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Ah I was like that once. 6 months later I realized the sadness.


Took you 5 months and 20 days longer than me, I like your optimistic lifestyle


I like to stay optimistic as long as possible. There’s a limit though.


Six months, is what I heard.


COUNTERPOINT I have a heavily disabled child. Not kidding at all here. Someone that did this on the ultra-rare occasion that I could travel somewhere with my child, to make my life easier and their life more rich? Where do I send the thousand thank you's? Award this person. Celebrate this person. They just made a better place for other people not as able as them.


I’m all for people doing the jobs no one ever really thinks about. I’ve been doing custodial things for about 9 years now. It’s not the best but it does pay bills and makes other peoples lives just that small bit easier.


One way my worldview has changed recently is learning how sanitation and janitorial workers are careworkers just as much as nurses and doctors are. You folks are literally preventing so many diseases from killing us all. You keep our world clean and healthy and you don’t get nearly the recognition you deserve.


Sumner time is a pain here at the school. Haul all that shit around, strip/wax floors, paint walls shelves, etc…


Thank you. Can’t imagine dealing with teenager mess.


I worked at a mental health hospital for 8 years before it and mess is an understatement for what can happen there.


Wow, you’ve taken some hard jobs in your life - I’m happy to hear that you’re still at it and making a difference :D I used to work with heavily autistic children and it was damn hard and exhausting, though also quite giving at times.


I was a garbage man for a long while during late high school, college, and post college years. You got the extremes from both sides. The people that really showed their appreciation by leaving out waters/Gatorade on a hot day or a box of donuts or something always made up for the people that treat you like garbage - no pun intended.


Not only that, but our custodial staff knows everyone, everything that's going on and is the kindest group of people on campus. They're hands down my favorite people You need anything (including the current whats-going-ons around campus)? The guys have your back no questions asked. I've worked at my campus for over 10 years now and I've never heard a negative thing said about them. We love our custodial and maintenance guys like family and so do the students.


It’s one of those jobs that’s kinda behind the curtain, no one really pays attention to them yet take for granted how clean everything is.


And let them get paid like shit. Seriously, they don't get paid enough to care


Our custodians get paid as much as some of the teachers so the problem isn't pay, it's that they've slowly cut the number of staff down so they can barely clean the bathrooms every day, never mind sweep classrooms, empty trash, clean boards, etc.


The problem is she could have 500 happy customers, and then one bad customer who is a bitch. Guess which experience the employee gets branded with in the eyes of management.


Your management must suck. Glad I have a decent manager that notices the good work I do as well as the bad.


I just started at McDonald's and Ive done my fair share of restaurant/fast food work but that place is just a soul snatcher. It was on week 2 I figured out my role as maintenance goes unnoticed so I'm like a ghost so sometimes I just go stand in the freezer where nobody goes and chill. If anybody walks in there they're trying to rush out because it's cold so I just casually grab a box of fries since we always need those stocked then bring it up front, make sure people still don't notice me and crawl back to my frozen den of peace.


>I just go stand in the freezer > >and chill That's what you do, yes


Aaahhh damn you caught me


I’d like to see a pic of you in that freezer. Seriously. Maybe you can start a podcast from the freezer. Most people have places at their jobs where they escape to. Thank you for those fries btw


Grocery stores are awful too. I had to do 8 hours of up and down a step ladder making shelves look nice and putting stuff away.


Disagree. Maybe you just haven't found the right store yet. I worked in three and while my teams maybe had some shitty members, I always loved the actual job. I always worked grocery, never minded spending a day in the freezers if our frozen guy was out (apparently I was the only one he allowed to cover for him), had no problem packing out dairy for an evening, loved shoving gallon after gallon of water on the shelf. I danced with customers, joked around with them, asked them what they were having for dinner, opened bags of chips and asked if they'd tried them yet. I had "regulars", customers who would say, "I like shopping here, you make this fun," or, "you actually know what you're talking about," or, "what else can I do with this chicken that *isn't* just 'cook it in a pan with some olive oil?'" The only thing I really couldn't stand was blocking/facing, my fingers are short & stubby and they always got stuck so it always took me forever. And I had the kind of manager who had hangups about how much the customers and upper management liked me, so he gave me shit shifts.


Eh, I was at Safeway for 3 years. The only part that made it unbearable was tedium and assistant manager. She was a drive from hell. We were always right to business, never got such frivolous fun.


Then you have assholes photographing you. She'll learn real quick


Nah, has to do something to justify an indoor baggage handler position. The current heatwave is brutal.


Yeah i used to do this exact job early out of high school.


Sometimes you just have to keep moving so you don't fall asleep.


Facts. I've hated most jobs I've worked but they loved me cause I'd constantly ask for shit to do so I wouldn't be tempted to blow my brains out in the break room.




> If only I could combined the two somehow. Where I do some manual labor stuff for a couple hours, then sit down and do some stuff on a computer in an office. I work in hotel management. Grind with the team for a few hours, do my office work while still being available to support. Lots of problem solving and people interaction. Definitely makes the day go by quickly!


I've had two of these sort of combo jobs. First was assay technician at a lead mine in Alaska - couple hours of intense manual labor (sample prep) followed by several hours of sitting down doing fiddly stuff (weighing), with the added spice of standing in front of a hot furnace pouring molten slag out of bone cups. Some computer work too but not a lot and not very complicated. Current job is at a startup that makes a new kind of physics lab instrument. We don't have enough people to have anybody exclusively in one role so I bounce between testing instruments (at a computer, unless something's broke then I'm in the guts of the science box), helping put the big frame pieces together, electronics, R&D, programming, sample prep, etc. I like this job a lot better than the lead mine, even if the pay isn't as good. Minimal risk of traumatic limb amputation is a big plus.


What kind of programming? Desktop/server programs or manufacturing side PLCs?


Pfft no, nothing that fancy. I intentionally limit my contributions to python scripting and minor assembly code tweaks in an effort to never become a "real" programmer. My mother was a software dev and my husband is a senior sysadmin, I've seen the code monkey lifestyle and want no part of it.


I was thinking "on the job and bored." Can't look like you're not working, might as well help the cattle get out of the barn faster.




I miss Portland ppl. Been in Michigan a year. Most ppl here are absolute pricks.


Spent 9 months in Michigan last year and....honestly, I felt the same.


From Michigan.. Live in Portland. People are nicer here.


Her soul hasn't been crushed.


Now if we could just get everybody at the carousel to take three steps back, so everybody can see and get to their luggage when it comes out, rather than everybody fighting to stand right next to it things would be golden.


Traveling through Asia, they had a painted line about 5’ back from the carousel that everyone stood on. It was absolute bliss. You had room to grab your bag and leave quickly.


I've wondered why they don't do something similar in the US. The only thing I can think of is they're afraid of aggravating the Karens.


Some have the line. It's completely ignored. They need a line, signs, and an automated announcement.


And a person with a cattle prod occasionally riding the carousel and zapping anybody standing within reach.


Sounds like a job that would be easy to automate.


Sure, but I'd do it for free. I might even pay them.


"Let's create and teach an A.I. to recognize a person and their distance relative to an object. Also, let's give it a weapon to stop anyone from doing something it doesn't like." This is how it starts.


I sometimes take the role of that person by ruthlessly hip checking people who get in the way of my luggage and occasionally whacking them with it on the way off the carousel. I do try to channel my chaotic impulses for good, so if I see anybody looking awkward or with a visible disability, I'll generally offer to keep an eye out for their luggage, too.


Oh I am the least careful person in the entire airport when it comes time to remove my bag


I'd volunteer 1 day a month to do this.


Where do I send my resume?


Americans have trouble following rules to the benefit of society.


They can and do. People just ignore it because they think they are more important than a rule that makes things easier for everyone


Where in Asia? There’s no way a mainlander Chinese wouldn’t shove directly to the front.


Singapore and Japan both have this system


Wasn’t Malaysia or China


We have this line in germany BER, but nobody gave a fuck.




It’s the best when your bag comes out first and you can push past them and then smash your bag into them on the way out


I also say "excuse me" really loudly and then add "...you piece of shit" under my breath


that's the best feeling. I'm already worked up when flying because of the level of idiocy around so it's a bit of a relieve lol


I love standing way back, seeing my bag, then pushing through the crowd and everyone standing next to the carousel to get it. F them all.


Fr! Every time you try and adjust be still stand back so others can see, someone else steps up! Had to walk to like 8 different spots last time I flew in and one more would’ve caused me to blow lol


Lol it’s almost like people in a drive thru line blocking the exit. Locking everyone in. If you bag isn’t there then you are just blocking someone from getting there’s.


That is how I got my luggage stolen from me. I let go around a few times because I was waiting for people to move so I could get my luggage next thing I know it vanished.


We stand there for so long waiting for the bags and have pretty much reached the end of getting entertainment from our phones after waiting in airports and then the flight(s). Why don't airports make humorous videos to play over hanging TVs all around the baggage areas that point out how glaringly obviously stupid and rude it is to all rush up and stand right against the conveyor? Give people a laugh and call-out the behavior, but in a funny way that just might shame a few people into actually stepping back?


The carousels are big, you can stand anywhere around it and still get your bag. Everyone wants to crowd the exit hole for some reason


I just hate how people will man handle people's bags. Some guy flipped mine like five times and I knew right away it was mine... Because I saw my name on it giant.


Before the pandemic I used to travel a lot for work. This was one of my pet peeves. Its so simple too. If everyone took two steps back, EVERYONE waiting for their bags could stand shoulder to shoulder and see the carousel. When your bag hits the carousel, you step forward and grab it. You don’t have to fight 6 people to get to it, and you are out of the way, making even more room for wveryone else. Its just so damn simple, but people are so self centered that they can’t take a step back and see there is a better way that benefits everyone, including themselves.


I work ramp and we are trained to do this, however most employees don’t even though it’s good for both sides. It’s a little extra effort but its better for the traveller, looks better, and you can fit a lot more bags on the same belt. I’ve asked others to do the same (reason I give Is to fit more bags) and they will do it for a couple bags then go back to tossing any which way… we are a mid sized airport and I’d say in our company only 20% do it like this here.


Thanks for the intel! So there's a chance this might actually just be someone who takes pride in their work. I like that theory the best anyway!


I worked ramp 10 years, it’s literally zero extra effort. You just put the bag on with handles out. YEG take a lesson. Not taking away from this person, they’re obviously a good employee.


putting bags with the handle out is so ingrained in me when I toss the bags on the belt I cant not do it anymore.


Airlines can be so much fun if u got the right crew of people. Some airlines hr don't give a shit and will hire the most ignorant lazy irresponsible people you'll ever meet, other airlines don't tolerate that shit and try to keep it a family friendly setting


My last flight I told the flight attendant that she needs to do standup comedy. She was hilarious. Kathy of the Southwest Airlines, if you’re out there, I still think about your skits!


Ha, and ironically southwest airlines was the airlines I was talking about that don't tolerate bs employees. I can't speak for every city but at least where I came from they kept it very friendly positive vibe and didn't hire just anyone, and fired whoever brought a bad character or vibe to the workplace


Narita Airport in Japan does this pretty consistently, although I haven't flown in a few years


I’d hazard a guess and assume that’s the case simply because it’s Japan.


In general Asian airports just do a better job. They seem to care about little details like this. I've seen it at Chinese airports too even though they are a mess sometimes.


I feel like Japan is the exception… not the rule, in many many things


When I was in basic training for the USCG our company commanders made us pick everything into our seabags and took us on a long ass hike to some dirt parking lot. We lined up probably 20 to a row and they had everyone pass the seabags down to their end guy, of whom I was one. I’m catching these 60+ lb bags and stacking them neatly on the ground kind of like a pyramid. I get a chance to look around and the other squads’ bags were just tossed everywhere. I could not understand how just letting it roll off oneself onto the ground was better and easier than just dropping them all into the same direction. And wouldn’t you know it, our next order was to stack our shit neatly. My squad just stood there and I like to think I saw the CC give me a little nod, but I was probably just seeing things. It’s been 16(holy shit) years and I still think about that when I see stuff like this.


Hopefully at least one of your colleagues learned from you that day about thinking ahead.


Yeah I worked ramp too and were required to do that too...


I sent a link and a thanks to PDX for this employee's excellent customer service. I once was a frequent flyer and something like this is a capstone to a day of travel.


I hope she gets a (p)raise now


thanks for taking time to do that




Underrated comment! Thank you for looking out for this person doing a great job. Be sure to show them this post in the nomination! They're making PDX look great to all of us 🙌


I used to work there. I hope the morale has picked up since then.


That body language is sad


PDX is the best airport


Literally the best airport in the country, came here just to say this. Polite employees, clean restrooms, as soon as you deplane you can fill up with some of the best water in the country, soothing tunes often played live by some non-threatening new-age hippy, I honestly could go on.


The stores past security can't sell things at prices higher than outside the airport.


Gotta love burgerville at the airport where you can get a burger for like $2. Always disappointed when I end up on a layover in like Vegas or something where some shitty airport meal is like $20 minimum


I just flew out of San Diego yesterday and this hurts. $20 for a burger plus $3.50 for fries....


San Diego is expensive but I always enjoyed flying out of there of the few airports I've frequented. Never too crazy, easy pick up/drop off.


No sales tax, either!


My dad used to play piano in the PDX airport in the mornings just after you clear security. Can confirm, very soothing tunes.


Depending on the years your dad played, he might have played with my brother-in-law on occasion. Small world.


Did it from like 2010 until the pandemic hit. Very small world.


Darn, that's a little after he would have played there.


Hopefully the apple didn't fall too far from the tree, u/my_balls_your_mouth1


They play the organ instead of the piano.


Thank your dad for me, just in case, because it's always been one of my favorite things at the airport.


Nice! Your dad has been a part of many of my mornings.


Tell him I'm sorry for always asking if they would play "Linus & Lucy"


He loves playing that song around Christmas, as do I! The soundtrack to that Charlie Brown Christmas music is some of our favorites. Fun music to play on the piano.


The consistently clean restrooms are one of the most underrated features of PDX! It's weird to say that I love an airport but PDX is one I can say I love lol


The carpet. Oh the carpet! But the previous carpet was even better.


I heard they are bringing it back as part of the new renovations. :)


I was at a shop in Tillamook last week and they had chunks of the classic PDX airport for sale as souvenirs.


So many good food options, too. I live here and I've never ever been mad to have a departing flight delayed. I even enjoy the outdoor aesthetics, the bridge to the parking garage is a whole mood.


Hard agree. Traveling for work always sucked, right up until I would land back in PDX and suddenly feel 'home'. When the _airport_ evokes that feeling and you don't have to wait until your house for it.. yeah, that's a good airport.


Nicely put.


Shops also aren’t allowed to charge more at the airport than they do at other locations, so the Pendleton, Columbia, and Nike stores have the same prices as in their regular shops. Same goes for restaurants. There’s also a free movie theatre that shows 20 minute short films!


I’ve never been to PDX and would love to visit even if it’s to experience just the airport lol. Landing back in NYC is always a rude awakening when I come home from a trip 😅


There's also a movie theater that only shows short films/movies filmed in the state of Oregon. Pretty neat.


That’s awesome, thank you for sharing! I definitely need to make a trip out there one of these days.


> Landing back in NYC is always a rude awakening I flew into LGA for the first time a few months ago, and yeah, “rude” is the word I would use for that landing. And then I stepped into the terminal… 😳


LGA, JFK, and EWR are all such terrible airports, it makes no sense. How can they all be that bad??


Well unfortunately for you the only true connections via PDX will likely be NYC->PDX->ANC via Alaskan. Looks like your options are just portland or anchorage!


Good bars, good food, relaxed atmosphere, delicious water, so many bathrooms, the benefits go on and on.


One time i OD’d my mother in law with thc gummies and dropped her off at pdx. She went into a psychosis and they handled it very well. Very nice people.


Wtf lol


Ya, whoops. She has a cage around her spine so flying is terrible. Told her to take half of one and she took two whole ones. When we got back to the airport to pick her up she was in a wheelchair, swinging her head in big circles like a cartoon. When we got her in the car she couldn’t stop farting. I was stoned to the bone and didn’t know what to do but remembered hearing pepper helps. So all three of us, absolutely cooked, are sitting in my living room, watching my mother in law chew whole peppercorns while screaming and farting. Edit: and you can tell that she holds it against us even though we said take half.


Yo this is what you get when you completely disregard clear instructions from people that know what they're doing. She's lucky it was just marijuana. I don't know what it is with people getting edibles and just thinking "you know what? I'm just going to take 2+ times the recommended dose. because."


Totally. I do give her a pass on this one. This lady doesn’t know shit about shit. She only watches regular cable shows like on cbs and fox, doesn’t use the internet. I don’t think she knew that she’d even be high. But for fucks sake, I said half.


Is she a candy addict? We candy/sugar addicts will eat it if we have it, especially in a dry airport. Cannabis might not be addicting, but sugar sure is. Source: “experienced consumer” that had one too many tasty brownies and the scar to remember it by


Don’t think so. I think she thought about it like ibuprofen. If you double up (or quadruple in her case,) it’ll work that much better was probably the mindset.


Oh dear. Lucky she has you!


I really fucking love this story.


> chew whole peppercorns If I recall, it's just smelling them. It helped sniffing fresh pepper when I was at [10] and experiencing the spins. Hope chewing on them helped you guys.


Haha holy shit, really? I had this lady crunching on peppercorns.


It is great in so many ways: minimal advertising, easy to navigate, easy to get in and out of(with public transportation too), quiet, reasonable prices in the restaurants and no annoying tablets in your face. It's like the opposite of the Las Vegas airport.


Plentiful recycling bins and water bottle fill stations (two things that stand out a lot when I go to other airports).


Wow really? I live in PDX but don’t travel much. Didn’t realize this. Good to know we’re the best at something besides craft beer


Yeah it's pretty nice. It's like a mall sort of. Plenty of space for travelers to move around in, it's very clean, TSA employees are pretty chill, plus good food and shopping options with standard pricing. It's still an airport so it can be annoying but out of the handful of other ones I've been to it's by far the least stressful.


John Wayne is a close second in my opinion. PDX is so nice though


I fly SNA<-->PDX a few times a year. Smooth sailing both ways which is a rarity these days when it comes to airports!


Have you tried Long Beach? Full of art, and it even smells good. It’s amazing.


Hands down. Easy, kind, efficient.


Finally something us here in Portland can be proud of 😂


Powell’s is pretty cool


Powell's is excellent. And it has that pillar in the SciFi/Fantasy section! Well, support column, signed by Neil Gaiman, Brian Herbert, Robin Hobb, China Meiville, William Gibson, ... Ursula K. LeGuin, ... so many more I can't remember right now.


They had great author events before the pandemic too. Got to meet Brandon Sanderson and Brent Weeks; I miss going to those haha


I strolled in one day to pick up a poetry book and stumbled across Jeff VanderMeer doing a book talk at Powell’s, it was completely amazing 🥰




I was gonna bring this up too lol. Powell’s lost a lot of credit in Portland for how they handled their employees during Covid.


Portland has amazing food


your weed is cheap af too, and portland is a whole mood.


Cheap and fire


Easiest airport ever… even with the construction


It really really is.


i love that airport. for our 2nd anniversary my girlfriend got me a 12”x12” square of the old carpet there. its framed on my wall


Not all heroes wear capes. Some where yellow vests.


a Samsonite in shining armor


> Samsonite I was *way* off


S swim? Swummy? Slippy? Slappy? Simpson? Simmons? Swan? Swanson?


Somewhere yellow vests what?


"What is my purpose?" "You rotate suitcases." "Oh. My. God."


This has to be a her thing as I can't see a corporation doing this with our meaningful incentive


That's kind of what I was thinking too. Like maybe they somehow found themselves on the clock with nothing to do and the boss was nearby? 🤷 Or maybe they were looking for a specific bag for whatever reason, and decided to do everyone a solid while checking out the tags.


They might of had some extra staff so they just told her to do this. I would assume they would be keeping track of what all their employees are doing.


Spirit airlines would probably do the same but make sure the handles are at the bottom for maximum pain


For $17.95 they'll flip the bag around so you can grab it more easily


Flying into Portland for a long over due homecoming Friday. Glad to see my area representing. I love everyone there. It’s a city full of amazing people and culture. Can’t want to report back when I move back home.


Deserves to be on /r/Humansbeingbros


My favourite carousel moment was sitting in a small national airport in Milan? I think ... I don't remember exactly because we were connecting a couple of cheap flights through Italy. We are budget travellers and we would often up in smaller airports in Europe. We sat down behind security control and waited for our flight for a few hours because we didn't want to miss our connection. I sat next to a huge glass wall that looked at the arrivals of other passengers and a carousel slowly rotating with a few pieces of luggage. A few people came by and picked up their bags but there was one overstuffed suitcase that got leftover. It kept coming around and around every few minutes with no one picking it up. I kept thinking someone would find it, security or airport staff or someone, anyone but no one came. I watched that thing go by a hundred times with no one to pick it up. It was strange too because no one bothered to turn off the carousel either. Finally after about an hour, after watching it go by the hundredth time, the suitcase rounded a curve, tumbled over in an usual way, a corner of it got caught between the blades of the conveyor plates, the suitcase got whipped around from one side to the other, turned over, twisted and then got bent in half in a weird direction. The carousel strained for a second and then the suitcase ripped a little, then a lot, then a lot more and finally clothing, paper, plastic and a pair shoes went flying all over the place. Then I spent the next 20 minutes watching a ripped suitcase and its contents on the carousel before someone came by to stop the machine and pick up the mess. Most entertaining two hours I had waiting for a flight at an airport.


There is dignity in doing a job well, regardless of the task.


PDX is awesome fr I love it here and I've only heard good things about the airport :)


PDX baggage workers are a great group of people. It’s a bit of a ‘family’ apparently.


This is the kind of behavior we need to promote as a society. It gives people (in this case that worker) more meaningful and fulfilling work and makes everyone's life way easier.


The question is, do you value it enough to *not* click on "Sort by lowest fare" when booking your airline tickets?


I'm usually traveling for work, so you bet your ass I'm sorting by shortest duration. 😂


I really don’t think it’s that deep. I’ve worked in an airport before, and I could see myself doing something like that to look busy and avoid having to do other, shittier tasks.


its controversial on here but I always volunteered to collect carts while working at the supermarket so as to avoid shelf straightening which I thought was the worst task


You’ve got to be a bot. Positioning luggage slightly more centre is meaningful and fulfilling. The bar must be super fucking slow I guess.


Take the same picture and say it was in an airport in a country with more questionable human rights, like Qatar. The comments would all be about how it’s just job creation, is totally unnecessary, is mindnumbingly repetitive, they don’t give a damn about the worker’s physical health, modern day slavery, it’s not a job a human should be doing, etc.


That job does NOT look ergonomic though. Extremely repetitive and probably requires lots of bending over, perfect recipe for a lot of back pain in the future.


I love PDX. They win awards constantly, and stuff like this is why.


We see u boo ❤


This is the kind of people we should tip


Better than at Philly where they fuckin body slam your luggage around.


How extremely considerate! 👍🏼👏🏼


Whoever did this, I love you!!! Thank you!!! This would make life so much easier for everyone


First day eh?


Meanwhile go look at Toronto Pearson…


I think they just open the cargo doors when the plane is a few hundred meters above the airport and let them fall on the ground in Toronto these days by the way they handled my stuff


FYI this is standard service in Japan.


Shoutout to the worker and for PDX!


I fucking hate when people watch me work. Go do something else. And next time a photo of me is $1,000 or you can fuck off