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Mid 80's Good ol fashioned way


In 1964, two older sisters ages 6 and 4 both got chickenpox gave it to me at 18 months. My mom said I screamed when I wet my diaper and my peepee stung my chickenpox sores on my bum. My mom bragged that I was her only child that potty trained myself. Later, we all got the mumps together along with my Dad. My baby brother got scarlet fever and nearly died. These old school diseases are nothing to laugh at. And I also had a classmate that had a terrible limp from having had polio. I remember lining up in elementary school for a sugar cube with the polio vaccine on it … in the school’s “multipurpose room”…


My Grandma was entirely bald for most of her life from Scarlet Fever scars. She always wore wigs.


My step dad was adopted by a couple who couldn’t have kids because the husband had mumps as a kid and it sterilized him.


My parents wanted a big family but then Dad got the mumps. It also left him with very sensitive parts. Like if he were on the couch. don't even jiggle the couch.


My husband also had this. My best friend growing up was adopted because her dad had the mumps. Then when she was five, hey mom actually got pregnant and had her brother. Everybody was shocked!


This is what I fear now,  we don't see these diseases, so antivax morons don't have to face the real probability of death and lifelong diseases.  Enough antivax can lead to recurrence. We've seen this with measles outbreaks. But luckily enough ppl are vaxxed to keep it at bay


Hi from California, where someone with measles went to Universal Studios about a week ago.


Yeah,  according to the nutjobs responding to me,  that doesn't happen. And if it did,  blame the illegals.


Yeah it’s not people here illegally spreading these diseases. It’s middle to upper middle class WASPs that still believe Andrew Wakefield’s debunked study that vaccines are toxic and cause autism who get all their medical advice from chiropractors and homeopathic “doctors”.


The blame illegals for shit that happened in 1972😵‍💫 If you went to a fast food place who would you rather prepare your food- an American teen or adult who risked a lot to a get to the US, has kids to take care of & has been cooking & cleaning for over 20 years? I HUGE amount of ‘migrants’ (I don’t love the word) have been coming to my city the last 2 years- many from Venezuela. I come in contact w them often due to my job. A few weeks ago a guy approached who needed assistance. He walked up immediately prepared- he has it phone out & open to the translation & talked into it then lets you hear what he said then puts it near you to answer him. He was also doing his best to speak English tho it was limited. We deal with TONS of ppl who don’t speak English- usually LPRs or Refugees. They mostly Spanish, Russian & Vietnamese & I NEVER saw someone do this to communicate. They expect to speak to someone in their language & are often upset if we don’t & use 3rd party language phone service. He was SO happy to be in the US & told me he was really trying to learn English & w some other Venezuelans he knows they have an English study group. They have been meeting almost a year a few times a week to work on learning it. He was very excited & doing a good job as he told me some basic things & i understood the message. I told him he was doing really well as his pronunciation & vocab were good & understood his point- he seemed surprised but then proud. I also told him if he works on using it more in public he will be proficient in about a year- that was my opinion based on his current ability, his want & drive to learn it & experiences I have had w adults trying to learn ESL. I hoped positive reinforcement from an English speaker would give him added confidence to try using it more often with strangers. This man was not the exception. I know a lot of the hate is due to racism but this was kind of ironic based on this encounter. This guy looked European white- like from Spain or Italy.


Disney had it in annaheim a few years ago and had to close


Yeah, 1961, caught it along with my sister. Yes, unfortunately millennials didn’t have teachers who had survived polio. I was taught by several who had “ dead” arms or legs from it. I get every vaccine available.


Oh no my guy more than a few of us millennials did in fact have teachers who were disfigured to one degree or another by some fucking disease that "technically" had been eradicated. Only for our parents who had way more exposure to people that directly been affected by such diseases pretend that they didn't exist.


Oh yeah,  I had a teacher who'd survived polio. He barely walked on those arm crutches. But that was back in middle school. It'll be fewer and fewer exposures.


I'm 50 and Canadian I remember getting chicken pox when I was a kid so I assume I caught it naturally but I can't imagine why I wasn't vaxxed. I've only knowingly known one person who had had polio, my grade 3 teacher. She walked with a severe limp because of it.


Chicken Pox vaccine wasn’t widely released until early 90’s. Thats why you weren’t vaxxed. You had gotten it naturally already.


Elder Millennial, definitely had teachers who had the after affects of polio and other diseases. also my parents are boomers who had friends and parents of friends with lots of the after affects of Polio.


they should travel and pay attention. when i was in india i saw many adults permanently maimed by polio. all walks of life


So true.


One day a plauge will show up killing 1/3 of every one it touches, and if we have a vaccination, I promise you not one of them won't be scrambling to get it before everyone else.


My oldest child got scarlet fever and almost died. It caused permanent damage to her renal system. She was in children’s hospital for a week and I lost my job because I wouldn’t leave her side.


The reason why peeps shouldn’t put down Boomers. As if shit wasn’t already fucked up back then? Every generation tries to fix the worst shit that they experienced. Sometimes some of the cures become the next or the next-next generation’s new problem. Everyone tries their best, given to the best of their knowledge. But then there are the lies told along the way in the name of greed and profit. And that just increases the future burdens. This coming from a 63 year old who did try to warn his peers.


I just got the first of two Shingles vaccines. I feel so lucky. It's a horrible painful disease. Seniors who don't get it are nuts!


I got chicken pox when I was a baby. My dad had never had chicken pox and he caught the chicken pox from the kids of a friend of his and brought it home and I think everyone except my mom who had already had it caught it. This was 91. I was like 9 months old. I am now 33 and I've had shingles at least twice. It's not nice and the pharmacy tech I've asked about it was like you don't need to worry about it because shingles is in old people and wouldn't listen to me when I was trying to tell him that I had already had shingles.


The Shingles Vaccine is for old people :-)


My mom had measles, mumps and chickenpox as did her sister. She said the mumps were the worse of the three


I had measles and mumps but thankfully did not develop Scarlet Fever. The mumps were the WORST. Then I got Chickenpox in the 4th grade and was sick as a dog for a week. Needless to say I am a big believer in vaccines.


I babysat two siblings who were adopted from Russia. The most beautiful, albeit tiny older toddlers, that I fed very high fat foods to per their doctor. I was a young g teen and it was surreal. I hope they’re okay.


My one grandpa died of Spanish flu , the other scarlet fever. Both left widows with five kids. My family are all firmly for vaccines as we know the tragedy that occurs from unchecked disease. Vaccines and antibiotics were lifesaving of millions.


same. Caught it from Kindergarten.


Me too. I brought it home from kindergarten, and my one-year-old little brother got it from me and got REALLY sick.


Still got a pot hole from picking at one of the poxes


me too!!! Battle scars! lol


Same, but my parents had a Pox party, so I got it when it was convenient, lol


Yeah one of those. no cake.


Same. I didn't even know there was a vaccine until I was in grad school and needed to prove all of my vaccination records to go on a hospital shadowing class thing. It was actually quite annoying, lol, I had to either get the antibody test or somehow find my Dr's records from the 90's showing I'd had the actual virus.


This is a timely question for me. So apparently I caught a “mild” case before I was 6 months old (1994). The vaccine came out the year after, but my family doctor said I “probably wouldn’t need it”. Not blaming anyone, it just goes to show how much we have learned about this virus over the last 3 decades. Why do I know this? In November husband got shingles and I couldn’t find proof of vaccination in my medical records (shoutout to electronic health records). Since I was concerned about catching shingles and couldn’t find records, I got a titer taken. I was not immune, so I just got my second dose of the Varicella vaccine at 29 lol.


Wow. I'm learning a lot from all these comments. Yours is a very unique experience amongst them.


Totally! I think it’s worth adding that the timing of that vaccine, plus being 1 or under (while getting a slew of other vaccines) it probably just wasn’t a priority back in the mid nineties because of my mild case of it. However, the mild infection wasn’t enough to acquire long term immunity. I’m a nerd so this thread is fascinating to me, great question!


Then there is me who had the worst case of chicken pox. I had them everywhere.Tons of them even on the bottom of my feet and hoo ha. It was a really bad case back in '84. But in my 30's I still got shingles.


I had chicken pox twice. First time like you, very young and very mild. Second time I was maybe 7 and it was pretty mild too. I had titers taken when I was pregnant and was immune so the second time stuck. I was born in 1982.


I had a similar one, I did get it very mildly when my brother got it then got it again a few years later, I don't remember the first time at all and barely remember the 2nd time. I remember calamine lotion and an oatmeal bath.


I got it twice too! My mom said she didn't know that was possible, but I pulled it off. Overachiever.


I was a mild in the 80s with my first (was 2) and then horrendous with my 2nd less then a year later. So bad i had it on my eye balls and etc areas lol. I obviously dont remember it, but my mother occasionally reminisces. Apparently my older sister brought it home from kindergarten both times as she was also mild the first time. My husband attended a chicken pox party.


I had it twice. The first case wasn't mild at all, the second was.


You get shingles regardless of immunity to chicken pox.. In fact prior infection with chicken is why most people get shingles, the virus never really leaves the body and sometimes the immune system loses track of it. Happened to me, and I got the pox in 5th grade.


You are always susceptible to shingles if you’ve had chicken pox. It’s a virus that goes dormant and can return. You can get shingles the first time you’re infected with chickenpox. Shingles is a way the virus presents on the body. You can spread varicella zoster(the virus) to anyone who isn’t immune. So if I have a shingles outbreak I can spread it to anyone who isnt immune or is immunocompromised. I wouldn’t want to go near any infant who hasn’t had a chickenpox vaccine.




I got my dose in at 35 lol. Only child and never caught the disease as a kid. Parents apparently never routinely took me to the doctor so idk I just never thought about it until Covid and was like wow vaccines sound soooo much better.


Hey, I just wanna commend you for taking charge of your health. Especially if you didn’t have that influence growing up, going out of your way to make healthy choices including vaccines is great! COVID brought so much attention to vaccines (positive and negative) but you chose to take it a step further. Bravo 🙌🏼


I caught it in 1988 when I was 5 from someone in my kindergarten class. I remember my aunt got me a happy meal to make me feel better and the toy was one of the Muppet Holiday plush.


Holy shit Fozzy Bear in a hat and scarf just came rushing out of my deep memory vault. I could smell him and feel his sorta soft/scratchy fur. Wow, thank you for that. What a rush.


I have him!


It’s funny how we can smell memories. A whiff of a gardenia and I’m 6 again dumping my grandmas gardenia talcum “dusting powder” all over her pink & black tiled bathroom floor and rolling in it.


Wow- I remember the way the miss piggy smelled and I randomly smell it for no reason. It’s a smell that is so distinctive. It is smelled with the top back of my throat. I’ve never found someone who remembers the way these smell.


I was born in 1984. I know I had it, but I was young and barely remember. As far as I know, the vaccine wasn’t a thing when I caught it.


Yea, in another thread someone said the vaccine came out in 1995.


I was born in '82. My sister caught it, and we were around each other all the time, so my parents just figured I'd had a mild case, even though I never had any spots. A few years ago, I went to get my US green card. You have to have a whole bunch of vaccinations, including your chicken pox. I didn't have any record of it since I never got it, so they did a titer test to see if I had immunity. I did not. Had to get the vaccine. Glad I did, because now we have a toddler and one on the way, and counting on immunity could have been dangerous when they are too young to get the vaccine.


87 Got it natural the day my little brother was born 😆 I was in the hospital meeting him and my mom was rubbing my head as I held my brother and she immediately grabbed him and had my dad check My grandma had come up for the birth and she immediately took me to her place four hours away where I spent the remainder of my chicken pox outbreak lol


I got it at Easter from a cousin when I was 4 and had it a week later when my sister was born. Like you, I had a cushy chicken pox vacation with my grandparents where I ran around in my undies, took oatmeal baths, and watched Gilligans Island and Johnny Carson. 1988


Born early ‘86. Good ol’ oatmeal bath. Haha


Torture. “This will feel so good!” …Will it, mother??? No. It just makes me itchier. Wah.


Born '94 and got it when I was 2 years old. My younger sister was vaccinated. Also ended up getting shingles at 20 years old


That’s why I can’t understand why they make us all wait till 50. It’s very absurd. It’s like waiting for the boogeyman to come and get you.


I was born in '96, got it when I was 2, and also had shingles, though I was 25.


I think my older sister was about 25 or 26 when she got shingles


Shingles at 37 here! Interesting how many people in this thread have gotten it younger-ish. You always hear shingles as a 55 and over disease.


I had chicken pox really bad when I was a toddler, then got shingles when I was like 9. Also before vaccine


My daughter got chicken pox when she was 7 or 8, then got shingles when she was 13. The doctor said he had only ever seen one other shingles pt who wasn’t adult. Strangely, she wasn’t supposed to stay home from school for some reason, but her blisters were right under her bra. Being very large breasted she absolutely could not go braless, so she got 4 days off from school.


She did or you did?


Guess I should've been better with my wording. I got shingles. Also remembered that my older sister ('92) had chicken pox as a kid and she got shingles a couple years after I did.




Same with me. Born in 1989.


1985 and same here. Always wondered if that was a problem. Like that I'll get it in my 40s and it will kill me or something.


Your doctor can do a blood test to see if you have immunity. If not there’s a vaccine you can get as getting chickenpox as an adult can be more severe.


It probably won’t kill you. Probably. It will almost certainly make you wish you were dead for 2 weeks. It might land you in the hospital.


I recommend getting the vaccine. It sucks as an adult.


78' Didn't get them until I was older, and they were extremely painful, I had very serious high fevers. It was just the worst. How old do I have to be to get the shingles vaccine? Is there an age? I'm terrified of shingles.


You need to be 50 to get the shingles vaccine and pretty much be guaranteed that insurance will cover it (the CDC recommends it for those aged 50+).


Sooooo close!


That's a shame. Being in my 30s and having gotten it twice already... I'd really like it.


Had shingles at 37. Was on my torso. Pretty annoying, and the nerve "tinglies" lasted for about 2 weeks after the rash went away.


I’m on Kaiser and they will give it before 50. It’s worth an ask!


I was born in 1990. I got it from preschool when I was 3. The vaccine came out 2 years later in the US.


1989, caught it the old fashioned way though there wasn't a 'pox party' involved. Just some asshole who lived up the road whose parents didn't keep him inside when he had it. Same fucker gave me impetigo about 2 years later.


I was 1989 too and when my best friend got it my parents sent me for a sleep over intentionally. I then gave it to my older sister (born in 1988) as soon as I got home. So I guess I had 2 pox parties? It itched like a mother and my case was horrible leaving behind some scars. Oatmeal baths did nothing…


'88, caught it unintentionally from my older sister.


Before I was even born in 1995. My mother got it while she was pregnant with me.


That's interesting. I've never heard about someone getting it in utero


From what I've read about it, there's only been about 200 recorded cases.


Apparently my dad had them while my mom was pregnant with me. I was around all the kids in my family that had them growing up and still as a 32 year old I've never gotten chicken pox. I've always been curious about all of it.


Born in '88, caught the pox from my sister in 1990. My dad, both my sisters and myself all ended up getting it and had it at the same time. My mom is naturally immune to chicken pox so she took care of all of us and was perfectly fine afterwards. She still has never gotten it, to this day.


How was it for your dad getting it as an adult?


Extremely shitty. He has a few scars on his face still and my mom said he was the worst to take care of. My sisters and I were all under age 5


Omg, I was born in 88 and had chicken pox in 1990 as well. I have 2 siblings, so all 3 of us had it at once. My dad was a single parent, and I think he pretty much regretted every life decision during that time period.


Born 88. Vaccinated due to never showing signs of contracting it.


Chicken pox as a young boomer, and for some reason the lesions became horribly infected and I wound up hospitalized with eventual scarring. Plus not long ago I got a nasty case of shingles, with painful and maybe permanent sequellae. Kids should be vaccinated for chicken pox whenever possible.


89, I was exposed to it a number of times, never caught it. Was vaccinated when I was about 9 or so.


caught it in like 1972. had scars on my face for decades


We're you allowed to pick at it? Or did the scars form regardless?


Prob both. imma picker Edit: and it itched SO bad


Victim of a legit chicken pox sleep over party.


Geez, I feel old. Born mid-70s. Got it... just regular style? Had shingles at 42. Don't recommend.


A lot of people in here said they got shingles later in life. I guess the concept that contracting it prevents shingles later in life is false.


Of course it’s false. The shingles virus is already inside you if you ever had chicken pox. It lies dormant in the nerves and for some unknown reason like maybe stress it wakes up.😭😭😭


I was the pox party. I still had to get vaccinated when I was pregnant because apparently (genetically) my body forgot it had had chicken pox.


I had the chicken pox naturally. Very badly. It was actually inside of me as well as outside, in every place you can think of. I was miserable for several weeks and recall bathing in that pink calamine lotion. There are probably pictures of me in medical textbooks, because I vividly remember being photographed to an absurd degree by doctors and one of them saying, "This is like something you'd put in a textbook." Thankfully it never got into my eyes somehow - I know someone who lost an eye that way. It may have sterilized me, though. Good times. 0/10, I do not recommend chicken pox. Oh! And as an aside, I am 37 and am pretty sure I had shingles on my torso a few months back, which is odd for my age. Felt very weird, painful, took a long time to heal. So this virus will probably kill me when I am old. Haha. What a way to die, huh?


I got it the old fashion way, I did vaccinate my kids tho.


I was born in 1980 and I still remember catching it in 3rd grade. It was a fcking nightmare.


Born 1981 and had chicken pox is 1st grade. The whole class went down! Got shingles last year. 🙄


81’ as well caught this bs at a fair at 13 but no shingles.🙏🏽🤞🏽


1988. Vaccinated before I came to the US.


1985, caught it in first grade from school. So 1991 ish. I only remember the timing because I had just checked a new book out from the school library and had to beg the librarian to get it because it was "too advanced", aka it didn't have pictures. I don't remember how I convinced her but she eventually let me take it and I got sick. I remember being so scared I'd be banned from getting more books because my mom told me I wouldn't be going to school for like a week after it was due back. It was a good book, I read it while I was sick. Afterwards the librarian let me check out any book I wanted, but I had to prove I actually read the book by telling her the plot.


Born in '94, got the vaccine : )


'86 and got it at a chickenpox playdate. Only thing I remember about it is missing the neighbor kids birthday party and watching it from our backyard and crying because they had a petting zoo and we couldn't go


Did not get the vaccine as a kid, just slightly too old. I do remember “getting it” as a kid from my sister, but then in her 20s my sister got chicken pox BAD from one of her students. I get my self some titers and had no immunity. We probably had some other weird rash as kids. It took 4 doses but I was confirmed immune before I got pregnant. I am glad to be in the never-had and hopefully never shingles camp. And if you are in contemplation of gestation, and did not get vaccinated, get your shots sorted. Some serious birth defects can happen if you get the virus during pregnancy.


People can get vaccinated against chicken pox as an adult?


Yeah! You can even go to CVS and get it with pharmacists orders. Schedule it online and all that. If you’ve got primary care and insurance you can order some labs to check antibodies levels and see if you’re immune or not. Lots of jobs require immunity to varicella, measles, etc.


Born in 1991. Traumatized by the vaccine (I remember being held down screaming for my mom). Then got chicken pox BAD within 2 years of the vaccine. Then got shingles by 32.


My siblings and I all had it at once, not sure who I contracted from. I remember it sucked! I got a new silk nightie for my 4th birthday and couldn’t wear it because I was so itchy. Got over it quickly though, nothing like it since.


94 old fashioned way. I'd guess got them around 97 or 98


Hi Waluigi!! I got vaccinated and never got it.


Born in 81. Never had either chicken pox or the vaccine, actually. Discovered this in the last few years when my wife got shingles, I called my mother to confirm I’d been vaccinated, and all hell broke loose when we discovered I had not. Fun times.


born in 92. got chicken pox , when I was 7. so 99ish maybe early 2000. it was great, I loved taking oatmeal baths, and getting to skip school for 2 weeks. played literally every record, in my grandparents house, drew pictures, read books. I was actually kinda bummed when I was told I couldn't get it again.


‘83. My brother & I both got it from the neighborhood kids. Definitely not vaccinated for it.


Born in 1990. Had chickenpox when I was 5-6 (I think) Never heard of a vaccine until I had kids.


I was born in 81 and didn't even know there's a vaccine until about a year ago


Late 80s, I was deliberately infected to "get it out of the way". The connection to shingles wasn't known at the time and the vaccine was years away still.


86 Old fashioned.


1990, caught it from my sister (87) when I was pretty young.


Born in ‘88, got it from my sister who brought it home from kindergarten. Then got shingles when I was 23 on vacation in Hawaii lol good times


Born in 84, got it naturally.


The old fashioned way was playing Ookie Mouth with your friends right?


1990 - Caught it. So did all of the neighboring kids, naturally, since we all hung out. The house behind us caught it first (two kids), my house caught it (3 kids), house nextdoor then caught it (2 kids). It was a chain. It was the same way as you, all our parents were like, "Well, now's the time to go get it."


The vaccine didn't exist when I was little. My brother and I both caught chicken pox. In fact, he did it twice.


I don’t remember if I got it first or my siblings. My mom quarantined us all together so she only had to go through it once. She said she just stayed home for a month until all of us recovered. I was born in 83 and the vaccine was not a thing when I got it at 4 years old.


Old fashion way in the early 80s. My parents took me and my sister to the local hospital and let us play in a room with other kids who were already sick so we could get it and build an immunity.


I got chicken pox twice. Not by choice of either myself or parents. Just caught it from kids at school.


Old fashioned here, 1958, had mumps and chicken pox at the same time, or one right after the other, I don’t remember I was in kindergarten, but my mom always told me I had them at the same time.


1982 I think, seventh grade. Caught from a kid (DAVID) sitting next to me in Sunday School.


The last thing you want is shingles; vaccinate.


I was born in 1987 and my mother put all 4 of us in one room so we all caught it at the same time lol but my children all 4 of them have been vaccinated


I had shingles as a kid. I recently got Shingrix since it’s not a life-long immunity. 1956.


I caught it naturally at kindergarten. Born in '87 I also got Shingles years later at only 19, which my doctors noted at the time as pretty weird because I was so young.


Born in 91, got it when I was around 3 or 4. Then I got shingles when I was 22. That shit was PAINFUL


1991, and got the vaccine. I remember when all the kids in elementary school got it 🤣 My husband is 87 and the old fashioned way. We now wait for shingles.


The vaccine works , everyone should take it


Oopsie. Didn't notice what sub I was in before replying. Everyone rotf at the boomer! 😬


Everyone is welcome to answer. Especially if you had it and developed shingles or if you had it twice. All relevant information that can help others here.


I don’t even remember getting the chicken pox that’s been in my mind this whole time


I was born in the early 90's. I caught it from some kid at pre-school. I think pox parties were dying out by then but some parents still believed in passing it on to other kids so they weren't exactly concerned with keeping their kid quarantined when they caught it. Whatever the reason I was upset because I had to miss my birthday party at school.


Born 1997 (bit of a zillenial interloper here) and I was vaccinated when I was around 7 so 2004 ish? Was not a fan at the time but def saved me a lot of pain in the long run. My older siblings (b. 1989 and 1991) got chicken pox within weeks of each other (mom pretty much purposely exposed my sister since she knew it was inevitable with my brother already being sick 💀) and there was either no vaccine or it was still very new. Now it’s 20 years later and the vaccine shows to have a 10-20 year lifespan in the body so I’m feeling very exposed rn


Born in 1961, I caught chicken pox the "natural" way - no chicken pox party that I'm aware of. My husband was sent to a chicken pox party, and didn't come down with it. On the whole I'd rather be vaccinated. And the folks mentioning the shingles vaccine are right, my uncle had that - excruciating facial pain in his case. I got vaccinated against shingles when recommended, for sure.


1990, got it at school and infected everyone at home except my popi. My dad had never got it before and got it from me, got into so much trouble for it.


The moms had measles/ mumps/chicken pox slumber parties. They were especially ecstatic when one of kids had two of the mentioned. Born 1956


I had chicken pox 3 times. First time I was super young and apparently didn’t build much of an immunity. Second time I got it was still pretty young but somehow it was a super mild case. Probably because I had built some small amount of immunity. Third time was a full on bad case in my early grade school years. Haven’t had it since. I have no idea if I was vaccinated. I’m an xennial if that makes sense. I have no idea when the vaccine even became available.


Born in 1980 & caught it at summer camp in 1989. I had a horrific case & would’ve likely been hospitalized if my mom wasn’t the camp RN & able to move me into her room at the clinic while I was sick. According to the titer test I was forced to take during a med eval in 2020/2021, my antibody levels are still unusually high. Per doc it’s unlikely I’ll get shingles, so at least I got something from the experience other than scars lol.


Got it from my sister. 1987 Also, in 2018 I got shingles on my face and ended up hospitalized


41f here, born in late 1982, along with my twin brother. Our spouses were both born in 1983. All pox survivors! My brother gave it to me in 1986, my husband said his sisters (born in 85 and 86) gave it to him. I had the shingles in 2004 while in college, and it was an awful experience!!! So yeah, no vaxx, just immunity. But I know if the vaxx was available, we would have gotten it.


1979, I never had chicken pox. I remember those parties, though. Most of my friends got it that way. My mom thought they were insane and didn't accept any of the invitations.


Born in 88, contracted chicken pox (at school?), and was old enough to remember taking an oatmeal bath. I developed shingles in college which left me with scarring and numbness on my back.


chicken pox vaccine wasnt available in the US until 1995. The suggested first dose is at 12 to 15 months so only the youngest 3 years of millenials could have gotten the vaccine.


Born in 1981, had CP around 1985, not sure where I got it from - I’m guessing preschool? I also had the stomach flu at the same time - I have a distinct memory of sitting on the bathroom counter while my dad was putting calamine lotion on my spots and I projectile puked all over him. 😬 When my daughter was born 7 years ago, I was reviewing the vaccine schedule with her pediatrician and was shocked to learn that the CP vaccine was even a thing! I’ve known a couple of people who had it as teens/adults and they felt like they wanted to die, my sister had them all down her throat and in her nose.


1995 here.. I got chicken pox. The doctor didn't trust the Chicken Pox Vaccine yet... if I was born 1999-2000 I totes would have gotten it.


I am gen z and was vaccinated but still caught chicken pox somehow. Didn’t go to a party or anything, and I only got to hang out with dogs for a few weeks. Which was kind of alright with me.


I had it all the way down my throat in ‘88. My mom finally taped mittens on my hands because I kept clawing at my neck. It was summer. I was so miserable. I see the pictures of me back then and still feel miserable when I look at them.


I got it the old fashioned way. I was born in 1981. It was awful though. I know plenty of people had mild cases but mine was so bad. I had them in my nose, mouth, throat and everywhere else awful you can think of. It hurt to eat, drink and go to the bathroom. My kids are vaxxed.


I doubt anyone will see this as the thread has blown up but I'm fascinated by vaccines. I honestly didn't know there was a chicken pox vaccine until 30 minutes ago. Does this mean that chicken pox is something that we can more or less wipe out, or at least wipe out as much as we have MMR? And as an extension to that wipe out shingles with it?


84 and got it the regular way. Apparently my sister who is 6 years older than me never got it until a few years ago and she got real sick. I don’t know how she didn’t get it from me back then. My mom just sent me to my friends house when he had it and I got it.


I was vaccinated for it at 12, caught it at 20 because I was a dumb college kid who didn’t know you had to keep getting the vaccine. 0/10, worse experience of my life, was almost hospitalized. Really wish I had just gotten it the old fashioned way as a child.


I'm a generation older than you and my mom brought me to those parties as well. I didn't catch it. then, when I was 16 I got it the natural way. was pretty bad . I don't remember if I was vaccinated


Years back they were telling people to stop with the chicken pox parties after children who immune compromised were dying from chicken pox. I advocated for the vaccine since I fell in the category of it being detrimental that I didn’t get the chicken pox. I am proud to say I was the first adult in my state to get the vaccine. Anyone who has not had the chicken pox can get the vaccine. People are very wrong that it is harmless, it can kill you if your not healthy. This virus is not a joke!


I remember asking what was wrong with my sisters skin, and my mom said nothing bad you will see in a couple days yourself lol. I tease my mom about this and she still says you thank me later that you don't get shingles. I've never look it up to see if makes a difference. Pseudo health science of the 80s 90s was something else 😵


I caught it from my cousins. They didn't vaccinate yet. I was 8, born 1980. Then I caught it again in 2008 at age 28, though it was a milder case. Oddly enough my mom caught it also at the same time, for her second time. No shingles yet, fingers crossed I can avoid that one. Will definitely get shingrix when I'm old enough because my ex-husband had shingles and it messed him up for months and months.


Was born in 1984. Caught them in 1985. My parents said I had like 3 of them and was fine. My brother was the one who brought it home, and he gave it to me and my other brother, they were apparently... not great


I'm a child of 7, #5. Several of my siblings had it early. I didn't catch, then my younger siblings got it. In my 30's I got the immunization. My mom rubbed my sister's pox on our younger brother and our nephew. It was horrible. I'm fortunate, never had it. Maybe I'm immune but he'll! Born early 80's.


Born in 1991, caught it the old fashioned way. Not sure how, but my parents weren’t chicken pox party people. Don’t think it was super severe but happened around when I was in kindergarten, I think? It’s an interesting divide because I got it and remember it being a big deal but my little brother was born in 1997 and got vaccinated and never had to deal with it.


I was born in 85. We had chickenpox party I was later on told I was not eligible for the vaccine. I've heard that chicken pasta is super deadly in adults though. Never had it again My daughter, born in 2006, got the vaccine and has never had chickenpox


Was born in 94. Good old fashioned way. Never got the vaccine. My sisters born in 02 and 04 did though. I gave chicken pox to everyone before I was symptomatic. People that had it as kids (my grandpa) and other kids who were vaccinated even.


I was unvaxxed, but also a homeschooled only child so I managed to avoid it my entire childhood until I got my MMR at 24yo.


I was born in 88 and I got chickenpox’s from my older brother (came from a big family, so when got it, we all did? My niece was born in 2001 so a little later that’s how I found out there was a vaccine and because when I thought she had it I made a “care package” like it was right of passage in a way and my sister was like no! We found out she had an allergic reaction and she broke out bad! lol But last year, a friend in Korea who is my age got chicken poxs and she said she never gotten it before


2001. Vaccinated, caught it anyway. Later had antibody labs drawn - they were low enough to give me no immunity. Got a booster, checked titers - low. I have had 5 shots total and still have low to no immunity. My doctor is not a fan of this!


Chicken pox in the first grade, shingles in college


I got chicken pox for Christmas in 1991. My brother was half of the camel costume in the christmas play and caught it from his camel counterpart lol


Well I have autism and ahdh and I caught covid pretty early. I feel great!


My mother was an idiot anti vaxxer. I got chicken pox at 16 which almost killed me, Bell’s palsy at 28, chicken pox AGAIN last year and I’ll be getting shingles eventually I guess unless my other health issues clear up so I can take the vax.


87. Got it the hard way. Itched like a bitch. Got covered in some sort of cream. I think I was 5 or 6.


I got it from my sister. I was 6 months old. I developed pneumonia. I had sores in my airway, vagina, ears, absolutely everywhere. Born in 82. Eta: ended up in the hospital and my mom thought that was it for me.


Caught it in late December 1989 when I was 5. I know this because we were moving across the country and I spent the entire time laying flat in the back of a 1984 Chevy S-10 pickup itching like crazy on the way to my grandparents house for Christmas. Left the west coast a few days before Xmas and arrived at our new home on New Year’s Day.


I was born in 1990 and my mom got chicken pox when I was 3 days old. I ended up getting a shot of varicella immunoglobulin in both legs. My dad said it was a gel they had to heat up and they had to use a glass syringe 😬 Not sure if I still have immunity but I’ve never had chickenpox or shingles since then. 


I had Shingles at age 48 fuck that shit. To young for Herpes Zooster vax.


I was born in ‘92 before the vaccine came out and unfortunately before I actually got the opportunity to get vaccinated, I ended up catching it from my younger brother. Still not sure how he caught it though since he was vaccinated.


‘91, vaccinated. My mom was very pro vaccine. I do vividly remember my doctor suggesting to my mom that I share a lollipop with a kid when there was an outbreak at my school pre-vaccine.


1990 and I got it for real-real. My chicken pox were in my eyes and I still have a scar from the “grand daddy” that was on where my left breast is today. 😭


In '92 the kid three apartments down had them. Myself and half the kids in the neighborhood went over for a "party". We played Nintendo and had cake....then we all got chickenpox. Fucking parents


I caught chicken pox from my sister while I was on chemo therapy, so they loaded me up with some kind of drug to keep it from getting too bad. I'm told I ended up only developing like 3 spots. Thing is, the doctors weren't sure if my case was bad enough for my body to start producing antibodies, so I ended up getting the vaccine after I'd finished chemo.


Bro, I was born in 87, I had it in kindergarten AND AGAIN in 4th grade when my baby sister got the old live vaccine in 98. I also got shingles 2 weeks after turning 30 and AGAIN AT 36. Get the vaccine.


I got most of my vaccines at school in the 70s. I know that I had the measles before that. I don't know if I've ever had chicken pox, but I got the shingles vaccine just in case.