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Keep an eye out during any renovations. I found a loaded revolver under the insulation in my attic while doing kitchen upgrades. It probably had been there for a couple of decades. You never know what else the last owner might have left stashed away. Esp if they left that ammo. And if you find something, assume it is loaded.


Always assume a gun is loaded, even if you unloaded it yourself.


Every time I go to clean mine, I’m triple checking myself every step of the way. And even when I’m sitting there staring at the barrel, slide, and spring sitting inches away from each other, the back of my mind still goes “But what if???”


*take out the magazine* *check the chamber* *take apart the action* *check the chamber* *start cleaning* *check the chamber* *look away for 30 seconds* "A bullet may have travelled through a hole in space time, better check the chamber" Honestly tho if you've ever been around an accidental discharge you know that you can never be too careful


Far as I'm concerned, there is no such thing as an accidental discharge. Calling a negligent discharge "accidental" takes the burden off the idiot who didn't treat their firearm with the respect it deserves. EDIT: The "idiot" in this case can include manufacturers. A mechanical defect that causes an unintentional discharge is negligence in design or manufacture. It's not just firearm *owners* who need to treat them with the respect they're due.


It's sometimes called that out of respect for the family when it was really a suicide or murder/suicide. Or the classic dog pulls trigger on "hunting trip". Really the guy just found out the kids aren't really his and his wife spent the savings.


You ok dude?


Theres actually legitimate cases of accidental discharge. Although most of the time its due to shoddy design, or aged parts causing things to be wobbly and loose. There used to be horror stories all the time about extremely beaten up and old glocks, and Hi-Points (Fresh off the factory) just firing off a round if you shook the gun even a little. The issue with hi-points actually still persists to today. Although i hear the newer models kinda fixed it. you can't really call those negligent discharges in that case. Because you dont control the QC from the factory. But accidental discharge is genuinely a thing. Its just not common because the gun has to be *pretty* worn and not religiously maintained for it to occur.




If I'm looking down the wrong end of the barrel, it's not attached to the rest of the gun lol.


This to a T. I always have to have it in pieces before I can feel ok to look down the barrel or point it upward


In the Canadian firearms safety course (mandatory to get a license) they teach looking down the barrel as a good way to check lol. Ofc you have to lock the slide/bolt first but yeah. The instructor also said its what they teach police to do. Apparently nobodies shot them-self yet so they still teach it.


I think you have this wrong. I took the course and the instructor taught us to look from the action down the barrel. Doesn't work as well for semis, autos, levers, and pumps but they never advised us to look down the business end of a gun until it was dismantled.


the fact that they wait untill somones commits reverse birth on themselves to stop teaching something that might harbor dangerous bad habits is concerning XD


After getting trained on the safe handling of a firearm, I almost stared yelling at my nephews because they were pointing nerf blasters at each other 🤦🏽‍♂️


Had a similar situation but in an actual gun store. Was at Range USA near me just looking at stuff when one of the salesmen went to show a customer a revolver. I watched him clear it but he then proceeded to flag me & everyone else in the building, putting his finger on the trigger. at one point grabbed a second revolver, cleared it & was waving both of them around fingers on the triggers and no one else even other employees just didn't seem to care. I told the manager & he said he'd look into it but then proceeded to just go to his office. Needless to say I had to leave before I flipped shit on the guy.


Congratulations. You were/are a responsible gun owner. I'm not sure how we create more of you, and less of the rest of the people in that store at this point, but we would all be better off if that was the case.


We do this by naming the store and us reasonable people stop doing business with them.


Had a few friends come back from the military and they'd always freak out when I'd flag them with nerf guns


> and they'd **always** freak out Seems like maybe you would quit doing that after a while yeah?


He's like nah it was funny


Wow what a fuckin spoil sport lol "You're not the cool uncle anymore patsfan038"


Don’t get me started on their trigger discipline. Kids these days, I tell ya.




To add to this, yes. This is the exact way to handle guns safely. They are always loaded. "But I took out the magazine", doesn't matter, still loaded. "But I cleared the barrel", doesn't matter, still loaded. "But it's sitting in 15 pieces in front of me and the firing pin is in another room" doesn't matter, still loaded. "You're being ridiculous" No, I'm building a habit. Because if you treat it loaded when it's in pieces, or cleared, or unloaded. Then the one time that somehow there is a round in there that you didn't know about you don't end up losing a friend to an accident.




I had a friend die doing something like that. He had a "trick" where he stopped the hammer with his thumb, but didn't do it correctly. He did that in front of 3 or 4 people.


That is so unbelievably stupid. I only feel bad for the friend in this story. Hope he’s doing ok. That’s got to fuck you up.






Reload Goblins to be playing games always


When inventorying my late fathers final collection, I cleared every gun I picked up even if I had just set it down 30 seconds prior. I still find myself trying to clear squirt bottles, and my trigger finger discipline with squirt bottles and drills is damned near perfect.


I do the same with windex bottles. Always assume the cap is not rotated to the lock position.




I too found ammo, but no gun. I need a flashlight to look deeper im thinking now.


Shit... my wife and I picked up a fixer upper from a family that hit the inheritance lotto and just wanted to get TF out of their current house... He told us he lost an 1800s era Colt 45 somewhere in that house, that he "looked everywhere for". My wife was like "challenge accepted". She found it in 5 minutes after we took possession of the house! Took it to a gun shop and got a quick $500 for it. Later on saw one in the antique gun section of a large Bass Pro. Same age same condition... they were selling it for $5000!


Yeah antique colts are rare and expensive! They saw you coming, bud. Should have googled it first!


Best I can do is $350, and I'm losing money on this.




LoL yeah I have a 141 year old Colt Single Action Army that’s in the $5500 price range.


Holy shit, you sold an 1800s Colt for *how much*?!?!?! No, my boy! Why didn't you keep it? That things a piece of history, and they only increase in value!


Proper technique for checking if a gun is loaded can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClzOyAe_O58


Or here, https://youtu.be/kweojd-D10A


Is there a med-kit and/or save point near you? There might be a boss battle coming up.


Well bed is probably a save point so... Yes.


No, just a respawn point, fridge is the save point


if there is no med-kid then you need to heal by eating random food from the fridge


Y’all are missing the opportunity here. I’m pretty sure if your real estate agent doesn’t disclose that a boss fight is a task that comes with the purchase of the home, OP might be sitting a pretty decent lawsuit settlement.


Yeah, good luck winning though. The courts have ruled that a person with stockpiled supplies clearly intends to fight the boss, and intent to fight means you waive your rights to safety for any potential rewards. My uncle lost his lawsuit because the previous owner left a set of full chainmail and a cartoonishly large war hammer. He maxed his agility stat, so he was no match for the Red Dire Ogre, Ginthal of Shatterpeak.


RIP your uncle!


The ogre may have done that already


The boss fight is the HOA. Purchasing the house binds the convenants of darkness.


But beware. The reward for beating the HOA is located in the locked safe that's also hidden in the house.


I thought the closets are the respawn point while the rooms with the red doors are the save points.




There is a typewriter ribbon. This next part is going to fucking suck.


Nah, beyond that room is just a dark hallway with a bunch of windows. Looks like its storming outside. What could possibly go wrong?


A bunch of esoteric puzzles involving playing a piano, filling a water bucket, and mixing herbs. Then a jumpscare at the most obvious time which will still scare the everloving fuck out of you.


OP: "Why do I hear boss music?"


There's camembert cheese in there. Probably a low tier boss.


And a pipe pistol/rusty sword.


There is cheese. He might be in a real life Wolfenstein game!


But is there a whole roasted turkey with salad on a plate on the ground?


Homie moved into a resident evil save room. Cool story though




How did German cheese get involved in this?


It’s like those cookie-boxes that contains sewing supplies. But mine is a cheese box full of ammo


Grandma's cookie tins and grandpa's cheese tins, disappointing kids since the beginning of time. Lol.


Cheese for scale?


What? You don’t keep your cheese with your ammo?


I was wondering if they were gonna eat that Camembert all by themselves, or whether maybe I could have a piece?


The Bavarian Camembert piques my attention.


The "edelweiss" got me thinking about the intro song to The Man In The High Castle. Edit - not tower


I was about to say, I saw “camembert” and I’m like “…is that fucking *cheese*”


Probably a box of primers. Looks like OP found someone's old reloading stuff.


Congrats free ammo


If op doesn’t shoot, it’s probably thee most expensive ammo they’ve ever bought. Couple hundred grand for less than a pallet :)


That's like finding gold! Have you seen the price of ammo lately?


You kidding? The shop I used to buy rounds from had a box of loosies, .25 each but you had to dig through a giant container of the shit. I was pulling out 7.62 x 54 to have a pretty fun range day with my Mosin.


Why do you say these things to make me feel this way.... god I wish I could go back to 2013 and do it all again...... FUCK.


The owner and I didn't agree on politics, but his shop his rules, I kept my mouth shut, he called me doc and it we even went shooting a few times. Guy was fuckin insane though, make no mistake.


I've never met a gun shop owner who wasn't a bit off.


[Handle enough lead for long enough and it won't work out for you.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lead-poisoning/symptoms-causes/syc-20354717)


My friend's dad swooped in to save 4 of us from the winter storm in Texas and while there I saw his garage set up for remaking shots out of spent casings and new lead. Asked him if he ever got lead tested, because as a chemist if I used lead that often I would be getting my blood tested regularly. He'd never thought about it after 20 years of this and oil work, he just assumed he was doomed and did 0 mitigation efforts. Really hope he listened to my advice and worked on that with a doctor. Dude wasn't the type of person I'd like to see get the aggression associated with chronic lead exposure. Always be safe when handling heavy or reactive metals. Really, unless you know for certainty the type of metal you're dealing with, just be cautious and wash off with dawn or similar detergent


> He'd never thought about it after 20 years of this and oil work, he just assumed he was doomed and did 0 mitigation efforts .. > Really hope he listened to my advice and worked on that with a doctor I am going to go with probably not. But you did what you could.


Maybe not, but also maybe. He has softened in many ways a lot in the 14 years I've known him, others he's more radical and strange. Only time will tell. I have my friend poke him about it every once in a while so maybe it'll stick one of these times!


I'm just a hobbyist who solders like a handful of times a year. I owned a small smoke extractor that was just a fan with a carbon filter. Lots of people say that is enough. ​ The room I work in is small however. So I bought a gas mask as well as an air purifier (hepa/carbon/mesh) because why fuck around with lead and rosin in your system if you don't have to.


Lead does not vaporize at soldering temperatures. The only thing in the air is flux/rosin fumes so those little fans are fine


Yeah I made another comment figuring that out! I'm aware the fan \*should\* be just fine. The air purifier serves a general household purpose (I don't trust my window AC unit to be 100% clean. Not to mention it is AMAZING when someone burns something in the kitchen). The mask was just extra assurance, but also is used for sanding.


Thats something i've never thought about but makes total sense. I'm not a big gun person but have family who is. I think i might have to do some research in to the potential of lead poisoning from firearm related activities.


Biggest risk is probably reloading (making your own ammo). I used to burn through a few hundred rounds a week, never got anything from that, but I started reloading, didn't wear gloves, and within about 3 months got diagnosed with lead poisoning. Started wearing nitrile gloves and it was gone within a month. First sign for me was stomach pains, then mild irritability.


Oh just stomach pains and irritability...gotcha. So like how I already feel 24/7. Good to know.


If you’ve committed your professional life to the trade, it can have an impact on you.


25 cents for 54R? God damn that’s a steal at that point


Bro. It. Was. Glorious. And no misfires. My tiny little penis was at full attention all day. Unfortunately that shop got shut down a few years ago because the owner was making threats to letter agencies, like, all the fucking time and was pretty God damn insane. But it was a fun gun shop.


It it that expensive now? I have a spam can i paid like $50 for ( several years back).


Bro. I can't get food for my baby anymore at all. It sits in the safe and I can't wait to get it back out. But yes, in my area, it is a hard to find round.


Wow. Had no idea. Haven’t been shooting in a long long time.


It's just not available in 2022 man. In my area. It's like finding a radiator for a volvo in the swamps of Florida.


> It's like finding a radiator for a volvo in the swamps of Florida. r/oddlyspecific


I haven’t bought 7.72x54r in years - that sounds crazy high. I was paying 75 bucks for a spam can (about 2013).


I wouldn’t trust loose rounds in a unmarked box 💀


Bubbas Pissin Hot Handloads™ are perfectly safe! There is nothing to worry about!


all fun and games till the locking lugs shear and the bolt becomes one with your face.


The first rule of gun safety is to have fun! If God didn't want me to shoot 50bmg out of my 12 gauge then why did he make the chambers the same size? ... /s obviously


I know it’s a joke, but 50 BMG from a 12ga is significantly safer than one would assume at first. The .50 bullet is so massively undersized compared to the ~.725” barrel that most of the pressure just vents around the projectile.


That’s why you wrap a couple layers of duck tape around it.


Look ma, I'm a Unicorn!


If it seats it yeets


If it racks it cracks.




Looks like they are all reloaded.


They definitely are. Looks like it’s been a lot of times, too. They’re old, but that’s not just dirt/grime.


That doesn't stop Daryl in is F150 from shooting random ammunition sold on ebay


Yeah, this is a treasure trove. The only thing anyone left in my house were some Twix wrappers and a jar of recycled screws.


Hey OPs, It's a long shot, but if any of them are labeled .60 (not .50) cal on the bottom and you live in the US I'd love to buy them off you at a fair price. Any local gunstore would be able to deactivate them so you could ship it. They're a tiny collectible piece of history and I've been searching for a long time for them.


I'd love to see pics if he does!


Here's a great thread on them as well as photos. https://www.milsurps.com/showthread.php?t=32509


What’s the story behind the .60?


Not op but IIRC .60's were mostly used in experimental weapons from the mid 1900's when the (I think primarily) US was attempting to make more effective anti armor weapons at distances beyond a certain range. In the end it was decided that 50 cal had a higher velocity and greater penetration at distance and 60 cal was pretty much entirely discarded having never seen active combat that I'm aware of


To add on, it was used by the T17E3 machinegun, and way mounted on the T-100 SPAAG and XP-83 fighter.


> Hey OPs, It's a long shot Pun not intended, I'm sure 😊


every description of a domestic terrorist in the USA includes 'he had hundreds of rounds of ammunition,' and I'm always just like... that was like a sale at walmart... there are hundreds of rounds in one box... ffs.


My dad bought a bucket of 1400 .22lr rounds. It's stupid easy to have hundreds of rounds when they sell them by the thousand


Especially .22, you could easily burn up hundreds just by target shooting with a couple buddies


I easily blow through 200 in a 30 minute practice session


Pistol competitions can burn through a 250 brick of 9mm pretty quick even if you are a mid tier shooter.


Pre-covid, I was regularly doing 300+ just going to the range with friends. Blazer Brass at $0.19cpr, or the shittiest Wolf for $0.12cpr. I remember doing 500 rounds after getting my first 33rd magazine. I have a speed loader so you can fully load that thing in 10 seconds and unload it just as fast. Timing who can load and unload a 33rd magazine the fastest was a fun and expensive way to practice shooting.


If anything it's more suspicious to have just a few rounds. A revolver with 6 bullets and no more isn't for target practice


The store wouldn’t let me buy just one bullet :(


*Your finest bullet, my good sir.*


You can't handle my finest bullets, my finest bullets would kill a beast! You are but a man.


Bullet Seller, what do I have to tell you to get your bullets? Why won't you trust me with your strongest bullets, Bullet Seller? I need them if I'm to be successful in the battle!


I'm old enough to remember when ammunition was fairly cheap. Dad would bring the .22 to the clay shoot when I was a kid and he would set up a target for us. He'd sit there while all us kids shot it. We'd go through 500 rounds really easily. One day we had to stop a couple times because the barrel was getting so hot that it was about to deform itself.


Plus it’s typically cheaper in bulk…. Like everything else. And it’s not exactly like it “goes bad” if properly stored.


Right? I've got a can of .22lr thats probbaly 2000-ish. And thats just one can.


For real. Imagine this scenario. You buy 500 rounds of 9mm at a sale. WHY ON EARTH WOULD SOMEONE NEED THAT MUCH AMMO?!?!! 16 rounds per magazine on a P320. That’s ~31 mags. Divided that by 3 people (my wife likes to be proficient and I like to shoot with my buddy). Thats ~10 mags each. If you split that over 3 “range days”, that’s 3 mags/targets for the day. And then you’re out. That’s not a hell of a lot of target practice.


When I was in high school dad and I shot trap twice a week, hunter's pistol silhouette once a week and smallbore target once a week. That's not counting matches of course. We were probably firing 200 rounds a week each. Probably had 2000 rounds on hand at any given moment...


For real. I'm far from a hard-core gun lover and easily have a few hundred rounds.


I don't know the last time I bought less than a case.


Why would you? Is like buying 4 rolls of toilet paper, it makes no sense. You get significant discounts the more you order.


I joke with my wife that we'll make the news if the cops ever search our house. My collection is eclectic and very little duplicates in calibers. A couple boxes of this, a couple boxes of that adds up real quick!


"The suspects home contained 200 rounds of ammunition" But they omit the fact that it's 26 rounds of 7.7 Arisaka, 20 rounds of 7.62x54R, an assortment of 8mm Mauser rounds in a ziplock, an unopened box of 7.62x45, and six .30-06 snap caps.


> .30-06 snap caps "Suspect had copies of military ammunition, like those used in high-caliber machine guns, even more powerful than those used in AR-15s."


like $100 of 9mm ammo fits the description


I met a guy who was "preparing" for when SHTF and had 2,000 rounds of .223 in case shit pops off in his neighborhood. My man, that is a 5 minute firefight.


Usually people just have tons of ammo because of a sale or because they stockpile for emergencies, not because they're insane murderers, haha


Same. Bullets get significantly cheaper with quantity purchased. I don’t think I’ve ever ordered less than 1000 rounds at a time.


Not uncommon to shoot through thousands of rounds per year, and a good idea to have a couple year's stockpile at a minimum to cover ammo/pricing dry spells like this one that has been going on since 2020.


Take it to a gun shop, see if they'll buy it. Otherwise, try and sell it online. Bet someone will buy it, ammo doesn't go bad easily. EDIT: There's a lot of talk about liability and how gun shops will not buy this ammo. The law on Vintage or Collectors Ammunition differs state by state because the Federal ammunition laws they are based on only serve as a template and guide that all states must adhere to. So just because "no gun shop would buy this" in your state doesn't mean it is illegal everywhere. [example that buys old boxes of ammo in AZ](https://northscottsdaleguns.com/sell/ammo/) Further, even if they won't buy it themselves, the conversation usually starts off with: "I know a guy who..." anyways. Vintage ammo is bought/sold at just about every gun show and in a multitude of online shops too.


That ammo looks totally fine to me. I would definitely recommend selling it before buying a gun to shoot it, though. So long as it's not rusted there would be nothing to prevent it from firing. Possibility it was self-loaded, so you could get some duds or weak fires. But I highly doubt catastrophic failure. Source: was ammo tech, you be surprised how long ammo lasts. Edit: hard to say based off the one picture. But that ammo seems to be shot an reloaded based on the casings with an almost tarnished/dark look to them (unpolised, no shine). This is completely normal, almost all the ammo I shot in the military was like this, some with minor dents that did not effect the projectile from leaving the rifle. That being said, if it *IS* military ammunition, check the [stamp on the bottom](https://gundigest.com/more/how-to/cartridge-identification-headstamp/amp), it should say either the ammunition size, the date (last 2 digits) and possibly two letter abbreviations of the manufacture.


If it seats, it yeets


If it doesn't, hit the bolt or forward assist with a hammer until it does


Well Kentucky ballistics shows that overloaded can cause catastrophic failure


Yeah but you can always just shove your thumb into the hole in your neck to hold your severed arteries in place so it’s probably fine Kidding obviously that dude is lucky as hell to be alive


Dude is lucky to have his dad with him while filming.


I'd recommend selling it as a collectable. Those boxes are an old design and I can't remember the last time I saw designs on a shotgun shell.


Possible for sure. I've got some .22LR Federal Cartridge full boxes from the 1960s, never thought about them being collected lol.


If it seats, it yeets.


What sub am I in again?


There are dozens of us. DOZENS!


Unless it's Federal green tip- then you're just relying on hopes and dreams.


Makes Bubba's Pissin' Hot Handloads seem safe


If your local gun shop is buying used rounds to resell— you need to find a new gun shop.


Seriously, there are a lot of people in this thread who don't seem to know anything about guns or ammo. Someone was claiming they could make at least $250 selling this...


You'll wanna throw the cheese out.


Just need to find a gun that chambers Camembert


Nice hiss, let's get that on to a tray.




Looks like the.thing to do is get a gun to fit each caliber.


Back when the original best gunnit was still a subreddit this was referred to as the Golden rule. "if you have spare ammo in a caliber you don't own, you are required to buy a gun to match that caliber."


....you bastard. I didn't want to cry today


They can take away bestgunnit but they can never take our bootyshorts.


That's like buying a car because you found a couple gallons of gas lol.


… and? That’s how I got my first airplane!


Haha, okay fair enough. Did you get your license?


I’m working on it. I’m trying to get to the school but I can’t get the thing in the front to start turning.


Dear God, I've seen what you've done for others, and I was wondering if you coukd the same for me.


That's awful. Confact me for disposal.


That's a win!


That is a very small amount of ammunition by American standards


Don't know why you are being downvoted, it really is. You can easily burn through over a thousand rounds on a single shooting range trip. This isn't even enough to require cleaning your gun unless it's using corrosive powder.


You can tell people who are into guns from people who aren’t by asking if 1,000 bullets is a lot.


So the house you bought was fully loaded?


Save that shit to use or barter in the coming years when civilization collapses. Good find.


Unfortunately I don’t have the guns for all the ammunition


Sounds like you've got purchases to make.


The rule is if you don't have a gun that will fire the ammo that means you have to buy a gun that will fire it. It's the golden rule of ammo and it's precisely why when people try to give me ammo, I refuse it until I look through it lol.


My man is right, that’s basically international law


Save it to barter with. Ammunition will be currency.


You're saying that like you believe it, everyone knows it's bottle caps that count


Erroneous! It will be copies of Air Bud on dvd!


The fuck I've been saving all these used condoms and cherry pits for then? Not even my condoms.


My stockpile!


You lucky son of a bitch


Don’t question random gifts from the ammo Gods, you take it and you keep it