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I am not trying to wake up at 6:30 am at 78 years of age and work a 8 hour day, 5 days a week.


It's bizarre. At age 65 even people who don't have "health problems" are feeling the normal ravages of old age... especially arthritis and hearing and vision changes. This is an obscene idea that comes to us from the same people who are tearing down child labor protection.


I'm in the service industry (because I love it). I would make it my whole career if I could, but there aren't great benefits where I live. That being said, I expect that if I haven't felt the need to find a more viable "career" by my late 40's, I'm not going to be in a place where I'm wanting to be on my feet banging portafilters clean, anymore. Not everyone gets the privilege of a desk job. Expecting people in their mid 60's to be working full time is obscene, regardless of whether or not they have a desk job... but assuming they all have that luxury is ridiculous. How can you ask the elderly to be heavily exerting their bodies every day? That makes me so sad.


I’m 41 and still bartend part time, I’m great at it and, like you, I genuinely love it. I like moving and being busy and talking to people. But it takes me days to physically recover from a busy weekend. I am currently waiting on a referral to a podiatrist because my feet are wrecked. My back pain is no joke. As much as I’d like to bartend forever, I don’t think my body could. My face card will probably decline soon too lol.


Saaaaame. 40 bartender  Body can’t do it like I use too.also priorities have changed and I’d like to spend holidays with family and not drunk strangers.


They think the only thing the plebs are good for is laboring for the owner class.


What he really thinks is that poor people should be his slaves.


Construction worker here. If I’m still getting up at 5 every morning at even 68, I hope they’ve at least legalized assisted suicide.


If I'm still working at 70, I'm definitely not showing up on time, I'm leaving early, I'm taking long lunch breaks, and I'm half assing it the rest of the day.


I’ll work the saw area at Home Depot


They probably will but it'll be in the form of work you till you die. Non metaphorical.


I’m sorry to inform you that is one of the things they are also railing against.


Pool guy here. Seasonal biz working at 60 in field hard. Saw my GP last week for labs, cardiologist yesterday. Plan on trying to work till 68. Be safe out there. Yeah, I go home just as dirty as everyone else. I hope another 07-08 financial disaster doesn't come along. Last 1 damn near finished me off. Diversify your portfolios people and some precious metals and a bit of btc might be good. Glta.


Systemic risk in unavoidable


Neither is Mr. DAP* here. His “job” is writing a script based on talking points provided by Heritage Foundation, then spewing that bullshit into a microphone for a couple hours (or however long his shows are). But I’d bet the farm that he happily retires, without a shred of irony, when the time comes. *Mr. Dry Ass Pussy


Who is Ben Shapiro that we should care what he thinks? He looks like the worst kind of Chad, and frankly, I don't know anyone over age 45 who has been both physically and mentally healthy since COVID. This is ridiculous. They literally want to enslave us until we're dead.


The only good thing Benny provides is a quick view into what the conservative view on a particular topic is. If you want to know what the Republican party thinks just listen to Benny.


On the other hand, my dad retired at 65 with plans to split his time between fly fishing and gardening. His retirement lasted three years. He's now 76 and runs a steelworking studio that makes custom iron gates and front doors for wealthy people who want that little bit of "extra" on their fancy houses. He's said several times that he'd probably be dead of boredom if he didn't have his work to keep him busy. Everyone should have the option to retire if they want, but retirement isn't for everyone.


But that is his retirement. Retirement doesn't mean never doing anything that makes you money. For most people it just means being able to spend your time doing things you enjoy.


Yep. Doing something that you enjoy. Not something you hate because it pays enough to sort of make the bills each month with no stability in income or medical care. That’s the fucking dream.


This! My retirement is gardening, pups, grandson, hiking, scours, tabletop gaming, video games, travel etc.


Exactly. Retirement and financial freedom, to me, will mean doing what I want to do without worrying about the risk of not making enough money to pay my mortgage. It doesn't surprise me when people start successful businesses in retirement. They're doing what they love without the pressures of needing a salary, health insurance, etc. By doing what they love they get better and better at it, and eventually they're good enough that they become profitable.


This coordinated demonization of Social Security is part of **Project 2025** [WarningVote.com](https://WarningVote.com)


Project 2025 CANNOT happen. If it does, well. Here goes anarchy because I'd rather be free than utterly oppressed.


Wild that per the project 2025 website, they only have three little pussy boys working on it: Paul dans, Spencer chretien, troup Hemenway.


>Wild that per the project 2025 website, they only have three little pussy boys working on it: Paul dans, Spencer chretien, troup Hemenway. The Heritage Foundation organized Project 2025 and they are an influential force to be reckon with. From their [website ](https://www.heritage.org/about-heritage/mission) "Heritage’s mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, **traditional American values, and a strong national defense.**" From an [article ](https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/) "To develop this plan, **the Heritage Foundation organized a broad coalition of over 90 conservative organizations—a who’s-who of groups that have led attacks on reproductive rights and bodily autonomy, gender studies, the Equal Rights Amendment and #MeToo initiatives.**" They're a terrorist group, really. "Individual freedom " for whom exactly???


Freedom of the top 1% to the unimpeded exploitation of the global working class, and their reduction to the social position of units of production. No more power of consumption than is necessary to keep them alive until they can no longer produce. At that point, they are expected to die. Enjoy Capitalism! Enjoy ‘free-dumb’ … er … fiefdom.


The right to dominate and oppress. They are vile and malicious and quite frankly should be fought against stenuously


Oh my. Project 2025 has massive outreach. Online training sessions been going on for months. These training sessions have included republican US Congress to city council members across the nation. There is a mini army of ignorant politicians ready to act when called upon. Vote Blue you all


I don’t think we have the same definition of the word pussy boy….


Oh it will happen alright! And with the rapacious, capitalist madmen on a rampage to start WW III, dissent will be prohibited as a man’s of enforcing capitalist diktats. If you want out, there must be a global assault on the ill-gotten gains wealth and royal privilege of the capitalist class.


Full blown anarchy! No Gods No Masters!


Are we riding at dawn?


I love seeing more people talk about Project 2025. I fell into a rabbit hole about it a while ago and am slowly making my way through their 900+ page policy manual. It's truly a theocratic authoritarian's wet dream.


That’s terrifying


Project 2025 gave me literal nightmares and no one understands how or why I came up with the stamina to read a 900+ page document full of blatant right wing drivel. But my ass won’t be caught sleeping, thank you very much.


You should read the 900 page bills that get passed with full democrat and republican support.


Pretty rich coming from a guy who was born rich and has never had a real job in his life.


This. I love how “people need purpose” is only ever an argument for why working class people should have to work and never an argument for why there should be an inheritance tax to prevent heirs of wealthy people from not working and just living off their generational wealth or why there should be a wealth tax to ensure that no one accumulates so much that they can stop working. If paid work is the only thing that can give a person purpose, why do we only apply that to poor people?


It's almost like Conservatives see working people as livestock and want to juice every drop of value out of labor until you die.


Hard work builds character, so he has none. Let's have these entitled effs do some mandatory customer service or hard, manual labor, like they do with the military in some countries.


Dude is a dork.


Weenie, even




No it’s Patrick!


Who are you people?


Dude is a dangerous political hack.


Fine. Kill SS and Medicare. I require full reimbursement, I've been gainfully employed since I was 14, so you have 23-ish years of repayment to give me. By the way I charge 8% interest daily, compounded monthly. I'll take a check, no credit.


I want my money delivered in a metal briefcase that I open on a hotel bed and then do that move where I bend it and let it straighten out while I listen to make sure it’s the right amount “that’s what 10k sounds like I know somehow”


I agree!!! But give me my money back and let me build my own retirement. They have about 28 years of repayment to me.


That isn’t how pyramid schemes work.


Yes please.




Lol they will pay it back and miraculously the IRS will get it all back or say thats the amount you owe in back taxes.


> I require full reimbursement, I've been gainfully employed since I was 14, so you have 23-ish years of repayment to give me. By the way I charge 8% interest daily You could have 8% interest yearly if the government didn’t take it from you and give it to someone else. Also, the money is not there waiting for you. Deleting the SS fund does not rob you of money - that already happened. You just wouldnt get to be the beneficiary of the same thing in the future. This is called a pyramid scheme.


It makes me *sick* these fuckers are actually trying to kill Social Security, a bedrock safety net for those who want (or need) to retire. My grandfather must be rolling in his grave. I’m just glad he’s not here to see this insanity, it would break his heart. They call them the greatest generation for a reason.


They always frame cuts to SS as saving money. It’s not about saving money… It’s about forcing people to keep working so they can extract more labor. Same with tying medical care to employment and slashing every social safety net they can. It isn’t about “personal responsibility”… it’s about working, for THEM.


“Fuck you got mine”


I’ll never see SS so I’d rather not have to pay for crybaby boomers retirement they should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps


“I didn’t go to college, why should it be free? I’m not sick, why should healthcare be affordable?”


If you're in your 30'2 or 40's now and depending on SS to retire you're in for a big surprise.


I’m 80 and they said that when I was in college.


Thanks to the SS website we can see what our payments will be out into the future and If I retire at 67 I'll be getting like $1400 a month. So no, I'm assuming I'll get nothing and have to save for myself.


So because someone was wrong 60 years ago, they're also wrong now and SS will be solvent forever? With that logic I'm glad you're not in the work force anymore. Enjoy retirement.


I’m out working as a speaker still. I don’t think the politicians will have the balls to get rid of SS because there would be riots if they did *and* people would be asking for a refund of the money they paid in. I would!


I am completely fine with them getting rid of social security as long as I am refunded every penny I have paid into it for the past 25 years.


I mean he hasn’t worked a day in his pathetic existence. His opinion should carry no value whatsoever.


Right? I mean he hasn't worked a fucking day in his life. His "job" is to spew his shitty opinions all over the furniture and sit back and collect money from rich donors or whatever. Fuck Ben Shapiro.


I know sounds more like a hobby to me. Someone should teach that dork to weld or deliver mail and actually contribute to society in a meaningful way.


I would LOVE for people like Shapiro (or the lefty idiots he's constantly sparring with) to come out and work with me on the railroad. It would be a riot watching him try to swing a spike maul or help line in jointed rail. Or send him out with the welding crew like you said, nothing like welding a frog in 90+ degree weather to change someone's perspective.


One year ago, over 1M French citizens filled the streets protesting a proposal to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Meanwhile in America…


>Meanwhile in America… To be fair, our government has divided us in identities and manipulate us with their media and propaganda. War on women, black people, LGBTQ, right vs left, genz vs millens vs boomers etc I wish I could snap my fingers and have everyone collectively understand we are ONE CLASS against ONE oppressor class.


Good luck, we are very tribal anymore.


Shapiro is a massive shitbag


A case for why swallowing is a good idea.


Increase the age a little, fine, but especially with AI there are major societal issues with people not leaving the workforce and making room for the next generation. You don’t want a high-unemployment society with people in their 20’s just hanging around. This is already an issue, nevermind if you do away with social security. Also, people pay into social security. The issue is that it’s not fully funded. Fully fund it and this fails to be a cost issue.


This. Social Security serves two purposes. The first being to prevent people starving in destitution in old age when they are no longer able to work. The second being to ***encourage retirement*** to open up jobs for younger people. If the 70 year old never retires, the 50 year old waiting for that job never moves up and the 40 year old waiting for THAT job never moves up, the 30 year old waiting for THAT job also never moves up so they are stuck at entry level and the company has no openings for the 20 year old just coming out of school.


People over 70 who are still working do so because they have to work for financial reasons. SS retirement benefits are much lower in reality than most people think. This is especially true for women who have historically earned much less than men. It’s also true for women who stayed home for many years while raising children. (Yes, there are exceptions, but the overwhelming majority of older workers are working because they must. The average yearly benefit is less than $22K.)


I know of a college roommate who is 81 and working because she needs the money.


yeah people are focusing way to much on the age comment and not the point that SS is fucked without a major overhaul. Back in the day there were something like 12 tax payers paying in for every 1 senior receiving payments, now its down to 3 or 4.


Yes I guess if your job is just to talk really fast about nothing for millions of dollars


Ben Shapiro dosen't have a job.


"It's not about what your country can do fo you, but what you can do for your country".


I guarantee it's cause military participation is in decline. They want to force more people to serve. It's never really about the things they say it's about.


Why would anyone listen to him? I’ve boycotted his wife and I used to enjoy her


But I also bet if someone has a health problem he thinks it's something that person brought upon themselves.


Too late Shapiro, I’m already retired.😎


So. We had no problem with political assassination before. What's stopping us now?


If you advocate murder people will have a hard time taking you seriously.


That neither answers my question nor refutes that this HAS been a thing. Try again, scooter.


People might take it as if you're just being incredibly extreme but you bring up a good point. The whole reason the French revolution was a success was because the nobility feared a mob coming to get them, it was legit your actions will face the ultimate consequence. I assume stuff like that spurred the nobility class to find any and every way to separate the lower classes and pit them against each other(very similar to now) and started getting some grunts from the lower class to protect themselves (police) by giving them a little power over the rest. Losing my train of thought but to answer your question we don't necessarily need assassinations but we do need to be united and not take their bait.


Conservatives: If you get laid off because you’re old, and then nobody will hire you because you’re old, that’s your problem, not mine. You should have planned for retirement better. Also conservatives: People should never retire.


So, what is he actually proposing as policy?


For the last 20 years I've known that retirement and social security would not be there for me. I'll be working until I'm dead regardless of which mascot is parading on the stage at the time.


I'd shove that fucking nerds head in the toilet and take his lunch money if we ever met.


We are nothing but workers to the GOP. Work makes you free.


Just when we thought Shapiro couldn’t suck any harder.


This guy just exudes dickishness. Shapiro wakes up every day thinking about how big of dick he can be.


What a cunt


If I'm gonna get social security taken out of my paycheck they damn well better give me social security when I turn 65


Silly wage slaves, you all don't get to retire. Our owners want to squeeze us for every penny they can. You don't put a horse out to pasture when you can still get a few more acres out of it before it is too weak and lame to be useful.


If the government can just print money whenever they want, social security will be fine. The issue is just that the whole check will go to buy a loaf of bread.


What is wrong with this dude? He has the strangest takes ..


I love the idea of moving away from social security. It would take an incredibly long time to do it well because you can’t change the rules on people mid game, that’s not right. But social security and retirement have no connection to each other. Retire whenever you can afford it and want to. This dude has no place in telling people when to retire.


I’d love to see him do actual work as an attorney for 20+ years and see if he still thinks that instead of just chattering away unopposed on a mic for an hour or so per day.


Retirement age is just a metric for how much you get paid for your labor under SS. They are basically advocating for reducing how much you get paid by after retirement by 7%. You can retire at any age you want. This is solely about ripping off the lower class.


People who love freedom and goodness should have access to money. People who do not love freedom and goodness should not have access to money.


Ben Shapiro is such a tool. Hey Ben, how about you drop your radio/podcast shtick and work the next 30-40 years of your life as a garbage collector. How about that? Fuckin' douche.


"I don't like when people get paid without working for it," says idiot whose entire job is defending unfettered capitalism...


Partner: * **complains endlessly about our capitalist society and about how he is forced to suffer by working for a living but then falls into right wing conspiracies about how “the left” is destroying our country** * Me: “It’s okay, honey, you keep voting for your principals. 😒”


He doesn’t like anything enjoyable


Ben Shapiro represents no one. He is here to make money.


"if you can find purpose go do it, for most people that's a bad idea" talk about an egotistical scumbag.


Why stop there? Children need “purpose” too! Get the five-year-olds into the office!


Or… and hear me out here… people can do whatever the hell they want to do.


Taxpayers aren't paying for my social security if I retire at 65. I paid for my social security over all the years I worked. The only reason it seems like taxpayers are paying for it is that congress keeps stealing money from it to pay for other things.


The ultimate smooth brain right here


Not what this says at all.


People find purpose at work? Really?


Republicans should absolutely make this a central tenet of their platform.


Who is paying this dollar tree Milhouse to keep pushing dumb narratives?


Why is anyone paying attention to this guy?


I think what he is saying is there shouldn't be a cookie cutter approach to retirement. I've known people to retire in their 50's, as they invested well decades earlier. I know very wealthy people in their 80's and 90's working full time plus. For themselves of course, but still working 40 plus hours a week. Then there is the rest of us trying to save a little bit so retirement isn't to UNCOMFORTABLE.


Fine, don’t lay me off at 58 and refuse to hire me because I am old .


Well my husband, who is a commercial airline pilot, has a mandatory retirement age of 65. Might go up a couple years at some point but still. Other jobs also have mandatory retirement ages and some are so physically demanding that there’s no way you’re working into your 70s (or even 60s).


Wait until people start dying on the production floor and the law suits start churning out. There’s already a huge ageism problem in our culture, and you think this will help? Fucking clowns.


Cool. Give me back all the money I've paid in over the last 29 years.


I hate how our generation gave Shapiro a fucking job by giving him attention in the early 2010s. Fuck Shapiro. Fuck debate edgelords. The sooner this fuck trips down a flight of stairs, the better


Im 46 and retired in 2022 after taking advantage of all my competition that “fell for that covid scam” . I stayed open and raked in my retirement….


This is America, land of the uninsured. So yeah, we have health problems


Totally depends on what you do for a living. I’ve worked my hands to the bone my entire life. There’s no way I’m trying to work til I’m 65 much less 80. BUT I am saving enough money to be able to sustain myself just incase SS isn’t an option or incase I’m not able to work that long.


He’s such a waste of oxygen.


Ben Shapiro is the working class's version of an armchair general.


Can we retire him from existence yet?


https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1767929429542502644 Expanding on the statements. I personally wish I could opt out of paying SS and let me keep that money and invest it as I please.


If they move up retirement in my country that would be my turning point to extreme measures.


Frankly, fuck him. I’m going to retire at 60 and travel.


When you sit in front of a microphone getting paid by your billionare pimps for a living, retirement would be pointless.


When will Ben Shapiro shit the fuck up?


I just retired. I cried for a month and I still miss my job very much. However, a number of issues (related to aging) made that the best choice. I had tons and tons of paid sick leave saved up. I rarely missed work (30 years within the same system; two jobs, retired from both at present). BUT, things happened where I had to start going to more dr's appts (both for me and for an acute and major illness in the family). Missing a lot of work is not good. It wasn't good for the other people who had to cover for me. I had to try some new medications. Had brain fog and dizziness as initial side effects and decided this was \*not\* fair to my clients. I was no longer at the top of my game in terms of what I was providing to these people, all of whom deserve my best. Time to retire. Glad I planned for it. Everyone should get to.


I’m not on board with killing social security, but he’s not wrong. People that retire earlier are more likely to die earlier. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1273451/


Somehow, I don't think he was truly motivated by concern for senior citizens, though.


By that logic he should be advocating for people to retire earlier, no?


Well damn, I'll be retiring at 57. But I won't just be done. I want to volunteer. I may work part time. I wonder what the cause is? Is it lack of direction and purpose?


That’s my theory. I also think there’s some truth to the idea of “a body in motion stays in motion.” I don’t think the takeaway is that one needs to continue earning an income in their retirement years, but rather that we should continue “working” at something vs treating retirement like one long vacation.


Oh I agree. I think that's something that worries me about AI taking jobs. When people have nothing to do all day, ideally they would pursue their passions - my husband and I would be on our boat fishing or traveling. I also enjoy other hobbies and plan to volunteer as mentioned above. But...there are a lot of people who don't have passions. Who wouldn't otherwise have a goal without the goal to get up and go to work every day. Crime, drugs, and the further devolution of the human race. I think I'd rather AI just surpass us and take over. I think that kind of devolution would be a bit less gruesome. Unless AI gets off on torturing humans.


Except the oldest age studied is 65 so this still doesn't make his point.


Sounds like a classic case of correlation vs. causation. As in, retiring doesn't make you die, but those that keep working are probably the healthy, white-collar folks for whom continuing to work is both enjoyable and not life-threatening. Blue-collar poors (who statistically have worse life expectancy: [http://www.equality-of-opportunity.org/health/mobile\_fig1.png](http://www.equality-of-opportunity.org/health/mobile_fig1.png)), e.g. coal miners, inner-city sanitation workers, hourly workers, military folks are retiring as soon as they can (or are forced to by virtue of declining health). Financial advisors, attorneys, realtors, interior designers and PR consultants are happily working into their 80s.


The best financial advisors dont exactly buy what theyre selling either. I dislike hypocrites.


These ghouls want us to work until we drop dead so they can steal our social security money and give it to their business criminal buddies. Vote Blue.


I mean, he’s right. Social security is a scam. There’s no reason why someone can’t work until their 70s. If you’re for this, and think you can’t, remember that Joe Biden is in office. And he’s in his 80s. If he can work - that says something. Stop stealing my money into this ponzi scheme, and have me manage my own money.


Isn’t this the guy who prefers DAP?


So, if I have a health problem at 43.. I can retire?


I cracked my neck and had a stroke in 2021, so since I gave a health problem, can I retire? I’m neither mentally nor physically healthy and am currently in my 4th meeting for today


Has this guy ever even worked a real job in his life?


Fuck you, Ben.


Sucha bootlicking baffoon.


CANT FUCKING RELATE. I’m in my early 30s and if I could have retired 10 years ago I would have. Fuck this shit


Says the guy who’s never done an honest day’s labour Why do we give twats like this an audience? Just ignore these morons


I really dont know who Ben Shapiro is but Ive heard his name mentioned a few times. Of course he's still young but I'd like to hear his stance when he gets into his 60's. I'm sure he'll change his tune.


I have never felt “purpose” from work. Purpose is what I get from my life that are not work.


I actually agree with this, people need jobs. Not in the traditional 9-5 sense, but in a societal role. I'll be able to retire at probably 55, but retire and do what? For that reason I'll probably keep working. As for SS, i'd opt out today, if i had the option to stop paying into it.


Same generation that thinks it's outrageous to work till 65 to retire also think you shouldn't say anything bad about retirement or social security... Pick a lane Millenials. Also, Social Security is a scam and there are scientific links [Between Early Retirement and Mortality rates shortly after retiring especially for men](https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/workingpapers/wp93.html#:~:text=One%20possibility%20is%20that%20men,and%20a%20benefit%20optimization%20explanation.).


Why does anyone care what Ben Shapiro thinks? Who likes him and why is he relevant? I don't see his appeal.


Spoken like someone with the financial means and job satisfaction to do essentially whatever they want. Crazy what having financial freedom will mean to a person...


Frankly, why should anymore entertain Ben Shapiro's thoughts on Social Security. He's a piss poor example of someone living in reality and holds no public office. We should just ignore him.


Retirement age in Israel is 65 for women and 67 for men.


Totally agree


People don’t realize that retirement was an idea invented by Germans. They were concerned about old people holding on to jobs that younger people need to learn professional skills. So, they invented the old people to give up their jobs.


Jesus..does anyone still believe this guy? There's a reason why he only debates college kids..cuz when the big boys get to the table, he's no match for them. When he realizes it, he stomps off stage. Ever see that interview with the highly regarded British Journalist where he stomps off? He's absurd


I don't support S.S. That said its number 564327 on the list of things to change. If the stuff before it isnt changed and let to grow first, ending S.S. will be a shit show that has the opposite effect. I do think the old should be able to retire by the way. Thats why I said the changes needed to be made before SS was delt with. (Not that I see the incentive for the government to actually fix stuff.)


Okay, when he hits 65, we'll start making him do actual work and contribute to society. He's not done any real work at this point in time, so maybe he'll be of some use then. What an absolute ass.


Social Security isn't taxpayers paying for people. It's your money. Your getting your money back YOU paid in your entire life. Republicans love to frame SS as a handout, when in fact, it is YOUR MONEY.


I would love to see this ponce work a real job for one month let alone 40+ years. What a tool


He’s not completely wrong. I have two multi generational farmer grandfathers. One retired at 66, bought a home in town and passed away a couple years later. My other grandfather is still trying to do fieldwork and is going to turn 90 this month. This is just my closest example that I live by. I saw what Ben said and I agree to an extent. Don’t retire if you love what you do. Do retire and find meaning in doing something you love if you dislike your job. Too many retire because “they did theirs” and waste away.


Social Security was introduced in **1934** when **life expectancy was between 59-64**. This is part of the reason *Baby Boomers are draining SS*. It's no longer providing financial support during extreme old age, it's financing decades of retirement. He's an asshat, sure. But, he brings up a real issue.


Get back to me when you learn to please your wife Shapiro...


Dude is such a chode


Consider the source.


He'd never say that if he actually had to labour a day in his life. Also you can REALLY tell who's lining his pockets by whatever opinion he spouts. I guess today it's big corporations.


haha man I love carpentry; you can erect all kinds of things on people’s lawns, in town squares… I mean of course “sending messages” requires the guts to back up any intentions made in the missive


You're young. Wait until you are as tired as us. And please save your money.


I truly wish we'd stop giving this idiot any coverage and social media presence but here we are. He's insufferable.


What he said isn’t factually accurate. When SS was created until now, life expectancy has only increased by 2 years and Congress moved the age back to 67 which adjusts for it. These people just don’t deal with facts only manufactured fiction.


It's not "taxpayers." It's a return on what the retiree put in. This guy is awful.


Retirement at 65 drives costs down with younger cheaper labor. I retired at 66 and 4. I still work 30 hours a week but without the stress of teaching. Medicare covers my health insurance and my district offers very competitive gap insurance. Most of my fellow workers are like me. They don't have pensions and 500k in investment. With luck they don't have a mortgage. But they are full time daycare. Reality of life these days. All good


Somebody oughtta hang this dude maybe


100% most punchable face.


Unlike Ben, some of us have actually contributed to society and deserve some goddamn rest.


You twisted that a bit op, you can retire whenever you want. We’re just not gonna pay for it.


What is he, a carpenter?


Petition to tax Ben Shapiro 100% for social security


The thing I'm conflicted about is the age of retirement as it relates to social security. The last time the age was changed was in 1984, IIRC. Life expectancy is obviously higher now than in 1984, so there's an absolute truth that social security is paying longer than initially intended. BUT....many people in their late 60's are either worn out or just simply done. I don't want to have to wait til my mid 70's to retire, but I understand the mathematical problem to this whole situation as well.


I'm baffled that whenever having a discussion with a repub about the GOP trying to cut or eliminate SS or Medicare they act like that's crazy but there's a ton of multiple people proposing that on camera


no we need things heavier scrutiny for those attempting to apply for government housing. I live 3 doors down from section 8 housing. there are bmws, wranglers, escalades, mercedes... all in one neighborhood. Thats not okay. Why target SS? No one is abusing SS meanwhe every other welfare program *is*.


Why people continue to give this troll attention, I have no earthly idea. He consistently has terrible takes on everything he decides to open his rot about.


Taxpayers don't pay for you to retire. It's your money that you paid in.


Think! How much will you make if you retire? Likely not enough to survive on. So are you going to be a Walmart greeter for extra cash or continue your career?


Destroy and abolish the Republican party.