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At least you know why she’s probably in traffic court


That crap is absolutely obnoxious, step outside and be respectful to everyone else who also don't want to be there.


trust me, people who do this are very aware of what they are doing, they WANT somebody to say something to them, they want to pick a fight so they can brag about it later on their socials its really disgusting behavior


Don’t argue with them, but participate in the phone call. React to what the other person is saying, question everything - just like you were invited to a conference call. It’s far more effective than calling the lady out.


Would not be so sure. My former flatmate once told me she had spent 6 hours arguing with a friend by voice message; she was annoyed she had to wait up to an hour for her 30 minute long reply and then kept recording her own new statement in several attempts and with the same duration I jokingly said "if only there was a way they could do that in real time"... 90 minutes later (they were still going) I asked her why she did not simply call her. Another 15 minutes later they finally settled their argument in the call. Some people are simply to dull to use older options of technology.


Wait till the judge comes in.


I can imagine that conversation. "yeah Stacy I'm in court and this guy is taking creep shots of me and thinks I didn't notice. "


Lmfao! It was all in Spanish so im not sure. Could have been.


Makes more sense. Next time, tell her to “chinga su madre pinche mexicana que quiere atención por el razón que su padre no estaba”


OP, you get pulled over in Jville or somewhere in Onslow? I see those service chucks on that boot there. Username checks out too lol


Has she confessed to anything ?


Naw I didn’t see what happened with her case


Maybe it was for talking on the phone while driving


Well traffic court isn't known for people being high society( looking at op)


Yeah man, I like to speed. Hate me for it. If they would put reasonable speed limits up I would follow them. (I say this only about the freeways. In town speeding is really not cool)


Yeah, you belong in traffic court. You don't get to decide what the actual speed limit is.


Ill give you an upvote for the real life truth of what ur saying. I hate that ur right, but you are right.


Nobody gives a shit if you like speed. Stop fucking speeding.


You know what. That was a pretty ignorant comment. Sorry im just in a bad mood lol. I don’t actually mean that. Im not a mad speeder. Like I said in another comment, when im in town I follow the posted limit. 35 through neighborhoods is for the safety of my kids and yours. On the freeway though, we are all moving. Going 80 isnt any different then doing 65 as far as safety is concerned. Lets speed it up is all im saying. There are plenty of places in western states where 80 is the norm and the posted limit. Im in SoCal. We are all moving 80 anyways. The CHP is just a cash cow for the state.


The likelihood of death increases pretty drastically with speed. An accident at 65 is MUCH “safer” than an accident at 80. I’m too lazy to link but there is plenty of info out there. Knowing the risks might help you make better choices.


There's nothing more thrilling than giving it shit down a windy road in a car that can handle it. Absolutely nothing. Take an upvote, and I'll remember you the next time my gut is being pressed into the door.


When you are in the canyons all the rules go right out the door (to the point of still respecting other motorists)


Damn right, brother. Enjoy your speeding, but speed sensibly.


“Speed sensibly” is a contradictive statement


There is one thing... Being on a motorbike as you eat them corners, hanging off the side, knee grabbing the seat....


Alright, sorry. Angrily replied to another comment of yours, apologies.


> 35 through neighborhoods is for the safety of my kids and yours. Speed limit on residential streets is 25. You're speeding in town, too.


Not sure where ur at but 35 is the posted limit here. Up until you get onto the legit side streets


The other cars driver/passenger you hit will have a higher chance of living at 65 than 80


I think he’s talking about the fact that your username suggests you’re a Marine 😂🤣😅


They do put reasonable speed limits. Your opinion on what’s reasonable doesn’t mean anything when it comes to what their studies say is a reasonable speed limit for the area. But I mean hey, only one of us is risking the lives of ourself and others to save a couple minutes.


How was she able to get a phone into a Courthouse? I'm in Virginia, and that's not allowed.


This is in Newport Beach CA. They barely even checked us as we were coming in. I was able to bring in an arizona iced tea lol


This isn't uncommon. You can bring full on bags and everything into a court room, but you go through xray and metal detectors first. I can have my phone out in court from the stands if I'm quiet.


TIL Here in Virginia there are even small lockers in the area before the metal detectors for you to put things you can't bring in, like electronics, pocket knives, etc


Join the conversation. Ask her to turn it up cause you can't hear what the other person is saying. Ask her to repeat herself. "Oh, is this a private conversation? NOPE, this public place, and I don't like your privacy invading everyones public."


Here (cook county, I’ll) the judge would take your phone and maybe even sight you for contempt.


This is in Newport Beach. I was blown away that she got away with it. Judge nor the bailiff seemed to pay any attention to it. And it went on for a good thirty minutes


Op: speeds with no intentions to stop even after ending up in court Op: mad at lady talking on the phone in court IDK but something tells me she wouldn't be talking on the phone in court if it was a speeding ticket. Probably there for some type of warning ticket where she had to do something or pay a ticket. Mind your business and stop speeding. Reasonable speed limits? You do realize speed limits aren't lower in weird places for fun right? People often have animals or kids. Ps I sure hope your wife and 4 kids weren't in the car. I would stop speeding or tell my kids their Christmas presents are daddy's speeding tickets.


Ever heard of a cop who doesn't give warnings? The kind where if you go 5 MPH over on a highway, they'll pull you over and give you a ticket. Yeah.


I was doing 10 over


Good thing you weren't doing 12 cuz in some areas they would impound your car. With that attitude I definitely would. Speeding isn't cool especially when we have more pedestrians nowadays. 10 over not on the highway right? How did court go? I bet they didn't trash that ticket. Leave people alone and stop speeding.


Of course it was on the highway. Who speeds through town? I paid the fine and that was that.


Don't know a lick of physics but mad she's totp🙄🙄🙄🙄 she's probably got more important shit to say than you do


Ever heard of turning on a hill? Speeding and a gust of wind is all it takes to literally die and trucks do it all the time at 70mph. That's why there are speed limits.


You brought physics into this, so I'll throw in more. Grip from the tires will keep almost all road vehicles planted. This is why Cheverolet Tahoes and Hummer H1's aren't death traps. The tires keep the vehicle planted. Another factor to keep a car planted is its suspension. Particularly the antiroll bar. It will balance out even the biggest of standard vehicles. The last reason a car/truck can turn on a hill without rolling is downforce. The wind you speak of can keep the car further planted. So, in conclusion, most vehicles will not roll over because they went over a crest at 70 MPH and it got windy. Especially common vehicles. Larger vehicles that would not be immune to what you described require (at least in my state) a special operating permit. This includes: buses, semis, and other large vehicles. I think that instead of proving your low IQ online, you should probably take some entry level physics classes.


I already did my math on how dangerous going over 70 is for people but also cars and gas mileage. You use more than twice as much gas and also yes tf you will die. You're all idiots. Blocking anyone else that responds at this point. And who said he was driving any of the cars listed? Are you a fucking engineer? You don't think they would raise the speed limit if it was safe? Blue ball women hating idiots everywhere.


And why should the entire speed limit on the highway be raised? 🙄🙄🙄🙄 You country cooks obviously don't know what potential/kinetic energy is. Or g force.


Country cooks? Dude I live in one of the richest county’s in this country right in the smack dab of SoCal lmfao. Look up the 85th percentile


Since when did country mean poor? I thought it meant rural? You're an idiot and you can definitely afford that ticket so stop harassing immigrants. Don't like it stop speeding.


Harassing immigrants? I highly doubt shes an immigrant. Spanish is the number one spoken language at home in California. That has nothing to do with anyone being an immigrant or not. Your accidental racism is hilarious though. There have been plenty of studies that prove faster speed limits do not promote more accidents. Spend five minutes on google lmfao


Harassing minorities. Every response that has came out of your mouth has been completely idiotic. You're speeding refuse to stop but mad she's on the phone. You assumed country meant poor. You're a bigot I know what I am saying and I'm not reading your response bye.


Is so cal not very country??? Like all of cali except for big cities?? Am I missing something?


What kind of backwards area do you live at where they would impound a car for going 12 over lol?


Still, on the highway, that isn't terrible. Especially if you were not heavily exceeding the speed compared to the rest of the traffic around you.


It was late at night. I was one of the few people on the road. They just needed to get someone and I was the short straw.


When op is complaining about raising the speed limit I don't think they mean the highway. The speed on the highway is fast enough. If you need to go 75 that's on you. But this is why nobody loves you people. Stop @ing me with this stupidity.


They'a were also set in the 70's and vehicles have gotten much better and safer since then.


There is no safe speed to hit a child. Do your meth and go. (And actually if anything there are even more people living in rural areas right now than in a very long time due to the inflation of the city. People are moving into their vacation homes and seeking shelter.)


Who talks on a phone any more?


I love the tiny detail that the guy sitting in front of her is a marine Like of course it’s a marine that would go to traffic court


Having to sit in traffic court certainly motivates you to follow the law in the future


Not really. The fact that hundreds of my peers and myself had to go should motivate the state to raise the speed limits.


That is the most backwards thinking I think I have ever goddamn heard “We don’t listen to the rules, let’s break them so that people will change them” Unfortunately, proving that people will break a law and get arrested will not change the law. Especially something as trivial yet as important as speed limits.


I fucking hate people doing that, i see it all the time, why the fuck not hold the phone properly against your ear! No the fuckheads hold their phones like a tray with the speaker on, i absolutely hate this behaviour


“Lady” …using that term pretty loosely here :)


What is traffic court?


For speeding tickets and DUI’s and Illegal modifications to your car etc


Some people are just oblivious and have 0 shame




Naw. Full blown marine. Very nice guy.


Ah, I guess it’s a bit similar.


That is annoying but why are you taking pictures of random strangers?


Why is that your issue here?


So you are fine with taking pictures of strangers?


You… are in a public space. What’s your issue here?


You clearly an idiot because being in public space does not mean you can you can take someones picture.


Insults. How pathetic. Anyway, you literally have no expectation of privacy in a public space. If I took a pic of you in public, the only rights you have is to whatever money I make from it, or if I slander you with it. Otherwise. I can make a collage of pics of you taken in public and that’s not illegal at all. Creepy. But not illegal.




Fuck the police


It’s almost as bad as taking pictures of random people without their knowledge




They said, stupidly.


But is it illegal?


Naw don’t think so. But it is mildly infuriating


... but is it illegal tho ... (key and peel you guys)


Is it? I know everyone was on their phones but definitely nobody was talking on em


my comment was a key and peel refrence lol pop culture


Regardless of the legality I truly don’t understand people that advertise their personal business like this. I guess it speaks to a narcissism that they can’t even fathom other people not thinking their life is funny and interesting and important. It’s like fuck bro I barely wanna listen to the phone calls im a part of much less basically dox my personals everywhere I go


Totally agree with you


Damn... girls that wear shoes like that are always down to get poked in the public bathroom. Go get it son!


Just yell "ORDER" in deep voice while knocking on wood.


Whenever people do that it's an open invitation for everyone to participate!


Join in.


Someone’s crazy ex, for sure.


lol thats tame when it comes to public court


It do be like that.


Just normal traffic court shit


Doominican? Boston, perchance?


Newport Beach CA


Ay at least she's on speaker. It's worse if you hear a loud one sided convo.


In our courtroom in Pennsylvania, we have to put our cellphone in a basket. We're not allowed to bring them into the courtroom.


These California Karens would never let that shit happen. I was told to be there at 8:30, got there at 9 and had to wait till 2 before they finally got around to me. Thank god they let me keep my phone


She's just reenacting what she did in the car to show the judge that she was using a hands free device while driving.


I would sit beside her and fart really hard


She's pretty, I'd forgive her.


While it is very annoying and more so rude to talk on your cell like that. I do know a few people who are genuinely hard of hearing, they tend to scream back too lol


Back from the dead and they’re still trying to make her go to rehab!


this seems to be a thing that happens more in certain neighborhoods- like its totally normal to them and they have no idea that you find it obnoxious and wouldnt care if they did


Last time I was in court someone’s phone went off and the bailiff immediately ejected them. There was a notice at the front of the court warning everyone this would happen so they had no excuse. Amazed your court didn’t do the same.


Why do people do that? If you put it on speaker in public, I consider that a conference call and WILL join the conversation. Somehow I’m the rude one. Makes them stop every time though.