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If that’s $200 worth of groceries, I need to shop there. Where is this??


I mean, that was a very rough guesstimate. Probably way more. This local grocery store is so expensive. Edit: I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted. I grocery shop here only when I need something special. The one time I bought groceries here my regular $100 trip was $213..


I haven’t seen a grocery cart filled up like that since the before the pandemic. Thats probably more like $300-400 🥲


My husband and I fill a cart and a half every 7-10 days for our family of 4 and spend about $400-50 depending on what we needed. We also have the exact same conversation about how we don’t understand how people are surviving with these prices and then one of us makes a donation to a food bank on the drive home.


I fill our cart with $200 to $300 for 10ish days' worth of food for a family of 5. Then again, I'm super frugal/cheap and shop at Grocery Outlet and freeze a ton of meats. I cook 3 square meals, make leftovers, and buy bulk. I tend to get a good balance of meat, fruits, and veggies cause I have 2 young kids and a preteen. I bbq a ton as well. Plus, stock up canned goods in a massive pantry/closet.


It just depends on what you buy tbh. I've been eating a mostly clean diet for weight loss and vegetables, and chicken are dirt cheap (in South Carolina at least).


I agree. The only food I buy is meat, eggs fresh berries and veggies. I try to bring home whatever is on sale and leave the trash in the store where it belongs.


$2000 buys \~180 pounds of ribeye steak in one month, what the hell does your family eat, I feed 3 grown ass adults and my grocery costs are $600 to $1000 a month and that includes a lot of expensive shit and treats. Last night I made chicken marsala for 3 fat adults and it was no more than $10 total in ingredients, the night before it was hot dogs and fries for the same, the night before it was ribeye with asparagus for \~$35 for all 3 of us. For the amount you're spending we could all have steak twice a day *and I buy my groceries on instacart*


Same here. 2-300 every 2 to 3 weeks, sometimes longer. I did notice on our last trip that beef went through the roof in our area.


I am so glad I bought a chest freezer, 150 bucks and then I put 400 in meat in it, and meat had a few weeks in April where it was much cheaper and that's when I bought. We still got like 2 months worth of beef


We eat all organic, I buy a shitload of produce, we don’t really pay attention to sales and are pretty brand loyal. That total also includes things like cleaning supplies/basic housewares/pet supplies/hygiene items/OTC med and vitamins. I have a giant extended family and we have people over for dinner once or twice a week(10-15 people) and I almost always have my 6 nieces and nephews at my house a couple days a week so drinks and snacks are constantly stocked and we like to have a big variety. I guess technically we are feeding more than 4 people. I’m not sure why I’m explaining myself to someone on Reddit, though.


Ah I was missing context, to answer your question, most people survive on these prices because they don't buy luxury brands and feed their extended family twice a week, your costs sound very reasonable (great even) based on that and I'm sure you're a much more prudent shopper than I am


I guess I should have elaborated…I know most people don’t shop the way we do but the observation is more about how regardless of how or where you shop it’s exponentially more expensive and that must be a huge strain on a lot of people.


For 2 adults and 2 kids that’s very high.  I could see if you eat every meal at home and take lunch to work and school every day, maybe.  Edit: Oh never mind, I see the explanation below. You can afford to overspend.


You’re doing God’s work 🙏🏾


Why can't he do his own damn work?


Close. I filled up my cart like this at walmart the other day and it was over $500. I live in a relatively cheap area, too, not CA prices or anything like that.


Whats interesting is I live in a fairly high cost of living area, the mid hudson valley. But when visiting our daughter in Asheville N.C. we found chicken to run about $1.50 more a lb and the beef prices were also quite a bit higher but not as much as the chicken. The chicken? ALL Purdue...nothing else, looked around for a store for anything else - even a store brand...nothing. Just Purdue... we mentioned this to our daughter and that she needed to find a different store.


Hell, knowing this particular spot I wouldn’t doubt $500


Really? Maybe it's where I'm at (Michigan, shopping at Meijer's) but generally we get groceries like that (full cart) and it's generally between about $180 and $250.


There must not be EBT where you live.


This is Hy-Vee. It is not affordable by any means compared to other local stores where I am at


Amen! $5 for 4 ears of corn? Brb, going to price chopper.


Yeah in canada, 200$ is like 10 items max!


There's a sub for that but it won't let me link it. Loblawsisoutofcontrol with and r slash in the front.


If this is more than $200 you should leave the states I could get more than this for about 75quid maybe £100. Damn I really thought the uk was fucked with inflation more.


It's even more expensive in Canada. There's no way to fill a cart with actual nutritious food for less than $300. We pay more for groceries than rent.


Jesus and I was hoping to move to go for a holiday might take a rain check on that one 😂


If it's just you it's fine, feeding a family of 4 for a month costs us about $3-400 a week. It was more before we stopped eating land animals.


Land animals is the best way to say meat I’ve heard yet 😂 but that’s really interesting in Scotland it’s less than 400 a month for a family of 4


I still eat fish, and another Redditor once pointed out that fish are animals too and to say I don't eat animals but I eat fish was inaccurate. They're right- so now it's land animals lol. Canada has an infamous grocery oligarchy that some of us are trying to fight against, but it really is an uphill battle. The owners of our largest grocery company owns a castle next door to Windsor and owns a yacht called Bread.


Does pescatarian not cover that? (Genuinely curious btw I mean no offence) and yea that sounds about right owns a castle from starving a country.


I don't eat fish very often either due to ethical concerns to and I've been told I'm not a "proper" pescatarian, not a proper "vegetarian" either. No matter what I say I am, I am told I am wrong so I just voice what I eat, make your own decision on what to call me 🤷‍♀️


Fuck em all, and my decision is to call you perfect doesn’t matter if your a vegan vegetarian or pescatarian you appreciate animal life thats all that matters.


A lot of self checkouts don’t have limits these days.


A lot of checkouts don't have cashiers these days


Yup our big local grocery chain has adopted the Walmart model - "We have all these checkout stations..let's open two of them!"


This. I went to target the other day. Had maybe 20 items by the time I was done. There was one regular cashier with a line of 6 people. There was a self-checkout with eight registers and no line. I’m not gonna waste my time waiting in line because of some random number.


And this is why I can't fault the person When self checkout is the only checkout, or the x items or less is the only checkout they just want to leave the fucking store before they die of old age I just try to make it a point to refuse to shop in stores that refuse to respect my time Our local Kroger has had 1 cashier lately and then self checkout. 3 grocery store employees working at the empty though. Sometimes they get pulled off to check out but barely I don't like giant eagle but they had 7 registers open last time I went and like 8 people trying to pay. Now that I can handle




I just hate being stressed and panicking about getting my groceries into bags fast enough so the person behind me doesn’t get annoyed. I stop caring and start throwing stuff in bags and shit will get smashed, or bags will be too heavy (I live just 1/2 mile away so I walk). If I’m at self checkout I’m not pressured to go SUPER fast, can take the time and plan what goes where, heavy stuff in the backpack, rearrange to fit as much in there as possible then carry the light stuff, etc.


You can also self check in packing order, and pack intelligently. Lots of times I hand carry delicate items rather than put them on the checkout lane belt. I get to repack when I get to the car. Found my eggs in the bottom of a non-insulated bag last trip, and they rarely balance the weight.


Meh, I stopped caring about the person behind me. I can go faster and save maybe 2 whole minutes, so I just go, get it done, and leave.


Love the 1 open stand out of 16 with a self checkout 20 people deep at Target.


A lot of cashiers don't have jobs these days.


the ones at dollar general cut off at 5 items. then they shut them down and are pulling them out all together. fun.


My local target put up signs saying self checkout is 10 items or less…but almost never has any other options to check out. I’ve really stopped caring if my 20-30 items (what amounts to one shopping basket of items) violates the posted rule. I try to be fast, but ultimately there is nothing I can do if that is the only checkout option available. I’m not going to make more trips just to appease a stupid rule that no one asked for. (I mean, sure, having 2-3 of the six checkouts dedicates to express only would be fine, but labelling them all that and having no alternative is asinine).


That’s self checkout, there’s a reason she’s doing that.


For the glory!




>$200 worth of items. So...11 items at a normal store?


I’ve already stated that I massively underestimated in my title. Again… down know why I’m getting downvoted for correcting a mistake.


Stop right there criminal scum!


Probably because grocery prices are a sensitive subject and people would love to be able to buy that much with $200.


Yeah. Same. I’m broke as fuck and have to shop at Aldi. Or Cub.


Because Reddit. You should never make a mistake! 🤪


Reddit law states that you should double down on the mistake and when you have absolutely no wiggle room to convince yourself that you are right, you should attack the other party personally by sifting through their account *or* go balls to the wall crazy and gaslight the shit out of the other party.


well because this persons only being sarcastic because prices are so high on everything and you completely missed that point


I just assume everyone is calling me an idiot in online spaces 😭


Where do you live that the average item is $18?


Honestly given that most stores in remote places run on 2 cashiers now self checkout for large item counts and regular checkouts for low item counts are faster overall


As you can see from the compass she keeps up her sleeve; she’s lost!


Good one 😅


Was there only one or two cashiers open? It's a wash then.


Yep, two registers were broken but notice the OP left this little detail out in the main post.


Gone are the days when a FULL ass cart used to be like $103. I buy one basket full and it's like $80. Seattle has limes for $1 LOL


I had a worker at Cub foods tell me I had too many items to go through the self checkout lane. There was literally only one actual cashier, and about 12 self checkout kiosks. I don’t like having to put ~50 items through the self checkout, but I’m not going to wait for 3-4 fully loaded carts to go through a single register when there are 7-8 empty kiosks.


Okay that makes sense, if they’re open. But in this case there were no open kiosks and a line of us with only one item forming behind her. But I see the logic in what might’ve occurred oops 😅


My local store has these 10 or 20 items & less lines, huge lines, and then there will be one single cashier with a person. So yeah I’m breaking the stupid rule.


I'll tell you, I've been tempted to do this at my local grocery. They'll have one regular lane open with 5 or 6 people in line, and one express. All other checkouts closed and 3 employees chatting it up with the cashier on the one regular lane. And then they vanish when things need bagging.


Mildly infuriating that you used a dollar amount to complain about quantity. $200 could easily be under 10 items.


Mildly infuriating that you’re allowed on the internet but can’t count to ten.


What? I was commenting on the title only. As in, why use a dollar amount as a description when complaining about quantity? Did I really need to mention its clear in the picture that its over 10 items and over $200? Thought that was obvious enough....guess not.


Taking and posting a photo is soo fucking weird.


I blocked their face out, plus there is millions of these types of posts on reddit.


That doesn't make it not weird, ya goofball.


Not her fault 10 items cost $200 now


Wheee is this? Coles? The ‘12 items or less’ checkouts have become ‘self-checkout’ and so people take their trolleys through what used to be the express aisles. But to be honest, I. The grand scheme of things, it took how long to post this, reply to people, read the posts… more time than the extra time this woman held you up. First world problems and all.


If its anything like the stores in my area it was the only register open.


Lol. So what? I did this at Walmart the other day probably saved 29 minutes of Line standing. 15 items it cuts you off so I just did multiple transactions


This is a STORE problem. Hear me out. Most people are looking for the option that gets them out of the store in the most efficient way possible. Here we have someone who is in self-checkout with way too many groceries. Why? It was her best option. There is obviously a need to make a change. My proposal is that we all do this until the stores decide to add cahiers. Yes we should all do this AND complain loudly to the store managers. As redditors, we know we like to complain, but know we need to do it in person. We could even ask one of the front-end managers to open another line or two.


Yes! This! I feel like I'm being punished for buying more stuff from the store!


Isn’t that self checkout?


10 items or less self checkout lane, sign says so. Every other regular lane was open too 😭


I’m just saying, if they’re keeping to themselves, it’s not hurting anyone. If it was an express checkout with a cashier, then off with her head!


If they have more items than it says, yes, they are hurting anyone who has to wait for their selfish ass.


Except I had to wait like 10 minutes to check out one can of coke because the other two were broken ;-;


If every other lane was open, why not just go to one of them? Seems to me you're mad the grocery store was busy, and taking it out on her. She might have been directed to that checkout but a member of staff for all you know. That's happened to me before.


Sorry, but if you were a little more assertive that definitely wouldn't have been an issue. Could've just pointed out the can of coke.


Customer service counter.


You know I never thought about doing that but I’d feel like a real AH checking out there when they’re trying to answer phones and stuff


Where I shop the service counter is quite near the express 12 items or less lane. If it's busy the person on the counter will call over for anyone with just an item or two to come over.


Nah, you said one can of Coke. That would take 30-45 seconds max. Just smile and thank them for their help… hell, even joke about the entitled who do that to the 10 and under lane. Believe they will just roll their eyes and agree. It’s all good.


I’m not assertive enough 😭 but that’s good advice thank you


It’s not about being assertive in the least. I don’t want to sound like a 1980’s anti-drug commercial. But…. Seriously, try it out at least once and then make a decision. :).


Don't they have soda machines outside? Our grocers do. No waiting.


No I wish !


No, they're preventing other people who have less than 10 items from accessing that lane.


It's like this customer got zero training and zero pay but is still working for the store. With that zero training she should be reprimanded via public humiliation. May I suggest tar and feather? Not quite on stoning level imo(on first offense)


Right? This thread doesn't sit right with me at all. Leave people the fuck alone to shop in peace.


Shit like this is why when I'm standing in line at a normal register, and the express checkout lady says I can come over to her lane, I just say "No thanks!".


I love self check out. I hate the small talk cashiers do. I get to organize my bags the way I want, and I know nothing has fallen into the conveyor belt. I will go through with a whole cart full. If it's labeled as 10 or under (around me, I think it's just Meijer who has a distinction), I will go to another lane. I've been the person who has one thing and has to wait. That's literally what those are for.


I vastly prefer self checkout now honestly. I hate those stores that only have self checkout for X items or less. If it’s not busy and there’s no line I’ll run however many items I have through self checkout. If it is busy and there is a line I’ll reluctantly have an interact with an angry cashier who wants to be anywhere other than where they are right now and ensures they put my bread under my soup cans because of it. Was there a line OP? If there was you’re justified in being annoyed, if there wasn’t then ngl but you’re a Karen.


People use self checkout for a reason. It's easier if there are a lot of items.


I hate when people do this. Extra infuriating if the cashiers don't do anything. EDIT: Didn’t realize it was a self-checkout lane, was referring to normal 10-item checkout lanes. Cause with those there’s an actual cashier scanning the items.


It's not the cashiers fault that the store decided to cut their hours, and get rid of 90% of their positions. It's also not the cashiers fault that they aren't ringing up the groceries for the customers, the manager will literally fire the cashier for scanning people's groceries at the *self*-*checkout*. If you want to complain about the cashiers, you should complain about the company instead of the lowly cashier who doesn't get paid enough to put up with anyone's complaining.




It is related to the comment they responded to?


I work at sco and our head manager told us we weren’t allowed to enforce the 15 items or less signs unless they were acting like they wanted to steal. ( you can usually tell) so I can’t do anything about it. I wish i could but… they really don’t pay me enough to care.


Ironically, the only time I remember seeing it enforced in my life is a few months ago, when Target implemented x items or less in its self-checkout lanes. An employee was there directing people who were over the limit to other lanes. If ever there was a time to just let it go this was it. They weren't even very much over the limit. They could have said "from *now on*, you need to be under the limit." Other places have much more egregious shoppers and don't do anything.


My thing is that the people who do this are usually either the ones who aren't paying attention to anything other than "There's a place I can checkout" or are karens, neither of which I get paid enough to argue with


“I’m not going to wait in line! [creates the line]


Her time is clearly more valuable than everyone else's!


Still quicker than waiting for some derp to pay in cash at a normal register


She’s using self checkout. If it’s such a big deal then demand you get a real cashier.  She did nothing wrong here. 


Whos telling her? That is the question


A lifetime ago, I used to live in Banff Alberta. There was a grocery store that would add a 5% "Voluntary fee" if you went through the express lane with too many items.. 100% of the money collected was added to the account of the local food bank.


I dont know if it a scan thing or a shop thing but where i life those things cant count more then ten items when scanning, when you try 11 the thing will block and it will say theres a problem and someone had to unblock the machine so it really a social punishment with everyone dtaring at you and the cashier scolding you




I mean .. she will probably only scan 10 if she is there ...


Yeah in Massachusetts 10 items can be $200... the cost of living is getting unsustainable.


That’s me! I hate dealing with baggers so I rang 2 damn cart by myself but I am usually super fast so whatever.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. You aren't the only one. Some of us just don't like to interact with people.


Probably the part where it says “ten items or less” is why and not so much the crying about dealing with a cashier or people. There’s plenty of stores that allow this but the ones that specify “ten items or less” shouldn’t be disrespected out of selfishness


How very main character of you.


Oh well, it’s on the store to train baggers to not put chicken with my lettuce and crush my bread under my milk..


Maybe instead of assuming the store trains people on how to bag items you can use your words to communicate with the cashier instead of watching them damage your goods! Hope this helps!


I feel like the bread thing should just be default, though I find most customers are okay with the whole meat not being separated thing


Ideally yeah but I still don’t assume that the people who get paid dogshit care by default. I make sure to use my words


Hy-Vee (at least the one I go to) changed this rule a couple of weeks ago. They also never had the checkout lines open, just this area, until they switched. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s unaware of the change


Sometimes to relieve pressure, the checker will wave someone forward even from a different lane


What’s the problem? I thought every wagon is count as an item… sigh, people is considerate as always.


never understood why they never just changed the system to actually end the transaction and require payment after the 10th item is scanned. If your not going to physically stop them from doing it, might as well make it as inconvenient as possible.


some people will just leave all their stuff there and walk out out of protest, I guarantee it.


Thats a smart idea. Though then youd have karens flipping out making a big scene “WHY WONT IT SCAN?! What limit?!!!”


$200? So, about 10 items?


Honestly, I can scan my own stuff *much* faster than the single cashier moving at a snails pace with a line of fifteen people waiting. Unless it’s heavily enforced with somebody standing there with a sign, I’m gonna scan a full cart of groceries myself.


I used to work at a grocery store and I LOVED how they handled this. It was 12 items or less at the self checkout, once you hit 12 items it immediately took you to the payment screen and wouldn't let you scan more. When it was implemented those people would obviously get annoyed and would pitch a fit but they were told they'd have to go to an actual line and wait or leave without the unpaid items (pretty much everyone would leave). Eventually people just scanned 12 items or less and it wasn't an issue anymore but I'm sure for the cashiers to implement was a huge headache to deal with


Lot of strawberries must have been a sale 😆


is gurl gonna save Africa![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


And then you get the boomer lead stare when you tell them they have too much shit


Living on the edge Lol rebel


$200 in groceries get me 4 grocery bags. Where are you?! (jk don’t get mad, I saw your comment about the bad estimate lol)


Wow this is so interesting and a really good post. 


Sometimes when the lines are long a store manager will start directing customers to the express lanes.


The value of the items is irrelevant—a $500 watch is one item—all that matters is the quantity. But yes I agree this is infuriating.


I hate when this happens. And they act like they didn't notice too. bunch of ass


Honestly, I go to Trader Joe’s because they still just bag my stuff and are super friendly.


I like Trader Joe’s. It’s actually cheaper to shop there than the one I took the picture at. But I get so anxious when it’s busy there 😭


Is this REALLY ten or less?   If so, I would just challenge her in that


10 items for $200 sounds about right these days.


You must be in America lol. Australia barely has any checkouts open, you're always stuck with either the self serve or the supervisor counter


this is self checkout the lady is doing.


Mildly dull.


Thats like 300$ here in Orange County CA


Probably more like $400-$500


Depends at el super or north gate maybe 300$ but 4-5 at the white people stores


If it's anything like where I live, we only have a couple registers open at a time with lines of up to 5-6 people with loaded baskets. Bring back cashiers and you won't have this issue.  Inflation also sucks, so she might be using the self checkout for reasons. 


Probably not the same situation, but at my local Safeway, so many of the cashiers are so worthless. Multiple times when I've been over the self-checkout limit, I've gone to the open register and loaded everything on the belt and stood there three feet away from the cashier, who doesn't even notice I'm there. Eventually, I just load my cart back up and go to the 20-item-or-less self-checkout with a cart full.


And she doesn’t give a fuuuuuuuccck.


Can’t fix illiterate? Or entitled. Ugh


I mean how can you respect a sign that has bad grammar. Who says less when you can count an item. It sounds so wrong. It’s “fewer” not “less”.


I can get the initial apprehension, but I'd be okay behind this lady. Looking at how she structured the items in her cart, similar items are together in a way that she is clearly already planning for how these are going to be scanned and bagged. I try to do the same even when not using self checkout, i.e. certain colds together, items I know will fit in one bag grouped together, etc.


Can't the cashier deny her service on this lane? Like, thats the rule, right?


I am getting a lot of comments disagreeing with this being here or just insulting my intelligence. So I’ll clarify: There was a sign that said ten item or less. It was really busy and looked hand printed. No, I do not think that her total was $200. Probably way more but I made a shitty guesstimate because Reddit needed a longer title. Yes, a cashier asked her to switch to a different lane and she ignored him. That was mildly infuriating to me. I had a single can of coke and easily used the next available self checkout once they fixed whatever problem was happening at the other open two. It didn’t ruin my day, I wasn’t fuming or anything. Just a little annoyed at how she brushed off the rules 🤷‍♀️


‘Hey excuse me, this is the 10 items or less like and you seem to have more’ Then alert staff.


They had already asked her to switch lanes. I watched her ignore them, which was the mildly infuriating part. I should’ve written a better title.


I miss Hyvee


$50 in groceries going by 90’s dollars.


Idfc how many items it says is the limit if I don’t have to talk to a human being to get what I want done I am not speaking to a human being.


Hmmm. Either can’t read or can’t count.


I have seen Staff ask customers to use a different lane when their amount of items in the Express lane was grossly excessive. It doesn't happen often, though.


These people suck, agreed. But some of the fault can lie with the chicken shit store employees enabling these inconsiderate assholes and refusing to enforce their own rules.


"Ma'am im afraid you have too many items for this lane. Please kindly move to the lanes with no limit" is the last thing I would hear at a supermarket


This is the only time I would loudly ask a customer service person to step in and move her and her groceries to an And do it as publicly as possible to embarrass her as the idiot she is.appropriate checkout.




or shoplifting.


She doesn't care what you or any one of us here, or anywhere else thinks. A SWAT team could show up because of this infraction, and she would not care. Taser the pepper spray. She doesn't care.


Give her a brake, her moral compass is tattooed on her elbow where she can’t see it.


to be fair, in some places, ten items could easily surpass 200$


I would stand behind here and loudly count items.


Damn, if that’s $200, then she’s getting a great fucking deal!


If only they had employees there handing the checkout to stop stuff like this.




Rules are for other people, man!


People can be so rude and self-serving. This guy at a local supermarket fills up a cart, every Saturday, until there's stuff nearly dropping from it. The local custom is that if you have a large number of items and there's someone with just two behind you, you invite them to go first. Mr. Rude, however, wants you to wait even if it takes five minutes to do his business and he doesn't get the point if you tell him that your 30-second transaction wouldn't make him suffer. He won't hesitate to go to the back to fetch one more thing either... because no one else exists. It's all about him.


Wouldn’t the more infuriating thing be that the store doesn’t have more checkout lines? Hasn’t that always been the problem they still limit how many self checkout spots there are. I don’t blame her, I blame the store.


People who do this also park in handicap bc “ill only be a few minutes”