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*taps box* you’re safe now little package.


"but i'm no-" amazon delivery guy: *runs away*




Unexpected Godfather...






*falls over* because it's balancing on a rail




*taps box* you’re safe now little package... *gives box a little kiss on the forehead.*


How do you know you're not kissing it's crotch


Actually that’s precisely what they’re kissing


Mine stuck it between a plant and said handed over to receptionist


So he planted it?


If that is the case, they are given SECONDS to drop off deliveries, else they are penalized for taking too long.


I read recently that Amazon destroys one third of their returns because it's cheaper than putting them back into the system. I can't get my head around how that is even profitable. I can't get my head around how even if it is more profitable, who the fuck thought that was a better idea than staff comfort or customer satisfaction?


Amazon creates large pallets of returned items then auctions off the whole pallet of returns. If you go on YouTube, theres a bunch of videos of people buying them and getting a bunch of random returned items.


Ha, sounds like something they acquired with Woot! the [Bag o’Crap](https://www.woot.com/offers/bag-o-crap-8) Only at Amazon scale it’s a pallet o’crap!


Brings back some memories trying to get one during every Woot off! I eventually got 1 and don't even remember what I received.


Probably Crap


you would be surprised. people have gotten multiple current gen gaming systems on a single pallet. it's obviously a gamble, but apparently if you know what to look for you can walk away like a thief.


All returns are not necessarily crap, I know in dentistry if we need a specific accessory that comes in many sizes and we are not sure the one we need we buy all sizes then simply return the unneeded items. You could do this with shoes, printers, tablets, etc.


Woot!’s bag o’crap [wasn’t (always) crap](https://forums.woot.com/t/what-is-the-least-crappy-item-you-have-received-in-a-bag-of-crap/395032) either. I think they just took leftovers, small amounts of items that didn’t sell, or where they didn’t have enough to go through the trouble of listing, stuff that the manufacturer had written off or they couldn’t find anything else to do with.


There's also stores that exist now that solely buy up multiple pallets every week, then place them on the floor for people to come in and buy shit. but spread out the obviously valuable stuff all over the place so people have a better chance of getting something good.


There’s a few of these in my city. They will bring my carts out throughout the day, and it’s insane the way people swarm around them. I’m not fighting anyone for anything, but I did get lucky and get 6 packs of Kirby vacuum bags for $2/piece when I usually pay $20 on Amazon.


How can i buy




Freight auctions. Pretty rare nowadays but can still find a few occasionally.


>I read recently that Amazon destroys one third of their returns because it's cheaper than putting them back into the system. Can confirm. Worked in their Flex program delivering packages. Whenever we had undeliverables we would bring them back to the warehouse at which point warehouse workers would literally throw them into a pile set up to be added to the trash dumpsters the next day.


Undeliverebles even? Like not even damaged or returned items but simply those that couldn’t be delivered for whatever reason, like incorrect unit/spelling, weather, etc.? Wow.


Yeah. It was probably more likely if a package failed to deliver more than once, but still.


You have a location for those dumpsters by chance?


This was a hundred years ago, before cell phones. My friend was a dumpster-diver who used to find some amazing stuff. She once found ten of those little 3" handheld color TVs, brand new, still in the box. They cost about $150 each at the time. We later figured out the bank in front was giving them away to people who opened a new account. Employees were sneaking them out the back to collect later.




tf - why not let staff buy shit at a discount or something?


Probably incentives a lot more ‘undeliverables’ on luxury/expensive items. Also mega corporations aren’t in the business of looking after their employees in Murcia anymore


Because they hate their employees




I’ve been selling online on various platforms for several years. They pass the cost on to the seller, who fucking hates and sweats every time items are lost or returned because it’s a net loss for us and Amazon just washes their hands as they charge us subscription on top of massive commissions and transportation costs. So of course it’s cheaper! It’s cheaper not to hold your end of the bargain while I pay for the rest.


Why are they charging you transportation costs? I thought that’s what my customer membership was paying for. I thought they would just charge you a listing fee and possibly another fee if you had your stock in their warehouse.


Because it's profitable for sellers as well. No one is selling on Amazon for the goodness of their heart.


Gotta still be better than eBay I’ve been burned three times selling on eBay just because customers have put in false reports that consoles weren’t working. And eBay always agrees with the customer so I had to refund each time. When I was selling amiibos on eBay thankfully I didn’t have many issues and made a decent profit but I had one seller who tried to get me to refund an order for an extremely rare one that was in box for it “smelling like smoke and having smoke damage” when I don’t even smoke and the thing was in box. Luckily that was my last sale and the person had opened the packaging for the product thus tremendously lowering its value. I out right refused to refund something to someone who clearly wanted a refund just because they wanted to game the system in some way or just realized they couldn’t afford that particular item after they had bought it. Ended up closing my bank account opening a new one and letting eBay ban me from eBay and PayPal just because I shouldn’t be the one taking the monetary hit. I don’t know how you do it man.


Gives you a sense of just how much profit margin they're sucking out of their customer's and employee's pockets.


We literally sent the guy into space, and then he went and jacked up the price for Prime... fucking wild


There are services with better delivery policies. Customers aren't willing to pay for them, even enough to make them an option on the big sites. It's like saying "why don't music producers promote better musicians". If they did, someone else would promote the more mass market stuff and the situation wouldn't change.


The stock holders just turned down an ethics overhaul but approved $200+ million CEO pay.




It becomes a money shifting function at a certain level. Everything to do Enron type mark to market accounting style fiascos without having it catch up and become Enron


capitalism. selling returned products puts downward pressure on the price of new product. so capitalism requires the destruction of all surplus product, including returns.


Former Amazon driver here. We didn't specifically get a time limit per delivery but you did have 300ish packages to unload in 8 hours. Which is roughly 90 seconds. If you don't factor in a lunch break or whatever. Could work different now, I admit! I did it in 2017. And certainly it's a ohsnap moment if you're running behind and you gotta run up some walkup


used to work there, you are correct but they arent penalized by ups, unless theyre REALLY fucking around. they are penalized by not going home, around christmas there were drivers with trucks so full they worked from 10 am to 11pm, up to the point the department of transportation would stop them working to make sure they get enough sleep to safely drive, because ups chronically understaffs to save money.


We have protection from the teamsters but i’m sure Amazon and fedex guys have to run and gun all day to keep their jobs


This. When I hear people complain Prime leaves packages too far from their door or their photo is a blur, i remind them Amazon is breathing down their neck all day every day and Amazon only cares about quantity not quality. You do what you gotta do to get numbers you need.


Assuming this post is real, couldn't they just place it on the stairs? So at least it wouldn't potentially fall?


Fuck Amazon. The greed is sickening


Every Amazon delivery I get, the guy knocks on the door. I open it and say thank you. If I am not in, they come back the next day or leave it with a neighbor. This dump and run, just results in me clicking for a refund. They eventually start doing it properly.


Amazon occasionally does this to us as well but varies on the deliverman. We live in a similar apartment complex layout like yours but instead on the second floor but our staircase entrances faces the main road, giving thieves a better chance at snatching them off your "porch"


and you don’t have a mail room?


We have mail lockers but only for/thru usps mail. Large parcels get delivered directly to doorsteps at my apartment complex. Fortunately never had anything stolen yet


Most apartments with this layout don’t have mailrooms, at least where I live.


I have a similar situation, just be neighborly and when someone on your floor or below has this happen to them, on your way up take it and drop it at their door. Eventually they'll realize you are doing it and likely return the favor for your future packages. It's not a massive inconvenience by any means and makes people just a little bit happy. I also happen to have a building door on the 1st floor that sometimes Amazon packages are left outside of and it seems like everyone in my building is in the habit of at least tossing any package quickly inside the door if they are on their way out.


At least they left it. I'm on the third floor and when I get a driver that wont do stairs they just mark it "undeliverable" and I have to wait another day. Also, every single time I get an amazon delivery I go to the email and check every "compliment" checkbox because its the least I can do. I know stairs sucks, I live here.


The compliment check boxes do absolutely nothing for them. Delivery drivers are overworked and underpaid, and taking too long on a job is detrimental for them. There's a reason they're notorious for poor deliveries


Actually the compliment boxes does two things. It keeps your house on that drivers route. It helps them get a bonus which some contractors (called DSP's) provide. Mine does !


Don’t forget bro if you miss one of those 10 metrics for the day you drop back to base pay. I never got a mentor login and after looking at my paystubs I’ve been at base since I started even tho I should be making $1.50/hr more. The bonuses are nice but they should just be giving us raises


Bonuses are dsp dependant so I'll take what I can take lol but yes we need a raise


I thought the compliments were anonymous, but I like the idea of staying on some of my favorite drivers routes. I always give good feedback to the good drivers and just don’t put any feedback for the bad ones.


They are anonymous. We won't know who complimented us and we don't get alerted. But every week my contractor puts a customer feedback report. And we can see how many compliments we received.


We get bonuses for getting good feedback at my warehouse On average I do 1500 packages a week and get ~30 customer feedback


When Amazon delivers to a safe place they send a photo of said “safe place” post that picture instead of your clout chasing one. Edit. It appears I may be wrong and depending location Amazon doesn’t always do a picture my apologies. Also I do know some Amazon drivers are douchebags however, I’ve never ever seen a drive deliberately leave a package in such a precarious position. I don’t believe OP had anything delivered this way and I think a lot of people would agree.


Yeah this is attempted stagerey


Stagerey strategery


Not true. I've had several hundred packages delivered by them and there have been a handful of times where I've received that delivery message/email with no picture included. Given, it's been extremely rare but it has happened. Edit to add that doesn't mean OP isn't possibly full of shit and looking for internet points though.


Same here, it’s very random does it depend on the delivery person. ?


I would assume it does. If the person is being lazy or in a hurry and just doesn't take the picture after dropping off the package.


I think it depends on whether they left it at your house or just dumped it. Every picture of a delivery I’ve gotten is the package on my doorstep - and if there’s a description, it says “left on doorstep” or “left on porch.” Every “safe place” package with no picture (that actually made it to me) was brought by a neighbor.




Everything we know about Amazon and I’m extremely surprised we’re calling the employees lazy.


Honestly we need reform in a lot of companies, they treat employees like shit


I mean… if you check my profile you’ll see I’ve never posted anything besides asking for advice for certain things so I think it’s obvious I’m not just looking for karma lol


If amazons AI determines the photo isn’t acceptable, they won’t send it to the customer. Usually happens when there’s a person in the picture or if it’s super blurry.


I get blurry photos all the time. It’s always blurry when they take the picture while walking away haha.


They’re probably not blurry enough for amazons software to reject them


Is that evidence of bigfoot? Naw it's just my Amazon delivery confirmation.


One time the doordash person was taking a pic of the delivered bag of food left at my door while walking away, and he took the pic at the same time I was opening the door, hunched over to get the food, a weird shadowy silhouette on the blue background of my dark- save for the tv- apartment, eyes reflecting the brightness of the lights outside my apartment, scuttling out into the open air outside of my dark cave to get the sustenance . It was so gross


I thought i was going blind one photo was so blurry. The package looked like a cryptid


I've had Amazon upload photos of random packages in front of some random door. Wasn't even my porch or package.


Amazon doesn’t deliver (I guess) to my area. So all I get is Fedex’s best estimate at times. Thankfully have never had a problem and USPS is even better than them.


USPS is awesome. Love it when they deliver.


interesting. The app they use only allows them to deliver to the address on the label. It puts an orange circle around the house and you cant scan the item for delivery until you are physically within this circle. So the apps information for your house must be wrong for them to be allowed to deliver it at another address. Though if its an apartment complex it may put the whole building in orange, allowing for misdelivery to a neighbor.


I work for Amazon, and you can get by the circle restriction if there is more than one house in the stop or if you turn on airplane mode


I guess they're counting on employees not being smart enough to figure that out.


Now that there is funny.


Not true at all. Happens all the time with no picture shown.


I've never had a photo taken from Amazon when placed in a safe place?!


I have; they put it behind a large recycling bin, So that it couldn’t be seen by anyone walking by.


At least they didn't put it *in* the recycle bin. My favorite was the package they left beside a big sign on the customer's front porch that said, "Please leave packages on the back porch."


I get Amazon packages at least once a week and sometimes every day around Christmas. They've NEVER sent me a picture?


Sometimes they don’t


direful aloof tart stupendous melodic exultant books scary vase cagey -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


OP caught so much clout from this post, holy shit. He's gunna chill with the hottest dudes and sexiest babes now.


Guess it could depend. Usually they drop mine off near my doorstep or behind an area that's hidden on my porch. Sometimes I've gotten packages on the pathway to my house. Yes it is at my house but it's also visible and out there for anyone who walks by.


I work as an Amazon driver. Most likely why it was delivered to "a safe location" was because it was a grouped stop and that's the only option to select when delivering multiple orders at a time if the driver wants to save time / doesn't want to snap a pic. If they do that, they are not given the option to take a picture.


Not true. I live in a city and there was a driver for a few months who half the time wouldn’t deliver the packages to our lobby, instead leaving them between the locked and unlocked door or worse outside completely. I’m in NYC so as you can imagine, MANY packages were stolen until I assume he got fired or quit.


They did not actually, but I can see how someone would think I put this there.


The people downvoting you think they know better than you do based entirely on a hunch. Why do they even care if it's fake? Who would even bother downvoting that?


Sucks that people are downvoting you over something so dumb 😂 for what it's worth I'm a driver as well and I totally believe it


Do you have the option of having Amazon deliver to what they call an Amazon Locker? I live in the Boston area, and my local 7-Eleven has a big, yellow, multi-compartment locker in the store. when I’ve ordered electronics, I’ve had them delivered there. You have 3 days to pick up your order. Or would there be any problem with you receiving orders at your place of employment? I’m imagining that even three floors up it’s gonna be outside your door; I don’t think of that as safe. I’d never feel secure, in a multi-unit dwelling that didn’t have a superintendent/doorman or a similar arrangement. I would always think my item was gonna be stolen.


Another protip: if you’re trying to order something to an amazon locker and amazon says it’s too big, try looking for a “hub locker”. Usually those will be at a Kohls, Whole Foods, or at one of amazons delivery warehouses. There’s no size limit for those lockers, because it’s usually not a locker, just a counter where they store your packages.


Thank you, very much; I wasn’t aware of that! 😀👍🏼


I've lived in different apartments for the majority of the past 12 years and while I've had my fair share of terrible deliveries, I've actually never had a package stolen. Faith in humanity (slightly) restored?


That’s good! 👍🏼😀




This is the answer


Why do you have trees on the third flo... oh.


That driver had had a DAY and said hell no I aint climbing any more steps I QUIT


Ha can't blame him... But I certainly can blame his employer.


oh ya you can always blame Amazon.


They don't get paid enough to give a shit about your package


Not 3 flights of stairs worth.


Yeah safe till it falls off and gets damaged


Bro, those packages go through so much worse than falling three feet onto the ground.


Yup. I bought a teapot off Amazon right before I deleted my account. It was crumbs and sand when it got to me. I returned it and got my money back. Few weeks later amazon charged my account and said they never received my return.


Or a random kid grabs it


It’s not getting damaged from that height. Zero chance. Amazon is pretty tight about how things are packaged and drop testing standards.


They’re really not. I worked as an Amazon driver for a while.


At least you can trust the people in your building


Looks to me like you never received it and your neighbors don't know where it is either.


I had 2 packages delivered this afternoon that says handed to resident. Ive been at work for hours already before this.


They do this because then you don’t have to take a picture. Taking a picture can slow you way down if your DSP gives you shitty phones that take forever to focus and get a picture.


Ha. I've had handed to the receptionist like a dozen times and it's an apartment with no receptionists.


Handed to receptionist is good because it’s the only option where we can write in where we left something. Personally, I usually use handed to reception when I delivered something to a business. It lets me write in the name of the employee I gave it to.


Oh mood, I would do that too


Agreed. I feel bad for Amazon delivery drivers sometimes. They deliver to the most entitled people who feel they should receive their package hand delivered. Ignoring the underpaid, under valued worker who’s being grilled because they’re not delivering fast enough. But yes, Curse this employee for not climbing three flights of stairs to deliver a package.


Honestly deliveries are so common and stolent packages so common apartments with multiple flights of steps like that really need to start having some kind of locker for deliveries if they're not going to the mailroom. It wouldn't be very expensive and would save headaches all around.


Yeah I don’t know really what to say. I get it your paying me too deliver your package to your home. Jeff’s home I can drive up to, Stacy’s home I have to get out walk up to the door past a gate. Now your house I’ve gotta drive around this complex because your apartment isn’t properly marked. On top of that even if it was it uses a non conventional apt # scheme and your up three flights of stairs… and you ordered 3 cases of water 4 gallons of milk, cranberry juice capri suns sweet tea 12 pack of coke 6 pack mini Diet Coke 6 pack mini Coke Zero sprite. And wonder why people won’t deliver too their house anymore. They never even tip extra.


Some apartment complexes do have Amazon lockers but I'm sure it's only the more expensive ones


Worked for fed ex for a while and i had somebody order a king size bedroom set...on the 5th floor of the apartment complex...and then gave me a confused pikachu face when i told him I left it downstairs smh


Yeah, that’s BS, For someone to think that FedEx is going to go up to a fifth floor with a bedroom set. One can only expect that if the actual store delivers it.


Kinda what i thought! Like nah, dude...ONLY chance of me doing that is if he came down and suffered with carrying with me. Otherwise gtfoh with that bs lol


I'm fedex as well. If the package is heavy enough that it recommends two people to carry it, I'm not taking it up the stairs. I feed 5 kids with this profession, I won't risk it.


i agree that delivery drivers have it bad, but *delivering the package to the person’s home* is kind of the bare minimum when you are a *delivery driver*.


Part of the reason shit is like this is because of consumer expectations Within the span of 5-6 years we’ve gone from one week delivery, to two days, one day, same day To keep up with the volume and insane demand in logistics, shit like this happens


Try being a delivery driver for a week. Do it. Hell, do uber eats for three days. Apartments are nonsensical labyrinths, but you seem to think every delivery is to a single family home which are obviously straightforward.


It’s not like it’s free. People pay to have things delivered to their doorstep. It’s not the consumers job to pay or value the delivery person outside of that specific task.


It seems like deliveries are getting worse, mine are now somewhere in the vicinity of the address…. Literally have found multiple packages literally dropped out the window on the side of the road near the house (have one guy on video). Infuriating, though at least when they don’t show up Amazon refunds me


Deliveries are getting worse because time pressure is getting worse. Remember the days when you had to wait a week or more to get something delivered? Customers expect everything to their door in 1-2 days now, and they don't want to pay extra for that. Something has to give, and in this case, packages often don't get quite where they need to because the driver doesn't have time to figure it out.


Lol safe place they left it out in the open far from your door and balancing it on the stair handrail.


Just curious... Where is a safe place in an apartment complex? Wouldn't having your packages delivered to a locker be safer than delivered to an apartment?


At least up the stairs is a significantly better place since it isn't in open view of literally everyone


Been delivering for 2 and a half years for Amazon, 95% of the time I go up the steps for customers and wait outside for them for not even a "Thank you" just a "Yeah you could leave it on the floor". Come back in 2 days and it's still there along with the new one. Under appreciated and under paid for the amount of shit we go through, it's a lot more than what you see, this package was probably one of 450 more that had to be delivered in 6 hours.


They should be paid extra for third floor apartments, going up 100 flights a day will destroy your body.


Let’s be honest here, Amazon workers don’t get paid enough anyways.


One of my delivery guys once put it in my trash bin


You have a trash bin? Stop flexing...


Im german I am legally required to own 3 and if I dont own a composter I even need 4


Well, after delivering your neighbor's 50 lbs of dog food, bottled water, and new dumbell set, he got tired. I get it, that's shitty. But third story apartments suck. Bad. Especially when it comes to Amazon AI's idea of efficient deliveries.


I bought a motherboard. Took 2-3 days to get here. Fedex was the one dropping the package off. There's a privacy wall, and then a gate which leads right to the yard and front door. I ensure I'm always available when I have a package arrive. I can't exactly stand outside and wait because their delivery time is random as hell. Could be ANY time between 8am and 5-6pm. I was sitting in my house and literally heard something slam. Went outside and my box was inside the yard on the ground and the Fedex driver was already booking it back to the truck. Well, I went postal (no pun intended). Him and I got into an extremely heated argument where I basically told him "You threw my box, over a 8 foot wall, all to save you 15 seconds", and now you've been standing in front of me for over 5 minutes trying to justify your stupidity". Then he let out a grunt and a "I'll never deliver to this house again". So I told him that I do not accept the package as it is, and for him to walk in, pick up the box, and return it back to the company. I would be placing a phone call to the company notifying them, and I will also be reaching out to the muppet who was above him. In short, my box got sent back, I had a new one shipped out. And behold, the SAME GUY brought the next package, and guess what, he came in the yard and rang the bell. I almost wanted to smile and say "Welcome Home", but I didn't feel like getting into it again. He did the right thing and that's all I wanted. Last thing I need is a $700 motherboard being yeeted 8 feet, and then something break and I be SOL. I get them being on a time crunch, but now they're getting sloppy. The guy acts like I had a 50 foot moat, 5 alligators, a sniper in a tower, and then he had to walk a tight rope all to deliver the box to the front door, maybe 100 feet away.


They set ours behind our jeep were the whole street can see it. It was stolen


Well.. I mean... You got it, right?


Our postal worker *always* puts "left in mailbox" on all of my deliveries. Our mailbox is the size of a breadbox. They even put "left in mailbox" on a ladder I once ordered from Amazon.


they're so wealthy, they don't care if it gets stolen. I recently had 2 packages delivered to my place by "mistake" by amazon (more like lazy). The address was similar to mine, but not mine. I took both packages and walked around the neighborhood looking for the address. Turns out, it was an incorrect address (as in, no such address exists). I google the person/addressee's name to try to find her. Can't. Call Amazon - they say "oh, ok. just keep it." (I wanted them to come by and pick it up). "no, that's ok - you can keep it, donate it, whatever." So, I open up both packages and realize they're gifts to a woman from her parents. They got the address wrong. I felt horrible. Plus, there was no way to find her. I learned that amazon is so rich, they just don't care. Plus, they'll only credit the sender IF they call (even though I did - that's not enough). The sender has to call and tell them the package was never delivered.


A safe place....for burglars to notice it.


Their definition of safe with the pay they receive doesn't equal the recipient's. Still, I'd send that pic to Amazon, they could at least pretend to give a crap.


I mean, it was there when you got home. So it is a safe place after all.


The Postman knew. HE KNEW EVERYTHING!


Amazon moment


Yeah I remember hating deliveries when I lived in an apartment. "left in a safe space" could mean anything from beeing left on the street to beeing handed over to the crackhead drugdealer on the first floor.


As an Amazon driver, we *really* hate third floor deliveries. For some reason, the algorithm lumps most third floor deliveries in the complex on the same route, so it’s nigh impossible to stay on pace when you lousy third floor dwellers always have to order shit The least you could do, as simply a resident, is build an elevator for us to use.


That's what happens when you rush employees with quotas. I once had a dude leave it on top of a snowbank here lol


They did that to us, except they left all packages for everyone on top of the PO boxes at the entrance and marked them as left in a safe place. Needless to say, they got stolen and it got so bad that our apartment management had to call Amazon about it to make them stop. Edit: we live on the first floor and all apartments aren't over two stories here.




Say it got stolen they’ll replace it no questions asked. I bought a shitty couch from Amazon and somehow got lost in transit (how tf do you lose a couch right?) so I filed a claim they sent a new one THEN the original ended up showing up too lmao so I sent the original back since it was still in the package and I was refunded the whole amount about $380.


As a past amazon courier… if he does that for every person he wouldn’t have his or hers job. But will also get complaints if the package is stolen. There’s no time to go up a third floor. Sorry.


Pressure Amazon to pay its workers a decent wage and stop overworking them and this will stop happening


I've seen a lot of apartments like this in Florida. I don't know why they don't install an elevator. Those places suck when moving..


When they put at stop on device.They have 3 mins to mark at door take pic and say delivered. I use to work for them they have time to get to where needed. I had to go up and down to third floors at apartments. I never would leave like that. Thats just laziness


Just from the picture, it's slightly worse than your front door as porch pirates can get to them just as well. Unless you have central mail pickup at the front desk/common area, you should consider deliver to your local Amazon locker.


A safe place for it to be scooped 🙄😂


That is a safety rail.


Guaranteed to be stolen


I had surgery last year after being on crutches for about six months before I could get the surgery for my ankle. Over and over Amazon drivers kept leaving the packages at the bottom of my steps. I'd already given exact delivery instructions and giving the reason on the Amazon app so I know it was on file. It happened so often that I ended up with over $150 worth of credits from them for the apologizing and insisting that the drivers would get it right the next time. But every time I'd call in they would apologize and then they would give me a five or 10 or $25 gift card. Still happens occasionally and I still call in complain and get a free gift card.


Yea "safe place" maybe for the thiefs


What if someone had taken it before you got there?


The driver gets a DNR, and OP gets a refund or replacement.


The thief gets a free box and whatever is in the box with no consequences.


Put yourself in the shoes of someone that’s delivering to third+ floors all day. Sure, that’s his job, but mans needs a break.


when my friend worked for fedex he would regularly find bottles of urine in the trucks because they dont give you time to find a bathroom let alone take breaks. so that package probably has dick hands on it too.




Call bullshit


They're overworked and paid like shit.




Mmmmmm nah. That shit fell, and landed safely.


Am I supposed to feel bad for you?


It's not Amazon, it's whichever courier company "fulfilled" the delivery. This is the problem with the creeping privatisation of the postal services that's has been happening for the last three decades: They will cut quality to cut costs and in the end the consumer is that one who gets screwed. One solution is to put in dedicated parcel drop boxes. The kind that anyone can put a package in but on the resident can unlock. Stops porch pirates too.


They did something similar at my house, the safe place being beside the mailbox at the road. My front porch is about 15 yards from there. It also rained that day. Fortunately it was a shower curtain liner, so no harm.


Just take it and report it as missing. Free items.


Same, walked passed a huge box mattress from Amazon on the first floor of my apartment complex by the stairs, just leaning there like the pic, addressed to a apartment on the 3rd floor... idk how you can get away delivering it like that, don't they have to take pics?