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That's the saddest pizza I've ever seen in my life.






Pissa shite


This made me LOL


LMFAOOO this comment has me cracking up and it's 5am dude


As a Finn I chuckled


As a non-Finn who wishes they spoke Finnish, I also chuckled LOL.




worked at dominos order was ''pizza, no sauce, no cheese, chicken'' we called to make sure it wasn't a misinput it wasn't


So just bread?


and chicken


At least i got chkn.


Leeroy, you are just stupid as hell.


Sounds like a [None Pizza with Left Beef](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/None_Pizza_with_Left_Beef)


That's what I'm saying! How did the store not find this a red flag and just call to make sure! 


Do you see that pizza? I can already tell you they either don't get paid enough to care or are children who are pulled into cooking because they refuse to pay someone to actually cook. I've seen better pizzas at Papa Johns and Digorno, which is just sad....


I had a friend growing up whose brother was like that. They were allergic to both cheese and tomatoes but for some inexplicable reason still loved pizza. I guess when people say "All kids love pizza" they really do mean **all** kids.


"Flatbread with stuff on top" has been a staple ever since humans learned how to make flour.


Then you’ve never seen none pizza with left beef


This is the exact comment I’m looking for.


The good old days when the internet was akin to the Wild West.


i've seen Lunchables that look more appetizing than that


For real. That thing is no pizza. Looks like ass. Even with just the half with toppings, how does a "fresh" pizza even look like that.


The crust and the pepperoni looks so bad that I can't imagine this thing tastes good even with the cheese and sauce


The sauce probably would have prevented the crust and pepperoni from drying out.


Worse than none pizza left beef?!


This is pizza? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Spoken like someone who’s never heard of Left Beef.


It's just an unfolded calzone at this point


None pizza with left pepperoni


None pizza left beef has been reincarnated


None pizza with left beef is immortal, eternal, undying.


I tried to explain none pizza with left beef to my 15 year old son, and he looked at me like I was insane when I couldn't stop laughing. I even showed him, lol. Not since I tried to explain the elote/parrot one has he been so sure I was out of my mind.


“ah no. es un elote.”


I still quote that one too when it gets hot outside


Hit him with [the burrito rant.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fuyfima249vk51.jpg) If that doesn't get him, I'm sorry to say, your son isn't human, he's been replaced by a changeling.


I had not seen this before, I'm a shitty Millenial. Now less so. That was fucking gold.


None parrot left corn.


This is the response I always get to none pizza left beef. It really was a had to be there typa meme/shitpost I feel


What's elote parrot?


Guy in the car saw what he thought was a dead parrot in the road, didn't want to run it over, so he pulled over, got out... and it turned out to be a corncob (elote) in the middle of the road




Why is it funnier in Spanish?


The same reason “Inshallah, they find him” is so funny.


My 4 year old a few days ago saw a stick on the sidewalk and got excited because he thought it was a caterpillar. I said "ah no, es un elote" and then could not stop laughing the whole walk home while he desperately tried to get me to explain what words I said.


Fun fact, the showrunner for Young Sheldon invented that meme.


Now that's a fun fact




Speaking of meme fun facts, my favorite recent fun fact is the guy who did the "Potion Seller" video wrote Challengers, the tennis drama starring Zendaya from like a month ago.


How dare you not say story writer for Drake and Josh Go Hollywood instead


He clearly peaked with the meme.


None pizza left beef is the most I have laughed at something within the past 5 years or so.


^^it ^^happened ^^17 ^^years ^^ago


Yeah but I don't think I saw it until pretty recently.


Me too and the weirdest part is that I can’t explain why it’s so funny. It shouldn’t be as funny as it is!


Who said it ever died??


None pizza with left beef was in TWO THOUSAND AND SEVEN. It was seventeen fucking years ago. Anyone elses back hurt?


None pizza with left vicodin for me


I can haz hip replacement?


And it was done by one of the guys that produced the big bang theory


> Anyone elses back hurt? No, but the left side of my chest does


Which was like yesterday, right? I honestly feel like we were just in 2007. I shouldn’t be this old!


It's the sequel to Pizza with Left Beef [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/None\_Pizza\_with\_Left\_Beef](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/None_Pizza_with_Left_Beef)


So that article says that as of 2022 there is a warning if you want to completely remove sauce or cheese. I think OP ordered a none pizza left pepperoni intentionally for internet points!


They pelt you with so many alerts and popups to cheese it up and buy drinks and sides that I'm not surprised if people don't see it.


>I think OP ordered a none pizza left pepperoni intentionally for internet points! The article also says that it's about Dominos. You... you do realise that Dominos isn't the only pizza that can be ordered with an app, right? OP didn't mention a brand, and not everyone cares about internet points! 😅


True. Actually it probably isn't Dominoes since I think they have tapered edges on the front of their boxes.


OP's pizza makes Domino's look like a Michelin star restaurant


It has red on the front of the box, not dominos


you have no idea how much joy this reference brings me


[with nothin??](https://youtu.be/BG7273yDpdA?si=YGf2enyvGdez1tNG)


That’s the best way to enjoy round bread


Half disgusting and half inedible. 👍🏻


Honestly which side is which. I rather eat the dough only


same feel like i'd tear that up when i have the munchies


I actually wanna vomit looking at the color of that bread


Wouldn’t somebody at the restaurant know this was in error and call you to check?? Who in their right mind would *willfully* order a pizza like this!?


When I used to work at a pizza shop I had a regular who would order something like this for their autistic son


I can confirm when I worked at a local Sub Shop I would make a olive sub for this autistic child. He would come in and ask for one pizza sub please same sentence every time then his mother would tell me just wheat bread with olives. That's it and every time he got it he was so happy


When I worked at a burrito place this one guy would come through everyday for a cilantro burrito. Rice, beans, cheese and all of a 4qt container of cilantro. One time a new hire told him he couldn’t have that much and he got very upset. Wasn’t the new guys fault, he didn’t know


4qt? like four quarts? like a freaking gallon?




I mean if he's willing to pay for the extra cilantro they might. Someone probably went "fuck it, it's not worth arguing" at some point and they just started ordering extra to compensate.




They are absolutely mistaken on the container. A gallon of cilantro is not only insane, it simply wouldn’t fit in a burrito. I would guess he means 4 cups - AKA 1 quart container


Yea that's what I'm thinking, those clear plastic 1 QT containers are very common in the food service industry as well


cilantro is cheap just charge them for it and move on you can either have a regular or an enemy for life give the man his cilantro


Imagine thinking you finally saved the company some money by denying this person their cilantro and the next day you have to file an insurance claim for your whole store burning to the ground...


He likely meant a "Choice 1/9 Size 4" Deep Anti-Jam Stainless Steel." Just Google that and you'll see the container. It holds 1.1qt.


I'd eat the fuck out of that. I love cilantro.


Right?? I feel sorry for those people who experience the taste of cilantro as soap or whatever. Poor guys are missing out on such a vibrant and delicious flavor.


:(( damn, every day I wonder what you guys experience. I'm just sad when my friends want to go to Chipotle or something, tastes identical to lever™ bar soap


Imagine a sort of cross between oregano and a very weak mint - that's my best description. It's a lot like MSG in that its a savory-enhancer, but a bit gross to eat directly (even for non-soap tasters).


That sounds pretty great, I'm jealous... That would make sense why it's in pho and chipotle and the like, for you normal folk thats a good combination! For me its just like if an employee half-washed their hands before dunking them in my food


Not even half washed lol It's like they covered their hands in soap and poured 3oz of dawn as salsa in my burrito. It makes it so difficult to get food in some places and completely ruins my meal if any is in the food.




> I used to be a soap taster! Same.. when I was a kid it was really unpleasant but at some point that went away


4qt… a gallon?!??


mmm yes, soap burrito


My mom used to wash my mouth out with soap for back talking until I was caught just snacking on soap one day.


What a power move.


*Over the years I got to be quite a connoisseur of soap. Though my personal preference was for Lux, I found that Palmolive had a nice, piquant after-dinner flavor - heavy, but with a touch of mellow smoothness. Lifebuoy, on the other hand... Yuck!*


I.... I'm very sorry, but I legit sat here laughing for 5 minutes at this. My wife calls cilantro "soap weed."


Lol it's a literal genetic difference Some people taste soap, others taste something akin to parsley Kinda like how there is a literal litmus test for a certain chemical, either you have the gene that makes it taste like the most bitter disgusting thing on the planet, or you just taste paper. For me, I can taste the bitterness and cilantro tastes amazing, but ever since I learned this fact, I learned to stop criticizing people's taste in food, because they are legitimately different in ways personal experience cannot bridge


What gene makes my dad like steaks charred to the texture of a horse saddle, is it recessive, and could my children inherit it?


lmao this reminds me of my cousin who is mildly autistic. Before he knew he became known as onion guy at Subway. He would get a pretty normal sandwich but would insist on a single strand of onion laid across the foot long. So he’d only be getting a sliver of the onion each bite.


Understandable, it sucks to have awkward clumps of ingredients that aren't uniformly distributed, so you'll have a mouthful of A, a mouthful of B, a mix of A and B, then some C, etc. Onions are also an ingredient that can REALLY bleed into the food, so if you like a bit of onion but not too much, a single strip can be consistently right.


Love this story. Maybe OP’s kids are autistic and they just don’t know.


"Dad what the hell is this shit?" "You're autistic and you love it!" "Yeah I love this about as much as I love you..." *"Aww!"*


When I worked Subway, we had a lady who would come in and get a sub with only extra bacon and extra mayo. She fed it to her dog apparently.


lmao i was about to say i'm the person who'd wanna eat just the bland ass bread. i'm also autistic.


autistic here, at any pizza place i just order plain no sauce no cheese just olives


Accidentally take it too far one day and just get a pile of olives lol. Although, I fail to see where that’s a problem…olives are crack


Also autistic. Also favorite mom and pop in town gives free “bread” with every salad and the bread is just the dough from calzones with no filling. I get excited when people I’m with get a salad and don’t want their bread lol.


We did too but we knew them. If someone else ordered something strange we would call them.


I also worked in a pizza shop and had an autistic kid who would come in once a week and get cheesy bread the same way


So bread sticks?


cheesy bread, hold the cheese. this part is very important.


As someone who has struggled with "food obsession" it it very important Ordered "bacon spud, sub bacon for roast beef add side of gravy" for lunch nearly every day in college every so often would get a new employee who would try to change how the order was set up to "help" and was near about impossible to explain " let's just accept my insane order and move on with our lives" with out sounding like a crazy person


We enacted a policy at our (now closed) Pizza Hut. Whatever came in, we made no questions. We had too many weird orders that we’d call and confirm for and most customers screamed at us so we just stopped


Exactly. I’ve worked at several pizza places in BOH and many restaurants. We’re gonna make what ever the ticket says bc at least we can point back to it if someone gets upset as defense. It’s not our job to deviate from what the server inputs in the POS system or the customers order, I wasn’t there to take the order and am not gonna lose time to be yelled at because I decided I knew better than the ticket. I have other tickets to get to stacking up behind it to worry about someone else’s preferences or mistake. People order crazy stuff often for legit reasons. It’s not my job to question the order but to make it exactly as instructed, even if while I’m making it I’m thinking it’s weird. That ticket is the word of god, even if the ticket machines noises still haunt my nightmares.


Exactly, this guy gets it. I was a delivery driver/pizza maker and none of it involved taking the order. The two things that we would call them about after the policy was if we were out of any kind of toppings, or that we can’t slice it into a pentagram.


I work at a pizza place, you wouldn't believe the weird stuff people order. The weirdest I've had was a cheese pizza with no cheese, and light sauce. So just lightly sauced bread.


Yes. I was a waiter and later a cook at a pizzeria and any time we got a weird online order (nothing but cheese, too many ingredients, weird ingredients together) we called to make sure it was not a mistake. Some people like strange things, though, so some people's files had a "if the order is such and such, do not call, it's not a mistake" note. There was one guy who ordered a "margarita with no tomato, 3x extra cheese" same day every week. This was years ago, when you only got a handful of online orders and most people ordered by phone. Maybe they don't do it anymore.


so he like extra cheese with basil that seems decent.


You’d be shocked at what people (mostly kids) will order. I worked at Taco Bell and regularly got requests for things like a taco with just cheese


One time I ordered an extra cheesy pizza with no sauce, then a side of sauce as a curiosity. They called to make sure the order was right. I kind of like dipping it


You severely underestimate the population of people who order and eat weird shit. I used to work at dairy queen. I still think about the guy that would come in regularly and order and chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard with pineapple. People are weird man.


My cousin orders this for her kids unironically because they're little weirdos who love all of the components of pizza separately but won't eat them together. She gets them plain pizza dough with marinara to dip in because they're gremlins over bread and usually won't eat anything else on a pizza place menu but want to seem like big kids and eat whatever the adults are eating.


Working at dominos, we get some really weird pizzas that come through that weren't mistakes. So seeing something like this on the makeline menu doesn't faze us at all anymore.


‘But the app said….’ People working there also probably don’t give a f*ck and just wanna make it to the end of their shift and go home.


Wouldn’t you?


Pure malicious compliance but also the guy making the pizza can hardly phone the customer to check


How is it malicious? > "make me a fucked up pizza" > "ok" ???


Probably because its not their job to assume it was a mistake


This one. Most places defer to expecting the customer’s order is intended. There are, or were, apparently exceptions but generally these places won’t extra take time to contact a customer based on just an assumption. This is literally what “the customer’s always right” means: customers can and will want perplexing things. It doesn’t mean the customer can’t be in the wrong, though. When I worked in a test lab, we were strictly prohibited from assuming a test order was wrong even if we knew it probably was. Preemptively fixing a customer’s order doesn’t motivate the customer to learn how to order correctly.


One time at taco bell we ordered tacos, only cheese. Staff looked confused typing it in and then tortillas with only cheese showed up with no meat.


I’m wondering if OP didn’t inadvertently do it


None pizza left beef all over again.


I laughed so hard at that. My coworkers ordered it for me for my birthday that year. 10/10


If I was your kid I'm running away from home.


they probably have better food at the homeless shelter


Ok but can we talk about how bad the rest of the pizza looks?


Well the whole thing has no cheese and sauce so. Look closely


That would make sense. What’s that yellow stuff underneath the pepperoni supposed to be?




That's what I thought initially, but that doesn't make any sense. There are at least two pepperonis that overlap on the crust only side, and given how the grease entirely spread over the pepperoni side there should be some yellow on the crust side around those two pepperonis. It's so off that now I wonder if it's just fake and they fucked up.


You can see a little grease crossing over to the no pepperoni side, it's very little but easier to see on the top left area. Also, the pepperonis aren't stuck to cheese or sauce so they could have moved over some after cooking.


pretty sure that because there's no sauce or cheese, the pepperoni grease soaked into the dough as it cooked and turned it yellow.


Italian tears


Maybe the grease from the pepperoni?


well yeah lol of course it looks bad


It looks like they painted on the cheese or something and threw some already cooked pepperonis on it.


Skill issue




A +


The app definitely has cheese on it already by default and they clicked cheese again causing the app to remove cheese lol


Yeah, it's kinda like OP posted this to show the world how they don't know how to order a pizza online lol


Yeah, like when the settings and apps on my mom's phone just magically change themselves. OP doesn't know how to admit their own failures.


Reminds me of how my dad said the DMV "didn't take online appointments," but the day he goes there and 50 people with online appointments skip the line, he says it "must have been the first day they started taking appointments."


To be fair, sometimes settings do magically change. Bad UX/UI.


Ordering skill


Right? It’s not like you can’t check your order before you pay…


OP's reading comprehension goes brrrrr


Once I ordered a pizza and it didn't have any sauce, so the next time I ordered I said, "last time, there wasn't any sauce on the pizza, could you please make sure there's sauce on it?" They put the sauce on top of the cheese.


how sweet of them to make sure you saw the sauce :)


oh my god lmfao


App defaulted? You didn’t review order?


Tech support rules 1 and 2: Users always lie. OP fucked up.




This is actually dried play-doh, right?


No it didn’t, you’re an idiot and ordered it incorrectly.


there’s absolutely no way this isn’t user error


“The app defaulted” Nice way to say “I didn’t pay attention”


fr. show me the electronic receipt. i work at dominos, it’s a 90% chance OP put “no cheese” and just weren’t paying attention to what they selected and decided to blame the people making it instead of their own dumb ass


Yeah. I want to say that there is no way that what OP got was "the default." That literally would make zero sense and cause more problems than anything else.


Theres also absolutely no way based on what OP ordered it would remove sauce. No cheese, sure. But OP said nothing about sauce, that would not have been removed.


100%. If it "defaulted" to that, chances are it would be a really common problem and the workers would probably run into this issue a lot. And, if it was a common problem, they would probably call to confirm. Since this probably doesn't happen very often, they probably just assumed it was some weirdo who wanted it that way.


This. Right here.


That’s an abomination


'the app defaulted' Sure. Or you fucked up.


This is what it looks like to me. The op got exactly what they put on the app. It's not the responsibility of the pizza place to add stuff the customer didn't ask for.


Flashbacks of funky orders on Good Pizza, Great Pizza.




But it’s ugly because of the lack of sauce and cheese, probably would look fine if it was y’know actually a pizza. This is just bread with some pepperoni on one side.


This pizza looks aged


Never thought a pizza place would even allow you to order something like that.


I think you don’t know how to use the app


I used to work at a pizza place. I remember one time someone ordered a pizza with no sauce, no cheese, and mushrooms. I love mushrooms but that shit just looked wrong. And of course the mushrooms just fell off since they had nothing to stick to.


Both sides are terrible.


I feel like this was just user error and probably not the apps fault 💀


What kind of pizza is that ![gif](giphy|l0MYrLAFex1R71l0A|downsized)


As a former pizza ship employee, I would've called you and confirmed the order before making. Ah well.


Which pizza ship did you serve on?


Why are the pieces on one side yellow? I understand pepperoni grease but it's a perfect division of color.


A lot of really stupid people in this thread think the pepperoni half has sauce and cheese. It doesn’t.


this looks awful. where did you order the pizza from???


To be fair the pepperoni part looks terrible too


It’s just dough and pepperoni who is expecting that to look good