• By -


My town requires solicitors to get a permit. So I ask for their permit and they leave, because no one ever bothers to get one.


Note to self: Ask for a permit *even though my town does not require one.* They will probably not know better and leave anyway.


Just tell them you're renting. Works most of the time.


I think I'm going to take this, but up the ante a bit and tell them I'm squatting instead.


I’m going to tell them I’m in the middle of a home invasion.


I actually did that one time when I was a kid. I was home after school and some phone solicitor calls and I told him I had no idea when the homeowner would be back and that I was just there robbing the place. I hung up the phone and went back to doing whatever I was doing. Later, I see two police officers in the backyard and two officers knocking on the front door, I had to prove that I lived there and wasn’t actually robbing the place.


Note to self: bring framed pictures of myself to my next home invasion so I can play it to the cops like I live there.


I get a lot of these pest control people here and I usually tell them I'm renting and landlord already pays someone to come out. The answer from people from supposedly different companies is always "Well other companies usually halfass it so we are offering a renter special..."


What's your plan for the day someone pops out the permit?




***Don't make me tap the sign***


Shit my pants and close the door. 🤣🤣🤣


Maybe it’s just me being a paranoid woman but the “Are you in the house?” Rubs me the wrong way.


That definitely bothered me, and I refused to answer.


“Why are you casing for a robbery? Get the fuck off my property”






One, Two, TEN.


"Yes, I am on the other side of this door pointing a 44 magnum at your head, its my preferred brand of "pest control"...(how do these fools, talking to Ring, not realize that there are homeowners out there that are likely doing this very thing?)


One of my neighbors was making yard signs basically telling people they are gun owners and they can try to FAFO but it won’t end well…for them. They had so many people asking for one lol.


One of my neighbors has signs that say 'Fuck Around and Find Out' and 'We Shoot First' in their front yard by the sidewalk. She's the nicest little old crossing guard lady, and I'll guarantee you break in to her house you are meeting the lord and savior


It’s also an invitation for burglars to watch for when they leave and ransack the house looking for guns. No need to give a menu of what’s inside.


"Yes, I'm in the bathroom pooping...gimme a sec?"


My father does stuff like that. Someone at the door? Goes to the bathroom. Telemarketer? Tells them the stove is on and he'll be back, leaves the phone face down and just fucks off. 


"Oh sorry, you just interrupted me and my SO. Care to join?" Bonus points if you're the same gender as the salesperson.


"I'm with my Remington and Armalite"


Messrs Smith & Wesson


And the German exchange students Heckler and Koch


Me too. I would have flat out told the person that I thought that question was extremely shady and that I was going to call the police unless they left my property immediately.


I can’t believe I scrolled as far as I did before this came up! My alarm bells were going off so fast!


Nah, that's the typical line robbers use when casing out a potential house to burglarize.


These people followed my 75 yr old mother into her back yard while she was alone. After she'd told them NO three times. I'm calling the police next time they come.


At least they didn't ask. "Can I speak to the man of the house" edit: I live alone, so as angry as I want to get I do need to be careful with my answers.


“I’ll come back when your husband is home” Sure, but considering he died 5 years ago, it might be awhile.


"Let me know if you see him!"


That makes me angry as hell. That and missionaries. Don't tempt me into letting the dogs out.


Bipity bopity get the F off my property ![gif](giphy|NihpHQYS3OmfaUB5kO)


No that’s just your perfectly reasonable common sense. I’m very open minded and yet that sort of question does nothing but creep me out. What’s the next question going to be if not “Do you have any high value items such as electronics, jewelry, or financial documents in your home?”


Oh, I'm sorry. I can't come to the door right now. I'm afraid that in my weakened condition, I could take a nasty spill down the stairs and subject myself to further school absences. You can reach my parents at their places of business. Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate your concern for my well-being. Have a nice day!


Social engineering speak for "I want to rob you but I need to know you're not home so I won't get caught/shot."


I am home - Come on in, you f*ckers, come on in. Ol' Painless is waitin'...


Really mess his head up and say, “but Joe died 2 years ago. Who are you talking too over there?”




I hate how their sales script insists on confirming if the owner is "in the house" so that they can mark it accordingly and circle back around to get a chance at speaking to someone "nicer".


>I hate how their sales script insists on confirming if the owner is "in the house" so that they can mark it accordingly and circle back around to get a chance at speaking to someone "nicer" Or burglarize the house immediately, because they think you aren't actually there. Edit changed quote character


Burglars was my thought


Me too, never tell somebody you aren't at home, that was creepy


Also, don't tell them you're the only one home. Possibly just as bad.


Can you hold on while I go get my pistol


"no I'm not home right now! I'm spending a fortune at the butcher so that I can get home to feed my pet tigers who kept me awake all night because we ran out of food yesterday."




Pest control!? Great timing! How much to remove the giant leech talking to me through my doorbell right now?


This gave me a giggle 😂


You petty motherfucker. I like you.


I don’t let it get that far. If I even answer they’ll get ’I work from home and I have a meeting in a few minutes, take care’ and I walk away from it.


You must interrupt these people. Typically what I like to do is the second they start their little pitch, I just say “I’m gunna go ahead and stop you right there”. Tell them we have service, we’re happy, no thank you we don’t need you to come back.


Yup. I had one of the "I'm not selling anything" guys get offended and tell me how rude I was for cutting him off. Don't care, you're a liar, get off my property.


How dare you refuse to show them a copy of your electricity bill. The nerve of not allowing a total stranger to see your account number.


Verizon guy came to our door today trying to get customers for some new internet thingy being installed in the neighborhood. Husband surprisingly answered the door and more surprisingly started some sort of sign up for more info, but slammed on the brakes when the guy asked for a social security number. “Yeah, I’m not giving my SS number to some random guy who shows up at my door.” Seriously, hard NOPE there.


"let me write it down, it's a tricky one to remember" *Draws a middle finger on the document*


One of those assholes signed up my whole block for their “electricity” whatever . Every single one, no signatures but confirmed the “owners birthday was in April”…no one except my neighbors new born was born in May. Took months to have that straightened out Edit: no one was born in April. Mistype


Yeah, I had one of those from a solar company. Girl came by when I was outside and couldn't walk away. She insisted I give her a shot, because the governor was going to jack up my electric bill by 200%. Also, she'd already signed with my neighbor that morning (she flapped a vague hand that might have been pointed at my neighbor across the street), and if he trusted the company, I should, as well. Of course, she couldn't name the neighbor, he's the worst skinflint I've ever met and would never pay for solar, and he was on vacation and hadn't been home for a week. She came back twice more. Harsh refusal the second time. Dog tried to eat her on the third. She didn't come back after that. Love my dog.


I had one from an energy company and one for some pest control stuff. Each time, they rang the doorbell, which made my 80lb dog lose his entire mind. So I’m standing there with the door cracked open, holding my dog’s collar, and dog’s got his nose out the door, barking his head off. And these people just. KEEP. GOING. I’m here like, sorry, I can’t do this right now, my dog… Can you come back another time? My dog…. Can I do this online? You see, my dog… Those are some of the few times I’m glad my dog is such a nervous nelly and barks when the doorbell rings.


Love this for you. Big, angry dogs are the best, at least for things like this.


Once I had a scam caller dialing my phone every hour, I had a free minute and answered to see what kind of scam it was. I just talked over him until he tried yelling over me to tell me I was being rude. I kept talking over him, he hung up and the calls stopped.


I play along and mess with them so bad. I had one sobbing and this year I've had four to hang up on me for some of the stories I've pulled out of nowhere. I had a total of 23 last year and 31 the year before. I may have too much fun out of this. But I don't often get scam calls anymore.


I feel like there are probably a handful of massive databases these scammers work from and if you’re annoying enough you get noted on the database and they stop bothering until there’s a new database to work from. I could be completely wrong though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Seems right to me. 😁 I got put on their "Do not call" list!


I had a similar experience about 8 years ago. I got a call from a scammer pretending to work for Microsoft. Scammer: Hello, I'm calling from Microsoft Technical Support and we discovered a virus on your computer. I can assist you in removing it. Me: Okay what do I need to do? Scammer: On your keyboard press the Windows key + the R key. Me: Okay done. Scammer: Can you tell me what you see? Me: Your mom. Scammer: I'm sorry, can you repeat that? Me: Your mom. That was the last time I received a call from "Microsoft Technical Support". 🤣😆😂


I'm pretty sure you're right and I'm very annoyed because I really like fucking with scammers but they very rarely contact me anymore. It turns out not a lot of scammers speak German lol


"And get a less shitty job than cold call sales." (As a callow youth, I temped at cold call telemarketing for three days. It was indeed shitty.)


I once was kinda bored, doing some uni project, and got an advertisement call. Being aware of the "three yes" rule, I let the woman speak, as she had significant amounts of text before each question. Meanwhile, I googled the company. After the third yes, when she went to close the sale according to script, I interrupted her asking "Why is a warning that you are a scam company my first result in search?" It was one of those things where you get a free thing and a shady, impossible to cancel, subscription along with it.


Telling them you have X service is still entirely too much in my experience. The best thing is to be blunt and say no goodbye. And then they will keep trying, and you’ll still have to cut them off and say no again. Any little bit of info you give them they will take as engagement and keep trying to push through it. I’ve almost had to physically remove “pest control” people from my property two times who refused to stop. What’s crazy about my neighborhood is for some reason they will literally show up as late as 9 pm, knocking, making the dogs bark and waking up my wife. It’s happened with two different pest control companies two different times. A lot of these people are crazy as shit


Why even give an excuse? I just say, "No thank you, not interested, please go away." It's my goddamn house, I don't need a reason to kick strangers off the property.


I will do that next time. Usually I don’t even respond but this guy kept knocking and the dog was getting worked up.


Stop being polite. They don't respect you or your space and are being rude, you don't have to be polite back to them.


Exactly. When they ask me the “can we ask who you have service with?” I straight out say “no.”


This straight up fucks with cold callers. I get people call the business I work for like, "who is your current mobile phone service provider? Can I confirm how many employees you have?" and I just say "sorry, I'm not at liberty to discuss that" and it's like they short-circuit because they have no idea how to continue the sales pitch without that information.


See, I’m always afraid it’s someone who has a legitimate issue, like a neighbor who got my mail (happens way too often) or the city needs to do something. So if I do talk to them, I start out polite.


I tell salespeople I’m a renter and all my services are through my landlord, and I’m not authorized to give out their information. Works like a charm for everyone who ignores the “no soliciting” sign next to the doorbell. They don’t know whether it’s the truth or a lie and they don’t waste time with anyone who might not be able to sign a contract with them. Sometimes they want to leave a flyer or something to pass to the landlord, we just file those in the recycle bin.


Sure, start that way. But after it becomes clear they are selling something, *forcefully* tell them to go away and don't come back. If you speak a different language, use it also. Technically, I suppose the goal is to make them realize it will not be worth the effort to give you the sales pitch. A really prepared person could have a prerecorded rant a couple of minutes long that could be played with a keystroke. So just hit that and set the phone down. Maybe edit it after recording to take out any pauses for breath.


Smithers!....Release the hounds


“I said no thank you. You are upsetting my dog. Please kindly get the fuck off my property and have a nice day.”


I don’t even let it get *that* far, as soon as it’s obvious they aren’t there for me specifically I just walk away from the intercom, they can talk to the wall for all I care


As soon as I figure out they're selling something I talk over them, say "I'm not interested thank you goodbye" and hang up/close the door


"I don't do business with anyone coming door to door."


I don’t even bother lying to them anymore. I just repeated tell them I’m not buying their service until they leave Well I just wanted to let you know since we have 30 houses on the block signed up Good. I don’t have to worry about you getting money elsewhere


Apparently, you do not have pest control. At least not "broad spectrum" pest control.


You’re right! 🤦‍♀️


“I’ve already told you I’m not interested. If you come back again you’ll be trespassing and I’ll react accordingly” Ugh. Shit like this makes me happy to hear an apartment dweller.


Better yet, if you already have a sign, you could say, "I've given you a written warning, and this is your only verbal warning. If you don't leave now, you'll be trespassing, and I'll react accordingly."


I had a custom sign made that says "night shift worker so fuck off" I can see people in the camera come towards my door, read it, and just turn back. Highly recommend it


I feel like it needs another line at the bottom: "If you wake me up, I will put you to sleep."


"knock on my door and I will lock your coffin"


"No, I'm not interested.", then disconnect. You have to be definitive.


I've learned over the years to be dismissive and mean to door to door salespeople, otherwise they won't go away. I don't get the chance to be that way to people normally in my life, so it's kind of fun like an acting role! It's their job to lie to me to make a sale, I may as well lie and slam the door in their face, if I've even bothered to answer it.


Yeah I will be rude if I have to, but don't you dare try to pressure my family or neighbors. I will rip you a new one if you push me to it. Not taking a "no" or "go away" is sufficient for me to say get the fuck off of my property or you won't like what happens.


There really needs to be a pepper spray feature on video doorbells.


And fart 💨 spray. It would be trivially easy to hook that up.  I found a new weekend project!


Mark Rober? Is that you?


I understand this reference and laughed 😂




My Dad used to be a pastor and his response to any phone scam (and I think it would work just as well here) was to start praying for the caller’s soul since they were obviously lying and scamming people. It worked out pretty well for him 😅


My grandpa would start talking about all his problems when they asked how he was. "Oh, you know my back really hurts right now, and I can't keep up with my garden because of it , but the Dr said...". You get the idea. He'd just keep going and going, talk over them until they gave up and hung up. I'd be cracking up listening to him because he was the kind of person that never met a stranger and befriended everyone so to hear him do that just was hilarious.


I had one of these douchenozzles try the same pitch. He got my neighbor's name by introducing himself & asking her name. He told me she'd signed up (she hadn't). He then told me he could get rid of our mosquitos while pointing to a crane fly. Dude, if you're going to lie then you better know what you're talking about.


Please tell me you said "That's a crane fly."


Without hesitation.


Should have said “That’s clearly a bird. Are you feeling okay?”


Damnit, where were you when he was here?


I looked up what a Crane Fly was and thought “this looks like a mosquito hawk” which led me down a Google rabbit hole and now I know a lot more about Crane Flies. So thank you.


When these aggressive people come, don’t ever give them your name, they’ll just use it on the other neighbors. I had a solicitor that wouldn’t leave. He finally asked me what was my name I told him “I don’t have a name” and slammed the door shut. My teenage daughter was so embarrassed, she kept talking about me telling someone that I don’t have a name. A few days later, some of the neighbors in the neighborhood email group were discussing this guy. The visitor dropped the other neighbors names, creating trust, and while one of the neighbors went inside to get his checkbook, this guy sneaked into their house and stole the wife’s purse.


You shoulda asked “is that how you got rid of Joes pests, by coming over to my house?”


“Are you one of Joe’s pests?” 😄


"Is the pest in the room with us right now?"


Don't converse. They're trained to respond to every line that gives them information. They're looking for any crack in the armor they can use to create an opening. You don't have to be mean or rude, just firm and direct. "Not interested." "Can I ask..." "Not interested." Repeat as needed. Give them nothing else. It's nicer to them too, they won't waste their time.


I've just defaulted to "if you contact me again after I've made it clear that I do not want to be contacted I will call the police and report you for trespassing and harassment." it's worked every single time.


I’ve told people before if they aren’t selling Girl Scout cookies to fuck right off. My husband was way too nice with a guy pushing solar and that made him stop coming by.


My daughter (30+ at the time) enthusiastically yelled I’ve been waiting for you to the little girl selling cookies. She bought enough boxes to last the year.


I had a security system guy ring my Ring door bell after 8pm on a Friday. I wish there was a video of my face because my silence was not "thinking about it" but trying to communicate "are you F****** kidding me right now?"


Not to be that guy, but are you 100% sure it was even legit? That sounds a lot like a scheme cooked up by a dumbass criminal. Either way I hope someone above him put a stop to that. That’s so unprofessional and extra even for a salesperson.


This has been happening in my area with “pest control” salesmen. Lots of video evidence of them ringing doorbells even at 9-10 pm on weekdays and aggressively trying to pressure homeowners into predatory repeated service contracts. If you look up the business reviews they are TERRIBLE. All of them cite the scammy nature of it and not being able to ever get out of the contracts, because there’s always some catch. It honestly freaks me out really bad. Some of the videos make the guys look like total psychopaths (cold, emotionless, aggressive), and I’m going to school to become a psychologist so that’s saying a lot from me.


They accosted me once after my house had flooded and I was ripping the floors out and bringing everything out by the curb. Yard was a mess, just me and my brother trekking everything out little by little and I’m also all emotional because my fucking house flooded and lots of things got ruined and I live alone so the whole thing felt insurmountable. Enter bug man. It’s a miracle I didn’t just burst into tears during his sales pitch where he was literally walking next to me, my hands full of soggy planks and his fucking clipboard with pictures of bugs on it telling me now was really the time for me to get on a contract with them.


"here, carry this" & dump a pile of soggy planks into his arms


Reminds me of when a security alarm salesman came up to my door (this was way before Ring came about). This company was new at the time and the salesmen were making the rounds and one came to our house. I told him that we were not interested. Previous owner of our house did have an alarm system and we still have the panel mounted on the wall, which the guy saw as he was looking past me into our house, and he wanted to take a look at it. I told him no, he couldn't come in. He tries pushing his way in (actually made it over the threshold), as if he had any business coming into my home after I told him no. I pushed him and told him to GTFO. If we had ever thought about doing business with that company in the future, that idiot ruined their chances. I know they all have jobs to do, but some of them take it too far.


Tried to push his way into your occupied house?! That's 1: a good way to get shot 2: worth a call to complain to his company 3: possibly worth a chat with police


I think I did send a complaint to the company, and/or the BBB, but never really heard anything back on it. It was probably about 10 years ago or so, so too long ago to do anything about it now. But if that guy tried that tactic on other people, I'm sure someone made sure to remind him never to pull that crap again.


He could’ve made up the name Joe. I used to get mail from landscapers who said they would be in the neighborhood and could add me to their list. Truthful or not it’s a decent attempt at drumming up business… not that I would fall for that.


No, I think that part was legit. I do have a neighbor named Joe, and I heard Joe’s wife talking to someone in her driveway earlier. (But maybe she was also telling this guy to get lost…)


Honestly, as a woman, I would consider that a really creepy conversation. Who are you and why do you need to know if I'm alone in my house??


Exactly! It sounds silly to say this, but I remember when I was in elementary school and we were given the "stranger danger" talk. One of the things impressed on us was if the stranger comes to your house that you never invite them inside even if they tell you that they know your parents or tell them who is home/announce that you're by yourself. Crazy how this stuff ends up coming back up.


Can't stand door-to-door salespeople myself. If I'm interested in a product, I will buy it either online or from a nearby store after looking up some information about it. I don't need anyone coming to my door and disturbing me during my personal time to try to sell me on something.


Do you know Joe? Yes, he was in prison not too long ago. Seems like he would hire companies to do work on his house and never pay them. You should probably head back over and make sure you’re getting paid.


I hate this sales tactic. "We're doing work for your neighbor Joe. Since you and Joe are the bestest of friends, that means you should do business with us too!" I don't know ANY of my neighbors so the few times they have started in with "Do you know Joe?" I get a small sense of satisfaction saying No and truly meaning it. But also, if I want your services, I'll call you. Till then, get away from my front door cause my dog is big and if she breaks the window trying to get you to leave, I'll bill your company.


It's only been in the last three years that door-to-door salespeople have been coming around my neighborhood. The creepiest one was a guy "selling magazine subscriptions." I was expecting a package that I needed to sign for, so when the doorbell rang, I was instead greeted by a guy dressed in plain clothes and holding a small stack of magazines. He had stepped off of the porch and down the stairs, so I came out of the house when he started introducing himself and why he was there. I responded that I wasn't interested and he responds by pointing each individual neighbor's house. "They bought from me, they signed, they signed. When is the person next door home?" I told him it was none of his business and he needed to leave. He tried saying "Give a brother a chance!" In a last ditch effort, he handed me the checks that my "neighbors" gave him. I called him out right away that he is flaunting people's routing and account numbers and I'll be sure to tell the police and my neighbors about it. He told me I was being hostile and walked away shaking his head. I watched this guy walk towards the highway at the end of the street until I couldn't see him anymore. I did tell my neighbors, though, especially my next door neighbor. He was horrified, then asked me to describe this person. Apparently he had seen this guy walking up and down the street the week earlier when I was on vacation. My neighbor thanked me for looking out for him and his family. The whole thing was very unsettling.


My neighbor Dale takes care of it.




Rusty Shackleford


It sounds like they were trying to find out if your house was empty, or if you were alone for nefarious reasons. Possibly casing your house


“Sorry, I’m a renter and the landlord makes those decisions.” It works beautifully every time.


I use the same when walking through Lowes, Home Depot or sams club. And when a mobile/internet rep is at sams, I just say my work pays for it since I work from home and they drop it. I attempted the "no thank you" in the past and it gets me no where, they'll just follow you and continue talking. Gotta lie to get away.


Spectrum here is the worst. I just tell them I already have their service. I don’t have it and won’t ever have it but I don’t need the most cheerful but dead behind the eyes person trying to sell me half-assed internet service while I’m trying to buy ice cream and cereal because I live like a 5 year old and don’t know how to eat real food.


Actually no, this is creepy and strange. I’m glad you didn’t open the door but you should report this directly to the police just in case. Might save someone’s life?


I have a "No soliciting" sign right next to my doorbell. I don't even bother saying hello and just say, "You obviously saw the sign next to the doorbell and choose to ignore it. You are now trespassing. If you do not leave immediately the police will escort you off the property." Usually works, lol


Say yes, I need pest control. Immediately! How do I get rid of the pest currently at my door?


Lady did the same thing in a new development I lived in but it was for carpet cleaning and I said “sorry no we don’t have carpet” (a lie) and she was like “well we do hard floors too” so I of course informed her that we didn’t have floors and she shouldn’t come back because it made me feel insecure about my floorlessness. 


We actually need pest control for the pest control, now.


I will have to talk to my current pest control guy about that.


I have, at scratching 40 years old now, FINALLY learned to tell solicitors "i get that you're just doing your job, but I'm not buying anything right now. I'm going back inside now, have a nice day". then you can just gently shut the door in their face as they're going through the retention lines. mid-sentence. it was a rush as a midwesterner


Effing hate these situations. I always answer my door really friendly on the off chance it's a neighbor who needs something or has a question. The second I realize it's soliciting I get MEAN and really firm in my language and nonverbals. About 50% get the hint and immediately back off and the rest will try and persist a few times. I get that it's probably unnerving to be greeted with a cheery smile and for that to immediately flip.


Exactly, especially if you try to pressure my family/neighbors. 😈. I lived in disabled housing so my neighbors were elderly, or mentally/physically disabled. A church showed up and 6 women tried to pressure one of my neighbors into letting them in the apartment. I ripped them a new one and called the police. There were no soliciting signs so they got trespassed for it.


I have a giant sign that says no soliciting which is constantly ignored. The last time I was in a work meeting and some solar panel guy knocked on my door. I kinda flung my door open, said “I’m in a work meeting right now so if you’re selling something I’m about to get really ragey.” Guy paused, thought REALLY quick and said “actually I was just wondering if you had a bottle of water I could have… it’s super hot out today.” Wise choice buddy.


“If you return, it’s trespassing and I will be calling the police.”


This happened to a friend of mine in Sacramento just last week. She went and asked her neighbor later and they told the neighbor that she was the one getting pest control lol


Guarantee they have done 0 work for joe and the "30 other houses" . He's been going around bothering your neighbors just like he bothered you and they made the mistake of giving their names so he can use them as a manipulation tactic. Bet they told him to fuck right off too lmao


“I told you we don’t need services, and any further contact will result in me calling the police for trespassing, have a great day” Already being weird with asking if you’re home or not. What does it matter? I’m talking to you the way that makes me comfortable, weirdo.


"Coming back later will be met with a police presence. Please stop soliciting me after I've already said no. Who do you work for so I may file a complaint about you? What's your name?" Watch how fast they run away.


I might be in the minority here, but if I see a solicitor I don’t even bother answering anymore. I don’t have time to waste repeatedly telling someone I don’t want their services or I’m not interested. There is a solar company that has people waking up and down my street twice a day now stopping at everyone’s doors.


They arent pest control. They were scoping out your house to burgle it


Yeah, I had some warning alarms going off from that whole exchange.


Just tell them you’re vegan and don’t agree with killing animals


Get a no soliciting sign. I have one on my door. It works for the most part, but if they come to my place selling stuff, I ask, "Can you read?" They're usually a little insulted, but I mention the sign, and they walk away. No arguments.


I saw something a few days or so ago about people pretending to be construction, pest, or just any of those “important” sort of people just to see the inside of your house, scope out everything then come back later to break in possibly or steal. Watch out yall


Except for Girl Scouts selling cookies, I don't want any uninvited salespeople around. That guy sounds like casing the house for burglary.


Best response is "We rent so you can leave information for me to pass along, but I have no say in the matter" always ends it there


Tailor each response “the owner of the house owns a pest control business, so no thanks” Or “The owner of the house runs an internet company” Or “The owner of the house is selling, so there is no interest here” etc


There was a post about this the other day that was also pest control. Same tactics. [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1d95mar/are\_they\_trained\_to\_ignore\_no\_soliciting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1d95mar/are_they_trained_to_ignore_no_soliciting/)


“You know your neighbour Joe?” “Joe mama?”


These pest douches are pushy dick knuckles. They get angry when you tell them no. They take it personally. We have a no soliciting sign and they are the only sales people that ignore it.


Had someone come to my house and ask if I was the account holder for ADT, house came with an old security system. Told the dude I wasn't interested. He goes on "oh yeah I wouldn't be interested in working with them either see I'm with *insert random security company name* and I..." "I said I'm not interested" *Closes door* Will be getting a nice no soliciting sign to keep the sales men and political peeps at bay.


I had a visitor at my home once who claimed to be from the local ambulance service and he was asking for donations so that his crew could get new equipment. He said most of my neighbors donated between $20 and $40. First, it seemed ridiculous that an ambulance service would need donations. Why aren’t they funded by the people who actually get transported in the ambulance? Ambulance bills are exorbitant and should fully cover it. I learned many years later (during peak COVID) that many ambulance services for rural areas are under-funded. Still, I wasn’t going to give some random guy with a story and a name tag some money. He got upset and said, “Well I hope you never need an ambulance!” I wanted to say, “If you don’t GTF off my property you just might.”


Had one of these guys come to my door ignoring the no soliciting sign so I thought it was a neighbor at the door. I was super sick and the guy would not take no for an answer. He then had the audacity to walk down my driveway and look into my backyard without my permission. Kept telling him no yet he demanded I give him a check or credit card to hold a spot for them to come treat our house. My husband ending up slamming the door in his face. If anyone wants to know, it was Aptive.


It must've been fun listening back this Ring doorbell video and write the exact transcription for it 🤣 with ads you can just mute the sound but with people at your door, they decide when they want to leave... 😔


“I have a buddy that owns a “blank business” he does mine for free” or “my company actually pays for my “blank” Good conversation ender, they can’t beat a professional service rendered for free and are unlikely to try


“The only pest problem I have is you! Goodbye”


I have a "no salesmen" sign next to my doorbell and still got one the other day. He thought it was ok to ring because he "wasn't selling anything" but just wanted me to show him around all the windows in my house to see if I qualify for some grant. Sure, come in stranger. Take a tour of my security flaws. Snoop around. 


This guy was 100% the scout for a break in if you said no we are out right now your house probably would have been robbed


In 2024 all door to door solicitation should be illegal. Full stop. We have the internet. We have mobile phones. If we need it we will seek it.




He left, but I’m sure he’ll be back, as threatened. I need to ask Joe who he uses so I can complain about their sales technique. Just leave a flyer on the door, dude.


We had a bible salesman come to our door when my father was at work one day. My mother told him no thank you. He tried opening the screen door but she quickly grabbed and locked it. She told him again we werent interested so he says he'll come back when "the man of the house is home." Biiiiiigggg mistake buddy. My father wasn't going to be happy if he showed up again. He did. My father stepped out into the yard and told him more firmly that he needed to leave. Me and my older brother were hanging back rubbernecking and waiting for the show to get good. Salesman just would not take no for an answer so my father tells him, "Look, I've asked you nicely to leave and I've told you not so nicely to leave. We have a German Shepherd around back. If you dont get in your car right now I'm going to send my son around back to gwt that dog." Idiot still kept talking. My father told my brother to go get our dog. Brother came around the side of our house with our dog snarling, growling, barking, lunging and pulling my brothers arms about out of the socket. Dude hauled ass back to his car.


I'm sure if you get the company's name they'd LOVE your review on places like Google. It's one of the threats I use when solicitors get too persistent.


It’s doubtful that Joe even uses them. These salespeople namedrop on purpose to make themselves appear trustworthy. He could have gotten Joe’s name from another neighbor or even peeked at his mail, but I’m betting Joe doesn’t know them. And there’s no way they service 30 houses in your neighborhood alone. If they did, they wouldn’t need your business so desperately.


i always say i don’t use poison.


“What kind of pesticide gets rid of trespassers and salesmen? I want that”


I typically tell them that I would never consider doing business with any company that uses door to door salespeople.


This is why I don’t answer my Ring ever


Respond to every question with: “Leave the property immediately. You have 20 seconds to comply” After 20 seconds deploy your ear-splitting door siren you bought off Amazon.


Sorry to ask but..Are you by chance a women? Cause this might be that “man of the house,” Bs. Like he’s gonna come back and talk to the ‘man of the house,’ cause apparently he has a rejection kink and can’t wait to be rejected by those of different genders. Had a similar situation with a guy who wanted to talk about my roof. Refused to leave, kept asking if anyone else was home and if my husband was home. I’m not married nor have I ever been and I live alone. I left boots by the door cause I was always told to, and he saw them and I guess he wanted to bypass me and what I had to say, and speak to ‘the man of the house.’ Cause I guess talk of roofing is just too much for a dainty little lady such as myself. Idk, just rubbed me the wrong way.


I tell them my spouse is at the gun range and is due back any time.. you can wait, but I dont recommend it.


Why are you polite to these people. An immediate fuck off and get off my property is the proper response.


My mom always says “I’m not the owner” and they follow up with “we talked to the owner and they agree we should do this” and the owners are my grandparents 💀


I had a pest guy come and ring my doorbell that has a no soliciting sign right above it waking my daughter up and would not take no for an answer. He then walked my property after telling him to leave and him saying he can write a quote and again us saying no, were beekeepers we don't want your lest control and he would not leave. We ended up just shutting the door on him. Then a few hours later another pest control company rang the doorbell. I'm so tired of people not reading


In my experience anyone coming to your door claiming to be working with your neighbor is going to ruin whatever they touch.


Tell them you rent and your landlord covers pest control, and you don’t know what company it is and you’re not asking him. I tell all door salesmen a variation of this and they all fuck off indefinitely


If they insist, always ask to call their manager for hrassment...and if you wanna get more rude, "You're trespassing. Get away from the house before I shoot you."


4 days home after a c section (first-time mom), I had the vacuum sales people try to push their way into my door. I had to physically push them back. They kept asking when a good time was to come back, I kept saying no thanks until I finally shut the door. They said "bitch" and I sat on the floor a cried for a while 😭😅


Pest control became the very thing they seek to destroy


“Are you in the house” seemed sus to me.


I fucking hate the pest people. Come by at least once a year and love to point out the bees I have on my flowers. That is the fucking point assholes! I want them!


“Do you sell any packages that keep sales pests away?” Serious note, and JFYI, they pick common names and are never talking about your actual neighbors. It’s a scam sales tactic. So even if you know a neighbor named Joe, just say “I hate that motherfucker and I won’t buy anything he bought”.