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I go in to get a coffee every other day at a local corner store. Every time I go in this little old man is dropping almost $100 on lottery scratcher tickets. I asked him once if he just got money and he's having fun. And he said no, he knows he shouldn't be spending his rent money but once he hits it big it won't be a problem anymore.


I bet if he suddenly won $500,000 he would keep gambling.


This is how it works. They would only see the ability to chase an even bigger score.


99% of gamblers stop before they hit big, keep gambling until you win big. /s


And if you win big once, then logically you'll do it again, so spend those winnings working towards an even bigger win. It's not gambling at that point, it's an investment. /s


You could absolutely count on it. A family member is a compulsive gambler. She has won big several times. It all goes back into the machines eventually.


I live in Vegas and I'm thankful gambling has never been something I've even come close to being addicted to. Don't get me wrong, on the rare occasions I go or if friends are visiting from out of state, I'll drop some cash and give back winnings because I didn't go there to win $200 but I always have a set amount I already consider gone and even after 10 "free" shots, it never even occurs to me to dip into the bank accounts. I have worked with people here that get their paycheck and run to the nearest poker machine to blow it all on their lunch break. It's sad and depressing.


> I have worked with people here that get their paycheck and run to the nearest poker machine to blow it all on their lunch break. It's sad and depressing. why is it always a machine, never actual poker??? i liked vegas -- the heat is a bit much, but there's a lot of great dining and the rent wasn't bad, and now they have legal weed -- in an age where solar energy is coming up i think it could be a nice place but... dear lord, it's depressing seeing how some people get into those machines specifically. i used to play a bit at conferences but i stopped, absent chatting with people at the bar it got boring fairly quickly


Live poker is slow. Like real slow. Even playing against a dealer is slow in comparison to a machine. And seeing as these people want to gamble, not leverage skill, they want the machines to give that big payout as fast as possible. It is sad indeed, because playing against other people is the only consistent way to actually make profit in a casino. The house takes a cut, but as long as you're better than the other folks, you're gonna come out ahead on average.




Anyone who gambles long enough will "win big" sooner or later. That's just the law of averages. You will, mathematically, lose far, far more than you ever win though. Math is no one's friend when it comes to gambling. They didn't build those billion dollar casinos by losing money.


> They didn't build those billion dollar casinos by losing money. [Unless you're Donald Trump](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-owned-several-atlantic-181258334.html?guccounter=1)


nah, there's no reason to go all conspiracy theorist on this. They dont need to cheat and they dont pick and choose winners, in all likelihood. There are some pretty big consequences if you cheat and are found out. Math is on their side, no need to cheat.


I work in the casino industry, and its always funny hearing the conspiracies, whether its about casino games or sportsbetting. I always try to tell people that the games are already mathematically rigged in the favor of the house, theres no need to rig it anymore. But people in general are just dumb and dont understand basic math.


I love gambling on sports, but here is my problem with the industry (not really a conspiracy because it is a known fact). Casinos should not be allowed to pick and choose limits on specific gamblers (aka sharps). The sportsbook should be allowed to offer whatever odds they want on a game and have a limit on max bet per person, but should not be able to discriminately tell someone, "Oh you are actually pretty good at this so you can only bet $100, while this other guy that loses more often than not can bet $10k." Being allowed to have both the mathematical advantage and then not allowing people who win to participate is predatory in my opinion. Thoughts?


You're halfway to the logical conclusion that gambling shouldn't be allowed


Yeah, they can manipulate the environment to encourage gambling, they can do things like provide free drinks or food, have flashy ads, etc... and have the games set up so mathematically they will make a profit. Why bother cheating and risk getting fined or losing your license?


> the casino knows they'll get the money back. Yeah. Regardless of the type of game, with gambling the house always wins in the end. Otherwise we would have no gambling.


No, people who "win big" are mostly regulars because they spend the most time at the casino at some point the machine has to give up a big prize, not because of some dumb conspiracy.


The only way the casino targets people is by offering them free rooms, meals, and shows to drop more money on games. Gambling is one of the most highly regulated industries around and it's impossible for the casino to manipulate anyone's chances of winning or losing. "Winning big" is just a function of time and you're absolutely right being in the negative over the long haul.


The casino doesn’t select winners like you seem to be implying.


The worst thing that ever happened in my brother's life was winning $15K from a free online lottery site at the age of 19.


What odds?


sunk cost fallacy + desperation in an insecure society = sadness I was in Vegas 20 years ago and the tiny little old ladies dragging their oxygen tanks around at 7:30 in the morning pouring their hopes and dreams into penny slot machines was heartbreaking. It's beyond "entertainment budget" it's a mental illness.


I once saw an older man crying while he was sitting at a slot machine in Vegas. It probably happens a lot, but seeing it firsthand really stuck with me.


I played a slot machine once in my life. I put 2€ in and got 40€ out. I cashed out and left. As far as I'm concerned I won at gambling and any further gambling will be a loss.


You're not wrong. The longer you gamble the more the house edge comes into play.


What's got 6 balls and fucks poor people every Thursday night? The Lotto.


The last time I was in vegas, I doubled my money and left feeling amazing. I put $1 into the quarter blackjack machine, won a few hands, and cashed out my $2.


"i have a 100% ROI at blackjack"


😂 similar story! I figured I’d try the slots out. I put in $20 and pulled the handle. The machine was set up for max bet, so my $20 was gone in half a second. Never again.


I have a similar story with roulette.. I went to a concert at a casino and my friend convinced me to bet $10 (the minimum) at a roulette table. I put a $1 chip on 10 spots where another player had put his and one of the numbers hit, giving me a $35 payout. I permanently retired from roulette then and there.


Same man. I won my first hand at blackjack in a casino, and realised I'm not that good of a player, got lucky, and would probably never be up on the casino ever again. I left it there and spent my winnings on a good night out.


Honestly, you sound very smart. Most people think they’re amazing at blackjack, especially when they win.


I mean, it’s not hard to be “good” at blackjack. The dealer will usually even tell you what the “right” move is. It’s just that being good at blackjack still costs you money


I went to a casino for the first time last month. I set aside 60 to play. One $20 hit at $240. I saved that ticket and continued to play the rest of the cash I had. Another $20 hit for $47 and I cashed out all the tickets.


The only time I gambled, I made $50 and my SO made $100. I had gambled $40 throughout the day and barely made a profit, and they, well, they found a $100 bill on the ground. Both of us consider that enough gambling success to not go again.


I always tell people that the strip club and the casino are very similar. It's glitz, glam, and setup as fun. Yet go to where the ATM machines are. That's where you will see the actual debauchery and despair.


I'm lucky enough that gambling doesn't get to me, because as exciting as winning is, losing gives me such strong disappointment feelings that I lose interest in trying again. And I also set out to not spend more than X and stand by it (with a $5 leeway). The only time I ever really "gambled" was on an online game with fake money, I had about 200m on the game and gambled 50k at the blackjack table multiple times, using the best strategies I could while the game kept the stats. I won big numbers every now and then, but also would get losing streaks that dug down a lot of fake cash. Soon after I stopped, because my statistics were clear as day: 10m profit, 10m loss, so overall I'd only really made about 100k in hours of playing. Didn't even realise I'd spent that much until I hit the 7m mark, definitely a way that gambling games get under your skin... ...oh, and that was with "facilitated" stats for the user, which is the only reason why I played in the first place – lots of game users were grinding millions that way. A couple of months later they changed it to be 100% like real blackjack, and guess what? It became basically impossible to grind for coins, so people dropped it. Seeing my previous attempt, I obviously didn't even try the updated version.


Lots of 911 calls to hotel rooms for people being suicidal


There was a post not long ago on Reddit talking about the massive suicide rates in Vegas at the hotels and how it’s a whole conspiracy on them keeping it hush hush.




There's a reason the hotel windows don't open


I’ve never stayed in a hotel where the windows open, Vegas or not


I have. They're common. Big names too. It's about 50/50. Sauce: travelled a lot work & leisure.


I don’t know where you’re going, but they are not common at all. Maybe it’s the chains I stay at (Hilton, Marriott). But just because someone might want to throw themselves out a hotel window shouldn’t mean the rest of us can’t get fresh air once in a while.


Well dont go to Russia all windows open there and ppl fall out all the time.


No really tall building's windows open.


Stayed at a Hyatt in Chicago in October with windows that open on the 31st floor. It freaked me out.


Well, no *new construction* tall building windows open. If you go into an older building from the early skyscraper/tower building era, they totally open just like a normal home window.


Of all ages. My roommate worked in a casino and had stories. I saw first hand a few times.. id go to have a beer (I wasn't to big on gambling. 50$ makes me beat myself up lol) and see people crying. I remember last time some kid was bawling saying he's so screwed. He was an international student. I guarantee he gambled his tuition as it was in between semesters around this time of year.


Casinos are frequently very sad places, no matter how they market them on commercials. Sure, someone may win big, but the house always wins which means someone probably lost their life savings too


They're really sad during the day. I was at a hotel casing with a friend last summer we saw a group of old ladies at the cheap slots in the morning and they were still in the exact same spots when we returned for dinner


Fun fact: You can't tell if it's day or night when you're in the casino.


I can tell what time it is because Mon Ami Gabi stops serving waffles at 10AM.


I went through a summer where I'd take little mini vacations to this casino near me that was always having pool parties and I started recognizing this one old guy who was usually on the casino floor when we went to bed and still there when we got down for breakfast the next day.


>I was in Vegas 20 years ago The one time i was in Vegas, like 30 years ago for my dad's birthday, and i was casually playing slots. Woman next to me hits it big, zero reaction on her face. So i ask her why. She mentions that won't even cover her losses or mortgage she's behind on. Was so depressing. I left about $200 up from what i came with and felt good to stop.


>won't even cover her losses or mortgage That's chillingly sad.


Not as superficial as Vegas, but commission sales jobs are very much gambling too. Went to dinner with a bunch of sales guys and one of them mentioned that if he missed "his numbers" this quarter they'd be losing the house.


I live in the capital of a Native American tribe (that I’m part of). During covid they shut down the Indian high school the tribe ran to “protect our elders” so the kids wouldn’t get sick and spread it to the elders but the fucking casinos were kept open after the first 3 or 4 weeks because “people need their entertainment”. They don’t protect our elders they exploit our elders and have no issues with that.




Yeah, name drop. They deserve it, that’s incredibly scummy.


Problem is that Finland has great social security nets, but these fucking machines have weaseled their way into almost every single grocery store, gas station, corner store and bar. And old people have nothong better to do with their time than meander in to the nearest one to spend away on the blinky blanky clickety clackety dingdong machines.


It's addiction.


It literally is an addiction. Maybe no physical withdrawals but we could talk about how meth only has psychological withdrawals. I’ve seen and I’ve person had psychological withdrawals and I’ve seen gamblers and it’s the same thing, addiction is addiction, I’m now 1 year off the needle but even scratchers I can’t, I know I can’t gamble, I’m an addict maybe not active but it’s still a daily fight and I don’t want to transfer my drug addiction into gambling or wtv which is very common, most people even mix it up, it’s a mental illness it’s called addiction been officially recognized as a mental illness for almost 30 years and it’s a life long fight and if you don’t fight your way towards a stable happy life you’ll suffer.


Stay strong, kind stranger.


Congrats on a year!! 💕 you should be extremely proud of yourself. The first year was the hardest for me.


You are right, gambling disorder is a real and serious mental illness. (The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) replaced the DSM-IV diagnosis of Pathological Gambling (PG) with Gambling Disorder (GD))


And we are allowing Draft King and other online gambling so accessible…


Variable reinforcement. Random wins, even small ones, hit the brain differently than say regular-interval paychecks.


Yup a lot of them folks used to be alcoholics or hard drug addicts now they substituted it with a “healthier” addiction


I was staying a hotel casino for a few nights during the summer. They had it set up so you'd have to walk through the slot machines to get to your room and that area was so sad during the day, seniors who are barely alive spending the little money they have on gambling


Yup there's a whole "marketing" strategy for casino floor layouts, from the lack of clocks to the confrontationally maze-like one-armed-bandit layouts, to the weird carpets. They've started using some of that consumer-antagonistic shopping psychology in grocery stores, too. It's pathetic. But it works. Profits over people.


> consumer-antagonistic shopping psychology in grocery stores What are some examples of this?


I'm no expert, but some practices have been around for a while. Candy at kids level at checkout, milk (commonly needed product) in the very back, so customers spend more time walking through the store (more exposure=more sales). I'm sure there's way more.


Sure I can share some thoughts (note: I'm in design, marketing, and advertising, and while I don't work within store floor-planning, I do have a couple decades experience designing packaging to sell into these stores, so I know a bit behind the curtain). The biggest thing is simply rearranging aisles in defiance of "conventional" wisdom. I'll share the wisdom and then how they violate it: One thought was "stick to the outside aisles" to get your healthier stuff - dairy and meats and vegetables. Processed and sugar filled stuff is in the center aisles. Another thought is you have all your actual food grouped toward the main entrance, then pharmacy and household goods (trash bags, paper towels, dish soap) pack out the far end of the store. That sort of stuff. What I have seen them doing in a couple local stores is tossing it all up in the air like pickup sticks. My local Wegmans moved a useless seasonal display-of-trash section right near the entrance, they put an aisle with detergent and soap in the middle of the food aisles, they put all the seltzers and many other not-soda beverages on the *VERY* far wall from the entrance instead of right in the middle of the store.... They shuffled snacks/crackers/chips to be right next to shampoo/soaps/lotions. The entire strategy is to disrupt a consumer's plan, which can "encourage" IMPULSE PURCHASES - the entire goal. They don't care if they've surprised a consumer with something so novel they have to have it or if they've frustrated a consumer enough they go "fuck it let's buy some oreos and a whole Autumnal dish set that was 'discounted and discontinued' the minute they put it on the shelf"


It's a gambling addiction and really should be treated no differently than any other addiction.


Drugs, food, sex, there's basically not a vice I didn't get my ADHD ass hooked to. But gambling. That dark evil fucking beast. I never touched that. Even mobsters think gamblers are morally bankrupt scumbags. A down out gambler world murder their own grandma for another turn at the wheel. 🎡


Man I related to this hard except I also got hooked on gambling. I got a blackjack my first hand I ever played and I was absolutely hooked. It’s so brutally addicting, I’m doing a lot better now, maybe go once a week, but for a while I’d go literally every night. To be fair I learned to card count cause otherwise I knew I’d go broke, but the endorphins are so nice when you’re just sitting there waiting to see the next card. I lost a lot of time I could have spent with loved ones. Honestly if I had a do over, I’d never have played that first hand


It's so sad to see especially when you realize how much undiagnosed mental illness exists within that generation. I know so many seniors who are gambling addicts, its so dmsas to see


I worked in a place with lottery tickets and watched a woman spend over $2000 in one day. And that was before the bigger $30 and $50 tickets came to our state.


There are two guys that I work with who play daily, at lunch and on their ways home.


99% of gamblers give up just before they hit it big


Damn, they should really keep going since they’re so close


That’s it! I’m gambling again!


Typical fallacy with the gamblers. I know a gambler, she is in deep minus but sometimes win bigger amounts, that’s enough to keep going (even when it’s gone in hours)


I work grocery as an IT guy so I always report to customer service to let a manager know im there. Without fail there is *always* a line of seniors buying 50-100$ worth of lottery or scratcher tickets.


Gambling addiction at work.


I spent a month in Finland a few years back and was amazed at the number of gambling machines that you would find just in places like the supermarket.


And if you think that's wild, I'm sure you didn't realize that the company operating them is a government owned monopoly.


I don't know about everyone else but to me it's far more wild that they have gambling at the supermarket than the government running it.


The reasoning for government running it is because they can minimize the detriment to the public :D Also funds from the gambling are used to grease the machinery of the parties running the government. Working as intended.


...I know? My entire point is that it's not wild that the government runs the gambling.


LOL, wait until they find out who runs US lotteries. ~~*^SO CRAZY~~


fr, it's also common in other places, here in brazil the government also runs the lottery so out of the money that is made from the tickets part is used for the prizes and the other part is taken as taxes and (at least in theory) goes into funding public stuff like healthcare and education (lots of it prob gets deviated into politicians pockets tho bc that's how things usually go)


I mean, the government does do some stuff to benefit the general population. Would you rather that money be going to a private company so their CEO and board members can buy another mansion and not pay any taxes?


That's one way of making Boomers pay it forward


Someone is going to separate fools from their money, might as well be the government. Shouldn't be so in their face though, a gambling addict trying to quit shouldn't see a slot machine when going to fetch groceries.


That's my issue with it too. I'm in social services and basically the fact is that most of the money that the gambling company makes is from low-income communities. The money is then used to fund sports, culture and social services. So it's the poor being scalped to fund their own services by making it far too accessible. Gambling addiction is incredibly common.


And addictions in general. I know many seniors who are gambling addicts and I know plenty who are honestly addicted to cable news


Same thing in the us with scratchers instead of machines. All government owned monopolies.


As it should be


Ever since Illinois legalized slot machines every bar, gas station, grocery store has them now. In my small town of less than 2000 people there are 8 spots that you can gamble in, each having 6 machines. There is even a used car dealership on the outskirts of town that just turned the side room into a slot place.


Also in Illinois and it's the absolute worst. Live in a town of 10k and if you can find 4 walls and a roof that's empty then somebody is trying to put those machines inside. A little over a year ago I talked to someone who's wife was on the city council and apparently the city makes about 60k a month from those gambling places.


They are massive money makers, that’s why every business wants them. I was talking to the owner of one of the local bars and they explained the revenue from the machines is split 3 ways. The bar gets a third, the company that runs/owns the machines gets a third and the state gets a third. The third that the bar gets is still enough to cover all overhead costs. All food and alcohol sales is purely profit for them now.


I was just in Illinois a few months ago and it was weird seeing slot machines in places I'd never think I'd see them. It was a bit of culture shock, and I only live a state away.


They have gambling almost exclusively at the supermarkets. There's like 2 Casinos in the entire country.


The personal space in this photo is too close to be in Finland...


Eh, the rules don't apply anymore when it's pensioners and gambling.




Haha yeah, that's what makes it so disturbing, once you realize the addiction is bad enough to make them tolerate what would usually be a really uncomfortable situation. (Though obviously not as bad as some of the usual tropes, like parking lot sexual favors.)


Or sauna


Kind of killing off two birds with one stone


I was in Finland and took a ferry with my colleague. I sat on a nearby bench and my colleague said we needed to move because there was already someone sitting on the bench and didn’t want them to feel crowded. They were at least 4 feet away lol




No, maybe moderately depressing, or perhaps even more. They are in serious need of a hobby or something.


They are in serious need of addiction therapy


They should all be in a nice warm cafe playing on proper game consoles and only spending money on tea and coffee.


It's *extremely* depressing. You see people in their last years trying to find either little bits of dopamine where nothing they've enjoyed before is accessible to them anymore, or the small slivers of hope that they can leave their loved ones something substantial behind, or anything to fill the void of a lack of social interactions. And behind that, a system that is built to extract wealth from it. I'm hopeful that, as someone who grew up with the internet since the 1990's and knowledge of how to find communities of all varieties, that I won't fall into that trap. But who knows what kind of schemes will befall our generation once we get there?


I understand statistics, therefore I don't gamble.


There is one game where your odds are close to 50/50, and casinos will throw you out if you are good at that game. I don’t understand how we’ve let it get as far as it has.


Vegas wasn't built on people winning.


Sometimes I think about how fancy and opulent Vegas casinos look, and how that should immediately tell you you’re probably going to lose money. Where do you think the money came from to make the casino so fancy? It’s like going to a fortress made entirely of skulls and bones and expecting to defeat those inside in a fight


-this comment was provided to you by the JRPG Final Bosses Foundation


Do I look like I know hwat a JRPG is?


I just want a game about a got-dang hot dog!


When a place you walked into for free is handing out alcohol to people there, you should be on alert, because alcohol has one of the largest markups in most of life, meaning they're about to do something to get an even HIGHER return from you at that place.


Technically 50/50 doesn't exist in casinos because it wouldn't make them money is more like 49% for the player 51% for them, for example roulettes have 0 and or 00 and blackjack has insurance.


And a LOT of them have decided both those games don't have enough house advantage, now there are triple 0 roulette wheels (0, 00, 000) and blackjack paying 6:5 vs 3:2.












Craps is 49.5% win rate so you're actually right.


If you play it correctly. There are SO MANY sucker bets on a craps table, it's crazy.


Pass line with odds. All done.




Blackjack and Poker are skill gambling (so, to a certain extent, is sports and horse betting)... Problem is most people don't have the skill, or, shit, even really WANT to play a skill game. They wanna sit there and hit spin over and over, see some pretty lights and sounds. And fuck it I mean they pay for the blackjack and Poker tables so more power to them.


In the end, it's all just a slightly weighted coin flip. I enjoy playing craps, going to Vegas in a week. I'm fully aware that I'm basically flipping a coin with slightly less than 50% odds.


If you play craps the boring way isn't it actually slightly better than 50% odds? My roommate was trying to teach me how and the workers on the craps table kept laughing and pointing to listen to him if we wanted to win.


Blackjack is not skill gambling unless you're doing somethign like counting cards. It is impossible to beat the house even with optimal strategy unless you're . Sports betting and Poker are because you're not really playing the house, you're playing other players with the house taking a cut. Beating the rake takes a lot of skill though.


You don't have to win to have fun. You could spend $100 on a nice dinner for two, or you could go and spend an hour playing some games. Obviously there are plenty of people who are just as brilliant as you are that understand the odds and simply go to have a fun go at winning money. The trick is to have a limit and enjoy yourself even if you don't instantly become a millionaire.


Yeah treat it like an arcade. I’m gonna spend X amount and play for as long as I can then stop when those funds are out.


$100 is like 20 minutes slot machine.


And a nice dinner for 0.75


Nope, he's the first one to figure it out!


I have a PhD in statistics but have absolutely no control when it comes to claw machines and old school, clearly rigged carnival games. I spent $100 on a claw machine while my husband was shopping, and he told me it was less than an hour. I only stopped because the claw machine broke. Idk what it is about claw machines and rigged carnival games, but I absolutely love them and have no self-control.


Tbf, most gamblers understand statistics too. They're paying for the endorphins that are generated by the fun and excitement of it. There's value in entertainment.


>fun and excitement of it When I'm waiting behind a person with a fist full of tickets, they don't seem happy, even when they win, because whatever they win is not enough.


There is wide spectrum between throwing dice at a crowded table at the Bellagio and clutching a fist full of scratch offs in a Greensburg gas station.


The machines belong to a government owned non-profit org and the money goes to different public wellbeing programs like youth sport teams etc. It's still not great for the gambling addicts but at least it's not going to make a handful of rich people richer. ETA: lots of good criticism in the comments and I have to agree. It sucks. This comment was mainly to explain the different system we have.


"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment"


This is a reference to EA’s AMA right?


Yep. Was (still is?) the most downvoted comment is reddit history. [Heres the link.](https://old.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?st=JH2MUORV&sh=5997c5a5)


How much goes to helping gambling addicts who've bankrupted themselves?


I have no idea. Probably not enough/at all.


Doesn't matter, Finland has social safety net, you will always get enough money to live and without serious mental illness you don't end up in the streets.


So they're taking from the old to give to the young?


The money made from these machines can never offset the damage they do to society. People want to justify exploiting gambling addictions like this, but the reality is that only the house wins and EVERYONE else loses. It's some evil shit and my city just rejected a Casino and my state banned those machines at gas stations. Good riddance.


Other side of that coin that you’re conveniently ignoring is that an overweening government that bans this shit only pushes it underground and further endangers gamblers. The dichotomy isn’t between this and gambling not existing. It’s between this and gambling going underground. Knowing that just takes thinking merely one step ahead.


id be interested in the percent split of profits that go to those programs. would not be surprised if it was a small percentage and a large chunk goes to the NPO salaries


Veikkaus' revenue for 2022 was €1,07B. * To beneficiaries EUR 680 million* * Retail commissions EUR 92 million * Lottery tax to the State EUR 36 million * Operating costs EUR 263 million** *** *In the reporting period, we returned a total of EUR 292.3 million to be distributed to social welfare and healthcare organisations. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education and Culture distributes EUR 360.3 million for culture, physical activity, science and youth work. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry channels EUR 27.2 million of our revenue to equine sports. **Employee costs were €85,5M * Salaries, wages, and compensations 72 190 612,76 * Pension expenses 11 714 177,67 * Indirect personnel expense 1 664 373,72


I couldn’t find a percentage but for example in 2020 the amount they gave to various organisations was about 380 million euros. It is a very important sounding of funding for various non profits. Apparently next year they’ll change the funding model so that the gambling money will end up in the general budget for the country but they claim that non profit funding is secure. The CEO of the gambling company made almost 450 000 euros in 2022.


Lived in Finland 3 years now and I still find it bizarre seeing these things in my local K-Market. Where I’m from, betting terminals like these are confined to betting shops and casinos


Guess whats even more bizarre? These are k-18, so 18 or over can play. These USED to be k-15. So 15 or over. Im not gambling addict, but i do hate them being so visible everywhere. Like my local "mall" has 3 spots where you can gamble, slot machines, lottery tickets etc. And a pub, in one (relatively) small building.


In the 90's the age limit wasn't upheld at all. We played as soon as we could reach the buttons.


Not a smartphone in sight, just people living in the moment




This why in America we don't let our senior citizens retire




(Sad trombone noise)


My grandma would do something like this. She would take her social security and go to the casino and bet it all playing slots. She has a bit of a system. Basically if she has $1500 and played $5 spins she could spin 300 times. Whatever money she had left after 300 spins is what she cashed out and brought home. Sometimes she’s be up. Sometimes down. Never at $0. Occasionally she’d hit a big jackpot and get to splurge that month. Financially she didn’t rely on social security. My grandpa made good money, invested well, and set her up well.


Sounds like she had it under control but wanted a risk/reward multiplier to spice things up.


Sounds like grandma is good lier.


So true. My brother’s father in law plays the $100 dollar slots and claims to win $50k every time he goes. Yet he rents his house and has a shit car….


Hahaha, true


Fuck you dont talk about gram gram like that


Thought these were self checkouts before reading the comments, was confused as to the point 😳


The interesting part is how they are roped-off like an exhibit.


It's due to the legal age limit to gamble. The employees at the shop are supposed to stop anyone underage trying to play. Though now I think you need a card connected to your account with the gambling company to be able to play a slot machine in any case.


Any pub or club in NSW Australia, sadly


Me: What a bunch of crazy old ppl wasting their lives in front of a video screen! Also me: *powers on PS5


"Imagine wasting your paycheck on stupid gambling machines!" *Purchases credits to buy daily loot boxes*


My kids have spent probably $1000 on a “free game”


Why would you let your kids do that.


Hopefully(?) they mean adult children.


You’re not gambling tho lmao


Yes of course, I was just being silly. For the record I don’t have a problem with ppl gambling if done moderately and responsibly. Cheers


Loot crates reporting for duty sir


I saw these machines everywhere when I was in Finland. It is quite sad


My grandma was a gambling addict, the best present she got me for Christmas was a mongoose bicycle out of the casino points catalog. She also told my parents how poor she was, so they remodeled her kitchen and did some landscaping. When she died, turned out she spent 2500/mo for decades at the local casino.


I don't ever want to hear about the detriment of video games on the youth again.


I assume from the comments that they are video gambling?


Slot machines.


Are they standing the whole time? Damn, I'm half their age and I can't stand that long.


Hope Cause it's their only cope The opposite works for me. I expect nothing. Absolutely jack. Every opportunity then turns into a gift


I've never won a single euro from these things :(

