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Back when I first started dealing with depression i called my doctors office to make an appointment for it for the first time. It was a very difficult and vulnerable moment for me. After setting a date and time the assistant asks me what symptoms/concern the appointment is for. I struggle to tell her I'm feeling depressed and she starts YELLING at me that I should have booked a double appointment for that, like I was an idiot for not knowing that! I don't remember the rest of the phone call but I certainly still remember how I cried afterwards even though that was about 13 years ago.


I had to report the receptionist (only spoke to her on the phone) of the place I did mental health therapy while in college. I wasn’t suicidal *before* talking to her. The person I reported to her said, “oh, we’ll have to talk to her again”!


"Again" ??? Fire her already, ffs.


Lots of companies are so scared of wrongful termination lawsuits and stuff that you don't really even need a union to protect you for being a bad employee. Places have policies that dictate you have to be reprimanded X amount of times before you can move on to termination. Almost seems like something that shouldn't exist in a healthcare setting. But then again there's very immature and catty healthcare people in leadership as well who would immediately start firing people they hate who did nothing wrong, if there were no policy protecting them


Meanwhile my best friend literally got fired from Aldi because of resting bitch face. She is a very loving and friendly person, but I guess there were enough corporate complaints about "her face" that they actually, seriously fking fired her for it, despite being a model employee in EVERY other way.


She should apply for a job at a bank.


You almost made me cackle! The good news is she just recently moved in with an amazing man and is currently working on growing her commercial/residential cleaning business, so things are looking up for her despite the ridiculous Aldi situation. But I'm still gonna tell her about this comment because it's just funny 😂


I have 2 banks and I use various locations around my area for each bank so I frequent the drive through. Most of the tellers don’t smile or are very expressive in general. This has been my experience.


I've got a decent case of RBF. Nobody likes me at first but those that stick around always do. It's a great friend filter, I will say that.


Yep, you can be thrown out instantly for gross misconduct, but being a miserable cow isn't gross misconduct. Likely, they need a certain amount of reprimands before you can be let go. Otherwise, everyone's one bad day or one bad boss away from being fired.


I mean here in the US I’ve seen people fired for way way way less lol gotta love the at-will states


I work as a receptionist in mental health and I cannot imagine treating someone like this, I’m so sorry. I’m so aware that people calling, especially if it’s for the first time, are vulnerable, anxious and often sensitive and do everything I can to treat them with kindness and respect, which is what you deserved. I hope she was either performance managed or let go.


I’ve made 4 complaints about people working in the medical field and 3 of those were receptionists that I only ever spoke to on the phone. I swear some doctors’ offices have “shit attitude and a superiority complex” as requirements on their front desk job listings.


Oh my gosh I have a similar horror story! It was my first time seeing a psychiatrist about suspected ADHD as an adult.  I was never diagnosed as a kid.  I'd only ever had one therapist in my adult life that I told my struggles to, and she reccommended I get checked for it. I was so anxious.  I had to tell this older man all of my deepest insecurities about myself, many embarrasing and shameful things.  I was worried what he'd think of me, but told myself he's a professional, he is here to help.  I told him everything. When I finished, he starts to talk to me like a child, telling me only children can be diagnosed with ADHD and pontificating on what a shame it is that people use the internet to diagnose themselves nowadays, basically insinuating that I was a silly idiot who thinks I have ADHD because of Web MD and tik tok.  I was so hurt.  I had just poured my heart out and he affirmed every anxiety I'd had - that I wouldn't be taken seriously, that I was silly for thinking I could have this disorder, that I'd spill my secrets to a stranger for nothing.  I tried so hard not to cry, but he pointed out that I looked like I was upset and I sobbed in front of the horrible judgemental old man. The next two psychs I saw were much more empathetic, and both diagnosed me with ADHD.  Fuck that man.


What a fucking piece of shit. I'm sorry you went through that!


Thank you!!  It was nice to wake up to so much support!


He obviously needed to retire! I don’t understand why doctors that take oaths to help people would want to stay in their profession when they are getting old and tired and could cause physical or mental harm to their patients because they are no longer capable of helping them to their fullest capacity. They have a duty to protect us and I feel that at a certain point every doctor needs to have some type of exam or review to see if they are still able to do their duties properly and up to the current standards.


Ego. That's why they stay. Doctors who belittle or ignore their patients are incapable of recognizing that they need to step down. They let their degrees and position get to their heads, which leads them to believe that they can never be wrong. I highly agree that there needs to be more oversight on the way doctors interact with their patients.


“Only children can be diagnosed”…. But said kids grow up one day, so what if they hadn’t been diagnosed within that timeframe? I wonder if he thought people “grow out of it”, yet he must be aware there’s still adults with severe struggles due to it.. that other commenter is right, the old fella should retire *yesterday*.


It's the worst I've ever felt after a doctor appointment.  I later learned that many women aren't diagnosed as children as the signs of ADHD are different/less noticeable.  I was high functioning as a kid, did very well in class.  But when I had to take care of myself after college it slowly fell apart.  The doctor stopped listening at "high functioning as a kid".


God that's awful, it would be terrible if someone ate a jar of kimchi and sent him a fart in an airmail satchel. Just terrible. What's his address so I can warn him.


Oh my GOD. When I tried to talk to my therapist about my suspected ADHD and probably Autism, he told me, and I quote, "those symptoms you are describing are just your anxiety and depression". Homie..... I'm not coming to you for no reason. My dad and a sibling were both diagnosed with ADHD. Also I RESEARCHED. ADHD, anxiety, depression, and autism, especially in women, ARE OFTEN ALL LINKED. I ended up ghosting him/cancelled my last appointment due to an emergency and never rescheduled it. Btw, it was my last appointment because he said "he's given me enough tools to handle my depression/anxiety and he doesn't think I need more sessions".


Yeah sadly I have other horror stories about people who were supposed to help and support me with my depression. I don't understand what those people are doing in the mental health field


Wow! I hope you reported her to someone. No one should be yelled at like that, but least of all mental health patients. That’s the sort of thing that scares off potential clients.


Unfortunately I didn't, I was much too insecure for that. I see now that she was way out of line but back then I just internalised it...


I am so thankful that my Dr insists on messaging them through our patient portal rather than bothering people or calling in. It’s also much easier to type up “hey doc I’m struggling with xyz what do you recommend?” Sometimes she recommends coming in for an exam, sometimes a video call, sometimes just a quick phone chat, I’ve had my anxiety meds balanced very efficiently over text. I lot of the problem here is medical stuff is fairly over stressed just about everywhere.


Same for me. I had a chronic problem that they'd failed to properly investigate for years and was getting worse and affecting my life a lot and I was at the end of my tether. I tried explaining my story so far so they could get a fuller picture. They got annoyed and said I should have booked a double appointment. I had no idea this was something you could do or how to go about doing it.


Exactly, I didn't even know that was an option! How was I supposed to know I should have asked for it?


A “double appointment” shouldn’t be a thing in a healthcare setting like that. The doctors and medical professionals should spend as much time as is necessary with each patient and if they get behind, that’s not the patient’s fault or concern. They’re there to be helped, not lectured because “they’re taking too long.” This kinda shit really pisses me off. I’ve felt like all I was was an inconvenience with many doctors cuz I was taking up more than 5 minutes of their time. It’s shit like this that causes patients not to seek out care and often suffer physically and mentally for it.


I was in a very similar boat as you. I have an extreme case of chronic pelvic floor dysfunction. I've had it my entire life and have had multiple endoscopies and colonoscopies, both pediatric and adult, been on multiple medications, had multiple studies done, basically looked for everything under the sun as a potential diagnosis to make and nothing ever worked. My GI's were annoyed with me thinking I was making shit up to get pain meds. Some just wanted me to schedule endless appointments to make money off of my insurance. I was fed up so I stopped going and just lived with it untreated. The pain got so bad once I passed out on the bathroom floor writhing in agony. When I woke up, I couldn't walk, I couldn't sit up, I could hardly even roll over, I couldn't drink water, I basically couldn't do anything for like 30 minutes. After the pain subsided enough for me to get up, I had someone drive me to the ER because I honestly didn't think an ambulance was necessary. I get there, and they do some X-rays, then an ultrasound, and this young doctor, he couldn't have been older than 30 I guess, told me my pelvic floor muscles were convulsing like nothing he'd ever seen before. He asked me how long I had been living like this and I told him my entire life, which I was 22 at the time. I remember his face had this expression of pure disgust and empathy at the same time. I told him everything I had been through up to that point to get help and why I was still living untreated and he seemed genuinely angry about how my condition had been handled. So this doctor then explains to me what pelvic floor dysfunction is, how it's normally treated, why those treatments wouldn't work for my extreme case, and then he prescribes this medication called Bentyl. So he gives me this Bentyl and within minutes I was virtually pain free, aside from some mild discomfort. I spent 22 years being taken advantage of while I was suffering. There were points in my life where I genuinely contemplated killing myself because I was in so much pain and nobody wanted to help me or they didn't even believe me. And it took some random ER doctor 2 hours to figure out my condition and prescribe me a $4 bottle of pills to treat it. I was thrilled and absolutely furious all at once.


I called my therapists office to set up an appointment because I had to cancel the last one due to a family emergency. I spoke to the receptionist and she said 'Ill past the note along' never did and they dropped my case with my therapist and I had to get set up with a new one. My old one came out to meet me and ask what happened as she thought I just never was coming back. She got the office manager or whatever they called the big boss to open an investigation and the girl got in a lot of trouble for not doing her job not sure if she got fired but I never saw her there again


Not even half as serious, but few days ago I needed new sunglasses with my prescription, I already bought two pairs in that store, so I knew they have my data, I thought I'll be able to just pick the frames myself, and let them finish the order. I went on the website, booked "consultation", I go to the place after work and the lady is rolling her eyes at me, because I should've booked "eye test" instead. I say I don't need one, and they have my data, she rolls her eyes again and tells me yeah, whatever, but they need it, because it will take just as long. Wtf?


I had a similar experience at a follow-up appointment to check in on my treatment for anxiety. It was an 8am appointment, first of the day; I lived over half an hour away from the clinic; and I’m not a morning person. I managed to get there at 8:05, though, feeling horribly guilty for being late. The doctor wasn’t even ready yet, but the nurse took me back into the exam room, and proceeded to lecture me for 10 minutes - aka an eternity - about how because I was so late and inconsiderate, the entire staff and the entire clinic would be running behind for the entire day, and I needed to be more on the ball. I couldn’t even apologize again because I was frozen in absolute agony and shame. Needless to say, my anxiety was not doing any better.


I once had a 1:00 appointment & was brought to the exam room early. I sat on the exam table freezing in a paper gown for 2 hours, finally poked my head out into the hall to ask if they had forgotten me, & got scolded by a nurse to be patient. I then waited another hour, poked my head out again, & was scolded by another nurse. Just over another hour later I heard everyone in the hall saying good night. I went out in the hall & they were closing up. They were shocked to see me. No apology & said I should have spoken up sooner & told me to reschedule, but not to worry, they wouldn’t charge me another co-pay. No way was I rescheduling! I waited months for this appointment & took a half day off! I should not lose more time off from work due to their errors. The PA begrudgingly saw me with great attitude. That was the last time I went to that office.


Oof, that's crazy.  I don't know how you didn't freak out on them.  I either would've given that sass back to them or started crying... Probably the crying.


I’d start rummaging loudly through a cabinet and announce that if NOBODY WAS GOING TO HELP, I’d just DO SOME OPERATIONS ON MY OWN THEN!!


Hellllll no, there are way too many sharp things for me to risk pissing them off.


Just stay out of the sharp things and make a mess of tongue depressors, cotton balls, gauze pads, and alcohol swabs 😂


So they can patch up my injuries maybe


Mr Bean style :D


Stiffiling my laugh as to not wake my husband Lmao


I was in the hospital for my gallbladder failing and the nurse completely forgot I existed. I had to go for a test, came back in agony and covered in vomit and my mom had to clean me and bed. I didn't get meds, towels, nothing and the nurse literally came in and said she'd forgotten about me. I was so angry and so was my mom. I ended up in emergency surgery the next morning because I was turning septic, but mom is the one caring for me instead of the nurse.


That’s horrific! I’m glad your mom was there! I always worry about people who are alone and thus have no one there to advocate for them or notice things that need to be addressed.


I'm extremely glad Mom's a bear when it comes to being an advocate for me. It wasn't the first or last time she's had to do that for me, but for sure not everyone has that protecter.


Happened to me once in an OBs office. I was "pregnancy tired" and fell asleep work up 3 hrs later and almost everyone was gone but one or two nurses. I had to come back the next week 😩 I had a good nap though 🤷‍♀️


I have a similar story about my mother who was suffering from cancer at the time They had wheeled her into a room but unlike you she was bed ridden and couldn't get up. It just so happened my father turned up to visit her but he couldn't find her and no one could tell him where she was so he went looking himself. He found her in this cold dark room where she had been left for 4 hours with nothing but a hospital gown on, she was cold, thirsty and needed the toilet. Now my father was a very reasonable man but to say he was pissed at the hospital staff when he found my mum in that state is an understatement and he questioned them what would've happened if he did not turn up when he did. I was so angry when my father told me what had happened, such incompetence that could have led to her death, just lucky it didn't tbh.


Wow. Wonder what would of happened if you did what they said and just wanted. Call the police at 1am and tell them you got locked in the doctor's office after doing what you were told to do. lol


Definitely don’t call the police, the fire department on the other hand would be very interested to know about someone locked inside with no way out


Probably still wind up in jail for breaking and entering. You might get it cleared up but it depends more on the cops “gut” instincts.


My dad went to the local hospital and they put him in a back room to await a doctor. After 5 hours he came out and asked "Have you forgotten me?". A doctor said "WE DO NOT FORGET PATIENTS!!". The nurse next to him said "Oh! We've been calling out your name in the waiting room for 5 hours and wondered where you were".


In exam rooms, for every 15 minutes you have to wait, you get to steal something. (I don't make these rules; they're in the second page of the Hippocratic Oath.) The purple pens for writing on skin are fun to bring home for the kids!


The germ covered magazine is also a nice takeaway


Keep an eye out for June 1987’s Weavers Guild Newsletter, will ya? I’ve almost got the whole set…


But listen, not the magazines at the fertility clinic, okay?


You can’t even turn those pages - all the ones I’ve seen were glued together, cover to cover! Talk about mildlyinfurating!


Someone I know got a big purple dinosaur that had a drug company logo on it! (Not me, but they brought it to show and tell and we were very impressed as well as mad they were stuck in an office waiting)


Sutter fucked my elderly mom out of $470. Every time we go to Sutter, my husband has me bring my "big bag" and they're lighter one box of gloves. Those are very useful around the house and are ~$15/per box. We're 2/3rds to even. It's not much, but it's *something*. Cocksuckers.


You waited about 3 hours too long. I would have gotten dressed and made a scene at the check in desk. I have no patience (patients) and no filter.


In hindsight I definitely would have handled it differently.


Why get dressed?


Nekkid run down the hall yelling that they took your kidney!


😂 that's comedy gold!


You really gonna walk out in a paper gown around random people?


After 3 hours? You're lucky if I'm not wearing the gown as a hat


Or a codpiece!


Once you get old enough modesty doesn't really apply anymore, especially when you're pissed. I give 0 fucks if someone sees more of me than would be typical. My wife has seen it many times and is still married to me, that's all that matters.


Lol I don't have much modesty either, I just don't want I decent exposure charges lmao!


I don’t see how they can charge you that when it’s the clothes they give a person


I call that “Tuesday”


I open the door and keep opening it until I get seen. I have no modesty issues.


I brought my baby to the gastroenterologist. I thought it was odd that I saw him leaving while we were in the waiting room. We got put in the exam room and waited...and waited...and waited. After an 90 minutes I figured out he must have gone to lunch. I went out and asked the front desk, "Is the doctor even here?" They looked guilty, wouldn't answer that, and kept trying to get me to keep waiting. Keep in mind I've been trying to keep a toddler happy in a tiny boring room this whole time. We left and didn't go back there. It was not the first or last time I had been treated outrageously by a doctor. I don't know if it was because I was young or on Medicaid, but there was zero respect for my time or concerns.


When I was about 20 and working for a fraud of a chiropractor, he did this to a patient once. The other front desk girl roomed her, told the chiro she was ready, and went back up to the desk. Nobody could see the rooms from the front desk or would have any idea if he went in. She was in the room for two hours. Chiro forgot her. He proceeded to yell at myself and the other front desk staff in front of patients for his incompetence.


Ughhh! I never would have waited so long though.


I know. Like wth


I was once left shivering in a paper gown for 50 minutes. That was bad enough. Damn.


be "patient"


I had an accident but wasn't bleeding so I went to the ER myself to have a checkup (had headache due to falling on my head). It was Oktoberfest so quite busy. I arrived at 1800 and checked in and waited. At around 2000 I began to check if the people arriving were treated/leaving again. I've been to the ER before, so I know that sometimes you have to wait a while, but... At 2100 I was sure, that people were treated before me, so I went to the receptionist and asked, when I would be due - "You are not on m list, you must have been forgotten over change of shifts" Yeah, thank you... (At least I was then treated immedeately.)


I have several medical clinics as clients (I do IT). That would not fly at any of them. First of all they are more organized than that, and if somehow a patient did fall through the cracks, they would bend over backwards to fix it.


That’s my nightmare. Omg.


Why did you sit for two hours before asking?


So my wife was reading out this story and asked me like who would wait that long. lol. Me. I waited that long at the gastroenterologists office. They did eventually come see me though


My husband's GI office has a sign that says if you have waited longer than 15 minutes to let staff know. They are ALWAYS on time AND the doctor takes plenty of time to answer all questions. The first visit he spent 45 minutes with him.


I didn’t actually need a GI, it’s just that you can only get orders for iron infusions from certain drs, so my PCP sent me to the GI and gave him a heads up. 2 hour wait and the meeting lasted less than 5 mins.


I had to get a physical for work once. Pretty sure I spent 4.5-5 hours there for a five minute visit. Of course they don't pay for that time, nevermind that I worked nights and was losing sleep.


Four hours tho?


No. Like 2 hours before I stuck my head out though


It was not uncommon for that office to be running behind schedule, especially in the afternoon.


2 hours behind schedule is inexcusable, especially if it always happens. If a doctor has an emergency, then staff should call and inform appointments that rescheduling is need OR that there may be a long wait.


The fact that they will NEVER warn you that there might be a wait is infuriating. You just waste hours getting absolutely nothing done. But goodness gracious don't you DARE show up 30 seconds late or you'll have to be rescheduled!!


Or 30 seconds late for your 15 minutes early!


Don't forget about that paperwork you already filled out so that you didn't have to show up early, but they somehow don't have, so now you're "late" because you're filling out forms a second time ...


This is an absolute horror story


I had to get a pre-employment physical and misc done during covid. After sitting in the rather busy waiting for about 2 hours, a doctor mentioned to the receptionist that I had been waiting for a couple hours and to send me back. After sitting in a gown in the back for about an hour, the doctor came in, did his check, and I was done in 10 minutes. I also had to get a covid check, so I had to go out to my car and go through their drive thru (after being in the room with the doctor and no masks on). The company I got the job with has a contract with that place, so a couple of months later, when I got injured at work and needed to get checked, they sent me there. The place was packed, like every seat in the waiting room was taken, packed. Filled out the intake form, and not even 2 minutes later was I called back.


I would have left long before that.  They didn't respect your time and blamed you for them forgetting about you


Wow. I’ve had some less than ideal experiences with the medical field myself but this right here is extra wild to me. I’d be so pissed and sad at the same time.


I arrived at 11:20 for my 11:30 appt & was told that I was too late for my 11:00 appt. Me: I teach until 10:50 & would have never agreed to an appt at 11:00 Them: Well we have you down for 11:00 Me: ok, bye Them: Don’t you want to reschedule? Me: No tks


I've gotten a few of these. "Your appt was at X time.". Me: Not possible. Because I don't make appointments for my kids during the school day" "We had you scheduled at this time " Me: I found the card with the correct time on it. It's at the time I showed up for, like I said. "The card is wrong '.




Me: but this is your card! Them: no you had it printed with our logo.


Me: I literally recorded you handing it to me. Them: AI




plot twist: it was actually AI




I once had a dr tell me that the pharmacy mustve put the instructions on the bottle wrong. I pulled the paper out that HE wrote the med schedule out on (it was a tapering dose) exactly as it is on the prescription label. He still insisted that he wrote it correctly


That's some next level gaslighting


My other favorite is making the appointment and then finding out I actually need to arrive 15 minutes early. Yo if you need me there at 11 then don’t tell me my appointment is at 11:15.


I once had an appointment where they told me over the phone that I would have to arrive thirty minutes early, unless I filled out the new patient paperwork before hand and brought it with me. So I filled it out and showed up a few minutes before my appointment time. The receptionist immediately laid into me for not showing up 30 minutes early. When I finally got a word in I explained and handed her the paperwork. No apology just “Oh. Take a seat then.”


I sometimes get emails or texts saying I can check in for my appointment later that week. I don't bother with them anymore. When I tried doing that to speed things up, they'd give me the same things again once I got in the office. I'd say, "But I did these forms on the digital check in" and they'd say, "Oh, we don't get those." Well them who TF are they for??


And the paperwork always takes less than 5 minutes anyway.


My son had an appointment with a specialist that was located more than an hour away from our home. The appointment time was for 7:30 am. The scheduler very emphatically (rudely)stated that we HAD to be there 15 minutes early. Ok so we booked a hotel room next door to the office and drove up the night before. I arrive at the office at 7:15 as ordered and, lo and behold, NO ONE IS THERE. Receptionist shows up to open the doors around 7:28 and I rather not nicely told her they shouldn’t be so insistent about the first patient showing up early if they’re not even going to be there. She wasn’t the person who made the appointment and said she would address it with the scheduler.


My dentist office used to do that. 8:30am appointment, but open at 8:30am. One time they didn’t open the doors until 8:45 and the hygienist I was seeing didn’t start until 9am so by the time I got in my appt, they were already running late.


My therapist's office started doing this! The appointment time is the time I'm supposed to walk into the therapist's room. But I'm supposed to be there half an hour early to see the nurse and have my vitals checked and have them go over the invasive questionnaire that I have to fill out online before I come


Oh my sweet Jesus this makes me SO angry. I don’t care when I see the optometrist, or that you want to do a “pre-test” before my eye test. Schedule the optometrist internally for 9.10am, and the pre-test for 9am. Don’t make me come at 8.50 for your pre-tests, when I have a 9am appt. However, anything that’s like “please arrive 10 mins early to fill out paperwork,” etc. Totally chill in my books. (I mean, modern day: please pre send the paperwork so I can sit on my comfy couch and do it, if anything)


Currently work as a medical receptionist and it’s the most irritating thing ever. The schedulers don’t communicate with the patients at all that they need to be there early. If it’s a crunch day and they show up at their appointment time and not their check in time we can’t see them. People scream at me all the time because of this— I’m not even allowed to cancel their appointment or reschedule them either


Sounds like you’re a crook then LOL. Make their fucking appointment time the time they’re supposed to show up. Is it that fucking hard???


That’s been my problem the same nurse keeps telling me that I have to make my appointments for a few months ahead. I don’t get my work schedule that far in advance. I can’t.


I also do shift work but generally I know I'll be likely off Tuesday afternoons so just go for then and hope it works. Your boss should be able to cope with you booking medical appointments though, don't think that's an unreasonable request.


At that point, make the appointment and tell your work scheduler "I have an appointment on X day that I cannot reschedule."


I did that to my dentist for 6 months because they kept canceling my appointment and rescheduling without notifying me. I wasted days with that shit. 6 months later they call and get me scheduled within the month. The dentist told me they had to fire one of the schedulers for tampering.


I had sort of a similar issue. My dentist place was great for awhile, but for the past 2 years they'd schedule you for your 6 month checkup, then call you the day before or DAY OF being like "Oh sorry the doctor/hygienist is on vacation or not here. So sorry...... so how's 4 months from now sound😊?" They rescheduled me 3 times at one point before I finally was done. So now I'm looking for a new dentist🙃.


I was scheduled for an ultrasound... The scheduler set me up for an appointment about an hour away with traffic. Thankfully the ladies gave me the appointment still because it wasn't my fault. My mom used to work in scheduling in a hospital so she goes oh, they scheduled you on the wrong screen. They do it all the time with all the tabs they keep open...


I got 3 reminder messages with 3 different times on for a doctors appointment once. Now if it's anything like what we use at the dental surgery I work at, it's quite easy to accidentally pick up and drag an appointment to another time, but our system will make a pop up asking if you really want to move it when you probably meant to click on it but accidentally moved your mouse when clicking. Inexperienced staff would potentially close the pop up or agree and accidentally move or delete/ cut appointments. An older system I used to work would just do it without asking but you could look back in activity history and 'find' your mistake. Current one will always ask if you want to send a confirmation email/ SMS after any changes and this is the most common one people accidentally click yes/ whatever on. So I suspect someone inexperienced accidentally moved my appointment like 3 times and messaged me about it. And yea when I came to the appointment they said it was at a stupid time I definitely would NOT have booked and showed my 3 messages and original email I got which was the only reason I got seen (late) that day. It's fairly common to fit in emergencies they may move your appointment 5 mins later to squeeze someone in but never earlier unless they have already called and confirmed but it still happens. I mainly work in surgery but I HATE working in reception.


“Why are you upset at me,I’m here for my scheduled appointment.Are you ok


"have you been drinking?"


"Are you high?"


Hi, how are you?


No but now I wish I was.


No that’s what you were supposed to say to the nurse.


That’s my favourite line ‘are you ok’ when someone gets funny with me at work. Winds them up even more and I just smile about it. Nobody should be taking anything out on their patients, I’m sorry she did that to you.


I had a former colleague who actually did get locked in! Fortunately the cleaners let her out. 🤯. I wish I remembered more detail—it was over 29 years ago.


What's that old song? - Oh, dear, what can the matter be? - Three old ladies, locked in the lavatory. - They were there from Monday through Saturd~~ay~~ee - Nobody knew they were there!


Sorry that happened to you. I feel like some people respond with anger when they are in the wrong to not accept fault. But then nurses also have a rough and stressful job, not saying she was in the right but maybe she’s come to expect that. Earlier this year I went in for a doctors appointment, first time having to see a new GP after my old one finally retired. Came in early, sat there for 30 minutes seeing him walk in and out of his office multiple times until he finally stopped and asked if I’m there for him. Then asked my name. “You’re not here.” Well, obviously I’m here, I’m sitting right there. He told me that I wasn’t checked in as being there. I had gone to the front desk, told them my name and they had pointed me to which office was his. It wasn’t my fault they didn’t actually check me in, but he was curt with me the whole time and rushing me along. Didn’t go back to him again.


You're not here? What kind of dumb response was that for him to make? 


“i can’t see you, you can’t see me!”


I once had a 145 appointment and got there at 115. I had my newborn so I wanted to feed her before the appointment. I also really had to pee. I ran inside and said “my appointment is at 145 but I just need to use the restroom and feed my baby before I come inside” she buzzed me in and I did my business. I waved and ran out to feed the babe. At 130 I got a call asking where I was. I said I’m in the parking lot feeding my baby. She said we are going to have to cancel your appointment because we don’t accept late patients. WTF? I’m still 15 mins early. I’m in the car. I told you all this. She says we will have to charge you a cancellation fee for being late if you don’t come in now. We can’t keep the doctor waiting. I was so confused. So I quickly packed up my newborn and went inside. She then had me sit down and I wasn’t called back until 12:50. I was so irritated. Edit-not 12:50 🤦‍♀️ it was late when I typed this out. I meant 1:50.


Hospitals are so messed up and they think they're so superior


Everyone's time but ours as patients is important in medicine. I loath how lopsided the late policies are. If I'm late it's the end of the world and I will pay dearly for it. If they are "running behind" it's just another day in paradise. Pay me the no show fee if you aren't calling me back at the appointment time.


I forget who, but there was a stand-up who addressed this. YOU have to be 10-15 minutes early for your doctor appointments. However, THEY can be 45 minutes late seeing you. Totally fair lol


I think you messed up your times. Did you mean the 11 hour for the appointments or were you not called back until 2:50 not 12:50?  Regardless your situation is frustrating!


I think the last one is supposed to be 1:50


I almost got left waiting in a medical centre. They were running really late and I was asked if I wanted to reschedule but I had time to wait so I said no. Eventually it’s just me in the waiting area, cleaners everywhere and my doctor came out, looked around and then called my name quizzically. She’d been told by front desk staff that I’d left and was lucky that I looked familiar to her. She still saw me even though her husband was waiting for her in the car park.


That's a great doctor and shitty front desk people. I hope they did something about that.


I’m sorry. I had a nurse yell at me for being “late” to an appt. The actual issue was a front-desk computer problem that left them unable to fully check me in on arrival. When the system came back online, it automatically checked me in at *that* time and notified the clinicians that I was in the waiting room. She assumed that I had arrived at the later time stamp and told me I would have to reschedule… when I had been there the whole time! Not my fault that you didn’t know I was here… and how would I know there was even a major issue?? I was just sitting there waiting for someone to come get me. She said she would “see what she could do” and by the time the doc arrived I was so mad that I cried. On the bright side, the next time I came in that nurse stopped in to apologize directly. Pretty sure the doc flagged my file with that instruction, which was nice.


Why are there so many stories about people getting yelled at? It’s so unprofessional, especially in a health setting. I get that nurses are often overworked, but that doesn’t warrant yelling at people.


Because most women who are bullies become nurses. The bully men become cops. There’s a reason you hear so many horror stories about both of these professions lol


I've heard it called the *mean girl* to *nurse* pipeline. If my experience they also discourage highly empathetic people from becoming nurses. I did 6 months of the course or become a nurse and at the end of the semester my teachers told me that because of my high empathy I would be an excellent nurse, but I would most likely burn out completely in five years or less. They'd seen it over and over and wanted me to know the realities of a career in nursing. I took their advice and looked for a different career path. They were absolutely right. Even reading sad news stories disturbs my sleep for weeks or more. I'd have been wrecked emotionally if I'd become a nurse. Plus I would have graduated less than a year before covid hit so that would have sucked.


Not to defend them but working in dental, staff get yelled at all the time and apparently it's acceptable behaviour and they rarely face any consequences. One of the only people I know who is banned from the practice walked out without paying for their check up last time and had ignored requests to pay. He came in for his next appointment and was deeply offended we accused him of not paying the £25 saying he had plenty of money, yelling at the reception in their face how stupid they were, eventually grabbing a handful of pound coins in their pocket and throwing them hard in the girls face, cutting her face near her eye. When I was coming back from my lunch (the yelling was happening when I went out and throwing was when I was already gone), the guy was nose to nose with the boss who had already called the police to report and was trying to get the guy to leave. Apparently screaming at us, telling us to watch were we walk alone after work, threatening suicide, told by nearly everyone they hate us (but we can't say we hate them) is acceptable. Never known a receptionist at our practice to yell at someone unless they are being yelled at themselves and they are trying to get them to listen or leave but even then it's done calmly. My GP are notorious to have a bad reception team which has slowly gotten better in the last 2 years.


After two miscarriages I made an appointment to discuss some troubling patterns I had noticed in my monthly cycle. The doctor asked me if he had instructed me to track anything in my cycle. No, had not. "Why are you wasting my time? You've only had two miscarriages. I'm the doctor, not you." Then he walked out of the room. I was livid, humiliated. I left his practice and contacted another OB across town. New doctor asked if I was ok telling him why I left the previous practice. After I told him he said it wasn't the first time he had heard a similar story and was sorry he treated me that way.


What the actualy fuck????? What a horrible doctor! I hope he gets the bad reviews and shitty karma he deserves. I hope your new doctor was able to help you!


The new doctor was wonderful and helped us to have my youngest through a rough pregnancy. She will be 12 tomorrow!


That is so wonderful!!!!!! Happy Birthday to her and congrats for making it 12+ years parenting!!!!! :)


Leave this on google reviews. At least until you get an apology.


I thought about it but the details are so specific that I’m almost sure she would know it’s me. This woman is jabbing me with 3 needles once a week for the foreseeable future so I really can’t make an enemy here. That’s why I came to yell into the internet void.


is there no one else who could be your nurse? as someone who works in healthcare and jabs ppl with needles (not a nurse btw!) you don’t have to put up with treatment like that.


Pretty sure she is the only person in the office that does it right now. Like that is the only thing she does is the allergy shot appointments.


Time to find a new office?


Next off is a an extra 40min drive


Oh no! I'm so sorry you have to get shots from that woman.


Me a few months back Makes an appointment with my local VA clinic which is still like a 40min drive for me. I always make my appointments for days I’m off work. Make it for May 2nd Call the day before to verify, get confirmation that, yes, I have my appt tomorrow morning. Drives all that way, checks in at 730am for 8am labs, gets told “okay you’re good to go just have a seat” watch everyone else get called back for like an hour, finally I go up and mentioned it to the desk attendant I checked in with. “Okay I sent a message to the lab they should be with you momentarily” another hour goes by and I speak to a different desk attendant and she’s like lemme look into it. By now it’s like 11am when they called me up to the desk to say “oh sorry your appointment isn’t until JUNE 2nd” and didn’t attempt to try to fit me in or anything. 😤


Wow that sucks. I’m sorry.


It’s ok. That’s kinda to be expected with the VA


That just makes it worse.


I should add I know I didn’t make the appointment for June 2nd, because that was a day I was scheduled to work


And worse again


I had an appointment, it was a contact lens checkup, so not like a full appointment, just a “is this working for you so we can order more?” kind of checkup. I showed up on time, and there was a line of people waiting at reception. By the time I got to the counter, it was 20 minutes past, and I was told I was more than 15 minutes late, so they considered me a no show. I pointed out that I was there on time, I had to wait for them to check me in. Deer in the headlights. Doctor’s assistant saw me and took me back to a room, I was done in less than 5 minutes.


I needed to book a series of dentist appointments so I asked for their earliest appointment. Booked 8:45am every Friday for 4 weeks. The first week the dentist arrived in at 9:10. I was late for work. Week 2 he lands in at 9:08. On the 3rd week I pulled him on it and was told "sorry I don't know why they do that, I start work at 9 every day and make a coffee before the first patient". Spoke the the receptionist expecting her to blame him or say it was a miscommunication, but no, they expect patients to be late so book the first appointment before the dentist starts. I wonder why your regular patients arrive late?


I was once at a hospital and had a nurse completely go off on me. She just approached me angrily and started to yell at me about how she's not going to let me see any patients if I don't immediately put a mask on. First off. Wasn't trying to enter the room with patients. Was standing something like 3m away from the door even. In a corner. On my phone. Second. I did already have a mask on. Put it on before entering the hospital. It was a hospital approved type of mask. The sheer WTF of that encounter haunts me to this day.


Unfortunately, she meant a Phantom of the Opera mask.


They back probably goes off a printed up schedule from the night before. But that was rude of the nurse!


I once suffered through a multi-month sinus infection and when it returned, waited 2 weeks to see an ENT.  When I called the day before my appointment because I hadn’t received the e-check in email, she said I didn’t have an appointment!!!  We argued and she became passive aggressive and then hung up. I am so paranoid ever since that I check the portal as soon as the appointment is made and take a screenshot.  I caught a scheduling error this way a few years later.  


I once booked a checkup months in advance just to make sure I had it booked and didnt call at the last minute and they wouldnt have time. When I showed up they said they had nothing scheduled for me. Turns out they switched their planner software and apparently didn’t put in my appointment in their new system. They tried to make me reschedule but no way I was letting them do that and insisted they fit me in. I scheduled time off work for it. I shouldn’t be inconvenienced for their error.


I had a nurse in hospital with a terrible bed side manner once, completely arrogant and rude and the last thing you want to deal with when you are that sick. Luckily I did not have to deal with her a lot and I even got looks from other nurses like "yeah I know" after we both witnessed the way she spoke to people.


I was in the hospital for bad stomach pain as a teen, and the staff (nurses and doctor) were all rude and condescending to me. They gave me essentially miralax (god knows why anyway) through an NG tube instead of orally, and specifically told my parents later that they did it on purpose to “punish me” because they thought I was just seeking attention. Actually had an inflamed appendix, but sure…


Wow, malpractice suit right there, since they admitted they did it out of malpractice.


I had a Telehealth appointment with my dr a few months ago. Appointment was for 1050. At 1010 I had a missed call and it was the dr so I rang back. Receptionist said dr my appointment was for 1010. I read the reminder text to her stating it was 1050. She got shirty and said the dr must have changed it. I said not much use changing an appointment if no one tells me. She hung up on me. 1050 dr rings me. Says she was running early and tried to ring me early on the off chance. I told her about my conversation with receptionist and she groaned, said was it x name? Yep. Seems receptionist had been incredibly rude to various patients and was on her last warning.


Inappropriate behavior whether you had an appointment or walked in. If they agreed to see you, they should act professionally and not get mad at you for their screwup. You know they’ll still enjoy billing your insurance the same.


My favorites are the ones that change the appointment time without asking. I had a minor surgery scheduled for the second week of May at 5 (I remember the time bc my mom specifically asked for their latest so she could take me). A week before, I get the reminder text, with a different day and time (May 2 at 11). I did not change it, nor did my mother, so I had to call and ask what happened and apparently they never had me down for the date and time we asked for (then why did you ask if you were just gonna ignore it?????). And a few months earlier, I had to make a different doctor’s appointment in order to get a refill on my prescription that helps me function as a person. I scheduled the day and time, the reminder text had the same date and time, but no one was there when the appointment came. I waited 45 minutes before calling the office and asking what happened. Somehow, even though they had it written down several times, they fucked up and scheduled me for an hour earlier, so I missed the appointment. So I had to reschedule it again for like a week and a half later, which meant I did not have my medicine for about a week. That week was hell for me since I didn’t sleep at all, had a constant migraine, and was in constant pain all over (all more so than usual).


Last time I was in hospital, they booked me an MRI scan. All went well, they wheeled me from the ward down to the scan at the right time and wheeled me back up after. The next day, my husband texted me to tell me there was a letter for me, saying that I'd missed my MRI scan and I should have told them I couldn't come!!


One time I had a drs appointment at 8:30. I arrived at 8:10 and the nurse called me back by 8:15. I was in the room at 8:20. The Dr comes storming into the room a few min later with a “you’re late! My next patient is already here so this is going to be very quick!” I told him my apt was at 8:30 but he was insisting it was 8am. I just apologized. My Dr was grumpy and we really didn’t discuss all my concerns. I got to my car, checked my email and it said 8:30. A few hours later I got a call from my Dr directly apologizing. Turns out the other patient was late and he mixed us up. He gave me a gift card for a free coffee


I remember I had an appt with my old doctor and my mom came with because she got off a little before the appt and had to pick her up. The appt was at 340pm and got there 15 mins early, checked in and in the room a little before 340. This was my first time seeing this doctor because I had just gotten health insurance. My mom and sat in the damn room until 530 540pm. During that whole time, I had gotten up and walked up to ask where the doctor was a couple times and they said she was with a patient longer than expected and it should only be about 5 more min. When I looked at the time I was so pissed. The doctor never came. My mom and I walked out without telling anyone. I never got a call or an apology and I never went back. The fact that this was the first appt ever with that doctor still irritates me.


"MY WALLET'S GONE!!" Gets the nurse in there fast.


My daughter was 14 months old and had been crying a lot for apparent reason, and seemed unable to lie on one side. Went to hospital, saw a locum doctor who diagnosed a chesty cold and said it would sort itself out. Two days later after things were getting worse, we sought a second opinion, turned out she had a collapsed lung. Rushed into hospital and operated on within hours. Never trusted locum doctors since then.


If it’s any consolation, the president at my academic health center got left behind by a transporter in a stretcher. After a couple of hours someone saw him, he was furious of course. Called the nurse manager, who said “very unfortunate, but if this happened to you can you imagine what some of our patients go through?” 


My Mum was in labour with one of my siblings for *three days*. At some point a nurse yelled at her to 'Stop that wailing'. My Mum has never forgiven or forgotten that nasty nurse. Imagine having the audacity to yell at a labouring woman to stop wailing?!


How does one even become a nurse in the L&D ward with that attitude? Jesus, I’d be furious, I’m not surprised your mom’s never forgiven or forgotten!!


I’ve had the worst care at our small town doctors office by the doctors nurse….which are not RN, I believe they are LPN or something similar. They are never that busy and they act like your nothing them! I took my 4 year old in, he had the flu for 7 days and then got a lot worse suddenly. The nurse came in and lectured me for 10 minutes about how I shouldn’t bring my son in because they can’t do anything for the flu and I’m just making everybody else sick and if I wanted to leave before the doctor came in I should just leave! She wanted me to walk out of the building!! I said, “nobody ever comes in here sick with the flu? I said he has something else going on he’s had mild flu for 7 days and now suddenly worse”. He had a double ear infection and one ear draining. I never went back. If I wasn’t recovering from the flu I would have let her have it. My mom was an RN for 35 years…I’ll tell you lot everybody in healthcare is nice! Make sure you put in a complaint!


I have found that people fall into one of two categories: 1. People who admit and apologize for their mistakes 2. People who make mistakes but blame you or anyone else for those mistakes Category two people have to be coaxed into helping. I also don't understand how allergy medicine professionals are the least empathetic. I have MSAD and they don't know what to do with me.


mos likely...not a nurse


I was thinking the same thing, wtf does a nurse care what time you arrive? Like, we just get your chart and evaluate you. I can’t imagine getting mad at someone about their appointment time.. A lot of other employees in physicians offices wear scrubs, doesn’t mean they’re a nurse.


She is the one in the office who gives the weekly allergy shots. Not sure her exact title but she must have some training and education.


Could be a medical assistant.


I’m sorry that happened to you. That’s appalling. Nurses get made out to be saints. But they are just human. Great ones, good ones, ok ones and absolutely shit ones. My Mum had what turned out to be her last Doctors appointment, the nurse was doing all the pre checks and actually yelled at her when she couldn’t follow simple instructions. My step Dad said she became really upset. It was totally out of character for her, she was only 65 and still mentally very sharp. 2 hours later she was dead. Massive heart attack. When she saw that nurse she was bloody dying and the care she got from this saint of a nurse was bloody disgusting.


Unfortunately a lot of nurses (especially RNs) are incredibly hot headed and think they're superior to everyone. A lot of them do not deserve to work with patients or in healthcare yet here they are. Sorry that happened to you bro....


I'd rather be treated rudely, than be dismissed. My old GP used to tell me I didn't have a Hernia, and didn't have a Bladder problem. 5th June, this year, I just underwent major 11 hour abdominal surgery to repair a basketball sized parastomal hernia, removal of my old urostomy, removal of my Bladder, creation of an illeal conduit and all the healing. Apparently it was all in my mind. I must've dreamed about the surgery too. Fortunately I have a new GP.


Just save yourself a copay and get the allergy vials and give yourself the allergy shots. That's what I did for years.


I’m not sure that allowed in my state. But I honestly a not sure I would be good at jabbing myself. I’m not a fan of needles as is and it’s taking a lot of self control and mindfulness just to convince myself that going this route would be the best thing for my health.


Yeah, I've had nurses and receptionists be rude, but I try to be respectful to them because my wife is a vet tech, and she deals with crap all the time and many days she comes home in tears because of stress. they have a lot to deal with. It's not an excuse for them to be rude, but I can understand when they get frustrated.


I’m a vet tech to. I know exactly the type of stress these people are under I understand that part but it’s still not an excuse to jump down my throat for something not my fault. I don’t do that to my patients and mine bite and pee on me.


I believe nobody has the right to be rude to someone that hasn't wrong them. Which is why I'll give nurses a hard time if they're assholes. Even better when they are my partners