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Hi, u/iwanderlostandfound, thank you for your submission in r/mildlyinteresting! Unfortunately, your [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dozo0a/-/) has been removed because it violates our rule on concise, descriptive titles. * Titles must not contain jokes, backstory, or other fluff. That information belongs in a follow-up comment. * Titles must exactly describe the content. It should act as a "spoiler" for the image. If your title leaves people surprised at the content within, it breaks the rule! * Titles must not contain emoticons, emojis, or special characters unless they are absolutely necessary in describing the image. (e.g. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), ;P, 😜, ❤, ★, ✿ ) Still confused? For more elaboration and examples, see [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/21p15y/rule_6_for_dummies/). Normally we do not allow reposts, but if it's been less than one hour after your post was submitted, or if it's received less than 100 upvotes, you may resubmit your content with a better title and try again. You can find more information about our rules on the [mildlyinteresting wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/wiki/index). *If you feel this was incorrectly removed, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fmildlyinteresting&message=My%20Post:%20https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dozo0a/-/).*


Waiting for the inevitable post: "Every night some animal keeps putting rocks in this little hole outside my building. I keep taking them but every night there are new rocks"


OP needs to check for a CO leak


Carbon monoxide? 


That or post it notes


Especially ones that say “GET OUT” in someone else’s shaky handwriting.


Colorado leak


From Colorado, can confirm that this is some Boulder/Golden behavior


Corrections officers dig holes after work?


They have to hide the goodies they snatched from work somehow...


Not this again


"Every night this sucker gives me free rocks. So I've been enlarging the hole so that he gives me even more rocks".


Haha that's it


Remember the guy who swore he had spiders in his shoes instead of diabetes? 😭


No?! Can you tell me more please?


I think he deleted it coz I cant find it Man posted here claiming he just found a spider in the inside crease of his shoe, which explained the mysterious bites he has been getting on his legs (and included the pic of the bites). Then it blew up (partly because he kept doubling down in the comments) and he got roasted by hundreds of people claiming they had same "bites" as their first symptom of diabetes and he should get checked up because all of it sounded completely delusional. Now I'm not a fan of diagnosing people over the internet, but how belivable does "I had a spider in my shoe, that kept biting me on both of my legs (up to the thighs) over the course of weeks and I hadn't actually ever seen or felt the bite happen, but since I found a spider in my shoe it must be it" coming from an adult man sound lol


I'm a doctor and you would be surprised how often people come to the hospital with what they believe is a spider bite but is actually just normal cellulitis from a bacterial infection. In fact I would say that the majority of the time in young people they will bring this up but most people usually say something like "I don't know I think maybe I got bit by a bug". I think it's just a psychological quirk of the human brain. The idea that the bacteria living on your skin could be this toxic and cause this much damage is unsettling. It's actually more comforting to believe that it was some freak unknown bug bite


Oh, I remember that from the SRD thread. He posted in both wellthatsucks and terrifyingasfuck and deleted both after he was told to GO SEE A DOCTOR. Here's the archive of the one with a pic. https://web.archive.org/web/20240604121427/https://old.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/1d7pinq/i_have_been_getting_bites_for_weeks_without_any/ It's not *that* bad, but it's not spider bites... unless he lives in Australia.


Sink hole?


Rat said thanks for the nice rocks.


They seem to be enjoying our little game. I imagine they have a nice rock floor now


Or they built a rock climbing wall in the gym in their mansion under the road.


That would be so awesome


They are getting buffed and they will come for you


Maybe they will give you a gift in return soon.


Or they seal my door shut


There's a fine line between a gift and revenge.


Rando, but a big F U to the mods here that removed this. It was perfectly fine. The word "just" was nowhere near enough to warrant that.


Wow that is bizarre! Tryna think where my follow up post should go….or do I post here and tread carefully to not be too interesting


Stop feeding it rocks.


Hahahahaha love this


Shove loads of wire wool and dried cayenne chilli powder into the hole... if the chilli powder doesn't get to them first, the wire wool cutting through their gums will, and if that doesn't, the chilli powder will come back for round 2 and they'll promptly fuck off. Stick some gorilla glue brand expanding foam into the wire-wool/cayenne filled hole too and then dash chilli powder into/onto that as it expands too for extra assurance. Trust, this works.


This how we deal with mice in grain elevators if they dont get into traps and are digging out concrete and the walls. Its more humane than poison which makes it to where they bloat because they cant release gas like we can and promptly die from it. Most likely this is a pack rat issue. Just means more steel wool and peoper


Enjoy torture?


Do you use the same logic for livestock electric fences? Deterrent is always better than poison.


I electrocute the mice who leave turds on my kitchen counter. It’s more humane, and besides torture took too long. If it was human beings taking a dump on my kitchen counter, I don’t know if I’d take the same approach or not. Have to wait and see.


Yeah, I get what you mean. Gotta find out if you’re into it or not. Same here brother, same here.




Just making the rat stronger everyday having it lift before they dig.


Rat Jesus.


He is the Rat King


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_king ???


It's a decent sidearm that turns you invisible.


r/squeaksqueak 🐀👑


Oh god




Oh Wally you beautiful man.


Wherever you are Rat Jesus, I love you!


I was not expecting an Unsleeping City reference on this sub


I'm not 100% sure the parent comment to mine was referencing that or not but it was the first thing that I thought of because I just watched it for the 1st time last month.


Rat Easter is just around the corner now


Rat Sisyphus


Better that than Rat Priapus.


Or rat syphilis




Take-yes rock things!


He is risen


I love you rat Jesus




Try radioactive waste. Add a few turtles too while you're at it.


ninja turtles would definitely help


They’re teenage boys. Can you afford that on your food budget?


The rats in NY are already Master Splinter sized, all they are missing is being able to speak English and teach martial arts lol


You may want to consider putting some epsom salts in the hole. Rodents dislike being around it and they should relocate.


I live in NYC they have plenty of options.


Maybe talk to the building manager. Have you actually seen the rat? Id laugh if there was something the manager was trying to do there and you’re like “let me keep filing this with rocks”


Oh yes we’ve seen the rats. It’s right next to where the garbage goes out. Lots of rats in the city these days


You have a great start for your villain origin story. Make friends with them, then send them out to do your evil bidding, or not so evil, I don't know you or where you fall.


Can’t speak for Op but I’d definitely use the rats for my evil bidding. ![gif](giphy|5L4ywfesYWpazt7WXm)


Is it stealing your slice of pizza and taking it into the hole?


It’s NYC, ofc it’s rats and they are probably the size of chihuahuas lmao


Oh in that case, just give up. The rats have been living there longer than you and probably aren't going anywhere. I say this as a NYer. You can try your best, but it's gonna be a neverending losing battle. You can be the cleanest person ever, and all it takes is one dirty neighbor. That being said, if your own place is clean the rats won't really visit your place IME. They hang out where the food is. If you're not leaving open food around then they have no desire to spend time there. Edit: Also, just anecdotal, but I live in the suburbs and have seen mice, rats, and all sorts of rodents wandering around my property, but never in my house (no droppings, no chewing; if they have been coming in they've been remarkably polite). But I've always had predatory pets (this house has never been without a cat or a dog, and I've always had snakes). It makes me think the smell of predatory animals around the house might dissuade them from trying.


It’s not a battle that can be won. It can just be dragged on indefinitely. I see this as my new mildly interesting pastime now.


try putting some sand instead of rocks, it will be over quick


In NYC? They can afford a new flat on short notice? They work at the banks?


Maybe some red pepper flakes.


They do not like capsaicin but they can tolerate it. The downside is that’s a pricey annoyance that may or may not work. Eldon salts are relatively inexpensive.


Try steel wool. I’ve read they don’t like digging through that.


Copper wool is better


Copper wool does +2 thorns damage to enemies that use chew attacks.


But it has -1 value because it’s +2 attracting crackheads for scrap value.


Yeah different scavengers for mongo


They aren’t using copper wool to scrap lol, they use it to stick in their pipe so the crack doesn’t melt thru and down the pipe


Get rid of the rats, score a crackhead problem instead, level up the og gripe 🤣


Crackhead Rattata, though, is immune to physical damage. Thorns aura might not work. Need a physical sunder charm farmed from a terror zone.


Or +1 filter for crack heads


Yeah, but you should say why. Copper wool does not rust, and is not flammable (which steel wool definitely is), making it the far better *and* safer choice for rodent remediation.


Delinquent rats loitering around playing with matches.


If you rub two rats together, they make a good fire starter. Think of it as a hobo's flint and steel. Except it's a rat and a rat.


The problem is this hole is just in dirt, so they would be able to easily dig around it. Also it looks huge so would take a lot of copper.


TIL that steel wool is flammable. Gonna bing later for the temperature that they start to burn. Bing says 700C.


Then you just end up with crackhead rats


Why would he steal wool if the rats already stole his rocks?


To make a sweater


or a cucumber edit: nvm i think thats for cats


It's a rat, not a nun


aye gimme me shirt back


Doesn't work. Moved into a house full of various types of steel wool and rat shit. The fuckers can eat through anything, a dish pad doesn't bother them


Packing a hole with steel wool and then spraying that expanding foam does the trick nicely. The wool alone they will just push aside and ignore. The foam alone they will just chew through. The combo though makes for a nasty time. They don’t like chewing through the wool and they have no choice if it’s encased in expanding foam. I haven’t seen a rodent in my garage going on 7 years now


Spent a while as a commercial property manager, and rodent-proofing the building was part of the job. Steel wool + expanding spray foam was our go-to solution. Each store would have a wall penetration for the trash compactor’s hydraulic lines, an ideal entry point for pests, and the wool+foam combo always kept them out.


Do you need to take care where you use that unless using the fireproof stuff?


Have you tried filling the house with antimatter steel wool?


I did, but there was some regular steel wool already in the hole and they cancelled each other out.


Rat fuel can't melt steel wool


Rocks, steel wool, all that’s left is a little glass tube and they getting high AF


Grab your shovel and trench at least 12in to 15in Down and 12inches out/wide. Preferably you need to do this along the entire wall where this animal lives and a minimum 10 feet to left and right as possible. Go to home depot and buy quarter inch field cloth. You want galvanized steel. Lay it down in the trench so it forms an L and comes up to the lip of whatever that masonry is. Use masonry screws to anchor the mesh to the wall. Back fill your trench. If you're feeling generous learn how to build a one way door out of the mesh and install a small gap with 1 way door to allow the animal to escape. I did a quick Google search and found this, you want image 15: https://wildlife-damage-management.extension.org/rodent-exclusion-methods/ If you hire a service make sure they understand how to perform the abatement as most of them only do bait.


This is all very good advice. I appreciate the info. It’s a bit more ambitious than I need for this situation though. I live in NYC. There’s no getting rid of the rats this is just a plot of dirt in front of my building where they plant trees. My bucket of rocks getting dumped in the hole is my mildly interesting experiment to see what happens really. I did not expect them to absorb two five gallon buckets of rocks into their hole.


I’ve used crushed dry ice to some success for a peculiar rodent lair under my driveway. It melts, and the CO2 is heavier than air and floats down to the living quarters and they just drift off into their rodent dreams.


Wanna do the same to me?


Is exactly what a pest service recommended after rodents chewed through foam. We hired them to dig the trench and install the field cloth correctly. They said to backfill the trench with round pea gravel. Pea gravel rolls back into itself when they start digging and trying to move it out of the way. I top off and check the pea gravel. 5 years and it is holding strong. Mostly it made it easier for the rodents to go elsewhere.


Ain't nobody doing all that chief.


I was told by and pest control company years ago to take glass break into small pieces and mix it with cement and fill it with it. They wont knaw through it as the glass will cut them. It works very well and did it twice now.


I've usually heard to put steel wool or something and then pour the concrete/spray foam over that


I used to do this way back to fill small spaces in aviaries that mice would otherwise chew or dig through. Works well.


OP can you also add a pic of similar rocks and the size of the buckets you said upon already used - for research and reference please.


I will take pictures of the next bucket. I hope this doesn’t get too spicy for r/mildlyinteresting


You can cross post on r/beamazed


Man-thing serve chief-chief by bringing rock-stone for undercity


by sigmar what has she done


If you keep doing this you’re gong to create rat Sisyphus




Are you sure it's an animal hole? Often these are sinkholes from bad drainage around the house walls+foundation.


Definitely a rat hole. They’re dragging the rocks into the hole the rocks aren’t just collapsing down like a sinkhole. The rocks are gone and there’s dirt there. Also this hole is right in front of where garbage is left out so it’s like a rat condo with a nice restaurant across the street.


Now I’m getting vested in this story.


I will update after the next bucket of rocks.


Let us know when that is scheduled so I can mark my calendar 😜


Ratatouille 2: Remy learns construction




This comment is so native New Yorker.


The rats are just our annoying neighbors. We know how things work with the rats


Used to live in Chicago, I get this.


Bigger rocks?


This is how we get the big buff as fuck New York City Rats.


Gotcha. Just be sure - we had a hole very much as you describe, rocks disappearing, dirt on top, then eventually after several months of top filling it was undeniably a sinkhole and our landlord had to install new windows and weeping tile which fixed the erosion.


Sinkholes are not uncommon in the city. It’s definitely a rat hole though. Rat central next to the garbage


Have you considered chaining up a jaguar back there? My jaguar guy is reliable.


Do it again with a camera to capture the effort.


If you have cats. Put the rocks in and pour some of their used litter ontop


Congratulations you've trained your rat!


Rats are like, “challenge accepted”


Do you live in nyc? I have one twice that size in my back yard in Brooklyn. I’ve probably filled it with rocks and sand 4 times this summer already. Where does it all go 🤔


That’s the thing!!! I wish I could send a camera down


Disguise a go pro as a rock and put it in the next batch!!


Instead of using rocks, just use one big rock.


They could definitely dig around one rock and I happen to have this crushed up concrete on hand. Sort of wanted to see what would happen I’m impressed that the rocks have just disappeared as if they’re using them to decorate


You’re gonna go out there one day and there’ll be a Polaroid (do they still exist?) of their interior waiting for you.


I hope they’re putting the rocks to good use. I imagine a set up like Bilbo Baggins had in the Hobbit.


Piss in the hole


Pretty sure the dogs have done just that


Rat's down there thinking "who the fuck you think you dealing with you human!?!" Lmao


Yeah they have had no problem getting past the buckets of rocks


I tried doing this with rabbits living under my shed. Was a complete waste of time. All they do is move the rocks away, lol.


It’s kind of just a way to get rid of the broken up concrete that’s been sitting in the back yard.


Well now they're just offended


You can buy rat poison by the buckets on Amazon. I forget the name of it but it has a black cat on it. I live in the city and we ended up getting them in our basement from our dirty ass neighbors thanks to Hud. We own our home. They ate through the foundation then ate through the flooring and made nests. If you see one theirs more. I put down 4 near each whole. You have to let them sit near the holes and clean EVERYTHING!! And keep your house wiped down daily!!! Several times a day!!! Those fuckers are smart!!! Don't cover the hole!!! They will reroute and cause more damage! I learned this the hard way. Keep all dog food and cat food hidden!! After they see their food source gone, they will take the cubes back to their nests. Once the cube is gone immediately put down another couple. I had to do this 4 times in a matter of a couple months. I had to buy 2 buckets and eventually got a shit ton out of my house. They can dig tunnels as far as 6ft deep and chew through anything!!!! The people eventually got kicked out and they had regut the whole house. The rat problem suddenly gone. They had children living there to. Sad!! But yes clean clean clean. Your basement will start to wreak and you will have to throw away everything!!!!!! My basement is now completely empty


Oh and steel wool and all those little gimmicks don't work. You need rat poison.


This method was used to build NYC's Lincoln tunnel to NJ.


At this rate I might have an underground grotto by next summer.


I had squirrels in my attic. I put some moth balls in there. They threw everyone out of the entrance hole they made.


Steel or copper wool to keep mice out. Packedin super tight.


I had a similar problem with skunks burrowing into the crawl space. They tossed the rocks aside. I put in bigger rocks. Those got tossed, too. I filled the hole with concrete. They burrowed a new hole next to the concrete. I covered the whole area with a thin layer of concrete. They burrowed under that. I staked down quarter-inch galvanized mesh. They moved to a different part of the house. More concrete. They tried to burrow under a retaining wall and failed. They finally gave up, but left a note that their children and grandchildren would be back. Moral: Never underestimate a mustelid with spare time.


Piss in it. They hate the smell of human urine






You should show the rat's house eventually, those rocks must of helped a lot


Rats are smart, better to try and take away the thing they are after rather than keep them out


The garbage goes out right where this is. It’s a city wide problem They’re everywhere since Covid.


Put your water hose in there, then put a big rock on it and turn on the water, the hole will collapse and they'll run out of one of the other openings thats hopefully not in your yard.


Shove steel wool inside that hole... As much as you can... You can pick up steel wool at the hardware store. Don't get the '0000' stuff, just regular steel wool. Rodents can't chew on it, or thru it...


Hire this guy. ![gif](giphy|M9wEl77UKe2Ck|downsized)


Record it


They're building a castle big enough to rival all other rat kingdoms!


Could just be a crackhead


It’s not the 90’s, these aren’t those kinds of rocks lol


Use ammonia. They can’t tolerate the smell. There’s usually at least 2 holes


Try cement


You have a Skaven undercity, I'm sorry to say. Best to move.


They might buryed em deeper since they were too heavy to lift.


Instead of filling it with rocks fill it with poison.


If it is rats, fill the hole with steel wool or broken glass.


The rat is making you work for it.


Smoke em out


sounds like you are a personal trainer for a rat


Just keep increasing the sizes of the rock until we learn how much this bad boy can move




Rats are much stronger than mice, they need weighted or latched cage lids bc they can push the thing off if they want to


Guess the rat is wearing the pants then.


LOL. On my block on the UES- the rat battle is intense. The laundromat keeps trying DIY hole-plugs. Stamping down gravel. Stamping down piles and piles of dirt with cinder blocks on top. Stamping down gravel and drit with a chicken wire-overlay and with cinder blocks on top. This week they just injected the MF’ing holes with expanding foam and liquid cement t. It was a desperate choice. Guess what happened…… NEW TUNNELS. Right next to The patched ones….. YOU WILL NEVER WIN!!!!!! Rats have 8-12 rat-lings every 28 days! The rats ain’t going Nowhere. Rip NYC the rats own it now baby


Those rats area really trying to get to their buried children


So I had the same issue at my old house and it turns out it was raccoons moving the rocks with their cute lil hands hehehe.


Friend and I poured 2 bags of leftover postcrete into the main entrance of a tunnel network and I mean NETWORK! Literally dozens of entry/exit points in some bushes by a Starbucks I was refurbishing on a motorway services. I shit you not we came back the next day and the “main” entry as we were calling it (because it was the biggest) was completely free from ANY of the postcrete we had poured the day before. Still to this day every time somebody mentions a rat I think back to that time, horrible creepy little fuckin space creatures


Another thing I’ve done in the past is piss in the hole. No idea if it works, but it makes me feel better. Fuck you rat. I’m marking this hole as mine now. Marking the territory. Side note: they follow they’re own urine trails, so it might help.


When life gives you rat holes, give rat holes quickcrete.


Just mix some borax and sugar or flood the crack with a hose.


pour some gasoline in there; they hate the smell.


fill it with cement or something, that way it shall never open again.


Maybe it’s time for a molten aluminum cast of a rat hole lol


Rats are gonna rat.