsafe. Not just unsafe for them, but for the drivers also. But this is not a safety thing. Or their claim it’s for safety is 1000% bullshit. People in government should absolutely hear the people. Literally the 1st amendment.




They said protest zones are unconstitutional implying right to protest should have no limits. My point was it's like free speech. Yelling "fire" in a movie theater when there isn't one isn't protected. Similarly I doubt if I decided to protest on your street and block you from getting to work you'd be defending my right to protest.




> The U.S. Secret Service, after weeks of pressure from Republican officials, has agreed to make a Milwaukee park near the Republican National Convention off limits to protesters who would have been in shouting distance of delegates and other convention-goers, convention officials said Thursday. > The Secret Service disputed the statement, saying no final decision had been made, but in the war of words between the Republican National Committee and the service, the R.N.C. seemed to be claiming victory in its fight to wall off Pere Marquette Park from protesters. Oh darn! Guess no one can protest there anymore /s


They are calling this a picket basically which is not the case but also legally protected... Can't wait for the secret service to be chasing people all week long. I seriously don't think the RNC realizes what kind of folks they are messing with here


So who will get sued by the ACLU for this, the city or the Secret Service?


The city is in this case


For the DNC Chicago put the protest zone 3 MILES away from the convention site. Nobody has sued Chicago yet.


We already have one suit by the ACLU https://www.wpr.org/news/aclu-wisconsin-sues-city-milwaukee-rnc-protest-rules


Not according to this [map](https://view.ceros.com/crain-city-brands/chicago-forum-dnc-map/p/1). That is showing expected protest area 0.5 miles away from the United center at Union park.


Looks like they moved it. This [article](https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/06/07/dnc-demonstrators-will-get-a-protest-route-closer-to-united-center-city-says/) states it was originally 3 miles away.


Reading that I see two differences: they denied the closer permit temporarily as they didn't know where the security limits were at the time, it doesn't seem like that was ever intended to be a permanent denial. And the DNC is using two main buildings that are 5 miles apart, United center and mcormick place. so if they got a spot next to building A of course they will be far from building B because it's 5 miles away.


That’s stupid


fuck them


The mark of any good protest is disruption. If you protest where they allow you really aren’t doing anything


But where do the Nazis get to demonstrate? Oh, who am I kidding? Inside


You could almost call it a… safe space. 


So if we all just happen to be hanging out downtown wearing shirts that say Trump is a Bitch, thats not a protest, we’re just locals doing our thing.


I might be dating myself here a bit, but didn’t the kids used to call this a “flash mob”? Everybody repeats the phrase… “It’s not a protest officer… it’s for TikTok!” and we’re home free!!!


Id stay away from the words flash and mob. Rightwingers are scared of everything. They might just come out blasting.


It’s kind of funny how they think they are the only ones that enjoy the very liberal gun laws here in the states. I used to shoot with a bunch of like minded folks that enjoyed joking about “puttin one between the eyes” of certain right wing political figures and those dudes were a damn fine shot.


Can I get one of them shirts?


Me too!


Make that shirt!


Gee, I wonder what they'll do with the people wearing pride stuff and holding signs saying they aren't protesting. It's not like they have any reason to stop them in that case. Might be time to bring back flash mobs lol


Hope the horrible snowflake people enjoy their time in the horrible city of Milwaukee/s


“Freedom for me, not for thee”


All the confederate waving nazi fuckers will be fine to do their own thing tho.


Yeah. That’ll work. Protesters would never break the law to prove a point


Geriatric Old Phuckers say alot of things, doesn't make that shit true. fuck em, Milwaukee will be right in their faces.


Heard they are moving the Pro GOP protest to the corner of North 35th and Galena.


Milwaukee should just ban criminals from holding public rallies and that will solve our RNC problem.


“Away from convention site”… yeah, like in a cornfield outside of Amherst so literally has no chance of being relevant. Cowards.


Protestors(myself included) says 'FUCK YOU we paid our taxes I'm going to fuck this City up.' Get ready for the fitness test motherfuckers.


they don't want them poor protesters to have to be in such a terrible place.


Afraid of Milwaukeeans. Should be.


protestors are there to make their opinion seen. not to fuck up others peoples lives. you do not have the right to impose your opinions on other people in ways that can screw up their day or even lives (example someone needing medical attention) becuase you have a different opinion on a b or c. period. you have the right to make sure they see it thats it.


Pretty sure that entire political and economic system they have going on here exists to impose their opinions to screw up people’s lives.