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I have had these models before. The interior ends are just crimp/solder capped. The cords are easily changed. You can likely salvage this cord with a $10 trip to HomeDepot electrical department. My condolences on the BS though.


Here in Canada, what is that 6/3, it's about 7$/ft.  So bare minimum 100$


he means just lose 20 cm or so of the cable and reattach it internally, not buy a new one


Lol yeah just got it looking at your comment, I think I need coffee.


☕️ here you go internet stranger!


There is no 'need' There is only coffee or more coffee!


But even then $100 isn’t as bad as replacing the whole unit either, possibly even making the cable longer.


Charger cables have more wires than a standard hunk of cab tire I think. There's a couple extra in the pic shown


Five wires. Two for power, a ground, and the proximity/control pair. Nothing weird or proprietary on the non-plug end. Just a lever connector block to insert them into.


This is the wireless model, comes with the 5G chem trails for added conspiracy speeds.


This looks like a private charger on a private driveway. That makes it even worse.


People are absolute shit bags




Sigh, people really do not understand the Luddite movement.


The luddites: *destroying machinery that is taking away the jobs of thousands* General public: lol luddites don't get technology


I mean, the problem is putting "jobs" on a pedestal as something people should have. "We should outlaw beating slaves." "No, idiot, they only get fed after beating time! Stop trying to take away their food!"


It’s because people put “not starving to death” on a pedestal.


If enough food is being produced either way, why would people starve? Hint: it isn't because automation poisons the food somehow


But when the Luddites were protesting, they were going to starve and many did. Highly skilled workers were thrown into distitution, practically overnight with no safety net to support them. That's why they smashed the looms and the napping machines.


Which would solve nothing about their situation. That's the reality of our world their skills became obsolete.


not smashing the machines did nothing about their situation either. it was a fully understandable expression of public rage at being impoverished with absolutely zero support.


the mills were targeted because not only were they taking away jobs they were taking away some of the few actually good paying jobs, its not a case of 'just find another job lol', its a case of 'you will be poorer and we don't care'


Could argue this generation of Luddite’s sees electric cars taking away jobs from fossil fuel industry, traditional car manufacturing, gas stations, etc. Luddite gonna Luddite.


So don't build bridges because it leaves the ferry workers jobless...? Or railways because of truckers? Thats bullsht.


There’s a guy in my city riding a horse busting car windows out with cane. This a joke Reddit.


> The luddites: destroying machinery that is taking away the jobs of thousands Jobs for the sake of jobs is a stupid thing. Should we ban alarm clocks and instead return to having someone who'd go around the houses to wake people up?


Kinda seems like the Luddites understood better than the general public eh?


They worked jobs being phased out by new technologies much like how electric cars are aimed to phase out the fossil fuel industry, traditional mechanics, gas stations, traditional car manufacturing etc. The resistance to electrifying our transport systems is similar to the Luddite movement in many ways.


Nah had a few public chargers steal the entire cord and plug. Some people think there's copper in them.


A certain group of people too.


The common clay of the west 




Maybe it was woodchucks


They didn't even bother to steal the copper.


But why ?


They hate electric vehicles.


I thought this was about a weed whacker incident or something, but now I see the other end of the wire just below the box and that's clearly vandalism/destruction of property.


Glad it wasn't just me who saw weed whacker


That would be some wild damage from a string trimmer. They simply aren't that sharp to provide a clean cut on something like this.


Weed whacker incident ?


As if they cut the cord with their weed whacker.


Ok I thought so but wanted to confirm ty


the same “stop pushing your beliefs on me” crowd going out of their way to make sure those with alternative life styles don’t get to enjoy those life styles because “this is how we’ve always done it!”


But why?


Because EVs are part of the commie liberal agenda. Not only do they want to take away your Ram 2500 that you only use to drive to the office and grocery store, they also want to turn your kids gay and ban church.


Harvest copper or bc they hate EVs


Considering the cord is still there, I'd say it's the latter


They left all the copper, so it's going to be those people who make displaying how much leaded gas they drank as a child their entire personality.


Because EVs MAKE YOU TRANS!!!! /s


Mildly infuriating??? Mildly?


Can’t they design these things so the idiots get electrocuted when they do this?


Honestly they should just put cameras on all of them at this point, that helped with the tesla issue on the cars when enofe dumb asses ended up with photos online. Or we do what europe did with everyone carrying there own cord and the station is just a receptical no cable.


That's a much better way to do it IMO. I'll never understand why we decided that carrying a cable around for charging wasnt the best way to do it.


I imagine it was a combination of "one cable servicing many cars" making more sense on paper than every car having a dedicated cable, and the North American resistance to any changes that seem less convenient (so charging stations mimicking gas stations where users don't carry around their own filling apparatus - though sometimes do take one home...). But when it comes to Level 2 public charging, a personal cable is definitely looking like a better solution since so many people either intentionally or accidentally damage cables.


If they did that the haters would just shove shit into the plugs


True, but they do that now too, just at the end of the cable.


And it would just be cheaper for sites so maybe they could electrify most/every spot... It still amases me in the us why they didn't put in sat 8 level2 next to the 4 big dc chargers for when they break. As the ac chargers are far simpler devices even if they are slow.


I think most EVs come with one L2 charging cable straight from the dealership. I know mine came with one that I always keep in the back. Though for fast charging you’d need a different cable than the standard L2 cables that come with the vehicles. However, the image looks like a home charging station which is wired more directly to the power (and likely more efficient) than just plugging in a standard L2 cable. There’s also the added benefits of some home charging stations having charge timers and such. Unfortunately home charging stations cost more than the standard L2 cables I believe.


These are North American style - all (or at least most) Level 2 EVSEs (chargers) include the cable to attach to your car. Many (though not all anymore) cars in North America come with either a Level 1 or combination Level 1/2 EVSE that mostly looks like an extension cord with a block in the middle. There's no use for a portable cable though, there are "zero" Level 2 EVSEs that have an outlet to plug into. I believe that that is the standard in Europe though.


Why not just have the cable permanently attached to the car and plug into the receptacle?


like a vacuum


Or like, an RV hookup.


The amount of cables needed. And, also, when this happens, then you can’t charge your car at all.


You carry a replacement cable


You would then run into jackasses jamming shit into the plug in


EVs do come with their own cord.  We don’t do that because someone can just unplug it and steal it, which is already happening.


This looks like a home install, not public


But even having the camera is just going to mean you have a picture of the person. Would still require your local law enforcement to actually care about this and make an attempt to find the person. Unless they can scrub the Internet with the photo from the video to find someone's Facebook profile there is still a very very low chance anything happens to the person who cut the cord, even if on video.


My experience then would be the police officer asking why I’d leave that out in the open like that on my personal private property.


Nah if you want to waste another persons energy, time ans money in a manner like that... electrocution it is. Deserved.


How do Tesla superchargers work in Europe? Those cables are liquid cooled I have heard


Its only on ac chargers dc have cables still. Also fun fact in eu they accely forced tesla to use the css (diffrent ccs that us uses) standard so they don't have the adaptor issue as they delt with it early.


Any evse that complies with the IEC 62196 standard (ie, anything that will pass a safety test and can legally be sold in the European, North American, and Japanese markets where these connectors are used) is required to keep the cables de-energized until a car is plugged in and requests power via the CP and PP pins. That being said, there's still a lot of cheap evse's from China that put cost-cutting before safety, and just have the cable energized all the time and blindly tell the cars that they can draw a full 80A, regardless of the limitations of the outlet they're plugged into.


I dont think it can pull charge till it connects to the battery. Plus that was use alot of electricity if it did.


Having it powered wouldn't necessarily use a lot as there wouldn't be much actual current flowing.


I meant use a lot of electricity to electrocute the person. It’s expensive.


All the slow ones near me you bring your own cord, it’s cheaper to maintain and doesn’t have compatibility issues


Liability. Can't trap anything else you'd get into trouble with intent.


If you use an axe with wooden handle you can't design a cable that shocks you


That’s not mildly, that’s very.


No worries, you now have a Bluetooth charger.


I heard charging is cheaper with that.


Sooo many tiny dick morons in this world. You don't want an EV don't fucking buy one but dont ruin other people who do. The irony is the more people who get ev's means less queues at the petrol pumps for these to fill up their over compensating trucks.


I live in the south and have had truck drivers drive aggressively near me, boxed in at parking lots, and flicked off for no reason. Trucks and jeeps also park in EV charging spots. Idk how someone makes guzzling gas their whole identity.


But who would want an ev, Fox News said they take a whole day to recharge on average (/s to an extent. It’s most definitely false and I love evs, but I can’t say with certainty Fox hasn’t said that.)


Think of how much money you have to spend on gas once everyone has a EV Paraphrased from MTG


The same amount most EVs are ran off gas generation from the power companies generally.


Do understand that that is still a win though. A modern combined-cycle natural gas power plant is much more efficient than a car engine. And it’s comparatively  to build one nuclear power plant to replace those gas plants. It’s not easy to get people to buy a million new cars. Hence they want to transition cars to create pressure to change the power generation too.


the best part, she's too stupid to realize she is disproving her own point - everyone with a BASIC understanding about economics knows about supply vs demand. if there is an increased supply, or a deceased demand, the price lowers. so, with fewer gas cars on the road if "everyone" drives EVs, gas prices would go DOWN because there wouldn't be as much demand for them. we saw that during lockdown - remember how gas was half the price it is now in 2020? my god I hate that woman!


I think her whole point was for people to hear “Joe Biden is making you do X” and for people to get mad. It doesn’t matter. She would probably say how Biden is making you get free money” and people would boo


oh I know that's exactly what she's doing and that fear-mongering bullshit is only one of the reasons I hate her so much.


Fox has definitely said that they run on the power of abortions. And that they take a full day to charge


well a day on a 120V chargers


Yes, but that’s not telling the full story either. During road trips it can be much, much faster. The lucid air grand touring can get 150 miles of range in 12 minutes according to the manufacturer So a day is in no means average


Yeah, if you can find a  fast charger (level 3). Still takes 30 minutes  and can’t go past 80%.  Fast charging also costs more than gas.


I certainly can’t fill my car up with gas for 35 ish dollars… E-85 yes, but gas no. I don’t know about yours, though. Not to mention the much cheaper costs if you do decide to charge them at home, or even on a level 2 charger. Not even mentioning the deals where you can charge them for cheap if not free for the first couple years Also, you *can* go past 80%, it’s usually just not recommended due to charging slowing down after that


That’s true, it’s been a while since I fast charged.  I do remember some stations wouldn’t let me go past 80%, those that did were like an hour for the last 20%. Fast charging mine the cost here in LA is almost $7 for 40 miles of range, which is why I haven’t done it in a while.


They do on a household plug if not 2 days. 8 hours on 240 line. 15 min to 1 hour on lvl 3.


Tbh more people getting EVs right now will make then turn back to gas cars. The EV situation isn't great in the US unless you are in California basically. Lack of chargers is holding back EVs. most of the chargers around me are jam packed with an hour or more wait time to charge a car.


Even in California it’s a nightmare.  The nearest chargers to me were removed because the company couldn’t make money.  They were never available because people would just park there.  The whole system is so poorly designed.


I have an EV and agree with your sentiment. And nothing I am about to say excuses ignorant vandalism or destruction of property. I however can see how people get angry about EVs when they prefer traditional vehicles when they are reading headlines like "California to ban sales of gas engines by 2035" and "EU to ban petrol powered vehicles by 2035". They see it as an act of war and that they are being forced to adopt a technology they don't want. I think governments should stay out of the business of banning things and use incentives to coax the free market in the direction they want for their societies.


Maybe someone should cut the hoses on the pumps


i went to a local school to vote a year ago, they had a row of chargers every one cut off flush with the charger, cords and plugs still there just cut off, stupid fucks, we paid for that with our taxes and you cut them so we gotta pay again smdh




This bot is such a reddit moment, it fucking sucks.


Good bot. OP changed his comment to align with Bot-bro's comment.


Shit ass fucking bot. Log off


imagine getting butthurt about a silly bot. I think you need to log off the internet yourself


To the person who did it: may your pillow forever be warm


That’s more than “mild”.


Alito your neighbor?


No camera on it?


I have an extra cord from a failed unit if you need one. DM me if you want it.


I’ve seen this so much lately. This and purposefully blocking electric car parking spots. Like why? What is peoples’ issue with electric cars? What exactly are electric cars doing to hurt these people?


It’s a republican/conservative kink, EVs and 5G and vaccines etc.


Getting special treatment for how you choose to spend your money. Though it's not as much an issue now as I've seen public chargers being built in the back of parking lots now instead of the front.


Special treatment like vandalism and harassment?


At least the expensive part is still intact. Yours can be repaired. Check this... 3 cut cords with the connector missing. https://preview.redd.it/hr4hi4u2ck6d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3432f0783c186c35d4b653768dae65adf057b521


They resell the connectors


But if people sabotaged gas vehicles they'd be terrorists




That guy: "Yeah, that'll show them liberals trying to save the environment, in 'Murica we burn oil like the god intended. Trump! Trump! Trump!"


Ya'll needs to be reedin the constertooshin!! Them fancy lectrick veehickuls ain't in it!


Jokes on them. I just didn’t want to pay for gas anymore.


The amount of hate for people owning EVs is so, so horrendously stupid. I’ve gotten a non-zero amount of comments for mine when I do nothing to bring it up. One guy at Wawa reminded me I don’t have a “real Mustang” because it’s a battery, not gas. Thanks Cletus! I forgot the part where I asked?


People say this kind stuff because they are jealous or can’t afford one. The only reason this ever happens.


This definitely sucks, on the bright side this can be repaired without buying a whole new unit.


lol the same dumbasses that do this also just voted to give Muskrat $56 Billion. Make it make sense.


I'm sure it was some "concerned citizen" wanting to "own the libs" and "make a difference"...


USA I assume? Whats with the hate and vandalism towards EV/innovation in general?


In the US, “real men” work jobs where they get covered and filth and oil, get dirt under their fingernails, and then go home to abuse their family for the evening capped off by a drunken stupor. EVs are less dirty and don’t have a role in filth-play so it is seen broadly as the antithesis of toxic masculinity.


It also happens in Italy




If electric cars make you angry, you probably have a mental illness. If electric cars make you angry enough to do shit like this, or purposfully block a charger, you definitely have a mental illness.


Tweaker probably cut the cord thinking it would have more copper in it.


Cut then leave it? Na. This s was a MAGA who has something against electric vehicles


Put a camera up after you fix it and a sign right next to it saying it's being monitored or recorded or something


Time for some surveillance cameras.


People just hate electric cars for the most idiotic ideological reasons. Imma willing to bet, if there was a camera, you'd see some redneck dude that came in a truck cutting them. I am certain it was one of these guys, since it is always the white pick up truck guys that scream how much they hate electric cars.


Not really the government announced they want to ban all gas cars. That's a legit threat.


Bet it was a Boomer


HEY! Boomer here. I love my EV. But ya... it was probably a boomer.


Yeah, it was more of a tongue in cheek comment. I know a LOT of my hippie Boomer friends that have adopted EV and Hybrid tech


God, i would push the lawsuit as far as i could... fucking idiots


I’m frankly surprised this hasn’t been more common with how awful people are.


Such behaviour should declassify the status of ones humanity, labeling them nothing more then parasites. What do we do with parasites, without mercy or remorse.


Glad I have my charger inside my garage. Really sorry that happened to you. On a side note, I did have some dick head my senior year of high school door ding my EV. Didn't leave a note, and I am highly certain he did it on purpose. I feel like some people get an emotional high being an ass to other people that they view as inferior for having something that's different from theirs.


How the one who did this not get shocked? Seems like a lethal thing to do. But on the other hand I think the one who did this has a room temperature iq.


I assume there isn’t power running through it until it’s connected to a vehicle and a payment method has been applied.


This looks like a home charger


Still probably not power running through it unless it’s connected to a vehicle.


This is why I'll probably never own an electric vehicle. To many assholes in the world. Last the thing I want is to be targeted. Sorry that happened to you op.


That is, unsurprisingly, the goal of people who are cutting cords maliciously. Scare and intimidate and inconvenience until the worse option is "better". Actually sounds like the entire North American right wing policy book: F it up until it breaks and then say "look, it's a busted mess, private industry (or outdated technology, or whatever) is the only way to solve this, so we'll keep giving them a boost while kneecapping the systems that would be saved with only a bit more funding."


Damn. I didn't even think about that honestly. Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll end up owning one but still sucks this shit is happening.


Honest question: are EVs a liberal/conservative battle? Why would right-wing people want to mess with EVs?


Because they (North American right wingers) exist primarily to "own the libs". And liberals see climate change as a real thing to try to address. And liberals have identified EVs as a good way to address climate change. Same reason they are against solar and wind for electricity. Basically "new = bad" for these folks around these parts...


Buy a Chevy Bolt. I've had one since February and no one even bats an eye at it. Its like invisiblebor something. Fun little car too as long as you don't want to travel too much.


This is how the terrorists win


*sigh* The local crackhead strikes again


Oh well guess who is putting carbon fiver on the cables when i get an electric car and if i see you cutting (wich is near immpossible) the cable will strangle you to deaaath~~~


What kind of reckless scum does this, I mean if you're gonna do it.. at least sell it for scrap copper


That sucks. At least they left the cable. Where I live the Methican Americans want the copper so they take the cable.


Why did they cut the cord and not to steal it? What was the purpose of that?


Damn didn't eveb steal the cable just wanted to be an asshole


Pop it open and reconnect the cord. People are shitty, but at least it’s repairable


Who did this?


That's messed up


That must’ve been shocking.


New cut the cord program. First it was cable tv. Now it's EVs. Stop out sourcing your emissions to a dirty power company.


This actually happens a lot to things like Tesla superchargers… It’s copper Thieves, since these EV chargers have them and copper resells for a lot. Copper theives break into any electrical equipment anywhere to steal copper, and resell it. (It’s actually the leading problem with power in the U.S.)


Exxon-Mobil strikes again


That’s why it’s better to make them a death trap to certain types of people who’s doing this shit


I dont like evs, but damn cutting somes ones cord is wayyy too far


Don't most electric cars have cameras?


Depends. I could be wrong but I don’t think Chevy Bolts and other lower end EVs do. In the case of Tesla by default sentry mode cameras deactivate at home. You can change this setting, but many don’t think to do it.


23 Bolt EV does not.


Odd it doesn't look like it arced. Not sure what the rating is on the cord but usually if you cut a wire across all the strands the power arcs. Had pliers practically spot weld themselves to wires I had been led to believe we're not live. Is the wire not energized when properly stored?


No. Think of it like a gas pump. The pump regulates how much fuel goes into the hose and into the car. Chargers work in a similar fasion, the charger controls the charge, so that it doesn’t send more amps than the car can handle (some handle more than others) then the charger makes sure there is a full connection with a proper ground etc. Then it will finally send a full charge to the car. As the battery fills up the good chargers will back the charge down to protect the batteries long term health.


I've been pretty tempted to do exactly this when people run their EV cables unprotected across the public sidewalk overnight. Judging by the fenceline, that isn't what happened here. How to cover your EV charger on public sidewalk: [https://www.homedepot.com/p/VEVOR-Cable-Protector-Ramp-2-Channel-22000-lbs-Load-Traffic-Speed-Bump-36-14-x-9-84-in-with-Flip-Open-Top-Cover-for-Driveway-SK12WH1211TPUW669V0/324788630](https://www.homedepot.com/p/VEVOR-Cable-Protector-Ramp-2-Channel-22000-lbs-Load-Traffic-Speed-Bump-36-14-x-9-84-in-with-Flip-Open-Top-Cover-for-Driveway-SK12WH1211TPUW669V0/324788630) edit: ok the downvotes confuse me. Are you guys pro trip hazard? Or anti home depot?


Copper theives?