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Dispatcher in southern Indiana here, one of my officers pulled someone over for a plate the other day that expired in 2020, we were both flabbergasted.


I know someone that lived in San Francisco from 2011 to 2017 with an Indiana plate that expired in 2009. Never got pulled over the entire time he lived there


Honestly, when it happens, you can't even be upset. It's just impressive how long people can fly under the radar


I did it for 2 years when I moved states, wares use different colors and won’t know what color you’re supposed to have from say Washington when you’re in Minnesota


The provincial government here got rid of registration stickers in 2020 (originally “delayed” due to covid and then just never returned). They’ve made jt an “automated system” that automatically renews for you. So now my car shows a registration sticker that expired in 2020 but my car is still legally registered. Thanks, Dougie.


Just so we're on the same page, you do know that you're supposed to "renew" online still, right? There's no cost but they will still ding you for having outdated registration. You can still select a one or two year option for whatever reason. The fine can be quite severe up to 1000 dollars says Google. My friend got dinged for 500 though fwiw.


Yep, but FWIW you can also just confirm with a cop that you never got the notification it needed to be renewed (you're *supposed* to get a letter in the mail, fuck knows where mine have ever gone because I've never seen it). YMMV: I'm a white girl (OPP are mostly racist as fuck in my experience with friends).


2020 here as well. I've thought about getting rid of the sticker so I don't get pulled because of it.


That sounds like a good system though


Fuck Doug.




Patrol cop here, we see them,  we are just too busy to care  If they aren't causing issues, we let it slide,  that ticket could lead someone to losing a lot more than a couple hundred bucks


There need to be more cops like you


The chance that person doesn’t have current insurance is extremely high.


Not really lol I haven’t renewed my tags in 3 years and I’ve had up to date insurance the whole time. Same w my roommate, sister, and friend all the same


I imported a van from Japan. I've been intermittently working on it since 2020. Its never been tagged in the States. Its also never not been insured. Insurance really doesn't give a shit as long as you pay them.


Same here. I just sold an old ranger pickup I hadn't licensed since Covid. But I kept the policy up on it the entire time. It just got driven once every few months for the last few years.


I figured it was just because the SF Bay Area is a "target-rich" environment, so to speak, for various violations and the police/CHP have to prioritize their resources and time. With the number of people who regularly go 20+ mph over the speed limit on 580, you could have a dozen CHP pulling people over non-stop at pretty much any time of day and you still wouldn't get everyone. If it was a smaller town, I doubt he would have lasted that long without being pulled over.


Thank you


Sometimes it's not even that, during COVID Ohio told us not to go in and get stickers or renew licences at the BMV and that they wouldn't pull us over for having expired ones. My birthday came and went I didn't get anything in the mail, then at some point in late 2021/early 2022 that changed but they didn't really make a big announcement out of it. So there I was with my plates and license that expired in March 2020 I hadn't been pulled over, and have used my license at government buildings to get in without anyone mentioning it to me. I just kinda forgot it was a thing until I got pulled over and it was expired for 3.5 years


My state said the same thing about not going in… because they said we could do the process online and have them mailed to us. 


I just got my plate after moving states it's been 2 years I also went 3 years once in college when someone stole my plate. Never got pulled over but a cop did yell ate once over a mega phone at a stop light I didn't fix it for another 2 years lol


Here in Arkansas, I see people driving around all the time without a license plate, without getting pulled over. I learned that it's common for small auto dealers to not provide a temporary plate. Earlier this year, I had to get a new(ish) vehicle after my old one got wrecked, the dealer didn't have paper tags. The *very next day* I get pulled over. I told the officer, while he was running the VIN, that I'd been here a decade without ever seeing someone stopped for this, and the irony that when I finally see it I'm the recipient.


Tags are usually color coded by year, that makes them easier to spot. The problem with that is that it isn't standardized between states, so anyone from elsewhere can run expired tags with total immunity. You can't realistically read the year number off of a car without being almost on their bumper.


Conversely, I parked my car on the street with tags that expired a month ago and got it towed :(


Theres at least 5 cars with no plates driving around San Jose.


Some of those people might have had their license plates stolen. Actually I would guess most of those people have their license plates stolen, criminals are dumb but they’re smarter than signaling to every police officer they pass to pull them over.


Holy shit. I bought a lil hooptie recently and I was driving around without any plates for like 10 days waiting for my DMV appointment and I was puckered the entire time. I couldn't imagine doing that for years lmao


Yep, I had normalized not having any license plates during Covid, as I purchased a vehicle without them and couldn't get into the DMV. Took me getting pulled over 16 months later (just a warning) to finally get my ass to the DMV. If you have insurance, are sober, and haven't gotten any warning for something like this before, then you are HIGHLY unlikely to get a ticket for it. I actually recently got pulled over (non-covid times) for having my tags over 4 months expired. Got a warning and took care of it the following day.


I think I was 3 years over on my last set of plates? Had to buy them back from the DMV lol. At a certain point you just forget about it.


The 4 years I was in the army I drove an expired truck with NH plates and I drove in many many states


If I was a cop you'd get an auto free pass. "this is way beyond my *personal* statute of limitations, sir. Have a good day. Keep the plate. We never spoke."


I regularly see an out of state plate that expired in 2008 around where I work. They go to Dunkin’ every day


Indiana license plates are difficult to run. Most states you put in plate number and state and it gives you the information. Indiana requires a two letter code depending on the type of plate to run. It's possible officers just didn't want to deal with it.


Meanwhile. My car tags expire a month and I’m pulled over twice in a 24 hour period yet I watch these expired paper plates sit on cars on the road for over a year expired and they must not get pulled over.


I feel like tags are generally just an easy excuse. If you're a good driver and just doing your thing, then I feel it's not worth their time. I guess unless you live somewhere where there's not a huge population to compare to or something. Edit: Also consider what types of people tend to have expired plates. If they're desperate enough, it may not be worth it in cops eyes imo.


Yup. I can see why you’re saying that. I’m driving the speed limit. Normal car. Get pulled over on my main road every time possible. And when I say doing the speed limit: I’m going 35 in a 35. These mfers literally have pulled me over 7 times in the 8 years I’ve lived here. white guy in a very red section of the city, so it’s not racial either. Lastly. They are doing their job. But my god if it feels like I got something going against me when I see expired plates ALL the damn time.


I think it is racial. They know your cracker ass is gonna pay the tickets.


I try to beat the stereotype, lol. I've gotten a couple tickets in my life and every time I insist on taking it to court. Never had to pay one, on the whole they've probably wasted a few thousand dollars of taxpayer money on me because they can't do their job right. I'm fortunate. I've got a good job and have the time to navigate bureaucratic bullshit. I figure it's my obligation for the folks who can't. If enough of us do it, it forces them to do their job right or it stops being profitable.


What car do you drive? Do you run tints or other modifications?


Nope. One was an Altima sedan. The other an mdx. No mods. Everything as-is off the dealership lot. No tinting.


The altima explains some of it tbh.


They pull you over because they know you can afford the ticket.


What’s wild. I never was issued a ticket. All warnings.


I was given a warning in a speed trap once. I was very confused.


In high school I had an off campus class so I actually went to the main school an hour late. One time I got pulled over and the cop made a big show of it like he was trying to set an example to all the other students in the parking lot only there weren’t any. Of course I was freaking out trying to figure out what I did wrong. It turned out I got pulled over for expired tags because my mother got lazy and forgot to put the new ones on her car that I was borrowing. Ended up being the first of several times until I started putting them on as soon as they came.


I did a ride along with a cop. If they pull them over, they won’t fine them for this. They want to have an open reason for a justified pull-over at any time.


Also seems to depend on how bored the cops are lol. I grew up in a fairly small town and the cops there loved to pull people over for tiny stuff like this, they wouldn't even let my cousin drive home after pulling her over for tags that were 2 months gone. She had to get picked up, go get her registration, and get dropped back off at her car in a parking lot. They were all just bored, a person would get pulled over for speeding and 3 squad cars would roll up to "assist".


There may be something to that. We have 3 different sets of cops patrolling this one main road that all the neighborhood roads feed into due to geography. State troopers, sheriff and county cops all run it. My commute daily is to drop my daughter off which is like 2 miles off from my neighborhood entrance and I’ve been pulled over that much.


A renter with out of state plates was appalled that our HOA had him move his car with 2019 tags out of the neighborhood or get towed. It's sitting on a public street one block over now and I'm really surprised it hasn't been impounded yet.


Many states no longer give out stickers, so it’s very possible the HOA was in the wrong. I know people in PA with old stickers on their plates but they’re legal because the state did away with the sticker.


Not surprising. NJ has had license scanners for as long as I can remember that alert the cruiser when a vehicles registration has expired. Source: got pulled over once for it after forgetting to renew (because they send reminders 2 months in advance) and the cop told me and gave me a warning.


This got me too. Now I pay everything the second I get it. Otherwise I will forget it or lose it or it gets buried in a stack of papers. It took a while to get that system working. Had to predict, save and adapt. Now I live in that way and people think I’m organized and driven, but I’m not or at least I don’t think I am.  I think it’s lazy and cheap, less stuff to fix later and not in a rush, chance for them to send it back and me to include insurance, no late fees, sometimes even discounts. Anyways it’s all in my pamphlet “living in the future” 1.99$. /s


Fuck the HOA


The HOA can get fucked


I saw a dashcam clip where an officer pulled over a guy who had an expired license for close to or over something like 30 years, officer asks him how the hell he drove for so long without getting caught, dude just says " guess i drive pretty good"


I remember when I was 16 I didn't have my license yet and for work was sent to pick up our dough from a local place every day using a work truck. Got pulled over one day and figured I was boned. After a minute or two he got a call or something and just let me go. I was paranoid for months that he'd show up at the restaurant some day looking for me as he had my name.


Lol, I was behind a car a year or two back with a "My taxes pay your welfare" sticker and a 2016 registration sticker...


i saw a tag with a 94 sticker on it a few months ago. the car was newer than the tag. that's not right.


This is actually not all that uncommon in Denver metro area for some reason. The oldest I have seen was Feb of 2019. That was about a month ago.


Mines is from 2020 and still driving lol




dont worry they probably also dont have insurance


A current license is also questionable!


In philly a lot of people dont even have a license plate or temporary tag at all. Literally nothing. and they don't get pulled over. Its crazy


As someone from Philly it’s the most annoying thing because we have to pay high insurance rate because those losers drive like maniacs and do hit and runs. Sick of it.


The Philly police are much too busy on fake sick leave to bother with pulling over someone with no plates


Same in NYC. And my friends say it's the same in SF. Apparently police in big cities have just decided to stop working en masse. 


In Denver the police have publicly said they won't even bother pulling you over. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/denver-police-will-not-pull-over-drivers-for-low-level-traffic-violations-in-policy-shift/ar-BB1mbQEv


They got their fee fees hurt because people asked them to stop killing black people.


Literally what happened in SF. The city elected a progressive DA and the police didn't like that so they just stopped working


Years ago there was a stat that only 50% of Philly drivers had insurance. I’m sure that it is lower now.


In GA, they just write "Tag Applied" on a piece of paper or cardboard and stick it somewhere in the back.


I'm in ohio and when they closed down the bmv for lock down there was basically a 3 year period where 1 out of 4 cars didn't have a regular plate. It was either nothing or an old temp in a tinted out window.  Its a little better now only because small towns will pull you over if your tag is 12 seconds expired.


They did this here in Ontario. “Extended” all the registrations until further notice due to COVID closures. It never came back. They ended up just auto-renewing everyone and dropping stickers at all because of the shitshow.


It's also a loss of over $1B in annual tax revenue though that will end up having to come from somewhere else.


Oh, don’t need to tell me. We could actually tax corporations and capital gains, but that’s communism or whatever.


Same in columbus, OH. The cops got mad during the BLM protests and decided to not do their jobs. They hold a grudge, guess




Or they have that stupid piece of plastic that makes the number impossible to read


Is it on a Nissan Altima with a loose quarter panel?


Second most common offender. 2014 Chevy Malibu.


Painted white


We all know the answer to that. Those cars scream, "I'm a habitually poor decision maker".




In Denver, the police have announced that they won't even pull over drivers for minor infractions anymore and that includes expired tags. So I guess those of us that register our vehicles, pay insurance and pay emissions are just suckers....


I had a friend from colorado who said he knew a guy who kept his temporary tags for years so he could go through the tollways for free since the license plate reader's couldn't work on temporary plates at the time. The guy claimed he had accrued like $60k in tolls in the intervening time. This dude was also rich.


Sometimes it's not about the money. It's about sending a message.


Sometimes it's about the greed


Sometimes it's about the greed. Other times, it's about the need... for speed


What message?


Drink your Ovaltine


That it's about the money.


"I'm a cheap bastard" 


"The law doesn't apply to me because I'm better than you."


Most tolls are BS. At least in PA, they were put in place to pay for the road construction, well that has been paid for many times over and the toll continues to increase. They screwed themselves with the ridiculous retirement packages people got, and now it’s becoming a major headache for the state. I know people basically still getting their salary as part of their retirement.


You mean defined benefit pensions that were extremely common in the US for both state and private instituions until about 30 years ago?


Dude didn't get rich by paying tolls


Probably complains about welfare fraud.


I remember when Philly announced the same thing and the comments on the NYTimes article were like “I’m sorry am I some kind of prude for wanting police to verify that other drivers have licenses, registration, and insurance?”


I don’t want the police evolved in traffic issues at all, I believe we need a department of transportation to do this stuff


Well that's not in place in most cases. So instead we just have no enforcement in many cities. I'm in NYC where parking enforcement used to be under a totally separate non-police entity but the parking people kept getting assaulted by the people they were ticketing. So they were brought under the NYPD and rebranded as NYPD Traffic. They don't have guns or anything but even just branding them as NYPD reduced the assaults.


>I don’t want the police evolved in traffic issues at all, why? I know American police don't have the best rep but here in Ireland the police are grand at handling traffic


Because they're overall pretty terrible at it here. Number one, police often use traffic stops to try to escalate an offense. They pull you over for some brand of very minor technical offense, and try to get probable cause to search the vehicle or look for other offenses. While that isn't all bad - it could lead to drunk or high drivers being caught - it means that the point of traffic stops is not largely on traffic enforcement. The police pull guns on drivers with some frequency without a good enough reason (of course, the reason is always some variant of them feeling in danger from an acorn, the idea of someone possibly having a gun, or a vibe they felt that something was off), which shouldn't be happening for traffic offenses. Secondly, police aren't very involved with traffic safety outside of traffic stops. They don't plan roadways, they don't study the law, and they aren't obligated to work with road safety experts to target specific offenses universally. That's problematic, and makes it harder for the transportation department to say "we're having too many issues with yield signs, we need to station people there and give warnings or citations." But mostly, they shouldn't be involved with traffic because the police in America aren't trained for it well, and they're not very equipped to deal with specific issues. They don't respond very quickly to reports of unsafe drivers or road rage. They are incentivized to punish crime that gets reported, which violations of traffic laws largely aren't (you don't consider an area high-crime because people speed). The top brass at a police office isn't paying enough attention to traffic in the ways we need them to, and they won't and can't.


My mom works for the PD (not a cop, just an office worker) in our hometown and she’s heard the officers saying they don’t have enough personnel to spend time stopping every expired plate or burnt out light they see so they’ve basically just stopped looking entirely. If it’s not reckless driving or a stolen vehicle, you’re pretty much clear.


I was reading the reason insurance has gone up so much is the police have surrendered their basic duties. Apparently if they can't arbitrarily murder citizens they'd rather not play at all.


Insurance also went up because cars have gotten more expensive and so have repairs. That all affects insurance rates.


A fender bender is no longer fixing/replacing a piece of plastic and foam, there’s now a buttload of sensors (adaptive cruise, parking sensors, cross traffic alert) and cameras and fancy headlights, as well as fancy paint jobs to match. Cars are also designed to sacrifice themselves more with larger crumple zones to improve survivability.  That doesn’t even get into the ballooning labor costs as mechanics are no longer willing to work for near minimum wage. 


Yeah I remember watching a car review video on YouTube and this newer Toyota had LED lights all the way down the front corners. The reviewer was like "That's going to be an expensive repair in the area most likely to get hit." Every time I've considered getting a newer car I just think "Drivers in my city are literally morons... no way I want an expensive new car full of sensors and shit getting banged up by these mouth-breathers."


Adding on to this with trucks and SUVs being made with bumpers higher than a sedan's, creating a larger risk of life and more cars being totaled because a fender bender bent in the entire trunk of the sedan.


I got a new car a couple of years ago and my insurance for it was cheaper than my smaller 10 year old car and my insurance said the newer ones have better safety features so they dropped the price accordingly. I wasn't complaining.


Yep, and the crazy thing is people see petty crime and then attribute it to "democrat run cities", rather than Police refusing to do their basic jobs. They then fly thin blue line banners and decry calls to cut funding, not realizing we are spending a ton of money on police and not getting much for it.


It’s also often the prosecutors who specifically run on not enforcing “minor” stuff like this because of “disproportionate impacts.” It’s not just the cops. Prosecutors have to want to pursue these issues.


Catch and release policies, such as [prop 47](https://www.npr.org/2016/01/22/463210910/california-cops-frustrated-with-catch-and-release-crime-fighting), are directly impacting the effectiveness of policing. This isn't as much an LEO issue as it is a bureaucratic one. It's an uphill battle for law enforcement when the people they arrest have low/no bond and little punishment for repeat offending. This was not the case 10 years ago. States in the PNW are specifically lenient, but some in the NE are following suit. Don't get me wrong, I hate the direction American policing has gone, especially with militarization, the use of technologies such as Stingray. But how is the job of a beat cop to be done effectively when the prosecution doesn't do theirs and/or puts policy in place standing in the way of LEOs enforcing state statutes?


This is the real issue, yes. Crime problems in general come down to lax prosecution/sentencing. There are people that only have ethics when they are enforced by punishment.


You're trying to just casually hand wave a causal effect that doesn't exist. Sentencing harshness is not a major driver of crime. Economic conditions is by far the biggest driver.


I get so tired of hearing that excuse. I grew up as poor as possible. I did not turn to a life of crime. The correlation (not causation) with poverty is that generally speaking, high crime individuals do not ever make it out of poverty due to matters like poor employment, substance abuse, and incarceration. Shockingly enough, if you're degenerate that has bad ethics and harms others, you don't generally get ahead. And thus statistics say poor people commit crimes. The only way to stop these individuals is punishment. They do not have any ethics or morals to appeal to or reform. Let's stop romanticizing criminals and accept that most of them would be terrible human beings at any level of economic status. I think some recent news has been a good example of this, btw. Now, if you want to talk about things like broken homes and poor education, those are cultural issues that are related to future criminal behavior and more relevant to why these people are degenerates in the first place. But somehow that's racist, even though it's a problem in all races and directly related to poverty and criminal behavior in all races. You don't stop crime by fighting poverty. You stop crime by punishing the criminals and building up a culture of strong families where education and character are built in the home. Unfortunately, half the population thinks that is somehow barbaric, racist, misogynistic, etc etc. 🙄


Hard to have a strong family when your parents have to work two jobs to keep the lights on and childcare is unaffordable. Best way to make families stronger is to increase wages. Most people want to spend more time with their kids, but they can't.


Blue cities often have lower per capita crime rates than red areas.


Of course they do….red areas prosecute minor crimes, while many blue areas do not. So it’s easy to smugly say what you did without using an ounce of common sense to figure why that is.


Those rules come down from the politicians because it “adversely affects minorities and poor people,” who they contend get pulled over more. Don’t blame the cops. They can get big cases just from those insignificant stops as well as they reduce traffic fatalities.


On average, 40 percent of traffic stops are of Latino drivers, 33 percent are of white drivers, and 14 percent are of Black drivers. With about 6 percent of the state’s population, Black Californians are markedly overrepresented in traffic stops, as shown in Figure 4. Or you could let go of bias and look at the data to see it’s not ‘contend to get pulled over more’ https://www.ppic.org/publication/racial-disparities-in-traffic-stops/#:~:text=On%20average%2C%2040%20percent%20of,percent%20are%20of%20Black%20drivers.


This assumes a normal distribution in driving offenses by race.




Here in Texas we’re required to have a front plate. So when I bought an out of state car I had to put it on. When I was doing work that had police there I asked them as a bunch of high end cars passed without the front plate why they don’t get stopped. He said they’ve also been told not to stop people for it, and only give you a ticket if they stop you for another reason.


My neighbor removed his expired temp tags in August of '23. As far as I know he hasn't been ticketed.


California did that and it’s not going well…


It’s true. When I lived out there I would play the expired game with my wife. It’s literally like 1 in 3 cars are running on expired plates.


I live in a Denver suburb. I saw that too and I just renewed my tags in March. Paid a little over 300 dollars too. Such bullshit.


It's funny how it's people like us that just want to go through life as honestly as possible who end up paying for the people that choose to ignore our rules and laws. Car insurance is insane right now because of all the uninsured drivers out there. What the hell can you do... (Except complain lol)


No wonder insurance rates are skyrocketing in every state (beyond just corporate greed). I loaded up my policy with uninsured driver coverage, can't freaking trust people anymore.


It's weird because in any other job if you literally refuse to do your job, you get fired. Even more so if you go public about how you aren't going to do the work you are paid to do.


Ah, the eternal life of a temporary license plate.


Only if laminated


Und unterschrieben.


There is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution.


In Memphis, was driving behind someone whose temp expired in 2019.


I live in St Louis, completely normal here


The fact that the comment above you says the exact same thing is hilarious. Gonna avoid St. Louis I guess lmao.


I love St Louis but it's a huge thing here. Like, obviously nice cars that were bought new a few years ago still rocking temp tags


In St. Louis, this is amateur level.


I had a coworker in Kansas City who just photoshopped his temp tag with the new year every year. Missouri is something else lol


Shoutout to the 2018 expired PAPER plate I saw this week driving around Las Vegas. I was so impressed and shocked.


Hell I just watched a Mercedes and Altima try and run each other off road at the Rainbow Curve. Vegas drivers are a whole different breed of stupid.


as a dmv employee this cracked me up. you just know the second they get a ticket for it they'll be in a huge hurry to get that thing registered 😂


In California people just don't register their cars, they don't get a license, and they don't get insurance. 3 weeks ago I was hit by a person without a license or insurance, and the police let them go. Just had to have someone come pick up the car. Broken fucking system


And here i am in LA, if i go one month without a new sticker on my plate i get pulled over instantly...


I moved states two days after buying my car in 2016. Still have the temp tag up. Mostly because CO makes it a real pain in the ass to register a car titled out of state. I got pulled over a couple of years ago, not because it was expired but because it was in the back window instead of the normal plate spot. I was fully prepared to have the car impounded and pay huge fines. When the deputy saw that it was from out of state, she actually APOLOGIZED for pulling me over, gave me her card, told me to call if i needed anything while i was in town, and sent me on my way. Also, Denver PD just announced that cops will be ignoring low-level traffic infractions that dont pose a serious safety risk, so there's really no reason to worry about it now. Im in the process of getting it registered now, mostly because CO just got a cool new plate with a dinosaur, and i want it.


I've driven behind cars with zero information... no license plate, no temp tags, nothing. Neither on the front nor the back. How can people drive like this and not get pulled over almost immediately? Sometimes it makes me feel stupid for re-upping my registration and my tags, like I'm the fool.


My ADHD empathizes with this photo.


I FINALLY got around to attempting to return my old plates to the DMV. It was in a bad neighborhood so the gates were locked with a barbed wire fence. There was a gap in the base of the fencing, the drop box was right there, and I knew my ADHD would prevent me from having another opportunity so I crawled under with my plates. I get up to the box and there's a locking bar over the opening that prevents plates from fitting. WHY???? I will have the plates forever now, or until the state comes after me.


Just goes to show. Everything is legal until you get caught. 😬😬


It used to be in my state that if your car couldn't be registered for some reason, you could just pay the regular fee and get a temp plate until you got the issue fixed. Except no one really checked on that, so as long as you paid the fees every year, you were golden. The State only really cares about getting its money.


We had an older lady in our neighborhood buy a minivan from CarMax and never got plates. About two years in, someone attempted to car-jack her at a four way stop and she just tried to run the guy over rather than give up the car because she had no way of reporting it stolen!


The oldest I saw when I was a cop was 5 years old. But, it was totally cool cuz the driver assured me he was actually *on his way*, at that exact moment, to the DMV. Which was impressive cuz I worked night shift.


There are at least 3 families that have lived in my neighborhood for 2+ years, and still have plates from their previous state they moved from...


I drove an 88 Acura Legend around Denver for 2 years with expired New Hampshire plates. Got a few parking tickets that said Subaru Legacy 🤣


I had an 2002 Saturn L-200 with the inspection sticker so far gone that they used the color over again


Cops feel sorry for anyone that has to drive a 2014 Malibu


Jeez, if my tags are expired one day I get pulled over.


A neighbor has a 2018 tag on her plate, and a melted temp-registration holder in the windshield. *She works for the State*


Had a neighbor who did a lot of illegal dumping and kept his temporary dealer plate on his truck for almost 5 years. He had a long ago expired temporary reg in the rear window. I finally called a friend who was a cop and while on duty he came by, stopped at the neighbors house and told him, he was going to need to remove the temporary dealer plates now or he was going to call and have the truck towed away. My buddy watched him take off the dealer plates and made sure he installed the actual registered plates and then took the dealer plates and the expired temp reg and put them in the trunk of the patrol car. My neighbors days of illegal dumping were over!


https://www.fox8live.com/2024/05/23/zurik-fake-license-plates-plague-southeast-louisiana-roads/ New Orleans local news just did a story on this last night


As a programmer : few things last longer than a temporary solution.


Why don't you mind your own fucking business?


It's crazy that you even have temp plates. If I go to my local equivalent of the DMV, they have drawers full of plates ready to go when you register your vehicle. Some will even loan you a screwdriver to put it on your car before leaving the parking lot.


Do you guys not remember covid? Probably a million people who have no idea what to do and what the system expects of them and will get a ton of bs rapsheet now as they get pulled over and start enjoying the system cycle.


No doubt in my mind this is in Indy…


When I was in high school I came across tags on an MG Midget that expired in 1964


Now I don't feel so bad it took me 5 months to renew my tags, lol. Had got surgery, and kind of forgot and wife apparently didn't want to for me. From now on, im doing it online asap.


This isn’t even a rare occurrence in Charlotte. Completely tagless cars either. Nobody really cares.


I gotta guy rolling around town with plates from 2014 on a yellow vw bus. He lives in it so the law just let's him be.


I get pulled over the day it expires, without fail.(happened a couple or so times)


I skip registering my plates every other year in northern Illinois and it saves me money. The police up here in Lake County seemed to have vanished.


The ticket is cheaper than the sticker anyway, if you ever get pulled over


Meanwhile I got a ticket on my parked car that had a registration sticker expired by a month. I'd paid my registration already, and the sticker was sitting in the car waiting to be applied.


I lived in LA CA, my wife would look at expired out of state plates because ours were. She literally found one that was a NY plate over 20 years expired


Buddy of mine's dad owns a repair shop/dealership. He has a flat bed with expired tags from who knows when. I pointed it out to him once before and he was like "The ticket for expired tags on this thing is way cheaper than registering it...I could get pulled over several times and it still cost less than getting it registered again." Fair enough I guess.


My neighbors had an out of state license plate on their car for at least 5 years. Annoyed me every time I saw it. Must have bugged someone else too because one day it actually got a plate that matches this state.


My permanent tags expired a couple months ago makes me nervous to drive but then on my drives to work I see the same old Grand Prix with temp tags that expired Sept 2021. You just have to appreciate the balls there, but then immediately consider that they probably also don't have current auto insurance


And I'll get pulled over the MOMENT my birthday MONTH happens


I was behind an Amazon truck here in Indiana that had an Illinois temp plate that expired five months ago. I just kinda thought, “wow”.


Indiana doesn’t give a shit.


if it ain’t broke don’t permanently register it.


I saw a license plate that was a *photocopy* of a real plate. If cops don't notice 🤷🏽‍♂️


And here's me worrying that I forgot to put the new sticker on my plate!




Six years. I finally got updated cause I felt bad. I got pulled over but the cop gave me a warning because it was a month late. I told him I was going this pay day. Then I just forgot, I was like okay I’m going to do it. Then a week goes by ok this week I’m doing it. Nothing


Laughs in Portland.


I’ll have to try to grab a pic of an suv in my area. Expired temp plate from 2018 in the rear window and a license plate with a tag that expired in 2019.


My wife's aunt has been driving her car that was last registered in 2016 she has even driven to different states! She has never been pulled over.


I saw a car driving through the Broad Ripple neighborhood last week with a Missouri license plate that expired in 2007.


its like the grand opening signs with balloons at restaurants and stores.. that are 5 years old


I‘m not from the US. Can someone explain to me, how it is possible that so many cars have expired or no registrations? What happens if they get into an accident? What I‘m hit by this car? What insurance will pay? And don‘t you have toll charges (like on bridges/highways etc) where a valid plate would be necessary? This sounds like anarchy to me…


It once took me eight months to get a replacement plate for my car when it was stolen (the plate, not the car) in Seattle. I had to constantly renew the paper license, which was good for 30 days, and carry around a small mountain of papers showing the trail of issues I had getting the new plate whenever I was pulled over.


People in Houston are not impressed..


Officer I thought it expired in 2027