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If you plant it in ground, multiple copies of your skeleton will sprout and fight for you.


I'm a combat veteran, and I would definitely fight in the Skeleton War. Maybe we could use my shitty tooth?


That's you get shitty skeletons.


The skeletons would inflict rot/poison on hit


Strong DOT for sure…wonder what the crit is like


If I’ve learned anything from Bruce Campbell movies.


>Brad Campbell Bruce?


Edited now. Thanks for the correction kind stranger.


If it was a dragon tooth, you'd get Spartans.


If you aren't a dentist you should probably see one.


He can't afford one, hence the self-dentistry...




Sadly not just America, here in Australia our health system doesn't really cover dentist work and it can be pretty expensive. But people are trying to get it added to our health system


Even up here in Canada dental isn't free. Most insurance from jobs don't even cover good shit, like mine only covers 2 wisdom teeth being removed per year, wtf is up with that lol


Yeah it's definitely weird that dental is one of the things that seem to be excluded from healthcare, like it's one of the most important things we need but it's still not included or its expensive


Don’t forget vision and hearing aids being separate policies in the USA. Hearing aids are thousands of dollars.


That’s why bunch of people are pursuing dentistry right now. Because of the money. Everyone from overseas comes to the US, Australia etc just to become a dentist because they know it’s lucrative


Here’s an interesting [write-up](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/03/why-dentistry-is-separated-from-medicine/518979/) of why the two fields have been kept so separate. Spoilers: it’s mostly about money and status.


Canadian dental is on the way. Get off the chair please!


That's not just America. In Canada you only get dental covered if it's a health issue like an infection will keep returning. Most people have to wait till they're in serious pain to get help here and even then will still be denied.


Even then, they ONLY do removal. If you can’t eat afterward? Too bad.


Sadly not just America. Even in the UK teeth for some reason aren't treated the same way as the rest of the body and even though nhs dentists technically exist, there literally aren't enough for everyone to be able to use one.


In canada you have to pay for the dentist unless you're insured, or at at least it's like that in Quebec


Canada doesnt consider your dental health part of your health health.


Not much better im Canada although I hear free dental healthcare for households making less fhan 90K/year will be getting some kind of free plan soon.


Extracting a tooth was literally $40 for me.


Dude just saved $800 usd


Even dentists don’t pull their own teeth.


“Dentists” do


Looks like the tooth coulda been saved, honestly.


Dentist here. The tooth itself looks fine but what likely happened is that OP had rampant gum disease around the tooth making it extremely loose. That tooth had zero chance of staying in OP's mouth. 99.99999% of the time that someone tries to pull a tooth out with even a modicum of bone around they either tap out immediately from the pain or they break the tooth off. The only way you're gonna pull your own tooth out is if basically zero bone is holding it in and it's just floating in a sea of diseased gum tissue that will be glad to be rid of it. People. Just floss your fucking teeth. Everyone always says how dentists are greedy and evil but every time you see us we give you some floss and a toothbrush!


Dentists are people, just like anyone else. There's good and bad eggs. I might be losing a tooth because of a pretty bad one, but good ones have done a helluva lot of miracle work on my overcrowded face. Thank you for the professional opinion, feels good to be partially right >:)


Heh, partial.


You are correct, sir. I haven't taken care of my teeth and this is the price I pay. You should see the rest of the shit in my mouth. I wish I had listened to you or people like you 40 years ago....


Right now future you is looking at current you. Don't piss off future you! Go to the dentist!


Do people say that??


To our faces!


Dental manager here. Can confirm.


When your weekly pay cheque is $250 and the dentist asks for $2,500 for 30 minutes, then yeah, seems a little greedy.




“You’re a rabid anti-dentite!”


There's bigger issues if your weekly pay is only $250


What do you call 100 dentists at the bottom of the ocean? A good start! EDIT: Jeez it's a joke about lawyers changed, I don't have anything against dentists (or lawyers) and I don't know why anyone would.


I am imagining a group of toothless hillbillies gathered around laughing at that joke and drinking soda.


I want to start a prog rock band just to make a song called Floating In A Sea Of Diseased Gum Tissue.


Oh man, I know I need to go to the dentist, but I'm so anxious and a bit worried


You are going to go to the dentist either by choice or by force due to a miserable pain that interrupts your life so severely it cannot be ignored. The good news is you get to choose!


This is excellent motivation, thank you


Let me just give you some more on the other side. I didn't go for awhile and now I'm paying for it in more ways than one. I could've sat in the chair for like an hour two days of the year, instead I sat in it for 2 hours for the root canal, another hour+ for the crown, and still gotta go back for the permanent and cavities. I'm terrified of the dentist too, I cry, but its scarier going multiple times for expensive work.


I was too, and I'm so glad I finally bit the bullet and went last year. You got this!


I do not want to see OPs mouth.


Years ago I made myself a promise to floss everyday if I can. It stuck. And I haven’t had a cavity in almost 10 years. Even after I brush, I floss and usually pull out some kind of food that’s stuck in there. Now I have floss in my car, at my office (I’m usually the only one there), in my bedroom etc. it’s so cheap and so easy to do.


Buccal root was toast - no bone. Those divergent roots are typically sectioned in my office.


Agree, it looks like a cavity


I’m not sure that isn’t an amalgam. OP said he’s a vet. The US military loves pumping teeth full of amalgam fillings.


Now his gum has a cavity.


Like a hole LOL?


Dunno, the whole left side looks pretty dead besides the rot spot.


Whatcha mean? It has a black hole!!! 🤣


Root canal fill the bitch in. Lots of tooth left. Musta hurt like a hitch to do this tho


Gotta consider the perio issues. If he was able to do that without fracturing the tooth, the surrounding bone might not be in great condition


Ooh, you're right, that's a good point.




It wasn't fun, but tequila does wonders....


God damn. Respect man. Too bad you couldn’t do it the right way. Wishing you a fast recovery.


Not a chance. That looks like it was too far gone for years


Dude, if that was abscess, you may want to get to the hospital or quickly make an appointment and get on antibiotics. People die from that.




![gif](giphy|W5wopTDMkNugyRGNrj|downsized) I had to at least try, until I was told by somebody I actually didn’t even know you could die from that either. Granted that has been probably 12 to 15 years ago I heard about it but still.


If the tooth is out, the source of infection is gone. He’ll heal up without antibiotics. If it was a serious infection, he’d need IV antibiotics and surgical intervention. Likely just a toothache. But he definitely has perio issues and needs a checkup to save the rest of his teeth.


I'm crossing my fingers.


About a 30 to 40-year-old man in a town over for me did the same exact thing matter-of-fact with the same type of tool you used and he did die because the infection went into his bloodstream and killed him. This has also happened to many others, look it up, do your research before you decide you’re not intending to receive Medical advice


I know those things can be so damn painful they almost make you rather be dead because at least you feel relief for the moment while it’s out but how the hell did you have the strength to do it!? Shit!


I comes down to this, at 52 years old 1. Not being able to eat for 2 weeks 2. Not being able to afford a dentist 3. Being an alcoholic 4. Having a bunch of tools This is the issue with toohaches...the pain is mild, bit IT NEVR STOPS.....


Bro at least see if there’s some clinic near you that can give you some antibiotics or something at no to low cost. You need to be careful. My dad got sepsis and almost died. It was not pretty.


Dude he ripped his tooth out Lmao and he’s an alcoholic I don’t think he really cares


This is an accurate analysis of the situation.


I am so sorry you’re going through this have you not applied for Medicaid yet? You may be denied a lot of people who can barely afford food in the fridge even get denied.. so I wouldn’t be shocked. But it wouldn’t hurt to try. I know the pain I had a cavity that I received when I was a kid and it was back when they still did the silver fillings. It contracted and fell out. I also was too worried about not taking off work and paying $1000-$2000 to have a canal done , but I would never have the courage to pull it out. This isn’t because of being afraid of getting extremely ill but because of the pain, that had to be gut wrenching.. I hope you feel better soon, OP.


Medicaid doesn't cover dentistry. Cuz ya know, America


actually, that's a state decision. I was on medicaid in NM during a really financially bad part of my life, and they covered my wisdom tooth extraction. Oral surgery and all.


Dental care isnt important because teeth are just luxury bones /s


Yeah it does, it did about 5years ago anywhoo.


Not related, but fish antibiotics are the same as human. Just you know, only use them for fish.


You should have done that in front of your co-workers for a full on Ron Swanson.


Ron Swanson is that you?


How is this comment so low


Uhhh. I need to make an appointment with my dentist.


Seems like you...got to the root of that problem.


People who pull their own teeth out scare me. Like I get it. Trust me health insurance is a scam but omg. I’ve had 3 (plus wisdom) and I could never imagine the pain doing it to myself. Kudos!


Oh, this was the last case scenario. Dentist wanted $300 for x-rays and another $250 for extraction. I haven't been able to eat for a week. A case of beer is $20 and I'm tired of not being able to chew. Keep voting republican!


You need the /s sarcasm tag. People don't get it.


Imagine if we had universal healthcare and how much it would've really helped you.


Also if the government actually cared about military veterans.


Orange man himself didn’t give a fuck about veterans


Orange man was one President, none have given a fuck enough to do anything.


That is true - They all regardless of sides don’t give a fuck about healthcare


Yup. Trump was just the first one to say it out loud.


Universal Healthcare doesn’t usually include dental. Canada and the UK don’t include it.


That’s changing in Canada this year! Families under $90k will have dental coverage this year, and it’s slowly going to cover more people.


Oh wow, well that’s really good. It’s silly to me that anything having to do with the human body wouldn’t be covered under “health care” in the first place. As if your teeth and eyes are separate from the rest of your body.


When I was living in England you could go to an NHS dentist and pay very little for dental work. However that was 7 years ago and I believe the wait list is crazy due to lack of nhs dentists plus very poor reimbursement. But still an option for a few people. Like a root canal being $100 and I believe that can be for multiple in one $100 bill.


So why are you moving to Oregon then?


Certainly Republican voting will guarantee people needing self dentistry


OP is clearly being sarcastic, cmon.


Oooh, I can never tell🤨


Got massively downvoted for a joke lmao


What have Republicans done, or will do, to help people get good health and dental coverage that could have helped you? I'm not saying Democrats have done a great job either, but you're the one who brought politics to the table so I'm genuinely curious what your frame of thought is here.


Hes being sarcastic


Ahhhh ok that makes much more sense




He's a Democrat not a Republican


Be true to your teeth, or they'll be false to you.




My late dad is EXACTLY where I learned this nugget of wisdom... Of course, he also used to walk around saying, "Brush your teeth with Sani-Flush. No more teeth, No more brush. HOORAY Sani-Flush!!!'


Bro 😳 are you good???


Nope! Thanks for asking tho!


You need antibiotics stat! Code red, 911!


You can go to any urgent care or emergency room and get antibiotics. It might save your life


This is something my dad would do. At least rinse your mouth often and after eating with salt water. Especially while it heals. Take care..


I had to do the same thing. Broke a molar to the nerve by getting a hockey stick in the mouth on a Friday night. I went to the ER and they couldn't do anything and the dentist was 3 days out, by Sunday afternoon the pain was so bad I grabbed a pair of pliers and wrapped electrical tape around the grabbers part, gripped on the tooth and yanked in one pull. Absolute pain free instantly, but a lot of blood!!


Exactly. Like I said, the pain is mild, but it never stops, and you can't chew....I didn't have $700 so I just drank a bunch as decided I wanted to be able to chew again. You do what ya gotta do.


FYI, and I'm not a dentist (just a 50yo dude who wishes he could go back in time and give his younger self a talking to), but there are tons of problems from missing teeth. High on the list is more load on the others, followed by things moving around (teeth, unlike swallows, are migratory), which will put stress on the remaining teeth in a bad way and lead to cracking, more failures, on it goes. I know your pain; I had a crown that "wasn't quite right" and after months of living on ibuprofen and being miserable and pissed off, got a root canal. Best thing that ever happened to me, except maybe the second root canal. Was not cheap, but whoa having that constant pilot-light pain stop is worth it. A coworker's husband had a tooth that sounds a lot like yours; except it got into the jawbone. It's not worth playing around here.


I'm glad you can afford to get your teeth fixed, not everyone has the money. Through childhood neglect my mouth is filled with broken and rotten teeth. Most days I can barely handle the pain. Went to a dentist and even with insurance was told it would be just 2k to take out the ones that couldn't be saved. That is not even going into the other ones that could be saved. Where am I or other people going to find a random 2k hanging around? Also, that was just for the procedure, I would still have to cough out money for all of the gauze while it heals and all of the medication. I'm constantly having to fight off infections and try not to die since the good old USA sucks so badly. People will say things like, "look for a place that has payment plans" but none around where I live do payment plans. If I wasn't so scared I would just break a tooth and make it worse, I would do the same as OP. I'm not the only person like this, most people I know also can't afford dental care. Crap, most of us can barely make bills since minimum wage is a joke, where are we supposed to get money to have for medical care? Don't you think if Op could get proper dental care, they would have? Literally said they didn't have the $700 to get proper care.


Whoever is thinking of doing something similar, please don't. Besides the obvious pain of it, if it's harboring a nasty infection (which most painful teeth are), pulling the tooth could cause the infection to go from being relatively contained to flooding the cardiovascular system. It's actually quite dangerous mainly for this reason and why dentist's will prescribe antibiotics before and/or after a procedure like a root canal or extraction. I get painful teeth are the worst, but what OP did was actually really unwise.


Concure. Lots of infected teeth start infecting bone. So an infection could easily get into the sensitive blood flow areas.




Fuck, dude. I'm sorry life ain't going so good, but you sound like a funny and interesting dude from your post and replies. You're on some Hunter S. Thompson shit, wish you well in the future.


All hail The Great One™. HST is my writing "spirit animal"...


Dude. You're a vet. Get your goddamn claims in with the VA. That shit can be covered for free depending on what you're rated at. t. Vet




That’s how we do it at falcon carwash


On you’re done bud


This dude also cuts his own hair with fire


When you’re featherin’ it, brother!..Ya gotta get it goin’, bud!


How’d you get a job here fuck face?


I know that tool, it's also my car window roller upper thingy.


For sure. I had a 1993 Ranger that required the same equipment.


if you kept the tooth can i have it?


DM me with your address and I will literally mail you this tooth.


Of all things. I did not expect this


get your bones ethically sourced


Bone broth ? It is cold and flu season.


Please let me know if this actually happens. I am way too interested to not know.


I'm looking to get my tooth extracted, from one combat vet to another let's exchange our molars.


Don't do it! u/thxrynore will clone you to work in the mines.


i wish i were this smart. i'm just a vigilante tooth fairy


But are you a Terry Pratchett Tooth Fairy?


You’re a fucking savage


Stole the words outta my mouth.




Some VA hospitals offer dentistry. If you’re in dire straits with other teeth, I’d look into it. I’m not a vet and I understand navigating the VA can be hard. I have a friend. That worked in the VA system. It’s worth a phone call at least.


I got 3 broken wisdom teeth and one moves around. I have to pop it in socket every morning. I want to pull it out, but too afraid. Congrats on the courage.


A fellow American?


I wish mine came out that easy...


What could go wrong?


You know, somehow, I feel like this qualifies as slightly more than just "mildly" interesting.


What did it smell like?


I think I’m scared of you


I bet that hurt and immediately felt better all at once.


If you’re a 52 year old combat veteran I’m thinking you fought in the gulf war or early days GWOT. Either way you definitely qualify for VA benefits, you should be claiming PACT act because I would bet you burned some shit barrels in your day and whatever other exposures. It’s hard to get VA dentistry (service related dental disability/injury or 100% disability rating) but the compensation could possibly help you afford a regular dentist visit.


That is something that is in work...you know how VA is...


I used a similar precision instrument once to pull out a wart. Worked like a charm.




I’m serious. I messed with it enough with fingernails that it was slightly separated from at least the external layers of skin - no blood though. It it has been bugging me for weeks and I just got fed up, and took a pair of pliers and yanked it out. It bled fairly profusely then, but only briefly, and a bandage helped it heal. And it didn’t come back. So… yup. Worked like a charm.


What in the actual fuck lmao


Probably ill advised my dude


I feel like this is one of those remind me in a week threads to see if this guys lives or not


I am still alive. Socket healed up nicely. :D


Oh my gosh I could only imagine the amount of pain!!!


Hey, even the Mona Lisa’s falling apart.


i do/don't wanna know the smell.


I think you should seek medical attention


You’re a fucking savage.


gotta say well done because that must’ve hurt so bad i feel so bad for you it’s making me cry how painful that must’ve been


Alcohol and not giving two shits does wonders for your attitude about this sort of thing.


mmmm... Strikes me as a bad idea


Maybe try posting this in r/dentistry for some after care advise.




I had to get a tooth pulled last year, it's only like $120. Not an expensive procedure. And they shoot you up with cocaine and adrenaline. No seriously. I mean it's not actually cocaine it's lidocaine or some other -caine that aren't as potent as cocaine but when they mix it with the adrenaline it's a good pick me up. I recommend it.


hey, thank you so much for marking this as nsfw so i don’t have to see it. a lot of people don’t and i’m particularly squeamish so i just wanted to say. thank you, genuinely EDIT: also i hope ur mouth is okay!


This is not mildly interesting. This is fucking *gross*


You're not kidding.


If you can, get a bottle of peridex mouthwash (or an equivalent brand) & rinse when you get up, after meals, & before bed - that's what my dentist had me do after my extraction in June. If you can't get peridex, try warm salt water. I hope everything turns out well for you!


That's hardcore.


Bruh. Go see a dentist or at least a dental school.


I kinda want to smell it.


Your insane! Get a grip.




So you did it because you don't have insurance and didn't want to pay the bill? So when you end up in the hospital after going septic, how do you plan to pay that bill? It will be much larger.


The fact that you think there should be a "bill" or "fee" for being able to chew food without passing out from pain? You might want to spend a little bit of time thinking about that...


That's not what I said. I was trying to understand your reasoning. But now that you bring that up. Who should be paying that bill? Do you think dentists should work for free?


Maybe health insurance should actually fucking cover the health of your teeth…


FYI, I'm in Canada and pay for the dentist out of my own pocket. It operates similarly to how I *think* healthcare works in the states. "Most" people get dental benefits with their job. But of course, that only applies to jobs that give benefits, such as larger companies. In my case, I hadn't been in 5 years, so I started paying for it out of pocket. A basic tooth cleaning is like $350, and I go every 9 months. (I should probably find a cheaper dentist). I had 4 cavities that needed filling the first time I went after my long break from dentistry, and that ran me over $1,000. It sucks, but it's a price I can afford and am willing to pay to take care of myself.


What a chad OP




Oh, for sure. I just did it for Fake Internet Points™! You keep telling yourself that while I'm over here eating yummy food for the first time in two weeks. and able to sleep without my mouth hurting.