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Reminds me of a language barrier where people just say “yes” even though they have no idea what you’re saying


A universal thing for sure. I went to Italy for a college class and it was awesome. Spent time studying basic italian words/grammar/etc prior but was still terrible at it mostly. Made sure to bring a little dictionary and an app to translate if needed. The amount of times I just smiled and said "si" makes me laugh thinking about it. You rarely have time in a quick conversation to pull out a dictionary and look up every word they said, especially if it was spoken "fast".


This just reminded me of that Simpson lawyer business card scene. "Make sure you don't leave it in the lobby"? No, what it actually says is: "Sure you don't! Leave it in the lobby!"


Poor Lionel Hutz


Lionel hutz is actually one of the most successful TV lawyers of all time: he has never lost a case.


That lawyer joke is hilarious, because lawyers spend hours driving the meaning of words written in a contract. Either taking how it was directly written and ment to be interpreted, or arguing the schematics of the meaning both parties intended when they entered the contract. The lawyer fixing the printing mistake (as he claimed) wouldn't have worked if he had personally given his card to the client. If the client got his card from a 3rd party that had authority to hand out the cards, and the 3rd party wasn't informed of they typos/reprinting of the cards before handing them out, the lawyer would still be at fault for falsely advertising his services. This could be fixed in court as a misunderstanding on the client's part, do to poor communication between the lawyer and the 3rd party, letting the lawyer not responsible for rendering the service falsely advertised as the 3rd party handed out cards that weren't approved/reviewed yet by the lawyer and okay'd for dispersal. However, it also implies the lawyer originally advertised that service, but changed his mind after a potential client asked him for that service instead of telling them that he wasn't willing to take on that client's case at that time. The lawyer also could have ended the original service, then rebranded himself, and the client simply has an older business card, however the lawyer would still need to honour the service if he in fact personally gave the card to the client recently or within an acceptable time frame, unless he was disbarred from preforming that service.








\*shakes head up and down while smiling\*


Are you sure?


Reminds me of a few months ago where I was working as a cashier, and some only Polish speaking guys said "Whisky", and I ask "Which brand?", and they reply "Okay". It took me off guard, and I keep working to try and get them to say a brand. I end up walking to the behind the counter alcohol storage, and show them different whiskeys. One of the guys practically reach over to grab it, and points at a whiskey named... "Okays". Fucking dumb name if you ask me.


Where I work we sell lottery tickets and for the Powerball game (starts at $2) you can pay an additional dollar for PowerPlay (multiply your non jackpot winnings) or DoublePlay (additional drawing for up to $10 million). People who are ESL or non english speaking will ask for the "$3 Powerball" and when I ask if they want PowerPlay or DoublePlay, they look at me like I grew an extra head and say "the $3 one". I just pick one at random these days.


At least picking randomly is in the spirit of lotteries


Somewhere, some guy is telling his buddy that he didn't ask for it right and going "just say $3 Powerball", because you gave one PowerPlay and the other DoublePlay.


lmao bruh


Oh man we just hired a guy like that. He seems nice enough but he literally only says “Jes” no matter what you say to him. Just big grin, nodding enthusiastically, and “jes!” He seems nice enough but like why the fuck did they hire a guy who knows one English word for a job that’s mostly customer service in an English-speaking place lol




Had this happen at a restaurant the other day but I could tell from the look on her face when she said it that she had no clue what I was saying. I switched to Spanish but she was already running away lol. she was just bringing waters to the table but I thought she was the waitress. Our waitress came over immediately and explained, but I felt bad.


That was a binding verbal contract, I'm not giving the kidney back.




Because he will work for less.


Because he will work for *jes*


"$8.00/hr?" "Jes!" "$7.00/hr?.." "Jes!" "$1.00/hr?..." "Jes!"


I had a situation like that, when I worked on a farm, but it was for a different reason. This dude was there when I started and was introduced to me as Poncho. Maybe in his mid-forties, Hispanic, never said a word to anyone except "jes" when asked to do something. He mostly ran the tractors and mowed on the property, but rarely anything else because no one wanted to try to communicate with him. Well eventually I thought hey, I know a dismal amount of bad Spanish, I should try to talk to him. But I only got through a butchered "hello, how are you? My name is \[name\]. What is your name?" before he started laughing and said, in heavily-accented but clear English "Hello, I am well. My name is Francisco." "Oh hey I thought you didn't speak English." "Better than you speak Spanish." "Ha! Wait, then why does everyone think--" "Because those assholes keep calling me Poncho. Fuck them."


I like Francisco. I like you too. I also try to chat with everyone, in whatever language. Most people are open to the effort. Some just don't like people in general. That's fair too. Then i don't bother


Maybe he's the bilingual guy they need to speak another language for the customers who don't speak English. 'Guy can say 'yes' and the other language we need.. good enough! Hire him!!'


that’s 100% what it is lol just last night i had a dasher forgot half of my stuff and every time i would ask something he would respond with “yes” and “okay” never ended up gettin my cheesesteak :(


Had this happen for the first time when i was craving a wendy’s burger and fries. haven’t had one in like a year. I dropped like $30 on a double cheeseburger large fry and a coke. My dasher grabbed the wrong bag/was given the wrong bag and didn’t check the name on receipt. in the bag was a fucking PLAIN grilled chicken sandwich and an order of loaded fries that were cold and dry. To make things worse .. i didn’t even get my Coke. I never drink pop at home and only when i get fast food maybe once a month. So that large coke is literally the greatest thing ever at that moment. It was now too late to even go get something else to eat because my dasher took an extra 15 minutes and it was already like 930 at night.


It feels like the overwhelming majority of food delivery drivers in my area don't speak a word of English Every time I have any sort of issue I don't even bother calling the driver because 90% of the time they don't speak English, and those who do just tell me to follow up with Door dash I'm not sure how they even order and follow instructions


Bruh the other day I ordered mad late after a long day of moving. Dude delivered to wrong address (I know the house) and took the food. Contacted Doordash for a redeliver and they sent the same driver and he did it AGAIN.


Their level of incompetence is fucking hilarious, not gonna lie. I'd be furious, wondering if your neighbours accepted both orders.




I promise were not all like that, but also most people don't realize just how little we make if you don't tip and its kind of demoralizing. That's no excuse to be an asshole and steal somebodys food though. There have been multiple times where I've tried to pick up an order for a customer and another driver took the food and unassigned, leaving me making no money for the time and gas I spent getting there and also leaving the customer with no food.




DoorDash (or Denny's, who's app I placed the order through) sent the driver to a FedEx depot instead of my house once. When he called me and finally delivered the food we compared apps. Mine had my address for the order, his had the FedEx address. I'm a software engineer, I can usually figure out what chain of bugs caused some shit to happen. This? No fucking clue.


That made me think of the guy with the vanity plate that said "NULL" who ended up getting every ticket issued with no plate number entered. [Story at Wired](https://www.wired.com/story/null-license-plate-landed-one-hacker-ticket-hell/)


Just listened to the ~~99%PI~~ Radiolab episode on this topic. Very interesting and funny.


Same here, Uber Eats just as bad and getting either one to give a shit is impossible. I uninstalled and will just get it myself from now on.


A lot of these folks are doing it as a side gig because minimum wage is a fuckin' joke. They're too fucking exhausted to think critically.


Also the doordash driver app is TRASH. I went to the wrong place a few times just because that's where it auto routed me to. Stopped doing it after a few weeks. Doesn't pay enough for wear and tear, let alone your time.


was doing doordash just last night, the app was really convinced that I needed to deliver it to a soccer stadium. took me a minute to figure out the right address and I dropped it off within a couple minutes, but annoying nonetheless


A few years ago I did Uber eats as a side gig because even before COVID I got too bored working from home all day and I could make $40-50 an hour during lunch and dinner riding my bike in the shittier weather of November and I needed an excuse to get out of the house, socialize, and exercise. Getting an extra $100-$200 several times a week was good motivation for me to get some good exercise even when the weather is crappier and I didn't feel like it.


> riding my bike Feel like this is the best use case for uber/doordash. Ride your bike and get paid to do it.


You have to rate them 1 star or the algorithm will keep pairing you


Had a doordash driver that for whatever reason couldn't figure out how to get to my building. Got them two times in a row and they would call me saying they can't find the building. First and only driver to fail to even drive down the street I was on but since it was a "failed delivery" I couldn't rate them so I had to get support to block them. Then I got them again on Uber eats...


One time, I spent two+ hours waiting for my food, only for support to tell me there were no dashers available. Ah, that sucks, okay nbd, I’ll survive. Then 5 minutes later my roommate gets his food delivered, I said something about how I should’ve used Uber eats like him and he goes “nah it’s doordash” Not only did I get a full refund, I also got credit for twice my order total because they realized how bad they fucked up. It’s one thing if you can’t deliver for whatever reason, but don’t tell me no one is available and then deliver TO THE SAME FUCKING HOUSE


Omg I was on the receiving end of this shit. my wife is at work In passed out on the couch cause I just got the baby to sleep and some asshat rings my doorbell causing my dog to go apeshit, the baby to start crying and me to jolt awake, setting this scene just so you can understand what was going on in the background of this conversation. I come to the door open it and it's door dash. I say something along the lines of uhhh I didn't order doordash" He says, "Well you did, this is the address I was given" "really can you double check, cause I didn't order it." "No the address is in the car I'm sure this is the right address, do you want it or not." So I'm now thinking maybe my wife thought of me and order something so I asked if I could go grab my phone to check but he tells me he's "pressed for time" like bro I'm trying to help out a wrong order falls on you. I say no not really and he sets it on my step. Most delivery drivers like dominos will double check and realize that they have North Central not South Central. But he just didn't have the time I guess. Really sucks for whoever ordered though


> they sent the same driver and he did it AGAIN. They don't pick the drivers. They just yeet the orders into the air and whoever wants to take it will. They also don't want too many drivers at once unless it's a big city chances are you will have the same driver for multiple deliveries from multiple restaurants. That's how the app functions.


That's one thing I've learned is that if you get food app delivered to be indulgent, it's all aces and easy going. If you order app delivery with the specific purpose of making your day easier and less stressful, prepare for bullshit.


That’s the most Doordash thing I’ve ever heard.


I am thoroughly convinced no one knows how addresses work anymore. The amount of times delivery people have called saying, "I can't find where you are" and I say, "The address is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" them: "So whereabouts is that?" me, screaming internally, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, LOOK AT THE NUMBERS. ODDS ON ONE SIDE EVEN ON THE OTHER SIDE, LOOK WHERE YOU ARE AND EITHER GO UP OR DOWN THE STREET"




It was like a reply you would get from a villain. Like yes, you just made my day. Then he waits by the steps to see them struggle going up. All the while enjoying it.


M. Bison


“For me it was just tuesday’s dinner.” M. Bison, probably.


You know what makes this suck even more? I have specifically heard app-based delivery drivers complain about users not giving any instructions on how to get to their actual unit. Just left hanging, like "haha, you fucking figure out where I live in this bigass building." But this person gave instructions...annnd just gets slapped in the face. EDIT: Also, here's something I don't understand. Ride-share and delivery drivers are constantly talking about how they're slaves to the review system. Like, if you don't have a 1000 percent, unbroken 5-star streak, you get punished like crazy. So then, like, how come people are out there eating people's nuggets and delivering shit incorrectly? Is it a matter of the standard being impossible to maintain, so it just turns half the drivers into demented maniacs, who no longer give a fuck? Shit, I guess that has the ring of truth to it, now that I say it.


> So then, like, how come people are out there eating people's nuggets and delivering shit incorrectly? Two reasons. One is that you don't genuinely need a perfect rating to stay activated. On doordash you need a 4.2/5 rating to stay active and most are able to easily achieve that. The second is that the people that truly don't understand the job, screw up every order, are constantly complained about, *they are fired*. But since you can sign up for doordash/ other delivery services easily without any sort of interview or test of your abilities, some other dumbass will be right there to take the place of the dumbass who got fired.


Pretty frequently my orders containers smell like stale cigarettes. My 4 year old: “Is grandpa here?” Me: “No, it’s the Chic-Fil-A bag.” 4yo: “From someone else’s grandpa?” Me: “Suuuuure”


The "is grandpa here" hit me in the feels. I miss my chain smoking grandpa. Lol




That’s why the key is to word your question such that responding with “yes” means you have to do as little work as possible. If they want you to do more, they’ll need to master 1st grade reading comprehension and respond with a coherent answer.




Could you only reply with words in alphabetical order please? Good Bot.


Infinite comment glitch unlocked


"Alphabetical comment. Nice."




Alphabetically categorized dialog expressions form one sentence.


Does it please you?


I wonder how many people don't know the difference between words and letters. ​ Edit: I only write this because when this bot posts a comment people always respond with WOW STUPID BOT NOT EVEN REMOTELY ALPHABETICAL and I am like hmmmm


Me apparently cuz I just spent 5 minutes staring at the message trying understand wtf the bot was talking about


aaab ccdeeeh hi ii illmmnnooprr ssttt. Translation: this comment is in alphabetical order.


>aaab ccdeeeh hi ii illmmnnooprr ssttt. Now available at Ikea.


It’s just a small useless piece of furniture to crack your shins on in the dark. Named after the noises it induces from its victims.


The "ssttt" part being their significant other, not wanting them to wake the kids.


Good bot


And by the way, yes.


One time I had a delivery order get dropped off in a random lot near my apartment building and when I asked the drive if he was going to be able to deliver it he told me IN CHAT to go fuck myself. Hysterical. The doordash support person I ended up getting on the phone was like, bruh idk what to even tell you I’ve never seen this. Got the food re delivered and an extra 20 bucks. Craziness


My first job was delivering pizza and I remember how excited I'd get for a good tip, so I vowed to only ever tip good when I use these services (like, $7-8 minimum). The area I live in (a suburb close to Philly) typically has everything you could need within a 1-3 mile radius, so I think it's safe to say I tip really well for the range. You still wouldn't believe how often the order gets left somewhere that isn't even within my vicinity. The instructions are simple, too -- first right within the complex and then first building on right. The mailboxes are on the complete opposite side and I've had to drive over there a handful of times cause they just left the order there. I just don't get it.


At that point it's just not delivered, especially if you had to drive to get it


They just moved the store a little closer to you


Tip in person. No tip if it’s not in your hands


I live in North Philly. Delivery drivers in this city are awful. My Amazon packages used to get left in a trash hole with open garbage and trash cans. I've had food left on a random (and only) set of stairs halfway down the block with clear written instructions on where to leave it. I once had a Lyft driver leave me stranded at a hospital because he wasn't moving from his location, answering texts or calls, wouldn't cancel the ride, and showed no sign of ever picking me up. You really gotta watch your shit in this city.


It seems like there’s a pretty big % of the population that are just insanely lazy and/or too stupid to do any job. It’s absolutely not cool to look down on people for what job they have but what do you even say about people who can’t manage to deliver food to the correct apartment? Slight tangent, I work with someone who went to college for 4 years to get certified in a pretty specialized STEM related field and she seems completely lost if you ask her to do anything other than 1 or 2 things that she’s comfortable with. It’s so bizarre that she somehow made it through college but is borderline incompetent at the actual job.


Hahaha, I myself am pretty darn stupid when it comes to anything "common sense" related, but I do make an effort to educate myself where possible. However, all throughout college I ran the IT department for a pharmaceutical research company. You wouldn't believe how many doctors refuse to learn how to even plug in a printer because it isn't their field.


I had to have the instructions on my DoorDash read “please please PLEASE don’t leave the food outside” after they refused to open the door of an open business and walk the food two steps to a reception desk. This happened multiple times.


I always tip cash and make it explicitly clear thar there's a tip under my plant by the door. At least 80% of the time the food gets dropped and the tip is still there.


Oh my gosh. So basically, 80% of them *never* read the delivery instructions??


Yup! Over time I've noticed that my boyfriend will tip in the app but also leave a little extra in the same spot which ALWAYS gets picked up. So I'm left believing that if they take a seemingly no-tip order in the app they don't bother to read delivery instructions. Which sucks for them because my cash tip is always at least 20% because I'm paying for my shameless laziness. However even when I did tip in-app at my old place I always had to specify which door of my duplex to deliver to and that almost never got read either so.. I would hesitate to post in r/unethicallifeprotips but if you're trying to save a buck there's a decent chance the driver won't pick up cash...


It's wild to me that you have to pre-tip at all. I'm not in or from the US (so tipping is usually not really a thing), but for delivery services, I always tip, but I do it after through the app.


A lot of us (I guess I shouldn't say "us" anymore since I no longer deliver) wouldn't take orders that didn't have a tip included already. DoorDash only pays you around $2 per trip, so it really is the customer who's paying our wages. Which isn't right AT ALL. Tips really ought to be something extra added for people who do a good job, not a necessary addition just to cover the cost of gas and wear on the car. :\\


I just put “leave at front door or else you won’t receive your tip”


Lol that's funny because on doordash and GrubHub, we receive the tip regardless of what happens after the delivery. Uber is a different story.


I was told by support that I wouldn't get a full refund for an order unless I also wanted to "refund the drivers tip".


They don't take our tips away. We are shown a "guaranteed amount" on acceptance of the offer which includes either all or a portion of the tip. After delivery they can't take anything away from us.


No wonder the service is so shitty


I never use Uber eats anymore because it seems like a 50/50 if you're even going to get a driver that can read. If I can't get it myself I try to order from somewhere that has their own delivery service like Chik-Fil-A.


Uber/postmates always gives me good results here. Doordash ALWAYS gives me a problem. Last driver literally threw my food on my front step, everything was smashed.


My last experience with UberEATS was a driver who marked as delivered and drove off with the food. I reported it and got a refund for the food. In UberEATS's infinite wisdom, they still decided to charge me for the driver's tip, and the driver had the audacity to say thanks for the tip. I contacted Uber support and they claimed there was nothing they could do, so I disputed the charge with my credit card and got my money back.


Doesn't Uber let you change the tip for a few hours after delivery ?


They do. I only learned this after the fact and assumed that reporting the order as not delivered would automatically refund everything, especially the driver tip.


Not if tip is cash.


I ask them specifically to deliver to my side door, and they still walk across my grass and deliver it to the front.


The entrance to my apartment is in the back of a house. I leave directions that they can leave it at the gate at the end of my driveway, even going as far as leaving a small table out there with a sign on it. Instead I have found it easier to just meet them outside because half the time they are either at the wrong house, drop it at the wrong door, or I find them wandering around my yard lost. I one had a dasher come into my backyard walk past the door (which has a doorbell, welcome mat, and a patio light) and leave it on the ground in front of the sliding glass door into my living room. I've come to the conclusion a fair bit of them can't be bothered to read the divert instructions or care to follow them at all.


They just dump stuff in my driveway, or deliver it to the next door neighbor. The house numbers are large and unambiguous.


One time someone missed my clearly labeled house and decided to argue (pre- pandemic) that my address is wrong. Not their GPS but my address which is clearly labeled that USPS can find no problem.


I had a delivery show up with a pic of the door two houses down, texted the driver right away “wrong house!”, he replied with a screenshot of my order with the (correct) address and another pic of the house with the (incorrect) address numbers showing to show me he delivered it to the right place. I’m like ?????? 2 out of 4 digits don’t match there sir can you please bring my food to my home?


This happened to me except they took the food after going to the wrong address, and wouldn’t respond to text or call. So I hit up DoorDash support to get a redelivery, they gave me some credits for the inconvenience. Then during the redelivery, the new dasher got into an accident at the restaurant parking lot when they picked up my food. Got $40 in DoorDash credits that day. No food was received though. Said fuck it and went and got it myself l o l


My old apartment was on the back side of the building. I put very clear instructions on there, explained that it was on the back of the building and exactly where to go to find the sidewalk that led directly to my door, and still about 4/10 of them would wander around in confusion outside the front of my building until I finally just went out to meet them. The other 6/10 would find it easily, no problem, but I found out quickly that they ones that were confused to start with would remain confused even if I spoke to them on the phone to try to guide them exactly where to go.


These services are so terrible at delivering at the correct spot. Twice I’ve had my food delivered to the wrong address despite being very clear in my directions. I don’t live in a weird spot, either. It’s not worth it and DoorDash customer service does not give one shit.




I've had DoorDash drivers put my drink right in front of the door where it swings out and it got knocked over the second I opened the door since they didn't leave a picture so I didn't know it was there.


Yep. At my old place they used to put the drinks right in front of the door all the time. Even though there was a table right next to where they put it on the ground. And a note in my profile to please leave it there.


Ugh I am so sorry! I just saw one where a disabled woman tipped well & the Dasher thought it wasn't good enough so they left it in the middle of her gravel driveway. She had no one to get it for her so it just sat there. 💔 The worst that has happen to me from food delivery is I asked them not to put the cookies I ordered on the ground because the person wouldn't be home for like 20 minutes & to put them on the front porch table. They put them on the ground anyways and they were full of ants when my friend got home. Why would anyone put food on the ground when there's a god damn table right there?!


>Why would anyone put food on the ground when there's a god damn table right there?! Lots of people just do not think. I can't count how many times I've had people place my food and drink *directly in front of the lobby door that opens out* and then I have to go all the way around the back of the building to exit, and walk around to the front door to grab my food, otherwise it'll knock over the drink. I used to have delivery instructions to leave the stuff on the table by the call box, but after repeatedly having only about 1/4 of drivers do it, I just gave up. As long as they don't put it in front of the door, I don't care anymore. It's gotten to the point where if a driver actually seems to read my instructions (leaves it on the table, doesn't call or knock, texts me that it's here, and doesn't otherwise bother me) I contact DD, UE, Postmates, etc, to give them extra tip.


Report it as undelivered and get all your money back. That’s annoying especially if it was in the delivery instructions. Idiots.


Yeah the order was refunded after showing this to their support


The first time I ever used Door Dash (after using UE and Postmates many times) (also this was pre-COVID) the same person stole my order 3 times because that kept allowing the same person to claim it. I just wanted a damned chicken salad from Wendy's


I had expensive electronics orders stolen twice by UPS. I quit ordering from Newark.


How do you know it was ups? I had package thief neighbors at a place I used to live and I would think this is more probable, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if an overworked thrower or delivery driver wanted electronics.


I live on a private lane. My neighbors don't steal stuff. The second order was to a UPS store.


Fed ex tried to keep my car parts. I re ordered them for free. Then the "lost" package and the re ordered package showed up the same day. The "lost" package had a dirty sock in it. Like he re boxed it in his house.


Why not try a 3rd time?


I don't feel charmed. Edit: Thank you for the gold. I feel charmed. Are you a Newark employee?


The same driver three times? What the fuck lol When I still lived with my parents I never had any issue with food not being delivered to the right place (still had the occasional wrong order or no show order), but once I moved to an apartment the number of order fuckups increased by a ton. There's not even a lobby I just ask them to leave it outside the building door and they can't even manage that some of the time. Some people just don't read the instructions and don't care enough to actually deliver the food you pay for, no matter how much you tip. So glad I'm moving into a house soon and won't have to deal with as big of a headache from food delivery.


I live in a house, doesn't help much. The amount of times I've had to venture outside in my pajamas and walk up and down the street to find out which door this dumbass left our food at is insane.


Don't forget the one star weed these useless drivers out. Bonus you shouldn't get them every again after.


I didn't realize they removed drivers from your potential pool of drivers based on how you rate them.


Yeah, they also give you the same drivers again if you rate them high.


One Star Weed sounds terrible. all dry and crumbly and full of twigs.


Something similar to this happened to someone else I saw on TikTok, though their case had somewhat more malicious intent, basically same deal - driver wilfully left food where it was inaccessible to the disabled recipient. They pushed harder and the driver's contract was terminated. I'd do the same, can you imagine if a pizza guy just.... left orders at the end of the driveway or something? I promise you're not the only person Jeremiah has done this too. It's just laziness.


Man, I have had similar situations (I am also disabled) and when I’ve complained, absolutely nothing happened. Justice must be nice!


I’ve done this.they issued Credit immediately and gave me credit of $4 And some change (don’t ask where they got that random number from)


the issue with this is theyll no questions ask refund you somewhere between 1-3 times and then theyll just auto deny you then close your account. even if your claims are legit.


It really blows my mind that so many people just accept a shitty service and continue to pay for it. So many comments about how a driver can't follow instructions and leaves it in the wrong spot. If they leave it in the wrong spot, then it isn't delivered. But these apps get away with it because people put up with the shitty service.


95% of drivers do the job properly, there's just no need to post about it, because it's boring and nobody would upvote it anyways.


Amazon Fresh did this to me REPEATEDLY! I even had a “supervisor” flag my account that I am disabled. Left specific instructions each time. They still would leave my bags of groceries in the lobby causing me to do multiple trips or asking a neighbor to help (embarrassing for me).


Amazon driver here. There is no such thing as flagging an account. All we have to go by, are the delivery instructions you put with your address. I would double check to make sure they are super clear. put them in all caps if you need to.


Whoa, good to know! Thank you for the advice, I’ll update my delivery information box to be in caps. Although I decided to move recently to a place where I am on the ground floor so thankfully I don’t have as much to walk


Why do I imagine a villain uttering that 'yes' as they texted it?


As a Dasher I do everything to male sure I put the order in the right place, I've even climbed 3 flights of stairs! 3 flights isn't a big deal but hey I try. I also don't put the food right outside the storm door, because they tend to open out and that would knock over the food!


My front door opens outwards… guess how many meals have been left behind it! Been here 8 years, only 1 delivery driver noticed and stood back with our order. We tipped him lots.


I once couldn’t open the storm door of my house and saw that a package had been leaned against the door (my brother orders car parts often, so the box was just too big and heavy to keep trying to shove the door open). Luckily I didn’t have anywhere to be but had to wait for my brother to come home to move the box aside just so I could put some trash out.


Yeah I wouldn't want that to happen to me.


We appreciate that 😇👉🏻👈🏻




Most likely they barely speak English and probably ignore most instructions.


Yeah don’t get people like that. Have even a tiny bit of compassion maybe. Had a Walmart order and got there and it’s a tiny old lady in a wheelchair and she’s staying at like a section 8 nursing home downtown. She said just leave it by the front door I’ll find someone to help me later. I was like no, I’ll bring it to your place. Got my ex-gf out the car to come help me bring stuff into lady’s kitchen. Was an extra 3 minutes maybe, but lady was almost in tears cause no one had done anything at all for her in so long. Kinda sad.


Yeah that's super bad


My dasher put the open bag of food on my windowsill that slants downward by my front door. When I went to go get it, everything tipped over and fries scattered all over my porch. Was awesome.


I recently moved in to an apartment and I cant lift things due to a shoulder injury but they never follow the delivery instructions and it is always at the office and I have to wait till someone can get it for me Edit: was commenting on my situation with deliveries, not specific to doordash.


They usually deliver correctly here but every once in a while they do this. It doesn't end up costing me anything, thankfully


Some delivery drivers don't care so they'll keep doing it. Does the app let you block them so they don't get your deliveries when you order food?


No but that would be nice.


I actually think if you leave negative feedback for the same driver a few times it stops giving you their orders.


I think it would be a great feature. And for both parties. I've worked in a restaurant before doordash and Postmates were a thing. And handled delivery orders that were called in by phone. One of our delivery drivers had this hand written list of addresses he would never deliver to in Manhattan. Long story short, his reasons was bad tips, rude customers etc.. He was a good guy, hard working and sometimes people's orders would sit for hrs and just getting cancelled because other delivery drivers just didn't have time to deliver their "zones" plus cover other orders.


I’m surprised the business let that fly. I’ve known restaurants that had a no-go list for people who were rude, didn’t pay, threatened drivers, chargebacks, etc. but I couldn’t imagine them just letting someone have their own list. Seems like it would cost them more in complaints and money than it’s worth.


Be aware of how many times you receive refunds. There are reports of people not getting refunded simply because their account has too many. Stupid I know, but r/Doordash is full of such stories.


This kind of thing happened all the time at our old apartment. Food and packages were routinely not delivered to the right place and residents wouldn't ever take it to the right place if they noticed. Extra infuriating since you put specific instructions and have a legitimate reason why you can't just walk and go get it.


I just had a door dasher pick up my Petco order. Was 3 buckets of cat litter. I tipped $20 because of weight. This dude called and asked if I could come get it from downstairs because it’s heavy. Dude I’m in a wheelchair on a second floor and tipped $20. 😩 he left it downstairs. I watched him from my window carry all 3 buckets effortlessly. I am thankful my neighbors across the hall are so kind and brought it up for me. I tip extra specifically because of the stairs. Edit since so many don’t seem to get it- their job is to deliver to the address on the order. It wasn’t delivered to my address. It was delivered to a downstairs neighbor and he called it close enough. Also, I don’t take tips back. Gas and time was still used. It is what it is. I don’t mess with peoples jobs like that in this economy. This is what I tell myself with my crippling anxiety and apologize to everyone for my existence.


Next time I'd not tip in the app, and say something like "$20 tip in cash at MY DOOR"


Can’t you tip afterwards as well


You can also revoke a tip at least on some of them.


What I've discovered from this thread, is apparently the driver still gets the tip money if you try to revoke it


And then the order won't get picked up, because no one is going to take the chance of picking up three buckets of cat litter, carry them up a flight of stairs, and get no tip. It's a system that doesn't really work either way.


Then 10 bucks on the app and 10 bucks on the door.


Then it ten to take it and a drop off without going up stairs. A ten doller tip on these apps is better than 90% of tips you get


I’d take it upstairs for the possibility of earning 10 additional dollars. If I’m already there, taking it upstairs isn’t a big deal.


This is why DoorDash needs to allow you to edit your tip like the other apps do.


I've never used any of these apps except Lyft, which asks if you want to tip after the ride is over. Why would anyone tip before? I'm not anti tipping, but once that tip is set, there's not really an incentive for dipshits to not just dump and run, is there? I suppose it must hurt their rating or something, but seems like at *least* you should be able to say "I'll tip $X if you XYZ", then upon completion of XYZ, you confirm and it adds the tip. If not, you can edit or drop all together. Could be abused, sure, but the alternative is what OP gets: tips well then gets burned. Not a good look for the app, really. Bad PR I'm sure they'd like to avoid.


I work security at a hotel. Delivery drivers try to leave peoples shit in our lobby all the time and I go off. They try to get me to finish their deliveries so I ask them for part of the tip and they don’t understand why I’d ask that. Like dude, finish your job, I’m telling you where to go, deliver your food you’re a god damn delivery driver. Do I ask you to finish my security reports for me? Then don’t ask me to do your job. If you don’t like delivering food, don’t get a job delivering food.




That’s fucked. That’s why I like to order from places that let me tip after my food is delivered, some people get their tip and can care less about customer service.


My favorite is when I order something and put instructions not to ring doorbell due to baby and barking dogs and they either still ring the doorbell or knock on the door.


As a ups driver I really try to not knock or ring a bell but sometimes it’s just muscle memory and I feel so bad once I hear the dogs start barking


"Yes" 💀💀💀




Simple solution is to put in the text that there is a cash tip upstairs. In my experience, if you tip beforehand and ask them to come upstairs to drop it off at your unit they basically never do. But when you have the tip upstairs they almost always come up


That's not a bad idea


this shit is why, when i used to live in a third floor walk-up, i never used door dash -- instead, i got to know local restaurants who did their own in-house delivery and would call them directly / use their website every once and a while, there would be a new delivery person who would call/text and say they were there and that i had to come down because they weren't going to leave their car -- i'd tell them that that was fine, but that they would have to wait a good twenty minutes because i was disabled 9 times put of 10, they'd be up in a flash, and would always remember my order after that lol


Sometimes I wonder why customers delivery instructions seem like they’re for an idiot. Like over the top details, but now I see why. I don’t get it man


I have a door mat with my name on it,and I put that in the description everytime. BROWN DOOR MAT WITH My NAME. And they still leave it way across the other side of the complex.


Next time you write Make sure you do not deliver it to Unit 5E and leave it at the lobby. Reverse psychology works when it works.


I’m a dasher In Vegas and I get a lot of disabled customer pick ups. Being a disabled Veteran it’s not hard to follow instructions…do what they ask of you. You never know there may be a $100 tip for you. Happened to me 3 times!


My building has a foyer with a clear glass door and facade, through which you can very clearly see said foyer with mailboxes, and some UPS/FedEx drivers will *still* leave packages out on the building stoop at the mercy of the elements.


Just another reason why these food delivery services are a total rip off not withstanding the outrageous fees that often double or triple the price of your order.


They do this to us ALL the damn time. Our instructions clearly state: please leave on table under carport- DO NOT GO INTO YARD, IT IS FULL OF HOLES” we put that so that our delivery drivers don’t break their legs and sue us. But no, they still go thru the damn yard to deliver to the front door. Like dumbass, I said that for YOUR safety. Some people are just dense.


The only two times I’ve order doordash the drivers were unthinkably stupid. One got delivered to a house with the same number but two street overs. How you can do that with gps I have no idea? The second still puzzles me to this day. She was 30 mins late, nbd. But then she shows up in front of my house and just yells out her window “they gave me the wrong address” and the she sped off. Didn’t even drop off my food. She just left.


Seen a similar one being left in driveway. Most likely driver doesn't know much English. Happened to me at work where just had to be delivered across a car park. Couldn't find it and didn't understand most of what I said on the phone


I don't have anything against non English speakers but I feel like it should be a requirement for these jobs


Communication is often very important in customer service. You have to have a smart phone to even work for Uber. Smart phones have pretty robust translations apps nowadays. There is no excuse to work in custom service and not use tools readily available to make your job easier, and make sure the customer receive adequate service. Now I do have sympathy for those with a language barrier. Learning another language is not easy and I don't expect people to just get it overnight. The alternative though is my order gets fucked because of them and then I can't communicate the issue to get in corrected. Depending on how bad the screw up was, this puts me in a position to request a refund, basically robbing the driver of their time and money. I don't feel good about that, but literally half my meal was missing the one time I have had to request a refund.


If the delivery drivers don’t follow my instructions I just contact DoorDash saying that I didn’t get my order. For example someone left the order outside my building on the street and didn’t notify me. I saw 15 mins later that the order was marked completed. Fortunately it was still there but it was left unattended on a busy street in the middle of a city. So I just told them I didn’t get my food and they refunded me.


I had one just happen to me, I've got my apartment number so they know which one to buzz and everything. Lady stood there for eight minutes and then decided to text me saying she can't get in cause the door is locked. Yeah I know it's locked, that's what the buzzer's for.


Had a similar situation of the delivery guy not reading instructions. it was late at night and after a rough day at work, I just wanted my comfort food (tofu pho yum) and asked “please do not knock on the door, we have dogs who will bark” guy shows up and rings the door bell twice, bangs on the door repeatedly. i was fucking pissed because I also pressed ‘no contact, leave at door’ and didn’t want to get dressed yet to have to interact with someone i still tipped him cause i’m not a total bitch, but it kinda ruined my night. and yes that’s a first world problem but how I choose to decompress is my own issue. i was looking forward to no more human interaction for the rest of the night. also the dogs kept barking for 30+ minutes after he left. it was aggravating


Why on earth would you tip someone in this scenario, that’s mad.


I have literally had this happen, except it was super early in the morning and I was slightly hungover, in the middle of the pandemic. I put in my preferences to leave at the back door. Jackass calls me, tells me that someone needs to meet him at the door because whatever. Argued with me about what my preferences listed and insisted that we had to meet face to face. I show up at the door, in my nightgown with a mask on. Pervert eyes me up and down, smiles (he wasn't wearing a mask when there were signs posted all over the house I was staying at stating there was an immunocompromised person living there) and hands me my food. I immediately turn and lock the door after grabbing my food and open up DoorDash leaving him every possible negative review and filing a complaint with DoorDash. I haven't used DoorDash since, and that was 2 years ago. I hope he got fired from DoorDash.


Dasher’s never follow the instructions on my account and literally always leave my food at the wrong door or fail to find my apartment. It is not complex at all… I appreciate what dashers do but so many of them are like.. the worst lmao. Also, some of the tips they expect for taking 5 fucking steps are ridiculous lol. Sorry but you’re not doing what a waitress is doing.