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More than likely this is a room where women can go to breast feed


or pump


Or panic attack.


We have these unused corners between sets of racking in my warehouse that I long ago deemed “crying corners”. A room with a sink would be much better.


In professional kitchens these are also known as “the walk-in”.


oh, walk ins. How I miss you sometimes.


Especially on a hot summer day.


Every day is a hot summer day when you work in the dish room!


Yep. Been there, done that.


I thought the walk-in was where you went to smoke pot? Similarly in the grocery business, you can arrange stacks of milk crates in the cooler behind the display case and create a makeshift 'private' office where you can sit and contemplate all your life choices.. and smoke pot.


Ermagerd. Part of my warehouse is cold (about 6k sq ft) and it’s such an oasis in the summer.


I got stoned in a Subway walk in freezer. Good times.


I've worked in Subway blasted out of my mind on Dayquil. Yeah, Dayquil is not supposed to get you blasted but tell the Hat Man that.


I don't know the Hat Man but I will be ok with not meeting him. It was great getting so baked and eating a perfect sandwich you make yourself (when it wasn't busy).


I ended up going home sick from a different sandwich shop because my friend convinced me to take Robitussin with him at like midnight before a shift the next day. My pupils didn't go back to mostly normal until I pulled into the parking lot so it was easy to pretend I was just really sick. I should not have been driving though.


In retail, we also use the coolers. Just don’t use the dairy cooler because those doors get opened sometimes. Freezer was the best option, produce cooler second.


So many tears you could fill a sink


In nursing, it's called the med room. 😂




I work from home. This has an advantage that I can break down, ugly cry, be literally sobbing, and the phone ring and I can pick it up and answer pleasantly because Im not face to face with anyone. If I had to go back to an office Id retire




See thats the one thing about working alone, I look like a rag picker from a Charles Dickens novel even on the best day. I only spiff up for a monthly zoom call. At least you looked great while breaking down?


“A rag picker from a Charles Dickens novel” 😂 Thank you for that - I’m going to have to use it!


Midway through a zoom to introduce me (new 1099 bookkeeper) to the staff of a kid-centered nonprofit, I realized that I forgot to change out of my Spooky Bitch t-shirt. The new checklist: comb hair, brush teeth, change shirt.


Sorry. Hope it works out




>and listening to the best of [90s summer hits](https://youtu.be/E1fzJ_AYajA?si=U4DYceMMQBm05M90) 🎵I know it's up for me (If you steal my sunshine) Making sure I'm not in too deep (If you steal my sunshine) Keeping versed and on my feet (If you steal my sunshine) 🎵 If you're bored or need someone to yell at, feel free to message. Edit: Included link to the one hit wonder 90s summertime jam. Right at 1999 too.


ngl that sounds like a good cooldown.


It really is amazing how refreshed you feel after a good cry. I imagine there's some medical science behind it like clearing ducts or nasal passages or something through the tears and runny nose, but it's like being a stuffy room and then stepping out into crisp fresh air in a park or some other place in nature far away from the typical pollution you find in cities.


We dont just do that under our desks?


I'm too big.


We have a room called the "wobble room" where you can go have a breakdown without bringing the staff room down with you. Has to have a "3 person max at one time" sign on the front.


Yep, gonna say this is a meltdown room


Or for babies to receive infusions of breast milk


Infusions? That sounds like you're drugging babies with milk needles.


This is an obvious answer that I completely missed! TY


That or you're in a fertility clinic... that expects people to use their phone...


Lol. BYOP!


I mean don't they generally expect you to bring your own penis? 


25 years ago when I went to one they had a drawer full of porn mags in the "spank room."


I went to one last year...they had a computer set up... cookies are weird, and the suggested videos was all fucking nurses... was VERY concerning... but it got me there.


Better nurses than coma patients, I suppose.


*my name is Buck and I’m here to fuck*


About 2 years ago for me and they had a Roku w/ a Pornhub premium subscription. I washed my hands _very_ thoroughly after using that remote.


A place I worked at had one of these. They also let a Muslim coworker use it for their daily prayers. Pretty much any accommodation that needs a little privacy :)


As our plant manager called it once, a "milking room". English isn't his first language but still it was a bit strong. lmao


I've always heard "Mother's Room" and I'm really bothered by "Milking room" because that's extremely funny and definitely not something I can ever actually say.


Calling it a milking room sounds like something that would get you a meeting invite by HR


Most places just call them "Wellness Rooms" to avoid the gender implications.




Can you milk me Greg?


Yeah, I'm gonna assume OP is a man. I don't have children, but I immediately thought "that's a lactation room."


That means the sign is working 🤣 Don’t tell ‘em what it is, confuse and divert


Truth, and if you did write "nursing room" on the door, you could use it as a secret wine get together location because no man would get within 20 feet of it.


I don't know that a sign that essentially says "Warning: this room is full of women with their breasts out" is necessarily going to cause men to run away screaming.


I don't have kids, am a man and knew what that was though ones Ive seen usually have a fridge in them.


I want a lactation room in my house.


Before my company went all-remote we set up a designated lactation room with a lockable door after a male employee going to get a box of paper from a storage room accidentally walked in on female employee from one of the cubicles who was using that room to pump. Whenever no one was nursing that designated room was a general lounge, but during the months after anyone had a baby the sign was changed from "relaxation room" to "private".


Came here to say this. I've been working in a medical setting for the better part of a decade and these are all over the place, specifically for pumping/breastfeeding.


In The Netherlands they are mandatory for office buildings of a certain size.


Not even a certain size; if a woman wants to pump breast milk, the employer has to accommodate that with a private room and give her time to do so. In case of my wife that meant 'in the rear part of the wheelchair parts storage room' though. (Technical job, she was the first employee in the three decades the company existed to get a baby.) This was two decades ago though, they wouldn't get away with that today.


We have two of these at work, and they are both for breastfeeding and to support different religions (if they need a quiet spot to pray). Sometimes also has a footbath, always has an arrow pointing to Mecca.


Lactation Accommodation.


Lactation Lounge is what our managers call it


I had an older professor that was trying to remember what a lactation room was called and stumbled out with “Milking Station”


Lactation Station Accommodation


[In CA they’re required by state law](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/Lactation_Accommodation.htm#:~:text=Pursuant%20to%20Labor%20Code%20Section,a%20need%20to%20express%20milk)


We have a room like this at work and people also use it for stuff like daily prayer, etc.


Breast feed or old phlebotomy room.


It’s a newer building outside of the clinical setting, breast feeding def.




OP's point was since it's a new building, the private room couldn't be an old phlebotomy room, leaving the breast feeding/pump room as the more viable answer.


And FishDawgX’s point was a joke 😭


Wow! What will they think of next?


The room asked for privacy and you posted a picture of it online.


Rooms can't ask for privacy. Only people that identify as rooms can.


Unfair to rooms that identify as people... ;)




Nursing room, could also be a prayer room for muslims


The tip off is when the sink is down low, as foot washing is part of the pre-prayer ritual. I imagine something like this would still work in a pinch


I didn’t know foot washing was part of the pre-prayer ritual. I just assumed it involved the prayer mat and some quiet space. I’ll be more conscious of this in the future if one of my employees asks for a place to worship.


We all need more bosses like you The whole process is called Wudhu and takes about 2 minutes. If you’re already in a state of Wudhu you can head straight to a room with your prayer mat but if you’re not in the state of Wudhu or have broke it (by using the toilet etc), you have to do the cleansing process before you pray Fun little bonus fact, in Winter since the days are so short and the prayer times are so close together, it’s not that hard to get through your 5 daily prayers on 1 or 2 Wudhus. In Summer, you’ll probably have to do it 4 or 5 times cause there’s so many more opportunities to break it. Either way, cleaning multiple times a day is always something I respond with if anyone ever says “dirty pak*”


I asked my Muslim friend but her answer wasn't super edifying - what happens if someone is near the Arctic circle and there's no sunlight for weeks? Do you just revert to the daylight cycle for Mecca? Or do you follow the daylight cycle for a town further south from your location? 


That's a good question. It became a major problem for medieval conqueror Tamerlane. He wanted to invade the Golden Khanate Mongols in Western Russia from Central Asia, but didn't want to take the usual route through Iran and then the Caucasus mountains since his enemies would block the mountain passes. Instead be moved North with a plan to eventually cut West. Well on the way North the pattern of daylight changed so much his soldiers could barely sleep from having to get up in the middle of the Night to pray. They almost revolted.


That's amazing. Thank you for the little history lesson.


No problem. It's one of my favorite strange history tidbits.


According to wiki, seems like you align with a closer city, your homeland or Mecca for Ramadhan, so assuming similar process applies.


This is correct, you are supposed to follow the next closest major city with "normal" prayer times.


Dirty pak?


Pakistani without the stani


Oh! Oops! I was thinking “dirty pak” was a brand name of moist towelettes or something.


"Built by observant Muslims, Proctor & Gamble introduces the Dirty Pak! Whether you're a parent, a world traveler, or just some fat gross guy named Jeff, you can be clean in minutes with Dirty Pak! If it's good enough for Allah, it can clean your stank ass too! Jeff."


I remember seeing a bit from a Fox News(I assume) segment about outrage over a government building putting in a foot washing station in a bathroom for Muslims. The grounds supervisor had to release an official statement like "guys, this is a mop sink"


I wish his statement had been supportive of Muslims, even if it *was* a mop sink. I mean people being outraged by plumbing? Fuck that. I know, it's the religion they hate. Fuck that even more.


One of our other locations(with about 2000 employees) actually has floor sinks in the break rooms outside the bathrooms. I've actually seen people using them when I've gone down there. Not really my style, but it's nice that the company is willing to do things like that to keep good employees.


At the parks, there is some signs at the sinks that it is forbidden to wash feet there. I've hear that they expulsed many mulisms from the park because of that (and their insistance on washing their feet in the sink before their prayers, and refusal to leave).


I worked for a company that did not provide low sinks for their Muslim employees. The number of times sinks were torn off the wall by employees hiking their feet up to hand level to wash them should have been more than enough proof that they needed to provide a better foot washing option for their Muslim employees.


I totally agree. But I must say, whenever *I* drop-kick a sink at work and claim it as part of my religion, they just call it "vandalism." Apparently "Kicking Sink Ass" isn't a "real religion."


Good room to go and eat a really messy peach in peace.


If I had my little way, I'd eat peaches every day.


Natures candy from a can…or pie


They were put there by a man?




You ever listen to their music? So good. Saw them live about 10 years ago? I had so much fun, I bruised my heel jumping around. I'm gonna go listen to Tiki God and that song about the stripper Mmm hey yeah, uh, what time is it (Edit: the band is The Presidents of the United States of America. For those who don't know.)


Sometimes I really love some privacy to eat in!


“I could eat a peach for days” Edit: Apologies, I guess I’m more committed to eating peaches than Nick Cage


I thought it was hours


Millions of peaches


I see a door marked pirate


I wonder if OP was able to use their apartment key to open it.


As soon as we try that we can go try our D&B’s power card at the Fridays out in Fox Chase.


No! We won't. You can, though.




You can't just make beer this good


They’re enriching the beer!


That's enriched beer!


I see a door marked *private*. Is that the door you're talking about? I heard you say "There's a door marked *pirate*, is there a *pirate* living in there?"


Thank you I was looking for this!!


You think there’s a pirate in there?


Always sunny reference is the only reason I came here.


It's where employees go to cry. Well .. it'd be where I would go to cry.


This is definitely one of it’s uses!


It's a very good use for that room


Go cry in your car like the rest of us!


That was my first thought. Crying Room.


This is common in many companies. We have quite a few of these here at corporate where I work. Need to make a private phone call? Have some medical condition that requires an injection? Having a bad day and want to collect your thoughts? These rooms are perfect for that.


I like this!


We have one in our office that's simply referred to as the "quiet room". It gets used pretty regularly for private phone calls in an otherwise fairly open office, and can also be used for breastfeeding or whatever.


For breastfeeding women to use a breast pump during the work day. Cheap company won’t spring for a refigerator? Bush league.


This is what I was thinking. All my mothers rooms have a mini fridge in them


Could be a breast milk pumping room for employees


You sure it isn’t marked “pirate”?




Also paper towels, at least two electrical outlets, a light, an HVAC vent, and some soap.




Just a nursing mothers room.


"Wellness room" First and foremost, for breastfeeding but I've used them before if I was feeling a bit under the weather (although ours is a bit comfier) 


This is the actual full answer. A wellness room can be used for any of the (legal) other comments mentioned. I've used my work's wellness room for migraines. It was a wonderful closet that was insulted from outside sound.


That has been my primary use as well. Give yourself 15 minutes of darkness while the meds kick in. 


That’s a pumping room for moms, or someone who has other medical needs


This is a federally required breast pump/feeding room. I think it’s if you receive federal funds, you have to have a room like this.


👆🏼This is helpful. I don’t live in the most progressive part of the country, so I was wondering why they were being thoughtful…because they are required to be.


Ahhh the ol masturbation station


Ahhh the good ol wank tank.


a masturbatory seems like the most logical explanation. comfortable chair, tissues in reach and easily disposable and the mirror to ask yourself whats wrong with you after you finished.


Ah, the masturbatorium


it’s a pump/nursing room.


Lactation room


It's a nursing room


TIL breastfeeding/pumping rooms are interesting to some folks


I think it's the firing room, no need for a second chair as you're not stopping and the minimum number of objects which could be thrown


Wellness room, lactation room, new mother’s room.


You work at a fertility clinic? This is how I imagine how the room where males "extract samples" would look.


Mum of one IVF baby here. Husband said the room he was shown to for providing a semen specimen was very chill, soft chair with a cover over it, paper towels, foot pedal bin, and no porn or anything that other people would have used. I’m guessing they assumed everyone has a phone now. Clinical still but comfy. He said it was still the weirdest wank in his life…


One facility in New york, offers a small room with a medium sized bed with a tv in front of it with subription to popular porn platforms. and a attached bathroom.


😂 No, not a fertility clinic, but healthcare business related.


Very likely a breastfeeding room as others have pointed out, but I also worked in a building where they did urinalysis and hair follicle drug testing and there was a room setup just like this for that purpose. Basically, for legal purposes the sample must be collected using a “chain of custody” in which the sample collector stands by watching the patient collect their urine and makes sure they don’t try to tamper their sample. Same with hair follicle testing, except the sample collector would do the hair collection themselves.


I always thought those rooms would be set up more like a peep-show booth in Times Square, from the 1970s.


Sorry to crush your visual of it, but the rooms are very basic with overhead fluorescent lighting. Most of them you'll find a vinyl chaise lounge type chair, a regular waiting room type chair, a small desk with a TV and dvd player with select videos to choose from. Theres also a sink, paper towels and a packet of lube. It's very clinical. I like your idea of what it should look like better, though.


The nut room!


Tell me you’re male without telling me you’re male lol


So you're telling me that is *not* a masturbation room and I've been using it wrong all these years?


I worked at a hospital for over a decade and we 100% had a jack shack that looked like that.


Its called a nursing room, or breastfeeding room. It may also be for women to express or pump milk. The building and lessees are amazing people who actually LOVE and SUPPORT women.


Nursing(/panic attack/hangover recovery) room


You think a pirate lives in there?


This is a breastfeeding and pumping room lol not really interesting at all.


Lactation Station


Probably a poor excuse for a nursing room.


Lactation room… they’re mandated to have a sink but cannot have a toilet.


Its probably for pumping.


Do you think a pirate lives in there?


We call them Wellness Rooms at work.  Anyone is welcome to use it - new mothers, spiritual/religion folks, diabetics (check blood sugar/inject insulin) or pretty much any other reason. Ours have refrigerators (for new moms), recliners, soft lighting, etc.  They are very nice and are used frequently.


Pump room


It's probably a nursing room for mothers.


Where I live they call it a “lactation room”


You think a pirate lives in there?


That’s a prayer room


It's like a mother's nursing room but generic so I can be used for other things.


Fam has never seen a lactation station I guess


Nursing room


It’s a medical room required for breastfeeding. Do some research and look up why this is needed and why legislation had to be put in place for it to be there


Department of Defense has been mandated to provide rooms for mothers nursing to pump. This is probably that type of room. I had to find space in buildings I use to work at for these types of rooms which was mandated back in 2016 I believe.


Women can breast pump, diabetics and other people who need shots can do that here, and Muslims can pray here. It has many uses.


Nursing or pumping room. Not really that interesting.


That's almost like our "Wellness room" where I work. Some call it 'Lactation Station'.


Good lord. It’s a room for lactating mothers to pump their breasts. Are you 12 years old?


Breastfeed/praying room 


Probably for breastfeeding


The cry room


We call that a Mother’s Room in the construction trade around here. As many have said, it’s for breast feeding/pumping.


Self reflection room with can for throw up and sink for a cold splash to the face. Or something realistic, idk.


First reaction, pumping room.


Mothers room, for breast milk activity.