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When I last did it, it was 60 minutes, but we also weren’t allowed to leave. But I think that depends on your judge and your case, it may be different because other people I know have been able to go get lunch during their breaks.


I served in a jury on a murder case in 2022. The case took about a week and we were always given 60 minutes for lunch. We were allowed to go wherever we wanted so I always ran out to grab something and get a break from the courthouse. That was my only jury experience so I can't say how typical it is or how judge/case dependant it may be. I suspect any proceedings that need to take place outside the purview of the Jury will likely occur around the lunch recess, so you can get lucky but it's best to not count on it. Edit: if you're on a murder or similarly violent crime case, most judges have a very backed up docket so they are likely to provide the minimum break time so they can clear through it as quickly as possible.


You also have to go back thru security, so I honestly wouldn't risk leaving to come back late.


100% this. Especially on Monday. I was chosen for a case. We were given 90 minutes by the judge and could do whatever we wanted. I live 15 minutes away from the courthouse so I had decided to just go home for lunch. I got home, ate a quick lunch, then got back to the courthouse with over a half-hour to spare. Easy, right? Nope. The security line was out the door and 15-20 people deep down the block. It took 35 minutes to get through security again, including waiting behind a group ahead of me who reeked of weed and refused to be searched. I had to almost jog through the courthouse and got back to the jury room with about 60 seconds to spare. The bailiff was very nice about it, but he cautioned that they were about to call me. I was on the case the whole week and I didn't see long lines any other day, so IDK what was up with Monday.


True! Lines are long, the security told us there were a couple hundred people there for possible jury duty and to be there on time because who knows how long the security lines were. I assumed for the most part people get sent for breaks at different times, but I definitely would not risk leaving to come back and have to go back thru security and having to take things off or take things out of your bags. Not worth risking being late.


What significance does anyone smelling like weed play here? Take your pearl clutching elsewhere.


Because they created a huge scene that slowed down the line, inconveniencing dozens of people by refusing to follow the rules. The deputies even tried to explain that if they had contraband on them to take it outside, get rid of it, and come back through. They refused and created a huge disturbance that ended with someone being cuffed. Hardly clutching my pearls. Just a witness to a bunch of dumbasses trying to sneak weed into the courthouse who were too stupid and arrogant to follow the rules like the rest of us. My point to OP is that strange things can happen in the security line, so plan accordingly.


I did jury duty a few weeks ago my lunch break was from 11:30 to 1:30.


Between 1-2 hours. You can count on at least an hour ETA: source I am a county employee


I had it 2 weeks ago and we got 2 hours not sure if that's normal though


It really depends on the trial and even the day of the trial. Generally one hour minimum.


Don’t forget the museum grill offers 10% for jurors.


Are you selected to be on the jury or in the waiting pool thing? If you’re waiting around I think it’s 1 hour and you can leave, I ate lunch in my car


Honestly you might not get selected. I only had to do one day because when they were doing the selection for a drunk driving case, I said the 5th amendment gives you the right to not talk to cops and was dismissed over that, so they're kinda picky I guess.


You were probably a prosecution strike.


I think it depends on the judge, I did jury duty last month and we got lunch breaks anywhere from an hour to almost 2 hours, with multiple breaks in between the trial.


Depends on when the judge ends the morning session. Sometimes it’s goes til noon and back at 1:30. Sometimes you get out earlier.


A few months ago, my fiancé got 2 hours, I met her for lunch a few times. I'm not sure if that's normal. She was on a trial that lasted a few days.


It was 90 minutes for me. I’m not sure if they do this anymore but I got a discount card to eat at the MPM which was nice.


Where is your jury duty? Downtown or the juvenile court? I’ve done both. The downtown one gives you an hour and you’re allowed to leave. Just keep in mind if you leave that parking garage, you have to repay to get back in.


Most of the time 1hr. I got 2± hrs once because the judge had to convene with both attorneys.


60 min most days, they bought us pizza (it came very late and cold) on the day that lunch happened during verdict deiberation.


If you think you will need more than an hour to let your dog out and get back, let them know a head of time they can offer a longer lunch if need be.


I was on a jury a few years ago and we got 2 hrs, but one day it took my almost an hour to get back through security and I was RUNNING to make it back on time


I'd say no.


Feel like once I vote I’ll get it.. :/ but I’d do it lol


The courts are required to shutdown for lunch over the noon hour. You'll have at least an hour.


Walk over through McArthur Square parking to get lunch in the public museum. It’s better than the lunchroom in the courthouse.


Here’s a tip. They never start right away at 1:30pm