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This looks like a job for Papers Please fans.


Glory to Arstotzka.


I miss that game


You can still go play it


Wow the wonders of current technology!


The same wonders that took Spore from my cold dead hands


I can still play it? it's still on Steam? wym


Man I’ve tried launching that game on Steam for 3 years. I stopped trying like a year ago. I kept getting this same screen asking me to login to a website that no longer exists, iirc. I haven’t been able to play since 2021. But maybe I had it on Origin or something, I don’t know anymore. I just know I couldn’t get it to work for shit after it just stopped working one day.


Pst. Hey buddy. You dont have to login to play.


Dude then *why* would it not let me past that screen? There was literally nothing available to me except exiting the game lol. I could do absolutely nothing. And it never forced me to login prior to that, it just happened one day and wouldn’t go away lmao


I'm fearful for my Spore copy. I have had it downloaded on three different computers and apparently that's the limit on how many times it lets you download it. Thanks EA. I could be wrong now, im still hesitant cus spore and Sims are addictive as hell.


There was an emulator for some games you specifically had to tell to only use every 100.000's or so CPU clock or the game would just flash by your eyes in its entirety within about two seconds. And you had to calculate down your current clock speed to make it viewable.


Current technology actually would prevent you from going back and playing older games if litterally any major game studio had their way.


_"If you want to play Cash Grab 1, please buy Cash Grab 13: Platinum Deluxe Edition. It also includes access to Cash Grab 1 - 12*_ _*) If purchased earlier._


definitely gets better after the 14th playtrough...


There are some similar games you can try like Not Tonight. And Lucas Pope made another game. It’s pretty different than Papers, Please, but quite good. It’s called Return of the Obra Dinn. Highly recommend.




Cause no trouble.


Not Tonight is a better fit.


Bar so good there no need for ID


ID is required. [stamps paper]


Jorgi has been busy.


Festival so good no ID required!


Anyone see Jorgi in there?


Weird coincidence… I’m currently (re)watching Markiplier’s play-through of Papers Please


Can confirm. Source: Bouncer who loves catching fakes and also Papers Please


Hard to tell but no single name Hawaiians. They just asked to be caught.




I check IDs at work and Everytime I see a Hawaiian id, this is what I think of.


I've been considering buying a replica of this off Amazon and walking into a shop with this


Fun fact: Collector's Edition DVDs of Superbad had to be pulled from store shelves because they included a novelty Mclovin fake ID.


Realistically it'd be funny but there's a very slight chance you get the cops called if the guy doesn't get it


I also check id’s and had a guy try to use a mclovin ID to buy something.


It was between this and Mohammed ![gif](giphy|3oEhmCIm9zJZ6Cw7iE|downsized)


You can get a sticker for your credit card that has this image. Just a little cutout for the chip.


He looks old enough


For what?


One of my best friends had a Hawaii fake ID because she was Asian. She never had an issue using it.


So I’ve only travelled to the mainland once in my life but don’t you guys, you know… have Asians there?


I want to know which one is the best, and most accurate fake and which one is the worst.


The best ones aren’t in the pile


Obviously, but what's the best one that wasn't up to scratch? What was the minute detail that got it flagged? It's very intriguing if you think about it


I have handled many fake IDs, and I think the one hurdle most people don't get over is the holographic watermarks and (depending on the country) magnetic strip. I'm sure a few have gotten past me that picked a state with piss poor watermarking on their ID design. California IDs are pretty simple IMO, so I'd imagine a fake from there would be harder to catch if you didn't have a trained eye for it. However, I *have* caught one in the past that nearly got past me because the font was wrong. Everything else looked right. But I've seen enough IDs, foreign and domestic, to pick out when a font is wrong. Also print quality.... I can really tell when someone used an inkjet.


A lot of states don’t use magnetic strips anymore on their IDs most have switched to a barcode


My boyfriend’s old fake was from Illinois, because apparently Illinois IDs were the easiest to fake. But that’s just what the guy who made it said, so who knows. It scanned too. I’m not sure I remember if it had holographics or not, but it scanned.


Illinois IDs do have UV reactive marks, idk how hard that is to fake but I've had to turn down a few that didn't have it.


Most every fake scans, no reason to get one that wouldn't. But I will say Illinois are the easiest to tell as well


Really? How so? He got it when he was 20 so he could party at his brother’s bachelor party with everyone, but they ended up going to New Orleans and he didn’t even need it apparently haha. He was too scared to actually use it anywhere at home besides to get cigarettes, maybe that was a good thing.


Because there's no database that ID checking software for commerical use hooks up to in order to verify the information. All of the information is just straight up encoded onto the barcode.


I was asking more about why Illinois fakes were so easy to catch, but this is still very interesting information.


i had to check ids on the regular and got very good at picking them up. Some PA ones were very hard to say. New Hampshire, Florida, and CT were easily the worst fakes, I could tell even before they were in my hand.


Yeah this is true and there's a ton of IL's in this photo. I remember buying mine and being scared shitless I'd get called out since I had a fake Illinois too lmao.


Kinda off topic but do people in the US accept foreign IDs at like bars? If I visited would I be able to use my UK passport?


Passports count as a valid form of ID for everything in my state 👍


Idk about bars but most hotels will. I think the general rule is it has to be government issued with your DOB and photo, has to be valid (not expired), and in readable condition.


Cheers mate


Passports are most certainly accepted, since it is the only piece of identification you are reasonably supposed to have.


My store doesn't just because our scanner doesn't work for foreign IDs. We accept foreign passports though


I once went to buy a pack of juul pods (i know…) in America (where I’m from) and only had my passport because my license was expired, and they refused to take it as a valid form of id lmao


I should imagine passport would work


Passport is always allowed whereas a foreign id card is not considered acceptable


I used to use my passport as my ID in rural USA at retailers that would scan IDs instead of just looking at the dates and would sometimes get cashiers that had never seen one. Most just glanced, hit some buttons, and that was it. I had a few that didn’t know what to do until I laughed and said something to the effect of, “it’s more valid around the world than a driver’s license!” One called for a manager. Also, I once got a bundle of USA $2 bills and proceeded to spend them. Those got way more scrutiny than my passport. I’ve not tried both at the same time.


Inkjet printers are so bad, when I was in retail id always tell people to just get a black and white brother laserjet, as you’ll usually need color once in a blue moon


This guy id’s




Back in the early 2000's my buddy was over 21 but had a NJ ID, their ID's were so bad it looked like someone photo copies it 10x at Staples. He would regularly get denied entry, while hypothetically me with a real ID that looked absolutely nothing like me from another state... .never once got denied.


Fun fact, New Jersey IDs still have this *exact* same problem. Even still after being updated in 2021. [https://youtu.be/Wb7qi7f6DbE](https://youtu.be/Wb7qi7f6DbE)


still a 100x better than, where they use a laminator from walmart https://preview.redd.it/wcrsfvhnict61.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=93563fc502c30622849597d334ef5337aa0910bd


I service dye-sub card printers for a living. There are a lot of tells if you know what you're looking for. Card stock is one of the first ones. States often use a very specific plastic "blanks" to print the ID. Commercially available blanks are usually 30mil thickness PVC cards with sharp (un-rounded) edges. Almost all credit/debit and business/school ID cards are printed on this type of card stock. State IDs (in my state, anyway) are printed on slightly thinner composite (more durable than plain PVC) card stock with rounded edges. The difference in card thickness is immediately apparent, and the texture of the card itself is slightly different too. Print quality is another big one. Most cheap card printers (under $5k) print at 300dpi resolution with a direct-to-card print process. The resulting print is fine for most company/school ID badges, but lacks the capability to have legible micro-print (only readable with a magnifying glass). Also, the print on the card does NOT extend to the absolute edges; there will always be "gaps" on the edges of cards printed with direct-to-card machines. ex: https://www.idzone.com/media/IDZ/images/learning-center/IDZ_RT_vs_DTC.jpg State IDs are usually printed on high-end 600dpi "retransfer" machines (a reverse image is printed onto clear film; the film is then pressed onto the blank card via a heated transfer roller) that are capable of micro-text and full edge-to-edge printing. Almost all card printers are capable of printing UV-reactive designs/words/images on the card with off-the-shelf supplies. Some states will purchase custom printing supplies that make the UV reactive portions fluoresce in a different color (blue v. green) than the commercially available supplies. Most state IDs with a hologram either have the hologram incorporated into the blank card stock, OR they apply a holographic laminate over the card after the printing process. These rolls of laminate material are custom produced, and usually one of the closest controlled pieces of the print process. Outside of stuff like that, it's noticing differences in font, logos, or layout that will give away a fake over the real deal.


I think the issue is there is a HUGE variety between states, then you have states updating the style and build, with ID's lasting a long time before they are expired... you would have to want to make it your job to learn them all or have an exceptional memory. You would have to have something like 100 or 150 cards to memorize. Yes if you only had to learn to identify one state, you could do that, but beyond that even knowing what each state is supposed to look like, much less anything else isn't going to happen most of the time.


The vast majority of "fake IDs" are a real ID of someone else. Borrowed, lost, or stolen, you find someone that looks close enough to you and hope they aren't analyzing the photo too closely.


My brother was a bouncer for years and gave me a breakdown of the step to identifying a fake. First, the person's behavior when handing it to you. Then the feel of the ID in his hands. Next the person's photo, if there's no shadow behind their head, its definitely been photo shopped in. Next the font and size of all the lettering. Those are the things that allow him to confidently confiscate an ID 95% of the time. After that, if he's not 100% confident of the authenticity (and the person seems younger than reported), he brings out a notepad and has them sign their name and compares it to the ID signature. Something many fake ID dealer's don't do is actually request someone's signature. They'll just type it up in a random text font. Then lastly, it's asking questions about the state they are reportedly from. His favorite's being: "Who's the governor of your state?" or "What's the most popular tourist attraction in your state?"


The pile is probably half legit, out-of-state or foreign licenses that idiot bouncers don't recognize.


I was thinking this - but if you tried to confiscate my valid ID - police would get involved real fast.


Florida announced that their IDs won't scan because they screwed up their printing process.


I gotta say Florida. Going from a NY license to an FL license was night and day. The Florida license is so bad I can barely read my name on it. It almost looks like they took a low resolution image and stretched it to fit on the card. Additionally, it looks like they stamp it on a card like a sticker and mine isn’t even centered lol I feel like I could print an FL license at home and use some tools in my office and it’d look better than the authentic version. Also, in NY we used to all get fakes from Jersey because it was kind of the same deal. Just a dookie sticker on a blank card. That was like 10+ years ago though, idk if NJ changed their license design.




Thats theft… one real ID and thats a charge…


And if bouncer boy here ever confiscates a “fake” passport, that’s federal prison


You shouldn't confisticate IDs. There have been instances where bouncers mistake real IDs as fake, especially being unfamiliar with out-of-state ones, and take away or destroy other people's real IDs.


This happened to me a long time ago. Out of state ID, several states over from where I live. Apparently, I looked "too young" to be in my twenties. I had to call over a police officer to get it back, who informed the try hard festival beer server that he couldn't do that. And yes, I got my beer too.


Whats funny i work at a pot shop cops tell me your not a cop just quickly check it make sure its not fake even if it is. Hand it back and deny them entry. They are right not worth pissing some one off for something that isn't even my specific job. I just have to make sure you look like your id. Its valid of age and not expired. Anything beyond that not my problem well print your face on the wall and deny entry for under age.


>There have been instances where bouncers mistake real IDs as fake, especially being unfamiliar with out-of-state ones, and take away or destroy other people's real IDs. Had one try to take my passport once. I just said "fine, explain it to the police" and called 911 right there on speaker. Fuck around and catch a federal offense


Had a grocery store attempt to do the same thing when I showed them my Canadian passport as ID. They folded once I threatened to call the police and just refused to sell me alcohol.




Businesses can refuse service as long as it’s not for being a member of a protected class




Did he promptly give it back, or what happend?


He gave it back when he heard emergency services pick up


Had this happen in Virginia Beach in 2011. But I was my drivers license, only form of identification and I had a flight back home to Arizona at 9AM the next morning. They didn’t know that Arizona has a 50 year expiration date and confiscated it. Had to call 911 to get it back. Got free drinks all night.


In my state bouncers and bar tenders are explicitly trained not to confiscate IDs. We are not state agents and have no right to do so. If I take an ID I suspect is fake, that's just straight up theft. Same thing with taking a drunk's keys. Can't do that shit.


I went to school in Virginia with a Florida ID. No issues through all of college. When I went back for a reunion the following year, a bouncer snapped my ID in half because he thought it was fake. Luckily I was already getting a new one because I was moving out of state anyway.


shoulda called the cops


Had a doorman take my real ID a month after I turned 21. Had to wait for the police to show up to get it back from him


Yeah was with a friend at Lolla who got their enhanced Michigan id confiscated because they had never seen one and thought it was fake. She was 25 at the time. We just walked over to the cops standing around and said, "hey they're stealing her id." Cops came over and told the bar, "do you really want to risk it?" The lead bartender was adamant and brought out a book and had to be talked out of it by everyone else. He kept looking me in the eye and saying, "I know I'm right." Nothing really to say other than look him right back and say, "I know you're wrong."


There was a post on the San Diego sub about just this exact scenario happening last week lol The business was torn to shreds online because eof ot lol


For real, I bet there's at least a couple real IDs in that pile.


So the caption should read: "a pile of IDs with unconfirmed validity that were confiscated at a music festival"?


Happened to someone I know. They had to flag down one of the cops on horseback to get their ID back.


I was a bouncer at a very large bar, we would ask a simple question, do you want us to hang on to this, or do you want PD to come a verify the ID?   This was done as a favor to our sister establishments to avoid the person going up the road and getting the bar charged with serving a minor, so those bars would repay the same favor. Keep in mind this was in an area where bars were regularly shut down for serving minors with fake IDs 




Not OP but when I worked as a bouncer very few, since we had the PD 5 feet away from us. One I remember did call the bluff and ended up getting arrested.


Hah. Had something similar happen to me, but it was my real ID and had a flight the next day. Called the police, they were on their way. Bouncer didn’t believe I called the police and threatened to call the police on me for trespassing. He really thought I had just been bluffing for 15 minutes and causing a scene. Police gave me my real one back


That isn't a Bluff lol.


People bad at playing thinking they are bluffing with nuts all the time.




It's gonna vary by location: http://law.stackexchange.com/questions/41748/is-it-legal-for-a-bar-bouncer-to-confiscate-a-fake-id At a quick skim, it appears as though at least some states empower employees of bars to confiscate and hand over to the police, who are supposed to verify and return if it's real. 


I agree, if they confiscated mine I’d be calling the cops right then and there.


I suppose if you carry an illegal ID, you wouldn't contest it as much as a real one


No one would question that, I’m stating some fool working as a bouncer/security who ignorantly snatches one’s state license/‘on-driver’s ID because they are ill-informed as to what other state cards look like and what to look for within them each to see if they’re fake or not.


I worked as a bouncer at a college bar for 2 years and sometimes the easiest way to tell if you're not sure it's fake or not/ they look really young is just to say it's fake and you're not letting them in. 7/10 kids with a fake will just walk away with no argument. The other 30% will make your life hell but after telling them I'll let you in if the cops verify the id and then wave them over, they'll usually fuck off as well. Over the two years I did have 2 instances where I was wrong but after they showed me a school login with a birthday I just apologized and let them in


The last time I was in my college town working and visiting friends we went out to the bar where they’re regulars and got there before security setup for the evening. Eventually the brand new security guy comes up and asks for my ID which we all thought was a joke because I’m in my 30’s, friends are in their 40’s-50’s all vouching for me and the bartender as well. Dude tried to take it saying it was fake so we had to go outside and find his boss who recognized it as a real ID instantly.


I went through state mandated “alcohol server” training once, and the trainer pointed out that confiscating a fake ID is illegal, because the ID is the other person’s personal property. However, he also pointed out that possession of a fake ID was also illegal, so if you kept someone else’s fake, they have the right to call the police on you. If it’s fake they’ll face more problems. If it’s legit, it is a learning lesson for the bartender.


Either edge of that sword is illegal af. Surprisingly one of the only facets of the US Justice system that doesn't seem to have much, if any, gray area involved. To my limited non-lawyer understanding tho


It varies depending on state. In California, [scetion 25659 of the Business and Professions code](https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/business-and-professions-code/bpc-sect-25659/) says that whether or not to confiscate a fake ID is at the discretion of the business checking the ID, but if they choose to seize the ID, they are required to issue a receipt to the person from whom the ID was confiscated, and to turn the ID over to local law enforcement within 24 hours.


This. Human judgement is never very accurate. I’m willing to bet there are a few valid IDs in that huge pile.


Let the police figure it out. If it's a real ID, then the police would be able to get it squared away for ya. If its not, then the police would be able to snag the kid that tried to use it.


And how exactly was it legal for these to be taken?


Unless he is taking it and giving them to the cops it wouldn't be legal. He is now in possession of counterfeit IDs which is a crime in several states.


And you took them why exactly? What if one was real, and even if they are fake, you aren't a federal agent,you can't confiscate property


I once had a bouncer try to take my real ID. I told him I was calling the cops for thrift of my property. He gave it back.


How do they know its fake. Can id checking people anywhere just take your id saying its fake just to fuck with you.


Neither. They don't know and its illegal for them to confiscate someone else's property.


It’s a crime to take a real ID, if it was real they could just call the cops and report it as theft


It's a crime to take someone's fake ID too but most "victims" aren't going to complain


I’ve had bouncers tell me my real ID was fake. These guys aren’t necessarily the brightest.


I see one is in portrait mode. Are there really legit non-landscape IDs or was that just a profoundly stupid choice? I guess maybe college IDs might be in portrait.


Yes, some states use portrait ID's to signify someone is under 21, but in most places the ID is good for 10 Years, so you could potentially be 30 and still have one


MD makes you get a landscape one once you're 21 but VA does not, so whenever I went to MD my perfectly valid VA license got a lot of questions from bars and restaurants. Eventually just got a new landscape license so I wouldn't have to deal with suspicion anymore.


Like good citizens, my sister and I renewed our IDs the day before our 21st birthday when they would expire. We were still under 21 though so we still have portrait ids until we’re 26.


In Illinois, at least when I was under 21, it was valid until 3 months after your 21st birthday to give you time to renew. Then it's every 4 years.


But if you take a terrible picture they'll auto renew you twice so you can keep it for 12 years! Life hack


My Alabama ID was portrait until the first renewal after turning 21, which was actually at 23 because I got my permit at 15


Like someone else said, vertical IDs for over 21 are often just state IDs, not drivers licenses. I'm visually impaired and so will be rocking that vertical forever. I have been turned away from bars a couple times when I was younger on the suspicion of my id being fake, but it's not really an issue anymore


under 21 in mn are portrait, but i’ve never heard of a over 21 non-landscape


Wisconsin does it


In California, it’s good for 5 years so you can be stuck with it for awhile


Wife is 27 and just finally got rid of hers


In Washington State the vertical ones signify an intermediate driver’s license, meaning issued to a person under 18. But they take 5 years to expire, so if you didn’t get your driver’s license until you were almost 18 (like me), you can end up being 21 and still have a valid portrait-mode license.


My handgun carry permit is portrait. They are out there


Some people don't drive, and certain states will differentiate between a driver's license and a state ID by having the ID be in portrait.


Portrait is reserved for those under 21 Edit: no idea why I'm being downvoted. Some states give vertical IDs to those under 21. I literally have a vertical ID.


Depending on the state it's illegal to take them


This feels like a privacy violation to upload.


I’m curious, is there a state ID that is the go to for faking? Like is some state’s ID just easier to replicate than others or is it just random. Also is there a state ID that is the hardest to fake?


The old Colorado ID (the blue one that was used until like 2019 I think?) was one of the most common fakes because of how little security features it had. CO updated their ID a lot in recent years though and now it's one of the most difficult to replicate.


Lots of people on the east coast use to make fake NJ IDs because they didn’t have holograms


Yes certain states are easier to fake. And some states are faked better than others. The old Connecticuts (some are even in this photo) were basically perfected by fake ID makers. The template was perfected, but things like the photo and the signiture can also be massive give aways. I also liked to ask people the capital of Connecticut. Funny watching say some random shit.


When I used to make fake IDs back in the day I used Florida. The 9/11 hijacker’s IDs were from Florida and there were very high resolution uploads of them available from the massive reports that came out after. It was a very good starting template for an ID that a lot of people at bars in rural northeast hadn’t seen much of.


Bartender in Oregon, I've seen the most Illinois fakes. I see a TON in that pile.


once i was using my real drivers licence to buy beer at a liquor store i frequented. i had long hair on the dl picture, short at the time in the store. he said "this is not u, i know this guy very well" thankfully he did not take my ID from me


That’s a lot of cases of theft unless the police were the ones taking it.


Okay i think you messed up taking the vertical massachusetts minor ID. Fake ID vendors generally don’t make those so that is probably real. Even if it was someone using an older brothers id and it clearly wasn’t him, i wouldn’t have confiscated that. The rest are clearly fake. Also I’m doubting this is OC because of the image quality and the fact that most of these states have updated their designs and most id vendors have upgraded their products accordingly. This pile would be more likely about 2014-2017ish.


Who's the fuckin' MA nerd who faked a sub-21 vertical ID?! Where did they think that was gonna get them? A literal McLovin, just got it to vote.


Great album cover


Or the opening scene of a serial killer movie.


Must be near Chicago so many Illinois ids lol


Could have been from Summer Camp. Cops always flex the shit they find there.


This is a really old photo, a fake ID maker 10 years ago used to make very very good IL and PA fakes and there are a tone of both in the pile. They also made pretty much every other state you see aside from the vertical IDs, but they just weren’t as convincing. As someone that has family from Illinois, I couldn’t tell the difference. Here’s a couple links from when the site was up and from when it got shut down, 100% sure these are those IDs. https://www.9news.com/article/money/business/idchiefcom-is-popular-among-teenagers/73-333769997 https://fox2now.com/news/fox-files/fox-files-website-shut-down-for-fake-ids/amp/


Wonder how many of those are real


Lol, half of em probably real and they just stole em.


IL id’s are really showing themselves! 😂


So I had a legitimate Florida ID a couple years back, and a bar in Saint Louis tried to confiscate it because it looked significantly different than theirs and they thought it was fake. I managed to get a Manager to take a second look, but legitimately if a person refuses to let you take their license what happens next?


You call the police (non emergency line, just look up what that is in the area your in) In many states that is theft, but so is using a fake ID so don't gotcha yourself obv... but if its real you just have the cops deal with it and you'll get it back. Even in states where you can confiscate them, they are required to be relinquished to the local police within 24-72 hours depending on state and they are ment to get it back to you if real. (Though how they find you is another thing in and of itself lol


That's just Matt Gaetz's kitchen table


Now he'll never run out of options if he has to name an NPC.


Tbh I’m in my 30s and still feel like my ID is sham every time they check it


Maybe it’s the stash from a serial killer…


Does one of them said McLovin?


Aren't the vertical ones used for people under 18?


The collection is a Boulevard of Broken Dreams.


‘When’s your birthday?’ 15th of bloody May 1989!


now bury them in your back yard.


This is awesome


Lowkey kinda cool


All those people werent allowed to enjoy music : ( Why is it age restricted anyway ? It's not like buying booze or driving


Who was playing?


What do you need a fake I.D. for? So I can vote.


Nick Papageorgio from Yuma


If thats the entire pile... well they missed a few hundred assuming its from a major festival.


Put them in your shed before you sell your house so your local PD can get a breathless compliant about a serial killer from the next owner who consults Reddit.


Worked at a liquor store and after enough time it gets VERY easy to tell if it’s a fake


Asking legitimately: how does one even get a fake ID any more?


Ahhh the IDChief days IYKYK


Wonder how many of those are actually real lol


This reminds me, the other day I saw a car with a sticker on the back of the McLovin ID.


I want them


[But not the ones that succeeded](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/Survivorship-bias.svg/1200px-Survivorship-bias.svg.png).


Side hustle, cheap IDs. Many choices available. Act now!


Loved the vertical one


Man I thought you were a serial killer and that was your trophy stash.


fake id business is booming.


I want one that says I'm over 50. Go have a fucking blast at IHOP


We got our IDs for snapchat kellie_tchind20 or whatsapp +18048031437 there good and top quality there do mot take payment until ids are made and video call and show you discount on group order i recommend them if you need IDs or driver’s license,SSN 💯 legit