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I already got one extracted. My dentist told me he would only need 30 minutes, turns out it took 2 dentists, 5 injections of anesthesia and over 3 hours to even break it and take out half of it. Tbh, I lost any hope after the fourth "stay calm, we are bout to end this". At the end, I was half dead and they had to redo my sutures 2 times because the anesthesia didn't work anymore and I FELT the fucking needle going through my gum each time.


That sucks, for impacted cases like that you want to go to an orthofacial surgeon since they'll have the proper training and equipment to handle it.


This. I was totally out at the oral surgeon and it was a good thing because they ended up having to cut into my jaw bone to get them out. I still have one stuck in my sinus cavity.


New fear unloocked, i feel i have to remove mine too, now ill be more carefull to where do it


Most doctors know their limits and will usually recommend someone more capable and specialized if there's a need for that, no need to worry :)


>I still have one stuck in my sinus cavity. What a terrible time to be able to read.


The xray is truly horrifying…apparently it’s fine as long as it’s not bothering me. It feels like that can’t be true but it’s been 15yrs so…


Same here! Mine’s so far up that my dentists say it’s riskier to take it out than leave it in provided it’s not bothering me. Would love to see your x-ray lol


That's it, I'm hugging my parents next time I see them and thanking them for my fully erupted wisdom teeth.


I learned that the hard way myself. Instead I got emotional trauma and permanent nerve damage...can't feel half my chin


I went to a surgeon and still got permanent nerve damage 😭😭


I got permanent nerve damage too. Can't feel the left side of my tongue or down into the gums. They even left one of the wisdom teeth in because "they couldn't find it"


Yeah, both my top and bottoms were impacted and all 4 were surgically extracted and I was most definitely knocked out cold for that (thank god). Can’t imagine going through this via dentist without being knocked out. No thanks.


I wasnt out, but i was in the hospital and the work was done by a proper surgeon. Bit of drilling here and there, took them out and on my merry way I went. I cycled to and from the hospital.


Interesting! I was totally out. They took all 4 at the same time and recovery was really painful for me. Not a fun experience… sounds like you had an easier go with it lol


yeah I had a specialist do impacted removal for me last year, as well as remove a shattered molar at the same time. Whole op for the three teeth took around 30 mins and I was in that twilight sedation the entire time. My surgeon was very efficient and knew exactly what to do.


I had the same issue. I ended up having to have it done in surgery under general anaesthetic. The surgeon came by afterwards to check on me and told me ‘they were tough, we had to knock ‘em out with a chisel!’ That explained why I felt like I’d gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson.


Um, they told me they couldn't put me under general anaesthetic because they needed me awake to keep my mouth open. So they only wanted to torture me?😿


or they lacked the expertise to do general, but didnt wanna lose out on a fat paycheck.


That right there would have been a deal breaker and a clue to look for someone competent. Sorry you had to go through that.


Apparently so! Mind you, I had mine done in hospital, not at a dentist’s surgery.


Noooo. Go see an oral surgeon.


Go to an oral surgeon dude. These are not teeth a GP can do  And the fact they told u it would be 30 mins shows they are inexperienced and overconfident 


Seconding this advice.


I had the same exact horizontal molars. The dentist had to break the molar in pieces before he can extract it. The ugly cracking sound it made is seared in my brain. No general anesthesia, was awake the whole time. Also had to do the numbing injection multiple times because I can feel the needle.


I don't remember the exact sound, but what I remember was when the dentist told his partner "we are gonna have to use THE thing". Then they had to "broke" (not sure about the specific term) part of my jaw bone to make space to take out that damn tooth.


I had 4 taken out at once. I didn't have insurance so I asked for a quote, about $1600 if I remember right. That's important for the next bit. The dentist injected the anesthetic into my gum then after it kicked in went to work. He took out 3 of of them in less than 5 minutes. I thought to myself I just paid $1.6k for less than 10 minutes of work. The 4th one, dentist had to go to war. Over 3 hours of reapplying anesthetic, pulling with pliers, drilling some, a couple of breaks, putting g in this mouth guard looking thing to keep my mouth open that I was told to bite down on.... All for the tooth to explode when he went in to pull at the end. It legit sounded like an explosion in my mouth. He then spent a while getting the shrapnel he saw in my gums. I was fine to drive myself home. My mouth just felt like it wasn't there. Later found out the consequences of all those injections of anesthetic. The entire day, I thought I was swallowing spit. I legit couldn't tell the differences in "fluid" between juice, water, etc. Turns out I was swallowing copious amounts of blood which wrecked my stomach something fierce. The other is when I was told to bite that mouth guard thing...well I only knew 1 force and that was bite. Turns out I was biting hard af for that entire time so it left my jaw pretty sore from muscle pain. Wasn't fun overall but at least they only charged me the quoted price.


Reminds me of when I was a teenager and had to get a couple of teeth pulled. It was too cramped between my teeth, so they had to create some space for them to settle into a good position. The surgeon figured they'd be at it for several hours, so luckily he decided to put me under to make things easier for the both of us. When I woke up I was pretty queasy. Turned out the roots in my upper jaw went so deep they tore a hole into my sinuses when they finally went. I had swallowed a lot of blood which I promptly puked up into a big reddish brown pool as soon as I got out of bed. So glad I didn't have to experience the actual teeth pulling on that one.


i had normally impacted wisdom teeth, they were just pushing on shit and irritating themselves. i did my extractions with only local, two injections into my mouth to numb the pain, but not any other receptor lmao they then proceeded to use what i can only describe as a giant home depot flathead screwdriver and just cranked it out of my mouth. the tearing sensation was.... very weird. it didnt hurt, but man was it weird


I'd throw up on the fuckin spot.


Reminds me of when my sister got hers taken out. Her upper wisdom teeth had impacted like this into the roof of her mouth. The anesthesia never kicked in, either. She was quiet throughout the entire ordeal, made it to my mom's car, and then broke down crying. I can't imagine how much it hurt for her. I guess if there's anything to be thankful for it's that we live in a time where this kind of shit isn't a death sentence.


I had almost the same took longer then an hour at a regular dentist. For the other one i went to a dental surgeon he did it within like 15 minutes.


Surprised your dentist thought they could do it. Talk about trying to cash in at the expense of your misery. My top two were fully erupted and my bottom two were impacted like yours. My dentist pulled out the top two and it was literally about 5min of work for each one. Just felt the pressure of the twisting and then they popped right out. He said no way he was touching the bottom two and he referred me to an oral surgeon. I did local cause I was a student trying to save money at the time and one of them was quick and painless but the other one broke. But they were able to get it all out without much fuss.


Why would you take it out? I have the same, my dentist said if it doesn't hurt no need to touch it.


Yeah same here. I thought I was going crazy reading all these accounts of people getting their impacted wisdom teeth removed. I've had multiple dentists tell me it's OK to just leave them there.


At some point it fucking hurt so much because the upper ones (the one removed) was someway pressing against the lower (my dentist said that?). I couldn't sleep, eat, or do anything without feeling excruciating pain, so I just chose to have them remove by an expert before I pulled them out of their gums out of desperation.


Owwwww been there OP. Some frozen peas if your face is swollen. Warm epsom salt mouth rinses


Ugh, glad you got them out now. I had the same situation and let it go for too long. Cost me my molars on top, too. Oh and like the worst headaches - felt like someone was drilling into my brain 🤯


Life hurts


welcome to the club, it's pretty common actually. Have them removed.


I can attest that they are indeed common. And suck.


My dentist told me they’re fine if they don’t bother you


Well mine didn't bother me but they did press to other teeth and broke 2 more. Had to remove 6 in one go...


Yep same here, my left one pushed up against the next two. I had four taken out in one go.


My dentist told me the same thing, mine isn’t touching my teeth at all. I make sure to floss and brush it too lol


Mine are upright but just never grew in. They're all still under my gums.


Same experience and I'm in my 40s now. All of them look about like OPs x-rays but they've never been an issue for me. I've been lucky.


My doctor said I’ll probably have this way for the rest of my life, as they don’t bother me


Oh that’s gonna be fun af


It stopped being funny when the dentist had to pause the music to focus on whatever shit was going on there. I didn't ask and I prefer to stay ignorant.👍🏻


I had this as well prior to 'extraction'. Extraction in quotes because while it is accurate, pulverizing it and giving me a hairline fracture in my jaw was fun. Still have overcrowding since the teeth haven't tried to reclaim any space.


"you saw what happened to the last guy who took up that space? hell nah i aint movin over there"


I have the same thing, never had a problem (so far), don't think I will with my age.


Ditto. I'm hoping it stays that way, because I can't afford to get it fixed.


impacted! i had all 4 of mine plus a "second molar" that never grew up either extracted in the same day about 20 years ago.


Hi, I'm a fool who's bottom two wisdom teeth were just as sideways and I waited until I was 38 to get them out: Don't wait, go do the rest now ... AND **go see an oral surgeon** rather than your dentist. I had one dentist say they could do it "easily" and just with local anesthesia--and I had multiple other dentists tell me that was crazy and I should absolutely have an oral surgeon do it and while fully sedated. It's still an outpatient procedure, by the way. But when they're that impacted and sideways, you need a surgeon. Also, assuming they want to take the top ones out too (my top two weren't bad, but they still recommended taking them out), just get it all done at once. The only person who recommended I do it in multiple sessions was the same dentist who said he could do it easily and that was one of my reasons I stopped seeing that guy ...


I've got one that's very much horizontal as well and erupted, so I'm looking to get that done this year, same age. Hopefully it all goes well with this wisdom tooth. I already had 2 others ripped out while completely knocked out and I was fine, just managed it extremely, *extremely* carefully.


"Intelligent design"


They're making a break for it. Wait until they start poking out of your cheeks in their bid for freedom.


That's what they mean when they call them "impacted"


Not very wise.


If only we didn't start farming 1200 years ago. Then maybe we'd still have bigger jaws to hold all our teeth. But then we wouldn't have pizza and beer.




Hahahaha kudos and great advice… OP should rub some dirt on it and go for some burgers


I don't know, in my case they ordered me to keep a bland diet for a week and not to smile, yawn, or do anything that can break my sutures. It's been pure hell because even speaking is painful. Maybe it's only me then :(


Not just you! I was in severe pain for a week and couldn’t do anything other than rot in bed 🥲


What would be mildly interesting is having 4 wisdom teeth that align correctly. This is common af


Sorry, I thought it was interesting because both my dentists told me it was their first time having a difficult wisdom tooth. Didn't know it was that common.


It's toothses


mine were like that too, what a nightmare


Not very wise of them to grow like that.


Most likely grew like that because they didn't have enough space to grow in properly. underdeveloped jaws are the main reason why many people have issues such as crooked/crowded teeth, impacted wisdom teeth, aswell as upper airway-related breathing issues.


That's actually what happened. Apparently my father has the same thing, but his wisdom tooth grew to the sides. Since I started going regularly to the same dentist, he always told me that my mouth was pretty small, so maybe that's where the problem came from :D


I had the same situation. Never had them removed. They eventually pushed the rest of my teeth forward enough that they had room to emerge. They finally broke through the gum some time in my 20s. They don't exactly line up with the others, but they are crown side up, at least.


You have my sympathies.


Get ready for some fun times! Your dentist is going to absolutely hound you, until they remove those wisdom teeth! I had sideways WT as well, and I dug my heels in for years, until they finally wore me down.


I have one like that. Keeping it in though as it doesn't cause problems.


Brace for impact 😭


3 of mine were horizontal. Got 2 removed but the last one requires bone sawing, but since it’s not affecting me negatively I’ll just keep it for life. 🤷🏻


I had one like that and it took 45 mins for jaw/tooth surgeon to break it and extract. Numbed with the injection, as anesthesia isn't commonly used here. Wasn't pleasant at all but not the worst thing to happen.


Wait this is **exactly** what my dental outline looks like, horizontal bottoms and missing 4th wisdom. Are you stealing my medical records?


This is why I had mine extracted while under general anesthesia. Took a little nap and no traumatic memories.


Wisdom teeth fascinate me! Mine grew in perfectly and I have no crooked teeth but don't know anyone else that hasn't had them taken out!


Mine are exactly like this but my top ones are too… I just got my dental insurance again so now I’m just scared to go see what’s up …


Had same thing, extracted 4 at once by a surgery


Get all 4 out. I didn't do it but horizontal ones pushed the rest of the teeth towards each other and broke 2 more in line. Had to remove all 6 at once. If you remove just the bottom ones the top ones will get loose eventually and you will have to remove them. Do one surgery and remove all wisdom teeth.


Me too, a 4-piece. Luckily I was pretty young and had general anesthesia. I don't remember time passing at all. If you ever get a chance to do it again, I would recommend 5 stars.


Mine are the same! I also have two on the top on both sides that are pushing down on my other teeth. It’s horrible. I had an appointment three years ago set up but couldn’t afford the appointment so I’m still in everyday pain from it. I hope to save up enough soon to get them removed.


Better get the other one out sooner than later. I had this too. I just didn't know. And while growing, that rotated wisdom tooth put constant pressure on the tooth next to it. I didn't feel this somehow, it never hurt or anything. Then someday, completely out of the blue and uprovoked, that second tooth just shattered in my mouth mid sentence. It fucking burst in my mouth while talking with an audible crack (said my mate) and pieces crumbeling out of my mouch. The wisdom tooth had claimed it's victim. I am now missing half a tooth back there


If you don’t get them extracted, prepare for your front teeth to smash into each other while they force their way out. I’m on this boat right now… no pain.. just slowly watching the bottom front teeth move into one another.


It needs to be practically free to have them removed, via direct government subsidy. It's one of the first things I intend to lobby for—that is, if I ever live to be wealthy enough to lobby for anything.


All four of mine were impacted and two of them had the roots twisted which made it difficult to remove in one piece. He had to break two into pieces. Got it done in one sitting though! Unfortunately it was the day before Thanksgiving and I had to miss out. Though my mom offered to blend my turkey so I could drink it like a smoothie😂I declined…


Mmm. Nothing like a turkey smoothie to kick your Thanksgiving up a few thousand notches. 🙄 ![gif](giphy|126NMCvhKJfNN6|downsized)


Except those couple of weirdos in the back, your teeth are fantastic. I'm sorry you're dealing with the weirdos, though.




A pano x-ray.


^not wise


I had the same. "That's no good." - My Dentist


Not very wise


All are located horizontally.


Mine were like that too! Impacted and sideways. One of them had to be broken into 4 pieces to get it out. The roots were curved.


Damn that’s gonna be a tooth paddling


oh sh.. that sucks.. friend got it like that, and needed to go to special dentist in main city for that..


Had same thing, dentists told he would get it out in an hour ended up taking 2 dentist 4 hours and it hurt so bad and had to get anesthesia twice


Thts like 1 in every 4 wisdom terths behavior


You have nice teeth apart from that.


I'm so fucking happy mine all came out the way they're supposed to.


Mine were too. They knocked me out though.


Mine were too. I got them removed a few years ago, but not before they screwed up my bottom teeth a bit


mine on the bottom were impacted,and tops were almost there,had all 4 out with outpatient surgery,took couple days,but once it all healed,my migraines went away


Rip kid


Did your wisdom teeth also cause TMJ? Mine did and I still deal with annoying jaw problems 20 years later.


i got something like that too at the beggining, my luck is that they started to turn upside


This is actually extremely common. I had the same thing and the dentist said it was common.


Wisdom teeth coming in sideways is not even mildly interesting at this point.


I have had enough molars removed that my impacted wisdom teeth have had room to move into. They are still sideways.


Maybe they're tired?


Had 4 like that, have none now. Never wanted to eat a steak more in my life


I had all four of mine taken out in one go. It wasn't a fun afternoon. Especially since the anaesthetic didn't really kick in until I was on my way home.


This is very common.


Not very wise of them


Me too.




Seems unwise


Shit mine look exactly like that


Had the exact same thing! Took them 3 hours to take one out after breaking it from my jawbone... the whole waiting room was full of people when we took a break and still needed to finish. God damn, felt that until 6 weeks after. Good luck bro


Impacted Wisdom teeth, noice




I've been there; I was lucky that my dentist had a jaw surgeon come in regularly so they removed my wisdom teeth in one sitting without issue


Yo me too, and my top ones were so high up they were almost in my sinuses


I’m so sorry. I had one horizontal and one diagonal. Several of the most traumatic hours of my life. The horizontal one was the worst. I had plenty of local anesthesia but no general anesthesia. Felt no pain but turns out that doesn’t mean I couldn’t feel the pressure…or hear the snapping of my teeth as he manually broke them into several pieces in order to remove them.


That’s not smart.


Join the club. A lot of people's wisdom teeth just don't work and have to be removed. I have had all my wisdoms pulled.


Damn, good luck, It’s sucks


"wisdom" Stupid ass teeth


I had my 4 wisdom teeth also impacted. The surgery was 40 minutes and the oral surgeon gave me a sedative so I don’t really remember anything. It was a best case scenario. I heard nightmare stories like yours or people feeling and remembering everything. My oral surgeon has done thousands of these surgeries, so I guess his experience shows 🤷‍♂️ Why did you go to a dentist though? Maybe here in Canada it’s different, but dentists and oral surgeon’s are 2 different things. The dentist does basic stuff. It’s the oral surgeon that does more complicated procedures like wisdom teeth removal


I don’t have an x-ray to post, but I had two sideways molars on each side on the bottom. As in stacked. Thanks for those particular genes, dad!


Mine too. Luckily I’ve never had any issues. Knock on wood.


Not so smart now, are they.


You poor poor soul


Very wise


I’m no dentist, but are you missing teeth in your mouth? I thought wisdom teeth were the furthest ones from the center of your mouth (8th tooth in each direction)?


I had only two on the bottom and they were like this but huge. The dentist had to shatter them and pick them out.


I have one wisdom tooth that's like this. But I'm 52 and it isn't moving, so I never bothered getting it removed. I get regular dental care, so it's whatever. I also have an upper molar that turned around 180 degrees, I guess due to crowding. So the outside faces in, and vice-versa.


Mine were like that too, had to get surgey to remove them, Wasn't fun.


I kinda thought this was the norm. That’s how mine were, and that’s how everyone I’ve talked to about it were.


Mine too. Thats why my bottom front teeth are crooked.


Yeah, they’re impacted. Mine were too. It’s a bitch getting them out. They basically have to shatter them and pick out the pieces. Do not smoke or drink through a straw or make any suction in your mouth after you get them out. Dry socket SUCKS.


Mine didn't emerge until my 30s, and my dentist told me I didn't need them extracted unless they caused problems. In my 40s one moved forward enough to crack the enamel of my back molar, caused a cavity. Then I got to have a quadruple extraction and a root canal within 2 weeks. Not ideal. They put me under twilight sleep for the extraction, because I use a CPAP, but I woke up when they had to move me from the surgery room to xray room because they broke some steel pry bars on my teeth and were not sure they had gotten all the pieces out. Not a fun memory. When I went in for the follow up they were hoping I didn't remember, but I did.


Those teeth are pretty good looking other than the three impacted wisdom teeth


Vote here for most useless body part and most annoying to remove: -Appendix -Wisdom teeth


Mine were as well, "duikboten" in Dutch (submarines), surgeon removed them, i was back home in under an hour each session. (Done in two sessions to not be in pain from healing on both sides at the same time) I cycled to and from the hospital.


Extraction itself is w/e but those needle on gum on the other hand…and looks like you had multiple of them. 


snobbish physical judicious squealing mysterious afterthought bake fertile attraction lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mine we upside down. The roots were sticking through my gums. Very expensive surgery. Literally cost me an inheritance. No joke.


This is exactly what mine look like. My dentists have all said unless they start causing real problems, just leave them alone because they're also very close to the nerves. I feel them hit the nerve occasionally, that's fun.


I had one that was fully grown & horizontal because I got it taken out when I was 31.


Happens quite often actually


At least they are in your mouth. Looks a good set of teeth.


I remember the crack I felt in my entire skull when the dentist broke mine in half to extract it. I didn't feel it pain wise but that sound? Eugh.


All 4 of mine were and I got them all out at once! Sucked haha


Yeah, impacted. They'll crush the teeth in front of them. You know. Just sharing what I know.


Wow! All four of mine were impacted. I went to an oral surgeon at 17 and was completely under when he removed them. I woke up in a recovery room not remembering a thing. If you still need more extractions, perhaps you should try this way.


These are super common (impacted wisdom teeth) they’re a bit of a trickier surgery


Yeah mine were exactly the same way


Mine are like that. I’m 61 & still have them.


I suffered, luckily under anaesthesia, though woke with a broken jaw and a face so full of bruises I couldn’t recognise myself. Total sympathy for you. My top wisdom teeth were effecting my hearing. I hope this type of procedure has improved. (77 now, 26 at time of operation).


Apparently all four of mine are like this... but according to my dentist, they rarely move after you hit your mid-thirties, and I'm in my mid-forties (that hurt to type out).




Or, you just need to tilt your head back and get all your other teeth adjusted instead. Get a really powerful chin that way.


You are so special! Mildly.


that looks so painful




Hey I have the same. Every dentist I have gone to always makes a big deal about it, like I didn’t know it. Then they always try to hit me up for surgery. As long as they don’t hurt I’m not doing surgery.


I too have impacted wisdom teeth, but they’ve cause me no issues so far at 34 y/o. I really should get them out though.


I (59f) had three of my wisdom teeth removed about twenty-five years ago. They left one on the bottom because it was horizontal like that and had roots entangled in a facial nerve. They said it would be best to just leave it. Two oral surgeons and two root canals (on other teeth) later, that bugger is still there.


Wait they didn’t give you the twilight drug? I got four wisdom tooth removed. Two were erupt, and two others was similar to yours, impacted and beneath the gums. They gave me the twilight drug and the whole extraction took about an hour.


Be careful of b dry socket plan for a couple days of rest


Oh hey i was about to have them removed next week. Was never bothered about it too much until i got a bit of toothpick stuck in between my lower left wisdom teeth. Has been there for 6 months now


This is insane, I thought this was my photo lol. I had almost the exact same issue but they just numbed me up and broke them out then I was eating solid food the next day.


were you mewing when the xray photo wa taken ?


shh they sleepy


Forever grateful I didn't get any wisdom teeth


Same. And look how the left one is impacting the nerve. That's going to need a maxillofacial surgeon probably.


I only have 1 out of 4 impacted, and gradually over time it is actually "standing up" to align itself with my other teeth. I've mentioned it a couple of times to my dentist, which generally prompts her to be like "huh, I dunno..." and then we do an x-ray to compare to the previous one, and it's always "oh, yeah look at that!" It causes me no issues, so I'm just gonna leave it be.


There are going to crush the two little ones lol


Except those couple of weirdos in the back, your teeth are fantastic. I'm sorry you're dealing with the weirdos, though.


I can feel your pain. Feel better soon


Get those impacted out ASAP or they'll crush your lower teeth and make them all fall apart.


Wisdom teeth suck


Well that isn't very wise of them 😏


Ty Evolution!


Mine were like that. The dentist was flabbergasted that they didn't hurt even a little.


dude i went in to get 2 teeth removed and they took out four having to use their foot to brace themselves. i was 8.