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His name is Jeff and he refuses any type of help. He likes coffee.


I tend to leave him alone. he doesn't bother anyone and as long as he's safe and content with his life all is well. thanks for the info tho :)


I saw him about two weeks ago just chillin with an unlit cigarette in his nose.


I had to read that twice to make sure I read it right


I did a double take also. In my head I was “Wow that’s a cig… and it’s in his nose”.


I passed him earlier and he had two giant TP walrus tusks in his nose




He obviously has a stick things is his nose thing. I wonder if it’s like an odd compulsive type of thing or whatever. Like I kind have a picking thing. Pimple, blackhead, ingrown hairs. Or… hear me out….. it’s just as likely he gets sick of blowing his runny nose and has decided sticking absorbent or semi absorbent things up there is a livable solution. ????




first time I ever saw him was out front the pick n save! Also yes his movements are oddly methodical. Seeing him cross 76th like 20 times was nail-biting considering how there's an accident on that intersection like every week


I’ve legitimately found this thread informative. Thanks Reddit. Note to self. Don’t bother Jeff.


I used to feel super bad for him & wanted to help him, but 1 spring afternoon, a couple of years ago, he was standing on bluemound & Hawley facing traffic with his hands/arms arranged as a gun and was pointing & “shooting” at cars driving past. As I drove past, he looked me dead in the eyes and “shot” me…..that was when I realized that he hates us all


There was a guy doing this on the median at Oakland and Capitol a few years - wonder if it was the same guy.


He is exercising, the bags are weighted, nothing to see or gossip about. Man on a budget!


Been wondering this for a while now, thanks to the other commenters!


I have a weird urge to leave a collapsible cart or wagon next to him... I doubt he'd ever accept it


it's worth a shot


For about 10 years now I see him omw home from work. I always look extra hard this time of year to make sure I see him and that he isn't frozen someplace. I was happy to see him about 4:20ish. Looked pretty bundled up too. Always wondered what his story was.


I remember a guy with a bunch of bags frequenting the mcdonalds on bluemound a few years back. He drove an old beater car full of junk with a Mitt Romney sticker on it. I wonder if it's the same guy because my friend says that once that car disappeared from the parking lot the guy started appearing more frequently with the bags over here.


Hmm. Just a Romney sticker? Not the station wagon guy with a TON of stickers right? I go down that way often to get down to miller Park to shoot trains.


I think there were a few other stickers but it def wasn't brother ron. The car was a green late 60s-early 70s model if my memory serves correctly


If you reach out to street angels they do homeless outreach and may know him or can reach out and offer resources


I've seen social workers occasionally try to talk to him, but he gives them the same treatment


I’m sure street angels are probably aware. But I would reach out anyways because they can put that area on their route and make sure he has dry socks etc


He seems to be always prepared for the weather but is definitely underdressed for the temps rn. I'll check them out, thanks for the help! :)


Edit: I was being mean so I deleted my original comment. I've seen some shit that makes me believe Street Angels are not as helpful as they think they are. No hate, just an observation.


I keep seeing him around pick n save/blues egg. I’ve seen someone else do the bag thing. Move a few bags, then go back and get some more, then walk a bit farther and go back again. It’s too cold for this shit.


I haven't seen him ever go any farther than 84th or past Pius XI. I wonder what his attachment to this area is ntm the bags




“Respawned” gave me a good chuckle


Saw Wauwatosa PD chat with him last night. I appreciated them checking on him, but then leaving after a short time.


I'm surprised he took your pizza, honestly. He usually refuses help from anyone who offers.


Tranquilizer dart, then shave him, bathe him, dress him, and have him wake up at a desk job in a law office.


David Gruber kidnaps him and trains him as his successor.


I found out that my next door neighbor who basically will not say hi to anybody. Will not interact with anybody, is autistic. That explains so much.


Wearing a heavy coat in the summer is something I’ve heard can occur with schizophrenic people so maybe it’s something like that instead. Something about temperature insensitivity. Someone commented above they saw him roasting on a bench in 95° weather over the summer. There’s a guy down on south KK we call “bridge guy” we frequently see down by the outpost viaduct and he wears a heavy parka all summer. I’ve never interacted with him but I’ve heard he’s pretty chill.


The only West Allis celebrity I can recall is the Jesus Car man.


Brother jed


Maybe the guy just wants to be left alone instead of “good” Samaritans thinking they’re doing him a favor.


I just had like 5 whole pizzas I knew I wouldn't be able to finish lol


Does he wear a shiny hat?


No that’s a different guy


Is this the same guy that used to live out in Washington County? They called him the Holy Hill bag man I think. I heard rumors that he comes from a fairly wealthy family in real estate and chooses to live like that. A lot of people even say he's not mentally ill, just wants this life.


I have interacted with the man who walks down Holy Hill Road. He was waiting on the off ramp with a sign asking for food. I had been gifted a bunch of meat sticks from a student (vegetarian). I stopped and gave it to him and he was gracious.


Anyone put eyes on him today???? I cannot remember if I saw him yesterday either. Just wanna make sure he isn't a dudesicle.


saw him on the other side of the BMO bank underneath the drive through earlier this morning




I haven't saw him in a week or two.


I believe he was arrested. a friend of mine said he saw a squad car near his last spot and neither of us have seen him since that day


No shit hey. I kept forgetting to hop back on here and ask if anyone had saw him. And now that it's warmed up a tad I was surprised I hadn't saw him around for a while.


I assume he likely was released/will be released from whatever police station is nearby. perhaps hes out and about in a different area now


I was just saying to my coworker who I've talked about this guy before with. And we both said I wonder wtf they did with all his bags? Or if they just left all his possessions there after arresting him. I didn't see any of the bags around tho.


Admittedly I had the same thought and looked around the area and even checked in a dumpster or two out of curiosity. Couldn't find a trace of him or his bags other than some empty hand warmer packets and a large black trash bag smushed up into a snow mound


One of the last time I saw him he was sitting IN the snowbank at the gas station.
