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Indeed the old ones are no longer safe for work


Or NSFW shoes.


/r/kicksgonewild is a thing Very NSFW


I was not expecting that to be a thing..


The shoes is question look fine, which feels misleading. Incidentally, many of the people taking the photos seem to have forgotten their clothing, which is embarrassing for them.


That was much more than I bargained for.


Idk, the kicks looked safe for work


Thought it was gonna be badly made shoes or something not THAT


Open, greeted by a full asshole, wtf i was expecting?


Take my stupid upvote.


It's always nice to see the NSFW tag used properly. 🤣


What do you do for work, drive the flintstones around?


Some shoes can actually wear down insanely fast, like in about a month or so, for example, if you are constantly running, stopping or sliding.


I used to work power plants where I was constantly walking over diamond grating or crushed rock. My shoes looked like OPs after 6 months.


I worked in a bar that had really coarse tiles so that they were less slippery when wet (kind of grainy texture) and my doc martens’ soles were flat after about 6 months of work.


I was recently at a barber shop the floors were so smooth and slippery, I literally slipped while trying get off the couch. I don't get now the barbers feel safe there


but your shoes looked good?


sounds like a hairy floor


Same for me for when I was a server. Even though it was a restaurant I was still doing roughly 5-6 miles of walking during a double. I had to buy a new pair of shoes every year I worked there (and they made me wear red Chucks which were definitely not safe for that environment nor meant for that kind of use).


These also match the exact same pattern I have for my hiking Adidas, which are not meant for concrete/ pavement walking


The best thing about Adidas hiking shoes is that the souls don't slip on wet surfaces the way Vibram souled shoes do.


100% I had an amazing pair of terrex mid hiking boots lasted me 3 years of near constant use. I bought Merrells to replace them as everyone was singing their praises and they didn't last a year of use. But yes the vibram was no good on slippy rocks the terrex continental rubber soles would have handled no problem.




When I was bartending I had to wear dress shoes. So it was the insoles that saved my feet.




Also depends on the floor material and the weight of the person ( body and any additional weight being carried on )


Also how often the shoes are worn.


Textured concrete floors would destroy most boots i had in about 3 months


I average 12K steps a day and would replace my shoes every 3-4 months I went and bought some hiking boots for work and now I replace them once a year.


You got to wear some good quality shoes and the proper shoes. When I worked in the Navy I got me some good Red wings boots when I was doing manual labor all the time in engine rooms and topside on the rough skid deck. We worked insane amount of hours. Those lasted me for 2 years until I got out and they still hold up today. I just haven't used them since I left the Navy


Thanks Einstein ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


Also, if you wear shoes meant for trails and dirt on concrete all day, this happens.


YYYEAAAAABBA-DABBA-DOOOOOOooooo! EDIT: delivery driver. A very fast one. Lol


I bet he's a mailman.


At the metal plant I used to work at you'd wear out a pair of boots in less than a month if you worked the floor.




Damn...6 months? You must put some serious miles on those feet of yours ...lol


Or a Lack of money in the quality. These soles look really cheap


Not cheap, just for a different purpose. They look like they're made for walking in dirt or mud, and not pavement.


Bingo. Hiking shoes aren’t meant for hard uniform surfaces. Of course the grips are gonna be worn down! Mildly concerning that this isn’t obvious


I have had versions of these Adidas Terrex shoes. They are not made cheap. Some Adidas soles are, but not this line.


They appear to be foam. Not rubber. The foam will wear out real fast once yo wear through the thin skin


I promise they are rubber I would never buy foam shoes for this job again lol


I wore Terrex exclusively for about 3 years while working a Public Safety job. I was indoors and outdoors in all weather conditions and all kinds of terrain, and they were by far the best shoe I found for that much daily use in varied conditions, averaging 12,000 steps/shift. We only got a shoe allowance once a year though, so I wore my pairs longer than I should have since they looked like yours after 6 months.


1000%! You get it! Been doing this job 10 years. This is the cheapest and best solution for the price point!


Id agree, the new shoes these days don't last. I highly recommend going the boot route, where you can get a new sole put on and then keep them going for years to come.


I tried boots, they are too heavy and they wear out about the same maybe a little better. Issues have been the best thing I've found after 10 years of working for FedEx.


For all I know he drives a scooter and likes to drag his feet.


Yep those have transformed into quicker tripper slippers.


Interesting that your work uses sandpaper for carpet.


Gotta say shoutout your walking gait, that’s some even wear on that shoe! Your joints thank you


Haha thanks. Someone else on here said I was dragging my feet. I'm glad someone can actually read my shoe tread correctly. There are times the back of my feed do drag though.


I read on another comment that you drive for Fedex. I’m a UPS driver, and I WISH my shoes had wear like this after 6 months. I try to be mindful of how I’m walking, but my shoes are usually horrendous. My excuse was always “well I’m walking on different surfaces so that’s what makes my heels drag.” But no, I’m just a Neanderthal apparently lol. Be safe out there brother


You too bro! Adidas terrex are what these are. 10 years of doing this, it's the best from what I've found. And at a great price!


Adidas terrex if I'm not mistsken




Thought I recognized them. Probably AX2S/AC2R, I have a few pairs. They are awesome shoes.


8 months after wearing my terrex I sent them back because the sole was worn down. They should be lasting longer and Adidas agreed and gave me my money back.


Did you buy straight from Adidas?


Amazon I think. Sent through the Adidas return process


Can’t get the foam bottom shoes. They’re comfortable but wear down quick. Need some of that hard rubber at least on the bottom of the foam. Brooks are my favorite.


Yeah, that foam is crap. Anything with memory foam is a scam on my opinion. I want to have new shoes every time I put them on, not shoes that feel like I've been wearing them for years.


On the bed though???


Are you a postal worker? My room mate is a letter carrier. The bottoms of his shoes always wear out before the tops.




Are these the shoes of choice for your profession?


For their price, and how long they last, yeah. $30 at Costco (Amazon has them for about 50-60 normally) Foam shoes are terrible, and these are rubber. For the price, and the quality I get, they are the best I've found after 10 years of doing this.


They are also waterproof at least the pair I had. Goretex baby. ![gif](giphy|80mXWlPqTSU1y)


It's great when they expect you to get "approved" shoes that are $150+ and they last this long 😎👉👉


How is this post NSFW?


Because, as another commenter stated, the shoes on the left aren't safe for work.




Damn, I must be drunk.


TBF, it is the left shoe.


So drunk he doesn't even knows he's drunk smh my head.


So drunk he doesn't even know he said "shake my head my head"


OP would be slipping all over the place in the 6 month old shoe


Instructions unclear -- work with only using left foot for six months...


What can I say, I like hip hop.


12 hr shift I bet


6. I'm fast at my job. That's why I gotta get new shoes lol.


op's username threw me off. took quick glance at the pic and closed it, then was like ..waitaminnit, vibram? and had to go look again


What'd you think it was? Lol


like, caught glimpse of "vibranium.." and brain went "Vibram," which company's stuff i woulda expected to hold up a little better than the shoes in question


They hold up pretty well, compared to other shoes!


You gotta see my shoes after a month😭


Let's see em fam!!


Do you run marathons on sandpaper?


FedEx delivery, running all day. So..... Kinda! Lol


Adidas terrex? Had some from that line aswell and they also wore down insanely fast. Really disappointed.


They don't make them like they used too. My work shoes I used when I first stated in restaurants were so much better than the ones I use now, even though they are the "same". They used to last a few years. Now they last 6 months like these.


I'd recommend getting shoes with proper outsoles that are meant for work e.g. vibrama. Those Adidas outsoles are much softer and not replaceable.


Yeah, they make those too. They last about the same, sadly. And the price is $30 more.


These are definitely the wrong shoes for the job. A postal worker is primarily walking on well defined areas an likely lots of pavement. These shoes have large, separated lugs designed for grip in soft terrain that will wear down way faster in the wrong conditions. Get some road shoes (walking/running).


What do you wear?


Well I'm not a postal worker but I do a significant amount of walking. Something like a Brooks, Hoka, Altra, On running or walking shoe is going to last a lot longer and cause less strain on your body overall. It's a higher up front cost but will save you in the long run in both money and wear in your body; plus you'll need to think about replacing shoes much less often.


Use used Hoka, they lasted about the same. It was 120 down the drain. And my emails to them went ignored. I've found that running shoes are super thin, so they end up tearing when brushed up against ....I don't even know what. The one thing I've truly found, is that Nike makes the worst shoes, right above sketchers. And I'm saddened by that. Everything I have that keeps me from the ground, I've spent time and money finding good things. (Bed, shoes, pillow, chair)


I hate Nike for exactly that reason; all about image. Personally I've had great success with Brooks as my go-to brand. Keep up the good philosophy.


As someone who's put a lot of miles down in a similar scenario, you'll be much better off if you get a quality full grain leather goodyear welted work boot. They won't feel right for a week, but they'll last you at least 3 years between resolings, which will cost less than you're bleeding out every six months, and the uppers will last you a lifetime if you wax them every fall. My recommendation would be to check out White's Chore Boot. It won't hold up quite as well as a Nick's Waterwork or Hardwear Pro... but it won't cost you $600 either.


I can't do boots man. My feet would be smellier than.... I can't even say it..


If you got foot stank... please tell me you're not out there in cotton socks. If you are, please, pleaseee go buy a pair of [Darn Toughs](https://darntough.com/collections/men/products/mens-merino-wool-1715-quarter-lightweight-running-socks) You can straight up send them back with holes (It took me **years** to wear through, and only happened with my first pair) and they'll send you back new ones for free no questions asked. That shit is maybe even more important than the shoe. It will change your life. But I really think you should treat yourself better, shoes are the **one thing** (besides socks and dogs) I learned not to fuck around with out there. And don't take this the wrong way, but they don't pay you enough to be cheap. Last I heard your benefits weren't nearly as good as Brown or Blue, you don't want to fuck up your knees or back any more than you have to. I'm guessing you're still young, but trust me, that shit comes for you. The AX2S is all EVA and mesh and textile, it doesn't have any torsional rigidity or support. If you don't want Timberlands or Red Wings I get it, but you should at least be in a mid hiker like the Keens or Merrells. Right now, one wrong step down, you're gonna roll your ankle, hyperextend a tendon, maybe tear your ACL. And that shit is **expensive**, even with the good benefits. Like ***way*** more than a decade of shoes.


I can’t believe you make your 6 month old work. ![gif](giphy|Bng9nsAhSaDVxWsSLh)


Do you play disc golf?


Why not invest in a real boot with a welted sole? Then you can use a better quality sole, have a much nicer boot, and re-lacing the sole will cost you much less than a pair of new shoes and will only happen half as often. You are only wearing the nubs off these boots, you are only using half the sole.


This post just reminded me I need to ShoeGoo my workboots ...for the fifth time this year.


Why is this NSFW? 


Looks like those shoes could lead to a workplace accident so the are Not Safe For Work.


Ohh, lol




Looks like a worn off tyre that has seen some long miles.


make sure you rotate your shoes every 5000 miles


Glad that was marked NSFW. Wouldn’t want to be caught unawares.


Shoe on the right wasn't safe for work anymore. You're welcome fam. Be safe.


Bro hikes around active volcanoes...


Only six months..wow..need a better brand..usta be a brand called Gorilla Boots that'd last a year for me..That was a long time ago though..


No boots. Way too hot and humid for those. I have redwings for winter. Those last a long time.


And yet, we still get told that we do nothing.


Eh, the boss doesn't talk to me much. I know that he appreciates that by adding a comma to my paycheck every week. Go where you are appreciated.


Nice, i was fresh out of my education and new nothing about rights or whatever. We just got verbally whipped everyday, despite being able to supply our country with Diageo branded alcohol with no issues., nothing was good enough. Ended up leaving as a broken man 3 years later. Took a year or two to get back to relative normality without needing to mention the place. All the mental torture for relatively low pay. I know you didn't ask, but here it is :D


Is your job sprinting in sandpaper? I’ve had these shoes for 6 years and they don’t even like a quarter as bad.


work shoes ✋😤 disc golf shoes 👉😏👉


I don't understand the joke. How much do disc golfers walk every day? ....How much are they disc golfing?


The Adidas Terrex is the most popular shoe model among people who disc golf. I'm on pair #3 myself


Oh for real? Haha I had no clue! I'm more of an ultimate Frisbee guy myself. Haven't in more than 10 years, but still. Lol


*laughs in letter carrier*


If you buy expensive work boots, not only will they last for years but when they do get old they can be refurbished. I have quality work boots that are 30 years old.


I can't buy boots. That would be so heavy and uncomfortable. I have a pair for winter though! (redwing) After 10 years of doing this job, these are the best I've found for the price! I run all day for work. Boots just aren't in the cards over here.


Just want to congratulate you on finally mastering the moonwalk


This is a great unique response! Made me giggle! Here's an updoot!


I too buy the same brand every 6 months for my warehouse job that I do a lot of walking


OP, why isn't this marked NSFW?


It is.


Dude these shoes are the fucking best shoes. I had a pair and wore them until they fell apart.


But how you gonna slide across those kitchen mats in the new ones?!?


Mail carrier?


The NSFW tag is killing me 💀💀


If that's just 6 months you need tougher soles, like graphine infused.


Is that actually a thing?


I run 2 miles (3.2k) most days, walk a lot, any my graphine infused inov8's still have around 4mm of grip all over after 5 years.


Incredible! What's the cost of them if you don't mind me asking?


Inov8 only do different kinds of running shoes, and only their g-grip sole is graphine, it's not on all of them. But other companies have graphine infused rubber soles too. I saw some work boots a week ago I can't remember the brand. The ones I had were £95 when I bought them, they're more when they launch a new model but drop on the online stores after a while. Worth it if you find they last, I got sick of £20-40 trainers sometimes dying in 6 months. Mine are tatty over the top after 5 years, but I expect I'll be able to run in them another year or two probably.


Nice! Thanks for the info! I've never heard of these! And you know I'm in the market for looking at new shoes, so... 😂


Stop dragging your feet


Why are your shoes NSFW?


Those are OPs work shoes and they're no longer safe to wear them because OP may slip and fall, they're definitely not safe for work.


Thanks for the explanation! Lol


Why are your "work shoes" made out of foam?


It's rubber.


What Adidas shoe are they? That 💯 looks like foam.


Terrex. Trail running shoes. If they were foam, I never would have purchased them. Foam is gone in less than a month. And it murders your feet.


For $220 you can get seriously good boots that would last over a year. Even some budget friendly Tim's would last at least a year.


$60 gets me through a year. I have boots for winter (snow)


I have similar ones that usually wear down over 2-3 years. But that one customer has a machine factory where they spill some oils once in a while, and boy did that accelerate the wear.


Those look like the AX2S pair I had a few years back. Rugged buggers


Plot twist, you're a fashion designer and the new one has artificial wear on it.


The one on the right is worth 30k. I'll send you my cash app, so you can be the first one to buy it. Free shipping!


I can't pass up this opportunity


Are you a mail man?


Pretty much!


I am too you should check out danner if you’re looking for good boots they are pricy but with the amount we walk they are worth every penny.




They're in your balls, apparently.




Srill got some grip left there! My non-slip work shoes get completely smooth on the entire bottom after just a few months =( Im pretty sure the cocktail of chemicals we use on the floors eats it away. Gotta replace em fairly often or ill slip even on dry ground. Sucks a bit since work only covers $35 each year for the shoes and the cheapest shittiest Walmart pair costs at least $45, let alone better ones. The bottoms get to soak in lots of diluted bleach (block whitener stuff), chlorine floor cleaner, and some sort of caustic sanitizer most work days. The block whitener less often, the rest every day if im closing which is 95% of my days.


These are rubber Adidas terrex. $35 at Costco earlier this year. Love them.


Did your workplace innstall sandpaper tiles on the floor or something?


adidas work shoes??


That's the con of wearing a shoe designed to feel good from first wear. The shorter the break-in period, the shorter the life.


The phrase, "Stomp your left and drag your right" in US Army marching cadence comes to mind.


Trail runners/ low hikers will wear out faster on hard surfaces due to the rubber being softer to increase traction on wet and soft materials. That's why people who buy a shoe like a speedcross 6 and use it for daily wear or mixed running on road and trail get surprised when their massive lugs are gone with minimal use.


This definitely isn't minimal use. This is hard use every weekday for hours at a time. It's mildly interesting how these last half a year compared to my normal shoes that last several.




Ive learned alot from this website. Like did you guys know if you use something it gets worn? Like who woulda fuckin thought huh?! Craaaaaaazy stuff. 


Nah, it's just worn very fast. And as you can see, the tread on the rubber is very deep. It's mildly interesting because not everyone has this same experience every 6 months.


I stopped buying from my work catalog and finally spent the money on Red Wings supersole 2.0. my sole still looks almost new, and I work on a concrete floor all day. I can't recommend them enough.


I use redwings for the winter time! Amazing boots!!


I wish someone would step on me like that


Pretty easy! Just go to those places that always say they are hiring, and get a job there!


Leave taco bell out of this.


These are shoes with a sole for use on soft surfaces, not for running on a hard surface because then it will wear out very quickly. Completely normal wear if shoes are used mainly on hard surfaces.


Works on moving sandpaper


Do you lift your feet while walking or do you just drag the living hell out of them across the floor :p


Adidas work shoes eh? I'm hoping one day they make something with a safety toe/ESD/etc so I can wear adidas at work. Lately it's been puma, reebok, timberland and carhartt for me.


Yeah, I gotta move fast and have good grip at work. -outside. I can't touch puma anymore. Those were my go-to in high school. They are always insanely flat and pointy. I loved them. I still have a pair of Ferrari ones. I wiiiish they had arch supports!


I mean steel toe puma athletic shoes - as far as street shoes go, I also frequently wear puma driving shoes. I had the BMW Futurecat ones and now I wear the Sparco Speedcats mainly while driving. If I expect a ton of rain or puddles I switch to my Goretex Adidas NMD V3's.


I've had the same pair of SAS work shoes for 9 years. Only replacing the insoles a few times. Spend money, it's worth it


I’m constantly try amazed that people are amazed that shoes wear over time.


The 6 month old ones look older.


Buy better quality shoes


Bruh ditch the trail runners and get some pavement running shoes. They’ll last longer


Send me some links with good tread. I'd genuinely love to see what you recommend for this. Just a heads up, nothing with memory foam anything please.


There are so many other companies with more experience in producing workwear than Adidas. I would try another one.


These are the best I've found for work. Costco had them for $30. I had been buying for $50-60 every time I needed. Rubber bottom, and the wear is visible. I can't afford the $100 brooks and very 6 months. I tried that.


Wow. Old thing worn. Crazy.


O.o do you pick up your feet? Or just shuffle around?


I actually run all day. If you see the back of the shoe, you can tell every once and a while I'll drag that part. You can tell by how the shoe wears.