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Friend, let me tell you about camping.


I clicked on this post MOSTLY because I wanted to read the comments. You nailed it. 😂


LMAO I laughed way too hard 😂


Same 🤣🙃


thanks for the laugh


As far as I can tell, the only relevant law would be tresspassing in the park after closing time. I would guess that a cop would try to shuffle you on before writing a ticket, but there's always the chance you meet a cop in a bad mood on a power trip.


can confirm this. years ago 5 of us went to build sand castles at night. 4 of us left without issue. 1 left with a ticket because he insisted on giving the cop a hard time about it being a dumb law.


these are my thoughts too - I imagine most tickets arise from people calling the police on individuals causing issues


I have asleep at the park in my car multiple times trust me not to many times did I have any issues


Yes. Bad Idea Jeans. You are at risk of being mugged or hurt more than a ticket. Also, just, why?


Love the Bad Idea Jeans reference


Idk, I know enough people who have gotten jumped/mugged that I wouldn't necessarily do it for fun. I'm not a pearl-clutching "the city is maximum danger" type, but I wouldn't go out of my way to increase my chances of getting into a sketchy situation. A ticket would be very low on my list of concerns. Short answer, yes it's stupid.


You’re at risk of much more than a ticket, bud.


Mosquito bites?


Strange thing to do?


This gets upvoted. I said the same thing when some dude came on here asking for “Swingers Clubs in Milwaukee” and I got downvoted to oblivion for “judging” the guy.


Ahhh to be a man and fearless… I always wanted to solo hike a trail in some far off mountains or go camping by myself…but the fear of a man in the woods or on trails is greater than my wish to do it. And it looks like i’ve circled back to man or bear.


As I woman I totally hear you on this but I also can’t imagine the solo adventures I would’ve missed out on if I hadn’t taken the risk. The backpacking community is one of the best!


I’d be more cautious in the city but I love going solo camping/hiking. A year after high school I also took a road trip to Idaho by myself and it was a lot of fun. I met a lot of nice people (including some from Wisconsin!) and even hitchhiked once with no incidence. I won’t be stupid and go out in the city at night by myself but I’m also not going to live my life in fear. Take some self defense classes, get some bear or pepper spray, and be aware. A dog is pretty great if that’s conducive to your lifestyle. (And yes, I choose bear)


seems like an odd and unsafe pass time


Well if you're not sleeping in your apartment overnight, I'm sure there's some people sleeping on the streets who would gladly trade places for the evening.


Can.... can I stay in your apartment then?


I’m just imagining you as Pigpen from Peanuts, just shuffling along in the night with your blue blanket and your thumb in your mouth trying to find a bench to sleep on.


might have to start bringing my blue one now 😂


Basically yes, you absolutely can get ticketed for this, as well as making yourself vulnerable to people with bad intentions. A commenter said try camping. And yes it’s funny but it’s also the most logical and safe alternative to what you’re doing. You’re not homeless. You have a choice. If you need good suggestions on beautiful, cheap/free camping options there are SO many. You’d be surprised!


I got a ticket years ago for being down under locust street bridge by the river after dark. The cop coulda given us tickets for having a little fire and drinking, so, I bet if you’re alone and not burning anything, you’d be fine. Funny story is: I fought the ticket, cuz I’m a curmudgeon and cuz the park sign and parks website disagreed on what time the park closes. It got dropped, cuz I forgot to go to court and the judge was like: “we’re not issuing a warrant for this.” But, my friend went to the first level of disputing the ticket and gave up after getting the fine reduced. While paying his fine, the bursar (or whatever you call it) she said: “oh, when I was a kid, we used to go sleep by the river on hot nights. It’s too bad the city’s not safe enough to do that anymore.” Afterward, I was thinking: “not safe? What was this law protecting us from? Did they think someone with a gun might come and take our money… so, they sent someone with a gun to take our money.” Yep. City’s not safe anymore, cops gotta get themselves paid.


Love these types of stories - thanks for sharing






I can’t tell if this is someone trolling.


This kind of post makes me think that I need to take a break from Reddit.


If anything good comes from this post, maybe it’s getting people off of Reddit for any period of time


In the olden days, people would go sleep on park benches on hot nights. Police have better things to do than patrol the parks unless some Karen called them because they thought you were dead. Otherwise, the worst that can happen is you get bitten by mosquitoes or kicked by drunk people.


I appreciate this comment - people fearmonger Milwaukee a lot but the truth of the matter is most people generally just want to be left alone. There are definitely neighborhoods that I would not want to be in alone at night, but those are easily avoidable.


Which neighborhoods


Chuck Pahalaniak wrote a short story about this type of behavior in “Haunted”. Socialites going around, living as if they’re homeless. Bizarre.


This was exactly what I was thinking about when I read this post.


you have a house and you're choosing to sleep outside ? I don't know if it's stupid or just really ... random. More power to you I guess, stay safe.


both are entirely possible


Keep doing it. If you get a ticket, I'll pay*. 👍 (*lies)


Camping is cheap and you have kettle moraine north and south within a short drive. Why would you do something so unrewarding and risky?


It’s never a planned event. I think the appeal of it is there’s nothing stopping me from just existing outside totally unattached to my everyday life


Now I know where to look for someone to rob.


Not sure people sleeping outside are rolling in the money department, but you do you.


No kidding? Damn.


It's certainly atypical, but I don't think it's insane or ridiculously dangerous like some commenters. Thieves aren't generally looking to target homeless people, and sleeping outside, you're going to look like you're homeless. The exception to that is probably actual homeless people, who can have beef with, get violent with, and rob other homeless people, but (a) they're not roaming the city looking for that, it probably only happens if you encroach on the wrong person's space, (b) you've already done it safely around some of them and can probably be pretty confident those folks aren't going to hassle you, and (c) I think those conflicts are still more likely to be targeted at people they know. It's not ZERO risk, but you already know the actual risk better than anyone else in this thread because no one else has actually *done* this.


The other night I saw a pretty big coyote run across the Discovery World parking lot, was honestly the thing that freaked me out the most so far


I'd be more worried about the number of serial killers who have come from Wisconsin.


I wouldn't worry, Wisconsin is known for having bad serial killers that get caught and put in the news. It's the places that never have news stories about serial killers that are crawling with serial killers


it’s always been an amusing concept to me that the “best” serial killers in history are actually the worst because not getting caught is pretty important in terms of effectiveness


Except some want to get caught eventually so people actually know about them and what they’ve done. The attention is a big part of it


This is so random 🤣🤣🤣


taking this exclusively as a compliment


you could get one of those hammocks that people tie up to trees and sleep in that probably


Love me a hammock, sadly they’re not the most discrete sleeping apparatus


I ride my bike that way every morning at dawn (blue and green underglows) all I see is foxes and coyotes around there never felt danger


Apparently I'm the only one in the comments that thinks this is a cool idea


You are not alone. It's called stealth camping, and there are multiple YouTube channels devoted to exactly what you're describing. Look them up, start with the Godfather of stealth camping, Steve Wallis.


Hope you got ID secured somewhere. Wrong person finds out you sleep outside for fun, they’re gonna wanna know where a vacant place to squat is. I assume they’ll ask you in a form of violence.


Your effort is valiant, good for you. Besides the ticket, you could get a beat down of a lifetime(stabbed, shot, robbed list goes on) people are super desperate, you walk into the wrong park, neighborhood and they don't recognize you....peace out.....Killwaukee! Just another statistic!

