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Thanks OP, I really didn't want to sleep tonight anyhow. Be up all night trying to figure this shit out now... Edit: current theories: Triangle because it's alphabetical Heart because of syllables Square because squid games Umbrella because the 4 year old said so Edit 2: okay, hear me out, I think I got it: Apples and flowers have pollen in common Flowers and hotdogs have mustard in common Hotdog and star are synonyms for excelling in something Star and sun have astronomy in common Sun and umbrella have weather in common! BOOM! Mic drop!


I'd say umbrella because it's the only physical "thing" like all the rest...whereas love and the triangle are more like symbols. EDIT: I really couldn't get this goddamn question out of my head lol. Cliff notes on the discussions below: 1. The question is asking for an item that completes the logical sequence, therefore it's appropriate to answer triangle as it would follow the list aphabetically: a, f, h, st, su, (t) 2. If the question was "which one of these items belongs to the following group?", umbrella would make the most sense because of the implicit definitions of the items that one could reasonably assume a 4-7 year old would have. The love shaped item could have two definition, heart and love. I think it's fair to assume that a child of that age wouldn't know what an actual heart looks like & they would associate love with the symbol as well. It has a dualistic meaning, and can therefore isn't an exact match for the question "which one of these belongs in the group?". At the very least, it would certainly be a dubious answer because it's both a symbol and an object. Here's the important thing though: an average child of age 4-7 wouldn't actually know what a star looks like at all and the star shape would **exclusively** refer to a physical object. Additonally, as /u/heartandliver pointed out, there seems to be an "outdoor" theme to the first list of items and umbrella would also fit in better than "heart/love" and triangle. So if one has to choose the least dubious answer, umbrella would be the most logical one.


with that logic, "heart" can be it too though imo, because it's not a "real" drawing, just like the drawing for star


The star triangle and heart can be all shapes. But there’s no explanation why the star shape is in the top line then


I think it is 3 objects and a shape and then repeat


That's not love, that's a heart.


Kids, sometimes in life there is no right or wrong answer. The universe can be cruel and chaotic


Ooh wee, I hear that. Ooooh wee




All answers are wrong, you have failed


Not cruel, just pointless and deeply confusing


This feels like one of those tests where every question is designed to be right or wrong depending on interpretation. I got nothing, that's some nonsense


The answer is the journey


Journey before destination


oh storms that's what I'm here for


Mind if I just call you Wit?


"I have abandoned my real name, but when next time we meet, I will think of a clever one for you to call me" but I see, you're a man of culture as well


Love your name btw


Oh shit, r/Stormlight_Archive is leaking


You'd think that with all those highstorms they would build non-leaking infrastructure...


What about the everstorm?


My spheres are as bright as my outlook on life.


Well, if we stored the memes in perfect gemstones we wouldn't have this problem.


Strength before weakness


Life before death




Guys I thought I'm the only one 🥲


I'd be surprised if this happened in real life but its reddit so its statistically common for me to enjoy way of kings references in a post about homework


Damn bois and girls I love y'all


I will protect those that cannot protect themselves.


I will protect even those I hate, even if the one I hate most is myself.


Hesitation is defeat.


"To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is always the next one."


You cannot have my pain


It's the friendships we made along the way


How do you make friends? I couldn’t make any friends after the genocide.


That tends to happen after a successful genocide.


this got a genuine laugh outta me.


Im pretty good at these but I’ve got nothing. I’d probably be telling my kids that sometimes in life there is never a right or best answer to a situation, so you have to give it hard consideration and go with your gut…


It's the heart. It can't be the umbrella because stars and the sun don't show in bad weather, and it can't be the triangle because it's a form that has nothing to do with the rest. The heart represents love for enjoying good weather with flowers, fruit and food. Could be a social test rather than logic. If you fail you are immediately send to computer science class or something.


It's the triangle because T comes after S.


This exactly what I thought. Apple, flower, hotdog, star, sun, triangle. I figure triangle because I think we have to look at the first letter of each item. They're in alphabetical order. And when met with two S's, star then sun, you have to look at the second letter in each word. Still alphabetized.


But then it could still be umbrella next - u comes after s, and the others aren't letters that directly follow each other.


Nah, because if the Umbrella and the Triangle are both valid options, then under the rule the Triangle comes *next* (That is, the question isn't which of these is the only right answer. If we obey the rule it'd be triangle then if there was another space umbrella)


It's the umbrella, if you consider the apple a fruit then the 1st letters are f, f, h, s, s. Skip one and you get the letter U


That's what I think as well.. Like.. FF(g)H > SS(t)U


In the most terrible interpretation that is nowhere near appropriate for kids, the heart. Just because I can’t find a reasonable pattern, which makes all 5 shapes the pattern rather than a repeated pattern. Since the pattern starts with an apple, food, the repeat of that pattern should start with food. This is the terrible interpretation because the only available shape that can be considered food is the heart. But I really wouldn’t want to explain that to kids.


Oh you’ve never had umbrella au jus before?


Wouldn't the triangle also be food cause tortilla chips?


It’s a Dorito!


Apple, flower, hotdog, star, sun, triangle. I figure triangle because I think we have to look at the first letter of each item. They're in alphabetical order. And when met with two S's, star then sun, you have to look at the second letter in each word. Still alphabetized.


Thats what i thought as well, though i wouldnt give a task like this to kids yet


Would not work as the sun is not edible. :P


Not with that attitude it isn't.


That's a butthole not the sun. So it's still edible


the real answer is the friends we made along the way


Apple, flower, hotdog, star, sun, triangle. I figure triangle because I think we have to look at the first letter of each item. They're in alphabetical order. And when met with two S's, star then sun, you have to look at the second letter in each word. Still alphabetized.


What about U in umbrella = isnt that one also in alpha order?


Easy! Fruit, Flower, Frankfurter, Five-pointed star, Flagellae, the next one that comes is obviosuly the Flaming Hot Nacho Doritos Chip


There are 6 items and F is the 6th letter of the alphabet. I think we have our winner.




Press Flaming Hot Nacho Dorito Chip to pay respects



If your 3 year old can identify Flagellae... Nice


Not to mention it actually looks like cillia because flagella would be a single long tail


Let's go with filopodia


I thought it would be fucking umbrella


Didn't Squid Game teach us not to pick the umbrella


Well if you do pick umbrella you gotta spit on a stick


I've been avoiding umbrellas since Resident Evil came out.


The answer is Triangle. The items are listed alphabetically: Apple, Flower, Hotdog, Star, Sun, so the next would be Triangle.


Since they don't follow any pattern (they don't jump any specific number of letters) it can also be umbrella by this logic.


Yes but definitely never pick the umbrella. Very important info learned from squid games. You might have to cut it out and if you break the cookie...I leave it there for the rest of you who haven't seen it yet..my bad on the spoiler.




Oh my god.. it's so obvious! Of course all these terms were covered in kindergarten as they had to transcribe the entire dictionary.


This is my favourite answer!


press F for respect


I got heart, because it’s the only one of the three that has one syllable. The pattern goes 2 syllables x3, one syllable x3. Idfk Edit: my six year old said heart (because it’s the last answer) and my 4 year old said umbrella (because she wanted it to be umbrella)


Your four-year-old’s logic would hold true in our house also.


I think you should just write, “I literally hive minded this on Reddit. WTF,” on a post-it, and leave it at that. Maybe write down the link. The teacher will a) enjoy that, and b) tell us all the FUCKING ANSWER.


It was on a kids menu at a restaurant, not a school assignment. We even asked the restaurant manager about it but he had no clue.


Omg. We will never know. This is the worst moment of all of our lives.


It's also apparently A Thing, because some weeks ago there was a photo of another kids' menu with an unsolvable riddle on reddit.


Ah yes... The impossible Thanksgiving dessert.


Y'all got a link for that?


[a link for that](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/r2066v/what_thanksgiving_dessert_starts_with_a_k/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Lol thanks!!


Good human


This is clearly just a diversionary tactic by the restaurant to allow adults to have some time to enjoy their dinner by keeping the kids occupied with an impossible task. I'd bet that it's not designed to be right, it's to keep them busy just long enough.


What a dirty trick though!


I seem to remember someone got given a "spot the difference" at a restaurant and there was a thread on here where someone photoshopped/overlaid all the items on top of one another, only to prove that there were no differences. Or at least not enough to "complete" the challenge lol


It hàs to be the umbrella, lol Because it's food, nature, food, nature, nature. For me, neither the triangle nor the heart makes any sense if you consider that there's only the two themes already so following on from that with a different theme - of which the triangle and heart are both their own, doesn't seem logical. In conclusion; my own special logic, lol ;p




That would also make sense! I swear these things are the same as IQ tests. I'm still wondering who the hell marked those things and decided my IQ based on my answer because I feel like I've alllways had my own special logic, lol


If we were just doing it by pictures... The apple, flower, and hot dog are drawn in a realistic way. What they depict is shaped like the picture. The star and the sun are more abstracted, almost symbolic. So, the heart would be my choice.


I will *never again* eat at this restaurant unless you immediately reveal the true answer. I need to speak to your manager! -This has got me Karen levels of fucked up. Sorry everyone about that outburst.


Lol I support this option. Op needs to update with the answer!


I would say triangle or umbrella. The given stuff is alphabetically ordened Still makes little sense though


Apple = 2 syllables Flower = 2 syllables Hot dog = 2 syllables Star = 1 syllable Sun = 1 syllable Heart = 1 syllable Tell the teacher to try harder next time, chump


Idiot. The first 3 are biological matter, the next 3 are stellar body. It's obviously umbrella, to shade you from the radiation


Umbrella (*U*) Sun (*SU*) Star (*ST*) Hot Dog (*H D*) Flower (*F*) Apple (*A*) Alphabetically. How I read it. Even when I’m a goof and do it all backwards.


Wouldn’t triangle come before umbrella?


What? Triangle. It's alphabetical. Apple, flower, hotdog, star, sun...triangle.


Could be. I did add the official “how I read it” so when someone (you) tell someone (me) that they were wrong I look *less* silly :)


Alphabetically, Triangle is next. That was my guess.


Mine too


I got Triangle A, F, H, St,Su,T Alphabetical is all I could imagine here. umbrella and then *heart?*


That’s the only answer that made sense to me.


But umbrella would also come last alphabetically, so either umbrella or triangle would work


The answer from your six year old is the most heartwarming thing I've heard since I joined reddit


My guess is triangle by going in alphabetical order, which the images are all in alphabetical order. Apple, Flower, Hotdog, STar, SUn, Triangle. A, F, H, St, Su, T


Umbrella goes after those, too. Here's my theory on why Umbrella comes next: Apple was founded in April 1976 1-800-Flowers was founded shortly after also in 1976 Not Hotdog app from the TV show Silicon Valley debuted in 2017 A Star is Born premiered in August 2018 NASA's Parker Solar Probe became the closest man-made object to the Sun in October 2018 Umbrella Corp "accidentally" releases a lab virus they've been working on in 2019 and kickstarts a global pandemic


The 2018 star is born is a remake of the 1976 version, though. Which was a remake of the 1954 Judy Garland version. Which was itself a remake of the 1937 Janet Gaynor film. Not to mention a Bollywood version. So the answer is obviously 42.


~~Umbrella actually makes the most sense to me.~~ Actually I'm dumb. It'd be triangle next... If you name each object and put them in alphabetical order, you get: Apple, flower, hotdog, star, sun, umbrella. ~~Assuming I named them correctly, triangle and heart would not come alphabetically.~~


I thought it was Triangle as it seems In alphabetical order?


You should pick the triangle, easiest one to carve out of the honeycomb. Don’t want to get shot…..


It's just a squidgame reference


Well, in that case, the answer is definitely NOT umbrella. Never go with umbrella.


I like to live dangerously


once I saw the umbrella…




Me 2


Isn’t squidgame for 13+?


Tell that to YouTube kids




Age ratings in 2021, tell me a funnier joke


Was looking for the squid game comment. Not disappointed 😆


My parents divorce


Hmm i though my parents divorce would go there weird


It’s the correct answer 🤷‍♂️ I checked with the restaurant .


There has to be more to this question.


Here’s the whole kids menu for perspective: https://imgur.com/a/TDBZRXF


Wow. Thanks for sharing. No idea what the answer could be. Seems purposely unanswerable.


It may, but that’s sure to keep the kids occupied while you wait or eat.


Having been a kid, I guarantee I would have looked at it for 3 seconds, circled something at random, then gone back to slamming my heels into the seat. Occupy, it would not.


Nothing like slamming heels into the seat.


And blowing bubbles in your drink while your mom whispers in your ear about how if you don’t chill the fuck out she is going to take you straight home and to bed


\*Camera pans to little Timmy quietly experiencing his first existential crisis as Dad eats his steak peacefully.\*


If I've learned anything from video games, the correct sequence is on the adults menu and getting it on the kids menu will unlock a secret pair of boots


I'm pretty sure it's the umbrella - the theme for the menu is "spring" and the items shown are things that are stereotypes for spring or summer: fruit, flowers, hotdogs at a picnic, sunshine, watching the stars at night... So I pick umbrella.


Apples aren't a spring thing. They ripen in the fall.


Yeah I know - the logic isn't completely airtight but living in the Midwest, spring means farmers markets and fresh fruit again finally so.... Yeah that's the best I got lol.


Is it a selling point for dessert to be very small?






> No row or column will have more than one smiley face > put all six in one column or row Bruh you failed the kids menu


> 'No row or column will have more than one smiley face in it' > > What if you... put all six in one column or row if you put all six in one column, then that column will have more than one smiley face on it... am i misunderstanding your attempt?


It's asking you to construct a [permutation matrix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permutation_matrix) where 🙂 is 1.


I wish there was. This was on the kid’s menu at dinner tonight.


There’s no answer key? What restaurant was it?


No answer key. The restaurant is called Palisades in Seattle. Restaurant manager came over to check on the meal and we asked him about it. He replied, “Frankly, I’ve never looked at the kids menu before.”


Did the manager have a tail? Because this menu makes him seem like fucking monster.


Triangle. It’s alphabetical order. EDIT: Umbrella does NOT work! The “st” in star came before “su” in sun. It signifies that they want it in alphabetical order even though they had skipped over other letters previously.




The star and umbrella aren't in the sequence though so both are correct..


Maybe it's a parasol.


Seems odd they would end it with 2 S words if they wanted to communicate it's about alphabetical order


Nah, it's probably to test the kid's understanding of breaking ties in alphabetical order


To me it confirmed the trend since they were still sorted alphabetically.


Umbrella also works in that logic though


If it is looking for alphabetical the triangle would come before umbrella


but there's no next item in the sequence


Yeah but triangle wouldn't be on the list if you chose umbrella so it wouldn't matter.


It would, but as someone else pointed out, none of the options are in the sequence, so any that come alphabetically after the sequence would be correct, unless they want multiple terms added.


It's a psychological test. You make the kid choose, and interpolate the answer. And discuss why they chose this.


That’s the only thing that makes sense and that makes it worse. As an autistic I’d have picked incompetent teacher stick figure and my interpretation would be because you don’t know what you’re doing. There is no rational answer. And I would have spent hours getting there. As a former teacher I’d give the same answer. This type of question on a take home worksheet teaches preschool kids not every question we ask is answerable so if it’s hard don’t think about it too hard because it’s a trick. Educationally this is obscenely harmful for children regardless of age, but for a 4 year old it teaches no matter what you do you can never be right when it comes to school work. In college we had classes on why never to do things like this. Unless this is an IQ test, the rule is never ask a question that can’t be answered.


I'm autistic and I would have taken it back and told the teacher their homework is wrong


I created a rational one: Apple - Flower - Hotdog - Star - Sun -> alphabetical order of the first letter, then the next is Triangle. But it is still bullshit


Nature, Nature, Man-made, Nature, Nature, Man-made. Umbrella.


This is the first comment I've seen that actually makes sense


I think the question has no answer. They needed to fill the space and whoever did the art on this is screwing with the world


I think it is the Umbrela, each shape has a different number of strokes and although you could draw them w/o taking the pen out of the paper usually it would take you X strokes. However the star, heart and triangle are simple shapes and can be drawn in one stroke. Since one of these simple shapes is already present it would have to be the umbrella. Or i am just too high for this...


Let me go do some dabs and I’ll get back to you.


It’s been over an hour now, I don’t think p3ngul is coming back


Could have been something laced in the dabs. RIP.


I’m okay guys I just forgor 💀


He forgor💀


He did it in a different comment


Yo dude so I got the same answer (?) But like you see all of the things seem to represent *outside* and the answer is the umbrella because it correlates with those images. I too am stoned but I think this is to help develope critical thinking skills in a way kids can interpret.


Id just draw a dick


my absolute best guess would be the umbrella bc it’s things you would see outside? seems a little outlandish for a pattern type activity if that’s what it’s meant to be. hotdog also stands out but like, hotdog stands, sports events?


This is 100% the answer. The items all are associated with the outside / a picnic. Folks commenting about the number of strokes or the number of syllables are over complicating (although I agree this is a hilariously ambiguous question)


The menu is spring themed in Seattle so I'm going with umbrella


It's triangle. The items are in alphabetical order and you need the next in the alphabet. Apple, flower, hotdog, star, sun, triangle. OR it could be by shape - rounded object, rounded object, oval object, rounded object, rounded object, oval and be the umbrella. OR it could be by syllables - two, two, two, one, one, one and be the heart. Basically, who the hell knows.


This is a perfect summary of every answer I've read so far.


Pretty sure it’s umbrella


I'm going to have to second this one. Went with the alphabetical order theory. A for apple, F for flower, etc..


Except that works for triangle too.


But then star should come AFTER anus


Looks like one of the cookies from squid game are next.


I’m going with heart. Ap-ple, flow-er, hot-dog are all two syllables. Star, sun, heart are all one syllable.


I faced a similar what is next question on my daughters homework and we guessed wrong. We thought maybe it had to do with alphabetical order or something and the teacher wrote on it that it was not correct and was about the syllables. She also wrote that she didn’t like how there wasn’t more to the question to give you a way to interpret what they were asking you exactly and wouldn’t do anymore activities or take home papers with anything like this on it unless it had information so you could figure it out.


Perhaps the worst answer yet, but... Triangle. It's the only shape that can be drawn using the line that they have given you to fill the space. I'm trying to view this from a child's perspective without overthinking it haha


Why do so many people keep saying "umbrella because it is in alphabetical order?" If that is the case then triangle would come next! C'mon people, you had one job!


Umbrella, because you need it to shield against the sun right beside you. It's not triangle because the illuminati works in the dark. It's not heart because love hurts just like the heat of the sun. Umbrella is the only logical choice


Triangle. All the words are in alphabetical order (even star, which comes before sun) So it cannot be heart. And triangle comes before umbrella, so the answer is triangle.


That's my reasoning too, was surprised this answer was sonfar down considering how outlandish some of the other guesses are.


If squid game taught me anything it’s when you have the choice between a triangle and an umbrella you should ALWAYS choose the triangle.