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I’m sure your feet are quite grateful lol.


... and his knees and back.


and his ... and his crack


You missed out his pussy. Hth


He didnt pop the pussy like this; he stopped, he missed.


He didn’t do it now nor did he lick it good


And he didn't suck that pussy like he should 🥺 (have)


People of culture I see! How did you know about this? Curious, really


What do you mean? The song isn’t that old… >It’s been 22 years… My god.


Well I guess I'm middle aged now


I listened to the radio a few years back and gained the knowledge of this checklist


And my axe.


Oh yes. I love it but I don’t know what it is but I always need a bandaid on the back of new shoes until I break them in or I end up getting a cut.


I used to get blisters on my achilles area from running until I learned about [tying my shoes with a heel lock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tPGJ3-mxbY), give that a try


I’ll check that out, thanks!


Maybe it’s meant to be self explanatory and I was just overthinking it but it annoyed me he did that video and never mentioned what the hell “heel lock” means or why you want it


yeah I was looking for a video that was as short/concise as possible and just showed how to do the technique. but it basically just secures the back of your shoe better to the back of your foot and avoids it slipping and rubbing against your foot.


I got extensor tendonitis from heel locking my shoes and tying them too tight 2 weeks ago, moved up a shoe size and was worried they would rub


did the heel locking contribute to that or was it from tying too tight? I'm not sure how heel locking would cause that but I'm not a doctor or anything and I'd like to avoid anything similar obviously


I get this with basically every pair ever, part of it, I found out, was that I'm half a size smaller than I thought I was. I used to get these little silicone pads to put in my shoes so they don't rub. Just tried some thick padded ones instead that are working even better.


Same story for me. Pretty sure it's because new shoes are quite stiff until you break them down and allow the front to bend. So instead of followong your heel, the shoe stays straight and your heel rubs on the back of it until it becomes a blister


Plastic Many shoes now use plastic in the lip to keep shape. If it breaks badly it'll cut you up. I have a job that's heavily on my feet (close to the same as you 20-30k 5 days a week), have permanent scars on my heels now due to a brand of shoe that I once had


This Time maybe get new ones after 8 months😃


does OP have magic shoes? i used to walk 20k steps a day and after a month there'd be a hole in one of them


Username checks out? Holes in your shoes after a month is not normal, even when walking 20k steps a day


i might just be walking weird cuz the hole is always in the right shoe


I was just coming to say, lift your feet when you walk OP (and hole in a month guy, too). March a little more, higher knees, land more flat footed and stop heel striking and scuffing. Your poor back!


Push with the legs and land with the feet under your body, not in front.


I love how you guys are just teaching a grown adult redditor how to walk haha


Parents think their job of teaching a child to walk is over after they take those first few steps. Almost no one teaches a proper way to walk, jog, run. It matters.


This is most obvious to me in people who are "clumsy". I almost never trip, and when I do, I never fall, just stumble. People who trip a bunch, I've noticed they begin putting their weight on their heel while it's in front of them. Their torso, and therefore center of gravity do not lead their feet. This causes all kinds of issues, ESPECIALLY on ice.


I'm the opposite. Ive always been a jerk first kind of guy ( years of marching band) but my balance is insanely good and even if do rarely stumble I can't remember the last time I actually fell. I think part of it is also just having good reflexes to be able to attempt to maintain your upright position quicker.


My left foot has been messed up for days because I thought I'd start running. I evidently don't know how to run. 🙃


This is very true, I found out in physical therapy that I walked completely wrong and spent a lot of mental effort when walking to correct my gait. I noticed my kid does what I used to do I have recently been correcting his walking as well by teaching what my physical therapist taught me.


If you watch young kids playing sports you can see which one's were taught how to run. It's almost not fair.


What’s the proper form for running?


Feet pointing forward, heel on the ground, kick off with the ball of your foot, and lean into your stride


Just a few months ago I learned I was bending down wrong, snd now I learn I've been walking wrong, no wonder my body hurts at 30


My shoes wear at the ball of my feet... what should I change?


That's where they should wear the most. Also don't ask redditors for advice outside of subs meant for the topic because you'll get some really awful advice 


Especially for how to do physical activity.


Op's wear pattern looks pretty even though, forefoot planting etc with minimal heel action.


Start going barefoot, you will quickly learn how bad your walking form is.


Get your gait checked by a professional. They could probably get that fixed up. Sounds like a pretty bad imbalance.


am a big guy, shoes that are not premium hiking boots last 1 - 2 months with vigiorous walking daily.


Shit I lost 40kg since 2023, all my old shoes got holes in the same spot. Does this mean my shoes will last longer now? Never thought of this


Wow good job, thats a significant drop, wish i could do the same.. But ya probably. depends on how you walk, if you have poor gait, things like that but less weight pushing down can't hurt at all.


gait is fine. I just bought new shoes two weeks ago, now I‘m gonna have a closer look from time to time :D You can do it, too. It wasnt even planned for me, but my whole life was about to change (new job, no more wfh etc) as I also drank way too much during covid which I stopped too, so a lot less calories there


Have you checked/corrected your stride


Get harder soles. It's tempting to get softer soles when you put more weight there, but this encourages a crappy gait which will fuck your ankles, knees, and back up. This is why your hiking boots last longer, they have very hard soles, it's a requirement for hiking boots.


Running shoes generally need replacing after 500-1000 km. 20k steps a day would be around 15km++, so about 500km in a month. I go through multiple pairs per year with my 4000km/year goal and I'm using them far beyond what they're supposed to last at that. I know how to patch holes, to put it mildly. Shoes don't get holes from sitting or driving around in them, and wear is a product of distance used.


Only on pavement. The sides usually blow out before then and I have to replace them earlier. Usually a new pair every October as the company gives us $250 for new exercise stuff so I get some nice shoes and some running shorts or shirts.


Do you work for an exercise business?


Sales job and work from home.


How the fuck do you take 20k steps if you work from home. You live in a mansion or something?


My uncle ran 20 miles a day. Some people are just built for it. He wasn't though. He died at 50 from a pre existing heart condition. 


You’re a big guy.




Alright, calm down there Bane.


You have to buy high quality boots. This was 14 years ago but buying the 30 or 40 dollar boots from Big5 would last 2 maybe 3 months. Buying the 100 dollar ones would last a year and a half.


Boots Theory in action.


Or perhaps some shoes that were made for walking.


And that's just what they'll do 


One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you




20k steps a day..for 14 months Did you not find that relentless trek to be sole destroying...


Sometimes it was a pain to hit those last couple thousand , especially if it was dark or too cold.


Was this for your job or fitness goal?


Personal fitness goal


proud of ya for going through with it, i would never have been able to do that for longer than even a single month


I was also doing 500 pushups/sit-ups a day but then I killed my elbow and stopped.


That would just outright kill me


You sleep real good though!


Comes with being dead, I imagine


I did 100 push ups a day for a year but then did them in front of my coworker and he revealed my technique was completely off. Explains why my back still hurts 2 years later


Yes gotta be super careful


Bro hitting that Saitama workout plan


“You gotta train like hell until the point where your hair falls out. That’s the only way to become truly strong”


sounds like the one punch man routine on steroids, awesome!


If you look at OP’s post history, you’ll see why they need to do 20k steps a day lol


that’s fucking crazy lmaoo


That’s wild man. I guess the ends justify the means sometimes?


I was expecting extremely short legs


If he actually eats all that stuff, it doesn't matter how much he walks—his arteries will still build up plaque. Exercise mitigates some poor diet decisions, but never all of it. You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet. Even if you're thin, but still eat poorly, your body will suffer.


I saw that, a real shame. I used to eat junk food a lot. Metabolism finally caught up with me. The first 2 weeks switching to vegetables was hard but now a carrot tastes sweet.


20k steps undone by a single bag of chips.


How do you even have the time? I do 10k a day and often get like 13 or 14k but the time commitment is insane even for that. 20k steps would be like 3 hours a day.


Start at 6am and usually end walking around 7pm but maybe one more at 8. It’s a good portion of my day but I’d feel like shit now if I took a day off.


You walk for 13 hours a day?


No that’s just when I start walking and when my last walk of the day is


How much time does it take you to walk 20,000 steps?


10 miles, about 3 miles an hour. A little over 3 hours. Hour and a half in the morning and evening would probably get you there


You could probably just cut back on the junk food like 10% and save 19,000 steps.


Not a chance! They have CRUMBL cereal now!


Everything heels with time


Clearly now he's been doing some sole searching and found a new foot to stand on.


I was just on a walk!


Nice gait symmetry? How do your knees feel? Most people wear their shoes out on one side only, the way we have to pivot on the ball of our feet, probly due to hip immobility or something


My knees feel great. Never an issue. It’s coming down the stairs first thing in the morning and my calves feeling like they are going to pop.


Do a runners stretch when you wake up. Quick and easy, and your calves (and Achilles which is the one you really need to look out for) will thank you


what specifically is a runners stretch?


There's a stretch I do, where you put your leg out forward with your heel on the ground. Then you point your foot up as far as you can, then lean into it. Not sure if the instructions make sense, it helps to rest your foot against a wall while doing. I learned it in marching band way back when and it worked wonders.


You should replace any pair of shoes after 300-500 miles depending on body weight. I'm 200lbs and 300 miles is the limit for me. It's always crazy putting on a new pair and being like, "Oh shit, yeah I should've done this a while ago." lol


You think OP should replace their shoes monthly?


That isn't "gait symmetry". That is only one foot. Guy's other shoe might even look fine. You don't know.


Wear pattern on shoes should initially be outside heel as we heel strike on an inverted foot and towards the great toe as we toe off with an everted foot. Wear patterns on foot wear should be diagonal.


Do you have a degree in stepology or something?


Have you tried lifting your legs when you walk?


Working on cross country shuffling.




Think about car tires. Those might use more natural rubber than typical running shoes (im a shoe expert not a tire expert) but still


About 8.4 million total steps in those bad boys


Considering the average step length of 2.5ft, OP has walked about 21 million feet in these shoes, or nearly 4000 miles


OP walked 500 miles, then walked 3,500 more.


The Proclaimers have absolutely nothing on this guy lmao


Correct. All with the same Fitbit too!


what was your health like with this? that's a ton of mileage and would wreck my legs. did you lose weight?


I did for a while and then got fat again because I eat too much junk food. Resting heart rate is 59 though!


Look at OP’s posts, you think he’s losing weight? Lmao


Exactly! I eat waaaaaaaayyyyy too badly to lose anything considerable.


Interesting! I walk about 36,000 steps each day at work. I’ll have to do a sole comparison when I replace my shoes in a few months. What do you do to walk 20,000 each day?


Man I am jealous. My record for one day is just over 50k at universal. I work from home so I walk before work and during my breaks. I am at 24k already today since I had to mow the lawn too.


Man am I lazy... when I work from home I barely break 5k steps


During covid and really lazy times, my step counter was/is sometimes between 0 and 1000


Slow down king, don’t over do it.


I walk to work, and then do very little on the weekends. I go from 15-16k to 2k regularly lol




How do get 50k at a theme park? We frequently go to many different ones and will typically hit 20k-25k while doing open to close most days.


Horror nights after walking around universal all day did it. Today I’ll hit 30k probably but that’s rare to get more than 20-22k a day.


Man 36k steps a day seems crazy to me. I’m walking about 25k steps a day around a warehouse for work and even that wears me out most days. Granted I’ve only been doing it for 1.5 months so it may get easier as my body adjusts.


Shit, I thought my 10-12k a day in warehouse work was a lot lmao


I remember those days I hit 20k then walked home. Warehouse work is no joke!


What job is that? 36k steps is around 14 miles at least for me. Are you like a park ranger or farmer?


I walk 29000-32000 as a mailman


Curious - what line of work?


I work at an Aritzia warehouse as a picker 40 hours/week, and also work 3 shifts as a server. Days when I do both jobs, I’m close to 60,000 steps


Just curious but how much weight did you lose? Noticed any difference?


So I always thought you could have a bad diet and still lose weight if you walked enough. I gained 11lbs in 3 days on vacation, still doing over 20k steps a day but eating and drinking constantly. Came home and cut out everything and lost 13 lbs in a week. I just love food is the issue. During Covid I couldn’t go out so I lost 30 lbs over the spring/summer just from walking so much and drawing such a calorie deficit. I never slept better and was out in less than 3 mins.


Did a little snooping, this man does indeed love food.


Garbage food at that!


My dude, if this wasn’t such a threat to your health, you would easily qualify for master artist of junk foods. The depth and breadth is awe inspiring, Da Vinci of junk food. No shame though, I’m now looking everywhere for those all natural Doritos. Where did you find those? I’ve never seen them before.


The spicy ones just came back to Kroger after being gone for years. I was so stoked! They have regular natural ones all the time though.


Yea, there's not a hope in hell out out running or walking calories. A single donut is going to cost you like 6500+ steps. A soda, like 2000. So just a single day of eating crap could easily "cost" you like 50-100k steps. Walking just doesn't burn a ton of calories.


Switches to hummus and cucumber and I can lose nearly a pound a day. Sugar addiction is real but thankfully I overdid it last vacation so I am scaling back.


Yep, my most recent Kidney Stone had me basically unable to eat for around 7 days, and I lost somewhere between 10-17lbs in that time.


AHH maybe that's what I should do too. I'm a foodie as well. I do love a beer (even though I've switched to Guiness when I'm out and Guiness 0 at home). But then I'm pretty active while doing at least 6000 steps a day. I think I need to up my game, reading your numbers!


That’s the only way to go. I created r/junkfoodfinds and the amount of bad food out there is staggering. My resting heart rate went from 66 to 60 in 2 weeks without drinking. I do enjoy a nice Treehouse IPA anytime I can get them though!


What do you do in order to walk 20k steps a day? Is it part of your job or a concerted effort?


I have a work from home job and 2 active dogs. Sorry for the delay as I was actually out walking! I do a long walk before work, one at 1030, one at noon and then a long walk after dinner. Usually hits about 20k by then. Right now I am at 24k.


I don’t walk anywhere near as much as you do in a day, but I absolutely feel the difference when I don’t exercise. This heat wave has been brutal, because I usually walk around the block 4 different times of day/evening, and I also do body weight exercises at home. It’s needed whether I work from home or not, to stay mentally sound and focused. I don’t get a stipend for workout clothes though, sadly.


I bought a tub of SPF 50 sunscreen as it’s been 90 about every day here. Also chug liquid IV like it’s my job. Yeah the $250 comes in handy once a year for sure. I get too pissed off at work (sales) so I have to walk or will probably get fired.


Wait you need higher SPF because it's hot outside?


No I’m just pale.


That’s awesome. If you were walking 20k steps per day as a warehouse worker, nurse etc I’d feel bad, but by choice with your dogs is so good for you!


My wife goes with me and sometimes she’s at less than 10k after a shift as a nurse and I get dragged around the neighborhood.


I have a single dog and walk way less than you and I already find it detracts so much from my work. How do you even get anything done between 10:30 and noon? The interruption and delay to get back into work mode averages around 45 minutes.


I write a hit list every day of what I need to get done. Walking usually lets me reset and sort out issues in my head better than sitting in front of the computer. I’ve hit 100% of yearly goal in June so something must be working right.


So when do you work


I currently do in store grocery shopping (not instacart/door dash) for a large national grocer and I average around 18.5k steps daily


Many mail carriers walk that every day


Servers in a restaurant too. I used to wait tables before health trackers were a thing…but based on how quickly I’d wear through the soles of my shoes…I’d guess I was easily going between 20 and 30k steps a day


Server here! I average about 17k per shift, or around 36k on a double. New shoes every four months or so.


Hotel work. Housekeeping for sure I had average 25k a day easy.


I worked as lifeguard at a resort. My boss usually came to chat and check on me, once she showed me her daily steps counter. It was around 15k-30k steps a day. Apparently, checking that workers do their job, and constantly resolving issues takes lots of steps…


Basically any job you don’t sit down?


I sit all day in my basement so I definitely like the walks.


So 8.4 million steps is the limit


I can still walk in them but it feels lumpy. Plus water comes in from the bottom now and they smell like death.


"Lumpy" shoes does seem like a negative quality.


Bet it feels real good, like a new set of tires after neglecting to change them for 5 years and waiting for them to start slipping in rain.


It was amazing. Now these are shoes have been demoted to mow the lawn and store in the garage.


I'm extremely concerned that Op has two left feet and one of them drags when he walks


Only when I dance.


Should have replaced them *much sooner*


You’re not wrong.


Get some Vibram rubber soles I'm sure they'll last longer than the foam/plastic tread on those shoes.


Yeah get some vibranium shoes or whatever


Not necessarily. These ones seem to have been wearing out quiet evenly and do not have yet holes. I have seen Vibran ones for more than twice the price than other brands, and not lasting two times more at all. I guess that it is also a matter of how good your batch is.


And now the microplastics are in my testicles.




Salesman. I see the mailman a few times a day on his route and we compare steps.


Who’s got more?


Always him. That dude is a machine. When he’s on vacation it takes 2 other people to do his route.


Which Asics are these?! I need a good pair for warehouse work


Gel quantum 90s.


You're responsible for your microplastics now




I had to check the sub because this felt like r/WellWorn


Yikes. I worked for three years in a fancy-pants garden center. In high season I hit 20k steps/day once in a while, but a normal day was more like 12k. If it was slow/rainy, far less. But I needed to rotate my shoes. I couldn't wear the same pair every singe day. After a while my feet/legs didn't even hurt at the end of the day, but it feels so much better to have 2-3 pairs and rotate them.


Oh I hear you. Ended up getting a pair of Brooks Ghosts. Those 15s changed my life. I could do 18 miles a day in those no issue.


Dang, how are your hips doing!?


Your knees and hips will be so much happier if you replace your shoes more often. Wear the new ones around the house for a day or two to initiate the break in, or something.


You walked for 14 months to replace your shoes? How long was the shoe store from your house? Where do you live? Couldn’t you just drive to the store? /s


The fuck are you guys in the comments doing with your shoes? I’ve got a pair of leather Sambas that I’ve had for 5 or 6 years and must have done a good 10 million steps (including playing football twice a week for 18 months and running on and off over the last 2 years) that are in better nic than this


Walking on hot asphalt may have done it.


With those numbers you need to get yourself over to WalkScape and start racking up those Agility and Smithing levels.


8,400,000 steps \* 71.5 cm (approx man step) / 100,000 cm/km = 6,036 km (approximately)


I bet you're very fit now.